ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 330 G erm an, and Spanish. The s erv ice uses six Jones News/Retrieval. Keynote speaker at Online software programs, one for each language pair, ’82 will be Janet Egeland, president o f Biblio­ and runs on a PDP 11/44 or a VAX 11/780 com ­ graphic Retrieval Services, Inc. This fall BRS will puter. Original text can be input either from a introduce a powerful new micro-software package keyboard or a disc, tape, or optical character for database creation and retrieval which will be readers, or via telex and data links. Final editing demonstrated at the conference. A total o f 80 is perform ed online by expert technical trans­ speakers will make presentations, and 10 online lators who are natives o f the language they trans­ database com panies will offer post-conference late into. The center returns work to the cus­ workshops and seminars. For further information, tomer, as desired, in hard copy, or on tape or contact Jean-Paul Emard, Online, Inc., 11 Tan­ disc or over data links worldwide. Initially de­ nery Lane, Weston, CT 06883; (203) 2127-8466. veloped for use by ITT companies, the service is • R e s e a r c h P u b l i c a t i o n s , I n c ., W oodbridge, now offered commercially to other organizations Connecticut, has announced the signing o f an ex­ in computing, electronics, or telecommunications clusive, world-wide agreement with Dialog In­ fields. formation Services for the Official Washington • ONLINE ’82, the fourth annual conference Post Index. The database is expected to become and exposition for users o f online databases, will available for commercial searching early in 1983. be held at the Atlanta Hilton N ovem ber 1-3. Research Publications began filming, producing, Sponsored by Online, Inc., publisher of Online and distributing microfilm o f the Washington Post and Database magazines, the conference is ex­ in 1979, including current editions, com plete pected to draw over 1,200 people who use such backfiles to 1877, and m on th ly and annual systems as Lockheed’ s Dialog, SD C’s Orbit, BRS, printed indexes. ■ ■ the New York Times Information Bank, and Dow Calendar October 20— Ohio: Annual meeting, Academic Libraries Association o f Ohio, at the Hyatt Regency, Columbus, Ohio, in conjunction with AS IS. The theme will be “ Effective Communication.” Contact: Virginia Yagello, Chemistry Library, Ohio State University, 140 W. 18th St., Col­ umbus, OH 43210. 29— Reference Performance and Evaluation: A w orkshop sponsored by the R eferen ce and Adult Services Section o f the North Carolina Library Association at the Elliott University C e n te r, U n iversity o f N orth Carolina at Greensboro. Fee: $25. Contact: Nancy Frazier, Humanities Reference D ept., Wilson Library 024A, University o f North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27514; (919) 962-1356. November 4 -7 — Africana: Fall m eeting o f the Archives- Libraries Committee o f the African Studies As­ sociation, W ashington, D .C . Contact: Leon S pencer, Archivist, Talladega C ollege, Tal­ ladega, AL 35160. 2 -9 — Restoration: The Guild o f Book Workers will sponsor the “ Bernard Middleton Seminar in Restoration” in the bindery of the New York Botanical Garden. The seminar will include re­ pairing leather bindings, finishing a restored book, and headbanding. Students must bring their own small handtools and as many pre- 19th century leather bindings in need o f repair as possible. The workshop is limited to 10 par­ ticipants. Fee: $225 for GBW members, others $255. Contact: Workshop Chairman, Nelly Balloffet, 259 Illington Road, Ossining, NY 10562; (914) 941-8166. 4 -7 — Ontario: 80th Annual C onference o f the Ontario Library Association, Royal York Hotel, Toronto. The theme will be “ Creative man­ agement in the 80s.’’ Contact: OLA, Suite 42, 73 Richmond Street W ., Toronto, M5H 1Z4, Canada; (416) 363-3388. 7-9— New Technology: ’Small Bytes and Little Bits: The Microcomputer in Libraries, or Does Your Library D o a W hole Lot with a Little Bit?” an institute and programming workshop sponsored by ALA’s Library and Information Technology Association at the Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee. Fee for the institute: ALA/LITA m em bers $85, ALA m em bers $100, others $110. Fee for the workshop: ALA/LITA mem­ bers $20, ALA members $35, others $45. Con­ tact: Don Hammer, LITA/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. 8 -1 1 — Information Science: The Information Business: Profits or Promises,” the 14th Annual Conference o f the Information Industry Associ­ ation, Walt Disney World Conference Center, Orlando, Florida. Contact: IIA, Suite 400, 316 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., Washington, DC 20003; (202) 544-1969. December 1-3— Photographs: A workshop on the administ­ ration of still photographic collections, Norman, Oklahoma, sponsored by the Society o f Ameri­ can Archivists with support from the University o f Oklahoma Libraries. The workshop is open to individuals currently responsible for photo- PUTT HE ENTIRE l ib r ar y of c o n g r e s s NUC AND CATALOG OF BOOK IN YOUR DESK DRAWER Imagine. The F LC O Natio R nal U U nion N Cata D log E w R ill a lw $ ays 6 be in 4 valu 0 able 0 to . any library for from 1953 to 1982 and the Catalog of cataloging, acquisitions, reference work Books Represented by LC Printed Cards and many other purposes, and indispensa­ from 1898 to 1952 in convenient, easy to ble where research is done for author use microfiche form. bibliography, verifying titles, bibliographi­ The eguivalent of 693 volumes at a cal information, historical notes, and loca­ single convenient microfiche reader sta­ tion of copies. And for $495 the entire tion, with sharp, clear entries enlarged (1953-1982) set of LC Audiovisual and twice the size of printed edi­ Music Catalog Supplements tions, outlasting printed edi­ to the NUC may be added. tions, plus saving shelf Also, the complete LC space. Subject Catalog (1950- Now, exclusively and 1982) is now available for the first time ALS of­ on microfiche for only fers this indispensable $3,475. This compre­ reference source at a hensive collection pro­ 75% savings over vides subject access to printed alternatives. most of the world’s This immense col­ output of significant lection, known as the books and serials. Cur­ standard for catalog­ rent subscriptions, in­ ing, offers full biblio­ dividual quinguen­ graphic descriptions. It niums and annuals Prices slightly higher for non-U.S. libraries. available for all LC Use coupon or call 617-470-0610 for complete details. Catalogs. S 332 graphic collections. Fee: $50. Contact: SAA, 330 S. Wells St., Suite 810, Chicago, IL 60606; (312) 922-0140. 11-15— California: 84th Annual C o n feren ce, C alifornia Library A ssociation , W estin B on aventure H o te l, Los A n geles. T h em e: “ YOU and the Library.” Contact: CLA, 717 K Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95814; (916) 447-8541. ■ ■ Classified Advertising Deadlines: O rders fo r re g u la r cla ssifie d a d ve rtis e m e n ts m u st reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the m onth p re­ ce din g p ub lica tio n of the issue (e.g., S eptem ber 2 for the October issue). Late jo b listings will be a ccepted on a space-available basis after th e second of the m onth. Rates: C lassified a d ve rtise m e nts are $ 4 .0 0 per line fo r ACRL m em bers, $ 5 .0 0 for others. Late jo b notices are $ 1 0 .0 0 per line for m em bers, $ 1 2 .0 0 per line for others. O rganizations su b m ittin g ads will be charged a cco rd in g to th e ir m e m b ership status. Telephone: All telep ho n e o rders should be co nfirm ed by a w rit­ ten o rder m ailed to ACRL h eadquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accom pa nied by a type w ritte n copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An add itio na l $ 1 0 w ill be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or d isplay ads). Guidelines: For ads w h ich list an a pp lica tio n deadline, tha t date m u st be no sooner than the last day of the m onth in w hich the notice a ppears (e.g., O ctober 31 for the O ctober issue). All jo b a n ­ n ou nce m e n ts m ust in clu de a salary figure. Job a n n ou n cem en ts will be edited to e xclude d iscrim in a to ry references. A pp lica n ts should be aware th a t the term s fa cu lty ra n k and status vary in m eaning am ong in stitutions. JO B LIN E: Call (3 1 2 ) 9 4 4 -6 7 9 5 fo r la te -b re a k in g jo b ads fo r a cad em ic and research library positions. A p rerecorded sum m ary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape in clu de s all ads received by 1:00 p.m . the previous day. Each lis tin g s u b m itte d w ill be ca rrie d on th e re c o rd in g fo r tw o weeks. The ch arge fo r e ach tw o -w e e k lis tin g is $ 3 0 fo r ACRL m e m b ers and $ 3 5 for non -m e m b e rs. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. The service lists jo b postings received at ACRL h eadquarters fo u r weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads w h ich , because of narrow a pp lica tio n deadlines, will not a p ­ pear in C&RL News. The cost o f a six-m onth s u bscriptio n is $ 1 0 for ACRL m em b ers and $ 1 5 for non -m e m b e rs. Contact: Classified A dve rtisin g D e p ’t, ACRL, A m e rica n Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 06 11 ; (3 1 2) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . FOR SALE MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 2 0 7 0 5 . Governm ent publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No prepaym ent. No foreign surcharge. (3 01) 9 37 -8 84 6 . POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R FOR A U T O M A T E D S Y S T E M S A N D TECHNICAL SERVICES. Position reopened. Assum e responsibility for the overall planning and coordination of the library’s technical se rvice o p e ra tio n s and all lib ra ry a u to m a tio n a ctivitie s. D ire c t scheduled procedures for an online catalog and provide leadership in the im plem entation of other library co m p ute r operations. Gradu­ ate degree from ALA-accredited library school. Substantial progres­ sive experience at the professional level in library tech n ical services in clu din g some years with a dm inistrative responsibility and experi­ ence in the application of co m p ute r technology to library proce­ d ures, p re fe ra b ly in a m a jo r re search lib ra ry. Salary $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 m inim um . Faculty rank with good fringe benefits. Beginning date January 15, 1983. For full consideration, applications should be received by Decem ber 1, 1982. Subm it letter of application with resume, in clu din g names of three references, to: Roscoe Rouse, U n ive rsity L ib ra ria n , O kla ho m a State U n ive rsity, S tillw a te r, OK 74078. AA/EO employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR DATA PROCESSING. Reports to the Director/Associate Director of Libraries and carries out assignments in a ccordance with established priorities. Responsible for co ordin a ting and m aintaining existing Library data processing activities and for p lanning and developing additional applications to Library oper­ ations. Supervises the L ibrary data p ro cessin g sta ff and w rites co m p ute r programs w hen required. Serves as liaison to University Data Pro cessin g C enters and to th e E xecutive D ire c to r o f th e Colorado A lliance of Research Libraries (CARL). Coordinates Li­ brary’s participation in the CARL Online Public Access Catalog and C irc u la tio n System . R e q u ire d : A L A -a c c re d ite d MLS d eg re e; a m inim um of five years professional library/data processing and sys­ tem s experience in designing, im ple m e ntin g o ur operating Library autom ated systems; d em onstrated a bility to write c o m p u te r pro­ grams; e xperience in su p e rvising and w o rkin g w ith other su pe r­ visors and sta ff in the a pp lic a tio n o f data pro cessin g system s. Familiarity with com m ercially available data processing applications. Desirable: knowledge of COBOL program m ing; experience with m i­ c ro c o m p u te r te c h n o lo g y p lus la rge data p ro c e s s in g system s, additional data processing and systems experience. This 12-m onth tenure tra ck a p p o in tm e n t is available im m ediately. Faculty pre­ requisites include TIAA/CREF and liberal annual sick leave benefits. Salary range: $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 . Apply by Novem ber 10, 1982, to: Leo Cabell, Chairm an, Search Committee, University Libraries, Uni­ versity of Colorado, Boulder, CO 8 0 3 0 9 (Campus Box 184). A pp li­ cant should send resume and have three references write letters to the Search Com m ittee by closing date. The University of Colorado, Boulder, is an e qu al-opportunity/affirm ative-action and Section 504 employer. M inorities and women are encouraged to apply. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES FOR COLLECTION MAN­ AGEMENT, U niversity of Maryland, College Park. Coordinates all activities co n ce rn in g co lle ction d eve lo pm en t p olicies and proce­ dures, co nfe rrin g regularly with Director of Libraries. W orking with selectors, d e p a rtm e n t heads, Associate Directors fo r P ub lic Ser­ vice s a nd S pe cia l C o lle ction s, and th e p ro po sed D e velop m e nt Council: plans for the developm ent and articulation of a collection developm ent policy for the library system and each collection area. Works with library units and approval plan vendors; coordinates all activities conce rn in g budget fo r library materials. M aster’s degree from ALA-accredited library program and seven years progressively responsible professional experience in an acad em ic or research li­ brary; knowledge of library materials acquisition procedures essen­ tia l; s tro n g c o m m u n ic a tio n and in te rp e rs o n a l s k ills re q u ire d . M inim um salary $ 3 0 ,00 0; excellent fringe benefits. Send three let­ ters of reference and resum e by Novem ber 1, 1982, to: Personnel Officer, M cKeldin Library, University of M aryland, College Park, MD 207 42 . UMCP is an AA/EEO employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES with responsibility for pub ­ lic services. Rural cam pus, 1 2,000 students, 7 00 faculty. New facil­ ity with automated systems, $2 m illion budget, total staff of 60 FTE. M inim um qualifications: MLS from an A LA-accredited school plus 3 0 additional semester hours graduate work or a second m aster’s, five years a cad em ic library e xperience w ith e m phasis on p u b lic sevices and a dm in is tra tiv e re sp o n sib ility. E xperience w ith a u to ­ mated systems and systems analysis, and a dem onstrated record of research and professional activities are desirable. A dm inistrative n o n te n u r e - tr a c k p o s itio n w ith a c a d e m ic ra n k . S a la ry ra n ge : $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 7 ,0 0 0 for 12 m onths. Position open January 1, 1983. Closing date Novem ber 10. Send resume, transcripts, and three c u rre n t letters of reference to: Lois Mills, Chair, Search Committee, Western Illinois University Libraries, M acom b, IL 6 14 55 . An equal- opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. A SSISTA N T LIFE SCIEN CES LIB R A R IA N . R equ irem e n ts: MLS (ALA-accredited). M inim um of two years professional experience, preferably in an A g ricultu re /S cien ce /T e ch no lo gy Library. Desired qualifications: Reference experience, in clu din g com puter-based in­ form ation services and library orientation. Supervisory and interper­ sonal skills needed. Second m a ste r’s degree in related s u b je ct field. Ability to a dapt library procedures to changing needs of stu­ dents and facu lty mem bers. Provides reference service and library instruction to undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty in ag­ riculture and biological sciences as well as the cam pus com m unity. Participates in the m anagem ent and operation of the library, shares responsibility for online searching, perform s liaison work with fa c­ ulty, trains and supervises three su pp ort staff, and has reference co lle ctio n d e ve lo p m e n t re sp o n sib ilitie s. M akes p re sen tatio ns to cla sses and o th e r g ro u p s on lib ra ry s e rvice s, re so u rc e s and facilitie s. Faculty status and responsibilities; rank com m e nsu ra te with education and experience. Promotion and tenure require meet­ ing standards of excellence in librarianship, publishing, research, and service. 12-m on th a p p o in tm e n t with ann ua l vacation o f 22 days. Group Life, M ajor M edical, and d isability insurance are in e f­ fect as are TIAA-CREF and Social Security. Salary: $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 and up d e p en d in g on q u a lifica tio ns. A p p lica tio n d eadline: Novem ber 1,