ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1 9 9 7 / 113 People in the News Pam Spiegel Greg Byerly and Marilyn Gell Mason received the Na­ tional Commission on Librar­ ies and Information Science (NCLIS) Silver Award during the O hio Library Council (OLC) Conference in Octo­ ber. The awards honor note­ worthy and sustained contri­ b u tio n s to lib ra r ie s and information services at the local, state, and national lev­ els; 25 Silver Award winners were named in 1996. Mason is director of the Cleveland Public Library and was recognized for her skill ful work advocating libraries. Byerly is an as sistant professor in the Kent State School o Library and Information Science. He has als served as a school librarian, a reference librar ian, and head of systems at Kent State. His great est contribution to Ohio libraries was his lead ership in the development of Ohio’s three majo library in fo rm atio n n etw ork s: OhioLINK INFOhio, and OPLIN, the Ohio Public Librar Information Network. Byerly was also inducte into the OLC’s Hall o f Fame in October. Eleanore O. Hofstetter, associate dean for li brary service at Towson State University (TSU) has received TSU’s 16th annual President’s Award for Distinguished Service to the University. Hof­ stetter joined the library staff in 1966 as head of the R efere n ce D ep art­ ment, and served as as­ sociate director for pub­ lic services from 1967 to 1995. She served twice as acting director of the li­ Eleanore O. Hofstetterbraries and was elected to two successive terms as chair o f the Univer sity Senate. A recipient of last year’s Martinu Nijhoff West European Specialists Study Gran (presented by ACRL), Hofstetter is coautho (with Michael T. O ’Pecko) of The Twentieth Century G erm an Novel: A Bibliography o f En glish-Language Criticism, 1945– 1986. Jose-Marie Griffiths, chief information office and executive director o f the Information Tech ­ ­ f o ­ ­ ­ r , y d ­ , ­ s t r - ­ r - n ology Division at the Uni­ versity o f M ichigan, has b een nominated by Presi­ dent Bill Clinton for appoint­ m ent to the U.S. National C om m ission on Libraries and In fo rm atio n S c ie n ce (NCLIS). Her nom ination will be forwarded to the Sen­ ate for confirmation. From 1980 to 1989 Griffiths was w ith K in g R e s e a r c h in Rockville, Maryland, first as a senior research associate, and later as vice-president for information systems: planning, design, and developm ent. Her honors include research awards from the Special Libraries Association (1995) and the American Association o f Infor­ mation Scien ce (1 9 9 0 ), for w hich Griffiths served as president in 1993. Jam es P. Quigel, labor archivist in Special Col­ lections and University Archives at Rutgers Uni­ versity, has received the Arline Custer Memo­ rial Award for 1996 from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference. The award, which honors the year’s most outstanding ar­ chival publication, is in recognition o f Quigeľs work as guest editor for a special issue o f the Jo u rn a l o f the Rutgers University Libraries, which focused on consumerism, labor, and labor edu­ cation at Rutgers. Katina Strauch, librarian at the Robert Scott Small Library o f the College o f Charleston, has been named South Caro­ lina Librarian of the Year. Strauch was recognized for her active role in the field o f library science. “Katina has b eco m e a widely recognized leader in co lle ctio n d ev elo p ­ ment and acquisitions li brarianship,” said Robert Neville, assistant dean for te c h n ic a l s e r v ic e s . Katina Strauch Strauch organized the first “Charleston Conference: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisitions” sixteen years ago. The an­ nual meeting now draws more than 400 par­ ticipants. In 1989 she founded Against the 1 1 4 / C&RL News Grain, a newsletter aimed at promoting com ­ munication betw een librarians and publishers. She has written or edited 16 books and has served on the editorial boards o f Choice and the A cquisitions L ibrarian , and as editor o f South C arolin a Libraries. A p p o intm ents Margo Crist, assistant director for public ser­ vices at the University o f Michigan, has been named director o f libraries at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Crist previously spent 20 years in Massachusetts working at the B os­ ton Public Library and the Central Massachu­ setts Regional Library System. An active mem­ b er o f ALA, Crist served on the ALA Executive Board and currently serves on the ALA Chapter Relations Committee and the ACRL Nashville National Conference Executive Committee. Donald E. Riggs, dean o f the University o f Michigan Library for the past six years, is now vice-president for infor­ mation services and uni­ versity librarian at Nova Southeastern University in F o r t L a u d e rd a le , Florida. Previously, Riggs served for nearly 12 years as dean o f University Li­ braries at Arizona State University. His ALA ac­ tivities include serving as p r e s id e n t o f LAMA Donald E. Riggs (1994– 95), two terms on the ALA Council, and as founding editor o f Li brary A dm inistration & M anagem ent. In 1991 he received ACRL’s Hugh C. Atkinson Memo rial Award, and he is currently editor o f ACRL’s College & Research Libraries. Ja m e s Estrada has been named university li­ brarian and executive director o f academic com ­ puting at Fairfield University in Connecticut. Previously, Estrada served as assistant director for regional campus libraries and director of the H. B. Trecker Library at the University o f Connecticut. Before that he held positions at Yale University, the University o f Connecticut Health Center, and the Connecticut State Library. A m em ber o f ALA, ACRL, LAMA, and LITA, Estrada has served on several ALA sections and com mittees and is currently a member-at-large o f ACRL’s University Libraries Section. Elizabeth S. Smith has been appointed dean o f University Libraries at Rider University. Pre­ viously, Smith served as d e a n o f le a r n in g r e ­ s o u r c e s at th e C ollin County Community Col­ le g e D istrict in Plano, Texas, and as director of the library at Penn State University-Erie. She re­ ceived her B.A. in English from M uskingum C ol­ lege, her M.S. in zoology from Ohio State Univer­ Elizabeth S. Smith sity; her MLS from Case W estern Reserve University; and her Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from the University o f South Florida. Kevin Aldridge is the new multimedia ser­ v ice s co o rd in a to r at C h ristop h er N ew port University’s Smith Library. Susan Macall Allen has been appointed head o f the Departm ent o f Special Collections at the University o f California, Los Angeles. Richard AmRhein has been associate dean o f technical and automation services at South­ ern Illinois University at Carbondale. Margo Arseneau is the new interlibrary loan librarian at the William Russell Pullen Library, Georgia State University. Ju lia Blixrud has been appointed senior program officer at the Association o f Research Libraries. Michael Boock has been appointed coor­ dinator o f cataloging at the Cleveland State Uni­ versity Library. Polly Boruff has been named business ref­ eren ce librarian at Old Dominion University. Maureen Brunsdale has joined Milner Li­ brary at Illinois State University as a general reference and documents librarian. Mary M. C arr has b een named assistant dean o f instruction for library and media ser­ vices at Spokane Community College. M. Christine Cham ness is now reference librarian at the University o f W isconsin Center- Fox Valley. M argaret C ritch has b een named catalog librarian in the Thom as P. O ’Neill Jr. Library at B oston College. Febru ary 1 9 9 7 / 115 R em em bering Robert Bingham D ow n s ( 1 9 0 4 – 1 9 9 1 ) R o b e r t B in g h a m Downs, 87, library dean e m e ritu s an d lib ra ry school dean emeritus of the University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, died February 2 4 , 1991, o f pneumonia. “As a scholar, information scientist, and d efen d er o f in tellectual freedom , Robert Downs had few equals. He was a man of vast intellect, integrity and conviction. For myself and for many others he was a distin­ guished role model and friend who will be greatly missed,” said current ALA President Richard Dougherty. It was during Downs’s long tenure as li­ brary dean, from 1943– 71, that the University o f Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign grew to its present position as the third largest American university library and the largest state university library in the U.S. During the height o f the McCarthy era, Downs led an effort against what he called “the current wave o f anti-intellectualism, manifesting itself in attacks on books, on freedom o f speech, free­ dom o f inquiry, freedom to teach and all those rights we have long held to be guaranteed by the 1st Amendment.” His strong public state­ ments against censorship, made while presi­ dent o f ALA from 1952– 53, led to President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s 1953 “D on’t Join the Bookburners’” speech. Downs authored more than 40 books and 400 articles. To the general public, Downs is probably best known for his 1956 best-seller, B ooks that C han ged the World, that was trans­ lated into 17 languages, expanded and revised twice, and sold several million copies. Downs was the re­ cip ie n t o f n um erous awards including the Japanese “Order o f the Sacred Treasure” for his w ork on establishing Robert Downs th e Ja p a n e s e Library School and National Diet Library. ALA hon­ ored him with the Melvil Dewey Medal for creative professional achievem ent and the Clarence Day Award in 1963, saying, “No li­ brarian has reached such a wide audience and no librarian has made a richer contribution to an understanding o f books for their enjoy­ ment and for their significance in our time.” A high school dropout, Downs went on to earn a bachelor’s from the University o f North Carolina and a second bachelor’s and a mas­ ter’s from Columbia University. He worked at the New York Public Library, Colby College, the University o f North Carolina, and served as the director o f libraries at New York Uni­ versity from 1938-43. (C&RL News, April 1991) Gail C urran has been appointed systems support librarian at Milner Library, Illinois State University. Fritz DeBrine is now a librarian in the LAN/ PC Management Department at the University o f North Texas, Denton. Diane DiMartino has been appointed act­ ing head o f reference at Baruch College. Jim Duncan joined the University Libraries at the University o f Iowa as head o f the Infor­ mation Commons. Carla Ellard has been appointed reference/ electronic resources librarian at the University o f Texas-Pan American. William Gibbs has been named head of media services at Booth Library, Eastern Illi­ nois University. Pamela Gillespie has been appointed pro­ fessor and chief librarian at City College, New York. Edward Gonzalez is a new reference librar­ ian in science and technology at the University o f North Texas, Denton. Gail Gunderson is now government infor­ mation librarian at Wichita State University. Patrick Hall joined the University Libraries at the University o f Notre Dame as instructional services coordinator. R o b ert “T ed” H am p ton has b e e n a p ­ pointed electronic library projects librarian for the General Libraries at Emory University. Melissa R. H araughty has b een named education/instructional technologies librarian at Cleveland State University. 1 1 6 / C&RL News Jan in e H enri is now head librarian o f the Architecture and Planning Library at the Uni­ versity o f Texas at Austin. Graham Howard has been named refer­ ence librarian and social science bibliographer at Queens College. Tomas Ja e h n has been appointed curator for American and British history at the Stanford University Libraries. Damon Jaggars is now head o f reference and information services in the Undergraduate Library at the University o f Texas at Austin. H eather Jagm an has been appointed in­ structional services librarian at Oesterle Library, North Central College. K aren Jette joined the staff o f the Univer­ sity Library at the University o f Texas-Pan Ameri can as access services librarian. Peter Keane has been named networked information bibliographer in the Collections and Information Resources Division at the Univer­ sity o f Texas at Austin. Michael Khatib recently joined Milner Li­ brary at Illinois State University as psychology librarian. Amy Leigh has been appointed project ar­ chivist for the Theatre Collection in the Hough­ ton Library at Harvard University. Lissa Lord joined the University Libraries at the University o f Iowa as team leader for research services in the Information, Research, and Instructional Services Department. Jim Loter joined the University Libraries at the University o f Iowa as team leader for elec­ tronic services support in the Information, Re­ search, and Instructional Services Department. Karen Lutgens is now general reference and documents librarian at Milner Library, Illi­ nois State University. Toby Lyles is now a reference librarian in the Minority Research Library Residency Pro­ gram at the University o f Iowa Libraries. Bruce McClay has been named instructional services/reference librarian at the University of Texas-Pan American. Peter McCracken joined the staff o f aca­ demic library services at East Carolina Univer­ sity as a reference librarian. Renee McKinney is now a reference librar­ ian in the Minority Research Library Residency Program at the University o f Iowa Libraries. Patrick Moriarity has been appointed co ­ ordinator o f electronic data services in the G en­ eral Libraries at Emory University. Peggy M orrison is now head o f systems at the University o f Arkansas for Medical Sciences Library. David O renstein has been named coordi­ nator o f access services at Queens College. W ard Price joined the University Libraries at the University o f Texas-Pan American as in­ structional services/reference librarian. K en R ic c a rd i is n o w a rch iv ist at the LaGuardia Community College Library. Elizabeth A. Robinson has been named principal rare book cataloger at the Hunting­ ton Library in San Marino, California. Robert Pierce has b een appointed head of the LAN/PC Management Department at the University o f North Texas, Denton. Alyce Scott recently joined the Brookens Library at the University o f Illinois at Spring field as head o f circulation and access services. Marlene Slough is the new head o f circu­ lation services at Booth Library, Eastern Illinois University. Gwen Smith has been named assistant cu­ rator o f rare books and Texana at the Univer­ sity o f North Texas. Paul Soderdahl is now team leader for the Libraries-Wide Information System and Multi media in the Information, Research, and Instaic tional Services Department at the University of Iowa Libraries. Elizabeth Stacey has been appointed asso­ ciate director o f development at the University o f California, Los Angeles. Deborah Stanley is joining the staff o f aca­ demic library services at East Carolina Univer­ sity as a reference librarian. Nackil Sung has been named head of li­ brary technology services at Booth Library, East­ ern Illinois University. Pamela Waldrep recently joined Booth Li­ brary at Eastern Illinois University as head of acquisitions. Linda E. Williamson has been reappointed U.S. studies librarian at Rhodes House Library at the University o f Oxford, England. Shiela W inchester is now reference librar­ ian and classics, archaeology, philosophy, and religion bibliographer at the University o f Texas at Austin. Ed. note: To ensure that y o u r p erso n n el news is c o n s id e r e d f o r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to P am Spiegel, P rodu ction Editor, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H uron St., C hicago, IL 6 0 6 1 1 -2 7 9 5 ; e-m ail: p sp ieg el@ . February 1 9 9 7 / 1 1 7 Gay Woods is a new reference librarian in science and technology at the University o f North Texas, Denton. K aren Zim m erm an is now project coor­ dinator in the Information Technology Learn­ ing Program at the University o f Iowa Librar­ ies. R e tirem en ts R. Gerald Bishop, bibliographer in the Col­ lections and Information Resources Division at the University o f Texas at Austin, retired at the end o f May after 25 years o f service. Mary B rennan-K err, deputy assistant director for collections and information resources at the University o f Texas at Austin, retired at the end o f 1995 with more than 30 years o f service. Je a n Herold, reference librarian and business bibliographer in the Reference and Informa­ tion Services Department at the University of Texas at Austin, retired at the end o f August with more than 31 years o f service. Ralph E. Russell, university librarian at G eor­ gia State University, will retire March 1 after serving in that position since 1975. Before that he served as director of li­ brary s e r v ic e s at East Carolina University, sci­ en ce librarian at the Uni­ versity o f Georgia, head librarian at Florida Junior College at Jacksonville, and held positions at the University o f Southern C aliforn ia-L os A ngeles Ralph E. Russell and Q u e e n s B o ro u g h Public Library. He was instrumental in estab­ lishing the Georgia Library Learning Online (GALILEO) network for shared access to jour­ nals. Professionally active, Russell has served on the OCLC Users Council and Board o f Trust­ ees, as chair o f the Association o f Southeastern Research Libraries, as chair o f the SOLINET Board o f Directors, and in various capacities in the Southeastern Library Association and G eor­ gia Library Association. As a mem ber o f ALA, he has served on the ALA Council and has been active in ACRL’s University Libraries Section, as well as in ALA’s Library Administration and Man­ agement Association. He was named ACRL’s 1996 Academic/Research Librarian o f the Year. Wilson D. Snodgrass retired at the end of Janu­ ary as associate central university librarian and director o f processing services at Southern Meth­ odist University (SMU). He joined the staff at SMU as a cataloger more than 37 years ago. He spent much o f the last year serving as acting systems librarian. A m em ber o f ALA, ACRL, and ALCTS, Snodgrass served on ACRL’s Chapters Council, the Research Committee, and the Con­ stitution and Bylaw s Com m ittee, w hich he chaired in 1986-88. D eath s Julie J . B oucher, associate director o f the Li­ brary Research Service at the Colorado State Library, died in a mountain climbing accident in October. She was 33. B oucher was with her husband climbing Mount Toll near Brainard Lake w hen they fell about 300 feet. Both were killed. The freak accident was apparently caused by a spontaneous rock slide. Boucher was an outspoken opponent o f censorship who served on the Colorado Library Association’s (CLA) Executive Board and on its Intellectual Free­ dom Committee. CLA has renamed its Intellec­ tual Freedom Award the Julie J. B oucher Me­ morial Award for Intellectual Freedom, and has established the Julie J. B oucher Memorial Fund for Intellectual Freedom. Contributions can be sent to CLA, P.O. B ox 140355, Edgewater, CO 80214. Jo se p h N. W hitten, who taught library science at the Palmer School o f Library and Informa­ tion Science on the C. W. Post campus o f Long Island University from 1970 to 1988, died in O ctober at the age o f 78. In a long career, Whitten taught at Cooper Union in Manhattan from 1953 to I960, then joined the staff at SUNY Maritime College in the Bronx, where he de­ signed the sch o o l’s library. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in library sci­ ence from George Peabody College and Co­ lumbia University, respectively, then received his doctorate in higher education from New York University in 1958. ■