ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 504 / C&RL News PUBLICATIONS Notices • The first volume of A Checklist of Canadian C o p yrig h t D eposits in the British Museum 1895-1923, edited b y Jo h n R .T . Ettlinger and Pa­ trick B. O’Neill, covers all the maps deposited as a requirem ent of C anadian copyright legislation during th a t period. The copyright deposit lists were discovered by O ’Neill in the Administration Offices of the British Museum (now the British L i­ brary) . Other volumes forthcoming will deal w ith insurance plans, directories, periodicals, books, sheet music, photographs, and ephemera. A copy of Vol. 1 may be obtained for $11.50 from Norman Horrocks, D irector, School of L ibrary Service, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, C an­ ada B3H 4H8. • A Directory of Associations in Louisiana covers over 400 organizations in the fields of business and commerce, law, government, public administra­ tion, education, science, medicine, technology, history, and libraries. The directory provides the name and address of the association, its year of or­ ganization, the num ber of members, the contact person, and a statem ent of purpose. Copies may be ordered for $10 (prepaid only) from the Louisiana L ibrary Association, P.O . Box 131, Baton Rouge, LA 70821. • The Japan Directory o f Professional Associa­ tions (349 pages, February 1984) includes all asso­ ciations, societies, and major research institutions in such fields as computers, communications, elec­ tronics, management, psychology, shipping, and many others. Each listing shows the English name and the romanized version of the Japanese name. An updating service is available for those who w ant to keep informed of changes between now and the next edition, slated for 1987. The directory is avail­ able for $150 alone, w ith $100 extra for the updat­ ing service, from: Pacific Subscription Service, P.O . Box 811, FDR Station, New York, NY 10150. • Library of Congress Rule Interpretations for AACR2: A Cumulation from Cataloging Service Bulletin Numbers 11-16, compiled by Lois Lind­ berg, Alan Boyd, and E laine D ruesedow (270 pages, 1984), includes all LCRIs published so far by the Library of Congress. Copies are $20 (addi­ tional copies $17 each; price includes quarterly up­ date sheets for CSB no.25-28) from Alan Boyd, O berlin College L ib rary , O berlin, OH 44074. Standing orders for CSB no.29-accepted any time. • Library Times International is a new bi monthly digest of world library and information science news. Published by the Future World Pub lishing Company, the journal had its first issue in July 1984. Major news is broken down by country of origin. Other features are interviews, reports of meetings, a calendar of conferences, and occa sional articles. An institutional subscription is $15, while an individual subscription is $10 annually. Send orders to: Library Times International, P.O. Box 172, Conway, PA 15027. • Microcomputer Applications in Libraries, by R ichard M. Kesner and C lifton H. Jones (250 pages, August 1984), provides simple management tools and systems w ith specific application see narios th at will help librarians plan and implement microcomputer technology in library situations. Formal management tools are included for hard w are and software evaluation, library needs assess ment, project management, and systems documen tatio n procedures. Copies m ay be ordered for $29.95 from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, W estp o rt, C T 06881. ISBN 0-313- 22939-2. • Professional Competencies: Technology and the Librarian, edited by L inda C. Smith (138 pages, August 1984), reprints the papers presented at the 20th Clinic on Library Applications of D ata Processing held April 24-26, 1983, at the Univer sity of Illinois, Urbana. Among the contributions are “Technology and the Academic Library Staff, or the Resurgence of the Luddites,” by Carolyn M. Gray; “The Role of the Association in Developing Professional Competence,” by Julie Carroll Virgo; and “Competencies for Library Networking and C ooperation,” by Jo An S. Segal. Copies are avail able for $15 from the G raduate School of Library and Information Science, Publications Office, 249 Armory Building, 505 E. Armory St., Champaign, IL 61820. • The first section of Scholars' Guide to China Mission Resources in the Libraries and Archives of the United States (1984), published by the Prince ton Theological Seminary, locates and describes all the collections of China Mission resources in 42 re- positories in Pennsylvania which contain over one million mission documents. The second volume, now in progress, will include resources located in A C Q U IS IT IO N PERSPECTIVES 4. We have established a reputation for accuracy in billing and shipping to your specifications. Invoices arranged alphabetically by author or title, or numerically by purchase order, and separate billing available upon request for Grant Funds, Title II, gifts, etc. Book House error rate last year was less than one percent of the books we delivered. The best value is accurate fulfillment o f yo u r orders. CALL TOLL-FREE t h e TODAY 1-800-248-1146 BO O K In Canada & Michigan HOUS CALL COLLECT (517) 849-2117 JOBBERS SERVING LIBRARI E ES WITH ANY BOOK IN PRINT SINCE 1962 208 WEST CHICAGO STREET OCLC Vendor No. 17397 SAN 169-3859 JONESVILLE, MICHIGAN 49250 506 / C& RL News the Mid-Atlantic region. Each volume in the series, eventually to cover the entire United States, identi­ fies repositories and presents union lists of disserta­ tions, rare and unique reference texts, and serials. The final series volume will be a cumulative index and union list. The first volume may be ordered for $19.50 from Scholars’ Guide to C hina Mission Re­ sources, Speer L ibrary, Box 111, Princeton, NJ 08540. • Statistical Sources on the California Hispanic Population 1984: A Preliminary Survey, compiled by Eudora Loh and Roberta Medford (210 pages, 1984), evaluates selected sources of statistical data on the Hispanic population in California. This reg­ ister com bines g o v e rn m e n ta l an d n o n ­ governm ental sources of current and historical data on; population and vital statistics, housing, employment and economics, education, health and social services, crime and law enforcement, agricultural workers, consumer patterns, and lei­ sure. This monograph may be ordered for $19.80 from Vivian M. Pisano, California Spanish L an­ guage D ata Base, P.O. Box 4273, Berkeley, CA 94704. ISBN 0-915745-01-1. • Strategic Planning for Library Managers, by D onald E. Riggs (137 pages, 1984), seeks to apply the techniques of corporate strategic planning to specific library m anagement situations. The book offers an introduction to strategic planning, as well as discussions of organizing and implementation, coping w ith new technology, applying strategies in the library, and planning evaluation and control. Copies may be ordered for $27.50 from Oryx Press, 2214 N orth C en tral at E ncanto, Phoenix, AZ 85004-1483. ISBN 0-89774-049-1. ■ ■ CALENDAR October 19-20—Access: “E verym an’s Access to Inform a­ tion in the New Information Age,” an informal conference at the School of Library and Infor­ mation Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madi­ son. Speakers include Daniel Bergen, Joseph Ni- tecki, Michael Harris, and Wayne Wiegand. No fee, but advance notification is requested. Con­ tact: W .L . Williamson, School of Library and Information Studies, 600 North Park St., Madi­ son, W I 53706; (608) 263-2900. November 2—H ealth Sciences; “How to Use Microcomputers in th e H ealth Science L ib ra ry ,” a w orkshop sponsored by the University of Texas G raduate School of L ib rary and In fo rm atio n Science, Thompson Conference Center, Austin. Fee: $65 ($80 after October 21). Contact: Mel Boggins, Director of Placement and Continuing Educa­ tion, GSLIS, EDB 564, UT-Austin, Austin, TX 78712-1276; (512)471-3821. 13—Local History: “Developing a Local History Collection,” a workshop sponsored by the Uni­ versity of Texas G raduate School of Library and In fo rm atio n Science, T hom pson C onference C enter, Austin, Fee: $35 ($45 after October 31). Contact: see November 2 entry. 13—Conservation: Workshop on the preservation and conservation of library and archival m ateri­ als, University of Missouri, Kansas City. Hosted by the Midwest Cooperative Conservation Pro­ gram . C ontact: Preservation W orkshop, L i­ braries, U niversity of Missouri-Kansas C ity, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110. 15—C onservation: Same w orkshop, Memphis State University Libraries. Contact; Preserva­ tion Workshop, Special Collections, Memphis State University Libraries, Memphis, TN 38152. 15—Serials Management; “Serials Control in Li­ braries: Automated Options,” a one-day m an­ agement workshop sponsored by Library Tech­ no lo g y R ep o rts, a t th e B arcla y H o tel, Philadelphia. Speakers are Richard W. Boss and Judy McQueen of Inform ation Systems Consul­ tants, Inc. Fee; $115 ($95 for L T R subscribers). C ontact: H ow ard S. W hite, E ditor, Library Technology Reports, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611. January 7-8—Automation: “Advanced Records Manage­ ment: Automated Document Control, Storage and Retrieval Systems,” a continuing education course offered by George W ashington Univer-