ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 992 / C& RL News G roundbreaking cerem ony at the University o f Guam, Mangilao. Among th e dignitaries p resen t at th e cerem ony w ere Congressm an Ben G. Blaz; C hih W ang, dean o f Learning Resources; Rosa R. C arter, form er president, University o f Guam; G overnor Joseph F. Ada; and W ilfred P. Leon G uerrero, p resid en t of th e University o f Guam . T he governm ent o f Guam has appropriated about $8 million for th e renova- tion project. ■ ■ EOM, J P ‹ Profiles Joseph W. C onstance, Jr., has b een nam ed director o f th e Geisel Library at Saint Anselm College in M anchester, New H am pshire. Prior to his appointm ent, Constance served as head o f th e Archives and M anuscripts D ep artm en t at Boston College and as university archivist and curator o f rare books at G eorgia State University in Atlanta. At Boston College he founded th e Congressional Archives program through w hich th e legislative papers o f Boston College graduates w ere both acquired and m ade available for research. C onstance is a m e m b er o f th e ALA and has also b e e n active in th e Society o f Am erican Archivists, Society o f G eorgia Archivists, and th e N ew E n g ­ land Archivists. H e recently served as editor-in- ch ief o f th e N ew E ngland Archivist N ew sletter and November 1990 / 993 as chair and com m entator o f a session entitled Closing a Senatorial Office at the 1989 Society of American Archivist annual meeting. F o r the last eight years he has been a book reviewer for Library Journal, Provenance, and Georgia Libraries. C on­ stance is a graduate o f Saint Michael’s College and holds a m aster’s degree in history from the Univer­ sity of Vermont and an MLS from the State Univer­ sity of New York at Albany. H e assumed his duties on August 1. B laise Cronin o f Glasgow, Scotland, has been nam ed dean of the School o f Library and Inform a­ tion Science of Indiana University, Bloomington, effective sum m er 1991. Cronin has b een professor and head o f the D epartm ent of Information Sci­ ence at the University of Strathclyde since 1985. Prior to this appointm ent he was principal research officer of the Association for Information M anage­ m ent in London, England, for five years. Cronin has also served as a librarian in the London Bor­ ough of Brent, and in the W estm inster City Librar­ ies. Cronin holds a m aster’s degree in philosophy, French, and G erm an from Trinity College, Dublin; two diplomas (in education and librarianship) from the Q ueen’s University o f Belfast; and an MLS and P h .D . in in form ation science, also from th e Q ueen’s University. Among other honors, he has been awarded the Fellowship o f the Library Asso­ ciation o f the U nited Kingdom. Cronin has p u b ­ lished extensively in the fields of information m an­ agem ent and education for librarianship and infor­ mation science. H e has consulted extensively, both in the U nited Kingdom and overseas. H e has been active in advising for educational programs in li­ brary and information science overseas. Arnold H irshon has been appointed the direc­ tor of the University Library at W right State Uni­ versity, Dayton, Ohio, effective Septem ber 1. H ir­ shon has served as asso­ ciate director at Virginia C o m m o n w e a lth U n i­ versity since 1983 and h eld progressively r e ­ sponsible positions at D uke University from 1978 to 1983 and Wayne State U niversity from 1974 to 1978. H e holds a m aster’s degree in p u b ­ lic administration from Wayne State University (1978), an MLS from In ­ A m o ld Hirshon diana University (1974), and a bachelor’s degree in English from the State University o f New York (1972). H irshon has been very active in ALA, ACRL, and the Association for Library Collections and Access Services (ALCTS). H e has been a m em ber of both the ACRL Academic Status C om m ittee and the Legislation Com m ittee. Recently elected as the vice-president/president o f ALCTS, Hirshon also served in many capacities in that division, including chair o f its Budget and Finance C om m it­ tee, editor o f the RTSD Newsletter from 1979 to 1985, and m em ber-at-large on the Resources Sec­ tion’s Executive Com m ittee. F or the Online C om ­ p u te r Library C enter, H irshon served as a rep re­ sentative on the OCLC Users Council. H e was a m em ber o f the National Inform ation Standards Organization Subcom m ittee W, which was respon­ sible for the recently published standard on hold­ ings statem ents for non-serial publications. Among his n um erous publications are two SPEC Kits on autom ated library systems, book chapters on organizational design and on library automation, a forthcoming book on competitively procuring book and journal vendor services, and many articles concerning microcomputers, cata­ loging, and U.S. presidential papers. Hirshon has given many national presentations on the applica­ tion o f technology in libraries, technical services m anagem ent, collection management, and person­ nel issues. H e also recently served as a library consultant for W ashington International Univer­ sity in Virginia. Bonita Perry has been nam ed assistant director o f the Research Services Division at the Smith­ sonian Institution Libraries, effective Septem ber 4. The Research Serv­ ices D ivision is co m ­ prised o f 14 branch li­ b raries w hich provide service to th e general public and th e Sm ith­ sonian Institution’s m u­ seum and research staff. Perry joins the Smith­ sonian after 9 years of service as associate di­ rector for reader serv­ ices in the Milton S. Eis­ e n h o w e r at Jo h n s Bonita PerryH o p k in s U n iv e rsity , Baltimore. Perry began h er 11-year career at Johns Hopkins in 1979 with an appointm ent as the audiovisual/reference li­ brarian. In 1980 she served as the head of reference services, and in 1981 becam e the associate director for reader services. As associate director, Perry’s accomplishments included the creation o f a micro­ com puter laboratory, the selection and im plem en­ tation of NOTIS, overseeing the successful move of the G overnm ent Publications/Maps/Law D epart- 994 / C& RL News m ent, and helping to create th e R esource Services D ep artm en t. P rior to working at Johns Hopkins, Perry served as a research er at th e N ational Security Agency and as a librarian at M organ State University and at Indiana University. She also has b e e n d irecto r o f th e library and chairm an o f th e Library Science D e p a rtm e n t at A lvem o College, in M ilwaukee. In 1986 she served as program chair for th e ACRL national conference in Baltim ore. She was a d e le ­ gate to th e M aryland G overnor’s C onference on Inform ation Services held in Baltim ore. She re ­ ceived h e r bachelor’s degree in English from Spel- m an College and h e r MLS in from A tlanta U niver­ sity w here she was aw arded a F o rd F oundation Fellowship. Marion T. R eid has b e e n a ppointed d irecto r o f library services for th e California State University, San Marcos, effective August 1. R eid has served as interim library director since fo u n d in g faculty a n d o th e r a d m in is tra ­ tors jo in ed th a t institu ­ tion in S ep tem b er 1989. As library d irecto r she is responsible for planning facilities and collections, hiring th e staff, and d e ­ veloping th e library and in fo rm a tio n re so u rc e s se rv ic e s fo r th e 2 0 th cam pus o f th e California State U niversity. P rio r M arion T. R eid to jo in in g C S U , San M arcos, R eid served on th e staff o f th e Louisiana State University Libraries for 21 years. H e r positions th e re included h ead o f th e O rd e r D e p a rtm e n t from 1969 through 1977 and associate d irecto r for technical services from 1984 until h e r d ep artu re. R eid received h e r b ach e­ lor’s degree and MS in LS from th e University o f Il­ linois. H e r early positions include serving as an elem entary school librarian for th e U rbana C o m ­ m unity Schools and as assistant supervisory scien­ tist for th e Illinois State N atural H istory Survey. R eid served as p resid en t o f th e ALA’s R esources and T echnical Services Division in 1988 and as a b o ard m e m b er o f th e Southeastern Library N e t­ work, Inc. She currently chairs th e A CRL A ppoint­ m ents and N om inations C om m ittee. D onald E . Riggs, dean o f university libraries at Arizona State University, has b een n am ed dean o f th e University o f M ichigan Library, Ann Arbor, effective Jan u ary 1, 1991. Riggs will su cceed R obert M. W arner, w ho has held th e joint appoint­ m en t o f University o f M ichigan Library interim director and dean o f th e School o f Inform ation and Library Studies since May 1988. Riggs also will hold an ap p o in tm en t as professor o f inform ation and library studies. Riggs has b e e n dean at Arizona State since 1979. Riggs’ accom plishm ents at Arizona State include creating an affirm ative action program ; increasing th e acquisitions b u d g et from $1.7 million in 1979 to $6 million; im plem enting a collection developm ent program and an online public access catalog. Riggs holds a b ach elo r’s d egree in biological science from Glenville State College, a m aster’s degree in educational adm inistration and liberal arts from W est Virginia University, an MLS from th e University o f P ittsburgh, and an E d .D . in higher education adm inistration and com m unity education from Virginia Polytechnic In stitu te and State University. P rior to joining Arizona State, Riggs was d irecto r o f libraries and on th e faculty at th e University o f Colorado; d irecto r o f th e C entral Colorado M ultitype Library System; d irecto r o f libraries and m edia services for Bluefield State College, C oncord College, G re e n b rie r C o m m u ­ nity College, and th e southern cam pus o f W est Virginia College o f G raduate Studies; and director o f th e library and learning c e n te r and associate professor at Bluefield State College. H e also held librarian positions at California University o f P e n n ­ sylvania and high schools in W heeling, W est Vir­ ginia. His professional affiliations include serving on th e B oard o f D irectors and executive com m ittee and as councilor for ALA’s Library and Inform a­ tion Technology Association; as a delegate to th e O nline C om puting Library C e n te r (O C LC ) Users Council and a m e m b er o f O C L C ’s Board o f D irec­ tors; on th e B udget and F inance C om m ittee o f th e C e n te r for R esearch Libraries; as a m e m b er o f th e Sixth A CRL N ational C onference C om m ittee; and on th e R esearch Library Resources M anagem ent C om m ittee o f th e Association o f R esearch L ib rar­ ies. H e also has h ead ed state library associations in Arizona, Colorado, and W est Virginia. Riggs is th e au th o r o f eight books, including Communication: The Language o f L ibrary Leadership, forthcom ing this year; C reativity, E ntrepreneurship a n d Inno­ vation in Libraries; and The E ffective L ibrary Leader/M anager, also d u e out this year. Riggs is founding ed ito r o f th e quarterly L ibrary A d m in i­ stration a n d M anagem ent, published by th e ALA’s Library A dm inistration and M anagem ent Associa­ tion. H e also serves on th e editorial boards o f College an d Research Libraries and th e Journal o f L ibrary A dm inistration. B rooke E . Sheldon, dean o f library and infor­ m ation studies at Texas W om an’s University, has b e e n ap p o in ted dean o f th e G raduate School o f Library and Inform ation Science at th e University o f Texas at Austin, effective January 1,1991. Shel­ November 1 9 9 0 1 995 don replaces Ronald E. Wyllys, who retired from the UT Austin deanship to retu rn to full-time teaching and research. The new dean’s specialties in the areas o f teaching and research include p u b ­ lic and state library developm ent, networks, plan­ ning and evaluation, communications, m anage­ m ent and leadership, and continuing education. Sheldon began h er current position at Texas W om an’s University in 1977. From July 1979 to D ecem ber 1980 she served as provost of the uni­ versity general divisions. In 1983-1984, she served as president o f the American Library Association. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in English and economics in 1952 from Acadia University in Nova Scotia, an MLS in 1954 from Simmons College in Boston, and a Ph.D. in library science in 1977 from the University o f Pittsburgh. In 1985 she received a doctor o f civil laws degree from Acadia Univer­ sity. Sheldon has a num ber o f published m ono­ graphs and articles and has lectured and consulted widely. B eth J. Shapiro has been nam ed university li­ brarian at Rice University, Houston. Shapiro re ­ places Sam C arrington, who retu rn s to R ice’s F rench D epartm ent to assume teaching duties after m ore than 11 years as university librarian. Shapiro comes to Rice fro m M ich ig an S ta te U n iv e rs ity L ib r a r ie s w h e re sh e s e rv e d as deputy director. She has also held positions there as associate director for readers services, head of social sciences collec­ tion developm ent, and Beth J. Shapiro urban policy and plan­ ning librarian. She earned h er bachelor’s, m aster’s degree, and doctoral degrees in sociology from Michigan State University, as well as an MLS from W estern Michi­ gan University. At Rice, Shapiro will oversee the operation o f Rice’s F ondren Library and its staff of more than 100. Peggy Sullivan, a form er Chicago Public Li­ brary official and past president o f the American Library Association, has been nam ed interim di­ rector o f university libraries at N orthern Illinois University, D e Kalb. Now dean o íN I U ’s College of Professional Studies and a professor o f library and information studies, Sullivan’s appointm ent as in­ terim director is for two years. She succeeds Steven R. M arquardt, who recently left N IU to retu rn to a similar post at the University o f Wisconsin, Eau Claire. In 1980-1981, Sullivan served as ALA president o f the American Library Association. She came to N orthern Illinois University in July 1981 as profes­ sional studies dean after four years as assistant com missioner for exten­ sion services for th e C hi­ cago Public Library, a job in which she visited at least 85 Chicago p u b ­ lic library branches ev­ ery six months. Before that, she served as dean o f students and as asso­ ciate p ro fesso r in th e University o f Chicago’s G r a d u a te L ib ra ry Peggy SullivanSchool. H e r earlier ca­ re e r included posts as children’s librarian, school library specialist, and li­ brary educator in eight graduate library education programs. Sullivan has a bachelor’s degree maxima cum laude in language and literature from Clarke Col­ lege, D ubuque, Iowa, an MLS from Catholic Uni­ versity o f America, W ashington, D.C., and both a certificate o f advanced study and a doctorate from th e University o f C hicago’s G raduate Library School. In 1982 she received the Catholic Library Association’s Certificate o f M erit for h er contribu­ tions to the secondary school library field. She co­ authored a handbook on public library adm inistra­ tion and has published scores o f articles in profes­ sional journals, two children’s books, and has been a regular reviewer for a num ber o f publications. Peter G. Watson-Boone has been nam ed di­ rector o f the Golda M eir Library at the University o f Wisconsin-Milwaukee, effective July 1990. Be­ fore coming to the U ni­ v ersity o f W isconsin- M ilw a u k e e , W a tso n - Boone served as univer­ sity librarian at Idaho State University, Poca­ tello. H e served at Cali­ fornia State University, C h ic o , fro m 1976 to 1987, from 1985 to 1987 he held the position of assistant university li­ b ra ria n fo r p ro g ra m s and services; from 1984 Peter G. Watson- to 1985 he was head of Boone the Access Services D i­ vision; and he started at Chico as a reference librarian and data services coordinator. At the Uni­ versity o f California, Los Angeles, he served as research librarian; head, C en ter for Inform ation 996 / C&RL News Services; and data services coordinator betw een th e years o f 1969 and 1976. H e received his b ach e­ lor’s degree in English and philosophy from th e University o f M anchester, England, his m aster’s degree in English from th e University o f California, Santa Barbara, and his MLS with distinction from th e University o f California, Los Angeles. H e is active in th e ALA, has served on several o f its com m ittees, and has participated actively in conferences as speaker, planner, and m oderator. H e has published num erous books, including O n­ line B ib lio g ra p h ic Services— W h e re W e A re, W here W e're Going, On-line Catalog: The Inside Story (edited with William E. Post), Com puter- based Referencce Service (with M. Lorraine M ath­ ies), and Great Britain's National Lending Library ; reports; chapters such as “R eference tools in the 21st century” in 12 Years til 2000 (1990) and “Acquiring the G lenn E. Tyler B equest” in Science and Society (1990); book reviews; and articles on topics within th e scope o f librarianship. People in the news E ugene E ngeldinger, form er interim library director and head o f public services at th e M cIn­ tyre Library, University o f W isconsin-Eau Claire, has b een nam ed 1990 Librarian o f th e Year by the Wisconsin Library Association, WLA. O n August 15, 1990, E ngeldinger becam e th e director o f the R uthrauff Library, C arthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Engeldinger m ade many contributions to re fe r­ ence and public services during his tw enty years o f service at U W -E au Claire, including rem odeling th e reference facilities to provide m ore efficient service. H e was cited by his peers for his strong leadership role in th e field o f bibliographic instruc­ tion. E ngeldinger has held various positions in th e Wisconsin Association o f Academic Librarians, a ch ap ter o f ACRL. H e initiated and served as first editor o f th e W A A L Newsletter, and served as a m em b er o f th e WLA Board o f D irectors. H e has b een a guest graduate school lecturer, a speaker at national bibliographic conferences, and is c u r­ rently editor o f th e A C R L Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Section Newsletter. Appointments Peter Allison is th e new social sciences bibli­ ographer in th e Collection D evelopm ent D e p a rt­ m ent, H o m er Babbidge Library, University o f Connecticut, Storrs. Tom Amoscato has b een appointed reference librarian at Corpus Christi State University Li­ brary, Texas. D etrice Bankhead has b een appointed assis­ tan t university librarian for personnel at th e U ni­ versity o f California, Santa Barbara. G eorgia B augh is now a science referen ce librarian at Pius XII M emorial Library, Saint Louis University, Missouri. E mily B ergman has b een appointed catalog librarian in th e Research C e n te r at th e G ene Autry W estern H eritage M useum in Los Angeles. Martha S. B eshers is now a cataloger in the Bibliographic C ontrol D epartm ent, H om er Bab­ bidge Library, University o f C onnecticut, Storrs. Maralyn B lachowicz has b een appointed e d u ­ cation librarian at W ichita State University, Kan­ sas. Sandra L. B rown has b een appointed refer­ ence librarian at Southwest Baptist University, Bolivar, Missouri. Jane B urchfield has b een appointed reference librarian at th e E llen Clarke B ertrand Library, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. P eter B urslem has b een appointed systems librarian at th e T hurgood Marshall Law Library, University o f Maryland School o f Law, Baltimore. T imothy V. Carstens has b een nam ed head o f th e Cataloging U nit at H u n te r Library, W estern Carolina University, Cullowhee, N orth Carolina. Jerry V. Caswell has b een nam ed assistant director for autom ated systems at th e Iowa State University Library, Ames. D ana M. Caudle has b een appointed Galveston Bay technical services librarian at th e Jack K. W il­ liams Library, Texas A&M University at Galveston. Peggy C hamplin is now Research C en ter ad­ m inistrator at th e G ene Autry W estern H eritage M useum in Los Angeles. Tammy N ickelson D earie is now inform ation access librarian in th e Access Services D ep artm en t at th e University o f California, San Diego. Kirk D oran has b een appointed as tem porary catalog librarian, Ellen Clarke B ertrand Library, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. James A. E strada is now director o f the T recker Library, H artford, and assistant director for re ­ gional cam pus libraries at th e University o f C on­ necticut, Storrs. Margaret F ast has b e e n ap p o in ted biblio­ graphic instructor librarian at W ichita State U ni­ versity, Kansas. Jacqueline A. F essard has b een appointed reference/archives librarian at th e Indiana Univer­ sity Southeast Library, Bloomington. Joseph F reedman is th e new collection devel­ opm ent librarian and university archivist at Illinois W esleyan University, Bloomington. Patricia G ray has b een appointed reference and bibliographic instruction librarian, M iddle­ bury College Library, Vermont. Ruth Gustafson has b een appointed reference librarian/instructional services coordinator in the November 1990 / 997 Biomedical Library at the University o f California, San Diego. Stacy H ach has been appointed reference and public services librarian at Moravian College, Be­ thlehem , Pennsylvania. Jill H ackenberg has been appointed science reference librarian/bibliographer for the Univer­ sity o f H ouston Libraries Inform ation Services D epartm ent. Patrick H all is now reference librarian at Cali­ fornia State University, Stanislaus. N orma Jean Harris is now a public services librarian and interlibrary loan coordinator at Mercy College, D obbs Ferry, New York. Kimberly B. Kelley has been nam ed chief librarian for the M useum Support C en ter Branch o f the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, W ashing­ ton, D.C. Mohammed A. S. Khan was recently appointed information specialist at the Automobile Club of Southern California’s Engineering Library, Los Angeles, California. D arcy Kirk has been appointed assistant direc­ tor for research services at the Thurgood Marshall Law Library, University of Maryland School of Law, Baltimore. Ramune Kubilius has been appointed head of public services at N orthw estern University H ealth Sciences Library, Chicago, Illinois. H. Vernon Leighton has been appointed gov­ ernm ent docum ents/reference librarian at W inona State University, Winona, Minnesota. Robin Lent is now assistant head o f collection developm ent at th e University o f New H am pshire, D urham . F rances T. Libbey has been appointed refer­ ence librarian/selector for the sciences in th e R e­ search and Inform ation Services D ep artm en t, H om er Babbidge Library, University o f C onnecti­ cut, Storrs. Sue London has assumed the post of senior reference librarian at the N orthw estern University H ealth Sciences Library, Chicago, Illinois. Carol S. Lunce is the new reference librarian supervising library instruction at the University of Evansville, Indiana. Patrick McCarthy is now assistant head of serials/acquisitions at Pius XII Memorial Library, Saint Louis University, Missouri. Robert McGlasson has been appointed coor­ dinator of m edia services at Southwest Baptist U ni­ versity, Bolivar, Missouri. W. B ede Mitchell has been appointed associ­ ate librarian for public services at Appalachian State University, Boone, N orth Carolina. Theresa L. Muraski has been appointed assis­ tant to the director for special services at the Uni­ versity o f Wisconsin, Stout. Walter N ewman is now senior conservator at N ortheast D ocum ent Conservation C enter, An­ dover, Massachusetts. Alice Perez has been appointed reference librar­ ian in the Research Services D epartm ent at the University of California, San Diego. Stephen H. Plum has been appointed coordina­ to r for com puter-based information services in the Research and Inform ation Services D epartm ent at the H om er Babbidge Library, the University of Connecticut, Storrs. Srivalli R. Rao is now a public services librar­ ian and online searching coordinator at Mercy Col­ lege, D obbs Ferry, New York. Pam Ross is now reference librarian/microcom- p u te r coordinator at the Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsyl­ vania. Gordon S. Rowley has been appointed assis­ tant director for collections at the Iowa State Uni­ versity Library, Ames. Marjorie Simon is now readers’ services librar­ ian at G oucher College, Baltimore, Maryland. Barbara Ann Simons has been appointed col­ lection developm ent librarian at G oucher College, Baltimore, Maryland. Kimberly Spyers-D uran has been appointed social sciences reference librarian/bibliographer for the University of Houston Libraries Inform a­ tion Services D epartm ent. Gilbert Taylor has been appointed vertebrate/ zoology librarian for the M useum o f Natural His­ tory Branch Library, Smithsonian Institution Li­ braries, W ashington, D.C. D eanna Wood is now assistant reference librar­ ian at the University of New H am pshire, Durham . Patrick Yott is now docum ents librarian at the University o f New Ham pshire, Durham . Retirements Rosemary McD onough, reference librarian at th e University o f Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, since 1980, has announced h er retirem ent, effec­ tive D ecem ber 31, 1990. M cDonough’s employ­ m ent with the University began in O ctober 1969 as an assistant serials cataloger. From D ecem ber 1970 until Septem ber 1980 she was head of the Exchange and Gifts operation. M cDonough has also served as a bibliographer for business, film studies, speech and drama, and journalism. Joan I. Tracy, head serials librarian at Eastern W ashington University, C heney, will retire in D ecem ber 1990 after 23 years of service. H er professional experience includes an exchange in England as a lecturer in librarianship at Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic, and another in Australia as a cataloger at the University o f Queensland. ■ ■