ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 990 / C& RL News Conclusion As a m e m b e r o f th e referen ce staff, I feel very lucky to have h ad th e o p p ortunity o f working closely w ith th e Innovacq project. I t may no t b e a viable option for m ost law libraries to allow a referen ce librarian to devote so m uch tim e to technical service projects b u t I feel it has greatly im proved n o t only my use o f Innovacq b u t m ore im portantly my knowledge o f th e law library p ro ced u res and holdings. I have a grasp o f serials and th e ir nuances th a t I w ould never have possessed h ad I no t done this project. T he Innovacq p ro ject was, in a sense, a crash course on law library publications and in terd ep artm en tal coop­ eration. T he transition from a m anual to an autom ated system o f serials control, o r in th e U N M Law Li­ brary’s case, from kardex to Innovacq, can b e tu m u l­ tuous. Initially, it can ap p ear to d red g e up m ore problem s th a n it resolves, and d ep en d in g on how m uch planning was done p rio r to installation, con­ version itself can extend over several years or m ore. D espite th e upheaval and length o f tim e re q u ire d to fully im p lem en t an autom ated sys­ tem , a new serials control system provides an o p p ortunity to solve th e m any problem s th a t may riddle th e existing system. P rior to a transition is th e p e rfe c t tim e to exam ine problem s th a t have rolled over from year to year: for example, incon­ sistencies in holding records, b o u n d runs, biblio­ graphic an d check-in inform ation, cataloging decisions o r recu rrin g subscription/vendor is­ sues. In o rd e r to b en efit from a new system you m ust m ake sure th a t th e existing records are accurate b efo re transferring th e inform ation to an au to m ated system. C leaning u p th e p re se n t system while m aking th e transition to Innovacq may not have b e e n in th e planning initially at U N M , b u t it w asn’t long before it becam e p a rt o f th e process. And now at th e p ro je c t’s com pletion, we feel we have n o t only m ade th e transition b u t have a clean system to work w ith as well. ■ ■ ★ ★ ★ News from the Field Acquisitions • L o u isia n a S tate U n iv ersity ’s Louisiana and Low er Mississippi Valley Collections, Baton Rouge, have acquired an extensive group o f m anuscripts docum enting several generations o f th e M athews and B utler families. C onsisting o f m ore th an 4,500 item s, spanning th e years 1811 to 1945, th e m an u ­ scripts detail th e accounts and affairs o f sharecrop­ p ers and ten an ts from at least six different p lan ta­ tions. Subjects d o cu m en ted vary w idely from black labor and history, ecclesiastical history, engineering and agricultural projects, to natural history and bird w atching. T he papers w ere acquired w ith th e su p ­ p o rt o f th e LSU F riends o f th e Libraries. • T h e U n iv e r sity o f R o c h e s te r S c h o o l o f M e d ic in e & D e n tistr y ’s E dw ard G. M iner Library, N ew York, has received th e papers o f John Rom ano, M .D . R om ano was th e founding chairm an o f th e D e ­ p a rtm e n t o f Psychiatry at R ochester, and an influen­ tial figure in A m erican psychiatry and in th e develop­ m e n t o f m edical and psychiatric education. T he R om ano papers span th e p erio d from 1928 to 1989. T he collection includes extensive files o f personal and professional correspondence; th e m inutes, r e ­ ports and m em oranda o f th e University com m ittees on w hich he served; records o f th e D e p a rtm e n t o f Psychiatry (1946-1971); nearly 50 years o f clini­ cal rounds; and a large collection o f personal and historical prints and photographs. Grants • T h e C e n te r fo r R e s e a r c h L ib ra ries, Chicago, has b e e n aw arded $95,080 in outright funds by th e N ational E n d o w m en t for th e H u ­ m anities to im prove bibliographic access to its m icroform holdings. T h e grant will enable th e C e n te r to dissem inate bibliographic inform ation about th e m onographic holdings o f its m aterials in th e C ooperative Africana M icroform Project and titles in com m ercially p ro d u ced m icroform sets. R ecords for m onographic titles will b e added to two international bibliographic databases. Ap­ proxim ately 13,000 records will b e converted into m achine-readable form, ad d ed to th e O C L C d a­ tabase, and eventually tapeloaded into th e R e­ search L ibraries Inform ation N etw ork database. • T h e P o n c e T e c h n o lo g ic a l U n iv e r sity November 1 9 9 0 1 991 C o lle g e o f th e University o f P uerto Rico has been awarded $28,669 by the D ep artm en t o f Education under Title II-B, Library C areer Training Pro­ gram. T he College will sponsor a Library M anage­ m ent Institute to improve th e supervisory skills of 30 librarians o f the University o f P uerto Rico’s Regional Colleges Administration. T he Institute will consist o f seven ACRL continuing education courses: C E 101, C E 112, C E 116, C E 107, C E 105, and C E 118. • T he State U niversity C o lle g e s at B uffalo, B rockport, and F red o n ia , and th e State U niver­ sity o f N ew York at B u ffalo have received a $13,002 grant from th e New York G overnor’s O f­ fice o f Em ployee Relations and th e U nited U niver­ sity Professions Professional D evelopm ent and Quality o f W orking Life C om m ittees to fund “Libraries in th e ’90s,” a series o f four staff develop­ m ent programs. T he series will increase opportuni­ ties for librarians in W estern New York to explore areas o f com m on interest. • T he T abor C o lle g e Library, Hillsboro, Kan- sas, has received an Interlibrary Loan D evelop­ m ent Program (IL D P) grant o f $4,000 from the Kansas Library N etw ork Board. T abor’s grant will make available to Kansas libraries using th e Inter- library Loan Program approximately 200 addi­ tional volumes dealing with rural poverty. The grant was designed particularly with th e College’s social work program in mind. T he Interlibrary L oan D e v e lo p m e n t P ro g ra m is in te n d e d to strengthen statewide interlibrary loan service by providing collection developm ent grants to aca­ demic, public, school, and special libraries across Kansas. • Texas A&M U niversity at G alveston has received a $100,000 grant from th e Galveston Bay National Estuary Program to continue building and updating its Galveston Bay L iterature Survey Bibliography and collection and to continue staff­ ing a Galveston Bay Inform ation C enter. A printed draft of the bibliography will com plem ent th e on­ line form which will be available for public use by the end o f calendar year 1990. A grand opening o f th e Inform ation C e n te r is slated for F ebruary 1991. • T he U niversity o f N ew M exico’s C entennial Science and Engineering Library, A lbuquerque, was aw arded $10,000 by the NASA Training Proj­ ect Program. T he grant will be used to add m ateri­ als in th e following areas: supplem entary materials for classwork, additional copies o f books in high d e m a n d by u n d e rg ra d u a te s , m a te ria ls a b o u t wom en and minorities in science and engineering, materials on ethics in science and engineering, materials on writing skills, and directories on co-op program s, sum m er jobs, and research opportuni­ ties. A representative group o f w om en and minority students in th e NASA Training Project will assist in recom m ending n eed ed material. • W ashington an d L e e U niversity, Lexing- ton, Virginia, has received an $81,500 grant from th e Jessie Ball duP ont Religious, Charitable, and E ducational F u n d for th e organization o f two im portant collections o f Alfred I. and Jesse Ball duP ont papers. T he papers, totaling 450 linear feet, will be processed, organized and readied for ship­ m ent to W ashington and Lee University by History Associates, Inc., o f Rockville, Maryland, a profes­ sional organization th at specializes in archival proj­ ects. T he grant will cover moving expenses, archi­ val processing and description, production o f a published guide, and new shelving to house the collection. News notes • T he C onsortium o f P opular C ulture Col- le ctio n s in th e M idw est (CPCCM ) has been established for special collections libraries at Bowl­ ing G reen State University, Michigan State U niver­ sity, and Ohio State University. Because the found­ ing libraries o f th e consortium share a collecting focus on subject areas related to the popular arts and th e mass media, th e ir geographic proximity offers practical and cost-effective opportunities for collaboration and resource sharing. T he formation o f this consortium grew from informal relation­ ships am ong m em ber libraries dating from the 1970s. D uring a two-day retreat in 1988, library re p re se n ta tiv e s from each o f th e universities agreed to formalize th eir cooperative efforts. A prospectus to outline activities in developm ent, access, prom otion, and preservation o f these spe­ cialized research collections was th en developed by a joint working group. Library directors from the th ree universities signed th e prospectus in August 1990. T he creation o f C PC C M was p rom pted by sev­ eral factors. First, the universe o f available docu­ m entary materials related to contem porary Am eri­ can culture is extremely broad and diverse. Second, th e sheer bulk and diversity o f multidisciplinary resources causes serious selection and exclusion problem s for th e special collections library. And third, non-traditional physical formats place many o f th e products o f contem porary culture outside usual academic library practice. C PC C M m em bers will work toward the establishm ent o f professional cataloging, preserving, and storing items as diverse as comic books and video games. F o r m ore infor­ mation, contact Lucy Caswell, CPC C M , c/o P opu­ lar C ulture Library, Bowling G reen State U niver­ sity, Bowling G reen, O H 43403; (614) 292-0538. • T he U niversity o f Guam , Mangilao, broke ground on August 24 for th e renovation and expan­ sion o f its R obert F. Kennedy M emorial Library. 992 / C& RL News G roundbreaking cerem ony at the University o f Guam, Mangilao. Among th e dignitaries p resen t at th e cerem ony w ere Congressm an Ben G. Blaz; C hih W ang, dean o f Learning Resources; Rosa R. C arter, form er president, University o f Guam; G overnor Joseph F. Ada; and W ilfred P. Leon G uerrero, p resid en t of th e University o f Guam . T he governm ent o f Guam has appropriated about $8 million for th e renova- tion project. ■ ■ EOM, J P ‹ Profiles Joseph W. C onstance, Jr., has b een nam ed director o f th e Geisel Library at Saint Anselm College in M anchester, New H am pshire. Prior to his appointm ent, Constance served as head o f th e Archives and M anuscripts D ep artm en t at Boston College and as university archivist and curator o f rare books at G eorgia State University in Atlanta. At Boston College he founded th e Congressional Archives program through w hich th e legislative papers o f Boston College graduates w ere both acquired and m ade available for research. C onstance is a m e m b er o f th e ALA and has also b e e n active in th e Society o f Am erican Archivists, Society o f G eorgia Archivists, and th e N ew E n g ­ land Archivists. H e recently served as editor-in- ch ief o f th e N ew E ngland Archivist N ew sletter and