ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 148 / C& RL News thority, and serials control. Text/w ord processing and com mercial database access are also planned. Tulsa has also contracted w ith Penn State to con­ v e r t th e l i b r a r y ’s b ib lio g r a p h ic re c o rd s in to M ARC-standard m achine-readable form w ithin P one year. After conversion the d ata will be tran s ferred and m a in tain ed on th e Tulsa cam pus as LIAS-TU, driven by H oneyw ell eq u ip m en t lo cated in the university’s C om puter C enter. ■ B ­ ­ UBLICATIONS NOTICES from R uth E. Robinson Books, Route 7 Box 162A, M organtow n, WV 26505. •Bibliographic Instruction in Illinois Academic Libraries: A Survey Report (86 pages, 1983) has been published as Illinois L ibrary Statistical Re­ port num ber 11. It summarizes the 1982 survey of the BI activities of Illinois college and university li­ braries. A free copy m ay be obtained from the P ub­ lications Unit, Illinois State L ibrary, C entennial Building, Springfield, IL 62756. •B ib lio g ra p h ic In stru ction in the USA, 1883-1982 contains annotated listings of citations taken from the L ibrary Instruction M aterials Bank database. Articles, m onographs, proceedings, dis­ sertations, and research reports are included. The form at is com puter-output microfiche. Cost: £5. O r d e r fro m IN F U S E P u b lic a tio n s , L ib r a r y , L o u g h b o ro u g h U n iv e rs ity of T e c h n o lo g y , L oughborough, Leicestershire L E U 3TU , E n ­ gland. A similar bibliography of User Education in the UK, 1912-1982, is available for £2.50. •Buy Books Where—Sell Books Where, by Ruth E. Robinson (250 pages, 4th ed., 1983), contains over 7,000 entries representing the collecting spe­ cialties of m ore th a n 1,700 booksellers in th e United States. The new edition identifies specialists as strictly buyers or strictly sellers of p articu lar sub­ ject categories. Copies m ay be obtained for $21.50 •Collection Security in ARL Libraries, SPEC Kit #100 (94 pages, January 1984), examines the poli­ cies, procedures, and security systems used by ARL libraries to prevent theft. Included are 10 policy and procedures docum ents, two task force reports, and a selective bibliography. SPEC kits are avail­ able by subscription from the SPEC C enter, Office of M anagem ent Studies, ARL, 1527 New H am p ­ shire Ave., N .W ., W ashington, DC 20036. In d i­ vidual kits are available for $15 prepaid. •T h e 1984 Directory o f Resources fo r Technol­ ogy in Education has been published by the Tech­ nology L earning C enter at the F ar West L ab o ra­ tory for E ducational Research and Developm ent. It provides inform ation about national and state associations, resource organizations, state d e p a rt­ ments of education, com puter camps, periodicals, databases, electronic bulletin boards, hardw are companies, sum m er institutes, conferences, degree program s, and funding sources. Copies m ay be or­ dered for $12.95 paperback or $19.95 h ard cover from the O rder D epartm ent, F ar West L ab o ra­ tory, 1855 Folsom St., San Francisco, CA 94103. •Document Delivery in the United States, a re­ port on the m ethods th a t libraries use to obtain m a­ terials undertaken by Inform ation Systems C onsul­ March 1984 / 149 tan ts, In c ., has been issued by the Council on L ibrary Resources. The report includes d ata on docum ent suppliers, the interlibrary loan system, use of delivery options, and electronic docum ent d eliv e ry . T h e stu d y w as com m issioned u n d e r C L R ’s Inform ation Delivery Services Program , in p a rt as a response to the L ibrary of Congress N et­ work Advisory C om m ittee’s 1982 recom m endation for a nationw ide study of docum ent delivery activi­ ties. Inform ation cam e from an extensive literature review, over 100 questionnaire responses from li­ braries and docum ent services, and telephone in­ terviews w ith m ajor library and commercial sup­ pliers. The report identifies four likely trends for docum ent delivery services over the next five years if libraries and consortia do not engage in coordi­ n a te d p la n n in g for im provem ents. Copies are available for $5 (prepaym ent required) from the Council on L ibrary Resources, 1785 Massachusetts Ave., N .W ., W ashington, DC 20036. •T h e Guide to Swedish-American Archival and Manuscript Sources in the United States, edited by Wesley M. W esterberg (600 pages, 1983), lists p er­ sonal papers, organizational records, diaries, his­ tories and other m aterial going back to the 1600s w hen the first Swedes arrived. It is the result of a tw o-year inventory project for which the National E ndow m ent for the H um anities provided m ajor funding. There are 3,090 sources from 129 deposi­ tories in 30 states and the District of Colum bia. Copies of the guide are available for $20 plus post­ age from the Swedish-American Historical Society, 5125 N. Spaulding, Chicago, IL 60625. •Library Department Criteria fo r Promotion, a docum ent of th e C ity College L ib rary F aculty, City University of New York, may be of use to a d ­ m inistrators developing or revising their own poli­ cies. Libraries w ith w ritten prom otional criteria are encouraged to send a copy in exchange. O th er­ wise, single copies will be sent upon request (when accom panied by an SASE) from Ann K. Randall, C hief L ib ra ria n , C ity College of CUNY, 5/333 North Academic C enter, New York, NY 10031. •Mysterious America, by Loren Colem an (301 pages, January 1984), is a com pilation of folklore and anomalous happenings in the United States and C anada. An excellent regional bibliography sup p lem en ts th e text, w hich covers m onsters, phantom s, haunts, and out-of-place animals. Five appendices list reoccurring “spook lights,” erratic crocodilians, phantom ships, devil’s place names, and American lake and river monsters. Copies may be ordered for $9.95 from F aber and Faber, Inc., 39 Thom pson S t., W inchester, MA 01890. ISBN 0- 571-12524-7. •A Preservation Poster th a t informs sipping and snacking library users about the dangers of food and drink to library collections is available for $5 from the University of Texas Libraries. Printed in black and ivory on an orange background, the 22x28-inch poster may be ordered from Publica­ tions, The General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin, P.O . Box P, Austin, TX 78712. •Public/Private Sector Interactions: The Implica­ tions fo r Networking (48 pages, 1983) has been is­ sued as N etwork Planning Paper num ber 8 by the 50 / C&RL News Library of Congress Network Advisory C om m it­ tee. The report attem pts to identify the problems and gaps in a similar report issued by NCLIS in 1982. Copies may be ordered for $5 from the Cus­ tom er Services Section, LC Cataloging D istribu­ tion Service, W ashington, DC 20541. ISBN 0- 8444-0438-1. B B 22-23— 1984: “George Orwell’s 1984: The Novel March and C ontem porary Issues,” a conference co­ sponsored by the Vigo County Public Library and Indiana State University’s C unningham Me­ morial Library, Terre H aute, Indiana. In addi­ tion to a showing of the film 1984, there will be four program s devoted to literary themes, news media m anipulation, technology and inform a­ tion dissemination, and freedom of inform ation. Speakers will include H erbert W hite, Lawrence J. M cC ran k , B a rb a ra M arkuson, an d Ju d y Krug. Contact: Elaine Kleiner, D epartm ent of English, Indiana State University, Terre H aute, IN 47809. NEH Challenge Grants The National Endow m ent for the H um ani­ ties has announced a new deadline of May 1, 1984, for subm itting applications to their O f­ fice of Challenge Grants. These grants offer support for a variety of needs so th a t institutions perform ing work of recognizable m erit may achieve greater financial stability. All appli­ cants must dem onstrate th a t grant and m atch­ ing funds will sustain or develop a high quality of work w ithin the humanities. Grants are m ade on a m atching basis. For each Federal dollar offered, institutions must raise three non-Federal dollars either from new sources or from increased contributions from existing donors. Awards from the May 1, 1984, cycle will be announced in December 1984. All app lican ts are encouraged to discuss plans for a challenge grant application with NEH staff. For further inform ation, contact: Office of Challenge Grants, National E ndow ­ m ent for the Humanities, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N .W ., W ashington, DC 20506; (202) 786-0361. April 12- 14—Africana: Spring Meeting of the Archives- Libraries Com m ittee of the African Studies As­ sociation, University of V irginia, C h arlo ttes­ ville. Contact: G retchen W alsh, African Studies L ib ra ry , Boston U n iv ersity , 771 C o m m o n ­ w ealth Ave., Boston, MA 00215. 13- 14—P re se rv a tio n : “ D isaster P la n n in g an d Conservation of L ibrary M aterials,” a course of­ fered by the University of Toronto Faculty of Li­ b rary and Inform ation Science. Presented by Gordon H. W right, Alan Horne, and Emrys H. Evans. Fee: $65. Contact: Office of Continuing Education, Faculty of Library and Inform ation Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, O n­ tario, C anada M5S 1A1. 16—Networks: In celebration of National Library Week, Eastern Illinois University will present “From O ur Past: Towards 2000,” a symposium featuring the perspectives of network adm inis­ trators, at the Bismarck Hotel, 171 Randolph St., Chicago. Speakers will be: J. Michael Bruer (CLASS), James H. Kennedy (AMIGOS), F re­ derick G. Kilgour (OCLC), John Linford (NE- L IN E T ), A lphonse F. T rezza (N C LIS), and Alice Wilcox (MINITEX). Fees: $30 for Illinois residents, $40 for non-residents, $20 for library science students. Contact: Symposium, Office of the D ean of L ib rary Services, E astern Ĭllinos University, C harleston, IL 61920; (217) 581- 6061. May 4 —Bibliography: “The History of the Book: From Pen to Press,” a course offered by the Drexel Uni­ versity College of Inform ation Studies, Philadel­ phia. Presented by Howell Heaney and Marie Korey. Fee: $60. Contact: D irector, Office of C ontinuing Professional Education, Drexel Uni­ versity, 32d and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19103; (215) 895-2153. 4—Online Searching: “Online L iterature Search­ ing,” a course offered by the Drexel University 1