ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 300 ACRL Seeks V olunteers for O ffices and Committees Would you like to run for an ACRL office or volunteer for appointment to an ACRL standing committee? Are you interested in seeking office in an ACRL section or being considered for ap­ pointm ent to a section committee? If the answer is yes to either of these questions, here’s how to proceed. ACRL P r e s i d e n t T he ACRL A ppointm ents and N om inations Committee will nominate candidates for the office of ACRL v ice -p resid e n t/p re sid en t-e le ct at the January 1980 M idwinter M eeting of ALA. The election for this office will be held in the spring of 1981. The winner of the election will serve as vice-president/president-elect during 1981-82 and as p re sid en t of ACRL d uring 1982-83. If you wish to b e co n sid ere d for nom ination to this office or if you would like to suggest names for consideration, contact the chair of the Appoint­ m e n ts and N o m in atio n s C o m m itte e , R ussell Shank, U n iv e rsity L ib ra ria n ; U n iv e rsity of California, Los Angeles; 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024. ACRL C o m m i t t e e s ACRL has eighteen standing and ad hoc com­ mittees: Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award Com mittee, Academic Status Com­ mittee, Appointments and Nominations Commit­ tee, Audiovisual Committee, Budget and Finance C om m ittee, C hapters C om m ittee, C onference Program Planning Com mittee, Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Continuing Education Com­ mittee, Copyright Committee (ad hoc), Legisla­ tion C o m m itte e , M e m b e rs h ip C o m m itte e , National Conference Committee, Planning Com­ m ittee, Publications Com m ittee, Standards and Accreditation Committee, Standards and Accredi­ tation Committee—Standards f o r College Librar­ ies Revision Subcommittee (ad hoc), and Supple­ m ental Funds C om m ittee. To learn about the areas of responsibility covered by these commit­ tees, see the ALA H andbook o f O rganization, 1979-1980. W hen sc h e d u le d vacancies occur on ACRL sta n d in g c o m m itte e s, th e A p p o in tm e n ts and N om inations C o m m itte e re co m m e n d s to th e president-elect of ACRL the names of members who might fill the vacancies. The president-elect m akes th e final ap p o in tm en ts. If you are in­ terested in being considered for appointm ent to an ACRL comm ittee, you should complete the ACRL C om m ittee V olunteer Form that is in­ cluded in this issue of C&RL News and mail it to Russell Shank, chair of the A ppointm ents and N om inations C o m m itte e , befo re Jan u ary 15, 1980. ACRL S e c t i o n O f f i c e s ACRL has thirteen sections (their names are listed later in this article). You will find a descrip­ tion of their areas of responsibility in the ALA Handbook o f Organization. Each section has an executive committee and a nominating commit­ tee. The nominating committee nominates p e r­ sons to run for the elective offices of the section. The major offices of a section are the chair and vice-chair/chair-elect. Some sections also elect secretaries and m embers-at-large to the section executive committee. If you would like to run for the office of vice-chair/chair-elect of a section or for secretary or m em ber-at-large, contact th e chair or a m em ber of the a p p ropriate section nominating committee (see “People to Contact,” below) before January 15, 1980. ACRL S e c t i o n C o m m i t t e e s The committees of ACRL sections offer a vari­ ety of opportunities for service to the division. The Com m unity and Junior C ollege L ibraries Section alone has ten committees. For a complete listing of ACRL section committees, see the ALA Handbook o f Organization. The chair-elect of a section appoints the chair and m em bers of all section com m ittees when scheduled vacancies on these committees occur. If you would like to be considered for appoint­ m ent as chair or m em ber of a section committee, fill out the ACRL Com m ittee Volunteer Form and mail it to the chair-elect of the appropriate section (see “People to C ontact,” below) before January 15, 1980. E d i t o r i a l B o a r d s ACRL has five editorial boards: the Choice Editorial Board, the College & Research Librar­ ies E d ito rial Board, th e C ollege & Research Libraries News E ditorial Board, th e N o nprint Media Publications Editorial Board, and the Pub­ lications in Librarianship Editorial Board. W hen a vacancy occurs on an editorial board, the editor recommends the name of a person to fill the va­ cancy. The Publications Committee must approve the recommendation. The ACRL board must give its approval, and finally the president of ACRL makes the appointment. If you would like to be co n sid ere d for a p ­ 301 p o in tm e n t to an e d itorial board, contact th e editor of the publication (see “ People to Con­ tact,” below). R em em ber that at any given time th ere are only a limited num ber of vacancies on ACRL’s committees, sections, and boards. If at once you don’t succeed in obtaining an appointm ent, try again. Make yourself known to committee chairs by sitting in on meetings, volunteering to help with committee projects, etc. If committee chairs see that you are interested in the work of their committees, they may recommend your name to the appropriate appointing body when a vacancy occurs. P e o p l e t o C o n t a c t Anthropology Section V ice-C hair/C hair-Elect: Patricia Ann W hitè, Reference Librarian and Bibliographic Instructor, 413 H atcher G raduate L ibrary, U niversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Nominating Committee: Chair, Karen W itten­ borg, Social Sciences Bibliographer, Green Li­ brary, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305; Pamela Haas, Photographic Collections Librarian, American Museum of Natural History Library, 79th at Central Park West, New York, NY 10024; Hazel Johnson, Social Sciences B ibliographer, U niversity of Pittsburgh, 4628 Bayard S treet, Apt. 407, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. A rt Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Jane Anne Snider, As­ sistant Head Librarian, Herron School of Art of Indiana University, 1701 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, IN 46202. N om inating C o m m itte e : C h a ir, Jane Anne Snider, Assistant Head Librarian, Herron School of Art of Indiana University, 1701 N. Pennsyl­ vania St., Indianapolis, IN 46202. Asian and African Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: E. Christian Filstrup, Chief, Oriental Division, New York Public Li­ brary, Fifth Ave. and 42d St., New York, NY 10018. N o m in atin g C o m m itte e : C h a ir, C o rin n e N y q u ist, D ire c to r, W orld S tu d ie s C e n te r, SUNY-New Paltz, New Paltz, NY 12562; Pauline Tina Lesnik, South Asian Librarian, Oriental Di­ vision, New York Public Library, Fifth Ave. and 42d St., New York, NY 10018. Bibliographic Instruction Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Sharon J. Rogers, So­ cial Science Subject Specialist, U niversity of Toledo Libraries, 2369 Robinwood, Toledo, OH 43620. N o m in atin g C o m m itte e : C h a ir, C e rise Oberman-Soroka, Head, Library Reference, Col­ lege of Charleston, Charleston, SC 29401. College Libraries Section V ice-C hair/C hair-Elect: Willis M. H ubbard, Director, Hugh Stephens Library, Stephens Col­ lege, 609 Maplewood D r., Columbia, MO 65201. Nominating Committee: Chair, Harold Smith, Librarian, Park College, Parkville, MO 64152; W a lte r D. M orrill, D ire c to r of L ib ra rie s, Hanover College, Box 287, Hanover, IN 47243; Lucille W ert, Chemistry Librarian, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801. Community and Junior College Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Barbara Collinsworth, Associate Dean, Learning Resources, Macomb County Community College, 14500 Twelve Mile Rd., W arren MI 48093. Nominating Committee: Chair, Sidney August, D ire cto r, D ivision of E ducational Resources, Com munity College of Philadelphia, 34 South 11th S treet, Philadelphia, PA 19107; Billy C. Beal, C ircu la tio n /In te rlib ra ry Loan, M eridian Junior College, 5500 Highway 19 N, Meridian, MS 39301; John Cohn, Director of Library Ser­ vices, County College of Morris, Route 10 and C e n te r G rove R d., R andolph T ow nship, NJ 07869; Stuart E. Lawrence, Director of the Li­ brary, Kirtland Community College, 1202 Esther St., Roscommon, MI 48653. Educational and Behavioral Sciences Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Eva L. Kiewitt, Associ­ ate Librarian, Graduate Library School, Indiana University, 4100 Cambridge D r., Bloomington, IN 47401. Nominating Committee: Chair, Jean C. Jones, D ire c to r, L ib ra ry and A rchives, 'Am erican Psychiatric Museum Association, 1700 18th St., N .W ., W ash in g to n , DC 20009; L eslie B. Bjorncrantz, Curriculum Librarian, Northwestern U n iv e rsity L ib ra ry , 2146 F o re stv ie w R d., Evanston, IL 60201; Marianna Markowetz, Assis­ tant D irector for Public Services, University of W isco n sin -M ilw a u k ee , P .O . Box 604, M il­ waukee, WI 53201. Law and Political Science Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Ele.ct: Frances H. Hall, Li­ brarian, North Carolina Supreme Court Library, P.O. Box 28006, Raleigh, NC 27611. N om inating C om m ittee: C hair, A rtem is C. Kares, Reference Librarian, East Carolina Uni­ versity, Greenville, NC 27834; Rebecca S. Bal­ le n tin e , L ib ra ria n , I n s titu te of G o v e rn m en t, U N C-CH, Box 990, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Kenneth E. Carpenter, Curator, Kress Library, Harvard Business School, Soldiers Field Rd., Boston, MA 02159. 302 Nom inating Committee: Chair, Ann Bowden, Associate E ditor, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Box 2287, Austin, TX 78768; P e te r M. Van W ingen, H ead, R eference and R eader Service Section, Rare Books and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress, W ash­ ington, DC 20540; Ann E. Williams, Associate Librarian, University of Kansas, 1204 E. 27th St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Science and Technology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Thomas G. Kirk, D i­ rector of the Library/Learning C enter, University of W isconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, WI 53104. Nominating Committee: Chair, Linda Phillips, R eference L ib ra ria n , U n d e rg ra d u a te L ibrary, University of T ennessee, Knoxville, TN 37916; H e rb e rt Biblo, A ssistant L ib ra ria n , T he John C rerar Library, 35 W. 33d Street, Chicago, IL 60616; D o rothy H. H ope, C atalog L ibrarian, University of Louisville, Health Sciences Library, Box 35260, L ouisville, KY 40232; V irginia R. W e ise r, L ife S c ien c es L ib ra ria n , S c ien c es- Engineering Library, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106; Frank Polach, Agriculture and Botany Resource Librar­ ian, L ibrary of Science and M edicine, Rutgers University, P.O. Box 1029, Piscataway, NJ 08854; R ichard A. F arley, A dm inistrator, USDA/SEA T echnical Inform ation System s, 1902 W ooded C t., Adelphi, MD 20783. Slavic and East European Section V ice-C h a ir/C h a ir-E lec t: W ojciech Zalew ski, Curator for Russian and East European Materials, S ta n fo rd U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s , S ta n fo rd , CA 94305. Nominating Com mittee: Chair, E. Alex Baer, Head, Reference/College D evelopm ent D ep art­ m ent, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Uni­ versity, 209 Ardmore St., Blacksburg, VA 24060; Murlin C roucher, Slavic Bibliographer, Wilson Library, U niversity of N orth C arolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. RISE IN ROYALTIES f o r o n - l i n e s e a r c h i n g p r e d i c t e d The royalties that data base producers charge for o n -lin e se a rc h in g of th e ir p ro d u c ts will roughly double by 1985, says a report by Patrick Barwise of the London Business School. The re­ port predicts that other direct costs of searching (the charges levied by se arching services and telecom m unications operators) will continue to drop. But, because royalties will double, the total direct costs of searching will fall less than many observers have expected. University Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Pearce S. Grove, D i­ rector of Libraries, W estern Illinois University, 620 W estern Ave., Macomb, IL 61455. N o m in atin g C o m m itte e : C h a ir, D o n a ld E. O ehlerts, D irector of Libraries, Miami U niver­ sity, Oxford, OH 45056; James F. Govan, D irec­ tor of Libraries, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514; K enneth S. Allen, Associate D irector of Libraries, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98185; Raul C. H er­ rera, Director of the Library, New Mexico High­ lands University, Las Vegas, NM 87701; Kenneth W. H edm an, A ssistant D ire c to r of L ibraries, U n iv e rsity of Texas at El Paso, E l Paso, TX 79968. Western European Specialists Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: To be elected. N om inating Com m ittee: Chair, John Ryland, L ib ra ria n , H a m p d en -S y d n ey C o lle g e , Box 7, Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943; Anna H. Perrault, Hum anities Bibliographer, Louisiana State U ni­ versity Library, Baton Rouge, LA 70803; Charles B. Osburn, Assistant University Librarian for Col­ lection M anagem ent, N orthw estern University Library, 1111 Church St., Evanston, I L 60201. Editorial Boards Choice Editor: Jay Martin Poole, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. College & Research Libraries Editor: Richard D. Johnson, Director, James M. Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, NY 13820., College and Research Libraries News Editor: Jeffrey T. Schwedes, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. A C R L N o n p rin t Media P ublications E ditor: Dwight Burlingame, Dean of Libraries, Bowling Green State University Library, Bowling G reen, OH 43403. A CRL Publications in Librarianship Editor: Joe W. Kraus, D ire cto r of L ibraries, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61761. ■■ The re p o rt asserts th at data base pro d u cers have kept on-line royalties low in order to e n ­ courage on-line searching. As a result, the users of the printed forms of data bases are now, in ef­ fect, subsidizing on-line users. To continue this pricing policy after on-line searching has taken hold, how ever, risks precipitating a fall in the sale of p rin te d products. T hus, data base pro­ ducers are likely in the future to charge higher royalties for on-line searching and to limit price increases for printed products. The full report, entitled “The Impact on User Charges of the Extended Use of Online Informa­ tion S ervices,” by T. P. Barwise, may be ob ­ ta in e d fo r $25 from IC SU -A B , 51 Bd d e Montmorency, 75016 Paris, France. ■■ 303 ACRL COMMITTEE VOLUNTEER FORM If you are interested in serving on an ACRL standing comm ittee, please complete this form and mail it before the ALA M idwinter M eeting to: Russell Shank, University Librarian, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024. If you would like to serve on an ACRL section comm ittee, send this form to the appropriate section vice-chair/chair-elect before the ALA Midwinter Meeting.