ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries cited. The Franklin Institute Library dates from 1824 and houses one of the major collec­ tions of literature in the physical sciences and technology in the United States. Included are many titles essential to the study of the his­ tory of science and technology. The new list will serve not only as a convenient guide to the library’s periodical holdings b ut also as a check­ list for many obscure and hard-to-find periodi­ cals. The list contains about 8,000 entries on 377 pages and may be purchased for $15.20, postage included. All orders must be prepaid and should be addressed to: The Franklin In­ stitute Library, Photoduplication Unit, 20th and The Parkway, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. • The Southeastern New York Library Re­ sources Council has published number one in their series of Studies in Interlibrary Relations. Entitled Library Service for Commuting Stu­ dents; a preliminary study of problems in four southeastern New York counties, the report focuses on the burden imposed on public li­ braries by students who attend college in one community but use the library facilities in an­ other community. The report is available from the Council, 103 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601, price $2.45. News from the Sections Note from the Editor: W ith this issue CRL News begins a new column, “News from the Sections.” This column will be set aside for items of interest to the members of the various ACRL sections and subsections. Items may be either submitted to the respective editors ap­ pointed by the section chairmen or sent direct­ ly to the editor of the News. The items will then be placed in this new column under the particular section name. I t is hoped that this new column will offer a place for the sections to place communications for their members. A R T S U B S E C T IO N Art Librarians meetings at Detroit (1970): Monday, June 29, at 2:00 p .m .: Garnett Mc­ Coy, archivist of the Archives of American Art will speak on “The Archives of American Art, Achievements and Goals.” Tuesday, June 30: half-day bus tour to Ann Arbor to visit the Collections of the Chinese National Palace Museums at the University of Michigan with a talk by Dr. Richard Edwards, Professor of Far Eastern Art. Luncheon will be followed by optional visits to the University of Michigan art and slide libraries and an oppor­ tunity to explore other libraries of the universi­ ty. Reservations are to be made in advance, payment of which includes chartered bus, luncheon and gratuities. Send check or money order to Judith A. Hoffberg, Secretary, Art Subsection, University Library, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92037. Reservations are $5.75 and should be made before May 15, 1970; limited to fifty participants. Wednesday, July 1: William Treese, Head, Arts Library, University of California, Santa Barbara, will speak on “Experiences with Com­ puter-Indexing of Art Exhibit Catalogs.” This will be at 10:00 a.m . Thursday, July 2: Annual business meeting. Closed meeting, 10:00 a.m . to 12 Noon. Thursday, July 2: Dr. Jan van der Meulen, Professor of Art History, Pennsylvania State University, will speak on “Computer Applica­ tions to the History of Medieval Art.” 2:00 p .m . E D U C A T I O N A N D B E H A V I O R A L S C IE N C E S SU B S E C T IO N The Education and Behavioral Sciences Sub­ section of the Subject Specialists Section will ratify their new constitution and bylaws at their annual business meeting at the Detroit Confer­ ence. Date and time for the meeting will be Monday, June 29, at 4:30 p .m . The proposed constitution has been published in the News ( in the November 1969 issue). Speaking at the meeting will be Harvey Marron, head of the ERIC Program, U.S. Office of Education. His topic will be “Information Dissemination in E d ­ ucation: a Progress Report.” Proceedings of the 1970 Midwinter Conference, Chicago, Illinois Present were Donald Leatherman, Chair­ man; Sidney Forman, Vice-chairman, Teachers College; Mrs. Barbara Marks, Past chairman, New York University, Librarian, Education Li­ brary; and Miss Eleanor Buist, Vice-chairman, Subject Specialists Section of ACRL. Commit­ tee chairmen attending the meeting were Miss Margaret Mattem, Librarian, Education Li­ brary, University of Rochester; Mr. Earl Shaf­ fer, Acting Librarian, Teachers Curriculum Laboratory, Hunter College; Mrs. Toyo Ka- wakami, Assistant Librarian, Education Library, Ohio State University; and Mrs. Priscilla Lins- ley, Librarian, Educational Testing Service. Rex Hopson, secretary of the subsection was unable to attend, and Mrs. Linsley acted as secretary. 162 The minutes of the Atlantic City meeting were printed in a recent issue of CRL News and so the reading of them was dispensed with at this time. Barbara Marks, Chairman, gave the report of the Nominating Committee. Nominated for the office of Vice-chairman were Shirley Wigmore, Chief Librarian, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and Mrs. Toyo Kawakami, Educa­ tion Library, Ohio State University. The chair­ man’s report was brief and emphasized the large amount of correspondence involved in this job. The program for the Detroit conference will be centered around the activities of the Educa­ tional Resources Information Centers. Eight meetings on this subject will be held through­ out the conference week, six being done as workshops, limited to small groups. A seventh session is to be the subsection’s annual meet­ ing. This one will be done as a lecture to the large group attending the subsection’s annual meeting. Our eighth meeting is to be a section of the SSS annual meeting to be done on gov­ ernment documents by the Law and Political Science Subsection. Additional discussion on the forthcoming Detroit conference program centered around the ways in which we intend­ ed to publicize these meetings. It was stated by the chairman that a business meeting would N E W S … be a part of the Detroit meeting. Following the formal meeting, a cocktail hour will be planned. The reports of five working committees were next given. Margaret Mattern reported on her Committee on Bibliographic and Physical Con­ trol of Nonbook Materials. Initially, this com­ mittee will seek to cooperate with other ALA and NEA committees, as well as the Canadian Library Association, for the purpose of produc­ ing a manual of standards on the control of nonbook materials. Also being explored by this committee is the possibility of joining the RTSD in sponsoring a preconference on the control of nonbook materials at the 1971 Dallas conference. Dr. Lorraine Mathies, Librarian, Education and Psychology Library, UCLA, heads the Ad Hoc Committee on Educational Terminology which was reported upon next. Dr. Mathies did not attend the meeting, but she had sent a re­ port to the chairman. She reported that she was negotiating with the Program Planning Com­ mittee of the International Federation for Doc­ umentation for an agenda item at the meeting in Buenos Aires in September of this year. The Committee on Psychological Tests re­ port was given by its chairman, Mrs. Priscilla Linsley. She reported that this committee was concerned with such problems as the cataloging The BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AGRICULTURE has a new publisher CCM Information Corporation, a subsidiary of Crowell Collier and Macmillan, Inc., is now publishing the index which The National Agricultural Library of the U.S. Departm ent of Agriculture made the pre-eminent publi­ cation in its field for 33 years. Publication continues with Volume 34, Num­ ber 1, 1970 being issued under the CCM In­ formation Corporation imprint. The National Agricultural Library will continue to provide the basic bibliographic data for the service. The publisher has arranged the data in a Main Entry Section, Subject Index, and Author In­ dex. The Bibliography is organized under 18 broad subject fields: agriculture (general); agricultural economics and rural sociology; agricultural products; animal science; chemistry; engineer­ ing; entomology; food, hum an nutrition, and home economics; forestry; life sciences; natural resources; pesticides; physical sciences; plant science; social sciences; soils and fertilizers; water resources; reference materials. Publication is monthly and the price is $85.00 a year. To place your order or receive a sample copy, write to: CCM Information Corporation a subsidiary of Crowell Collier and Macmillan, Inc. 909 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022 163 of tests, an updating of Tests in Print, and the possibility of the collection of a complete test file, possibly by an ERIC center. Two other committee reports were given. Earl Shaffer reported for the Ad Hoc Commit­ tee on ASCD Curriculum Materials Display while the Ad Hoc Committee on Educational Acronyms report was given by its chairman, Mrs. Toyo Kawakami. This latter committee is publishing a directory of educational acronyms. Donald Leatherman, Chairman L A W A N D P O L I T I C A L S C IE N C E S U B S E C T I O N The Law and Political Science Subsection is planning a two-day preconference institute on legal bibliography to be held in D etroit June 26-27 prior to the American Library Associa­ tion’s Annual Convention. W ayne State Univer­ sity Law School has volunteered to serve as host institution and will permit us to use their physical facilities and resources. The purpose of this institute is to familiarize librarians working in public and university libraries with the bibli­ ographic resources of American legal literature. The institute will emphasize the resource tech­ niques involved in using legal materials and will stress familiarity with instructing patrons concerning those legal materials th a t would generally be found only in law libraries. The following are among the topics which will be covered: Introduction: Who Uses the Law Library, W hat for, and How; Literature of the Law; Authorities. Decisional Law: Na­ tional Reporter Systems, American Digests Sys­ tems, State Reports. Discussion of Federal Re­ porters: U.S. Supreme Court Reports, Federal Reporters, American Law Reports, Encyclope­ dias. Discussion of Statutory Law: Federal and State. Shepards. Administrative Law: Federal and State, Looseleaf Services. Secondary Au­ thorities: Treatises, Restatements, Periodicals and Indexes, Directories, and Form Books. Faculty— Roy M. Mersky, Professor of Law and Director of Research, University of Texas; J. Myron Jacobstein, Professor of Law and Law Librarian, Stanford University; Roger F. Ja­ cobs, Law Librarian, University of Windsor; Bethany J. Ochal, Law Librarian, Wayne State University; Donna Lubin, Reference Librarian, W ayne State University; and Janet L. Wallin, Librarian, University of Toledo. Room Reservations should be made by using the ALA Hotel/M otel Room Reservation Form on page 81 of the January 1970 issue of Ameri­ can Libraries. The Belcrest Hotel, 5440 Cass, is located only one block away from W ayne State University and is most convenient. Applications and the $50.00 registration fee (w hich includes: luncheons on both days, a formal dinner on June 26, and four coffee breaks) should be sent to J. Donald Thomas, Executive Secretary, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Il­ linois 60611. Checks should b e made payable to the American Library Association. S L A V I C A N D E A S T EU R O P E A N S U B S E C T I O N The revised edition of the Directory of L i­ brarians in the Field of Slavic and Central E u­ ropean Studies is now being prepared by Peter Goy, Slavic librarian at the City College of New York. Librarians, archivists, bibliographers, information specialists, library school graduates or students, and those performing library re­ lated work involving Slavic or Central Euro­ pean languages in the U.S. and Canada are eli­ gible for inclusion. Forms have already been mailed to all per­ sons listed in the first edition, which was pub­ lished by ALA in 1967, as well as to directors of large libraries and to library schools for dis­ tribution to persons eligible for inclusion. The editor reports th at there is a considerable prob­ lem connected w ith persons listed in the first edition whose addresses have changed and whom he has been unable to contact. Any per­ son who has not yet submitted a biographical data form for the new edition should do so as soon as possible, since a cutoff date will be 164 made soon. Forms are still available from: Peter Goy, Editor, Directory of Slavic and Central European Librarians, c/o City College Library, Room 312, New York, N.Y. 10031. U N I V E R S I T Y L IB R A R IE S S E C T IO N “The Undergraduate Library: A Time for Assessment” is the title of the Conference pro­ gram planned for the University Libraries Sec­ tion of the Association of College and Research Libraries a t the annual conference of the American Library Association in Detroit this summer. Dr. Roscoe Rouse, Chairman of the Section and Director of the Library, Oklahoma State University, announced the program ob­ jective to be a consideration of service to under­ graduates in the university library and an eval­ uation of the degree of success attained by undergraduate libraries within universities. John Haak, Undergraduate Librarian at the University of California at San Diego, will serve as program chairman. Billy R. Wilkinson, Ph.D. candidate at the School of Library Ser­ vice, Columbia University, will present four case studies in reference service to undergrad­ uate students. Kenneth Toombs will speak on the experience of the undergraduate library at the University of South Carolina, and a pre­ sentation by Mrs. Norah E. Jones will be en­ titled “The College Library at U.C.L.A.” Au­ dience response and participation is expected to be a part of the overall program plan. A brief business session will precede the pro­ gram, Dr. Rouse said. Personnel CA P P O I N T M E N T S Henry L. Alsmeyer, Jr., is now assistant director for technical services at the Texas A&M University library. Mrs. Josephine F. Berg has been appointed head of the humanities and social sciences di­ vision at the Texas A&M University library. Edmund Berkeley, Jr., is now curator of manuscripts at the University of Virginia li­ brary. Judith Chien is assistant catalog librarian in the card preparation unit and instructor in li­ brary science, Purdue University libraries. Edward S. Cohen has been appointed as­ sistant librarian and documents librarian at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, effective July 1, 1970. Mrs. Patricia E arnest has been appointed assistant reference librarian in the general li­ brary and instructor in library science, Purdue University libraries. Sherry E itel has joined the staff of the cat­ alog department at Northeast Missouri State College, Kirksville. Patricia C. Farrell has been appointed supervising librarian at the Bio-Agricultural Li­ brary, University of California, Riverside. Laurence M. F eldman has accepted the position of head librarian of the Becton Engi­ neering & Applied Science Library at Yale Uni­ versity, New Haven, Connecticut. Arthur C. F landreu has been appointed library director of the new Richard Stockton State College, Galloway Township, New Jer­ sey. Mrs. Marta G. F ranco has been appointed a lecturer in the York College library, City University of New York. H is now assistant catalog ornelia adley librarian in the catalog unit and assistant pro­ fessor of library science, Purdue University li­ braries. T. Mark H odges is now associate librarian for the Southeastern Regional Medical Library Program, A. W. Calhoun Medical Library, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Francis A. L anger is now director of li­ braries at Salem College, Salem, West Virginia. Hugh C. Larimer is reference librarian in the Krannert Graduate School of Industrial Ad­ ministration and instructor in library science, Purdue University libraries. Frank N. Magill has been elected to his third term as president of Libraria Sodalitas, support group for the University of Southern California’s Graduate School of Library Sci­ ence, Los Angeles. D eidre D exter Malarkey has received an appointment as reference librarian, instructor in library administration, University of Oregon li­ brary, Eugene. Donald E. Oehlerts has been appointed director for public services, with the rank of associate professor, in the M. D. Anderson Me­ morial Library at the University of Houston, Houston, Texas. Leroy Ortopan has been named director of the Library Technology Program of the Ameri­ can Library Association, Chicago. Ernest Perez is head of acquisitions at the Southwest Texas State University at San Mar­ cos, Texas. Mrs. Elizabeth K. Porsche joined the De­ partment Library as cataloger in the technical processing section, Department of Health, E du­ cation and Welfare Library, Washington, D.C. Edwin L. Posey is the new engineering li­ 165