ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1990 / 937 V ALA and affiliates issue agenda By Patricia A. Wand Chair, A C R L Task Force on W H C L IS As various constituents p rep are for th e W hite H ouse C onference on Library and Inform ation Service, th e American Library Association and af­ filiate organizations have released an issues agenda to highlight th e com m on concerns o f th e profes­ sion. T he agenda to which they have agreed: 1. National com m itm ents o f financial resources for library services are indispensable investm ents in th e nation’s productivity. 2. D em ocracy is at risk w hen our libraries are at risk. 3. Diversity o f library collections and staff is essential to serve U.S. citizens o f diverse back­ grounds. 4. Culturally diverse people m ust be recru ited to th e library and inform ation services professions and m ust be ed u cated to provide quality library and inform ation services. 5. O pen and equitable access to inform ation in all formats is a linchpin o f our dem ocratic society. 6. Public access to governm ent inform ation, including legal inform ation, is vital to a ju st society. 7. An effective m arketing and public relations cam paign m ust be m ounted to prom ote services, increase awareness, and provide feedback to shape new library and inform ation services programs. 8. Libraries are educational institutions which have a fundam ental role in prom oting literacy. 9. M aterials in all types o f libraries are in danger o f destruction o r disintegration. T hat m ust not happen. They m ust be preserved. T he agenda is being widely distributed in th e states and territories w here pre-conference activi­ ties are scheduled. T he organizations th at have discussed and agreed to it form an im pressive list. Am erican Association o f Law Libraries Am erican Indian Library Association Am erican Library Association Am erican Society for Inform ation Science Asian/Pacific A m erican Librarians Association Association for Library and Inform ation Science Education Library A nd Information S ervices 1991 Association o f Research Libraries C anadian Library Association Chinese-A m erican Librarians Association Council on Library/M edia Technical Assistants F riends o f Libraries Laubach Literacy International, Laubach Literacy Action Literacy Volunteers o f America, Inc. Medical Library Association Oral H istory Association REFO R M A Sociedad de Bibliotecarios de P uerto Rico T heatre Library Association Ukrainian Library Association o f America U rban Libraries Council Used the Model Statement lately? A CRL’s Bibliographic Instruction Section is creating a directory of librarians who have used th e 1989 “M odel Statem ent o f Objectives for A cadem ic B ib lio g rap h ic I n s tr u c tio n ” (see C & R L News, May 1987, pp. 256-61). The di­ rectory will be published in conjunction with th e papers p resen ted at th e 1990 BIS program on th e M odel Statem ent. T he Task F orce on the M odel S tatem ent will send a b rie f follow-up questionnaire to anyone responding to this request. R espond by D ecem ber 15,1990, to: M onica Fusich, Rivera Library, P.O. Box 5900, U niver­ sity o f California, Riverside, CA 92517; fax, (714) 787-3285; e-mail, FU SIC H M @ ucr.vm s. Correction In th e S eptem ber 1990 issue o f C & R L News th e official ACRL election results w ere p u b ­ lished. D onald Clay Johnson was listed as being elected secretary o f the Asian and African Sec­ tion. H e was in fact elected m em ber-at-large. mailto:FUSICHM@ucr.vms Here’s how we make o sure you have the latest, most accurate information available... looks in Print 1990-91 y Direct tape-to-tape communications with hundreds of * publishers, th a t’s how. This direct data transfer means you can bank on the accuracy of the prices, ISBNs, contact information, and other vital data that only Books in Print® provides. One Million Entries! Reflecting the explosive growth of interest in areas ranging from the environment to Eastern Europe, Books in Print 1990-91 features more than 130,000 new titles this year alone! Together with its 863,000 current titles...115,000 O/P titles...and 32,000 publishers, Books in Print 1990-91 marks a publishing milestone with over 1,000,000 entries'. Books in Print: The one source that tells you everything you want to know about the current book scene. Easily. Quickly. Authoritatively. Completely. Order your copy today! 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