548 / C&RL News Poyer, R obert K. “Improved L ibrary Services Through User Education,” Bulletin of the Medi­ cal Library Association 65(April 1977):296-97. W hite, Donald J. “Orientation Course Aids Staff on the Jo b .” Canadian Library Journal 36(Fe- bruary/April 1979): 17-20. ■ ■ ACRL continuing education courses at Midwinter Conference The Association of College and Research L i­ braries will sponsor four continuing education courses at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Wash­ ington, D .C . Advance registration by December 15 is required. A late registration fee of $15 will be charged. A Certificate of Completion will be awarded participants in each course. Successful completion of 10 contact hours of continuing education is equal to one Continuing Education Unit (CEU). ACRL maintains a CEU record for each participant. To register, send in a completed registration form to Gail Russell, ACRL/ALA, 50 E . Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Details of the courses follow: J o b T r a i n i n g : D e v e l o p i n g T r a i n i n g P l a n s f o r Y o u r St a f f C E 110 explains why initial orientation and training is critical to effective operation of library departments. The course covers: areas requiring training (for the new employee, for performance improvement, in operational problems or changes and for development of the employee) and the re­ sponsibility of the supervisor in planning, conduct­ ing and evaluating training. The course reviews learning principles. Participants will work on de­ veloping a training plan and/or materials for their own em ployees and w ill p ra c tic e giving feedback— both criticism and praise— to their trainees. Evaluating the effectiveness of the train­ ing program will also be covered. Instructor: Anne Lipow, D irector of Library Education, University of California, Berkeley. Date: Friday, January 4, 1985, 9:00 a .m .-5 :0 0 p.m. F ee: $95 ACRL members; $135 non-members. C E U credit: .7 What past participants have said about C E 110: “Excellent course.” “Lots of good practical ideas to November 1984 / 549 PLEA SE C IR C L E TH E APPROPRIATE D O L L A R AMOUNT F O R T H E CO URSE O F YOUR C H O IC E , AND IN D IC A TE YOUR P R E F E R E N C E S IN TH E MARGIN (1st, 2nd, and 3rd). Course A CRL Member Non-member C E 110 Job Training: Developing Training Plans for Your Staff (January 4) $ 95 $135 C E 112 Improving Job Performance: Strategies for Supervisors (January 4) $ 95 $135 C E 205 Teaching How to Teach Science Reference Materials (January 3 -4 ) $140 $200 C E 501 W riting the Journal Article and Getting It Published (January 4) $ 95 $135 *L ate registration fee $15 $15 E N T E R T O T A L AMOUNT E N C L O SE D *Fee for registration after December 15. CO N FIRM A TIO N : W ritten confirmations will be made. C A N C ELLA TIO N S: W ritten notice of cancellations received by December 15 will be honored subject to a $20 cancellation charge. No refunds for cancellations after December 15. You may make checks payable to A CRL and return them with this form to: A C R L— Continuing Education American Library Association 50 E . Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611 In order to help C E instructors prepare for their courses, please answer the following questions: 1. W hat do you hope to gain by taking this course? 2. W hat experience or education have you had in this area prior to enrollment in this C E course? November 1984 / 551 take home!” I m p r o v i n g J o b P e r f o r m a n c e : St r a t e g i e s f o r Su p e r v is o r s CE 112 will help librarian-supervisors: create a climate for motivation, define job competencies, set performance standards, address performance problems and improve work effectiveness of their staffs. This course is intended for librarians who are first-line supervisors or middle managers. Past participants to CE 101 note: the material presented in this course will build upon the knowledge and skills developed in ACRL CE 101, Librarians as Supervisors. Instructor: Maureen Sullivan, Head of Person­ nel, Yale University Library. Date: Friday, January 4, 1985, 9:00 a.m .-5 :0 0 p.m. F ee: $95 ACRL members; $135 non-members. C E U credit: .7 W hat past participants have said about CE 112: “Unusually good presentation from all points of view. Impressive.” “Ms. Sullivan offered excellent ideas, controlled topics well, presented material well.” T e a c h i n g How t o T e a c h S c i e n c e R e f e r e n c e M a t e r i a l s : A W o r k s h o p f o r L i b r a r i a n s W h o S e r v e t h e U n d e r g r a d u a t e CE 205 examines the search strategies and refer­ ence tools (especially such science periodical in­ dexes as the H.W . Wilson indexes, Biological A b­ stracts, C hem ical Abstracts, and Science Citation Index) that are particularly useful to undergradu­ ate science majors. Equal emphasis is given to methods of teaching these search strategies and the use of these reference tools. Methods of learning how to use new science reference materials are also covered. Instructor: Thomas Kirk, College Librarian, Rerea College. Mr. Kirk is the recipient of the 1984 ACRL Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruction Librarian of the Year Award. D ate: Thursday, January 3, 1 :3 0 -5 :0 0 p.m .; Friday, January 4, 9:00 a.m .-5 :0 0 p.m. F ee: $140 ACRL members; $200 non-members. CEU credit: 1.1 W hat past participants have said about CE 205: “Good syllabus, instructor knowledgeable. Good opportunity for interaction.” “The manual and material presented were most effective in showing problems and means for improving teaching the undergraduate science tools.” W r i t i n g t h e J o u r n a l A r t i c l e a n d G e t t i n g It P u b l i s h e d „ CE 501 provides participants with an overview of the publishing process and helps them devise an effective strategy for publishing their work. Topics will include selection of a publishing medium, preparation of the manuscript, submission of the manuscript, and pre- and post-publication mat­ ters. Instructor: Richard D. Johnson, Director of L i­ braries, State University College, Oneonta, New York. Mr. Johnson is the recipient of the 1984 ACRL Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award. Date: Friday, January 4, 9:00 a.m .-5 :0 0 p.m. F ee: $95 ACRL members; $135 non-members. CEU credit: .7 W hat past participants have said about CE 501: “An excellent and very enjoyable presentation, full of practical help with concern and support of col­ leagues paramount. Atmosphere open, relaxed and lively.” “I am well satisfied. The preparation and presentation show keen interest in helping us to achieve goals. ” ■ ■ Lest you forget December 1, 1984, is the deadline for nomi­ nations for the ACRL Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award and for applica­ tions for the ACRL/ISI fellowships for 1985. In­ formation on both may be found in C b R L News, September 1984, pp. 394-95, 421. Con­ tact Sandy Whiteley, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Hu­ ron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. First I AIMS grants awarded As a result of a new grant initiative an­ nounced in August 1983 (see C&RL News, Oc­ tober 1983, p .353), the first National Library of Medicine Medical Library Resource Project Grant awards supporting strategic planning for Integrated Academic Inform ation Manage­ ment Systems (IAIMS) have been issued. The awardees are the University of Cincin­ nati Medical Center, Nancy M. Lorenzi, prin­ cipal investigator, a grant of $161,251; and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, G. An­ thony Gorry, principal investigator, a grant of $178,425. These institutions will begin the process of planning the management of health science knowledge by incorporating information and computer technologies to develop integrated information system models for their facilities. The IAIMS concept was first proposed in a report from the Association of American Medi­ cal Colleges entitled, “Academic Information in the Academic Health Sciences Center: Roles for the Library in Information Management” (Part 2, Journal o f M edical Education, October 1982). Instructions, application forms, and ad­ ditional information may be obtained from the IAIM S Program O fficer, Extram u ral Pro­ grams, N ational L ib rary of M edicine, Be- thesda, MD 20209; (301) 496-3113.