ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries N ovem ber 1990 / 945 Letters Eastern exposure To th e editor: I read w ith great in terest th e article about visit­ ing libraries in E astern E u ro p e (C& BL N ew s, July/ August 1990, pp. 616-20), since my own travel plans included an August visit to Prague. I w rote to bo th th e State Library o f Czechoslovakia and to th e Strahov M onastery Library. W hen my com panions and I arrived at th e Kle- m entinum , we found th a t my le tter had b e e n r e ­ ceived and we w ere offered a to u r o f th e Jesuit C ollege L ib rary by M iroslav Stoje a n d V iera Suchankova. D r. Stoje is th e head o f th e foreign s tu d ie s d e p a r t m e n t o f th e lib ra ry a n d D r. Suchankova had spent two years in th e U n ited States at th e Em bassy in W ashington. Both spoke excellent English. W e e n te re d through a huge bronze door to find a beautiful example o f a Baroque library th a t in ­ cludes an im pressive collection o f antique clocks. This library has no electrical pow er or heat. W h en I asked Dr. Stoje about preservation efforts for th e collection, he told m e th a t th e library adm inistra­ tion had b een advised th a t for th e tim e being it should continue to keep th e library closed. H e gave each o f us a booklet containing examples o f illustra­ tions from illum inated books th a t are in th e collec­ tion. W e felt very fortunate for th e opportunity to e n te r this w onderful library. At th e Strahov M onastery Library we w ere g reeted by Vladimir Zavodsky, who gave us th e unique opportunity to look at a volume by C o p e r­ nicus. W e also signed th e library’s guest book and received gifts o f a facsimile book describing th e discovery o f A m erica by Amerigo Vespucci, th e first C zech book to m ention th e New W orld. I agree with your statem en t th a t only a year ago, it w ould have b een unlikely th a t w estern librarians w ould have b een ad m itted to these libraries. I also think th a t in th e n ear future so many w estern librarians will w ant to visit these libraries, th a t th e special and gracious tours th at w ere given to us will not b e available.— Susan Anderson, D irector o f Libraries, St. Petersburg Ju n io r College, St. Peters­ burg, Florida. First impressions To th e editor: T h e article by G oldberg and W omack, “Aca­ dem ic Applicants: Make a G ood F irst Im pression” (C & B L News, S ep te m b er 1990, pp. 701-705), opens up th e issue o f th e purpose and use o f re fe re n c e s in th e p erso n n el selection process. H u m an resources and legal literature has focused on this topic, m uch o f it exploring th e dangers involved in providing a negative o r prejudicial ref­ erence. D iscrim ination in hiring as a result o f these references has served as th e basis for legal action against th e institution or individual responding to th e referen ce request. O n th e o th e r hand, re fe r­ ences th a t do not disclose a potentially dam aging ch aracter flaw in th e individual (incident o f theft, physical assault) have b e e n used in wrongful hiring cases against th e respondent. As a consequence, m ost individuals and agencies are relu ctan t to p ro ­ vide anything o th e r th an a bland le tte r o f reference. A nother issue th a t was overlooked in th e article is th a t o f th e applicant’s right to privacy. T he au ­ thors indicate th a t th e search process is long and may involve m any reductions in th e applicant pool. D o th e authors really believe th a t applicants for a professional position w ant th e ir c u rre n t em ployers to know about th e ir jo b search? And, since these em ployers b est know th e candidates’ skills, w hat effect w ould th e exclusion o f th ese supervisors from th e list o f references have on th e p erception o f th e screening com m ittee? W hile it is tru e th at th e m ajority o f personnel advertisem ents in C & B L N ew s req u ire references (only 11 o f 80 did not), only eight asked for letters o f referen ce at th e beginning o f th e process. P e r­ haps ACRL can sponsor m ore program s or discus­ sion o f th e hiring process to en su re a system o f fairness, equity, and responsiveness to th e needs o f em ployees and em ployers alike.—A r th u r L. Fried­ m an, C hair o f the Library, Nassau C om m unity College, Garden City, N ew York. Spurious precision To th e editor: In th e April 1990 issue, p. 301, a co rrespondent took issue w ith th e w idespread practice o f carrying out a “calculation to a g reater n u m b e r o f decim al points than is justified by th e experim ental accu­ racy.” H e m ight have ad d ed th a t in th e social sciences— or at least in soft paradigm studies— th e corollary is th e calculation an d p u blication o f num bers to m ore places than is justified by the research design o r by th e data on w hich th e calcu­ lations are based. In d e e d , som e astonishingly messy data can be to u ch ed w ith th e healing h an d o f num ericity. In eith er case th e in te n d e d result is apparently to cast th e rosy glow o f science over th e work; thus, surplus decim al places are often labeled “spurious p recisio n .” W hile spuriously precise decim alization can dazzle th e unaw are, its p re s­ ence in papers tends to dim inish authorial credibil­ ity w ith inform ed readers.— H enry G ründer, W il­ liamsburg, Virginia. 1 1