ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 128 / C & RL News Highlights of the Midwinter Meetings of the ACRL Board of Directors T he Board of D irectors of th e Association of Col­ lege and Research L ibraries m et tw ice du rin g the ALA M idw inter M eeting in W ashington, D .C .: on F riday, Jan u ary 6 ,1 9 8 4 , and W ednesday, Jan u ary 11, 1984. Academic Library Personnel Study Group T he b o ard approved the request of the Academic L ib rary Personnel Study G roup to fund th e p re p a ­ ratio n of a w orking p ap er on “th e changes to be ex­ pected in the full range of academ ic libraries and institutions, exploring their im plications for the role, w ork, education and train in g of persons en ­ tering th e field of librarianship, and suggesting ways in w hich ACRL can and m ust help librarians and institutions to address personnel issues.” The p ap er will be p rep ared prior to the D allas C onfer­ ence. ALA Publishing T he board expressed support for the direction ALA Publishing is taking in seeking to acquire a proven turnkey order billing system. Such a system is badly needed for th e effective control of publish­ ing activities w ith in ALA and the divisions. The board urged the ALA Executive Board to support the proposal financially. BI Liaison Project T he board approved a prelim inary proposal to the F u n d for th e Im provem ent of Post-Secondary E d u ca tio n (FIPSE) for th e fu n d in g of th e final three years of the B ibliographic Instruction Liaison project. Chapters The board approved th e petition for the estab­ lishm ent of a N orth D akota C hapter. Continuing Education T he board approved th e m otions of the C o n tin u ­ ing E d ucation C om m ittee, the Standards and Ac­ creditation C om m ittee, and th e Budget and F i­ nance C om m ittee to produce train in g packages on libraries and accreditation in institutions of higher ed u catio n th a t w ill be d istrib u te d to interested groups for self-instruction. T he board approved a revised charge to th e C on­ tin u in g E d u c a tio n C o m m ittee to give it b ro ad oversight o f,th e C o ntinuing E ducation Program (analogous to th e publications oversight of the P u b ­ lications C om m ittee) an d approved the charge of a new com m ittee, th e CE Program Advisory C om ­ m ittee, w hich will advise th e ACRL Program O ffi­ cer re g a rd in g A CRL professional developm ent program s. Copyright Committee T he board requested the C opyright C om m ittee to p rep are an article for C & R L N ew s regarding the NYU copyright settlem ent and to advise th e m em ­ bership on its im plications for their ow n copying practices. Discussion Groups The board granted th e request of the English a n d A m erican L ite r a tu re D iscussion G ro u p to charge a fee to its m em bers as necessary to defray the cost of producing and distributing its new slet­ ter. They also encouraged th e discussion group to use C & R L N ew s as a vehicle for com m unication am ong its m em bers. The board approved th e establishm ent of the M icro co m p u ter Services in A cadem ic L ib raries Discussion G roup. Eighteenth-Century STC T he board approved th e request of the W estern E u ro p ean Specialists Section to b rin g a resolution before ALA Council to com m end the N ational E n ­ dow m ent for the H um anities, th e Mellon F o u n d a­ tion, the Rockefeller F o undation, and the H .W . W ilson C o m p a n y for m a k in g th e E ig h te e n th - C entury Short Title Catalogue project possible, an d urged th e ir co n tin u ed su p p o rt to b rin g th e project to a successful com pletion in Am erica. Elections The board approved th e suggestion of th e Ap­ pointm ents and N om inations C om m ittee th a t can ­ didates for ACRL V ice-President/President Elect subm it statem ents of concern to be published in an a p p ro p riate issue of C & R L N ew s. T he statem ents will also appear on the ballots sent to ACRL m em ­ bers. Extensions T he board approved extensions for the following ACRL units: the College L ib rary Standards C om ­ m ittee to June 1985; and the Academic and Re­ search L ib ra ry Personnel Study G ro u p to June 1985. J. Morris Jones Divisional Leadership Program Program particip an ts Joyce Ball, Sharon Rogers, and Janice Koyam a provided reports to the board on the first phase of the ALA Divisional Leadership E n h an cem en t P rogram . The program , led by con­ su ltan t G lenn Tucker on Jan u ary 4 -5 , began w ith a general discussion of professional associations and w ent on to a m ore specific tre a tm e n t of such divi­ sional concerns as: financial m anagem ent, stra te ­ gic planning, program adm inistration, and infor­ March 1984 / 129 m ation sharing. The reports to the ACRL board, along w ith th e rep o rts of th e o th e r divisional boards, will be used by the program ’s Planning C o m m itte e to dev elo p th e next p hases of th e p ro je c t—tra in in g packets for divisional b o a rd members and a half-day program for new board members to be held at the 1985 M idw inter M eet­ ing. Legislation Committee The board approved the d raft on the resolution of the Higher E ducation Act R eauthorization sub­ m itted to ALA Council. National Conferences The board approved a recom m endation th a t the Fifth N ational ACRL Conference in April 1989 be held in New Orleans if ALA A nnual Conference is not held there in 1988; and th a t the ACRL C onfer­ ence be held in C incinnati if the ALA Conference is in New Orleans. Nonprint Media Series T he board approved the recom m endation of the Publications C om m ittee th a t the editor of the se­ ries, Jean F arrington, be reappointed for one year, during w hich tim e a reevaluation of the series will be undertaken. Samuel Lazerow Fellowship The chair of the Samuel Lazerow Fellowship C om m ittee, Jay Poole, reported to the board th a t no aw ard w ould be granted this year based on the quality of the requests reviewed and the ap p aren t m isunderstanding of w h at technical services in ­ cludes. The C om m ittee will fu rth er define this in a form al report to the board. Section Publications The board referred the d raft policy on section new sletter subscriptions for non-section members presented by the Publications C om m ittee to the various sections for review. Standards and Accreditation Committee The board approved the policy statem ent devel­ oped by the C om m ittee relative to requests from non-ALA organizations seeking permission to use th e fo rm a t or la n g u a g e of A CRL sta n d a rd s or guidelines. Statistics The board directed the Task Force on L ibrary Statistics to contract w ith a non-profit agency to conduct a Fall 1984 test survey of library statistical d ata gathered from the ACRL 100 Libraries list m em bers, and to oversee the distribution, collec­ tio n , t a b u l a t i o n , a n d d is tr i b u tio n of th e r e ­ sponses. ■ ■