ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 6 7 Personnel P R O F I L E S Two new members, Anita R. Schiller and Michael Harris, have been appointed to the C R L Board of Editors. They will be replacing Richard DeGennero and Ellsworth Mason, who have completed their terms. Both of these new members will bring new talents and concerns to the board. Ms. Schiller is cur rently a reference li brarian - bibliographer at the University of California, San Diego. Her professional inter ests as reflected in her writings and activities show a strong orienta tion toward librarians and their roles and in particular, the role and status of women Anita R. Schiller librarians. She has published extensively on these topics in a variety of journals and is now serving on ALA’s Social Responsibilities Round Table, Task Force for Women. She is also a member of the council. Harris, who is now an associate professor of library science at the University of Kentucky, brings to the Board of Editors a particular in terest in library his tory. He has often au­ thored the annual sur veys of library history in the Journal o f L i brary History; he is the author of A Guide to Research in Ameri can Library History, Metuchen, New Jer sey, Scarecrow Press, 1968, and he has also been a participant in a number of library Michael Harris conferences. A P P O I N T M E N T S S c o t t A d a m s is now a senior staff scientist of the Biological Sciences Communication Project at George Washington University, Washington, D.C. A n n e A u g u s t i n e has accepted a post as ref­ erence librarian in the Science and Engineering Library of Sir George Williams University in Montreal, Canada. B a r r y B . B a k e r became head of the order department at the University of South Caro­ lina, Columbia, July 15. S i s t e r D o r o t h y B e a c h has been appointed librarian of Trinity College, Washington, D.C. M r s . S u s a n B e l l i n g h a m has been appoint­ ed special collections librarian at McMaster University’s Mills Memorial Library in Hamil­ ton, Ontario, Canada. P a t r i c i a S e n n B r e i v i k h a s j o i n e d t h e s t a f f o f t h e P r a t t I n s t i t u t e G r a d u a t e S c h o o l o f L i ­ b r a r y a n d I n f o r m a t i o n S c i e n c e , B r o o k l y n , N e w Y o r k , a s a s s i s t a n t d e a n a n d a s s i s t a n t p r o f e s s o r . N a n c y B r o d i e has received appointment as reference librarian in the Science and Engineer­ ing Library of Sir George Williams University in Montreal, Canada. R o b e r t L. B r u b a k e r has been named li­ brarian at the Chicago Historical Society. D r . F l o y d M. C a m m a c k has joined the staff of the Georgia Southern College library, Statesboro, as associate librarian with the rank of associate professor of library science. M r s . M a r i l y n n C o l v a r d has joined the staff of the Georgia Southern College library, States­ boro, July 1, as a member of the catalog depart­ ment. J o s e p h R . C r o s s , J r . has assumed the posi­ tion of assistant reference librarian at the Uni­ versity of South Carolina, Columbia. M a r g a r e t R . D ’A m b r o s i o has joined the staff of the catalog department at the George Washington University library in Washington, D.C. D a n i e l D a v i l a is the new associate dean of Instruction for Learning Resources at North­ ampton County Area Community College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. W i l l i a m W . D e a c o n has joined the staff of the University of Kansas libraries, Lawrence, as assistant science librarian. J o a n n a D r z e w i e n i e c k i is new assistant ref­ erence librarian at the University of Kansas li­ braries, Lawrence. P a u l E . E d l u n d has been appointed chief of the card division at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. B a r b a r a F r e e z e is the new interlibrary loan librarian at Sir George Williams University li­ brary of Montreal, Canada. E d w a r d M . G r a n g e r has accepted an ap­ pointment as library system analyst with the University of Kansas libraries, Lawrence. M r s . B e t h H a t t o n has accepted appoint­ ment as reference librarian at the library of Sir George Williams University in Montreal, Can­ ada. M r s . R u t h J. H e a t h has been named a cataloger 268 for the Commonwealth Campus Libraries section of the Pennsylvania State University li­ braries, University Park. G r a h a m R . H i l l has assumed the position of director of archives and special collections and administrative intern at the Mills Memorial Library, McMaster University, Hamilton, On­ tario, Canada. M r s . S a n d r a H o f f m a n has assumed the duties of an acquisitions librarian at Montreal’s Sir George Williams University library, Canada. M i c h a e l H o o d is the new collections coordi­ nator at the library of Sir George Williams University in Montreal, Canada. C l i n t o n N. H o w a r d has been named as as­ sistant reference librarian at the University of Kansas libraries, Lawrence. S a r a h A. H u c k a b y has joined the faculty of the School of Library Science of The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, as an assistant pro­ fessor. M r s . R e b e c c a R . I l g has joined the staff of the Georgia Southern College library, States­ boro, as serials librarian with the rank of In­ structor of Library Science. M r s . S a b i n a J a c o b s o n has assumed the po­ sition of chief reference librarian at the George Washington University library in Washington, D.C. M r s . R o s a J e n i s now cataloger of the Law Library, at the University of South Carolina. T h a d J o n e s has joined the Georgia Southern College library, Statesboro, staff as a member of the reference department. M a r j o r i e I. K e l l e y is the new head of the cataloging department at Mills Memorial Li­ brary of McMaster University in Hamilton, On­ tario, Canada. M r s . N a n c y K u b e s h is now nonprint librari­ an at Sir George Williams University library in Montreal, Canada. N a n c y L e c l e r c is now reference librarian at the Science and Engineering Library of Sir George Williams University in Montreal, Can­ ada. M a r g a r e t M a c l e l l a n d has received ap­ pointment as systems librarian at Sir George Williams University library of Montreal, Can­ ada. D e b o r a h N e s s is the newly appointed ref­ erence librarian at Boston University’s Mugar Memorial Library. P a u l O d u m is now the new business librari­ an at the University of South Carolina, Colum­ bia. D o n a l d O e h l e r t s is now director of li­ braries, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. E d w a r d O ’ H a r a has accepted an appoint­ ment as social science order librarian at the Mugar Memorial Library of Boston University. M a r g a r e t P e r t w e e has been appointed se­ rials librarian at the library of Sir George Williasm University in Montreal, Canada. J a m e s A. P o l l o c k is the new assistant li­ brarian of Central Virginia Community College. L i l l i a n R u b i n l i c h t has been named cata­ loging librarian at Sir George Williams Univer­ sity library in Montreal, Canada. M a r i l y n S a l a z a r has joined the American Library Association as minority recruitment specialist to direct the Illinois Minorities Man­ power Pilot Project, a program funded by the Illinois State Library and administered through the ALA Office for Recruitment. J o n S. S c h u l t z has become law librarian at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. M r s . T a f i l a A. S p e n c e is the new acting as­ sistant reference librarian at McMaster Univer­ sity’s Mills Memorial Library in Hamilton, On­ tario, Canada. C a r o l e e T o l o t t i has been appointed as reference librarian at Boston University’s Mugar Memorial Library. B a r b a r a v o n W a h l d e has assumed the po­ sition of associate director for technical process­ ing at the University of West Florida library. J o h n K. W a l t e r s joined the cataloging staff of the University of South Carolina libraries, Columbia, on July 15. ■■ Classified Advertising N O T IC E Respondents to adve rtise rs o ffe rin g fa c u lty “ rank” and “ status” are advise d th a t these term s are a m biguo us and should in q u ire as to benefits in v o lv e d . A ll a dve rtisem ents s u b m itte d by in stitu tio n s o ffe rin g p o sitions must in clu d e a salary range. The ra n g e shou ld’ p ro v id e the a p p lic a n t w ith an in d ic a tio n o f th e sa la ry the in s titu tio n is w illin g to p ro v id e fo r th e p o s itio n o ffe re d . A ll a dve rtisem ents fo r th e Positions W a n te d and th e Positions O p e n cla ssifica tio n s w ill be e d ­ ite d to exclude d ir e c t o r in d ire c t references to race, creed, c o lo r, age, and sex as co n d itio n s o f em p lo ym e n t. 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