ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 508 / CirRL News THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted wifi be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in CR&L News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in CR&L News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising D e p ’t, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, \L 60611; (312) 944-6780. POSITIONS OPEN ART AND ARCHITECTURE LIBRARIAN. Manages the Art and A r­ chitecture Library which provides library services to users in the School of Architecture, School of Fine Arts, and the Department of Art and Archaeology; performs bibliographic duties and is responsi­ ble for collection development in related subject areas; works in gen- eraTreference services; performs online searches in humanities databases. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; degree in art or architecture; reading knowledge of German, Italian or French; academic library experience, preferably in public services; knowledge of online searching, preferably in BRS or Dia­ log; supervisory experience with the ability to make independent judgements and to organize work. Send letter of application, re­ sume, and three letters of reference to: Virginia F. Toliver, Director of Library Personnel and Administrative Services, Washington Univer­ sity Libraries, St. Louis, MO 63130 by October 31,1984. Washington University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Search reopened Faculty, tenure-track position. Catalogs serials, music, and AV; supervises subject and series authority work. Cataloging experience, knowl­ edge of AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, MARC format essential. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program, three years’ expe­ rience. Appointment at assistant librarian or above (equivalent to as­ sistant professor). Minimum salary: $20,000 depending on educa­ tion and experience. University of South Alabama Libraries are a member of SOLINIET/OCLC and operate NOTIS, an integrated li- barary system, with an online catalog. Benefits include: 20 days’ va­ cation, university-subsidized insurance, state retirement, TIAA/ CREF option. Submit resume and names of three references by Oc­ tober 31, 1984, to: Patricia G. Ramage, Chair, University Library Search Committee, Library Administration, The University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688. An EEO/AA employer, ASSISTANT CATALOGER, Department of Bibliographic Control, Tennessee Tech University Libraries. Responsible for member input and original cataloging, assist with catalog maintenance and AACR2 changes, assist with online catalog maintenance, and retrospective conversion. Duties will include cataloging of monographs and some media materials. Requirements: ALA/MLS, knowledge of LC classifi­ cation and LC subject headings. Ability to use all OCLC formats and knowledge of AACR2 required. Experience in cataloging print and non-print materials desirable. Evidence of involvement in profes­ sional association activities desirable. Salary and benefits: $15,000 minimum; TIAA/CREF; health and life insurance; 24 days annual leave; faculty status, tenure-track. Letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of four references to: Su­ san LaFever, coordinator of Bibliographic Control, University Li­ brary, Tennessee Tech University, Box 5066, Cookeville, TN 38505. Applications must be postmarked by October 30, 1984. Appoint­ ment may begin as early as January 1,1985. AA/EOE. Applications from minorities especially welcome. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT. Under the general direction of the Director of Libraries, responsible for development, implementation, coordination and evaluation of the Library’s general collection; recommending allocation of and moni­ toring the current materials budget of $2.37 million; supervising CD staff of three bibliographers and four FTE support staff; maintaining close liaison with university administration and faculty regarding aca­ demic planning and research needs; negotiating the acquisition of special purchases and gifts as required; serving as library resource for trends in new technologies, bibliographic utilities and networks as they apply to collection development access and management; par­ ticipating in general administration of the Library. Required: ALA- accredited MLS degree with responsible and appropriate experi­ ence; evidence of understanding the scholarly communication process, faculty and student needs and state-of-the-art collection de­ velopment in an ARL library environment; evidence of analytic skills necessary to evaluate the collection and to access control needs through fiscal and budgeting operations; evidence of managerial skills, strong interpersonal skills, and effectiveness in communica­ tion, both orally and in writing. Preferred: Experience with consor­ tium or network impact on collection development; record of active professional involvement; competency in foreign languages. Salary negotiable dependent upon qualifications, experience, and rank ($25,000 minimum). Review of applications will begin October 31, 1984. Apply to: Sharon A. Hogan, Director, Middleton Library, Loui­ siana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. LSU is an equal em­ ployment University. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. (New position.) Under the general direction of the Library Director, the As­ sistant Director for Special Collections will have administrative re­ sponsibility for the Hill Memorial Library and its collections. These collections encompass primary research materials including rare books, Louisiana, and natural history materials, historical and literary manuscripts, photographs, works of art, memorabilia, and the pa­ pers of Russell B. Long. The assistant director will assume a leader­ ship role in planning, implementing, coordinating and evaluating special collections, services, and programs. He/she will be responsi­ ble for the administration of a staff of 6 librarians and 7 FTE support staff; for formulating special collection development policy, and gift and acquisition programs in support of University research needs; and for promoting use of special collections by the scholarly commu­ nity. The Assistant Director will play a key role in library fund-raising activities by working with the Friends of the Library and with other organizations and individuals and will participate in general adminis­ tration of the Library. R equired: MLS degree from an ALA- accredited library school; responsible and appropriate experience; evidence of managerial skills, strong interpersonal skills and effec­ tiveness in communication; knowledge of the policies governing scholarly use of special collections, the principles of preservation, the rare books market, and the processing, cataloging, and indexing of rare books, ephemeral materials, manuscripts and archives. Pre­ ferred: experience with special collections in an academic research environment; interest in applying computer technology to manage­ ment of special collections; working knowledge of foreign lan­ guages, especially French and Spanish; and a record of active pro­ fession al in volvem ent. Salary: neg o tia b le d e p e n d in g upon October 1984 / 509 qualifications, experience and rank ($25,000 minimum). Review of applications will begin October 31, 1984, Apply to: Sharon A. Ho­ gan, Director, Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. LSU is an equal employment University. ASSISTANT HEAD OF ORIGINAL CATALOGING. Responsible for training and supervision of non-professional staff, for original cat­ aloging of books and non-book materials according to AACR 2, LC classification and subject headings, and OCLC systems require­ ments, and for maintenance of public catalogs. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS. Second master’s degree desirable. Cataloging ex­ perience in an academic library and sound reading knowledge of one or more European languages are strongly preferred. Appoint­ ment rank and salary commensurate with qualifications and experi­ ence. Minimum starting salary: $18,500. Position available immedi­ ately. Lette r of a p p lic a tio n , resum e, and thre e letters of recommendation will be accepted through October 20,1984, or until position is filled, and should be directed to: Donald L. Saporito, Di­ rector of Libraries, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 302 E. St. Mary Blvd, Lafayette, LA 70503. USL is an equal opportunity, affirm­ ative action employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES, the Ambrose Swasey Library of C olgate Rochester Divinity School/Bexley Hall/Crozer Theological Seminary and St. Bernard’s Institute, Roch­ ester, New York. Responsibilities include the maintenance of a dy­ namic reference program, the management of the reference collec­ tion and index table, the design of present and future library catalogs, the development and execution of a program of biblio­ graphic instruction, and the supervision of the circulation staff as well as some student assistants. Requirements: M.Div. or equivalent from ATS-accredited seminary; MLS from A LA-accredited library school, at least three years of experience in reference services in an aca­ demic library. Position available December 1, 1984. Salary range: $17,000-$19,000; benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and the names/addressesof four references to: Norman J. Kansfield, Di­ rector of Library Services, Colgate Rochester Divinity School/Bexley Hall/Crozer Theological Seminary and St. Bernard’s Institute, 1100 South Goodman Street, Rochester, NY 14620. An equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR SYSTEMS AND PLANNING. The University of Arizona Library seeks applicants to fill a new position in systems and planning. The person filling this va­ cancy will have responsibility for continuing development of an inte­ grated online system, as well as responsibility for more general plan­ ning activity, including chairing the Library’s Planning Council, participating as a member of the Administrative Group and direc­ ti ng/coordinati ng existing automated services. The AUL for Systems and Planning reports to the University Librarian. This new division of the library will have, initially, a small staff but is expected to grow quickly with a possible significant increase in size next fiscal year. Applicants must have an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school as well as five years professional experience in large, academic li­ braries. Ability to communicate clearly in both written and oral forms is essential. Preference will be given to persons with degrees and/or experience in computer/information science, planning, systems, and related disciplines, as well as to persons with successful supervi­ sory experience or experience in technical services. Salary range: $35,000-$45,000 annually and the position is open immediately. Application deadline is November 15,1984. Librarians at the Univer­ sity of Arizona have Academic Professional status with privileges equivalent to the teaching faculty, twelve-month appointments (eligi­ ble for continuing status), 22 days annual vacation, 10 university holi­ days, and several health-care and retirement plans. To apply send a resume, including the names of three references, to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, A349 Main Library, University of Arizona, Tuc­ son, AZ 85721. The University of Arizona is an EEO/AA employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES, the Am brose Swasey Library of Colgate Rochester Divinity School/Bexley Hall/Crozer Theological Seminary and St. Bernard’s Institute, Roch­ ester, New York. Responsibilities include original cataloging, staff su­ pervision of acquisitions, cataloging serials and binding, some su­ pervision of student assistants. Requirem ents: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of modern European lan­ guages (sufficient for cataloging purposes); knowledge of LC classi­ fication and subject headings, AACR 2, MARC formats, and OCLC terminal; background in theology or religion desirable; program­ matic skills expected. Salary range: $17,000-$19,000; good fringe benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and the names/ad- dresses of four references to: Norman J. Kansfield, Director of Li­ brary Services, Colgate Rochester Divinity School/Bexley Hall/Cro­ zer Theological Seminary and St. Bernard’s Institute, 1100 South Goodman Street, Rochester, NY 14620. An equal opportunity, af­ firmative action employer. A S S O C IA T E D IR E C T O R O F U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IE S Case Western Reserve University University Libraries, an ARL member, is composed of Sears and Freiberger Libraries and is the targest unit in the Case Western Reserve University library system, housing the collections in the Humanities and Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Engineering, Science, Management, and Music. The collection con tains over 1,500,000 items (bound volumes, government documents, and microforms) and includes over 7,000 current serial subscriptions. The staff includes 33 professionals and 44 non-professionals. The responsibilities of this newly-created position will include: coordination of the activities of the Public Services (including collection development), Technical Services, and Administrative units; participation in the development and preparation of grant proposals; development of an effective research sharing pro gram, both within and without the University; working with the Director on the development of long-range budget, space and automation plans for the University Libraries. Qualifications for this position include a graduate degree in library science from an accredited ALA Ii brary school; active involvement in and commitment to research, publishing, and professional activities; in depth knowledge of academic library organization and functions, including library automation; and sub stantive administrative experience preferably in a comparable academic research institution. Minimum salary: $35,000. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three professional references to: Mary DeVocht Berges, Department of Human Resources, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Ave nue, Cleveland OH 44106, by November 1 ,1 984 Case Western Reserve University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. 510 / C&RL News ASSISTANT SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. (Search reopened.) Special Collections con­ tains materials pertaining to Southern Nevada, the gaming industry, culinary arts, and the UNLV archives. Responsibilities: acquire, ar­ range, describe and provide access to Nevada manuscript collec­ tions and archival records of UNLV; develop the Nevada collection; participate in the reference desk and exhibit schedule of the depart­ ment; and perform other duties as assigned. Qualifications: ALA- accredited degree and formal archive and/or manuscript training re­ quired; effective com munication skills, ability to establish and maintain harmonious working relationships with co-workers, donors and patrons, and to organize, analyze and plan efficiently essential; experience in processing archives, personal papers, or U.S. political or historic manuscripts preferred; advanced subject degree in U.S. history or political science desired. Minimum salary: $17,000. Fac­ ulty status, 12-month appointment, 24 days vacation, fringe benefits. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references by October 31, 1984, to: Mary Dale Deacon, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, 504, 402 employer. BUSINESS/ENGINEERING LIBRARY, ASSISTANT DEPART­ MENT HEAD. Developing and implementing innovative information services for the faculty and students of the Amos Tuck School of Business and the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth Col­ lege will be the challenge of the person selected to fill this position. The individual we are seeking will be capable of working as part of a team providing information services in a technologically sophisti­ cated library environment utilizing the Dartmouth online catalog; RLIN; OCLC; online database vendors such as BRS, Dialog, I.P. Sharp, Dow Jones, and Nexis; as well as microcomputers. Under the general direction of the Business/Engineering Librarian, the As­ sistant Business/Engineering Librarian’s responsibilities include su­ pervision of the interlibrary loan assistant, participation in collection development, consultation with faculty to determine instructional and research needs and the provision of reference services includ­ ing bibliographic instruction and online searching. Feldberg Library has a staff of three professionals and five staff and is one of eight li­ braries in the Dartmouth College Library system. Qualifications: ALA/MLS, educational background in one of the fields of business, engineering, or economics, a minimum of three years of post MLS experience in an academic or special library and online database searching experience in bibliographic and numeric files are re- A S S O C IA T E U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N FO R P U B L IC S E R V IC E S Arizona State University The Arizona State University Libraries are seeking candidates for the newly created position of Associate University Librarian for Public Services. The successful candidate will report to University Librarian Donald E. Riggs, be responsible for the leadership and management of all public service units, and participate in overall library planning and policy formulation. Required qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS degree; successful administrative experience at the department head level or above in public services in a university library; a minimum of seven years’ progressively responsible experience in an academic/research library; demonstrated leadership qualities; strong analytic, communication and interpersonal skills; experience in creating and implementing new public service programs; knowledge of the latest issues and trends in academic librarianship; knowledge of bibliographic instruction and online systems; evidence of university service, research and/or participa­ tion in professional associations. Preferred experience: fiscal, personnel and other administrative responsi­ bility in two or more public service areas; supervision of a large staff; involvement in both undergraduate and graduate programs in an ARL library. Arizona State University and Its Libraries: ASU’s mission is to continue development as a major research university and to become competitive with the best public universities in the nation. Toward that end, the Libraries have experienced dynamic growth during the past five years, adding 55 new positions and increasing the materials budget from $1.7 million to the current $3.1 million. A new science and engi­ neering library was occupied in 1983, and the other libraries are being remodeled. The Libraries are creat­ ing a total online integrated system using Tandem hardware and Data Phase software. Collections total 1.8 million volumes and 1.6 million microform units. Of the 243 FTE staff, 127 are employed in public services. Membership is held in ARL, CRL, AMIGOS, and OCLC. The total budget is $7 million. ASU, with 40,000 students, is the nation’s 6th largest university and is looted near Phoenix, the nation’s 9th largest city. Salary: $40,000 minimum, depending on qualifications. TIAA-CREF or state retirement plan; annual paid leave of 22 days’ vacation; 12 days’ sick leave and 10 holidays; tuition remission for employee and family at all three Arizona universities. Librarians serve on university governance committees and are eligible for continuing employment status and sabbatical leave. Applicants must include documentation or evidence of specific qualifications and short statements (no more than 2 pages each) concerning (a) their philosophy of public service and (b) what new public service programs they have implemented and are interested in implementing. Send letter of application, resume, supporting documents, and a list of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287. A copy of the complete posi­ tion description is available upon request. Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by October 2 9 ,198 4, when review will begin. ASU is a committed equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. October 1984 / 511 quìred. Experience with library applications of microcomputers is highly desirable. Salary and rank commensurate with experience and qualifications with a minimum salary of $18,500 for a Librarian II or $22,500 for a Librarian III. Please send resume before October 31,1984, to: Phyllis E. Jaynes, Director of User Services, 115 Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755. Dartmouth Col­ lege is an AA/EEO/M/F employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Search continued. Responsible for the general operations and specific activities of Cataloging Department and for development of cataloging policies and procedures which support service goals of the Library. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, familiarity with AACR2, OCLC, LC classification and subject headings. Five years’ experience in cataloging; European lan- guage(s) facility desirable. Deadline for applications is October 31, 1984. Screening begins immediately. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Send application and three letters of reference to: W. Robert Woerner, Library Director, Ithaca College, Danby Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. AA/EOE. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Responsible under Head of Original Cata­ loging for the cataloging of monographs and serials in all formats in history, political science, economics and business. MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Working knowledge of at least one foreign language; Cyrillic and/or Japanese also desirable. Knowledge of LC classification schedules, subject headings, AACR2 and MARC for­ mats. Experience with retrospective conversion of bibliographic rec­ ords is desirable, as is experience in the Cataloging Department of a research library; knowledge of OCLC procedures and formats is de­ sirable. Salary: $15,500 minimum or higher depending on qualifica­ tions. Apply by December 1, 1984. Send resumes to: Peggy Weis- sert, Library Personnel Officer, 221 Memorial Library, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Point Loma NazareneCollege. Primary re­ sponsibilities include original and OCLC cataloging and the supervi­ sion of two paraprofessionals. Includes reference desk duty (with some evening and weekend hours), participation in collection devel­ opment and bibliographic instruction. Oualifications: ALA/MLS, ex­ perience with AACR2 and Dewey. Knowledge of OCLC, or a compa­ rable online system. Christian commitment and membership in an evangelical church. Salary: $15,000-$25,000. TIAA/CREF. Send application, resume, and three current references by November 1 to: James D. Newburg, Director of Learning Services, Point Loma Nazarene College, 3900 Lomaland Drive, San Diego, CA, 92106. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Librarian I (Instructor), target level. Re­ sponsibilities: interpretation and implementation of AACR2, LCSH, DDC, MARC formats, and LC cataloging practice; assistance in de­ termination of cataloging and catalog maintenance policy and pro­ cedures; OCLC cataloging operations including regular and retro­ spective conversion activities; syndetic structure of the catalog; original cataloging of printed materials; training personnel; some ref­ erence duties. Oualifications: master’s degree from ALA-accredited program required. Preference will be given to applicants with a sec­ ond master’s degree in a subject area. Experience relevant to the position and competence in a modern Romance language desir­ able. Salary: dependent on education and experience. Minimum of $16,500 for nine-month appointment at rank of Librarian I with MLS and second master’s degree. Summer conditional upon library needs. Application deadline: November 10,1984, Send letter of ap­ plication, resume, transcripts, and three current letters of reference to: James Zink, Director, Kent Library, Southeast Missouri State Uni­ versity, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. An equal opportunity, M-F, af­ firmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN FOR MIDDLE EASTERN AND SOUTH ASIAN LANGUAGES. (Search reopened). The University of Ar­ izona Library is seeking an experienced professional catalog librar­ ian to be responsible for the original cataloging of monographs and serials in Middle Eastern and South Asian languages. The majority of the South Asian language materials are cataloged on OCLC. The Near Eastern language materials are cataloged manually using both printed cards and original cataloging. Other cataloging responsibili- C H IE F , H U M A N IT IE S A N D H IS T O R Y D IV IS IO N Columbia University Libraries (Search reopened) This position has primary responsibility for the public services activities and operations of one of three major divisions, including Columbia Univesity’s major collection of over 1.5 million volumes in the humani­ ties and history and pre-1974 social sciences. The Division includes Butler Library, which houses the In­ structional and SLS Libraries, and the Music, Paterno, and School of Library Service Libraries. The incum­ bent will report directly to the Director of the Library Services Group and is expected to ensure the effective continuation of current service activities while continuing the development of innovative services and pro­ grams, including: exploration with faculty of new approaches to information services; expanding access to computer-based data systems; and developing the application of video, audio-visual, and computer- based bibliographic instruction. The incumbent is also responsible for coordinating, with the staff of the Resources Group, collection development objectives to ensure an effective program of collection building, organization, and preservation. Requirements for the position: Accredited MLS or equivalent relevant experience required, graduate subject degree desirable. Demonstrated evidence of imagination, leadership, and managerial skills are essential and will be sought in all cases. Knowledge and understanding of the process of scholarly com­ munication and of the complexities of a major research library are also essential. Candidates with five years administrative experience in pertinent areas of library operations will be sought, with special attention given to responsibility for public service activities. Salary ranges: Librarian II: $29,500-$38,350; Librarian III: $32,500-$47,125. Applications or nominations should be submitted in writing to: Box 35, Butler Library, Columbia Uni­ versity Libraries, 535 West 114th Street, New York, New York 10027. Deadline for applications is October 2 6 ,198 4 An eaual ODoortunitv. affirmative action emolover. 512 / C&R L News ties include supervising the copy cataloging by student assistants; serving on a catalog information desk; active participation in estab­ lishing policies and procedures for the Catalog Department. The Middle Eastern Catalog Librarian reports to the Head of the Catalog Department and serves as a department liaison to the Oriental Stud­ ies Collection. The University of Arizona is a member of OCLC through the AMIGOS network. Automated methods of cataloging non-roman materials are being explored. Requirements include: ALA-accredited library degree; working experience in a research li­ brary with AACR2, LC classification, and LCSH; experience with OCLC or a similar utility; ability to transliterate using LC romanization tables. Primary language skill should be Arabic. Ability to catalog materials in Hindi, Urdu, Persian and Pushto is also desired. Profes­ sional librarians at the University of Arizona are academic profes­ sionals and voting members of the faculty have, 12-month appoint­ ments, earn 22 vacation days a year, and 12 days of sick leave. The beginning professional salary is $16,500; a higher salary can be ne­ gotiated depending on qualifications and experience. Send letter of application, resume and names of three references by November 30, 1984, to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Ar­ izona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. The University of Arizona is an EEO/AA employer. CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN. Responsible for supervising general circulation, reserves, and interlibrary loans. Directs staff of 4 full-time and 2 part-time non-professionals, and 35 student assistants. Sched­ ule may include some evening and weekend hours. Requires an ALA-accredited MLS, and appropriate supervisory experience. Col­ lection management experience and familiarity with automated li­ brary systems desirable. Salary: $16,500 plus depending on experi­ ence. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references by November 15, 1984, to: Mary J. Cronin, Director of Libraries, Loyola University of Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60626. Loyola University of Chicago is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. University of Arkan­ sas at Little Rock. Responsible for selection of all formats of materials to support curricula; coordination of selector activity; coordination of planning and analysis of collection development and collection man­ agement policies and procedures. Participates in budget allocation; collection evaluation; use and user studies; policies and decisions C O O R D IN A T O R O F P U B L IC S E R V IC E S TennesseeTeeh University Position available January 1, 1984. Require­ ments: ALA/MLS with preference given to candi­ date with second masters; minimum of 5 years ex­ perience in various aspects of public service; prior supervisory experience preferred. One of four ma­ jor division heads responsible for a faculty of four and support staff of five. Major responsibilities for services interpretation and public relations. Letter of application, resume, and telephone numbers of four references to: Edward D. Garten Director of Libraries Tennessee Tech University Box 5066 Cookeville, TN 38505 Applications must be postmarked b y Ocluŭüí 38 ̂ 1984J Minimum of $23,592; excellent benefit package; TIAA/CREF or state retirement. Tennessee Tech is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. regarding storage, weeding, conservation, and serials manage­ ment. Some night and weekend work should be expected. Prefer strong academic background in history; archival experience; serials management; demonstrated skill at oral and written communica­ tions; and ability to work effectively with all levels of library employ­ ees, donors, patrons, and faculty members. Requirements include ALA/MLS and three years of post-MLS reference or collection devel­ opment experience with upper-level academic materials and ser­ vices. Minimum salary: $20,000. The position is open now. Position is faculty-rank, tenure-track, 12-month, full-time with good fringe benefits including up to 6%-matched TIAA/CREF. Send resume and names of three references (with their current titles, addresses, and phone numbers) who have observed human relationships and pro­ fessional abilities to: Library Search Committee, c/o Kathy Essary, Chair of Recruitment Committee, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 33rd and University Ave.s Little Rock, AR 72204. An EEO/AA employer. COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN (Search reopened). Faculty position in an urban university with academic and medical campuses. Requires ALA-accredited MLS and minimum three years experience, preferably in collection development, with degree or background in the social sciences. Responsible for coordination and development of collections to support curricula in broad areas of the social sciences in the Schools of Social Work, Education, Community and Public Affairs and the College of the Humanities and Sciences. Librarian has major responsibility for making and maintaining faculty contacts. Must be able to work well with faculty, donors, students, and colleagues. Salary commensurate with qualifications and expe­ rience but will not be less than $18,000. Faculty rank and usual fringe benefits. Send resume and names of three references by October 15 to: Janet Dalberto, Chair, Search Committee, University Library Ser­ vices, Virginia Commonwealth University, 901 Park Ave, Richmond, VA 23284-0001. VCU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. CONSERVATION OFFICER. Responsibilities: Responsible for the leadership and management of the conservation program for the en­ tire Library system (excluding the Medical, Dental, and Law Li­ braries). Plans, manages, and evaluates program components, which include: commercial binding operations, in-house mending and tem porary binding, disaster preparedness, staff and user awareness, book-condition surveys, brittle book management (re­ placement, reproduction, etc.). Plans for the best use of the Library’s integrated system (NOTIS) for m anaging conservation matters. Helps monitor Library’s environmental conditions. Coordinates the use of the Cuneo Restoration Laboratory with the Curator of Special Collections. Oversees preservation microfilming. Manages the com­ mercial binding budget ($131,000 in FY 1985). Qualifications: Dem­ onstrated management skills. Training in preservation administration and hands-on conservation techniques; formal training preferred. Accredited MLS preferred. Ability to communicate effectively orally and in w ritin g . A va ila b le : F eb ru a ry 1, 1985. Salary range: $20,000-$25,000. To apply, send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, to: Lance Query, Director of Li­ brary Research, Analysis, and Personnel, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by November 30,1984, will be considered. An EEO-AA employer. DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. The Government Documents Depart­ ment of the Stanford University Libraries is seeking a Librarian for the position of Acquisition and Bibliographic Control Division Head. Re­ sponsible for developing, implementing and monitoring a govern­ ment documents technical service program. As state and local docu­ ments bibliographer, selects appropriate documents and performs other collection development tasks. We require an MLS; proven abil­ ity to analyze, evaluate, and improve workflow processes; technical service experience related to government documents; effective su­ pervisory experience; ability to provide document reference service; ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; and the ability to interact with a variety of people. Beginning salary range $28,000-$37,200 annually. Send application/resume before No­ vember 15, 1984, to: Carolyn J. Henderson, Library Personnel Offi­ cer, Green Library, Stanford, CA 94305. Cite number 256 on all cor­ respondence. We are an equal opportunity em ployer through affirmative action. DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Required qualifications: MLS (ALA- accredited, or equivalent); a degree in education, psychology, a sci­ ence or a social science; familiarity with documents classification October 1984 / 513 and processing routines; in-depth knowledge of U.S. Federal docu­ ments and of state documents; general knowledge of international documents; demonstrated ability to organize simple but effective op­ erational systems; demonstrable experience in planning and imple­ menting successful programs; reference experience in an academic setting. Preferred qualifications: training and/or experience in data­ base searching; microcomputer applications to library systems. As­ signment: plans, develops, and supervises support staff in a newly established Documents Department and collection in a subject- divided library; future emphases will focus on streamlining process­ ing operations and upon simplifying access procedures; performs subject specific reference duties in appropriate reference area, in­ cluding some evenings and weekends; performs database search­ ing and collection development as appropriate. Appointment: Assis­ tant or Senior Assistant Librarian (tenure-track), twelve-month, $1502-$2406/month, depending upon qualifications. Generous benefits package. Send letter of application, resume and list of three references, postmarked by October 29, 1984, to: Charles Martell, California State University Library, Sacramento, 2000 Jed Smith Drive, Sacramento, CA 95819. An equal opportunity employer. EXTENDED CAMPUS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. (New position.) Responsible for overall administration and provision of services of the Schaffner Library which serves the University College (a degree­ granting unit of the University providing adult continuing education) and other extension programs on Northwestern’s Chicago Campus. Development of innovative public service programs including biblio­ graphic instruction, online searching, and microcomputer-based services for continuing education students on the Chicago and Evanston campuses is a significant component of this new position. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; at least two years rele­ vant experience in academic library reference service, including bib­ liographic instruction and online searching; familiarity with a broad range of library computer applications and general administrative is­ sues in academic libraries. Good communication skills, both oral and in writing, essential. Experience with library services for non- tra d itio n a l stu d e n t pro g ra m s is h ig h ly d e sira b le . Salary: $20,000-$22,000. Send letter of application and resume, including the names of three references, to: Lance Query, Director of Library Research, Analysis, and Personnel, Northwestern University Li­ brary, Evanston, IL 60201. An EEO/AA employer. Applications re­ ceived by November 15, 1984, will be considered. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS/MICROFORMS LIBRARIAN. Un der the general supervision of the Head of Reference. Responsible for the selection, organization and user services of the government documents collection, and supervision of current newspapers and microforms. May be required to work at the reference desk, includ­ ing some night and weekend work. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school or equivalent; at least three years profes­ sional experience as governm ent documents librarian; dem on­ strated ability to effectively supervise and communicate. Rank: Li­ brarian II. Minimum salary: $17,200. Liberal benefits including tuition exemption and 22 days vacation. Twelve-month academic appoint- D E P U T Y U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N A N D A S S O C IA T E D E A N University of Southern California The University of Southern California invites applications and nominations for the position of Deputy Uni­ versity Librarian and Associate Dean. USC is a private, urban university with approximately 25,000 national and international students in undergraduate, graduate and professional disciplines. The University Librar­ ian and Dean is the chief administrative officer for a library system consisting of Doheny Main Library and 11 branches, with five independent libraries, and reports to the Provost. The aggregate holdings total in excess of 2.2 million volumes and 1.4 million microforms, and there is a staff of 50 librarians, and approxi­ mately 300 support personnel. Responsibilities: Serve as the deputy administrator responsible for day-to-day operations, reporting di­ rectly to the University Librarian; provide bold and imaginative leadership in enhancing a major research university library system, utilizing traditional as well as new and innovative technologies; participate in plan­ ning and evaluating policies and procedures which support the University’s academic objectives and pro­ grams; implement further appropriate information technologies; maintain close communication between the various library departments, branches, and their respective heads; supervise all library personnel; co­ ordinate the activities and supervise the library administrative personnel; assist in planning and directing the library budget; administer the library personnel process, and other duties as assigned by the University Librarian. Qualifications: An appropriate advanced degree, preferably a doctorate in an extablished discipline, or an accredited MLS, plus a second graduate degree; extensive experience relevant to the design, develop­ ment, and operation of a substantial academic/research library; demonstrated understanding of the re­ sponsibilities of a library system that meets the needs of those engaged in teaching, research, and scholarly activities in a university; knowledge of current trends and applications of library information technologies; proven leadership and motivational abilities; superior communication skills; demonstrated success as an advocate within a university or related community, within a library community; evidence of continuous growth through scholarly publication and active participation in the individual discipline and/or profession. Salary range: $55,000-$64,500. Send letters of nomination or application (with resume and three professional letters of reference) to: Chair, Deputy University Librarian Search Committee, Office of the Provost, ADM 102, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-4019, Attention: Janet K. Chaudhuri, Assistant Provost. Review of applications begins on November 1, 1984. Date of appointment effective July 1, 1985. USC is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 514 / C&RL News ment. Position available immediately. Closing date for applications: October 15, 1984. Please forward resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Kate Maniscalco, Admin­ istrative Assistant, Tulane University Library, New Orleans, LA 70118. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. HEAD, ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS LIBRARY. Univer­ sity of Oregon. Assistant Professor, or higher. Responsible for devel­ oping and administering policies for A&AA Library, coordinating and providing reference services, online information retrieval, course- related bibliographic instruction, and collection development. Su­ pervise staff of 5 and student employees. MLS required, plus degree in one of the following: architecture, interior architecture, landscape architecture, urban & regional planning, art history, art education, fine and applied arts. Administrative and supervisory ability, analyti­ cal skills, strong oral and written communication skills, and demon­ strated leadership qualities essential. Prefer progressively responsi­ ble experience in a research library and a reading knowledge of a foreign language. Salary: $27,000 minimum for 12-month appoint­ ment, plus fringe benefits. Submit letter of application, resume and names of four references by November 9, 1984, to: Thomas A. Stave, Personnel Librarian, University of Oregon Library, Eugene, OR 97403-1299. An AA/EO employer. HEAD, ARCHITECTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN LI­ BRARY at Arizona State University (search extended). The library is located within the college of the same name and is staffed by one professional (the Head), one paraprofessional, and student assis­ tants, The librarian reports to the Associate University Librarian for Public Services and is responsible for management of the branch, collection development, reference and research assistance, biblio­ graphic instruction, and liaison with the college and the main library. ASU, the nation’s sixth largest public university, is celebrating its centennial year with the theme, “ Excellence for a new century.” Re­ quired qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; at least two years’ public service experience in an academic or research library; demon- S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S D IR E C T O R The University of Toledo Carlson Library The University of Toledo seeks applications for Special Collections Director in the Ward M. Cana- day Center for Research and Use of Rare Books and Special Collections. Duties: general adminis­ tration, collection development, manuscripts proc­ essing, reference, preservation, and public rela­ tions. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school and/or three to five years’ experience in an academic special collections department. Second graduate degree (preferably Ph.D) in Humanities and working knowledge of American/English litera­ ture also required. Proven administrative abilities, strong oral and written communication skills, and public relations talents very important. Faculty sta­ tus in the University Libraries; 12-month contract. Salary: up to $27,000 depending on qualifications. Available now. Before November 1, 1984, send resume and names of three references to: Leslie W. S h erid an , C hair, S earch C o m m itte e, Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft Street, Toledo, OH 43606. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. strated managerial, communication and interpersonal skills; subject expertise in one or more of the fields of architecture, art history, inte­ rior design, landscape architecture, urban design, and city planning. Preferred: administrative experience in a branch, unit or depart­ ment, preferably in an academic library. Salary: dependent on quali­ fications and experience ($21,000 minimum). Send letter of applica­ tion which addresses each of the qualifications listed above, a current resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, by October 29, 1984 (postmark accepted). Copies of the complete announcement of vacancy may be requested from the same person. ASU is a committed equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD, AU TO M A TED INFO RM ATIO N RETRIEVAL SERVICE (AIRS), REFERENCE DIVISION. Search extended Duties: Re sponsible for general operation of AIRS, including supervision of As­ sistant Head of AIRS and one secretary. C onducts literature searches in broad range of subject areas. Develops and supervises the Library’s programs of computerized reference services, includ­ ing planning, faculty and staff training, user instruction, public rela­ tions, scheduling, and evaluation. Supervises, through the Assistant Head of AIRS, the management and fiscal aspects of the service. Co­ ordinates work and evaluates searching performance of five to eight reference librarians and staff who are assigned part-time to AIRS program. Works at reference desk approximately five hours per w eek. A ssists with b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru ctio n . Q ualifica tio n s: ALA/MLS. Minimum of three years professional (post-MLS) experi­ ence in public services in an academic library. Minimum of three years experience utilizing online bibliographic databases, including comprehensive knowledge of DIALOG and BRS and substantial knowledge of other systems such as SDC, NLM, RECON, RLIN, WESTLAW, LEXIS/NEXIS, INFOLINE, and NIH/EPA. Previous su­ pervisory experience required; advanced subject degree desirable. Salary: Minimum $19,000; negotiable. Closing date for applications: November 1,1984, or until suitable applicant is found. For additional information and to apply, contact: Susan S. Lytle, Head, Personnel Operations, University Library, Texas A&M University, College Sta­ tion, TX 77843. Telephone (409) 845-8111. An AA/EEO employer. HEAD GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. (Search reopened.) Duties: Coordinating the reference service, collection development, acquisitions and biblio­ graphic control for federal, state, local and international documents; supervising two classified staff and several student assistants; devel­ oping goals and objectives for the Government Documents Collec­ tion; producing bibliographic guides; performing library orienta- tion/instruction and online searching; and preparing and monitoring a budget for the unit. Serves as member of the Library Administrative Council. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; demonstrated super­ visory, planning and communication skills; knowledge of federal and international organization documents; and the ability to relate harmo­ niously with users and staff. Full-time professional experience in a federal depository documents collection essential. Understanding of online searching and an advanced degree are desirable. Minimum salary: $21,000. Tenure-track, faculty status, 12-month appoint­ ment, 24 days vacation, fringe benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three refer­ ences by November 15,1984, to: Mary Dale Deacon, Director of Li­ braries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, 504, 402 employer. HEAD, MONOGRAPH CATALOGING. University of Cincinnati Li­ braries. (Search reopened: salary upgraded.) Responsible for orga­ nizing and supervising the work of the Monograph Cataloging and Classification Unit of the Central Processing Catalog Department, for formulating policies and coordinating monograph cataloging done by members of other units, and for some original cataloging. Reports to the Head of the Catalog Department. Supervises librarians, sup­ port staff and students assigned to the monograph cataloging unit and coordinates procedures for monograph cataloging done by staff in other units (includes all MARC formats except serials). May act as Head of the Department when latter is absent. Plans are un­ derway to automate the cataloging and circulation functions of the Libraries. BUS software for the online catalog will be loaded in late fall, 1984. Qualifications: Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited program. Minimum of three years cataloging expe­ rience using Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Library of Congress October 1984 / 515 classification schedules and subject headings; including two years experience working with the OCLC system. Demonstrated supervi­ sory and leadership ability. Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing. Demonstrated ability to work with other library staff at the support and Unit/Department Head level. Reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Experience or demonstrable interest in assisting the public in the use of biblio­ graphic records. Minimum salary: $18,000; rank and salary com­ mensurate with qualifications and experience. Send resume with cover letter and names of three references, postmarked by October 31, 1984, to: Sharon Tuffendsam, Libraries Personnel Officer, Uni­ versity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. The University of Cincinnati is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, RARE BOOKS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPART­ MENT. Administers, develops, and promotes the Special Collec­ tions, which feature the Cordell Collection of Dictionaries (nearly 10,000 volumes representing the entire history of western lexicogra­ phy) and the Eugene V. Debs Collection (manuscripts, pamphlets, and books). Required: ALA-accredited MLS and an advanced de­ gree in the humanities or the social sciences, demonstrated leader­ ship ability with strong emphasis on interpersonal skills, creativity, demonstrated writing and speaking ability, and three years’ experi­ ence in libraries or related areas. Desirable: Ph.D; two years’ experi­ ence in rare books or a related field; proficiency in two languages, preferably one classical and one modern; and knowledge of analyti­ cal and descriptive bibliography and lexicography. Salary: Minimum $22,500, negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. Twelve-month appointment, faculty status, attractive fringe benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers of three current references to: Ron G. Martin, Chair­ person, Library Search Committee, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809. Applications must be postmarked on or before Oc­ tober 29, 1984, to ensure consideration. An equal opportunity, af­ firmative action employer. HEAD SCIENCE-ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona is seeking a professional librarian to administer its Science- Engineering Library. Responsibilities include supervision of 6.5 pro­ fessional librarians and 7 career staff members; administration of ref­ erence service, online searching, bibliographic instruction, and collection development; and supervision of the catalog maintenance office and the current periodicals and microforms room in the Science-Engineering Library. The Science-Engineering Library is a separate branch within the library system and houses 350,000 vol­ umes and over 1 million microforms covering all fields of the pure and applied sciences except clinical medicine. A land-grant univer­ sity with an enrollment of 31,000, the University of Arizona is nation­ ally recognized for its scientific research and education programs and offers 51 doctoral programs in the sciences and engineering. Applicants for this position must have an ALA-accredited degree; demonstrated supervisory, plannning, and communication skills, and at least three years’ progressively responsible experience in an academic or special library public service area. Candidates with substantial supervisory experience will be given preference. Sci­ ence library experience, an academic background in the sciences, and knowledge of computers and library online systems are desir­ able. The position is available beginning March 1, 1985. Minimum salary is $28,000; higher salary is negotiable depending on qualifica­ tions and experience. Librarians at the University of Arizona have ac­ ademic professional status, are voting members of the faculty, and may take up to 15 days’ professional leave per year. They have 22 days’ paid vacation, 12 days’ sick leave, and 10 holidays. A stan­ dard package of fringe benefits is available. By November 15, a let­ ter of application, resume, and names of three references should be sent to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. The University of Arizona is an EEO/AA employer. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Administers overall operations of collection development, cat­ aloging, and physical processing. Responsible for coordination of bibliographic files throughout the library. Some night and weekend work should be expected. Qualifications include understanding of automated library systems; thorough knowledge of cataloging poli­ cies and procedures; demonstrated ability to plan and implement improved programs; demonstrated abilities in management; ability and willingness to communicate effectively and work well with all lev­ els of employees; stable employment background. An innovative li­ brarian with analytical skills is highly desirable. Requirements in­ clude ALA/MLS and five years of relevant post-MLS experience. Minimum salary: $25,000. The position is open now. Position is faculty-rank, tenure-track, 12-month, full-time with good fringe bene­ fits including up to 6°/o-matched TIAA/CREF. Send resume and names of three references (with their current titles, addresses, and phone numbers) who have observed human relationships and pro­ fessional abilities to: Library Search Committee, c/o Kathy Essary, Chair of Recruitment Committee, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 33rd and University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204. An EEO/AA employer. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. (Librarian III.) Land-grant insti­ tution serving over 9,000 students and member of Tri-Cohege Uni­ versity (North Dakota State University, Moorhead State University, Concordia College) and Minnesota State University System’s online catalog. Position is responsible for the administration of all technical services operations (five professionals and 14 support staff), Reports to the Director and assists in library-wide planning and policy forma­ tion. Qualifications include at least five years of progressively respon­ sible technical service experience in an academic library, MLS de­ gree from an ALA-accredited program, and successful experience in supervision and with automated library systems. Needs to relate with sensitivity to staff at all levels and be responsive to needs and concerns of other library units. Desirable qualifications include work in more than one technical services area and experience with OCLC, AACR2, LC classification, and online catalogs. Salary and benefits: $22,500 + DOE; TIAA/CREF; Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Application deadline: November 15. Submit letter of application, current re­ sume, and names and addresses of three references to: Personnel Office, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105. NDSU is an equal opportunity institution. HEAD OF TEXTILES LIBRARY at North Carolina State University, School of Textiles. Duties include collection development, reference services, current awareness services, online search service, library instruction and library planning. Supervise one professional assis­ tant and two clerical positions. The library collection includes 20,000 volumes, 860 serial titles and 422 media items in fields of textiles, chemistry and polymer science. Qualifications: Applicants must have an MLS degree, experience in DIALOG searching, strong communication skills and demonstrated ability to organize and su­ pervise the work of a progressive department. A second Master’s degree in the sciences is preferred. Benefits: Twenty-four working days vacation, twelve days sick leave, state retirement, group insur­ ance and hospitalization programs. Position carries faculty status (non tenure-track). Salary: $25,000 depending upon qualifications. Apply before November 14, 1984, to: William C. Lowe, Chairman, Search Committee, D. H. Hill Library, North Carolina State Univer­ sity, Box 7111, Raleigh, NC 27695. Include resume and names and addresses of three references. North Carolina State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Point Loma Nazarene College. Reference desk duty (some evening and weekend hours), database searching, and serving as liaison for bibliographic instruc­ tion and collection development with several academic depart­ ments. Qualifications: ALA/MLS, some academic library experience. Christian commitment and membership in an evangelical church. Faculty rank, TIAA/CREF. Salary: $15,000-$25,000. Send applica­ tion, resume, and three current references by November 1 to: James D. Newburg, Director of Learning Services, Point Loma Nazerene College, 3900 Lomaland Drive, San Diego, CA 92106. LIAISON OFFICER. Responsible for the activities to affect the intro­ duction, promotion, delivery and ongoing support of OCLC prod­ ucts and services to the network and library community. This in­ volves work with the networks to assess library needs, information dissemination, and implementation of marketing and promotional plans. The position requires an MLS degree and a minimum of 2 years in library automation and library/marketing capacities and a demonstrated knowledge of OCLC products and services. Good written and verbal communication skills are essential. Position may require extensive travel. Starting minimum salary: $21,475 or higher depending on experience and qualifications. Submit a resume com­ plete with education, experience and salary history/expectations to: Employment Representative, OCLC, Inc., 6565 Frantz Rd., Dublin, OH 43017. OCLC is an equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIAN IN COLLEGE HISTORY AND ARCHIVES COLLEC­ TION, a department of the College Library. Second professional po­ 516 / C&RL News sition in the department. Master’s degree in Library Science or re­ la ted d is c ip lin e s . E xp e rie n ce desira b le . H irin g range: $17,000-$21,000. Position available December 1, 1984. Applica­ tions, resumes, and names of three references by November 1, 1984, to: Anne C. Edmonds, College Librarian, Mount Holyoke Col­ lege Library, South Hadley, MA 01075. An equal opportunity, affirm­ ative action employer. LIBRARY INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Required qualifications: MLS (ALA-accredited or equivalent); a degree in education, in psy­ chology, in a science or a social science; experience in library in­ struction and experience or training in database searching; demon­ strable planning and organizational skills; excellent interpersonal and communication skills (both written and oral). Preferred qualifica­ tions: reference experience in an academic setting; familiarity with computer programming. Assignment: coordinates present library in­ struction program while developing or expanding new components; plans and develops advanced approaches to library instruction that might include end-user database searching, computer-assisted learning and video productions. Performs subject specific reference duties in appropriate reference area, including some evenings and weekends; performs database searching and collection develop­ ment as appropriate. Appointment: Assistant or Senior Assistant Li­ brarian (tenure-track), twelve-month, $1502-$2406/month, depend­ ing upon qualifications. Generous benefits package. Send letter of application, resume and list of three references, postmarked by Oc­ tober 29, 1984, to: Charles Martell, California State University Li­ brary, Sacramento, 2000 Jed Smith Drive, Sacramento, CA 95819. An equal opportunity employer. MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE I. Position requires an ALA accredited MLS degree or an equivalent academic/experience com­ bination; an in-depth understanding of a variety of library environ­ ments; tw o to three years post-MLS expe rience with library automation; and the ability to effectively communicate, both verbally and in writing, with a broad spectrum of individuals. Previous experi­ ence in a sales related activity associated with computerized sys­ tems (preferably library systems) is a definite plus. Incumbent repre­ sents the c o rp o ra tio n w ith respect to pro m o tio n , sales and after-the-sale contacts in relation to product offerings in the Local Li­ brary Systems class to defined customer group(s). Salary minimum for this position is $21,475 or higher depending on experience and qualifications. Please submit resume complete with salary expecta- tions/history to: Employment Representative, OCLC, Inc., 6565 Frantz Rd., Dublin, OH 43017. OCLC is an equal opportunity em­ ployer. ONLINE SERVICES LIBRARIAN. University of Nevada, Las Ve­ gas. Duties: Planning, developing, publicizing and evaluating online database services; coordinating use of an IBM PC; planning and evaluating searcher training; cooperating with the Systems Librarian in developing automation plans; preparing statistical reports for on­ line database services; demonstrating online database searching; serving as a resource person for other searchers; and participating in general reference desk duty and collection development. Re­ quirements: ALA-accredited MLS; two years of academic library ex­ perience; demonstrated planning, analytical, interviewing, and com­ m unications skills; p roficie ncy in online database searching, knowledge of searching principles, database structures, and refer­ ence sources; and the ability to develop innovative services and re­ late harmoniously with users and staff. Advanced degree desirable. Minimum salary: $19,000. Tenure-track, faculty status, 12-month ap­ pointment, 24 days vacation, fringe benefits. Send letter of applica­ tion, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references by October 31, 1984, to: Mary Dale Deacon, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Park­ way, Las Vegas, NV 89154. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, 504, 402 employer. OPERATIONS MANAGER for Online Automated Library System, shared by 18 public, academic, and system libraries serving 24 cen­ tral Illinois counties. (Search extended.) Self-starter with exceptional people skills to administer automation program under RSA executive committee. 3 -5 years experience with online automation applica­ tions required. Bachelor’s mandatory, master’s preferred in LS or equivalent desired. Must own automobile. Extensive travel essential. Home office in Peoria metropolitan area. Salary: $25,000-$35,000 plus benefits. Deadline: October 31, 1984. Send resume and three references to: Travis E. Tyer, President, Resource Sharing Alliance of West Central Illinois, 515 York, Quincy, IL 62301, telephone (217) 223-2560. An EO/AA employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Primary responsibilities include general reference desk work, bibliographic instruction to both graduate and und erg radu ate students, some selection responsibilities and evening/weekend reference duty. Some online searching is involved as well as production of bibliographies for general use. Academic e xp e rie n c e is desira b le . R equirem ents: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school; good written and oral communication skills; willingness to deal with the public and to cooperate with fellow employees; must be service-oriented. Full-time, 12-month position; rank and tenure eligibility; salary minimum $15,000. TIAA/CREF. Send resume and names of three references to: Kathy Essary, Chair, Library Search Committee, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 33rd and University, Little Rock, AR 72204. An EEO/AA employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Cluster Undergraduate Library, Univer­ sity of California, San Diego. Assistant Librarian: $20,316-$ 2 5 ,992, or Associate Librarian: $24,828-$35,748. (This salary to be in­ creased by 3.8% effective January 1, 1985.) Available January 1, 1985. As a branch of the Library system of the University of Califor­ nia, San Diego, the Cluster Undergraduate Library provides basic library services for students in the four colleges on campus. The Un­ dergraduate Library presently possesses an up-to-date, highly se­ lective collection of 90,000 volumes and 500 serial titles in all fields. Works in close association with the other librarians in the unit; pro­ vides reference service at reference desk 18-19 hours per week (in­ cluding some evening and weekend hours); performs short com­ puter searches for refe re n ce s u p p o rt; p re p a re s su b je ct bibliographies, orientation leaflets and guides to use of the library re­ sources; makes classroom presentations; coordinates the library in­ struction program; conducts library tours and orientations; serves as a lecturer in Contemporary Issues 50, a 2-unit course on information and academic libraries (once a year); and recommends library mate­ rials for acquisition in various humanities disciplines (literature, art). UCSD librarians participate in librarywide planning activities and in­ structional services programs and are expected to be active profes­ sionally. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Academic major in one of the major humanities fields such as litera­ ture or fine arts is highly desired. Teaching ability is essential, as is dedicated interest in a dynamic program of information access and exchange at the undergraduate level. An appointee at the Associate level would be expected to bring to the position substantial relevant experience in an academic library. Applications accepted until No­ vember 16,1984. Submit a letter of application, enclosing a resume and a list of references to: Jacqueline Coolman, Personnel Librarian, University of California, San Diego, Library, C-075-H1, La Jolla, CA 92093. UCSD is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. RE FER EN CE L IB R A R IA N , P H Y S IC A L S C IE N C E S /E N G I- NEERING. (Entry level.) Search extended. Duties: Provides com­ prehensive reference assistance, with emphasis on the physical sci­ ences and engineering, from a centralized reference collection. Prepares bibliographies and guides to the literature for use in staff training and in classroom instruction. Assists with bibliographic in- structon and computerized reference services. Serves as one of seven Reference Division resource persons in the sciences. Respon­ sible for reference collection development in assigned areas. Qualifi­ cations: ALA/MLS. Academic background in the physical sciences or engineering required. Second master’s degree in science-related field or two years of pre-professional library experience preferred. Experience with online systems of bibliographic data retrieval desir­ able. Salary: $16,000; $16,500 with second master’s degree. Clos­ ing date for applications: November 1, 1984, or until suitable appli­ cant is found. For additional information and to apply, contact: Susan S. Lytle, Head, Personnel Operations, University Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. Telephone (409) 845- 8111. An EEO/AA employer. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN, SOCIAL SCIENCES. Search extended. Duties: Responsible for collection development activities in the social science disciplines, including selection of mate­ rials, evaluation of collections, and intensive collection building in specific area (selected annually) of the total collection. Responsible for monitoring of funds associated with collection development activ­ ities. Works closely with approval plan personnel in refining approval plan profiles. Works closely with teaching faculty in social science departments and colleges in collection building. Participates in the formulation of Resource Development Division policies and proce­ dures. Responsible for gift and exchange operations. Trains and su­ October 1984 / 517 pervises support staff. Qualifications: ALA/MLS. Minimum of two years professional (post-MLS) experience. Academic background in the social sciences required. Knowledge of at least one foreign lan­ guage. Familiarity with OCLC and major bibliographic tools. Super­ visory and organizational abilities. Salary: Minimum $18,000; nego­ tiable. Benefits: Up to $85/month paid on health, life, and disability insurance package; 87.3% of Social Security paid for first $16,500 of salary; choice of retirem ent plans in cluding TIAA/CREF; tax- deferred annuity program available; no state or local income taxes; 10.5 month appointment; faculty rank; 14 state holidays. Closing date for applications: November 1,1984, or until suitable applicant is found. For additional information and to apply, contact: Susan S. Ly­ tle, Head, Personnel Operations, University Library, Texas A&M Uni­ versity, College Station, TX 77843. Telephone (409) 845-8111. An AA/EEO employer. SENIOR SERIALS CATALOGER. Reports to Head of Cataloging Department and is responsible for cataloging and classifying new serial titles and title changes; recataloging and/or classifying serial titles; training and directing one FTE serials cataloger and training and supervising student assistants and support staff as required; as­ sisting in the development and implementation of serial cataloging policies/procedures and assisting Head of Department in maintain­ ing a department manual; serving as liaison for serial cataloging ac­ tivities with other units/departments within the Library; directing ret­ rospective conversion of serials. ALA-accredited MLS, two years professional serials cataloging experience, experience with OCLC, thorough knowledge of LC subject headings and classification, AACR 2 and 1, MARC formats and cataloging conventions are re­ quired. Experience with retrospective conversion of serials, knowl­ edge of one foreign language, and academic library experience are preferred. Salary dep endent upon qualifications. M inimum: $17,760. Faculty rank, twelve-month tenure-track position; TIAA/ CREF, vacation of 22 working days. KSU, with an enrollment of 19,000 students, is located in the scenic Flint Hills of northeastern Kansas. KSU Libraries contains almost 1,000,000 cataloged vol­ umes and has a materials budget in excess of $1,500,000. Deadline for application: November 15, 1984. Send letter of application, re­ sume, and names and addresses of three relevant references to: Ann Scott, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, Kansas State University Libraries, Manhattan, KS 66506; position available January 1, 1985. Kansas State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SERIALS, ASSISTANT DEPARTMENT HEAD. Dartmouth Col lege Library is seeking qualified applicants for the newly created po­ sition of Assistant Head for the Serials Department, one of four Biblio­ graphic Control Departments responsible for the technical services functions for the library system of eight libraries. The Serials Depart­ ment coordinates and maintains the acquisitions, bibliographic con­ trol and binding operations for the entire centrally received serials collection of 19,000 titles. Under the general direction of the Serials Librarian, the Assistant Serials Librarian is directly responsible for su­ pervising the bibliographic control activities of the department and coordinating bibliographic control activities for serials performed in other technical service areas with the bibliographic control opera­ tions of the Serials Department. Provides administrative assistance to the department head and contributes to the planning and man­ agement of the department and bibliographic control. Qualifications: Required are an ALA/MLS; a minimum of three years post MLS ex­ perience in an academic or research library, some of which must have been in serials cataloging or serials acquisitions; experience with RLIN or another automated system; and familiarity with AACR2 and the LC interpretations as applied to serials. Salary and rank com­ mensurate with experience and qualifications with a minimum salary of $18,500 for a Librarian II. Send resume by October 31 to: Phyllis E. Jaynes, Director of User Services, 115 Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755. Dartmouth College is an AA/EEO/M/F o m n lr u / o r SOCIAL SCIENCES BIBLIOGRAPHER. University Center at Binghamton Libraries seeks a Bibliographer/lnformation specialist to work as one of two social science subject specialists in the Univer­ sity Library, a research library with holdings of over 1,000,000 vol­ umes. The Library uses RLIN, Geac, and OCLC for bibliographic in­ formation and services. Responsibilities include book selection in the core disciplines of sociology, economics and political science; fac­ ulty liaison; and reference/consultation services in the Social Sci­ ences, with the opportunity to help define the role of the library in the Information Age. The Library has network affiliation with the Re­ search Libraries Group and New York State 3R’s. Qualifications: ALA/MLS; advanced degree in a Social Science; knowledge of two Western European languages (German desirable); two-three years experience in information services in a research library, familiarity with online databases. Minimum salary: $19,000 with liberal fringe benefits. Appointment level and salary commensurate with experi­ ence. Submit letter of application, resume, and three references by October 22, 1984, to: Recruitment Committee, Library Administra­ tive Offices, Glenn G. Bartle Library, University Center at Bingham­ ton, Binghamton, NY 13901. EO/AAE. SUPPORT AND TRAINING SPECIALISTS. OCLC, Online Com puter Library Center, Inc., has immediate openings for Support and Training Specialists within our Marketing and User Services Division. The two position openings will provide support and training for OCLC Automated Serials Control and Acquisitions components of the Online system. Responsibilities include developing instructional programs and materials to support networks’ training efforts, and presenting training workshops to promote effective use of the sys­ tem. The Acquisitions position will also function as coordinator for O CLC’s new DX (Direct transmission) capability. The positions re­ quire an MLS degree; three years of library experience; demon­ strated expertise in one of the OCLC Online Subsystems (preferably Serials Control including Union Listing, or Acquisitions); and demon­ strated verbal and written skills. Minimum starting salary for both po­ sitions is $19,151 annually. OCLC offers an excellent benefits pack­ age. Interested parties should submit their resume complete with education, experience, and salary history/expectations to: Employ­ ment Representative, OCLC, 6565 Frantz Rd., Dublin, OH 43017. OCLC is an equal opportunity employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN (search reopened) Enthusi­ astic, creative candidate with ALA-accredited MLS sought to pro­ vide cataloging and acquisitions services in an LRC. Experience or training in OCLC highly desirable. Interest in computer applications in the LRC essential. Position will include some public services activi­ ties and involvement in college-wide activities. Salary: $15,000; ex­ cellent benefits. Send resume and vitae including details of com­ puter experience to: Ellen I. Watson, LRC Director, Arkansas College, P.O. Box 2317, Batesville, AR 72503. Search closes No­ vember 7, 1984. Arkansas College is an equal opportunity em­ ployer. Qualified minorities are encouraged to apply. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN OVERSEAS. American University of Beirut, Lebanon, requires Administrative Head for the University Li­ brary System consisting of 425,400 volumes, 3,721 current periodi­ cals, currently a professional staff of 11 and a student body of 5,000. ALA-accredited MLS required; additional masters or doctorate strongly preferred; minimum 7 years of professional experience in an academic research library including minimum 5 years in progres­ sively responsible administrative positions; a working knowledge of library technology and a well-demonstrated leadership and adminis­ trative ability, an awareness of current trends in higher education, a proven ability to work effectively with a research oriented faculty. A background knowledge of the Middle East is deemed essential. Po­ sition available immediately. Salary range: $25,000-$30,000. Can­ didates should send C.V. to: Vice President of the University, Ameri­ can University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. AUB is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIANS. The Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Matheson Library. Applications are invited for two posts of Assistant Librarian in the Matheson Library's Cataloging Section. Serving a student body of 1,100 and approximately 150 academic staff, the Library holds 60,000 volumes and is adding 10,000 volumes a year. It serves as the major technological information center for Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific. Duties of the 518 / C &R L News posts include: original cataloging, revision of records procured from the Australian MARC Records Service, and the retrospective conversion of catalog records. Limited evening and weekend duty in public services will also be required. Applicants must hold either a Degree in Librarianship or a Degree in another subject and an internationally recognized professional qualification in librarianship. The posts require familiarity with DDC19, AACR2, ISBD and Library of Congress subject headings. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in automated cataloging systems. Salary: Assistant Librarian I: K12,920 per annum; Assistant Librarian II: K14,385 per annum. (K1 = US $1.0806.) Level of appointment will depend upon qualifications and experience. Initial contract period is for three years. Benefits include a gratuity of 24% taxed at 2%, appointment and repatriation fares, recreation leave fares for staff member and family after 18 months of service, settling-in and settling-out allowances, six weeks paid leave per year, education fares and assistance towards school fees, free housing, salary protection plan and medical benefits schemes are available. Further information is available from the University Librarian, Mr. S.A. Patchett, at the address below. Detailed applications (two copies) with curriculum vitae, together with the names and addresses of three referees should be received by October 15, 1984, by the Regristrar, PNG University of Technology, Private Mail Bag, Lae, Papua New Guinea. ASSISTANT PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Permanent tenure-track faculty appointment available January 1. Duties include general reference service, library instruction, online database searching, selection of reference materials, and support of other public service functions as needed. Schedule will include some evening and occasional weekend hours. Requires ALA-accredited MLS, minimum 2 yrs. previous professional experience; ability to interact with students and faculty in a variety of subject areas essential. Salary $17,000 minimum plus liberal faculty benefits including relocation assistance. Send resume and three recent references to: Robert L. Burr, Director, Crosby Library, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA 99258. HEAD, AUTOMATED SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT. (Position redefined). New department, reporting to Associate Director for Technical Services and Automation. Responsible for: managing department staff (1 prof, and 1 para-prof.); coordination of the library’s bibliographic and administrative systems, including DataPhase ALIS II system (Data General MV8000 minicomputer), and 11 IBM PCs for administrative systems; developing comprehensive plans for systems operations;developingspecifications and coordinating recommendations for new hardware and software; developing functional specifications and overseeing programming or software purchase; developing systems security plan; overseeing routine departmental operations; working with automation vendors; conducting studies of proposed and existing systems; coordinating acceptance testing; assisting other departments in implementing systems and developing policies, procedures, and user documentation; assisting library department in training of automated systems; coordinating telecommunications (networking) requirements related to automation operation. Qualifications: The following are preferred: experience in implementing automated systems within a library (including bibliographic maintenance, acquisitions, serials control, online catalogs or circulation); knowledge of current library and general hardware and software; ability to deal effectively with operational changes affecting systems, and library staff; analytical skills and the ability to provide creative and comprehensive solutions to problems; library and automation experience, as well as knowledge of the MARC formats, OCLC, and bibliographic control techniques; organizational flexibility; good oral and written communication skills; ability to work well within a large organization; ability to design and implement research studies; proven supervisory and October 1984 / 519 managerial skills; a record of professional development; knowledge of programming principles and the ability to revise programs (preferably MIIS/MUMPS); knowledge of or experience with analysis methods; sensitivity to the concerns of a research library. ALA-accredited MLS or MS in computer/information science required. Environment: University Library Services, serving the 20,000 students of both the academic and medical campuses, employs the DataPhase ALIS II system for circulation and acquisition; plans are underway to use ALIS for the online catalogs, an authority and serials control. The database now contains over 375,000 bibliographic records. Microcomputers are used for word processing, statistics, budgeting, database searching, etc. The materials expenditures for 1984/1985 is $1.94 million. Salary: $25,000 minimum, depending on qualifications. Applications: Submit resume and the names and phone numbers of three current references by November 15 to: Arnold Hirshon, Associate Director for Technical Services and Automation, Cabell Library, Virginia Commonwealth University, 901 Park Avenue, Richmond, VA 23284. Virginia Commonwealth is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. AUTOMATED SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT LIBRARIAN. Reports to the head of this department. Responsibilities: Assist in the coordination of the library’s bibliographic and administrative systems, including DataPhase, ALIS II system (Data General MV8000 minicomputer), and eleven IBM PCs for administrative system; write specifications for new hardware and software; write programs; evaluate software requests; perform acceptance testing; assist in implementation and in training of automated systems; assist in maintenance of computer hardware; write and maintain documentation; coordinate maintenance with service vendors. Qualifications: The following are preferred: experience with automated systems in libraries (including bibliographic maintenance, acquisitions, serials control, online catalogs or circulation); knowledge of current library and general hardware and software; analytical skills; knowledge of the MARC format, OCLC, and bibliographic control techniques; good oral and written communication skills; record of professional development; knowledge of programming principles, and the ability to write programs in at least one high-level language (preferably MIIS/MUMPS); sensitivity to the concerns of a research library; ability to work well independently; ALA-accredited MLS or MS in computer/information science required. $19,000 minimum salary, depending on qualifications. See above advertisement for application details. Deadline: November 15. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN (Readvertisement). Major responsibility is to direct and expand the Library instruction program. This includes the formal instruction, self-instruction, and faculty outreach programs. Other responsibilities are to serve in a support capacity to the primary online search librarian, share in Reference Desk schedule (daily, evening, weekend), and collection development. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS, science or engineering degree or significant course work or experience, and good interpersonal and communication skills. Position available immediately. Initial screening of applications will begin November 1, 1984. Minimum salary for this classification is $15,300; however, qualified candidates displaying previous related work experience or special qualifications may negotiate a salary within the first quartile of the salary range. Please send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Mr. Lee J. Lebbin, Library, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931. Applications accepted until position is filled. Michigan Technological University is an equal opportunity educational institution, equal opportunity employer. BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR LITERATURES OF WESTERN EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA. (Readvertisement.) The University of California, Santa Cruz, is seeking a 520 / C&RL News service-oriented bibliographer to develop its collections in French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Latin American literature, and history and social science of Latin America. Serves in the Collection Planning Section and participates in formulating collection policies and procedures. Provides general and specialized reference service. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent; fluency in French or Spanish with a strong working facility in the other language and with working facility in German and Italian desired; graduate level knowledge of a major European literature, French strongly preferred; a thorough understanding of scholars’ research needs and of the organization and accessibility of the relevant literature; broad interest in the humanities and social sciences, and interest in working with both undergraduate and graduate students. Assistant Librarian ($20,316-$25,992) or Associate Librarian ($24,828-$35,749). Application deadline: November 15, 1984. Send resume and names of three references to: Katherine Beiers, Assistant University Libarian, Personnel, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY AUTOMATION. Dartmouth College Library is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Director of Library Automation. Responsibilities include planning, analysis, design and implementation of computer support systems for library operations; pursuing and developing experimental systems, such as the online catalog, serials receipt control, and circulation; coordinating library automation programs with national and regional efforts, such as RLG/RLIN and NELINET; preparing grant applications and pursuing other sources of funding for computer support of library operations; and hiring, training and supervising library automation staff of 3 programmers. The successful candidate will have a proven effective management style and the ability to communicate equally well with the library personnel and the personnelin the campus computer center. Qualifications: master’s degree in computer science, information science, or library science, with at least 5 years of progressively responsible experience with library automation systems and computer programming are required. Prior experience in the design and implementation of library automation programs and with other library departments highly desirable. Experience with UNIX highly desirable. Salary and rank commensurate with experience and qualifications, with a minimum salary of $27,000. Dartmouth College is an AA/EEO/M/F employer. Please send resume to: Phyllis E. Jaynes, Director of User Services, 115 Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, before November 15, 1984. HEAD CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Seek energetic growth-oriented professional for permanent tenure-track faculty appointment available December 1. Responsible for overall management of WLN-based cataloging unit processing approx. 10,000 titles/year; perform original cataloging with emphasis upon business, technology, and social sciences; supervise 1 professional and 3 support staff. Requires ALA-accredited MLS, knowledge of a Romance language, minimum 2 years previous experience in a professional position involving original cataloging, use of a bibliographic utility, and supervision. Salary $17,000 minimum plus liberal faculty benefits including relocation assistance. Send resume and three recent references to: Robert L. Burr, Director, Crosby Library, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA 99258. HEAD OF CATALOGING (search reopened.) Reports to the director of library. Supervises 1 professional, 1 paraprofessional, 3 technicians, and 5 student assistants. Coordinates all cataloging activities using OCLC, LC classification and AACR2 rules. May be asked to teach an undergraduate cataloging course. Minimum requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; 4 years cataloging experience with two years in a supervisory October 1984 / 521 position in an academic setting. Automated cataloging experience preferable. Minimum salary: $23,000. Arkansas State University is located in Jonesboro, near Ozark recreational areas and Memphis, Tennessee. TIAA/CREF, 20 day‘s vacation on a 12-month contract, and group insurance. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Bill Hansard, Library Director, P.0. Box 2040, State University, AR 72467. Applications accepted until a candidate is found. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF READER SERVICES. Responsible for a progressive program of course- related bibliographic instruction, online searching, and reference services and collection. Also responsible for circulation and interlibrary loan. Participates in collection development. ALA-accredited MLS, 3-5 years supervisory, reference, BI and online searching experience. Demonstrated strong leadership, management and communication skills, with an active public services orientation. Minimum salary: $20,000. Apply by November 9 to: Paula Warnken, Director of Libraries, Xavier University, 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45207. Xavier is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES. Lead, guide and direct technical services with heavy emphasis on cataloging, including copy/revision/original in OCLC environment. Required: ALA/MLS; 5 yrs. cataloging, with 3 under AACR2 in OCLC (or equivalent); successful supervision of cat/tech services operation; thorough knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, MARC, national cataloging standards. Desired: science cataloging, science undergraduate, library automation; Hiring salary: $28,000-$32,000. Resume, application letter, statement (500 wds) on cat/tech services philosophy to: Marsha R. Kipperman, Personnel, Bldg. 185, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, LI, NY 11973. Position will remain open until filled; preference given to applications received by October 15. MUSIC CURRICULUM LIBRARIAN. Responsible for the juvenile, curriculum, score, record, and AV collections of a university library serving 6500 students. Could involve some service responsibility or document or database searching. Opportunity to teach section or required course in use of library resources. Supervision of one clerical position in addition to student assistants. Nights and weekend work expected. Accredited MLS required. BS in education with music background desirable. Experience helpful but not required. Annual salary $14,400+, depending upon qualifications and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Open immediately. Application, including resume, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and two letters of recommendation should be sent by November 1, 1984, to: George N. Hartje, Director of Libraries, Pickier Memorial Library, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, MO 63501. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. PERSONNEL LIBRARIAN, Case Western Reserve University Libraries. University Libraries, an ARL member, is composed of Sears and Freiberger Libraries and is the largest unit in the Case Western Reserve University Library System, housing the collections in Humanities and Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Engineering, Science, Management, and Music. The collection contains over 1,500,000 items (bound volumes, government documents, and microforms) and includes over 7,000 current serial subscriptions. The staff includes 33 professionals and 44 non-professionals. The Personnel Librarian, a newly-created position, will, in accordance with established University and Library policies, be responsible for planning, organizing, and coordinating activities related to the recruitment, employment, and staff development and training of all library personnel. Responsibilities will include: recommending and assisting in the development, implementation, and review of library personnel policies and procedures; developing, coordinating, and evaluating library’s staff training and development programs; recruiting and reviewing applicants for librarian and staff positions; directing student employment activities; serving as the library’s principal liaison with the University’s Human Resource Department, Affirmative Action Office, and Student Employment Office. Required qualifications are an accredited MLS and previous library experience in personnel at an administrative level. Post-graduate work in personnel administration desired. Salary from $18,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Deadline for applications is November 1, 1984. Send application, resume, and names of three references to: Mary DeVocht-Berges, Department of Human Resources, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106. Case Western Reserve University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Reports to the Head, Public Services. Is responsible for general reference work, bibliographic instruction, reference and general collection development and online database searching. Supervision of circulation, interlibrary loan, and/or stack maintenance may be assigned in addition. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree and the ability to perform Dialog searches are required. Post-MLS reference and bibliographic instruction experience in an academic library are preferred. Circulation work experience is highly desirable. Salary range: $18,000-$22,000. Letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three current professional references should be sent by October 31, 1984, to: Henry R. Stewart, Director, William Allen White Library, Emporia State University, Emporia, KS 66801. AA/EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN WITH SPECIALIZATION IN CHEMICAL SCIENCES. Serves a student body of 16,000 and provides individual research guidance to graduate students, faculty, and research staff; teaches courses and selects materials in the chemical literature; prepares profiles and performs online searching. Requires MLS and degree in a chemical field. For appointment at assistant librarian level, salary range is $20,316-$25,992. Send resume by October 15, 1984, to: Margaret Deacon, Associate University Librarian, Personnel, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. UCSB is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. The Library of the Schools of Theology in Dubuque has two openings: one on the University of Dubuque Campus, the other on the Wartburg Theological Seminary Campus. MLS from an ALA-accredited institution required. Theological training desirable. Previous reference experience desirable. Responsibilities include supervision of circulation, bibliographical instruction, online searching. Salary: $15,000-$16,000. Apply with resume and 3 references by November 1, 1984, to: Duncan Brockway, Director of Libraries STD-UD, 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque IA 52001. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Reports to the Head, Technical Services. Is responsible for management of serials area with 2000 subscriptions. Functions include: selection and acquisition record-keeping, supervision and maintenance of the serials collections in all formats; general collection development; information desk services including nights and weekends; and online database searching (Dialog). Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree is required. Post-MLS serials work experience in an academic library is preferred. Some knowledge of microcomputers and/or serials automation is desirable. Salary range: $18,000-$22,000. Letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current professional references should be sent by October 31, 1984, to: Henry R. Stewart, Director, William Allen White Library, Emporia State University, Emporia, KS 66801. AA/EOE. A n unprecedented resourcefro m the **w orld’s largest lib ra ry ” — T h e M a in C a ta lo g o f t h e L ib r a r y o f C o n g r e ss 1 8 9 8 —1 9 8 0 on microfiche • Com plete d ictionary catalog w ith author, title, subject, series and related entries in a single alphabetical sequence. • 25,000,000 entries covering 7 Vi m illion item s—books, pam phlets, periodicals and o th er serials cataloged by the Library o f Congress. • Com plete bibliographic descriptions rep ro d u ced in their entirety. • Subject access unavailable in the N a tio n a l U nion Catalog. P u b lica tio n in in sta llm en ts 1984— 1987. Silver halide and diazo editions available; reduction ratio 48:1. Both 105mm roll fiche and standard 105mm x 148mm form at in p reparation. Roll f i c h e ............. $ 14,900 * Standard fiche . . $ 15,900* * Prices f o r silver halide edition, p a ym ent in fu ll on receipt o ffirst shipment. For diazo edition a n d other p a ym ent options, please inquire. A detailed brochure is now in preparation; please con­ tact Walter Jaffe at 212 982-1302 for more information. K .G . S a u r I n c . 1 7 5 F if t h A v en u e N .Y ., N .Y .1 0 0 1 0 Revised and enlarged 1985-86 edition Encyclopedia of Information Systems and ServicesSixth Edition • Edited by John Schmittroth, Jr. Now in two volumes: I n t e r n a t i o n a l . A pproxim ately 600 pages. 1,150 entries. 27 indexes. $165.00. Pub. Oct. 1984. INIS, Derwent, AGRIS, INPADOC, Telesystemes, and nearly 1,200 other international and national organizations, systems, and services located in some 70 countries (excluding the U.S.). U n i t e d S t a t e s . A p p ro x im ately 1,200 pages. 2,350 entries. 27 indexes. $190.00. Pub. Dec. 1984. Inform ation systems, services, and organizations of inte rn atio n al, national, state, or regional scope located in the U.S. Two-volume set, $325.00. T h is m assive tool is more th a n ever the world's leading guide to electronic inform ation system s and services. Its highly detailed entries list and describe nearly 25,000 systems, services, products, and programs. Included are over 400 online services and 3,600 databases, more th an in any other source. Among the organizations covered... • Publishers . . . associations . . . governm ent a g en c ie s... private firm s ... and others th a t produce databases. T he range includes bibliographic . . . non-bibliographic... o n lin e ... offline... commercial . . . g o v e rn m e n t. . . and private databases. • O nline com puter service organizations th a t can give access to databases in countless fields. • C o n s u lta n ts ... m arket research f irm s ... associa­ tio n s . . . and pu b licatio n s th a t can help you m ake profitable use of electronic inform ation. • Videotex/teletext sy ste m s... telecom m unications netw orks . . . library system s .. . demographic and m arketing data firm s ... docum ent delivery sources . . . software products . . . the whole vast range of products and services th a t m ake up the dynam ic world of inform ation technology. Detailed entries... Entries cover: organization and system name, address, and p h o n e ... date esta b lish e d ... name and title of a dm inistrator . . . staff size . . . related organizations . . . detailed description . . . subject coverage . . . in p u t sources . . . holdings and storage m edia . . . publications . . . m icroform products and services . . . com puter-based products and services . . . o th er services (abstracting, consulting, data collection, SDI, research, etc.) . . . electronic mail netw ork address . . . and more. 27 indexes speed research... Easy access is provided by indexes to organization names, subjects, types of services, etc. T he M aster Index covers all 25,000 organizations, systems, services, databases, software products, and more. Supplement also available... N ew Inform ation System s and Services is a soft- bound, inter-edition supplem ent, $250.00. 5% d iscount for standing orders. All Gale books are sent on 60-day approval. 5% discount for sending check w ith order. C ustom ers outside the U.S. and Canada add 10%. G T A o or L der E by ph R one: e 80 s 0- e 521 a -07 r 07 c . In h Ca n Co ada, M . Book Tower • D etroit, MI 48226 ichigan, Alaska, and Hawaii: 313-961-2242.