ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 9 9 8 1 C& RL News • A m erica n F ilm M usic: M a jo r Composers^ Techniques, T re n d s,1915-1990, by William Darby and Jack D u Bois (605 pages, N ovem ber 1990), examines th e scores for h undreds o f films from Birth o f a Nation (1915) to Top Gun (1986) and analyzes how th e music relates to onscreen activi­ ties. T he book includes discussion o f such tre n d ­ setting works as Max S teiner’s King Kong (1933, an early instance o f music carrying a significant p o r­ tion o f onscreen action), B ernard H e rrm a n n ’s Psy­ cho (1960, w ith its unusual, high, scraping, strings- only support o f th e famous shower scene), and Alex N o rth ’s A Streetcar Named Desire (1951, th e first essentially jazz-oriented score), as well as rem arks on th e work th a t followed w ithin th e resulting trends. Discussions are enhanced by musical nota­ tions o f significant them es and motifs. C hapters on fo u rte e n individual com posers w orking largely w ithin th e U nited States are given perspective by sum m ary chapters on th e silent and early sound years, th e decades from th e 1930s to th e 1980s, and th e work o f com posers outside th e U.S. C om plete filmographies are given for th e m ajor com posers. A close reading o f this book will give th e casual moviegoer a g reater appreciation for film music. Copies m aybe o rd ered for $55.00 from M cFarland & Co., Box 611, Jefferson, N C 28640. ISBN 0- 89950-468-X. • C on silia: A B ib lio g r a p h y o f H o ld in g s in th e L ib r a r y o f C o n g ress a n d C e r ta in O th e r C o lle c tio n s in th e U n ited S ta te s, by P e te r R. Pazzaglini and C atharine A. Hawks (154 pages, S ep tem b er 1990), provides th e first published list o f consilia— legal analyses o f specific cases w ritten by medieval and Renaissance jurists on th e E u ro ­ p ean continent— in th e LC Law Library and the Rare Book and Special Collections Division. T he book also serves as a union list o f consilia, covering collections at H arvard, Yale, Colum bia, Princeton, U C -B erkeley, an d th e In stitu te for A dvanced Study at Princeton. W h eth er based on actual or conjectural cases, these collections o f consilia w ere in ten d ed to p rom ote th e highest professional appli­ cation o f th e law and often becam e, depending upon th e skill and reputation o f th e jurist, authori­ ties them selves. T he bibliography contains a place- nam e glossary and index to guide readers from ancient Latin nam es for place o f publication to c u rre n t spellings and designations; an author/edi- to r index w ith nam e variants, listing th e changing forms o f th e nam es o f celebrated consilia authors; and a substantial list o f references to th e literature about consilia. Copies are available for $19.00 in ­ cluding postage and handling from th e S uperinten­ d e n t o f D ocum ents, U.S. G overnm ent Printing Office, W ashington, D C 20402-9325. SuD oc 030- 000-00217-2. • T he C o n so rtiu m o f R h ode Isla n d A ca d em ic a n d R esea rch L ib ra r ie s (C R IA R L) Union L ist o f S eria ls (2d ed., 1990) includes 45,990 titles, 69,924 holdings statem ents, and a keyword index. It replaces th e first edition, published in 1983, which did not include th e holdings o f th e U niver­ sity o f R hode Island. Copies are available on m icro­ fiche. T he cost, including postage, is $35.00 w ithin R hode Island and $50.00 ou t o f state. All orders m ust be prepaid, with checks payable to th e Brown University Library. Send orders to Steve E. T h ­ om pson, Serials D ep artm en t, Rockefeller Library, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912. • C u rre n t C o o k b o o k s: A S e le c te d L is t o f M eth o d s a n d C u isin es, by C hristine Bulson (44 pages, O c to b e r 1990), has b e e n p u b lish e d as n u m b e r 9 in th e Choice Bibliographical Essay Series. An annotated bibliography o f 250 titles in print, this guide is arranged by topic (cuisines and cooking techniques). A preface includes a short bibliographic history o f cooking. Copies may be o rd ered for $12.00 from Choice, 100 Riverview C en ter, M iddletown, C T 06457. ISBN 0-914492- 08-X. • The F ed era l D a ta B ase F in der, by M atthew Lesko (571 pages, 3d ed., S ep tem b er 1990), is a directory o f free and fee-based databases and files available from th e U.S. governm ent. D atabases are listed alphabetically w ithin each d ep artm en t or agency, along w ith an address an d te le p h o n e n u m b e r o f who to contact, stock num ber, and description. A casual browse through this resource will yield inform ation on such databases as th e /IPI by I Geo Œ rge M. Eberhar M t Î November 19901 999 Mourning Dove D ata Base, the Gravesite Reserva­ tion System, the Federal Employee Attitudes Sur­ vey, the W eather Modification Reporting Pro­ gram, and Parachute Jump Areas. A thorough in­ dex complements the director. A copy may be purchased for $125.00 from Information USA, Inc., P.O. Box E, Kensington, MD 20895. ISBN 1- 878346-03-2. • G uide to the W ritings o f P ioneer Latin- am ericanists o f the U nited States, edited by Mar­ tin H. Sable (159 pages, May 1989), identifies individuals bom between the years 1700 and 1910 who are or were engaged in prom inent activities concerned with Latin America in general or any of its nations or regions. For each entry, the editor has given the full name, profession, employer, and two sample publications. An introduction, which in­ cludes a history of Latin American studies, was written by A. P. Nasatir, research professor of history em eritus at San Diego State University, who began teaching in the United States in 1928. This guide was previously published in 1988 as Volume 7, N um ber 1/2 of Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian. Copies are available for $29.95 from the Haworth Press, 10 Alice St., Binghamton, NY 13904-1580. ISBN 0-86656-899-9. • H istorical A tlas o f Canada: Vol. ILL Ad- dressing the Twentieth C entury, edited by Donald Kerr and Deryck W. Holdsworth (197 pages, Octo­ ber 1990), graphically depicts the growth of the country between 1891 and 1961. Sixty-six full- color, double-page plates feature a wealth of d e­ tailed maps, drawings, graphs, charts, and tables illustrating every aspect of Canadian history. Like its predecessor, Vol. I: From the Beginning to 1800, this atlas packs more information p er square centi­ m eter than any other reference book except maybe the OED. W here else can you find a comparison of tourist accommodations on Vancouver Island in 1929 and 1959, or a colorful chart of male and female enrollm ent in Canadian universities by subject (including library science) from 1881 to 1961? The volume is divided into two parts. First, the Great Transformation, from 1891 to 1929, a period of dramatic change in Canada’s economy and population. The topics include the expansion and consolidation of railways, financial institutions, resource development, settling of the prairies, the sea and livelihood in Atlantic Canada, prairie agri­ culture, World War I, migration, schooling and social structure, religious adherence, recreational land, labor and strikes, and organized sports. Sec­ ond, the Crisis and Response period, from 1929 to 1961, devotes several plates to the Great D epres­ sion, then moves on to W orld W ar II, farming and fishing, retailing, society in the north, popula­ tion changes, the urban system, education, social insurance, the changing workforce, and national broadcasting. Statement of ownership and management College & Research Libraries News is published 11 times a year (monthly, combining July/August), by the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, Illinois 60611. American Library Association, owner; George M. Eberhart, editor. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois. Printed in U.S.A. As a non-profit organization au­ thorized to mail at special rates (DMM Section 423.12), the purposes, function, and non-profit status of this organization, and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes, have not changed during the preceding twelve months. Extent and nature o f circulation (“Average” figures denote the number of copies printed each issue during the preceding twelve months; “Actual” figures denote the number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date.) Total number of copies printed: Average, 13,509; Actual, 13,556. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales: not ap­ plicable. Mail subscriptions: Average, 11,849; Ac­ tual, 11,757. Total paid circulation: Average, 11,849; Actual, 11,757. Free distribution by mail, carrier or other means, samples, complimentary, and other free copies: Average, 30; Actual: 30. Total distribution: 11,879; Actual, 11,787. Copies not distributed: Office use, left over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: Average: 1,630; Actual, 1,769. Returns from news agents: not applicable. Total (sum of previous entries): Average, 13,509; Actual, 13,556. Statement o f Ownership, Management, and Circulation (PS Form 3526, February 1989) for 1989 filed with the United States Postal Service, Postmaster in Chicago, Illinois, October 12,1990. Advertiser index Amigos................................................... 951 Baker & Taylor.................................... cover 4 Book House........................................... 934 Bowker A & l............................................ 975 Bowker................................................... 938 EBS Book Service.................................. 966 IS I.......................................................... 925 IS I.......................................................... 985 Predicasts.............................................. 988 K.G. S a u r............................................cover 2 H.W. W ilson........................................ cover 3 10001 C&RL News The research and publication o f this handsom e three-volum e series has been funded by th e Social Sciences and H um anities Research Council of Canada, with substantial assistance from the Gov­ ern m en t o f Ontario, the Bank o f M ontreal, and o th er donors from th e private sector. A th ird vol­ um e on th e 19th century (Vol. II) is in preparation. Volume III costs $95.00 and may be o rd ered from th e University o f T oronto Press, 340 Nagel Drive, Buffalo, NY 14225. ISBN 0-8020-3448-9. • O ra l H isto r y Index: An In te rn a tio n a l D i- r e c to r y o f O ra l H isto r y I n te r v ie w s, edited by Ellen S. W asserm an (434 pages, S eptem ber 1990), is an alphabetical index to m ore than 30,000 oral history transcripts held at nearly 400 oral history centers in the U nited States, Canada, G reat B rit­ ain, and Israel. The listings w ere com piled from questionnaires mailed to 1,300 special collections, archives, libraries, historical societies and m use­ ums. T he first section contains a list o f interview­ ees, with th e date o f the interview, a b rie f keyword description o f th e subject, and an alphanum eric code identifying the cen ter holding th e interview. The second section is a guide to the research center codes. T he index may be o rd ered for $145.00 from th e M eckler Corporation, 11 Ferry Lane W est, W estport, CT 06880. ISBN 0-88736-349-0. • The S tu d e n t Voice‚ 19 6 0 -1 9 6 5 : P e rio d ic a l o f th e S tu d e n t N o n v io le n t C o o rd in a tin g C om ­ m itte e , com piled by th e staff o f th e M artin L uther King Jr. Papers Project (252 pages, July 1990), reprints th e entire run o f this civil rights, student activist new spaper with headquarters in Atlanta. The Student Voice contained news o f student sit- ins, marches, bombings, beatings, police violence, and reports on th e activities o f SNCC field secre­ taries who helped launch mass mobilizations of black com m unities in th e South. T he new spaper covered in detail m uch o f th e civil rights news that was neglected by th e major media. A detailed index provides access. Copies are available for $125.00 from M eckler Corporation, 11 F erry Lane W est, W estport, CT 06880. ISBN 0-88736-323-7. • UFOs in th e 1980s., by Jerom e Clark (234 pages, August 1990), is th e first in a projected three-volum e encyclopedia th a t will cover th e personalities, cases, and organizations th at have been significant in th e study o f the U FO p h en o m e­ non. P rom inent them es and theories are covered in considerable depth. An introductory essay p ro ­ vides some background for readers approaching the subject for th e first tim e. Copies may be o r­ dered for $65.00 from Omnigraphics, Inc., P enob­ scot Building, D etroit, MI 48226. ISBN 1-55888- 301-0. • Using O C L C : A H o w -T o -D o -It M an u al f o r L ib ra rie s, by R obert T. Warwick and Patricia E. Jensen (145 pages, August 1990), has been d e ­ signed as an instructional workbook for library school students or librarians who are unfamiliar with th e Online Union Catalog and Cataloging Subsystem o f the O C LC Online System. T he book provides th e fundam entals o f searching, creating, modifying, and inputting records. Examples and exercises accompany each section for reinforce­ m ent and practice, with correct answers as an appendix. Copies may be o rd ered for $35.00 from Neal-Schum an Publishers, 23 L eonard St., New York, NY 10013. ISBN 1-55570-037-3. • Vampires., B urials a n d D eath : F olklore a n d R e a lity , by Paul B arber (236 pages, Septem ­ b e r 1990), examines vam pire folklore with the intention o f discovering how people in p reindus­ trial cultures looked at the processes and p h en o m ­ ena associated with death and th e dissolution o f the body. W ritten with good hum or and keen scholar­ ship, th e book co n tain s c h a p te rs on “H an d s Em erging from th e E arth ,” “Body Disposal and Its Problem s,” and “Down to a W atery Grave.” Barber exhumes th e many differences betw een the vam ­ pires o f folklore and th e vampires o f film and literature, making his research a handy com pan­ ion-piece to Bram Stoker and Anne Rice. T he book may be o rd ered for $27.50 from Yale University Press, 92A Yale Station, New Haven, C T 06520. ISBN 0-300-04126-8. • W o m en ’s S tudies: A G u id e to In fo rm a tio n S ou rces, by Sarah C arter and M aureen Ritchie (269 pages, S eptem ber 1990), contains 1,076 e n ­ tries on a variety o f topics in w om en’s studies, including th e arts and media, black wom en, law and politics, m ind and body, and travel and leisure. The listing includes publications from 1978 to 1989, with all major w om en-centered English-language reference works, both m onographic and serial, included. A large section on “W om en in the W orld” covers international perspectives on wom en, much o f it in non-English languages. Copies may be o rd ered for $39.95 from M cFarland & Co., Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0-89950-534-1. • W o rk sta tio n s a n d L o ca l A rea N e tw o rk s f o r L ib ra ria n s, by Kieth C. W right (153 pages, August 1990), will help those who are faced with moving from standalone com puters into a n e t­ w orked environm ent. Specific chapters cover li­ brary goals and objectives for a local arpa network; planning and managing the user workstation area; m anagem ent uses for networks; public uses; te c h ­ nical services uses; ergonom ic selection and place­ m ent o f workstations; and network topology and com m unications param eters. Each ch ap ter con­ cludes with a reading list for fu rth er information, and appendices list m anufacturers and network c h a ra c te ristic s. T h e book costs $25.00 (ALA m em ber price, $22.50) and may be o rd ered from th e ALA O rd er D epartm ent, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-0538-2. ■ ■