ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 88 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 I n t h e I hope that this finds yon in the midst o f hold ing your celebrations for African American His tory Month and for planning your celebrations for National Women’s Histoiy Month (March) and for National Library Week (April 9-15, 2000), and whatever other occasion you can find to celebrate. Resources that can help you celebrate are avail able from ALA and from the National Women’s Histoiy Project and featured on pages 90-91. These occasions give you wonderful o p portunities to highlight your library’s collec tions and services. For what good is providing a service if no one knows about it? In this issue, Carol Anne G erm ain dis cusses the n eed for a public relations plan and lists 99 ways to bring the library to the attention o f the institution’s clients (page 93). Julie Linden points out the im portance o f the library’s Web site— particularly to distance education students— and offers suggestions for what it should include (page 99). And Stuart Basefsky rem inds us o f the im portance o f reaching out to nonlibrary staff and adm inistrators to m ake sure they are aw are o f the w onderful services available through the library (page 100). Speaking o f administrators, if you are a director or som eo n e w ho reports to a direc tor, I think you will find the reports from the ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute (page 106) o f interest. The institute gives you the o p portunity to step back from the press o f day- to-day responsibilities and reflect on w here you and your institution are going and pro vides a lively, interactive format to gain new perspectives o f effective leadership. Regis tration begins in March, so ch eck out the Web site html for details. — Maiy Ellen K. Davis E d ito r -in -c h i e f m edavis@ ala. org