ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 146 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 C L A S S I F I E D A d s Career oppoiiunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: C lassified advertisem ents are $9.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $11.50 for others. Late job notices are $22.00 per line fo r institutions that are ACRL members, $26.75 for others. O rganizations subm it­ ting ads will be charged according to their m em bership status. Display ad rates range from $435 to $820 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Or see our website: http://w w w l. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 for the O ctober issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy of the Am erican Library Association (ALA). Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status vary in meaning am ong institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the W orld W ide W eb at http://w w w rlnew 2.htm l. Ads will be placed approxim ately 2 -3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. Contact: C hristopher Becker, C lassified Advertising M an­ ager, C&RL News C lassified Advertising Departm ent, ACRL, Am erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (31 2)2 80 -2 5 13 ; fax: (312) 280- 7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c & rlnew sads@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN ACCESS SERVICES DIVISION HEAD. ISU's Milner Library seeks an innovative, service-oriented leadertom anagecirculation services, print and electronic reserve, interlibrary loan, document delivery, storage, and building security with a staff of 12 career FTE employees. This library faculty member will evaluate workflow, procedures, and policies of access service units; maintain and apply current knowledge of copyright and intellectual property issues; work general reference desk for occasional weekend hours; participate in library and university governance; pursue scholarship and service tofulfill tenure requirements. Qualifications: ALA- accredited master's, 2nd advanced degree, 2 years’ experience in auto­ mated circulation systems, 3years’ supervision, excellent communication skills. Salary: $37,600 at assistant professor, plus $2,400 administrative stipend. Standard benefits. Starts: July 1,2000. To apply: By February 1, 2000, submit letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Access Services Search Committee, Attn: Cheryl Elzy, Dean of Univer­ sity Libraries, Milner Library, Illinois State University, Cam pus Box 8900, Normal, IL 61790-8900. For more on Milner Library, contact our website at www.m Illinois State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity university encouraging diversity. ASSISTANT LIBRARIANS. The University Library seeks professionals to join its team-based, innovative, flexible, user-oriented organization. The Library is com mitted to continuous learning, increasing client self-suffi- ciency, fostering diversity in thecam pus environment, and furthering its own cultural transmission, educational, and preservation roles. The Fine Arts and Humanities Tearn announces a search forfour Assistant Librar­ ians the in following areas: Music (Job #15519), Interdisciplinary (Job #15520), English & American Literature (Job #15521), and Media Arts (Job #15522). These positions require a m aster’s degree in Library/ Information Science (MLS) from an ALA-accredited institution. Activities include selection of information resources, library education and course- related instruction, in-depth reference and consultation services, liaison . with faculty, assessment and evaluation of information and service needs of customers, general reference services, training and supervision and Library-wide responsibilities. In addition, the Digital Library Initiatives Group is recruiting for an Assistant Librarian. This position requires an MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, a m aster’s degree in M anage­ ment Information Systems, or another relevant field of study. Only appli­ cants with an MLS degree may be granted continuing eligibility status. A selected candidate without an MLS will receiveayear-to-yearappointment. The successful candidate will provide leadership in the selection, budget­ ing, and implementation of majordigitization initiatives; establish evalua­ tive criteria from which priorities may be determined, policies developed, and performance measures specified; and establish the technical archi­ tecture supporting the Library’s transition to digital services. For complete duties, responsibilities and qualifications, see the Human Resources website at The hiring rangeforall five positions is $35,460-$44,157 DOE. To apply, send a cover letterciting position title Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recom­ mended minimums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, orthe annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ lllinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $33,188 New York varies* North Carolina $27,641 + Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $28,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,240 *R a th e rth a n establish one statew ide salary m inim um , som e state associations have adopted a form ula based on such varia bles as com parable salaries for public school teachers in each com m unity o rth e grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for m inim um salary inform ation. +Salary m inim um s for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 147 ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY WEST Life Sciences/Nursing Librarian. We seek an individual who can plan, deliver, and assess research support and instruction for diverse students, faculty, and staff. Responsibilities include developing innovative approaches to research assistance, collection development, and delivery of services in an organization committed to electronic resources and access. This position provides assistance for complex research inquiries, collaborates with faculty in the design of instructional/learning opportunities, and promotes the integration of infor­ mation competencies into the curriculum. The position carries subject assignments in life sciences and nursing. ASU West Library is a team-based organization. Librarians individually and collaboratively develop programs, services, and web-based resources and select electronic and other mate­ rials. This is a continuing-appointment (tenure) eligible position; scholarship and participa­ tion in service activities are expected. ASU West Library is in the initial phases of implementing new models of service built on desktop delivery, customizable user interfaces, and information literacy. The Library m akes ex te n siv e use o f e le c tro n ic sy ste m s and re s o u rc e s and sp en d s m ore than $ l m annually for collections and access. Visit our web site for additional information: pus/lib/libinfo.htm l G eneral Inform ation about ASU West: ASU West, a com ponent o f A rizona State University’s multi-campus plan vision, offers junior, senior, and graduate level research- based courses in the arts and sciences, business, education, human services, nursing, and wom en’s studies. The campus is committed to advancing educational, economic, cultural, and social development of the community. Located in the northwest Phoenix metropolitan area, ASU West serves 5,000 students with an expected growth to 10,000 students at its beautiful new campus. Please visit our web page at: Required Qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS. Experience with: a networked com ­ puting environment; database searching; web search engines; web page development; de­ velopment and/or delivery of technology-based instruction; reference service; a variety of computer applications and information formats. Demonstrated skill in communication, critical thinking, and/or problem solving. Relevant experience or formal education in the life sci­ ences or nursing. Preferred Qualifications: Post-MLS professional experience. Experience in: development of electronic delivery of services; selection of electronic resources; project/program devel­ opment, management, or assessment. Evidence of working knowledge in a variety of web page authoring tools; Spanish language ability. Experience in or demonstrated commitment to a team-oriented environment. Understanding of academic institutions and higher educa­ tion issues. Rank and Salary: Assistant/Associate Librarian, salary commensurate with experience and rank; $32,000 minimum for Assistant Librarian. Deadline for Applications: Applications must be received by February 15, or by the 1st or 15th day of each month thereafter until the position is filled. To apply: Submit letter of application addressing background and experience relevant to the qualifications; current resume; and names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of four professional references to: deg farrelly, Chair, Life Sciences/Nursing Librarian Search Committee, ASU West Library, P.O. Box 37100, Phoenix, Arizona 85069-7100. ASU West is an EO/AA employer. 148 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 and Job #, a current resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of 3 professional references to: Martina Johansen, The Univer­ sity of Arizona Library, 1510 E. University, Room C327, P.O. Box210055, Tucson, AZ 85721-0055. You may also send e-mail inquiries to: ghendric @ or johansen @ Review of application materials begins February21,2000, and will continue until the positions are filled. Complete job descriptions will be sent upon receipt of letter of interest. The University of Arizona is an EEO/AA Employer- M/W/DA/. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. School of The Art Institute of Chicago, John M. Flaxman Library. Full-time, professional position with supervisory duties. See Responsibilities: Cataloging, classification and processing of all library materials. Copy and original cataloging in OCLC & ILLINET Online. Supervises one part-time professional staff member, plus student workers. Reports to Head of Technical Services. Required: ALA MLS. Minimum of 3 years cataloging experience in professional, supervisory position. LC classification, LC subject headings, AACR2+, MARC, OCLC or other major bibliographic utility; Windows fluency. Demonstrated planning, in­ terpersonal and communication skills. Strong commitment to service. Preferred: Degree(s) in arts or humanities. Experience: ILLINET Online; DRA; non-English-language materials. Basic preservation knowledge. Familiarity with academic environment. Compensation: Starting salary $30,000 to $33,500. Generous benefits. Applications must be received by February 29,2000. Reference job code MC787. Resume and cover letter to: Shannon McGinnis, Human Resources, The Art Institute of Chi­ cago, 111 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL60603;; fax: (312)857-0141. EOE. CATALOGER. The University of Arkansas Libraries seek a full-time Catalogerto perform original cataloging for monographs, curriculum materials, and selected AV materials. The person in this position will supervise one FTE assistant, assist with the management of copy catalog- ing for books, and perform other professional duties as assigned. The Cataloger reports to the head of the Cataloging Department. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of AACR2, OCLC, MARC, LCSH, and LC classification, excellent oral and written communication skills. Preferred qualifications: a minimum of two years of cataloging experience in an online environment; familiarity with Innovative Interfaces systems; supervisory experience; and bibliographic knowledge of one or more Western-European languages. Minimum beginning salary forap- pointment at the tenure-track faculty rank of assistant librarian/assistant professor: $28,000; twelve-month appointment. Benefits: TIAA/CREF or Fidelity; 22 days annual leave; tuition reduction; and other benefits. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is the primary land-grant institution and research university in the state and offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. Fayetteville (popula­ tion over 56,000) is situated in the Ozarks in one of the most rapidly growing areas of the country, offering numerous cultural and recreational opportu­ nities associated with natural beauty and a university community. Review of applications will begin February 25, 2000. Send letter of application, INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN University of Northern Colorado The University of Northern Colorado seeks appli­ cants for the position of Instruction Librarian & Assistant Professor of Library Science, position number 21.921. Required: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited Library School; experience in a college, university, or research library appro­ priate to the position. This is a term track position. The position reports to the Head of Instructional Services. Responsible for developing and deliv­ ering library orientations, course-specific in­ struction sessions, and teaching information literacy credit course. Develops print and elec­ tronic instructional and promotional resources including web pages and tutorials. Must have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to iden­ tify and respond to instructional needs. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifica­ tions. Starting date is July 1, 2000 (negotiable). The position is contingent on funding from the Colorado State Legislature, approval by the Board of Trustees, and subject to the policies and regulations of the University of Northern Colo­ rado. All application materials will be accepted until March 1. Send letter of application highlight­ ing candidate’s suitability, resume and the names, addresses, telephone numbers of three refer­ ences to: George R. Jaramillo Instruction Librarian Search Committee c/o Administration Office James A. Michener Library University of Northern Colorado Greeley, CO 80639 UNC is an A A EO employer and committed to fostering diversity in its student body, faculty and staff. AAEO Office, Carter 2011. Librarian (C a ta lo g e r ) Vacancy A nnouncem ent #990341 GS-1410-09 (9304) $ 3 5 ,3 1 0 - $ 4 5 ,9 0 0 GS-1410-11 (9305) $ 4 2 ,7 2 4 - $55,541 GS-1410-12 (9306) $ 5 1 ,2 0 4 - $ 6 6 ,6 6 4 *Salary reflects locality pay for calendar year 2000. The Library of Congress is seeking a Librarian to perform descriptive and subject cataloging of monographs and serials in an online mode in the medical disciplines and biotechnology. The incumbent will search bibliographic databases to determine rela­ tionship of items to existing bibliographic records; analyze material to determine proper access points, classifications and content designation; and perform research to establish and recommend new subject headings and new classification numbers. The ideal candidate must have demonstrat­ ed reading knowledge of the German lan­ guage ana experience in cataloging rules, procedures and practices. Knowledge of automated systems and excellent com m uni­ cation and writing skills are required. Applicants must obtain a copy of Vacancy Announcem ent # 9 9 0 3 4 1 in order to apply fo r this position. The vacancy announce­ ment lists knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that must be addressed. For a copy of this vacancy announcement and an application form, please call the Library of Conqress Employment O ffice at (202) 707 4 3 1 5 or (202) 7 0 7 -5 6 2 7 . O ne can also obtain copies from our web site at lcw eb.loc.aov/nr/em ploym ent or by visit- ing the Library of Congress Employment Room L M -1 0 7 , 101 Independence Avenue, SE, Washington, DC M on. - Fri. 8 :3 0 a.m. - 4 :3 0 p.m. Applications must be received no later than March 3, 2 0 0 0 . C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 149 resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to Juana R. Young, Acting Directorof Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701 -1201. The University of Arkansas is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer. Applicants must have proof of legal authority to work in the United States. COORDINATOR OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES & SYSTEMS. As­ sistant/Associate Professor, University Library. Required: Graduate de­ gree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution; minimum of five years of progressively responsible professional experience in academic library technical services, including some experience at the supervisory level; knowledge of and experience with library automated systems and services; excellent verbal, written and interpersonal skills; knowledge of standards, issues and trends in acquisitions, technical services, digital library initiatives, metadata, electronic publishing and copyright. Pre­ ferred: Proven managerial and leadership experience; knowledge of Inno­ vative Interfaces; experience with resource sharing consortia. This is a tenure-track, 12-month calendar year position. Review of applications will begin on March 1, 2000, and continue until position is filled. Submit a resume and cover letterto: William O’Malley, Search Committee Chair (Log# 141034CRL), University of Rhode Island, P.O. Box G, Kingston, Rl 02881. The University of Rhode Island is an AA/EOE and is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, staff and students. Persons from under-represented groups are encouraged to apply. COORDINATOR OF LIBRARY INSTRUCTION. Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. Available immediately. WSU Libraries seek candidates who are leaders, enthusiastic aboutteaching, and work successfully in a team environment. Our expanding and innovative instruc­ tion program supports the university’s writing-across-the-curriculum ob­ jectives, collaborates with multiple university departments and programs, provides Internet classes, and offers a credit course in research and information literacy. Program emphasis includes developing models for teaching and learning information access skills as part of the university’s “Virtual Campus” initiative, which seeks to infuse new technologies and teaching methods into the campus-wide curriculum. Specific Responsi­ bilities: Provides direction, planning and coordination to deliver a creative and effective library instruction program. In cooperation with instruction librarians, library faculty, and teaching faculty, this individual will develop, design, and implement instructional programs, methods, and materials incorporating a variety of technologies. Teaches information literacy to lower and upper division undergraduates, graduate students, and other clientele. Serves as a resource for library colleagues participating in Dean of Library Services The American College of Greece The American College of Greece invites appli­ cations for the position of Dean of Library Services, effective August 1, 2000. The American College of Greece is the oldest and largest independent, American-sponsored educational institution in Europe. Today it en­ rolls approximately 8000 students in three divisions: Pierce College, a six-year high school; the Junior College, awarding Associate De­ grees; and Deree College, a four-year under­ graduate college offering instructional pro­ grams across a wide spectrum of Arts and Sciences and Business Administration, ac­ credited by the NEASC. The American College of Greece is nonsectarian and nonprofit. The Dean of Library Services is based at the Deree College Learning Center, a handsome and modern facility housing a collection of over 50,000 volumes and well equipped with infor­ mation technology, and also oversees the smaller collections of the other two divisions at their respective locations. The Dean is respon­ sible for the supervision, operations, policies, and procedures of the library system. The Dean should have appropriate profes­ sional training and extensive experience in Library management, including conversance with contemporary technologies. International experience will be an advantage but is not required. Particular challenges of the position will be to oversee a major increase in the collection and an expansion of the electronic services. Applications including a resume, cover letter and references should be sent to: Dr. William McGrew VP for Strategic Planning The American College of Greece 6 Gravias Street, Aghia Paraskevi Athens 15342, Greece LIBRARY DIRECTOR Cardinal Stritch University C ardinal Stritch U niversity, a C atholic, Franciscan, coeducational institution, the sec­ ond largest private institution in Wisconsin, whose main campus is located in a suburb of Milwaukee, seeks an individual to assume the position of Library Director. The successful candidate will be an energetic, creative librar­ ian who will provide strong, forward-looking leadership and effective management for a service-oriented library. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum of five years experi­ ence and significant leadership in an academic library; excellent written and oral communica­ tion skills; good understanding of the needs of a scholarly community; well informed about library automation, information technology applications and instructional services, having an informed vision of “the library of the future.” Desired Additional Qualifications: A second master’s degree in a liberal arts field; teaching experience at the college level; and evidence of continued professional development. Salary and benefits are competitive and com­ mensurate with qualifications and experience. Nominations and applications, including re­ sume and the names/addresses of three ref­ erences should be submitted to: Dr. Marna Boyle Chair, Library Search Committee Cardinal Stritch University 6801 North Yates Road Milwaukee, Wl 53217 Equal Opportunity Employer 150 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 library instruction. Produces instructional materials in print and web-based formats. Conducts needs assessment and evaluation of instructional ser­ vices. Proactively promotes the library instruction program through market­ ing, public relations, and outreach. Provides reference service. Supervises Library Instruction Librarian. Reports to the Assistant Director for Public and Research Services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited de­ gree; demonstrated commitment to library public services and instruction; demonstrated relevant teaching experience; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; ability to work effectively in a collegial environment. Preferred: Experience developing, coordinating, promoting, and assess­ ing instructional programs; familiarity with current theory, practices, and issues related to library instruction; administrative and supervisory experi­ ence; experience in the application of new technologies to instruction. Salary: From $40,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Otherbenefits:TIAA/CREF, broad insur­ ance program, 22 days vacation and 12 days sick leave peryear. Application review begins: March 10,2000. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references with complete mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses to: Bonny L. Boyan, Washington State University Libraries, P.O. Box 645610, Pullman, WA99164-5610. WSU Libraries’ home page is: WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. Indiana University Southeast invites applications and nominationsforthe position of Director of the Library. IU Southeast is a regional campus of the Indiana University system, located across the Ohio Riverfrom Louisville, Kentucky, with astudent body of about 6,000. Responsibilities of Director include overall administration of IU Southeast Library, budgeting and financial management, personnel man­ agement, strategic planning, and advocacy of the Library. Director reports to Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, isam em berofthe IU Southeast Academic Council, and holds library faculty status. Director also works cooperatively with Dean of Indiana University Libraries and is a memberof Council of Head Librarians of Indiana University. Requirements: MLS from an American Library Association-accredited program; at leastthree years of progressively responsible administrative experience in an academic library setting; strong orientation to technology and significant experience with library technology; strong oral and written communication skills; a collegial leadership style; and qualifications for appointment to faculty tenure-track position. Candidates should also have a creative and coherent vision of the role of the library in the swiftly changing academic environ­ ment; a breadth of practical library experience encompassing both public and technical services; and demonstrated participation in campus life and community activities. Salary competitive, dependent on qualifications and experience. To apply, send letter of interest, curriculum vitae and three current letters of reference to: Library Director Search Committee, c/o Human Resources, Indiana University Southeast, 4201 Grant Line Road, Box99-32, New Albany, IN47150. Review of applications begins March 15,2000, and will continue until position is filled. IU Southeast is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. EDUCATION SERVICES SPECIALIST/LIBRARIAN. Duke University Medical Center Library is seeking an enthusiastic and innovative individual forthe position of education services specialist/librarian. Responsibilities include planning, coordinating, and developing educational programs; developing instructional materials and working collaboratively with faculty in developing educational resources. Specialized duties will reflect needs of Library and the skills and experience of the selected candidate and may focus on one of these areas: instructional/educational technology applica­ tions; informatics and information management training; or evidence- based medicine. Minimum starting salary $35,300. Afull job description, including qualifications and how to apply, is available at http:// Review of applications will begin February 15. Applicants should send their resume and the names of three references to: Eric Albright, Duke University Medical Center Library, Box 3702, Durham, NC 27710. EOE/AA. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES ACCESS SPECIALIST. The University of Iowa Libraries is seeking a professional catalogerto provide leadership and expertise fo rdefining and supplying appropriate access to the Librar­ ies’ electronic collections. The incumbent will supervise electronic re­ sources cataloging and database maintenance, and create original MARC cataloging records and non-ARC metadata records for electronic re­ sources. S/he will participate in the development of strategies for the control of digital collections, coordinate current cataloging practices with developing national standards and shifting local needs, and supervise the SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN University of Richmond The Social Sciences Reference Librarian is one of six librarians who provide reference, outreach, and instruction services in Boatwright Memorial Library (main library). The University of Richmond has an innovative program in outreach and instruction and we intend to hire a dynamic librarian who will contribute in this important area. As part of this team, the librarian’s schedule requires at least one evening a week as well as participation in a weekend rotation. The Social Sciences Librarian conducts library instruction sessions, serves as liaison to one or more academic departments, prepares web pages and other bibliographic resources, participates actively in collection develop­ ment, provides staff training, and performs other duties as assigned. Reports to the Head of Outreach and Instruction Services. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; working knowledge of reference sources, both print and electronic; good oral and written communication skills; good interpersonal skills; ability to work successfully in a team environment; and a strong commitment to public service. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: 1 -2 years of general reference experience; a bachelor’s or master’s degree (or appropriate experience) in the social sciences (psychology, sociology, etc.); teaching experience; experience using technology in an educational or library setting; experience with Microsoft Office, electronic databases, and web page development. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Commensurate with experience. Benefits include TIAA/CREF, paid medical insurance, 20 days vacation and 14 paid holidays. CONTACT: Applications received by March 15, 2000, will receive first consideration. Applicants should submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of at least three current professional references to: Human Resource Services Political Science Bldg. University of Richmond Richmond, VA 23173 C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 151 HEAD OF REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION Carleton College Laurence McKinley Gould Library The Laurence McKinley Gould Library is a vibrant center of the intellectual and cultural life of the campus, and serves a significant educational role in a college community committed to excellence in learning and teaching. We seek an experienced, talented and energetic Head of Reference and Instruction to join us in developing an imaginative, student-centered liberal arts college library program. Beginning in the fall of 2000, we are planning a major expansion of reference and instructional services. A major feature will be an experimental program of information literacy that is completely integrated into the curriculum of the college. This newly created position represents a unique opportunity to provide creative leadership, working in collaboration with an exceptional group of librarians, faculty and students, in building a dynamic set of sophisticated information resources and services. As a member of the library’s management team, you will participate in library-wide policymaking, planning, and administration. Carleton’s library has an outstanding undergraduate collection and a talented staff of 26. Information about the library can be found at Carleton College is a highly selective, residential, non-sectarian liberal arts college offering degrees in 33 fields of study and seven interdisciplinary programs to 1,850 men and women. Carleton is consistently ranked among the nation’s top liberal arts institutions. It is located in the historic town of Northfield, Minnesota, 45 miles south of Minneapolis and St. Paul. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of Reference and Instruction provides leadership in planning, implementing and evaluating information services. Works closely with faculty and college administration in defining and achieving the college’s goals for information services and information literacy. Supervises 4 or more reference librarians, participates in teaching both students and faculty. Oversees reference collection development and participates in strengthening and extending a liaison program which, in partnership with colleagues in academic computing, provides a high level of computing and information support to faculty campus-wide. QUALIFICATIONS: Experience in developing, evaluating and managing effective programs of reference and instruction. Excellent teaching skills and broad familiarity with reference resources and trends and issues in academic information services. Minimum of 5 years of academic library management experience. Sophisticated supervisory skills, including supervision of librarians; good listener; sensitive and supportive approach to personnel management. Ability to view issues from a library-wide perspective, foster teamwork and esprit de corps, and stimulate cross­ functional collaboration. Strong interpersonal skills and ability to formulate ideas clearly in both written and spoken form. ALA-accredited MLS. Strong background in using and in implementing access to a wide range of electronic resources, and a solid grounding in the world of books and scholarship. Demonstrated ability to work effectively with faculty and students in interpreting and advancing the work of the library in support of learning and teaching. Strong experience and skills in evaluating and implementing information technology applications, and in collaborating with academic computing operations in a campus setting. Advanced degree in an academic discipline preferred; college library experience desirable. Salary and fringe benefits highly competitive. For further information on salary and fringe benefits, contact Bonnie Jean Mork, Director of Human Resources, (507) 646-4175. To apply, please submit a letter of application and resume, along with the names, addresses, email, and phone numbers of three references. Review of applications will begin February 29, 2000, and continue until the position is filled. Materials should be sent to: Samuel Demas Head of Reference and Instruction Search Committee Laurence McKinley Gould Library Carleton College Northfield, MN 55057 Carleton College is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity. 152 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 establishment and revision of procedures for providing intellectual access to electronic resources, including CD-ROMs, digital images, numeric files, electronic journals, text files, and online databases. In addition, this position will provide leadership fo r the formulation of policies related to access to electronic resources and the role of the OPAC in providing coherent access to in-house and external electronic resources including locally developed scholarly digital resources. The incumbent will address issues related to topics such as metadata standards, persistent identifiers for networked resources, record format and record contents (MARC, SGML, Dublin Core, multiple versions) for digital resources, the relation­ ship of new access mechanisms to traditional catalogs, and linkages among various access systems. Successful completion of these tasks will require the ability to work both independently and as a team member on a variety of issues in a dynamic environment. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of or recent cataloging experience in an automated environment; knowledge of AACR2r, LC subject headings and classification, and USMARC formats; an interest in or experience with providing access to electronic resources; strong communication and organizational skills; aptitude for complex, analytical work with attention to detail; demonstrated problem-solving skills; flexibility; ability to prioritize work to ensure that departmental and library goals are realized; ability to work effectively in a production-oriented environment; and a demonstrated commitment to professional growth and development. Preferred: Recent electronic resources and/or serials cataloging experi­ ence in an academic or research library within the last five years; working knowledge of SGML, HTML and TEI standards; experience with OCLC and/or RLIN; reading knowledge of two Western European foreign lan­ guages. Salary and Appointment: Appointment rank and salary will be based on relevant experience and educational background. Appointment will be made at the Librarian I or II level. Salary will be commensurate with experience and educational background, and will be competitive with peer institutions. The salary range for this position is $30,000 to $36,000. The University offers an attractive package of benefits including 24 days of paid vacation per year, TIAA/CREF retirement, and a flexible selection of medical, life, dental, and vision insurance, childcare credit, and additional benefits. Application Procedures: Applications must be received by Febru­ ary 25, 2000. Minorities and women are particularly encouraged to apply. Qualified individuals should submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Janice Simmons-Welburn, Director, Human Resources and Processing Ser­ vices, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, IA 52242-1420; (319) 335- 5871. The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply, http:// EVENING REFERENCE/ASSISTANT CATALOGING LIBRARIAN.The University of Scranton, Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Memorial Library. Tenure-track position. The University of Scranton seeks an evening refer­ ence librarian/assistant cataloger. Dual responsibilities include providing a full range of evening reference services, including user education, and cataloging activities. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and library experience. Knowledge of basic reference sources and database search­ ing techniques. Familiarity with OCLC, AACR2, LC classification. Strong supervisory, communication, and interpersonal skills. Second subject area master's preferred. Twelve-month faculty appointment, tenure track. Hours: Monday-Thursday, 2 -1 0 p.m., Friday, 8:30-4:30. Reports to Technical and Public Services Assistant Directors. The University of Scranton, located in northeastern Pennsylvania nearthe Pocono Mountains, is a highly selec­ tive Catholic and Jesuit institution of 4,800 students. The University is committed to liberal arts education and offers strong professional and pre­ professional programs. Review of applications will begin March 15,2000. The search will remain open until the position is filled. Applications: Interested candidates should submit a letterof application, list of 3 refer­ ences, and current vita to: Charles E. Kratz, Library Director, Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Memorial Library, The University of Scranton, Scranton, PA 18510-4634. The University of Scranton is an AA/EEO employer/educator. HEAD OF CATALOGING. Washington State University, Pullman, Wash­ ington. Available immediately. Lead cataloging beyond tradition. Put your knowledge to good use in a leadership position emphasizing database creation, high productivity, effective access to library collections, collabo­ ration, and creative problem solving. Under the direction of the Assistant Director for Technical Services, this position serves as Head of Catalog­ ing and Principal Cataloger. Responsibilities include management of the Bibliographic Control Department, liaison with public services, staff train­ ing, monitoring of workflow, assuring quality access to library materials, and insuring a productive environment that values quality and quantity. The Bibliographic Control Department is responsible for cataloging, marking, and some ILS database maintenance functions, and employs 3 catalog librarians and 13 classified staff. Tenure-track position at ARL member library. Required: ALA-accredited degree. Five years of original catalog­ ing experience in a large library setting; knowledge of authority control; knowledge of traditional cataloging tools (AACR2, LCSH, etc.); experi- RUTGERS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Women’s Studies Librarian: Selects women’s and gender studies materials; provides instruction, training, reference; liaison to the Women’s Studies Program. Develops/maintains WWW pages. Reading knowledge of European and/or other languages and relevant experience in the humanities and social sciences. (APP # 1 3 7 ) World History/Jewish Studies Librarian: selector for Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, M iddle East and Jewish studies. Provides instruction, training, reference; liaison to history and Jewish studies faculties. Develops/maintains WWW pages. Knowledge of one European language, preferably French or German; knowl­ edge of Hebrew desirable. (APP# 138) Anglo-American History/Political Science Librarian: selector for American, British History and Political Science. Provides instruction, training, reference; liaison to History, P olitical Science faculty. Develops/ maintains WWW pages. (APP# 139) Instruction and Information Services Librarian: develops/implements undergraduate library instruction and inform ation literacy programs; provides reference and training for library faculty and staff. Develops/ maintains WWW pages. Experience with teaching/training, instructional technology and electronic resources required; advanced degree in education, instructional technology or instructional design preferable; experience with business information services and undergraduate services highly desirable. (APP# 140) AN p o s itio n s are based in the New B ru n s w ic k L ib ra rie s . We re q u ire an A L A /M L S , th re e ye ars relevant professional experience for a tenure track appointment with minim um salary of $41,751 dependent upon experience and qualifications; knowledge and experience with electronic resources and technology; a scholarly record and service in professional associations. See the complete position profiles on our website at under "News and Events". Candidates applying by February 21, 2000 w ill receive first consideration. Submit resume, cover letter, and names of three references to; Sandra Troy (APP # ) , Libraries Personnel Officer, Rutgers University Libraries, 169 College Ave., New Brunswick, NJ 08901; FAX: 732-932-7637; e-mail: stroy@ Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity. C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 153 ence with OCLC; experience with a local integrated library system; knowl­ edge of cataloging trends and national initiatives; knowledge of technical services automation; and excellent communication skills. Preferred: Su­ pervisory and management experience; experience with Innovative Inter­ faces Inc. system. Salary: From $45,000 commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Other benefits: TIAA/ CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation and 12 days sick leave per year. Application review begins: March 10, 2000. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references with complete mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses to: Bonny L. Boyan, Washington State University Libraries, P.O. Box 645610, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. WSU Libraries’ home page is: WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. HEAD OF HPER (Health, P hysical Education, and Recreation) LIBRARY. Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. Under general direction of Coordinator for the Science Libraries, responsible for leader­ ship and overall management of the campus library, including planning, supervising, and evaluating library’s sen/ices, operations, and collections; manages budget, provides extensive bibliographic instruction and delivery of information services to respective departments; consults regularly with HPER’s library committee and serves on appropriate HPER and IUB Libraries committees. Qualifications: MLS degree with academic back­ ground or prior work experience in relevant areas or combination of equivalent education and experience. Preference to be given to candidates with training or experience in one of the subject areas served by HPER Library as well as to those with prior management and instruction experi­ ence. Demonstrated ability to work creatively and pragmatically in chang­ ing environment; solid experience in planning and evaluating library ser­ vices and collections; excellent oral and written communication and inter­ personal skills. Ability to meet responsibilities and requirements of tenure- track appointment. Salary and Benefits: Salary and rank negotiable and competitive, dependent upon qualifications and experience. This is a tenure-track academic appointment that includes eligibility fo rsabbatical leaves. Benefits include medical, dental, and group life insurance; TIAA/ CREF retirement/annuity; and liberal vacation and sick leave. To Apply: Send letter of application, professional vita, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of four references to: Yolanda Cooper-Birdine, Acting Libraries Human Resources Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Main WEB DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN Georgia State University Georgia State University (GSU), a dynamic urban university in downtown Atlanta, is seeking a Web Development Librarian to create a library website that is the “portal of choice” for the faculty and students of GSU. This position will have overall responsibility for the design, development, and maintenance of the Library’s public and internal websites; provide leadership in defining and creating innovative web-based services; engage in staff training in the development of new Internet resources; serve within the Systems Department office team. RESPONSIBILITIES: Develops, manages, and coordinates library website content and format, working closely with web authors, public service departments, and Special Collections/Archives. Trains and assists library faculty and staff in use of web development software and provides training and documentation in creating and maintaining Internet resources. Develops and maintains internal library databases. Provides technical expertise and assists with the integration of web-based resources into library instruction, online tutorials, collection development, and reference services. Investigates emerging technologies, tests new software, and experiments with new strategies for optimizing the development and use of Internet resources, including OCLC’s CORC project. Pursues digitizing initiatives. Develops guidelines, standards, and procedures for web development. Assesses software and strategies for meeting the library’s strategic goals. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science, electrical engineering or information science or equivalent. Experience in an academic institution. Strong technical skills, including knowledge of and experience in web design. Effective oral and written communication skills. PREFERRED: Additional degree and/or experience in computer science. Experience as trainer or consultant. Experience using web programming languages and scripting. AVAILABLE: Immediately. SALARY AND RANK: $43,000-$50,000 for twelve months commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointment at faculty rank, on a contract renewal basis. TO APPLY: Send letter addressing above. Include resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Carmen Newton Human Resources Officer Georgia State University Pullen Library 100 Decatur Street SE Atlanta, GA 30303-3202 Materials received by March 15, 2000, will receive priority consideration. For more information, please visit our website at Georgia State University is an equal opportunity educational institution/ affirmative action employer strongly committed to cultural diversity. 154 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 Library C-201, Bloomington, IN 47405. Phone: (812) 855-8196; Fax: (812) 855-2576; e-mail: ycooperb @ Review of applications begins March 7,2000, continues until the position is filled. For further information concerning Indiana University: Indiana Uni­ versity is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. INFORMATION SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: UNLV Li­ braries is seeking a service-oriented librarian, at the assistant professor rank, for the position of Information Systems Librarian. The successful candidate will help coordinate the UNLV Libraries’ website and the evalu­ ation, development, and implementation of the Libraries’ future electronic information resources and digital initiatives. The successful candidate will assist in tracking current and future information technologies, initiatives, and services; provide staff assistance and/ortraining with common desktop applications, and assume other responsibilities as assigned. The suc­ cessful candidate may work regular hours at one or more public services desks. This position will report to the Head of the Library Systems Unit. Qualifications required: MLSorequivalentfrom an ALA-accredited pro­ gram or international equivalent; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills; knowledge of electronic information resources; knowledge of microcomputer applications in libraries; demonstrated apti­ tude for learning new technology; evidence of creative application of information technologies to meet user needs; familiarity with HTML. Qualifications preferred: Proven documentation skills; experience with multimedia applications and technologies; experience with database cre­ ation, publishing, and management in a shared or web-based environment; experience with Web authoring and scripting languages/standards such as SGML, DHTML, VRML, XML, CSS, CGI, PERL, and/or JavaScript; experience with website development and maintenance applications, in­ cluding imaging software; experience with Internet communications tools and applications; reference services experience. Salary range: This is a tenure-track position. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. The University has an excellent fringe benefits package. The setting: UNLV is Nevada’s largest comprehensive, doctoral-degree- granting institution with 22,500 students and more than 700full-time faculty. The UNLV libraries are comprised of the main James R. Dickinson Library, the Curriculum Materials Library, the Architecture Studies Library, and a soon-to-be constructed Music Library. Construction on a new main library, the Lied Library, began in early 1998. This 300,000-square-foot, $51 million facility will include an Information Commons and afully wired four-class­ room Collaborative Learning Center. For additional information, see the UNLV website at Application deadline & details: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, telephone num­ bers and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Megan Fitch, Chair, Information Systems Librarian Search Committee; James R. Dickinson Library, U niversity of Nevada, Las Vegas; 4505 Maryland Parkway, Box457001, Las Vegas, NV89154-7001. Review of applications HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT Rutgers University Libraries Rutgers University Libraries invites nominations and applications for the position of Head, Acquisitions D epartm ent. The su cce ssfu l candidate w ill be responsible for central acquisitions of all library materials and end processing for materials cata- loged centrally; Rutgers Libraries materials budget is approxim ately 7 m illio n dollars. The Head of Acquisitions w ill direct the Department of 10 FTE staff in the use of new technologies and in electron- ic processing of materials; oversee the acquisitions module for the libraries’ integrated system, SIRSI; and lead the Department in fulfilling its role in the Rutgers Digital Library initiative, particularly in the acquisition of electronic resources. The Head of Acquisitions is one of the three department heads in central Technical and Automated Services reporting to the Associate University Librarian for Information Systems and Technology. A L A /M L S re q u ire d , th re e years re le v a n t professional experience for a tenure track appoint- ment with minim um salary of $41,751 dependent upon experience and q u a lific a tio n s ; record of accomplishment in acquisitions management and e x p e rie n c e u s in g an a u to m a te d a c q u is itio n s system preferably SIRSI. S ch o la rly record and se rvice in p ro fe s s io n a l a s s o c ia tio n s . See the c o m p le te p o s itio n p ro file on our w e b s ite at under "News and Events” . Candidates applying by February 21, 2000 w ill receive first consideration. Submit resume, cover letter, and names of three references to: Sandra Troy (APP # 1 3 5 ), Libraries Personnel Officer, Rutgers U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s , 169 C o lle g e A ve., New B ru n s w ic k , NJ 0 8 9 0 1 ; FAX 7 3 2 - 9 3 2 - 7 6 3 7 ; e-mail Rutgers, the State U niversity of New Jersey, is committed to affirmative action & equal opportunity. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND PRESERVATION LIBRARIAN Oberlin College Coordinates special collections and preserva­ tion programs in an outstanding college library. REQUIRED: Sound liberal arts education, aca­ demic library experience; knowledge of rare books and special collections, preservation and conservation techniques, and preserva­ tion program administration; demonstrated su­ pervisory ability; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong service orientation; planning and organization skills; commitmentto professional development. Oberlin College combines a leading under­ graduate college of arts and sciences with a music school of national prominence. The college has a long history of leadership in educating women and minorities and actively seeks a racially, ethnically, and culturally di­ verse staff and student body. The library contains over 1.2 million volumes; is a fully automated, active member of OhioLINK; and provides access to a wide array of electronic resources. Competitive salary, excellentfringe benefits. A full position description and information about Oberlin and the Oberlin College Library is available at: search.html To ensure consideration, send letter of appli­ cation, resume, and names of three refer­ ences by February 15, 2000, to: Special Collections/Preservation Search Committee Oberlin College Library Mudd Center Oberlin, OH 44074 AA/EOE C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 155 will begin February 25,2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Specific questions may be addressed to Megan Fitch, Search Committee Chair,, or call (702) 895-3286. UNLVisan Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Persons are selected on the basis of ability without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, disability or veteran status. LENDING SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Tenure-track, 12-month, faculty po­ sition. Responsibilities primarily include supervision of circulation, re­ serves and interlibrary loan, with some secondary duties in reference desk rotation. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent, 3 -5 years library experience and supervisory experience. Salary range from $35,000 depend­ ing on qualifications and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Available immediately. Indiana State University, located in west central Indiana, invites applicants to visit our home page at and, under “About Us,” click on “Jobs” to get full position description and application information. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until position is filled. AA/EOE. LIBRARIAN/ARCHIVIST. Albion College is searching for a full-time Librarian/Archivist. The Archivist is responsible to the Director of Libraries forthe full administration of the Albion College Archives Collection. This includes selection, preservation, and management of historical material including photographic images, inactive administrative files, materials relating to the history of Albion College, its faculty, staff, administration and students. The Archivist will serve as a librarian on the staff and as an advisor on preservation issues. In addition the Archivist is also the Methodist Archivist. The Methodist Archivist is responsible to the Commission for Archives and History of the West Michigan Conference for the care of their material. Afull job description can be found at libr/archivis.htm. Qualifications: Master’s degree in Librarianship (with an Archives focus), Archives, Public History, or related field, and experience INFORMATION LITERACY LIBRARIAN/COORDINATOR INFORMATION LITERACY PROGRAM Plattsburgh State University of New York Library & Information Service The Division of Library & Information Services at Plattsburgh State University invites applications for a newly created Information Literacy Librarian position. This position is responsible for the continuing development of Plattsburgh's outstanding information instruction program that began in 1979. The core feature of the current program is a required one-credit component of General Education. The integration of information literacy across the curriculum is presently a key initiative in the College's strategic plan. This position will play a leadership role in program planning and implementation. The successful candidate will bring experience, energy, and vision to the collaborative work of infusing information literacy concepts and skills throughout the college curriculum. The Information Literacy Librarian joins a team of librarians currently engaged in an active and diverse information literacy program that is already experimenting with new integrated information literacy approaches. This is an exciting opportunity to develop and shape a new program in conjunction with other campus initiatives, including a review of General Education, a growing emphasis on instructional technology, and an expanding distance learning program. This position also participates in the core responsibilities of librarians: instruction, reference desk service, collection development and programmatic group work. Successful candidates will have an interest in integrating information technologies and a willingness to participate with new distance learning programs. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: A master's degree from an ALA-accredited institution or foreign equivalent. Academic library experience that includes a minimum of four years of active participation in an information literacy/library instruction program; demonstrated ability to assume a leadership role in information literacy; demonstrated knowledge of current information literacy theory and practice; demonstrated success as an instructor of information literacy; commitment to group decision making; thorough familiarity with academic environments; successful experience in working with classroom faculty; outstanding interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Experience with planning and implementing an information literacy program; experience with group work; scholarly contributions to the literature of information literacy; active involvement in professional information literacy activities. SALARY & BENEFITS: $40,000 minimum, academic rank commensurate with experience; tenure- track position. Applications will be reviewed beginning immediately and will continue until position is filled. Please submit cover letter, resume and names and addresses of three references to: Chair, Search Committee (PJ# 2360-CRLN) c/o Human Resources Plattsburgh State University of New York 101 Broad Street Plattsburgh, NY 12901-2681 Fax: (518) 564-5060 Applications from women and minority candidates are especially welcomed. Plattsburgh State University of New York is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 156 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 CONSULTING LIBRARIANS Three Positions Cornell College The Russell D. Cole Library is redesigning its program to create a team of librarians who will collaborate with faculty toward an integrated information literacy program to prepare students for an information society. We seek librarians with a passion for teaching and service, enthusiasm for interaction with faculty, initiative and creativity, and skills in reference and collection development with an increasing emphasis on electronic resources. These librarians are members of the professional leadership team in a collegial environment, hold faculty rank, and may have opportunities for teaching in areas of expertise. Some reference work is required of all librarians, including one evening per week and occasional weekends. Consulting Librarian for the Social Sciences (full-time, 12-month appointment) collaborates with faculty in the social sciences to design and deliver instruction integrated into course expecta­ tions; develop and manage the collection; and provide reference and bibliographic service. Additional responsibilities include oversight management of government documents, general reference service, and oversight of interlibrary loan services. Preferred qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree. Outstanding interpersonal, commu­ nication, teaching, and problem-solving skills. Understanding of emerging electronic and print information resources relevant to the social sciences. Strong skills in accessing information via online systems. Strong skills in teaching. Evidence of initiative, creativity, service ethic, ability to prioritize based on organizational goals. Academic background in the social sciences required. Consulting Librarian for the Arts and Humanities (full-time, 12-month appointment) collaborates with faculty in the arts and humanities to design and deliver instruction integrated into course expectations; develop and manage the collection; and provide reference and bibliographic service. Additional responsibilities include management of College archives and general references. Since the Cole Library serves the local community as its public library, this librarian will oversee coordination of programming for the public. Preferred qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree. Outstanding interpersonal, commu­ nication, teaching, and problem-solving skills. Understanding of emerging electronic and print information resources relevant to the arts anc, humanities. Strong skills in accessing information via online systems. Strong skills in teaching. Evidence of initiative, creativity, service ethic, ability to prioritize based on organizational goals. Academic background in the arts and/or humanities required. Consulting Librarian for the Sciences (half-time, 9-month appointment) collaborates with faculty in the sciences to design and deliver instruction integrated into course expectations; develop and manage the collection; and provide reference and bibliographic service. Preferred qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree. Outstanding interpersonal, commu­ nication, teaching, and problem-solving skills. Understanding of emerging electronic and print information resources relevant to the sciences. Strong skills in accessing information via online systems. Strong skills in teaching. Evidence of initiative, creativity, service ethic, ability to prioritize based on organizational goals. Academic background in the sciences required. Send letter of application, resume, three letters of recommendation, copies of credentials and transcripts to: AnnOpatz Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs Cornell College 600 First Street West Mt. Vernon, IA 52314-1098 Consideration of applications begins March 1, 2000. Cornell College is an EO/AA employer and encourages applications from women and minority candidates. C&RL News ■ February 2000 /1 5 7 in managing historical collections in an archives, library museum or historical agency. Preferable qualifications include strong background in archival research methodology with demonstrated skills in oral and written communication, and library reference experience desirable. Interested candidates should send a letter of application, resume, and three current letters of reference to Dr. John P. Kondelik, Director of Libraries, Albion College, KC 4692, Albion, Ml 49224. EOE. Applicant screening will begin February 15,2000. Projected start date: July 1,2000. MONOGRAPHS ORIGINAL CATALOGER. (Search reopened) Divi­ sion/Department: Collection Services/Cataloging. Purpose and Scope: The Monographs Original Cataloging Section of the Cataloging Depart­ ment is comprised of the Head and 2.5 FTE librarians plus student assistants. The Monographs Original Cataloger is responsible to the Head of the Monbgraphs Original Cataloging Section for performing original cataloging of monographic materials in all languages and sub­ jects. Materials handled may include electronic resources and other media. Materials are processed for the Main and Science Libraries, some laboratory collections, and off-campus research facility libraries. Mono­ graphs Original Catalogers sen/e as resource persons for monographic cataloging within the Department and in otherareas of the Libraries. The University of Georgia Libraries participates in GIL, a state-wide intercon­ nected implementation of the Endeavor Voyager system. The Libraries is a member of CONSER and participates in NACO, SACO, and OCLC’s Enhance Program. The Cataloging Department has 11 professional and 10 support staff positions and catalogs over40,000 books, serials, micro­ forms, and nonprint materials yearly. For a full description of duties, visit Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of AACR2 and LC classification and subject headings; ability to work with a broad range of subjects; competency in one or more modern European languages (German or Russian preferred); familiarity with automated cataloging systems; ability to function as a contributing University of Califor nia, Irvine Associate University Librarians The University of California, Irvine Libraries are recruiting for three Associate University Librarian (AUL) positions to complete the senior administrative team. The University Librarian, Gerald J. Munoff, is seeking innovative, creative, flexible, and knowledgeable executives to join an enthusiastic staff in building a research library of excellence for a young and rapidly-growing university ranked nationally in the top universities. The campus of 19,285 students and 1,010 faculty is planning to grow by 50% in the next ten years. The AULs have an unusual opportunity to actively participate in shaping the quality and character of the campus and the excellence of the Libraries. All three positions are responsible library-wide for collaborative leadership, management, and decision-m aking. Each position also has an individual area of responsibility, currently defined as A U L fo r Collections and Access Services, A U L fo r Research and Instructional Services, and A U L for Technical Services. Changes in assignments may be made based on qualifications and interests of appointees and in response to an analysis of organization in which the AULs will play a leading role. Positions require a graduate degree in library science from an ALA-accredited institution and substantial related experience. The salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience within a range of $70,000 - $105,000. One of nine University of California campuses, the University of California, Irvine, is nestled in 1,489 acres of coastal foothills, five miles from the Pacific Ocean, between San Diego and Los Angeles. The full position descriptions, instructions on how to apply, and information about the Libraries and the University are available at, or request a copy by e-mail to kaufman@ or by confidential fax to (949) 824-1288. Applications received by February 15, 2000 will receive first consideration, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. The University of California, Irvine is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity. team member in a production-oriented environment; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships; cataloging experience in an academic or research library preferred. Benefits: Standard benefits package includes life, health and disability insurance and mandatory participation in the state or optional retirement system, and 21 days annual leave, plus 12 paid holidays. Salary minimum: $29,500, commensurate with experience. For further information on the campus and the community, visit the University of Georgia’s website ( Application Procedure: Send letter of application addressing all qualifications with a resume and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references by February 25,2000, to: Florence E. King, Assistant University Librarian for Human Resources, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602-1641; (706) 542-2716. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. MUSIC LIBRARIAN/CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR. Sibley Music Library of the Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester. Responsible for ensuring excellence in all aspects of the library’s programs and services, including personnel management, budgeting, technical services, collec­ tion development, client services, and technology development. Works with officeof Public Relations and Development to cultivate potential donors and devise strategy for library development. Works with Eastman Coordinator of Technology to guide direction of technology development within the library; also collaborates with other University of Rochester library direc­ tors to create policy guiding the University-wide automated library system. Reports to the Dean of Academic Affairs at the Eastman School of Music. Institution: The Sibley Music Library, founded in 1904, serves primarily students and faculty of the Eastman School of Music and the University of Rochester as a reference and research collection implementing various curricula leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees in performance, composition, music education, musicology, theory, and jazz and contempo­ rary media. The Library contains a distinguished collection of some 360,000 cataloged volumes, including a renowned collection of rare printed books and manuscripts, 60,000 sound recordings, and subscribes to over 650 journals. It employs a professional staff of 8 FTE, a support staff of 8 FTE, and about 90 graduate and undergraduate students. For more details, see the Library’s web page at Qualifica­ tions: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited program, plus graduate study in music history, theory, music education, performance, ora related field. Five years minimum administrative experience in a music research library including staff supervision, strategic planning, fund development, and budget management. Past experience in collection development, REFERENCE LIBRARIANS: TWO POSITIONS University of Missouri-Rolla The University of Missouri-Rolla is seeking qualified applicants to: (1) Provide comprehensive reference services for print and electronic resources in a centralized library which has a strong science and engineering focus; (2] Participate in an active library instruction program; and (3) Serve as liaisor to selected departments for acquisitions and specialized information ser­ vices. Some evening and weekend hours are required. Required: ALA-MLS. Demonstrated strong commitment to delivering quality public service. Experience with library computer applications, including HTML, the Internet, and other information technologies Experience in a computer-intensive setting and ability to work in a demanding, rapidly changing environment. Reference experience in an academic library, including the ability to conduct effective reference interviews. Desired: Experience in meeting user information needs, especially in scientific and engineering disciplines. Experience in library and electronic resources instruction. Degree in sciences o r engineering. Knowledge of emerging information technology trends. UM-Rolla is one of the four University of Missouri campuses and the state’s premier technologica campus. The University offers engineering and science degrees through the doctoral level anc undergraduate degrees in the liberal arts. UM-Rolla has earned a national reputation for quality education. Eight professionals and seventeen support staff serve 4,500 high-ability students and 35C faculty. The collection includes over 375,000 volumes and 1,400 periodical subscriptions, with ar increasing emphasis on electronic resources. Innovative Interfaces ILS. The library website is w w w .u m r.e d u /~ lib ra ry . Salary/Benefits: $28,000 minimum for 12 months. 28 vacation days per year, vested retirement after five years, and partial tuition assistance. Dental and medical insurance and other benefits are alsc available. To apply: Send letter of application, resume including names, addresses, telephone numbers, anc e-mail addresses of three professional references. Please include how your interests anc experience can contribute to the responsibilities of this position. Human Resource Services Attention: #R-51056/#R-52927 UM-Rolla 1870 Miner Circle Rolla, MO 65409-1050 Completed applications received by March 15, 2000, will be given first consideration. Review wil continue until positions are filled. UM-Rolla is an AA/EEO employer. Members of minority groups and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. 158 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 159 cataloging, client services, or music information technologies. Dynamic leadership skills and ability to work with diverse constituency of studio and academic faculty, students, and the larger community of the University of Rochester. Strong written and oral communication skills. Active participa­ tion and leadership in professional organizations in music or librarianship. Desired: Graduate degree in music history, theory, music education, performance, or a related field. Salary and Benefits: Competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Benefits include a generous retirement plan, awide variety of university HMO plans, university life insurance plans, tuition benefits, and generous vacation allowances. Application Deadline: Review of applications to begin January 20,2000. Appointment to begin July 1,2000. Application: To apply, send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to Professor Patrick Macey, Chair, Librarian Search Committee, c/o Sibley Music Library, Eastman School of Music, 26 Gibbs St., Rochester, NY 14604. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Rollins Col­ lege invites applications for an enthusiastic and service-oriented librarian to join its reference team. Primary responsibilities include: providing assistance during scheduled hours at the reference desk; participating in library instruction, electronic database search training, and reference collection development; preparing bibliographies, user guides and exhib­ its. Basic qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS; a working knowl­ edge of print and electronic reference resources; enthusiasm forteaching; commitment to professional growth and scholarly activity; excellent com­ munication and interpersonal skills; and ability to work independently and as a part of a team. One or more years of recent post-MLS reference experience in an academic library are preferred. Rank and Salary: This is an entry-level faculty position with tenure-track status or a 24-month visiting appointment depending on qualifications. A second master’s degree is required fortenure-track appointment. Research, publication, and service to the Library, the College, and the profession are required to satisfy M a n n L ib r a r y , C o r n e ll U n iv e r s it y - 2 P o s it io n s Cornell University's Albert R. Mann Library invites applications for the following two positions: METADATA LIBRARIAN Responsible for organizing access to the growing number o f networked information resources and cataloging materials in a variety of formats. Evaluate and analyze models for organizing networked information and help devise and implement solutions. Provide recommendations on the types of metadata required tor effective access to electronic publications, track developments on metadata standards, and facilitate access to resources through original cataloging for a variety o f formats. Actively participate in the library's research and development efforts and in local and national discussions relating to providing access for Internet resources. Required qualifications: demonstrated interest in the issues and standards related to metadata, cataloging, and information retrieval. Desired qualifications: previous cataloging experience, working knowledge of one or more foreign languages. INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR Administer the library’s instruction program, determine specific information management workshops to be taught, work with faculty to develop effective instruction sessions, and coordinate assignment of instructors from the professionals in the library. Provide quality reference, one-on-one consulting, and instruction in information management. Develop expertise in existing and emerging technologies for information delivery as well as lead and/or participate in other innovative research projects. The individual is one of a team of 8 librarians reporting to the Head of Public Services. Required qualifications: demonstrated interest in instruction, with strong public speaking and presentation skills. Qualifications for both positions: Required: ALA accredited MLS or equivalent graduate degree. Strong communication, analytical, and interpersonal skills, including the ability to work within a team setting. Solid facility with personal computers, information retrieval software, and information technologies. Interest in innovation and commitment to professional development. Desired: some work experience in an academic setting; subject knowledge in agriculture, life sciences, social sciences, or business/economics. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Environment: Albert R. Mann Library provides innovative information services for the 21st century and has achieved national renown for its digital library ( The Albert R. Mann Library's collection of agricultural, life sciences and related social sciences materials serves the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the College o f Human Ecology, and the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell. Mann Library holds almost one million items in its collection o f print, microform, and digital materials. Mann Library's principal user population numbers almost 10,000 and includes undergraduates, graduate stuaents, faculty, researchers, and staff. Mann Library is the second largest of 19 libraries that together constitute the Cornell University Library. Applications: Requested by March 15, 2000, but accepted until the positions are filled. Send cover letter, resume, and the names, phone numbers, and addresses of three references to: Susan Markowitz, Director, Library Human Resources, 201 Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Informal, preliminary applications will be accepted electronically (sem2@c C with signed copy to follow. U N O I V R E N R S E I L T L Y Cornell University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer strongly comm itted to diversity. We value qualified candidates who can bring to our community a variety o f backgrounds and experiences. h t t p : //w w w .c o r n e ll.e d u 160 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 K R E S G E ENGINEriansAssistant/Associate LibraERING(2) U .C .B erkeley ELECTRONIC OUTREACH LIBRARIAN Responsible for developing and coordinating the instructional outreach program of the Engineering Library, and for collection development and faculty liaison in support of one engineering department. Other responsibilities include refer­ ence desk coverage, instruction and web page development. ASSISTANT HEAD/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Responsible for coordination of reference services, collection development and faculty liaison in support of two engineering departments, and management oversight of circulation services and personnel. Both positions require an accredited graduate degree in Librarianship/lnformation Studies, and/or an equivalent combination of education and relevant experience. For addi­ tional information please consult: tt p : / / LHRD/librec.html, or call Library Human Resources Dept., 510/642-3778. Salary range: $32,940 - $44,196 per year based upon qualifications. Send cover letter, resume and names and addresses of three professional references to Janice H. Dost, 447 Doe Library University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-6000. Deadline for receipt of applications: March 1, 2000. EOE/AAE. criteria forcontinuing appointment, promotion, and tenure. Salary: $30,000- $36,000 annually depending on qualifications; 12-month contract; standard benefits package available. Starting Date: June 1,2000. Rollins College is an independent, private liberal arts institution with a total enrollment of 2,600 located in Winter Park, Florida. The Olin Library houses a collection of 280,000 volumes, 1,500 periodicals, 68,000 government documents, nu­ merous electronic databases, and two state-of-the-art Information Tech­ nology laboratories, ( Toapply,submita letterof application, acurrent vita and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Wenxian Zhang, Chair of Search Committee, Olin Library, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL 32789- 4499. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Rollins College is an equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/POLITICAL SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER. (Search extended.) University of Rochester River Campus Libraries seeks a reference librarian with a strong commitment to user services and enthusiasm forteaching to develop innovative library services for a premier political science department. An excellent opportunity to join a humanities/ social sciences reference team (8 librarians, 2 paraprofessionals) to deliver services that support instruction, research, and writing for faculty and students. The successful candidate will be a member of a group facilitating the integration of statistical and geographical data services into library programs. Applicants are required to have a MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program, undergraduate degree in political science or related social science, public service experience in academic library, outstanding written and oral communication skills. For additional informa­ tion, visit the University of Rochester Libraries’ web page: Send a letter of application, re­ sume, three references’ names and addresses to: Political Science Bibli­ ographer Search Committee, Dean’s Office, Rush Rhees Library, Uni­ versity of Rochester, RC Box27055, Rochester, NY 14627-0055. Phone: C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 161 TWO POSITIONS—SEARCHES EXTENDED HEAD, ELECTRONIC RESOURCES PROGRAM HEAD, LIBRARY AUTOMATION DEPARTMENT Nimitz Library U.S. Naval Academy The Nimitz Library, United States Naval Academy, is extending the timetable of its searches for the following two positions. 1. HEAD, ELECTRONIC RESOURCES PROGRAM. As leader in the development and maintenance of the Library’s electronic information resources, the incumbent will, with input from the nine other librarians in the Reference Department, and working closely with the Head of Reference and Head of Library Automation: plan, design, and coordinate access to electronic resources; develop procedures and tools for effective use of such resources; teach applications to faculty, students, reference librarians, and other library staff; recom­ mend hardware, software, budget, training, and staffing requirements to support use of electronic resources. As a reference-bibliographer, the incumbent will provide general reference service (including some evening and weekend hours), and also carry out collection development responsibili­ ties, specialized reference assistance, and instruction in conjunction with one or more academic departments. 2. HEAD, LIBRARY AUTOMATION DEPARTMENT. As leader in the development and maintenance of the Library’s systems for electronic information access and delivery, the incumbent will, with input from other Library units, be responsible for the: planning, coordination, and execution of the Library’s automation budget; procurement, implementation, and maintenance of the Library’s computer systems’ hardware and software; staff training associated with such systems; maintenance and operation of the Library’s Innovative Interfaces online system; supervision of the other 2.5 FTE in the Library Automation Department. We are seeking individuals who will accept the challenge of working in an extraordinary environment that includes engaged faculty, high-performing and highly motivated students, and impressive information technology resources, including a web-based catalog and a Library Intranet. For both positions, the GS-12 salary range is $51,204-$66,654. The Naval Academy is the Navy’s undergraduate college, with 4,000 students, more than 500 civilian and military faculty, and 19 major fields of study in three academic divisions (eight in Engineering, seven in Math & Science, and four in Humanities/Social Sciences). It produced three Rhodes Scholars in the 1990s. The Nimitz Library has a staff of 41 FTE (including 18 professional librarians) and some 520,000 volumes of books and periodicals, plus govern­ ment documents, microforms, extensive holdings in Special Collections & Archives, and numerous subscriptions to web-based electronic resources and CD-ROMs. Located in Annapolis, the capital of Maryland and “the sailing capital of America,” the Naval Academy is 30 miles from both Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, in the beautiful Chesapeake Bay area. For additional information about these positions, including desired qualifications and new application procedures, consult the Library’s home page ( Applications must be received or postmarked no later than February 25, 2000, in order to be considered. Individuals who have already applied for either position will remain under consideration and do not need to reapply. Send application materials to: Dr. Richard Hume Werking Director, Nimitz Library U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD 21402 The Naval Academy is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 162 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 WILLIAM PATERSON U N I V E R S I T Y The William Paterson U n iversity o f N ew Jersey is a comprehensive public in stitution o f higher learning that is com m itted to prom oting stu den t success, academic excellence, and c o m m u n ity outreach w ith o p p o rtu n itie s f o r lifelong learning. B oasting a h ig h ly distinguished and diverse facu lty, nationally renowned academic programs, and state-of- the-art information and communications technology, the U n iversity maintains a low student-faculty ratio (12:1) and small class size (21:3) fo r its 29 undergraduate and 17 graduate degree programs. The U n iversity is situated on a beautiful suburban campus in Wayne, N ew Jersey, tw en ty miles w est o f N ew York City. A ssista n t D irector The Sarah Byrd Askew Library of William Paterson University seeks a creative, experienced and goal- oriented librarian to be part of the management and planning team in a dynamic, state-of-the-art library. The Assistant Director for Resource Management reports to the Director of Library Services and is responsible for the overall management and supervision of a fully automated technical services unit, which includes acquisitions, cataloging, processing of library materials, serials and document delivery The primary function of this position is to provide leadership in planning, implementing and evaluating departmental operations and services and setting goals, developing initiatives and establishing priorities in these areas. Oversees staff development; prepares and manages unit budget and statistical reports as necessary. Primary liaison with OCLC and PALINET. Participates in collection development activities and user education programs. ALA-accredited MLS and five years professional library experience in progressively responsible positions; second master’s degree or ABD status or an additional five years experience or the equivalent combination of education and experience required. Demonstrated proficiency in technical services area including substantial knowledge of cataloging and authority control; three years administrative experience, including supervisory experience with library professional and support staff; preferably in an academic library. Thorough knowledge of online integrated library systems (preferably DRA), bibliographic utilities and networks and experience with budget management. Outstanding analytic and problem solving skills for initiating plans and carrying out projects. Evidence of strong communication and organizational skills, and the ability to work with all personnel in a collaborative team environment. Salary Range: $51,705-$77,563 with a comprehensive benefits package. This is a 12-month, tenure track appointment; second master's degree or ABD required for tenure. For more information about the Library: http;// A pplications zvill be accepted until position is filled. Please forw ard letter o f application, resume and a list of three references to: N o rm a L evy, D ir e c to r o f L ib ra r y S ervices, D r a w e r CRL, W illia m P a te r s o n U n iv e r s ity , Sarah B y rd A s k e w L ib ra ry, 300 P o m p to n R o a d , W a yn e, NJ 07470. WILLIAM PATERSON UNIVERSITY W A Y N E , N E W J E R S E Y A n E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity I n s titu tio n C o m m itte d to D iv e r s i t y (716)275-4461. Fax: (716)244-1358. E-mail: University of Rochester is an equal opportunity employer. Review of applications will begin no laterthan February 20,2000, and will continue until the position is filled. SOCIAL SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. (Position No. 250150) Florida Atlantic University. Reports to Head, Reference Department. Participates in all aspects of busy reference department, including evening/ weekend rotation, library instruction, database searching, and committee work. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, effective oral and written communi­ cation skills, flexibility and initiative, and positive public service attitude. Preferred: reference experience in an academic library; education/training in social sciences; demonstrated experience with electronic and print sources; demonstrated experience in library instruction o r otherteaching. Salary: $31,000 plus benefits. The position offers faculty rank of Assistant University Librarian. The anticipated starting date is July 1,2000. For more information about the FAU Libraries, seeour web page: http://wv\( library. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Chair, Reference Librarian Search Committee, S.E. Wimberly Library, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Application must be postmarked no later than March 30, 2000. Florida Atlantic University is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action Institution. SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Western Kentucky University seeks applications forthe position of Social Sciences Librarian in the Department of Library Public Services of University Libraries. This is a tenure-track faculty position. Western Kentucky University is a state-assisted compre­ hensive university offering a broad array of master’s degree programs and two cooperative doctoral programs, located in Bowling Green, a growing city one hour north of Nashville. University Libraries has migrated to the Endeavor Voyager library management system, participates in the Ken­ tucky Virtual Library program and has designed extensive web-based services ( Required: ALA-accredited MLS, a sub­ http://www.wpunj http://wv/( C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 163 ject master's/doctorate in the social sciences, familiarity with electronic reference tools, including Internet resources. Preferred qualifications include successful public sen/ices and collection experience; reading knowledge of French, German o r Spanish; and excellentoral and written communication skills. Research and publication are required for promo­ tion and tenure. Duties: Selection and management of collections in Broadcasting/Journalism, Communications, Psychology and Sociology; serving as the liaison with faculty for assigned departments; providing research instruction covering print and electronic resources; providing reference assistance; oversight of the Periodicals Reading Room; and maintaining awareness of new technology. Anticipated starting date: May 1,2000. Salary: $26,472-$31,100. Candidates should submit a letter of application and resume along with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three professional references to the Department of Human Resources, Wetherby Administration Building, Room 42, Western Ken­ tucky University, 1 Big Red Way, Bowling Green, KY 42101 -3576. To ensure full consideration, please submit application materials by March 1, 2000. Internet URL: Online appli­ cation available. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Western Kentucky University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR. One full-time, tenure-track faculty position (9-month appointment with summerwork optional) in Louis L. Manderino Library, California University of Pennsylvania, atthe rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor. Salary range: $31,748 to $51,714. Employment date: August 2000. See library homepage at: http:// Compensation: Salary is commensurate with educa­ tion and experience. The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education salary scale applies and includes excellent fringe benefits. Essential work functions: Work under the direction of the Dean of Library Services. Primary responsibilities of this position are tooversee the workflow in Acquisitions and Cataloging Departments, which entails the expedient purchasing and processing of all library materials-monographs, serials, audiovisual ma­ terials, etc. In addition, the individual is responsible forthe structure and accuracy of the library’s bibliographic database (the library uses the Endeavor Voyager modules for cataloging, acquisitions, and serials). Specific duties are as follows: coordinate and provide leadership in the area of collection development; participate in the planning, implementation, and documentation of goals, policies, workflow, and procedures for Acquisi­ tions and Cataloging Departments; oversee fund accounting; keep abreast of the continual OCLC and Endeavor software changes and enhancements; manage the library’s book approval plan with responsibility for its relevance to the university’s curricula; coordinate the work of two librarians and five support staff. Work at the reference desk, as assigned, including evening and weekend rotations. Participate in departmental/university/system-wide committee assignments and additional duties as specified by the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Participate in professional organizations. Work on specific projects as assigned. Position requirements: ALA-accredited MLS (or equivalent); second master’s degree or doctorate preferred; strong microcomputer skills; previous academic library experience; ability to workcooperatively in rapidly changing environment; demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. In addition to the aforementioned qualifications, the candidate minimally must be able to communicate well and/or perform well in an interview. Deadlineforsubmit- ting application: February 29,2000. Applications: Applicants must submit a letter of application that addresses the candidate’s professional goals and unique qualificationsforthis position, acurrent resume, photocopies of official transcripts showing degree(s) earned, and the names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references who can provide current assessments of the candidate’s performance potential in his/her discipline. Complete application materials should be sent to: Professor Marsha L. Nolf, Chair, Library Search Committee, Louis L. Manderino Library, California University of Pennsylvania, 250 Univer­ sity Avenue, California, PA 15419-1394; 724-938-4048; e-mail: nolf @ California University of Pennsylvania is an affirmative ac­ tion/equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARY MANAGER. Re-advertised. (Job Code 423-Exempt) Western New Mexico University. Responsibilities: Underthe direction of the University Librarian, supervises the operations of Technical Services Unit of Miller Library, including acquisitions, cata­ loging, and preservation; coordinates with Public Services and Outreach Services managers in the daily operations of the library, including sched­ uling and hiring staff and student workers, preparing reports, and manag­ ing the library budget; coordinates with WNMU’s computer support team to insure optimal efficiency in the use of technology in Miller Library. Western New Mexico University is a comprehensive regional university serving the multicultural population of western New Mexico. Located in the mountain community of Silver City on the edge of the Gila National Forest, WNMU offers intellectual and cultural advantages of a university in a beautiful Southwest setting. For more information about WNMU and Miller Library, visitourwebsiteat Minimum qualifications: A master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited institution with three years full-time experience in an academic (or comparable) library, including one yearof supervisory experience; working knowledge of national standards for cataloging (AACR2) and of OCLC; working knowl­ edge of print and non-print reference tools including federal and state government documents; experience with automated library and LAN sys­ tems. Preferred qualifications: Experience with a system migration. Dem­ onstrated experience working with culturally diverse groups; proficiency in Spanish. Salary: $30,000 plus DOQ. To apply: Submit a letter of intent, resume, unofficial transcripts, and list of five references to: Western New Mexico University, Human Resources Department, P.O. Box 680, Silver City, NM 88062. Deadline date: Review of applications begins Monday, February 28,2000 and continues until filled. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, handicap, or national origin. WNMU is an affirmative action/equal employ­ ment opportunity employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Maharishi University of Management Library in Fairfield, Iowa has an immediate position for technical services librarian with a minimum of two years experience in OCLC, AACR2, LC cataloging on a local system, plus serials management. Regular reference shifts, including one evening per week required. Our dynamic academic/research environment requires strong service orientation. Interest in high quality of life and personal growth is desirable. MLS and a minimum of four months regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation™ program required. Benefits include: on-campus housing and vegetarian meats; stipend; insurance; rich, di­ verse, safe campus community; progressive educational environment. Maharishi University of Management is an affirmative action/EOE, offering undergraduate and graduate programs, and accredited by the NCACS. Please contact: Craig Shaw, Director, Maharishi University of Man­ agement Library, Fairfield, IA 52557; voice: (515) 472-1148, fax: (515) 472-1173;, Late Job Listings COORDINATOR COLLECTION MANAGEMENT. Search Reopened for Libraiy faculty Positions. Ham pton University, William R. and Norma B. Harvey Library. Coordinator Collection M anagem ent is a new position of leadership th a t will oversee collection development from assessm ent and selection to acquisitions and organization. This librarian will be respon­ sible for developing strategies to increase the effectiveness of m aterials selection, apply technologies and d ata to assess all university collections, m anage budget expenditures, develop policies/procedures and oversee workflow in the technical services units. Coordinator will work closely w ith library adm inistrators. Position qualifications: Experience w ith an established model of collection assessm ent, knowledge oft rends, ability to establish and articulate policy and objectives, and evaluate outcomes is required. Experience in acquisitions, fam iliarity w ith technical services, and relevant supervisory experience preferred. Minimum three years experience preferred. All positions: Full-time, twelve-month faculty ran k appointment. Salary commensurate w ith qualifications. Excellent benefit package, including TIAA-CREF. ALA- accredited MLS and excellent communications skills are required. Send letter of application, resume, names/e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Loretta O’Brien-Parham , Director ofU niversity Libraries, Harvey Library, H am pton U niversity, Hampton, VA 23668. 164 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 DIRECTOR OF INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES. Moorhead State University, Moorhead, Minnesota. Position begins Ju ly 1, 2000. Salary range $72,565-$97,267, depending on qualifica­ tions and experience. Position responsibilities include adm inistering the Library and providing leadership and m anagem ent to the University's library, audiovisual, instructional TV and instructional technology services. The Director reports directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and has supervisory responsibility for approximately th irty employees. The Library has a budget of approximately $2 million a year, and is p a rt ofb oth local (Tri-College) and regional (PALS and Minitex) consortia. Moorhead S tate University is one of seven four-year institutions in the M innesota State Colleges and University system. The U niversity has over 7,000 students enrolled in 70 degree programs, 16 graduate programs, and 19 areas of licensure preparation. Required qualifications include the following: ALA-approved m aster’s degree in Library/Information Science and a subject m aster’s degree or specialist degree or Ph.D.; a minimum of three to five years successful academic library administration/supervision; experience as a reference librarian; experience in developing and adm inistering AV/TV, including instructional television and distance education; ability to provide leadership in Instructional Technology; leadership experience with emerging technologies in an academic setting; record of successful personnel adm inistration and budget preparation and management; effective skills in interpersonal relations, oral and w ritten communication, and analytical and decision-making processes; a commitment to collaborative decision-making and staff development; ability to represent the University and the University’s instructional resources to external constituencies. Also desirable: Ability to secure external funding; experience in long-range planning; experience w ith collective bargaining; teaching experience. To Apply: Send a letter of interest, resume, a completed Standard Application Form (accessed a t the website listed below), copies of graduate transcripts and nam es of five references (including current addresses and daytime telephone numbers) to: Dr. Virginia Klenk, Chairperson, Search Committee, M oorhead State U niversity, 1104 Seventh Avenue South, Moorhead, MN 56563; Telephone: (218)236-2764; fax: (218) 287-5037; e-mail: schafier@; vacancy website:; Instructional Resources Director website: Review of completed files will begin on Februaiy 15, 2000 and will continue until position is filled. Successful candidate m ust be legally authorized to work in the U nited States on the day employment begins. Moorhead State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator. HEAD, YRL BIBLIOGRAPHERS GROUP. The Bibliographers Group within the UCLA Library's Charles E. Young Research Library seeks an innovative librarian who will have broad adm inistrative responsibility for the operations of the department. Responsible for managing and providing leadership in the development and management of collections in the hum anities and social sciences. The Head has responsibility for collection development in one or more areas of history and possibly other subjects within the hum anities and social sciences. M anagement and administrative responsibilities include: overseeing all personnel m atters for a staff of 11.5 FTE; monitoring and reconciling the operations budget; allocating and managing a m aterials budget of approximately 2.1 million dollars; directing strategic planning and carrying out of unit goals; and representing the interests and views of the departm ent on administrative advisory committees. Qualifications: Administrative or supervisory experience in collection development in a research libraiy or demonstrated ability to adm inister a departm ent of professional and support staff devoted to collection development and management. Graduate level study, or equivalent experience, in the hum anities or social sciences. Collection development experience in one or more areas of history. Experience in selection and management of electronic resources and knowledge of current trends in information technology as they apply to collection management and development. Thorough understanding of research needs and organization of scholarly literature. Reading knowledge of at least one foreign language. Ability to work well in a changing environment. Excellent English communication and interpersonal skills and ability to work with staff, students, and faculty of culturally diverse backgrounds. Commitment to professional development and service. Research level knowledge of Anglo-American history preferred. Background will normally include a profes­ sional degree from an accredited library and information science graduate program. Salary Range: $40,248-$68,112 plus Monthly Administrative Stipend: $350. Anyone wishing to be considered for the position should write to: Karen Murray, Administrative Specialist, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA, 11334 YRL, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575. Candidates applying by February 28,2000, will be given first consideration. For full description of duties and qualifications and application procedures, see website: Structure Bookmarks 146 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 Career oppoiiunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $9.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $11.50 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the World Wide Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Christopher Becker, Classified Advertising Man­ager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60 POSITIONS OPENACCESS SERVICES DIVISION HEAD. ISU's Milner Library seeks an innovative, service-oriented leadertomanagecirculation services, print and electronic reserve, interlibrary loan, document delivery, storage, and building security with a staff of 12 career FTE employees. This library faculty member will evaluate workflow, procedures, and policies of access service units; maintain and apply current knowledge of copyright and intellectual property issues; work general reference desk for occasional wee Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recom­mended minimums, as well as other salary C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 147 ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE LIBRARIANARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY WESTLife Sciences/Nursing Librarian. We seek an individual who can plan, deliver, and assess research support and instruction for diverse students, faculty, and staff. Responsibilities include developing innovative approaches to research assistance, collection development, and delivery of services in an organization committed to electronic resources and access. This position provides assistance for complex research inquiries, collaborates with faculty in 148 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 and Job #, a current resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of 3 professional references to: Martina Johansen, The Univer­sity of Arizona Library, 1510 E. University, Room C327, P.O. Box210055, Tucson, AZ 85721-0055. You may also send e-mail inquiries to: ghendric @ or johansen @ Review of application materials begins February21,2000, and will continue until the positions are filled. Complete job descriptions will be sent upon receipt of letter to: Shannon McGinnis, Human Resources, The Art Institute of Chi­cago, 111 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL60603;; fax: (312)857-0141. EOE.CATALOGER. The University of Arkansas Libraries seek a full-time Catalogerto perform original cataloging for monographs, curriculum materials, and selected AV materials. The person in this position will supervise one FTE assistant, assist with the management of copy catalog- ing for books, and perform other professional duties as assigned. The Catalog INSTRUCTION LIBRARIANUniversity of Northern ColoradoThe University of Northern Colorado seeks appli­cants for the position of Instruction Librarian & Assistant Professor of Library Science, position number 21.921. Required: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited Library School; experience in a college, university, or research library appro­priate to the position. This is a term track position. The position reports to the Head of Instructional Services. Responsible for developing and deliv­ering library orie (Cataloger)Vacancy Announcement #990341 GS-1410-09 (9304) $35,310 - $45,900 GS-1410-11 (9305) $42,724 - $55,541 GS-1410-12 (9306) $51,204 - $66,664*Salary reflects locality pay for calendar year 2000.The Library of Congress is seeking a Librarian to perform descriptive and subject cataloging of monographs and serials in an online mode in the medical disciplines and biotechnology. The incumbent will search bibliographic databases to determine rela­tionship of items to existing bibliographic records; analyze C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 149 resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to Juana R. Young, Acting Directorof Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701 -1201. The University of Arkansas is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer. Applicants must have proof of legal authority to work in the United States.COORDINATOR OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES & SYSTEMS. As­sistant/Associate Professor, University Library. Required: Graduate de­gree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited instit vative Interfaces; experience with resource sharing consortia. This is a tenure-track, 12-month calendar year position. Review of applications will begin on March 1, 2000, and continue until position is filled. Submit a resume and cover letterto: William O’Malley, Search Committee Chair (Log# 141034CRL), University of Rhode Island, P.O. Box G, Kingston, Rl 02881. The University of Rhode Island is an AA/EOE and is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, staff and students. Persons from under-re Dean of Library ServicesThe American College of GreeceThe American College of Greece invites appli­cations for the position of Dean of Library Services, effective August 1, 2000.The American College of Greece is the oldest and largest independent, American-sponsored educational institution in Europe. Today it en­rolls approximately 8000 students in three divisions: Pierce College, a six-year high school; the Junior College, awarding Associate De­grees; and Deree College, a four-year under­graduate college o LIBRARY DIRECTORCardinal Stritch UniversityCardinal Stritch University, a Catholic, Franciscan, coeducational institution, the sec­ond largest private institution in Wisconsin, whose main campus is located in a suburb of Milwaukee, seeks an individual to assume the position of Library Director. The successful candidate will be an energetic, creative librar­ian who will provide strong, forward-looking leadership and effective management for a service-oriented library.Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited 150 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 library instruction. Produces instructional materials in print and web-based formats. Conducts needs assessment and evaluation of instructional ser­vices. Proactively promotes the library instruction program through market­ing, public relations, and outreach. Provides reference service. Supervises Library Instruction Librarian. Reports to the Assistant Director for Public and Research Services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited de­gree; demonstrated commitment to library public services and instructi collegial leadership style; and qualifications for appointment to faculty tenure-track position. Candidates should also have a creative and coherent vision of the role of the library in the swiftly changing academic environ­ment; a breadth of practical library experience encompassing both public and technical services; and demonstrated participation in campus life and community activities. Salary competitive, dependent on qualifications and experience. To apply, send letter of interest, curriculum vitae and SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIANUniversity of RichmondThe Social Sciences Reference Librarian is one of six librarians who provide reference, outreach, and instruction services in Boatwright Memorial Library (main library). The University of Richmond has an innovative program in outreach and instruction and we intend to hire a dynamic librarian who will contribute in this important area. As part of this team, the librarian’s schedule requires at least one evening a week as well as participation in a weekend rotati C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 151 HEAD OF REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTIONCarleton College Laurence McKinley Gould LibraryThe Laurence McKinley Gould Library is a vibrant center of the intellectual and cultural life of the campus, and serves a significant educational role in a college community committed to excellence in learning and teaching. We seek an experienced, talented and energetic Head of Reference and Instruction to join us in developing an imaginative, student-centered liberal arts college library program. Beginning in the fall of 2000, 152 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 establishment and revision of procedures for providing intellectual access to electronic resources, including CD-ROMs, digital images, numeric files, electronic journals, text files, and online databases. In addition, this position will provide leadership for the formulation of policies related to access to electronic resources and the role of the OPAC in providing coherent access to in-house and external electronic resources including locally developed scholarly digital resources. The incumbent will addres employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply, http:// REFERENCE/ASSISTANT CATALOGING LIBRARIAN.TheUniversity of Scranton, Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Memorial Library. Tenure-track position. The University of Scranton seeks an evening refer­ence librarian/assistant cataloger. Dual responsibilities include providing a full range of evening reference services, including user education, and cataloging activities. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and library experi RUTGERS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESWomen’s Studies Librarian: Selects women’s and gender studies materials; provides instruction, training, reference; liaison to the Women’s Studies Program. Develops/maintains WWW pages. Reading knowledge of European and/or other languages and relevant experience in the humanities and social sciences. (APP #137)World History/Jewish Studies Librarian: selector for Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, Middle East and Jewish studies. Provides instruction, training, reference; liaison t C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 153 ence with OCLC; experience with a local integrated library system; knowl­edge of cataloging trends and national initiatives; knowledge of technical services automation; and excellent communication skills. Preferred: Su­pervisory and management experience; experience with Innovative Inter­faces Inc. system. Salary: From $45,000 commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Other benefits: TIAA/ CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation and 12 days sick leave per ye manages budget, provides extensive bibliographic instruction and delivery of information services to respective departments; consults regularly with HPER’s library committee and serves on appropriate HPER and IUB Libraries committees. Qualifications: MLS degree with academic back­ground or prior work experience in relevant areas or combination of equivalent education and experience. Preference to be given to candidates with training or experience in one of the subject areas served by HPER Library as well as WEB DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIANGeorgia State UniversityGeorgia State University (GSU), a dynamic urban university in downtown Atlanta, is seeking a Web Development Librarian to create a library website that is the “portal of choice” for the faculty and students of GSU. This position will have overall responsibility for the design, development, and maintenance of the Library’s public and internal websites; provide leadership in defining and creating innovative web-based services; engage in staff training in the de 154 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 Library C-201, Bloomington, IN 47405. Phone: (812) 855-8196; Fax: (812) 855-2576; e-mail: ycooperb @ Review of applications begins March 7,2000, continues until the position is filled. For further information concerning Indiana University: Indiana Uni­versity is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.INFORMATION SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: UNLV Li­braries is seeking a service-oriented librarian, at the assistant professor rank, for the position of as SGML, DHTML, VRML, XML, CSS, CGI, PERL, and/or JavaScript;experience with website development and maintenance applications, in­cluding imaging software; experience with Internet communications tools and applications; reference services experience. Salary range: This is a tenure-track position. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. The University has an excellent fringe benefits package. The setting: UNLV is Nevada’s largest comprehensive, doctoral-degree- granting institution with 22 DEPARTMENTRutgers University LibrariesRutgers University Libraries invites nominations and applications for the position of Head, Acquisitions Department. The successful candidate will be responsible for central acquisitions of all library materials and end processing for materials cata- loged centrally; Rutgers Libraries materials budget is approximately 7 million dollars. The Head of Acquisitions will direct the Department of 10 FTE staff in the use of new technologies and in electron- ic processing of ma SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND PRESERVATION LIBRARIANOberlin CollegeCoordinates special collections and preserva­tion programs in an outstanding college library.REQUIRED: Sound liberal arts education, aca­demic library experience; knowledge of rare books and special collections, preservation and conservation techniques, and preserva­tion program administration; demonstrated su­pervisory ability; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong service orientation; planning and organization skills; commitme C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 155 will begin February 25,2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Specific questions may be addressed to Megan Fitch, Search Committee Chair,, or call (702) 895-3286. UNLVisan Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Persons are selected on the basis of ability without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, disability or veteran status.LENDING SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Tenure-track, 12-month, faculty po­sition. Responsibilities primaril continues until position is filled. AA/EOE.LIBRARIAN/ARCHIVIST. Albion College is searching for a full-time Librarian/Archivist. The Archivist is responsible to the Director of Libraries forthe full administration of the Albion College Archives Collection. This includes selection, preservation, and management of historical material including photographic images, inactive administrative files, materials relating to the history of Albion College, its faculty, staff, administration and students. The Archivist INFORMATION LITERACY LIBRARIAN/COORDINATOR INFORMATION LITERACY PROGRAM Plattsburgh State University of New York Library & Information ServiceThe Division of Library & Information Services at Plattsburgh State University invites applications for a newly created Information Literacy Librarian position. This position is responsible for the continuing development of Plattsburgh's outstanding information instruction program that began in 1979. The core feature of the current program is 156 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 CONSULTING LIBRARIANSThree Positions Cornell CollegeThe Russell D. Cole Library is redesigning its program to create a team of librarians who will collaborate with faculty toward an integrated information literacy program to prepare students for an information society. We seek librarians with a passion for teaching and service, enthusiasm for interaction with faculty, initiative and creativity, and skills in reference and collection development with an increasing emphasis on electronic resources. These libr C&RL News ■ February 2000 /157 in managing historical collections in an archives, library museum or historical agency. Preferable qualifications include strong background in archival research methodology with demonstrated skills in oral and written communication, and library reference experience desirable. Interested candidates should send a letter of application, resume, and three current letters of reference to Dr. John P. Kondelik, Director of Libraries, Albion College, KC 4692, Albion, Ml 49224. EOE. Applicant screening will begin Fe jects. Materials handled may include electronic resources and other media. Materials are processed for the Main and Science Libraries, some laboratory collections, and off-campus research facility libraries. Mono­graphs Original Catalogers sen/e as resource persons for monographic cataloging within the Department and in otherareas of the Libraries. The University of Georgia Libraries participates in GIL, a state-wide intercon­nected implementation of the Endeavor Voyager system. The Libraries is a member of University of California, IrvineAssociate University Librarians The University of California, Irvine Libraries are recruiting for three Associate University Librarian (AUL) positions to complete the senior administrative team. The University Librarian, Gerald J. Munoff, is seeking innovative, creative, flexible, and knowledgeable executives to join an enthusiastic staff in building a research library of excellence for a young and rapidly-growing university ranked nationally in the top universities. The campus of 19,285 students and 1,010 faculty is planning to grow by 5 team member in a production-oriented environment; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships; cataloging experience in an academic or research library preferred. Benefits: Standard benefits package includes life, health and disability insurance and mandatory participation in the state or optional retirement system, and 21 days annual leave, plus 12 paid holidays. Salary minimum: $29,500, commensurate with experience. For further informa devise strategy for library development. Works with Eastman Coordinator of Technology to guide direction of technology development within the library; also collaborates with other University of Rochester library direc­tors to create policy guiding the University-wide automated library system. Reports to the Dean of Academic Affairs at the Eastman School of Music. Institution: The Sibley Music Library, founded in 1904, serves primarily students and faculty of the Eastman School of Music and the University of REFERENCE LIBRARIANS: TWO POSITIONSUniversity of Missouri-RollaThe University of Missouri-Rolla is seeking qualified applicants to: (1) Provide comprehensive reference services for print and electronic resources in a centralized library which has a strong science and engineering focus; (2] Participate in an active library instruction program; and (3) Serve as liaisor to selected departments for acquisitions and specialized information ser­vices. Some evening and weekend hours are required. Required: ALA-MLS. Demonstrated strong commitment to delivering quality public service. Experience with library computer applications, including HTML, the Internet, and other information technologies Experience in a computer-intensive setting and ability to work in a demanding, rapidly changing environment. Reference experience in an academic library, including the ability to conduct effective reference interviews.Desired: Experience in meeting user information needs, especially in scientific and engineerin 158 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 159 cataloging, client services, or music information technologies. Dynamic leadership skills and ability to work with diverse constituency of studio and academic faculty, students, and the larger community of the University of Rochester. Strong written and oral communication skills. Active participa­tion and leadership in professional organizations in music or librarianship. Desired: Graduate degree in music history, theory, music education, performance, or a related field. Salary and Benefits: Competitive sal REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Rollins Col­lege invites applications for an enthusiastic and service-oriented librarian to join its reference team. Primary responsibilities include: providing assistance during scheduled hours at the reference desk; participating in library instruction, electronic database search training, and reference collection development; preparing bibliographies, user guides and exhib­its. Basic qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS; a working knowl­edge of print and e Mann Library, Cornell University - 2 PositionsCornell University's Albert R. Mann Library invites applications for the following two positions:METADATA LIBRARIANResponsible for organizing access to the growing number of networked information resources and cataloging materials in a variety of formats. Evaluate and analyze models for organizing networked information and help devise and implement solutions. Provide recommendations on the types of metadata required tor effective access to electronic publication 160 / C&RL News ■ February 2000KRESGE ENGINEriansAssistant/Associate LibraERING(2)U.C.Berkeley ELECTRONIC OUTREACH LIBRARIANResponsible for developing and coordinating the instructional outreach program of the Engineering Library, and for collection development and faculty liaison in support of one engineering department. Other responsibilities include refer­ence desk coverage, instruction and web page development.ASSISTANT HEAD/REFERENCE LIBRARIANResponsible for coordination of reference services, collection development and faculty liaison in support of two engineering departments, and management ov criteria forcontinuing appointment, promotion, and tenure. Salary: $30,000- $36,000 annually depending on qualifications; 12-month contract; standard benefits package available. Starting Date: June 1,2000. Rollins College is an independent, private liberal arts institution with a total enrollment of 2,600 located in Winter Park, Florida. The Olin Library houses a collection of280,000 volumes, 1,500 periodicals, 68,000 government documents, nu­merous electronic databases, and two state-of-the-art Information a reference librarian with a strong commitment to user services and enthusiasm forteaching to develop innovative library services for a premier political science department. An excellent opportunity to join a humanities/ social sciences reference team (8 librarians, 2 paraprofessionals) to deliver services that support instruction, research, and writing for faculty and students. The successful candidate will be a member of a group facilitating the integration of statistical and geographical data services in C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 161 TWO POSITIONS—SEARCHES EXTENDED HEAD, ELECTRONIC RESOURCES PROGRAM HEAD, LIBRARY AUTOMATION DEPARTMENTNimitz Library U.S. Naval AcademyThe Nimitz Library, United States Naval Academy, is extending the timetable of its searches for the following two positions.1. HEAD, ELECTRONIC RESOURCES PROGRAM. As leader in the development and maintenance of the Library’s electronic information resources, the incumbent will, with input from the nine other librarians in the Reference Department, and working closely with th 162 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 WILLIAM PATERSONUNIVERSITYThe William Paterson University of New Jersey is a comprehensive public institution of higher learning that is committed to promoting student success, academic excellence, and community outreach with opportunities for lifelong learning. Boasting a highly distinguished and diverse faculty, nationally renowned academic programs, and state-of- the-art information and communications technology, the University maintains a low student-faculty ratio (12:1) and small class size (21:3) for (716)275-4461. Fax: (716)244-1358. E-mail: University of Rochester is an equal opportunity employer. Review of applications will begin no laterthan February 20,2000, and will continue until the position is filled.SOCIAL SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. (Position No. 250150) Florida Atlantic University. Reports to Head, Reference Department. Participates in all aspects of busy reference department, including evening/ weekend rotation, library instruction, database searching, and library. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Chair, Reference Librarian Search Committee, S.E. Wimberly Library, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Application must be postmarked no later than March 30, 2000. Florida Atlantic University is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action Institution.SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Western Kentucky University seeks applications forthe position of Social Sciences C&RL News ■ February 2000 / 163 ject master's/doctorate in the social sciences, familiarity with electronic reference tools, including Internet resources. Preferred qualifications include successful public sen/ices and collection experience; reading knowledge of French, German or Spanish; and excellentoral and written communication skills. Research and publication are required for promo­tion and tenure. Duties: Selection and management of collections in Broadcasting/Journalism, Communications, Psychology and Sociology; serving as the liai dresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references who can provide current assessments of the candidate’s performance potential in his/her discipline. Complete application materials should be sent to: Professor Marsha L. Nolf, Chair, Library Search Committee, Louis L. Manderino Library, California University of Pennsylvania, 250 Univer­sity Avenue, California, PA 15419-1394; 724-938-4048; e-mail: nolf @ California University of Pennsylvania is an affirmative ac­tion/equal opportunity emplo Late Job ListingsCOORDINATOR COLLECTION MANAGEMENT. Search Reopened for Libraiy faculty Positions. Hampton University, William R. and Norma B. Harvey Library. Coordinator Collection Management is a new position of leadership that will oversee collection development from assessment and selection to acquisitions and organization. This librarian will be respon­sible for developing strategies to increase the effectiveness of materials selection, apply technologies and data to assess all university collections, 164 / C&RL News ■ February 2000 DIRECTOR OF INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES. Moorhead State University, Moorhead, Minnesota. Position begins July 1, 2000. Salary range $72,565-$97,267, depending on qualifica­tions and experience. Position responsibilities include administering the Library and providing leadership and management to the University's library, audiovisual, instructional TV and instructional technology services. The Director reports directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and has supervisory responsibility for approximatel