ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 8 6 / C&RL News Internet resources for jo u rnalism /c ommunications By J o h n A. O lson a n d P a tie n ce L. S im m on d s News a n d m edia information on the Net N ow more than ever, the right informa­tion at the right time is crucial to our very existence. The Internet has made it possible to access sources and information w hich were previously unavailable. Journalism and com ­ munication resources on the Internet provide people with a wide array o f materials to make human interaction much more interesting. It is now easier to do serious research in journalism and communications and also find interesting and entertaining things on the In­ ternet. The resources compiled here try to cover the gambit, or at least hit the highlights o f the subject. Many o f the commonly used search en g in es w ere used: Y a h o o , Lycos, E xcite, Infoseek, and Webcrawler. These engines pro­ vided valuable and informative sites emphasiz­ ing communication, education, research, and other closely allied subjects. Not all the sites and links found on the Net can be covered here, but the resources listed are meant to help the serious researcher, the “armchair” journalist, and people interested in communication studies. Best starting places/m egasources Each o f the megasource pages listed below also include sections that should b e searched while reading and exploring sites under the other headings listed in this guide. • AJR NewsLink. From the A m erican J o u r ­ n alism Review. Here is a well-laid-out front page that’s easy to look at, easy to use, and fun to explore. Check out the “resource” section; this is where you will find the most information on other W eb-linked resources pertinent to jour­ nalism and communications. There are also links to newspapers, magazines, broadcasters, television/radio, and news services. This site is worldwide in scope. The Alta Vista search en­ gine is used to search the contents o f this site. An all encompassing site for journalism that s h o u ld n ’t b e m issed. A cce s s: http://www. new • The WWW VIRTUAL LIBRARY: JO UR NALISM. Edited by Jo h n S. Makulowich. Bro ken down into ten different sections, this site includes a search engine to find sources within this page that allows specific searching from any one of the ten sections. Nicely classified, bare bones, and efficient in design. No glitzy color here. Covers broadcasting, communica­ tions, media, and news. An excellent site for journalism, communications, and related fields. This is a must site and should be bookmarked. Access: • C o m m u n ic a tio n Sites. Produced by D ecem ber Communications, which specializes in publications, presentations, and consulting needs related to the Web. This is just one link in the vast array of information available on this page. This particular section called “Appli cations-Communications” lists topics by broad general user type from the individual, group, organizational, and societal uses o f communi­ cation. A ccess: cmc/info/applications-communication.html. • J o u r n a li s m a n d M ass C o m m u n ic a ­ tio n . From the University o f Iowa com es a massive and extensive site o f journalism and communication sources arranged by subject. This is not updated as frequently as other sites but it is just as good if not more extensive than J o h n A. Olson a n d P atien ce L. Sim m onds a r e referen ce librarian s a t Penn State-Erie, the B eh ren d College Library; e-m ail: jxo@; http://www February 1 9 9 7 / 8 7 McNaughton Book Services announces its NEW audio lease/ purchase plan, I f you’re looking for an audio plan that provides the flexibility o f choosing more popular reading titles, without a sizeable com m itm ent o f library M cNaughton funds…McNaughton B ook Service has the answer… AudioBound AudioBound. This new program from McNaughton allows you the convenience o f a lease/purchase Best Selling Recorded Books option. W ith over 50 abridged and unabridged tides monthly to choose from, AudioBound provides bestselling fiction and nonfiction audio books to Brodart Co. your patrons at peak demand times. Automation • Books • Furniture • Supplies 500 Arch Street, Williamsport, PA 17705 Stay tuned for more upcoming introductory 8 0 0 -2 3 3 -8 4 6 7 . Fax 8 0 0 -9 9 9 -6 7 9 9 offers on the newest McNaughton B ook Service… Brodart Ltd., 109 R o y Blvd. AudioBound, the “Best Selling Recorded Books”. Brantford, Ontario N 3 R 7 K 1 Fax 8 0 0 -3 6 3 -0 4 8 3 M cNaughton AudioBound, let us design a plan that’s right for your library! Yo ur p a rtn e r in creatin g innovative solutions for lib rarie s. 8 8 / C&RL News som e o f the better commercial sites. Very com ­ plete and com prehensive as well as easy on the eyes and easy to understand. A ccess: http: //www2. arcade.uiow • P o y n te r O nlin e. From the Poynter In­ stitute for Media Studies. Probably the best or­ ganized o f the corporate sites. Nice simple lay­ out for finding any and all aspects o f journalism. W hy g o a n y w h e r e e ls e ? A c c e s s : http:// Discussion groups There are many discussion lists for the many areas constituting journalism and com m unica­ tions. This a selective list o f available sites. • CARR-L. Focuses on computer-assisted research and reporting. A great resource for w o rk in g jo u r n a lis ts . S u b s c r i b e : lis ts e rv @ • JOURNET. Discussion for journalism edu­ cation. S ubscribe: • SPJ-L. Listserv for the Society o f Profes­ sional Journalists. Frequented mostly by w ork­ ing journalists, but subscription is open. S u b ­ s c r ib e : • JEA-L. Official mailing list o f the Jou r­ n a lism E d u c a tio n A s s o c ia tio n . S u b s c r i b e : • NewsLib. For news librarians, research­ e rs and jo u r n a lis t s . S u b s c r i b e : lis ts e rv @ • STUMEDIA. Forum for the discussion of all issues o f student journalism . S u b s c r ib e : • ACA-L. American Communication Asso­ ciation. S u b scribe: • CRTNET. Communications and Research and T h e o ry N etw ork. S u b s c r ib e : listserv@ • COMLIB-L. Communications Librarians Discussion List. S u b scribe: • LM NET. School o f Library Media & Net w ork C om m u n ication . S u b s c r ib e : listserv@ • MEDIA. Investigative journalism. S u b s cr ib e : • BRDCST-L. List for professionals and aca­ demics covering all issues o f broadcasting and cable. S u b scribe: • FOI-L. For journalists, academ ics, and government officials interested in information issues. S u b scribe: • RADIO-L. Discussion group o f digital au­ dio broadcasters (DAB). S u b scribe: listserv@tc. N ew sg roup s/usenets Newsgroups in the areas o f journalism and com ­ munications abound on the Internet. This is a very selective list. • D e j a - n e w s . A s e a r c h e n g in e fo r newsgroups on the W eb. A ccess: http://www. • a u rn a lism . Journalism and journal­ ism students. A ccess: news:alt.journalism. • a l t . j o u r n a l i s m . c r i t i c i s m . A c c e s s : new s:alt.journalism.criticism. • a u rn a lism .g a y -p re ss . News from a gay viewpoint. A ccess: press. • a l t .jo u r n a li s m .n e w s p a p e r s . A c c e s s : new s: alt.journalism. new spapers. • a l t . j o u r n a l i s m . s t u d e n t s . A c c e s s : news: jo u rn alism . students. • cla ri.b iz .in d u s try .m e d ia (moderated). Publishing, journalism , and m edia. A ccess: new s: clari. biz.industry.m edia. • a l t .j o u r n a l i s m .m o d e r a t e d ( m o d e r ated). A ccess: news:alt.journalism. • a lt.n e w s-m e d ia . A ccess: media. • r e c .r a d i o .b r o a d c a s t in g (m od erated ). Discussion o f global and domestic broadcast radio. A ccess: new Electronic jo u rn als/m ag azin es There are two sites listed here that contain a num ber o f other mainstream publications in journalism and communications. • AJR. A m e r ic a n J o u r n a lis m Review . An online site that lists titles and som e full-text ar­ ticles from its print journal. A cce s s: http:// www. new htm l. • CJR. C o lu m b ia J o u r n a lis m Review. This site lists the tables o f contents from its journal for the past year and a half. A ccess: http:// • E d i t o r & P u b lis h e r . An interactive edi­ tion which has som e different articles from its paper counterpart. A ccess: • J o u r n a l i s m L ib ra r y . From Colum bia University’s Journalism Library. Many journals to choose from and this com plem ents the Uni­ versity o f Iow a’s list o f journals found in the next entry. A ccess: edu/cu/libraries/indiv/jour/ejournals.html. • J o u r n a li s m M a g a z in e s O n L in e. The University o f Iowa Libraries has compiled a list o f sixteen journals from around the world with links. A wide ch oice o f journals are listed cov- http://www F ebru ary 1 9 9 7 / 8 9 erin g a wide spectrum o f journalism and re­ lated to p ics . A c c e s s : http://w w w 2.a r c a d e . Academ ic journalism and communication sites • A c a d e m i c C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S ite s A ro u n d th e W orld . Includes communications, journalism, and media sites around the world. The sites are sorted by region and then by coun­ try. North America is more com prehensive than som e o f the other regions listed. A ccess: http: //www. w.htm . • W eb O vision ’s Jo u r n a lis m a n d M edia Links. Contains journalism and media links, journalism schools, and organizations in the U.S. and around the world. There is also a search engine on this page to search documents on the W eb O v isio n site. A c c e s s : http://www. • ACA (A m e rica n C o m m u n ica tio n As s o c ia tio n ) List o f C o m m u n ica tio n D e p a rt m e n ts. Includes a comprehensive list o f aca­ dem ic com m unication departments arranged alphabetically. A ccess: depts/comminfo/www/departments.html. • I n t e r n e t J o u r n a l i s m R e s o u r c e s . A com prehensive and well-organized site with links to resources for international journalism. Journalism resources are grouped under regions and then under subject headings. A ccess: http: //w • T h e W orld-W ide-W eb V irtual L ib rary: C o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d T e l e c o m m u n i c a ­ tio n s. A great site for searching com munica­ tions and telecommunications information. Pro­ vides links to sites for national and international te le co m m u n ic a tio n s, te le v isio n , and rad io b ro ad casters. A cc es s: http://ww w .analysys. c o . uk/commslib.htm. O rganization/asso ciation sites Make sure to ch eck out the organization and association sections in the best starting places/ m egasource section. Here are just a few o f the many professional organizations and associa­ tions that have sites on the net. • N a ti o n a l P r e s s C lu b . T his site has grouped its links for easy access to information dealing with national issues. Provides hotlinks to political coverage sites and resources for re­ porters. Nicely laid out and easy to read. A c ­ cess: • A m e r ic a n C o m m u n ic a tio n A s so cia ­ tio n . A not-for-profit organization that promotes the principles o f communication through teach­ ing an d r e s e a r c h . A c c e s s : h ttp :/ / ca v ern . • A m e rica n S ociety o f Jo u rn a lis ts an d A u th ors. This site is aimed at independent non­ fiction writers. This is the professional Web page o f the ASJA. A ccess: • T h e S ociety o f P ro fe ss io n a l J o u r n a l ­ ists. This is the professional hom epage for the SPJ. Here you will find information about the organization’s listserv and Q uill, its professional journal. This site is for the editorial professional and those involved in the editorial side o f pub­ lishing. Nicely laid out and easy to use. A ccess: ftp://ftp. html. M ass m edia sources: TV, radio , film • B r o a d ca s te r s. Part o f the Virtual Library from Oxford University, this is one long list grouped by su bject including media, new s­ groups, satellite information, broadcasters, and other sources. The broadcasting section is bro­ ken down by county but is not as com plete as some other lists. A ccess: http://www.comlab. • UTV-The U ltim ate TV N etw ork . This site has lots o f color and is well laid out. Links to news articles about TV-related items are a nice touch. The small front page loads quickly and is well indexed and updated daily. A ccess: http: //www. u tv. net/. • M edia W eb. Brought to you by Temple and Rice Universities, this is a compilation of sites related to film, TV, and video along with links to other related media sites. Updates are infrequent on this page. This site is a long al­ phabetical list o f links each with its own de­ scription. A ccess: dia/MediaWeb/web.html. • I n te r n a tio n a l S h o rtw a v e B r o a d c a s t­ e r s . An alphabetical, geographical listing o f the available W eb sites o f international shortwave radio broadcasters and their homepages. Some o f the sites are quite colorful, entertaining, and informative. A nice list. A ccess: http://acorn. • R adio N eth erlan d s Hit List. A well-or­ ganized site with lots o f resource links and in­ ternational radio links grouped by continent, including related media pages. A ccess: http:// pub/hitlist.html. N ew s services • N ews R e s o u rc e . This site has a nice clickable image map to take you directly to the http://www2.arcade http://www.htm http://www http://www.analysys http://cavern ftp://ftp http://www.comlab http://acorn 9 0 / C&RL News geographic area you are looking for with infor­ mation on radio, television, newspapers, and magazines. Also has the major news agencies’ lin k s fo r q u ic k a c c e s s . N ice and sim p le. A ccess: • T o tal News. An interesting and logical layout for getting quick access to late-breaking headlines with the ability to see the details for that headline. Includes both a clickable image map and text links. A ccess: http://totalnews. com/_main. htm l. • N.E.W.S. For you list-oriented individu als this site is arranged by news subject, weather, sports, and entertainment news stories. Has a good list o f the main big time sites and is up­ dated frequently. A ccess: newsplace/news. html#e-pubs. M ag azin es, e-journals, new sp ap ers • NEWSTAND. By Ecola Directories. Lists m ore than 2,600 sites o f new spaper and maga­ zine W eb pages. Most o f the sites are English in content and have unrestricted access and a search engine to find the publication name. Well laid out and easy to read and understand. A c­ cess: • E -jo u rn al. Produced by e.doc. Provides access by subject area to different types o f news­ papers, journals, magazines, and other infor­ mation. Also has a search engine that has di­ rect links to publishing com panies and the World Wide W eb Virtual Library. Small front page with a concise index o f links. A ccess: http: //www. ed o c. com/ejournal/. • E -Z in e L ist. W ant to find an e-zine? Here’s one place to find it. Broken down by subject, the site includes, at latest count, al­ most 1,500 e-zines in either electronic form or in paper. Also describes what e-zines are. Easy to u se and co m p reh en siv e. A cce s s: http:// • ENEWS. Says it’s the “Ultimate Magazine Site.” This W eb site that uses frames lists more than 200 magazine hom epages and W eb sites. Broken down into broad subject categories and then narrower terms under each heading. You can customize your searches. This is a com ­ mercial site so it does look glitzy and includes advertisements. Has a nice layout. A ccess: http: //w w w .enew s. com/body.html. • YAHOO E n te rta in m e n t M agazines. In the typical Y ahoo layout there are subject en ­ tries listed first, followed by a listing o f the links for magazines and e-zines. Each link includes a brief annotation. Plus there’s always the Y a- h o o search engine at the top o f the page for searching within the subject. Can’t go wrong at th is s ite. A c c e s s : h ttp:/ / w w w .yah / entertainment/magazines/. • N ew sp ap ers A ccessib le o n th e I n te r n e t. This is a new spaper-only site from the University o f Virginia and is broken down by country or continent and then an alphabetical search jump-to index. The list o f titles is by geographic subject entry. This is a long list and takes a while to load but is still worth a look. A ccess: http://w w w vnp/paplist.html. • H ot Links to N ew sp ap ers. This is a list­ ing o f URLs and contacts for newspapers around the U.S. only. Nice clickable image map for easy jumping within the list. Lists a num ber of other relevant sites concerning newspapers and news in general. A ccess: hot/hot. html. • N ew sp ap ers O n-line. A nicely laid out simple page for newspapers, other newsprint sources, and tools both inside and outside the U.S. Easy to look at and easy to use. A ccess: http://www. new spapers. com/. Tools, resources, and interesting sites • M agazine a n d N ew sletter E d ito rs’ Re s o u r c e List. A large site providing references and news associations for those in the editorial arena o f the periodical industry. The page is nicely laid out and has an easy “click-to” index at the top. A large alphabetical list that’s nicely arranged. Even has library sites listed. An all encompassing list. A ccess: http://www.fileshop. com/personal/tgoff/erlist.html. • MPF Sites o n th e In te rn e t R e so u rce s fo r M arsh alin g a n d P re se n ta tio n o f F a cts. A resource guide that locates various tools to assist in the nuts and bolts process o f gather­ ing, formatting, and publishing information. Aimed at anyone w ho is involved in the infor­ mation gathering and dissemination process. Describes each site listed. Very com prehensive in its scope. A ccess: mpflist.html. • J o u r n a lis m a n d M edia C riticism Page. From the College o f Humanities and Social Sci­ ence at Montclair State University. Emphasis is on journalism criticism. Here are sites that study and analyze alternative media, film, television, and the print media. There are annotations for each entry listed here. Listings for alternative media, media literacy, and journalism history with links to newspapers, listservs, and other http://totalnews http://www http://www.fileshop February 1 9 9 7 / 91 mega-sites. A ccess: http ://www. shss.montclair. edu/english/furr/media.html. • CRAYON. Create Your Own Newspaper. Selection is a breeze in a well-executed, step- by-step design. The site allows you to select the type o f news links and from where. It also lists which sites, in order o f preference, are picked by those w ho’ve created their own pa­ per before you; more than 60,000 people have. A ccess: • FCC— T h e F e d e ra l C o m m u n ica tio n s C om m ission . Regulates interstate, international communications by radio, television, wire, sat­ ellite, and cable. Lists links to all o f the FCC’s business. Also listed is the Telecommunications Act o f 1996. A ccess: • C o m m u n i c a t i o n s D e c e n c y A c t o f 1 9 9 6 . A site all librarians should know about since there are now challenges in the courts from ALA and other groups. Information is bro­ ken down into broad sections within subsec­ tions. A ccess: cda-text.htm. • J o u r n a lis t’s T o o lb o x . Produced by the National Scholastic Press Association and As­ sociated Collegiate Press. This site is aimed at university, college, and high school newspa­ pers and press people. Very useful sites for all aspects o f mass media and publishing-related sites. Nicely laid out and alphabetical in orien­ tation. Easy to look at and use. A ccess: http:// • M edia W atch d og . Offers links to sites that w atch media sou rces and em phasizes watching and discussing the accuracy and bias in the mainstream media. The site is broken down into five subject groups: time sensitive information, media criticism organizations and resources, media criticism articles, censorship resources, and other resources. A ccess: http:// • T h e EraM p ro g ra m . Here is a site with an interest in issues relating to ethnicity, rac­ ism, and the media aimed at academics, stu­ dents, and media professionals. Listed are some megasites, TV/radio sites, organizations, and academic sites. A ccess: research/eram/wwwsites.html. ■ (N ew a g e cont. f r o m p a g e 76) and faculty go to libraries, and only one o f them is to gain access to collections. If a library sys­ tem wants to reassert its right to be considered the heart o f the university, it needs to think about those reasons, and make sure its build­ ing plans take them into account. Here are some o f the reasons I think there will always be a need for library buildings: • students and faculty need the assistance o f information professionals and will prefer to secure that assistance in person whenever pos­ sible; • students need places where information resources are available so they can meet with classmates to work together on class projects; • students need to get out o f noisy dorm rooms and family homes so they can con cen ­ trate on their studies; • libraries frequently will have better work­ stations, printers, and/or network connections than are available to students or faculty at home; • students and faculty like the ambiance o f libraries (and bookstores) and find it condu­ cive to learning; • students are s o c ia l beings, and like b e­ ing in the midst o f other people. An exam ple o f how these assumptions have informed the building o f a new library can be seen at G eorge Mason University’s Joh n so n Center, w hich includes a library, bookstore, food services, theater, Media Authoring Cen­ ter, and student and academic program offices. For a preview, go to our homepage at http:// Ed. note: See C&RL News, M ay 1996, f o r a n ov erv iew o f th e cen ter. ■ Learn more about building libraries If you enjoyed this article, you may want to attend the preconference Hurt developed for ACRL called “Building the New Age Li­ brary,” Friday, April 11, 1:00–4 :3 0 p.m., in Nashville. It will cover new ways o f think­ ing about library buildings and provide prac­ tical examples using the Joh n son Center at GMU, including its food services, book store, computer labs, movie theater, and more. For registration information see the preliminary program in the January issue o f C&RL News or ch eck the conference homepage at http: //www. ala. org/acrl. html. 9 2 / C&RL News