ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries In this issue: Call for Papers for ACRL National Conference 263 Folger Library Acquires Reformation Editions 265 News from the Field . . 266 P e o p l e .............................................. 273 P u b licatio ns........................................279 Classified Advertising . . . 285 ISSN 0099-0086 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES news NO. 9 • OCTOBER 1977 Call for Papers for ACRL National Conference: New Horizons for Academic Libraries November 8-11‚ 1978 Sheraton-Boston Hotel Boston, Massachusetts The Association of College and Research Li­ braries, a division of the American Library Association, will present its first national con­ ference in Boston, Massachusetts, November 8-11, 1978. The conference will focus on the future pros­ pects for academic and research librarianship in the United States. There will be a variety of program meetings, exhibits by publishers and library equipment suppliers, special functions at other area institutions, and organized tours to visit various libraries in the greater Boston area. The conference will be held in the Shera­ ton-Boston Hotel, centrally located in Boston’s Prudential Center. A major feature of the conference will be the sessions for contributed papers. These papers Notice of Intent to Submit Submission of Completed Manuscript Notification of Acceptance should relate broadly to the major theme of the conference—the future of academic and research librarianship. Possible topics include, hut are not limited to, the following: — Administration and Management of Li­ braries — Economic Support for Libraries —Technology and Libraries — Cooperation and Networking —The Role of the Library in the College and the University —The Role of the Academic Librarian — Resources and Services All submitted papers will be refereed (with authors’ names removed), and those accepted will be scheduled for presentation at the con­ ference. Authors must be present to deliver their papers. Authors who plan to submit pa­ pers may use the form on page 265 (or a copy of it), and they will receive instructions for preparing their manuscripts. The conference will observe the deadlines given below. November 30, 1977 February 28, 1978 May 31, 1978 News issue ( B ) of College & Research Libraries, vol. 38, no. 5 264 News items for inclusion in C & R L News should be sent to John V . C ro w ley, A ssistant D irector of L ib ra rie s, M ilne L ib ra ry , State U niversity C o lle g e , O neonta, N Y 13820. A d ve rtisin g (in clu d in g c la s s i­ fied ads) should be sent to Leona Sw iech, A d ­ vertising O ffic e , A m erican L ib ra ry Asso ciatio n, 50 E. Huron S t., C h ic a g o , IL 60611. Production and c irc u latio n m atters are handled by A L A C e n tra l Production U nit, at the ab ove ad d ress. News e d ito r: Jo hn V . C ro w ley, A ssistant Director of L ib ra rie s, M ilne L ib ra ry , State U niversity C o l­ lege, O neonta, N Y 13820. A sso ciate news edito r, W illia m B. W eîss, Assistant L ib ra ria n , C a ta lo g in g Departm ent, M ilne L ib rary, S t a tt U niversity C o l­ leg e, Oneonta, N Y 13820. E d ito r: R ichard D. Jo h n ­ son, M ilne L ib ra ry , State U niversity C o lle g e , O neonta, N Y 13820. President, A C R L : Eld red R. Sm ith. Executive Se cretary, A C R L : J u lie A . C a rro ll V irg o . C o lle g e & Research L ib ra rie s is p ublished by the A ssociation of C o lle g e and Research L ib ra rie s, a divisio n of the A m erican L ib ra ry A sso ciatio n, 17 tim es ye arly— 6 bim onthly journal issues and II monthly (com b inin g Ju ly-A u g u st) News issues— at 1201-05 Bluff S t., Fulton, M O 65251. Su bscriptio n, $15.00 a ye ar, or to m em bers of the divisio n, $7.50, included in dues. Second-class postage p aid a t Fulton, M issouri 65251. © A m erican L ib ra ry Asso ciatio n 1977. A ll m aterial in this journal subject to co p yrig h t by the A m e ri­ can L ib ra ry Asso ciatio n may be p hotocopied for the noncom m ercial purpose of scie n tific or ed u ca­ tional ad vancem ent.