ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 131 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg N ED C C P re se rv a tio n M anual The Northeast D ocum ent Conservation Cen­ ter (NEDCC) has published the third edition o f its P r e se rv a tio n o f L ib r a r y & A r c h iv a l M a ­ te r ia ls : A M a n u a l. This updated and e x ­ panded edition, w hich was made available on the W eb in March 1999, is now available in print. The 412-page, 50-leaflet manual con­ tains revised versions o f all the leaflets from the first and secon d editions, plus eight new leaflets. The manual costs $50 (including shipping and handling); there is an online o r d e r fo rm a v a i l a b l e at http:// w w w For m ore information, co n ­ tact Kim O ’Leary, NEDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810; phone: (978) 4 7 0 - 1 0 1 0 ; fa x : ( 9 7 8 ) 4 7 5 - 6 0 2 1 ; e -m a il: o leary@ n ed N A R A a n n u a l co n fe re n ce The National Archives and Records Admin­ istration will hold its 15th annual preserva­ tion co n feren ce on March 28, 2000, at the National Archives Building in W ashington, D.C. The them e is “D eacidification R econ­ sidered,” and the co n feren ce will bring to ­ gether conservation scientists, conservators, and preservation exp erts to co n sid er the technical aspects o f deacidification. Presentations include “Chemical, Archi­ tectural, and M echanical Features o f ‘Pap er’ and Its Deterioration,” “Mechanisms o f Wash­ ing and Mass D eacid ificatio n ,” “Chem ical Studies o f the Beneficial Effects o f Calcium- Enriched Wash Water,” “New Insights in the Effects o f D eacid ification Treatm ents and Storage Environments on the Life o f Paper- Based Collections,” “Saving the Written Word: Mass D eacidification at the Library o f Con­ gress,” “Mass Deacidification: Considerations for Archives,” “All in Day’s Work: Why and How I D eacidify,” and “Treatm ent o f Previ­ ously Deacidified Paper Artifacts.” The cost is $75 and pre-registration is re­ q u ire d . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta c t E le a n o r T o rain , c o n fe r e n c e c o o rd in a to r (NWT), 8601 Adlephi Road, Room 2807, Col­ lege Park, MD 20740-6001; phone: (301) 713- 6718; fax: (301) 713-6653; e-mail: preserve@; URL: techinfo/preserva/conferen/2000.html. D ig ita l R e a lity II NELINET, Inc., the Northeast Document Con­ servation Center (NEDCC) and the Jo h n F. Kennedy Library and Museum are sponsor­ ing a conference about digital com m unica­ tion and its preservation on Ju n e 5, 2000, at the Kennedy Library in Boston. The program features “The Future o f the World Wide W eb ” by Tim B e m ers-Lee, “The World Wide W eb and the Future o f Libraries” by Walt Crawford, “Digital Preservation” by Paul Conway, “Mi­ gration as a Preservation Strategy” by Fynnette Eaton, “Emulation as a Preservation Strategy” by J e ff Rothenberg, and a panel discussion about strategies for preserving digital docu­ ments moderated by Ja n Merrill-Oldham. For more information or to register, co n ­ tact Robert Cunningham at NELINET, Inc., Two Newton Executive Park, Newton, MA 02162; phone: (800) NELINET or (617) 969- 0 4 0 0 : fa x : ( 6 1 7 ) 3 3 2 - 9 6 3 4 ; e - m a il: rcunningham; URL: http://www. NYU e n v iro n m e n ta l co n tro l w o rk sh o p s The New York Real Estate Institute o f New York University is offering three workshops about environmental conditions in cultural institutions as part o f their Building and Con­ struction Sem inar Series. The first will be “Conservation Environments for Museums and Libraries” on March 6, 2000, the second will be “Establishing a Conservation Environ­ ment Monitoring Program” on March 7, and the third will be “Fundamentals o f Conserva­ tion Environment Lighting” on March 8, 2000. The lecturer for all three workshops will be William P. Lull, president o f Garrison/Lull Inc. ( c o n t in u e d o n p a g e 1 4 0 ) Jane Hedberg prepares this column fo r the College Libraries C om m ittee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to Jane Hedberg, W ellesley College;; fax: (781) 283-3690 http://www 140/C&RL News ■ February 2000 University’s Bailey Hymnal Collection. The gift includes 830 rare and old hymnals from a variety o f Christian traditions, some in German and Swedish. The gift also includes 257 v olu m es o f m usic ed u ca tio n , religiou s reference, music history, scores and more, which have been divided betw een the Bailey c o lle c tio n and th e g e n e ra l circu la tin g collection. Fettke’s classic choral work The M ajesty a n d G lory o f H is N a m e is sung throughout the world. He is also the creator and editor o f the H y m n a l f o r W orship a n d C eleb ration , o f which 3 million copies are used in churches today. C rim e fic tio n w rite r Ja m e s E llro y has donated his literary papers, including outlines, manuscripts, drafts, notes, and first editions o f his 16 books to the University o f South Carolina’s Thom as Cooper Library. Ellroy’s most famous book, L.A. C o n fid e n tia l, was published in 1990 as the final part o f his L.A. quartet, w hich also included T he B l a c k D a h lia , T he B ig N ow here, and W hile j a z z . Each o f these book s w ere international bestsellers, and L.A. C o n fid e n t ia l was made into an Oscar-winning movie. Ellroy was also highly acclaimed for his autobiographical work, My D a r k P la c es. The initial donation includes 40 linear feet o f materials and Ellroy has agreed to donate similar materials o f his future works. The archive o f Frederick R. Karl, literary biographer and critic, has been acquired by the University o f South Carolina. The archive covers the author’s biographies o f four writers, Jo se p h Conrad (1 9 7 9 ), William Faulkner (1989), Franz Kafka (1991), and G eorge Eliot (1995), with a full and w ell-organized record o f the stages through which he researched, drafted, developed, and edited each project. The archive also includes similarly detailed material for Karl’s other books (his novel on World War II Italy, The Quest, published in 1961, and two major critical books on m odem American fiction) and for a major long-term editorial project, the Jo sep h Conrad letters ( 1 9 8 3 - ), for which he has corresponded with more than 2,000 Conrad collectors, scholars, and librarians. The archive includes letters from other leading biographers, such as Leon Edel, Jo sep h Blotner, and Lionel T r illin g , as w e ll as o th e r s ig n ific a n t correspondents, such as Bertrand Russell and Jo h n Barth. H arrison T. M eserole, d is tin g u ish e d professor o f English emeritus, has donated more than 6,000 volumes to Texas A&M University. The collection includes Phillis W h e a tle y ’s P o e m s o n V a r io u s S u b je c t s R elig io u s a n d M o r a l (1773), the first edition o f America’s first African-American poet; The I d le M a n (1 8 2 1 -1 8 2 2 ), an early American periodical that published the work o f William Cullen Bryant; Anthony W ood ’s A th e n c O x o n ien s es (1721), the first biographical dictionary associated with Oxford University; and a volume from Mark Tw ain’s personal library. The Am on G. Carter Papers were acquired by Texas Christian University from the Amon G. Carter Museum in Fort Worth, Texas. The museum retained the series documenting museum activity, but the bulk o f the papers, measuring approximately 205 linear feet, are now located in Special Collections in the Mary Couts Burnett Library. In 14 record groups are correspondence, newspapers, scrapbooks, photographs and negatives, certificates, and memorabilia documenting the life and career o f Amon G. Carter (1 8 7 9 -5 5 ), whose business interests included aviation, publishing and oil, and w hose civic and philanthropic endeavors included establishing a foundation to support educational and cultural purposes, including the Amon G. Carter Museum. ■ (P reservation News c o n t in u e d f r o m p a g e 13 1 ) The cost for each workshop is $185. For more information, contact The Real Estate In­ stitute, New York University, 11 West 42nd St., New York, NY 10036; phone: (212) 790- 1 3 6 2 ; URL: h ttp :/ / w w w .sc p s.n y u .e d u / dyncon/rlst/cour_muse. html. ■ (In tern et R eview s c o n t in u e d f r o m p a g e 1 3 4 ) hours o f searching. A librarian must have had a hand in this! Excellent site; obviously the product o f many hours o f hard work. Highly recom ­ mended.— Lisa K. Miller, P a r a d is e Valley C om ­ m u n ity C o lle g e L ib r a r y , M ILLER.LISA.K@ a 1 .p v c .m a n c o p a .e d u ■