ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 8 /C&RL News In the News February is a month for celebrations— and I don’t say that just because I was born in Febru­ ary. It is the time to celebrate Black History Month and C&RL News joins in the celebration by featuring a silkscreen by William H. Johnson on its cover. The work is now in the collections o f the Amistad Research Center at Tulane Uni­ versity. February is also the time to prepare for cel­ ebrating the ALA-sponsored National Library W eek. In this issue, Linda Wallace and Mary Somerville share with us ideas that can be used to adapt the theme “Kids Connect @ the Li­ brary” to the academic environment (page 79). Although it may not need to be adapted; it seems that academic libraries are doing a lot with children these days. A quick e-mail mes­ sage to only three listservs soliciting examples o f how academ ic libraries worked with chil­ dren yielded nearly 50 examples in just a few days. Our Internet resources series continues this month with a look at journalism and commu- nications resources thanks to Joh n Olson and Patience Simmonds (page 86). Shirley Hallblade shares with us the best musical hot spots in Nashville (page 93). So pack your dancing shoes and sample the musi­ cal fun after participating in a full day o f pro­ gramming at ACRL’s 8th National Conference, April 11-14, 1997. Advance registration contin­ ues through March 7, 1997. Visit the W eb page at for program, travel, and registration information. Take some time to review the draft revision o f the ‘‘Guidelines for Extended Academic Li­ brary Services” (page 98). Send your comments to Harvey Gover at or attend the hearing this month during the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Washington, D.C. This issue also provides a report o f the CNI conference thanks to Bill Miller (page 96). — Mary Ellen K. Davis E d ito r & P u b lish er C&RL News 30th anniversary quiz Here is the next install­ ment o f the C&RL News 30th anniversary quiz. Test your recollection o f events that have been reported in the News since 1966. 1. W h a t w a s “c o o k e d ” a t A lfred U n i­ versity’s 1994 “cardbecu e”? 2. W hy was the 1991 IFLA Conference in Moscow an affair to remember? 3. How did the lib rary at the University o f Arkansas at Little Rock keep pace with a 20-year growth from less than 5,000 un­ dergraduates to more than 12,000 gradu­ ates and undergraduates? 4. In 1 9 9 4 , “LOEX” w ent w est. W hat is “LOEX” and where in the west did it land? 5. Name the first periodical to be devoted to the use o f computers in libraries. When did it begin publication and who was its first editor? Answ ers: 1. The 100,000 cards from its closed 1,148 drawer card catalog were burned during a sym bolic cerem ony to celebrate the change from the Dewey classification system to the Library of Congress s y stem (S ep te m b er 1 9 9 4 ). 2 . F o r th e first tim e ev e r, a p o litica l c o u p to o k p la c e d u rin g IF L A ’s a n n u a l con feren ce (O ctober 199 1). 3. B y in stitu tin g a stu d en t lib ra ry fee, th e U n iversity of A rka n sas exp an d ed its library as th e en rollm en t expan ded (J u ly/A u gu st 1 99 2). 4. L O E X stan ds for Library O rien ta tion an d E xchange, and it landed in W illam ette U niversity in S alem , O regon (N ovem ber 1994). 5. T he Journal of Library Automation began publication in April 1968 under the editorship of Frederick G. Kilgour (May 1968).