ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 9 2 /C&RL News PMC holds first meeting The P reservation M anagers Council of th e Commission o n Preservation an d Access held its first m eeting in O c­ to b er 1992. Members o f the council identified tw o major topics for future discussion: th e evolving n atu re o f th e p re s e rv a tio n fu n c tio n a n d h o w it relates to o ther library o r institutional functions, and e d u c a tio n for p re se rv a tio n adm inistrators an d staff in ­ volved in large preservation program s. The m anagers also indicated inter­ est in discussing preservation concerns w ith archivists, as w ell as participating in dev elo p ­ m ent o f the com m ission’s scientific research agenda. T he council will hold its next m eeting in Spring 1993. Council m em bers are: Margaret Byrnes (N a­ tional Library o f Medicine), Ellen C unningham - K ruppa (University o f Texas, Austin), Richard F ried er (N orthw estern U niversity), K en n eth Harris (Library o f C ongress), C arolyn Clark M orrow (H arvard University), Barclay O gden (University o f California, B erkeley) an d Chris­ tin e W ard (N ew Y ork S tate A rch iv es a n d Records Administration). Project IBID requests D e p a rtm e n t o f Education funds Project IBID is requesting funds from the U. S. D epartm ent of Education for a tw o-year p ro ­ gram to dem onstrate the use o f digital technol­ og y fo r o n -d e m a n d p rin tin g o f out-of-print b o o k s . T h e g ra n t p r o p o s a l p la n calls fo r bitm apping (using high-resolution scanners) the te x ts o f 250 title s a n d p r o d u c i n g X ero x D ocutech copies u p o n request. The plan is d e ­ signed to test the feasibility o f digital storage an d o n-dem and m arketing of boo k s n e e d e d for college collections. Am herst College, the College o f Charleston, the S outheastern Library N etw ork (SOLINET), an d the Com m ission on P reservation an d Access are su p p o rtin g this proposal w ith funds and in-kind contributions. For m ore information ab o u t Project IBID, contact the codirectors: Willis Bridegam, Librar­ ian, A mherst College, Amherst, MA 01002 an d D avid Cohen, D ean o f Libraries, College o f C harleston, Charleston, SC 29424. Presenation N ew s Jane Hedberg CPA releases p a p e r In D ecem ber 1992 the Com­ mission o n Preservation and A ccess (CPA) a n n o u n c e d release o f A H ybrid System A pproach to Preservation o f P rin t Materials, a report on th e in te rre la tio n sh ip s b e ­ tw een microfilm an d digi­ tal te c h n o lo g ie s u s e d for preservation. T he 68-page p a p e r w as w ritten b y D on W illis, v ic e - p r e s i d e n t o f Electronic Product Develop­ m ent for University Micro­ films International, in consultation w ith the com m ission’s T echnology Assessm ent an d Ad­ visory Committee. It includes an exam ination o f the advantages, disadvantages, an d costs of micrographics vs. digital im age preservation sys­ tems, plus inform ation o n the im portance o f im age resolution. Willis concludes that a digi­ tal im age-based preservation system is the most prom ising solution in the future, b u t that a hy­ brid system com bining microfilm an d digital im aging m ay b e the best current solution. C opies o f the report are available for $10.00 each from the Com m unications Assistant, Com­ mission o n Preservation an d Access, 1400 16th Street, N.W., Suite 740, W ashington, DC 20036- 2217. Prepaym ent is required. (Sponsors receive all com m ission publications free o f charge.) E d note: At the en d of m y first year as edi­ tor, I w an t to express m y appreciation to ev­ eryone w h o has so kindly provided items or ideas for this colum n. C ontact w ith dedicated preservation professionals has m ade this job very enjoyable. I also w an t to thank K athleen S pencer an d the m em bers o f th e College Li­ braries Comm ittee at th e CPA for the o p p o rtu ­ nity to w rite th e colum n; Mary Ellen Davis, editor o f C&RL News, for excellent a n d good- h u m o red advice; and, finally, Hilding H edberg, assistant director o f the A ttleboro (Mass.) P ub­ lic Library an d m y husband, for critiquing each colum n’s clarity, brevity, an d syntax. ■ Jane Hedberg prepares this colum n f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation a n d Access. Submissions m ay be m ade via: Internet: JHEDBERG&LUCY. WEUESLEY.EDU; f a x (617) 283- 3640; or m ail to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8275. WEUESLEY.EDU