ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 86/C& RLNews Technologists and librarians Conference w orking together Circuit By L averna M. Saunders The 1992 CAUSE Conference W hile attending the recent CAUSE con­ ference in Dallas called “G rasping the M om entum o f the Information Age,” I experi­ en ced several surprises. The first, an hour-long pow er outage, h ap p en ed w hile I w as present­ ing a preconference on the virtual library. Since m y partner an d I had com pleted the com puter- assisted portion o f our w orkshop, w e contin­ u e d “in the dark” w ith oral presentations by several guest speakers and th en m oved on to small group discussions u n d er dim em ergency lighting. This event brought ou t w ith irony the fragility o f the virtual library. Across th e hall, how ever, G eorge Brett, Jo an Lippincott, and Peggy Seiden hot-w ired their com puters into the lighting system and continued w ith their w o rk sh o p . T he creativity an d technical skill n e e d e d to d o this also reflected o n w here w e are in the evolution of electronic information transfer. The second surprise w as a com m ent m ade by o n e of our w orkshop participants, m ost of w h o m w ere administrators in com puting cen­ ters at colleges and universities. D uring a dis­ cussion o f the roles o f technologists an d librar­ ians in creating the virtual library, the participant com m ented that it is hard to talk an d w ork w ith librarians. We p u rsued this issue by ex­ ploring ways that the com puter center an d the library can collaborate to provide access to netw orked information. A few o f these strate­ gies included having group meetings, getting to k n o w each o ther better, defining specific projects to w ork on together, reading the sam e literature, and identifying the right questions to ask in joint discussions. The gro u p agreed that w e need to redefine the roles on both sides, with com puting center staff becom ing m ore user oriented and library staff becom ing m ore tech­ nologically informed. Linking services At o n e institution, th e structure for w orking through these concerns w as total quality m an­ agem ent, though they d id n ’t call it that. Recog­ nizing that the library an d com puting services share the sam e users, th e staff o f the tw o orga­ nizations cooperated in determ ining w hat their users e x p e c t a n d identifying h o w an d w h o w o u ld m eet those needs. At another institution, a reorganization w hich formally linked the library and com puter cen­ ter forced a dialog. In other places the n eed to reallocate resources created a dem and to look for w ays to w ork together rather than com ­ pete. A nother surprise cam e in the Coalition for N etw orked Inform ation (CNI) reporting session w h en a technologist asked that CNI develop a thesaurus o f library jargon so he could u n d er­ stand w hat librarians w ere talking about. H e w an ted to w ork w ith th e librarians at his uni­ versity but felt that he lacked the right language. This c o n cern a n d related o n e s w ere voiced again in the current issues session “Com puting an d Library Organizations: Im pact of Integrat­ ing T echnologies,” w hich w as conducted by Anne W oodsw orth o f the Palm er School. D eveloping partnerships The them e o f developing partnerships betw een libraries an d com puter centers also cam e out in several o th er presentations. Carole Barone, a keynote sp eak er w h o is associate vice ch an ­ cellor for inform ation technology at the Uni­ versity of California-Davis, titled h e r talk “New Interpretations of O ld Rules . . . o r If the O cean Is o n the Right You Are H eaded N orth.” Be­ cause the rate o f technological change is up- Lavem a M. Saunders is assistant university librarian f o r technical services, University o f Nevada, Las Vegas Publications Now Available From ACRL February 1993 Management Recruiting the Academic Measuring Academic Library Library D irector: A Com panion Performance: A Practical to the Search Committee Approach H andbook by Nancy Van House, Beth Weil, by Sharon Rogers and Ruth Person and Charles McClure $18.65; ACRL m em ber $15.35 $ 3 2 .0 0 ,140p. 0-8389-0529-3,1990; 0-8389-7484-8,1991 $75.00 with self-running database, 0-8389-0542-0,1991 Clip Notes Practical ideas for managing your College Library Newsletters library's programs and services are CLIP Note #13 contained in ACRL's College Library Information Packets (CLIP Notes). Patricia Smith Butcher and Susan Each CLIP Note provides data and McCarthy Campbell, comps. sample documents from college $18.64; ACRL member $1 5 .3 5 ,154p. and small university libraries that 0-8389-7445-7,1990 w ill assist you in establishing or refining services and operations. Performance Appraisal in New! Academic Libraries Interlibrary Loan in College CLIP Note #12 Libraries Barbara Williams Jenkins, comp., CLIP Note #16 with the assistance of Mary L. Roxann Bustos, comp. Smalls $34.50; ACRL member $2 8 .7 5 ,148p. $18.64; ACRL member $1 5 .3 5 ,128p. 0-8389-7652-2,1993 0-8389-7444-9,1990 New! Collection Development Database Searching in College Policies For College Libraries Libraries CLIP Note #11 CLIP Note #15 Theresa Taborsky, comp. Sarah Pederson, writer and comp. $26.35; ACRL member $2 1 .9 4 ,175p. $29.95; ACRL member $ 2 4 .9 5 ,123p. 0-8389-7295-0,1989 0-8389-7651-4,1993 Audiovisual Policies in College Annual Reports for College Libraries Libraries CLIP Note #14 CLIP Note #10 Kristine Brancolini, comp. Kenneth Oberembt, comp. $21.95; ACRL member $ 1 8 .6 5 ,152p. $21.95; ACRL member $1 8 .7 5 ,135p. 0-8389-7495-3,1991 0-8389-7219-5,1988 Friends of College Libraries Mission Statements for College CLIP Note #9 Libraries Ronnelle Thompson, comp. CLIP Note #5 $18.75; ACRL member $15.50,134p. Jamie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, David Henderson, 0-8389-7171-7,1987 comps. $21.95; ACRL member $16.50,107p. Periodicals in College Libraries 0-8389-6944-5,1985 CLIP Note #8 Jamie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, David Henderson, comps. $18.75; ACRL member $15.45,116p. 0-8389-7143-1,1987 Special Collections Thesauri for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing These thesauri were developed for Type Evidence use in MARC field 655 and 755. $8.95; ACRL member $7.50,19p. Each thesaurus provides standard­ ized vocabulary for retrieving items 0-8389-7428-7,1990 by form and genre or by various physical characteristics which are typically of interest to special col­ Binding Terms lections librarians. $11.50; ACRL member $9.50,37p. 0-8389-7210-1,1988 Genre Terms (2nd ed.) Printing & Publishing $21.95; ACRL member $18.65,90p. Evidence 0-8389-7516-X, 1991 $8.95; ACRL member $7.50,28p. 0-8389-7108-3,1986 Paper Terms Provenance Evidence $8.95; ACRL member $7.50,52p. $10.50; ACRL member $8.50,24p. 0-8389-7427-9,1990 0-8389-7239-X, 1988 Collection Development W om en's Studies Collection Building W om en's Studies Developm ent Policies Collections: A Resource Guide W SS Collection Development Joan Ariel, editor and Bibliography Committee This is no. 8 in the Bibliographical This unique tool identifies issues Essay Series published by Choice. and provides models of existing O rder from Choice, 100 Riverview policies. Com plete policy state­ Center, M iddletown, CT 06457. m ents from 16 university libraries $12.00, 48p.illustrate the range of issues and 0914492071,1987provide a variety of models. The RLG Conspectus; W om en's Studies supplem ental guideline, included as an appendix, identifies issues English and American Litera­ unique to W om en's Studies and ture: Sources and Strategies for describes materials and sources. Collection Development $35.95; ACRL mem ber $ 2 9 .9 5 ,122p. Publications in Librarianship: 0-8389-7596-8,1992 No. 45 W illiam M cPheron, editor $32.00, 272p. Books for College Libraries III 0-8389-0476-9,1987 This set covers more than 50,000 titles chosen to represent a core collection of books for four-year Richard Garnett: college and university libraries. The Scholar and Librarian BCL3 is also available on machine- Publications in Librarianship: readable tape. Contact ACRL for No. 46details. Barbara M cCrim m in$600. 6v.set. $125 individual volume $ 3 0 .0 0 ,211p. 0-8389-3353-X, 1988 0-8389-0508-0,1989 State Education Documents: A Directory of Curriculum State-by-State Directory for M aterials Center, 1990 Their Acquisition and Use EBSS Education-Related Donald Osier, Carol W right, Janet Lawrence, M ary Ellen Collins, Government Publications Beth A nderson, comps. Subcommittee This directory includes 272 insti­ This directory provides the means tutions and covers purpose, hours, to access the large variety of state staffing, budget, service, and hold­ education documents available ings. from governm ent agencies. $39.54; ACRL m em ber $ 3 2 .9 4 ,240p. $21.95; ACRL m em ber $18.65, 54p. 0-8389-7439-2,1991 0-8389-7327-2,1989 Western European Studies: Women's Studies in Western Current Research Trends & Europe: A Resource Guide Library Resources Stephen Lehmann and Eva Sartori, Ceres Birkhead, Eva Sartori, editors John Cullars, John Dillon, $19.85; ACRL member $1 6 .5 0 ,129p. Thomas Kilton, editors 0-8389-7037-0,1986 Eleven research papers offer thoughtful synthesis, personal insight and information useful for anyone dealing with recent scholar­ ship in W estern European studies. $32.95; ACRL member $29.65,120p. 0-8389-7461-9,1990 Bibliographic Instruction New! The Evolving Educational Learning to Teach: Workshops Mission of the Library on Instruction Betsy Baker & M ary Ellen Litzinger, A practical guide for bibliographic editors instruction practitioners and pro­ This book identifies strategic issues gram coordinators, this book is a which challenge the development useful training manual. Nine work­ of instructional programs in aca­ shops cover the basics including demic libraries and suggests roles clear, concise discussions of class­ for librarians in the educational room techniques, new technologies, processes of their parent institutions. and instruction in a multicultural Academic librarians, library school environment. This collection of educators, and higher education workshops is designed to develop faculty and administrators will fundamental skills and addresses want this book. critical issues in bibliographic $29.95; ACRL member $ 1 9 .9 5 ,202p. instruction. 0-8389-7584-4,1992 $24.99; ACRL member $21.99, 86p. 0-8389-7627-1,1993 Read This First: An Owner's Guide to the New Model Statement of Objectives for Academic Bibliographic Instruction Carolyn Dusenbury, Monica Fusich, Kathleen Kenny, and Beth W oodard, editors $19.75; ACRL member $16.45, 72p. 0-8389-7548-8,1991 Statistics & Research New! ACRL/Historically Black Academic Libraries Achieving Colleges & Universities Excellence in Higher Education: Library Statistics, 1988-89 Proceedings of the Sixth Robert E. Molyneux, comp. National Conference of the $35.95; ACRL member $ 25.95,101p. Association of College and 0-8389-7547-X, 1991 Research Libraries Thomas Kirk, editor ACRL University Library This publication includes the com­ Statistics, 1988-89 plete text of provocative presenta­ Denise Bedford, comp.tions by Julian Bond (leader for social change), W. David Penniman $49.95; ACRL member $29.95, 79p. (president of the Council on Library 0-8389-7446-5,1990 Resources), Paul Saffo (technology consultant and futurist), and Cath­ arine R. Stimpson (women's studies Library Statistics of Colleges & scholar and academic administra­ Universities, 1985; National tor). Practical examinations and Summaries, State Summaries, solutions to current academic li­ Institutional Tablesbrary problems are included in 36 program reports and 52 refereed Data on 3,000 academic libraries contributed papers. Inspiring and from the 1985 HEGIS study con­ informative, these proceedings re­ ducted by the Center for Education flect the vitality of the conference Statistics and the variety of issues explored. $33.50; ACRL member $26.45,140p. $49.95; ACRL member $44.95,522p. 0-8389-7147-4,1987 0-8389-7622-0,1992 Academic Libraries: Research Perspectives Publications in Librarianship: ACRL University Library No. 47 Statistics, 1990-91 Mary Jo Lynch and Arthur P. Library Research Center, Graduate Young, editors School of Library & Information $27.50; 256p. Science, University of Illinois at 0-8389-0532-3,1990Urbana-Champaign, comp. This edition provides data on over 100 participating libraries. The cate­ Building on the First Century: gories of library data collected Proceedings of the Fifth include: collections, personnel, National Conference of the expenditures, and interlibrary loan. Association of College and The institutional data elements Research Libraries reported include degrees offered, enrollment size, and faculty size. Jan Fennell, editor $69.95; ACRL member $39.95, 80p. $32.85; ACRL member $24.25,320p. 0-8389-7587-9,1992 0-8389-7289-6,1989 ACRL University Library Energies for Transition: Statistics, 1987-88 Proceedings of the Fourth Robert E. Molyneux, comp. National Conference of the Association of College and $49.95; ACRL member $29.95, 79p. Research Libraries 0-8389-7288-8,1989 Danuta A. Nitecki, editor ACRL Academic Library $32.85; ACRL member $2 4 .2 5 ,248p. Statistics, 1978/79-1987/88 0-8389-6976-3,1986 (Diskettes) $65.95; ACRL member $53.95 0-8389-7311-C, 1989 News & Reviews Choice College and Research Libraries Book review journal of the Associ­ Official journal of the Association ation of College and Research Li­ of College and Research Libraries. braries (ACRL). Eleven issues per Six bimonthly issues per year. Sent year (July/August combined). to ACRL members as a perquisite ISSN: 0009-4978. Available by sub­ of membership. Also available on scription only, $155/year domestic subscription, $50.00 per year in the rate; $170/year foreign rate; single U.S.; Canada and Mexico $55.00 per issues $15.00. Also available as: year; and all other countries $60.00; single issues $14.00 each. ISSN: 0010-0870. Choice-Reviews-on-Cards College and Research Libraries Reviews from each monthly issue News of Choice printed on 3x5 cards. Available to Choice subscribers Official news magazine of the As­ only for $235/year domestic rate; sociation of College and Research $255/year foreign rate, sample box Libraries. Eleven issues per year $25.00. Order either Choice product (July/August combined). Sent to from: Circulation Department, ACRL members as perquisite of Choice, 100 Riverview Center, M id­ membership. Also available on sub­ dletown, CT 06457, (203) 347-6933. scription, $25.00 per year in the U.S.; $30.00 per year in Canada and other PUAS countries; $35.00 in other foreign countries; single is­ Rare Books and Manuscripts sues $6.50 each. ISSN: 0099-0086. Librarianship A journal of theory and practice College & Research Libraries covering all aspects of special col­ and College & Research lections librarianship. Two issues/ Libraries News, Index for year. ISSN: 0884-450X. $30.00 U.S.; Volumes 41-50 (1980-89) $35.00 for Canada and Mexico; and all other countries $40.00; single is­ $29.95; ACRL member $25.95,180p. sues $15.00 each. 0-8389-7487-2,1991 Ordering Information 1. Fill in your shipping and billing addresses. 2. Check the items you wish to order. Indicate a quantity and sub-total. Add appropriate han­ dling charges. 3. Select a method of payment. ACRL pays post­ age and handling charges for prepaid orders (check, money order, credit card). 4. 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Evidence □ $10.50/8.50 7239-X-293 Provenance Evidence □ $19.75/16.45 7548-8-293 Read This First □ $18.65/15.35 7484-8-293 Recruiting Acad. Lib. Dir. □ $30.00 0508-0-293 Richard Garnett □ $21.95/18.65 7327-2-293 State Education Doc. □ $8.95/7.50 7428-7-293 Type Evidence □ $32.95/29.65 7461-9-293 Western European Studies □ $19.85/16.50 7037-0-293 Women's Studies in West. Europe □ $35.95/29.95 7596-8-293 Women's Studies Collection Dev. Policies $____ Subtotal $____ Handling charges............. Handling charges $3.75 up to $19.99; $4.75 for $20 to $49.99; $6.50 for $ $------- T o t a l to $74.99; $7.50 for $75 to $149.99; 5% of total order for $150+. 50 ACRL Approval Plans ACRL publications provide practical ideas, tools and methods for: management, bibliographic instruction, special collections, collection development, statistics & research. The convenient and cost-cutting ACRL approval order plan provides automatic priority snipping of ACRL’ s new books at a 20% discount to ACRL mem­ bers (10% to non-members). There are two approval plan categories from which to choose: Plan P guarantees that you will automatically be sent all new ACRL publications including CLIP Notes. ACRL publishes approximately 5 to 6 new titles each year. Plan PC is exclusively for titles in the CLIP Notes (College Library Information Packets) series. CLIP Notes collect data and sample documents from aca­ demic libraries to assist librarians in establishing or refining services and operations. Easy to enroll. Call or write Mary C. Taylor, ACRL program officer, indicating the category you have chosen. (ACRL/ALA, Approval Plan, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611; 1-800-545-2433 ext. 2515). February 1 9 9 3 / 8 7 setting the equilibrium o f organizations, B arone gave n ew rules to challenge technologists to change their perspective a b o u t m anagem ent and organization behavior. She said that w e need to address basic relationships an d rep ro ­ gram our thought patterns. We d o n ’t know w hat is best for o u r clients an d n e e d to ap p ro ach each w ith a fresh perspective, no t just deliver a set slate o f services. O ne o f h e r reco m m en d a­ tions to com puting adm inistrators w as to align w ith the library o n key joint projects an d take advantage o f the library’s traditionally strong su p p o rt in th e cam pus com m unity. The D artm outh C am pus Inform ation System (DCIS) w as p ro m o ted by R obert B rentrup, w h o spoke ab o u t a cam pus inform ation culture, and by A pple C om puter, w hich sp o n so red several hands-on dem onstrations. A bout 20-30 confer­ ees sat at M acintosh stations an d accessed DCIS through the Internet. T he m ain features avail­ able w ere the library catalog, dictionaries, e n ­ cyclopedias, an d w eath er maps. D artm outh has tried to provide “a p o rt for every pillow ” for s tu d e n t u s e a n d h a s b e g u n u p g ra d in g to eth ern et links for th e m ore than 6,000 Macin­ tosh com puters in use. T he cam pus philoso­ phy follow ed the “library m odel” in w hich com ­ puting is considered a public utility, centrally funded, provided free, w ith services reaching everyone. CAUSE is the professional association for m anaging an d using inform ation technology in higher education. It is associated w ith adm inis­ trative com puting, w hereas EDUCOM focuses o n academ ic com puting. Its annual conferences offer a n excellent v en u e for librarians to hear ab o u t the applications o f inform ation technol­ ogy o n cam pus. This y ear’s conference will be D ecem ber 7-10 in San Diego. If you have ideas for a program proposal, contact the CAUSE of­ fice at 4840 Pearl East Circle, Suite 302E, Boul­ d e r, CO 80301. L ibrarians a re w e lc o m e at CAUSE, a n d the conference provides a relaxed setting for getting n ew ideas. ■ Letters Challenging organizational structures To the Editor: T he “M odel Statem ent for the Screening an d A ppointm ent o f Academic Librarians Using a Search Comm ittee" (N ovem ber 1992) is w ell do n e w ith o n e exception. It takes as a given that this b o d y sho u ld act in a “consultative” manner. I think it’s time that these efforts should be a partnership w ith th e director o r a p p ro p ri­ ate adm inistrator. This partnership w o u ld re­ quire consensus of all parties or, perhaps even more radically, a simple unanimous vote of the search committee. I believe it’s time to challenge the top dow n organizational structures of our li­ braries (and colleges and universities) that offer the guise of democratic participation. Organizations should elect their leaders in the same w ay w e elect our government leaders.— Terry Link, public policy librarian, Michigan State University, East Lansing Offensive cover features Colorado To the Editor: This letter is in resp o n se to th e cover of the D ecem ber C&RL News. [University o f Colorado at Denver, Auraria Campus] I found it highly offensive. As a longtim e su p p o rter o f hum an rights back to the sixties, I have alw ays prided m yself in w orking for those w h o have b een discrim inated against. I also o p p o se all discrimi­ nation b u t unfortunately, you d o not. In ch o o s­ ing to h o n o r a state w hich denies a group of citizens its hu m an rights, you are contributing to a clim ate o f hatred an d bigotry. I am very tired o f p eo p le preaching h o w liberal ALA is w h e n I see so m any blatant exam ples of its sexist, racist, an d hom o p h o b ic nature. N one of w hich som eone like yourself w ith y o u r ed u ca­ tion is im m une to. I am at a loss as to w hy anyone sho u ld k eep renew ing ACRL m em ber­ ship if this is the intolerance its m em bers re­ ceive. Barbra Streisand has led a fine example for the rest of the country by boycotting Colorado in any way. I suggest you examine your conscience (if you have any) and let your heart lead. Maybe your next cover should be of South African and the wonderful progress they’re making -Joseph T. King, San Francisco (C&RL N ews w elcom es y o u r signed, typed co m m en t on recent content in o u r pages or on matters o f interest to the academ ic or research library profession. S en d to: The Editor, C&RL N ews, 5 0 E. H uron, Chicago, IL 60611; fa x : (312)280-7663; bitnet: U38398@UICVM.bitnet ■