ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 210 Bringing A C R L Home: The C hapters ACRL chapters (there are twenty-one of them) cover twenty-seven states and one Canadian prov­ ince. The chapters provide a framework, close to home, for librarians to share ideas, study com ­ mon problems, and meet for social and profes­ sional purposes. A CRL chapters hold program meetings, spon­ sor workshops, publish new sletters, undertake studies, and promote legislative programs at the grass-roots level. So far during 1979, chapters have sponsored program meetings on such topics as: “Economic Reality: Strategies for the Academic Library,” “Is Anyone out T h ere Listening? Comm unications and the Academic L ib rary ,” and “ In terp reting On-Line Reference Services in Libraries.” The ACRL national organization has begun a new program to encourage ch a p ter activ ities. Each ch ap ter is now eligib le to receiv e $ 1 .5 0 from ACRL for each national personal member living within the geographic area served by the chapter. To join an ACRL chapter, find the chapter that serves your area on the list provided. W rite the chapter president for information on membership and chapter activities. To form an ACRL chapter where none exists or to affiliate an existing organization of college and research librarians with ACRL, you may petition the ACRL board for chapter status. For more in­ form ation on e s ta b lis h in g a c h a p te r , see “Guidelines for ACRL Chapters,” in the Novem­ b e r 1978 issue o f C & R L N ew s, or contact the executive secretary, ACRL. A CRL C h a p t e r s D ela w a re V alley C h a p te r President: Mary Nehlig, Francis Harvey Green Library, West Chester State College, High St. & Rosedale Ave., W est Chester, PA 19380 E astern New Y ork C h a p te r President: Catherine Chmura, Siena College Library, Loudonville, NY 12211 F lo rid a C h a p te r Chair: Dr. John Goudeau, Professor, School of Library Scien ce, Florida State University, Tal­ lahassee, F L 32306 Illin ois C h a p te r President: Frances M. Pollard, Chair, D epart­ ment of Library Science, Eastern Illinois Univer­ sity, Charleston, IL 61920 Io w a C h a p te r Chair: Charles L e Master, Morningside C ol­ lege, Sioux City, IA 51106 K ansas C h a p te r Chair: Virginia Q uiring, Assistant D irecto r, Farrell Library, Kansas State University, Manhat­ tan, KS 60506 M arylan d C h a p te r Chair: Mary Eidleman, Coordinator of Library Services, Dundalk Community College, 7200 Sol­ lers Point Rd., Baltimore, MD 21222 M ichigan C h a p te r President: Mary George, Bibliographic Instruc­ tor and Reference Librarian, Graduate Library, University o f Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 M innesota C h a p te r Chair: Forrest Brown, Rolvaag Memorial L i­ brary, St. Olaf College, Northfi eld, MN 55057 M issouri C h a p te r President: Joanna Todd, Stephens College Li­ brary, Columbia, MO 65201 N ew E n g lan d C h a p te r President: Patricia G. Oyler, Assistant Profes­ sor, Simmons College, School of Library Science, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 N orth C a ro lin a C h a p te r Chair: Elvin E. Strowd, William R. Perkins Library, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706 N orth ern C a lifo rn ia C h a p te r Acting Chair: George M. Bailey, The Honnold Library, Claremont, CA 91711 O regon C h a p te r Chair: Jenko Lukac, The Library, Pacific Uni­ versity, Forest Grove, OR 97116 S ou thern C a lifo rn ia C h a p te r Chair: Judith M. Corin, University of Califor­ nia, Los Angeles, Library, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024 T en n essee C h a p te r Chair: Joe Rader, Undergraduate Library, Re­ serve, University of T ennessee, Knoxville, TN 37916 T exas C h a p te r Chair: Imogene Gibson, Librarian, Austin Col­ lege, Hopkins Library, Sherman, TX 75090 Tri-State C h a p te r President: Mary Alice Hupp, Fairmont State College Library, Locust Ave., Fairm ont, W est Virginia 26554 Virginia C h a p te r Chair: Dennis E. Robison, Chairman, Univer­ sity of Richmond Library, Richmond, VA 23173 W isconsin C h a p te r Chair: John J. Jax, Pierce Library, University of W isconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI 54751 W estern N ew Y o rk/O n tario C h a p te r President: Sheila Laidlaw, D irector, Sigmund Samuel Library, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 1A5, Canada ■■