ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 558 / C&RL News building has the capacity to house 1.25 million vol­ umes, a 140-station public com puter term inal area, nine classrooms, research office space, and the university Telecommunications Center. The O’Neill Library was designed by The Architects Collaborative, Inc., of Cambridge. • The Center for Research Libraries, Chicago, is now accepting, within certain guidelines, the de­ posit of library materials from its member institu­ tions. The amount of material accepted will be lim ited to quantities th a t can be processed and made readily available for use based on current staffing levels. The Center’s ability to accept de­ posits of library materials was restricted for the past several years by a lack of adequate material processing staff and shelf space. Following the con­ struction of a second building, the approval by the membership of a revised deposit policy, and a staff reorganization, materials may again be deposited under the new policy. Inquiries about type of m a­ terials suitable for deposit should be addressed to Esther Smith, Center for Research Libraries, 6050 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60637. • The Northeast Document Conservation Cen- ter, Andover, Massachusetts, participated in the salvage of paper currency from the Andrea Doria safe and will perform the restoration of the soggy bills. Mary Todd Glaser, senior conservator at the Center, served as a consultant to the project and was one of two paper conservators on hand when the safe was opened on August 16. Glaser assisted in removing bundles of waterlogged currency and was shown during the live television coverage sepa­ rating and examining the bills. The material will be freeze-dried and eventually sent to the Center for treatm ent. Once the bills are dried, they will be separated, washed for removal of salt, alkalized, and dried again. The Center will then experiment on a small batch of the currency to find measures to strengthen the paper—sizing or polyester film en­ capsulation are possibilities. ■ ■ • P E O P L E • Profiles Millicent D. Abell, university librarian of the University of California, San Diego, has been ap­ pointed librarian of Yale University, effective Jan­ u a ry 1. She suceeds R utherford D. Rogers, who was appointed uni­ versity librarian in 1969 and w ill re tire in D e­ cember. Abell has been u n i­ versity librarian at San Diego since 1977. Her previous positions have included associate direc­ tor of university libraries a t SUNY-Buffalo (1973-1976), assistant Cr: Art Plotnik director for undergrad­ Millicent Abell u a te lib ra ry services (1971-1973) and assistant librarian in the Business Administration Library at the University of Wash­ ington (1969-1971), reference librarian at the Col­ orado Springs Public L ibrary (1966-1968), and referen ce/p erio d icals lib ra ria n at W est P oint (1964-1966). A bell served as A C R L ’s 43d p re s id e n t in 1980-1981 and still serves on the ACRL Board of Directors as representative to ALA Council. She is currently chair of the Board of Directors of the Center for Research Libraries in Chicago. She has also served on the editorial board of the Journal of Academic Librarianship. In 1976 she was editor of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education: Its Im ­ plications fo r Governance and Faculty Status fo r Librarians. Born in W ichita, Kansas, Abell received a bach­ elor’s degree in psychology (1956) and a master’s degree in personnel adm inistration (1958) from Columbia University, an MLS from SUNY-Albany in 1965, and a master’s in political science from the University of Colorado in 1969. B . Donald Grose, director of library services at In d ian a U niversity-Purdue University at F ort Wayne since 1975, has been appointed director of libraries at the University of Massachusetts, Bos­ ton. Grose received master’s degrees in library sci­ ence and English from the University of Kentucky and a Ph.D. in speech and dram a from the Univer­ sity of Missouri, Columbia. At Fort Wayne he also November 1984 / 559 held the rank of assistant professor of theatre and served as acting chairm an of the D epartm ent of T heatre in 1979-1980. Prior to his appointm ent in F o rt W ayne, Grose was assistant director of li­ braries at the University of Missouri, Columbia. He is th e au th o r of several articles an d tw o books. The latest, A Mirror to Life: A History of Western Theatre, will be published in December. Bob Carmack, dean of lib rary services at the University of South Dakota, has been nam ed direc­ tor of the University of Wisconsin, Superior, Li­ brary, effective Decem­ ber 1. Carm ack has been at South D akota since 1971 w h en he acce p ted th e position of director of li­ braries; he advanced to dean of library services in 1979. Prior to th a t he w as assistan t d ire c to r fo r p u b lic services (1 9 7 0 -1 9 7 1 ), u n d e r ­ g r a d u a te lib r a r ia n (1967-1970), and assis­ Bob Carmackta n t hum anities lib ra r­ ian (1966-1967) at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. A m em ber of the ACRL Board of Directors since 1983, C arm ack also serves on the ALA Comm ittee on Legislation and is chair of the ad hoc Task Force on HEA Title ĪI-A. He has been ACRL chapter councillor representing South Dakota since 1981, ch air of th e ad hoc C om m ittee on F u n d in g in 1981-1982, and a member of the ACRL Legisla­ tion Com m ittee in 1974-1976 and 1978-1982. He has also been active in ALA’s Library Administra­ tio n an d M an ag em en t A ssociation, w h ere he served as chair of the Buildings and Equipm ent Section in 1982-1983. C arm ack earned his MLS at the University of Denver in 1966. He has w ritten articles for College and Research Libraries, G overnment Publications Review , and the A L A Yearbook. John C. Van Horne has been nam ed librarian of the Library Company of Philadelphia to succeed Edw in W olf 2d in January 1985. Van Horne, who g raduated from Princeton in 1972, received his Ph.D . in early American history from the Univer­ sity of Virginia in 1979. He is now completing, w ith E dw ard C. C arter II, librarian of the American Philosophical Soci­ ety, a multi-volume edition of The Papers o f Ben­ jamin Henry Latrobe, the early 19th-century a r­ chitect and engineer. In 1975 he published The Correspondence o f W illiam Nelson as Acting Gov­ ernor o f Virginia, 1770-1771, and has in press an edition of the American correspondence of the As­ sociates of Dr. Bray, an Anglican missionary and philanthropic organization active in the conversion of blacks in the colonies. Rodney M. Hersberger has been appointed di­ rector of libraries at California State College, Ba­ kersfield, effective August 1. For the past five years he was assistant to the dean for adm inistrative services at the U niver­ sity of O k la h o m a L i­ braries. Hersberger held other adm inistrative positions at the Northern Illinois University Libraries be­ tw een 1975 and 1979. He was business refer­ ence lib r a r ia n a t N IU from 1973 to 1975. Hersberger earned an Rodney Hersbergeru n d e rg ra d u a te degree in a c c o u n tin g a n d an MLS from Indiana University. He also holds an MBA degree from N orthern Illinois University. Hersberger has published in the areas of operations research, library finance, and building remodeling and renovation. Thomas M. Peischl has been nam ed dean of the library at Mankato State University, Minnesota. He was previously employed at the State University of New York College of Arts and Science at Pots­ dam as director of col­ lege libraries. For the past three years at Pots­ dam he held a joint ap­ pointm ent as director of college libraries and di­ rector of com puter ser­ vices. P rio r to th a t he held various positions in the library at the U ni­ versity of Northern Col­ orado. P eischl receiv ed a Thomas M. Peischl bachelor’s degree in his­ tory and psychology from Susquehanna Univer­ sity, a m aster’s in special education from Temple, and an MLS from the University of Denver. He completed a doctorate in educational adm inistra­ tion and higher education at the University of Northern Colorado. Peischl currently serves as chair of ACRL’s E d u ­ cation and Behavioral Sciences Section and is an active member of LAMA. In New York he was a m em ber of the SUNY Com puter Officers Associa­ tion, the SUNY Head Librarians Association, and was the library representative on the SUNY Ad­ ministrative Systems Committee. He has published articles in Colorado Libraries, Special Libraries, and Online Review. His recent research focus has been in the area of institutional planning for the integration of inform ation re­ 560 / C&RL News sources on campus. Carla J. Stoffle has been appointed associate director for public services at the University of Michigan Library, effective in January 1985. Stof­ fle, currently assistant c h a n c e llo r for e d u c a ­ tio n a l services a t th e University of Wisconsin- Parkside, served as Pres­ ident of ACRL in 1982- 1983. At Michigan she w ill be responsible for th e d e v e lo p m e n t an d evaluation of public ser­ vices activities for 31 ser­ vice units. Stoffle began her asso­ ciation w ith Wisconsin- Carla J. StoffleParkside as a reference lib rarian in 1972, then was appointed head of public services, and in 1976 assumed responsibilities as assistant director. E ar­ lier she had served as head of the Government Pub­ lications D epartm ent at Eastern Kentucky Univer­ sity (1969-1972) and was a library intern at the University of Kentucky (1967-1969). Stoffle also served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Barbados for two years after graduating from college. D uring her ten u re as assistant chancellor at Parkside, Stoffle has held leadership positions on key system-wide committees, including the Uni­ versity of Wisconsin System Task Force on Library Automation, the Committee for Information Proc­ essing Systems, and the University of Wisconsin C h ie f S tu d e n t P erso n n el O fficers D iscussion Group. Stoffle serves as editor of th e M aterials and Methods Series for the Library Works Division of Neal-Schuman Publishers, and is on the Editorial Board for Collection Building: Studies in the De­ velopment and Effective Use of Library Resources, also published by Neal-Schuman. From 1978 to 1982 she served on the ARL/OMS National Advi­ sory Committee for Academic Library Programs. She was instrum ental in developing and imple­ menting the ACRL Activity Model for 1990 and as ACRL President appointed seven task forces to de­ velop recommendations for achieving objectives specified by the Activity Model. Stoffle received her bachelors degree from the University of Colorado, an MLS from the Univer­ sity of Kentucky, and is currently a doctoral candi­ date in higher education at the University of Wis­ consin, Madison. People in the news JoAn Segal, ACRL executive director, has been nam ed Librarian of the Year by the Colorado Li­ brary Association. She was presented w ith the November 1984 / 561 aw ard at their meeting on October 9. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from lib rary newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appointm ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Gordon Aamot has been appointed reference li­ b rarian in business and economics at the University of Oregon, Eugene. Lisa T. Abbott is now technical reports lib rar­ ian at the Texas A&M University L ibrary, College Station. Carol Alexander has assumed the position of head of Science Libraries at the University of C ali­ fornia, Berkeley. Ben Amata has been appointed documents refer­ ence librarian at Texas A&M University. Margaret Arnold has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Baker Junior College of Business, Flint, Michigan. John G. Arrison has been appointed curator of the H art N autical Collections at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam bridge. John Aubry is the new reference librarian and bibliographer in Colum bia University’s Rare Book and M anuscript Library. Elizabeth Smith Aversa has been nam ed assis­ ta n t professor in Drexel University’s College of In ­ form ation Studies, Philadelphia. Susan Barnes is now head of reference at the Co­ lum bia University Health Sciences L ibrary, New York. F lorence Bartoshesky has been prom oted to curator of manuscripts and archives at H arvard’s Baker Library. JohnT. Baumgartner has been appointed assis­ ta n t biological sciences lib rarian at O klahom a State University, Stillwater. Susan A. Beck has joined the staff of the Univer­ sity of Texas H ealth Science Center, San Antonio, as archivist. Sara Ben-Baruch has been appointed serials and preservation specialist in the Judaica D ep art­ m ent of the H arvard College Library. Ann Bevilacqua has been appointed indexer for the Avery Index, Colum bia University, New York. Ann Bolek has been appointed physical sciences bibliographer at the University of Akron L ibrary, Ohio. Virginia M. Bowden has been nam ed acting di­ rector of the University of Texas H ealth Science C enter L ibrary, San Antonio. Peter Brueggeman has been appointed head of public services at the Scripps Institution of O cean­ ography L ibrary, University of C alifornia, San Diego. Carol S. Brueggemeier is the new interlibrary loans lib ra ria n a t O klahom a S tate U niversity, Stillwater. Sylvia Burbach has been appointed assistant head of the C ataloging D ep artm en t at In d ian a University, Bloomington. Barbara A. Burg has been appointed reference lib ra ria n in H a rv a rd ’s L ittau e r L ib rary , C am ­ bridge, Massachusetts. Timothy G. Burke has been appointed public services librarian at Siena College, Loudonville, New York. Mary Case has been appointed serials cataloging librarian at N orthwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Holly Chambers is now assistant librarian at the State University of New York College at Pots­ dam . Min-min C hang has been appointed head of Technical Services at the California Institute of Technology L ibrary, Pasadena. Katherine Chiang has been appointed com put­ erized d ata services librarian at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Patricia Cloud has been appointed archivist at Northw estern University, Evanston, Illinois. Cynthia Crouch is a new m anuscript processor at the University of Oregon, Eugene. Peter Curtis has been appointed cu rato r of M arylandia at the University of M aryland, College Park. Susan Davis has been appointed head of the Seri­ als Becord Section at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Susan Deaver has joined the staff of Linda Hall L ibrary, Kansas City, Missouri, as reference li­ brarian. Bee DeDonato has been appointed public ser­ vices librarian at the Science and Engineering L i­ brary at the University of California, San Diego. Peter Devlin accepted the position of m ono­ g rap h ic catalo g er a t N o rth w estern U niversity, Evanston, Illinois. Hanko Dobi has been appointed assistant lib rar­ ian at the State University of New York College at Potsdam. AraceliM. Domingo has been appointed assis­ ta n t head of acquisitions at Johns Hopkins Univer­ sity, Baltimore. Susan Dow has been appointed head of the Doc­ uments D epartm ent at the State University of New York at Buffalo L aw Library. Blanche Ebeling-Koning has been appointed curator of rare books and literary m anuscripts at the University of M aryland, College Park. Daniel F. Eckert has been appointed assistant reference librarian at St. Michael’s College, W i­ nooski, Vermont. E lisabeth E lkind has been appointed survey archivist in the H arvard College Library, C am ­ bridge, Massachusetts. Philip B. Eppard has been appointed survey a r­ chivist in the H arvard College Library. Kathleen M. Erskine has assumed duties as as- 562 / C &R L News sistant cataloger at O klahom a State University, Stillwater. J onquil D . F eldman joined the staff of H a r­ v ard ’s C ountw ay L ibrary of Medicine, Boston, as cataloger. Mary E llen F erguson is now audiovisual li­ b rarian at the University of H ealth Sciences, K an­ sas City, Missouri. Raymond Foster has been prom oted to CARS c o o rd in a to r a t th e U niversity of M ary lan d L i­ braries, College Park. Selma Foster has been appointed acting direc­ tor of libraries at State University of New York Col­ lege at Potsdam. Paul Frantz is now reference desk liaison lib rar­ ian at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Walter J. Fraser has been appointed director of library services at Advanced L ibrary Concepts, Sacram ento. Richard E. Friedman has been appointed arts, language and literature bibliographer at the Uni­ versity of Akron Library, Ohio. William Bruce Fulton has been appointed as­ GODORT awards ALA’s James Bennett Childs A w ard is a trib ute to an individual who has m ade a lifetime and significant contribution to the field of doc- j uments librarianship. It is based on stature, ser­ vice, and publication w hich m ay be in any or all areas of documents librarianship. The win- ner is presented a bronze plaque w ith the like­ ness of James Bennett Childs. The CIS/G OD O RT/A LA Documents to the j People A w ard is a trib u te to an individual and/ or library, institution, or other non-comm ercial group th a t has most effectively encouraged the use of federal documents in support of library i service. The w inner will receive a certificate and cash stipend of $2,000 to be assigned to a project of the recipient’s choice. Each nom ination should include: 1) The nam e of the aw ard for w hich the p er­ son is being nom inated. 2) Their nam e, address (both home and busi­ ness), present employer and length of service, and past em ploym ent if applicable. 3) Activities, projects, publications related to documents work, w ith complete docum enta- tion, including examples. 4) Any other pertinent inform ation about the nominee. 5)\ L etters of support including th e signa tures, names and address of the nom inating in- I dividual or organization. Nominations should be sent by D ecem ber 15, 1984, to the chair of the G O D O R T Awards Com m ittee: B arbara Kile, Fondren Library, Rice University, P.O . Box 1891, Houston, TX 77251-1892. sistant head of technical services at Mercy College, W estchester County, New York. Judy Geitgey has been appointed science refer en ce l i b r a r i a n a t th e U n iv e rsity of O re g o n , Eugene. Rosalyn M. Goldstein has been appointed c a t alog and serials librarian at W idener University, Chester, Pennsylvania. E dward Goodman is now an indexer for the Avery Index, Colum bia University, New York. Jean Walstrom Haley has been nam ed director of library services at L a Salle University’s D avid Leo Law rence M emorial L ibrary, Philadelphia. Colleen Hansen is now Slavic and exchange li­ b rarian at L inda Hall L ibrary, Kansas City, Mis­ souri. Patricia Harper has been appointed access ser­ vices librarian at the University of Missouri, K an­ sas City. Patricia L. Hart is the new assistant librarian in the Serials Division of the University of W ash­ ington Suzzallo L ibrary, Seattle. Jana Heffernan has been appointed m anuscript processor for the Rom an Jakobson Collection, Mas­ sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam bridge. Randy B. Hensley has been appointed biblio­ graphic instruction coordinator for the O degaard U ndergraduate L ibrary at the University of W ash­ ington, Seattle. Mary Beth Herkert has been appointed m a n u ­ s c rip t processor a t th e U n iv ersity of O re g o n , Eugene. Carol Hert has been appointed reference and te c h n ic a l services l i b r a r i a n in th e S cience- Engineering L ibrary, N orthw estern University. Karen Heuberger is now reference librarian at W ingate College, N orth C arolina. Thomas J. Hinders has been appointed techni­ cal services librarian at Xavier University, C incin­ nati. Martha Hooker has been prom oted as refer­ ence librarian, University of M aryland, College Park. Betsy Humphreys has been appointed deputy as­ sociate director of library operations at the N a­ tional L ibrary of Medicine, Bethesda, M aryland. Margaret Irwin has been appointed assistant li­ b rarian in the L aw L ibrary of the State University of New York at Buffalo. Louis E. Jeffries is the new liaison librarian for the College of Business Adm inistration, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Elaine Z. Jennerich has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at V irginia Interm ont College, Bris­ tol. Richard Jizba has been appointed liaison lib rar­ ian for the Agriculture L ibrary, University of Ne­ braska, Lincoln. Kathleen M. Johnson has been appointed cor­ porate inform ation librarian at H arv ard ’s Baker Library. Mary Pat Kaduck has been appointed assistant ­ ­ November 1984 / 563 librarian at the State University of New York Col­ lege at Potsdam. Roberta Kirby has been appointed NOTIS m ar­ keting and training librarian at Northwestern Uni­ versity. Elizabeth J. Laney has been appointed librar­ ian for the Library of the School of Library Sci­ ence, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Barbara Lay has been appointed reference li­ brarian at Portland University, Oregon. J onathan A. LeBreton is now administrative services librarian at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. J iun L ee has been appointed cataloger in the York University Law Library, Downsview, O n­ tario. Patricia A. Lenkowski has been appointed ref­ erence librarian at W idener University, Chester, Pennsylvania. T erri Licari has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the L ibrary of the Health Sciences, Uni­ versity of Illinois, Chicago. Mark McAteer has been appointed head of the Circulation D epartm ent, St. Michael’s College, Winooski, Vermont. John McGinty is now associate university li­ brarian at Fairfield University, Connecticut. Kathy McGreevy has been appointed director of library and audiovisual services at Mendocino College, Ukiah, California. William McHugh has been appointed reference librarian at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Darlene McKay has been appointed catalog li­ brarian at W ingate College, North Carolina. J ames McPhee has been appointed o rie n ta ­ tion/instruction librarian at the University of Ne­ vada, Las Vegas. Kathleen L. Maio has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Suffolk University, Boston. Jacqueline C. Mancall has been prom oted to the rank of associate professor at Drexel Univer­ sity’s College of Inform ation Studies, Philadelphia. J udith Markowitz has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the University of M aryland Li­ braries, College Park. Michele Marram has been promoted to senior research librarian at H arvard’s Baker Library. Nina Matheson has been nam ed director of the Welch Medical Library and associate professor of medical inform ation at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. J oseph R. Mazuranic has been appointed sys­ tems librarian in the H arvard University Library. Richard Meier is now history and social sci­ ences bibliographer at Northwestern University. Carla Montori has been appointed head of the Preservation D epartm ent at Indiana University, Bloomington. Kimiko Morita has been appointed assistant li­ brarian for the Doheny Campus, Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles. Robert C. Myers has been appointed social sci­ ence librarian at W ichita State University. Brian Nielsen has been assigned responsibilities as coordinator of sponsored research at Northwest­ ern University. Christopher W . Nolan has been appointed ref- eren ce/in stru ctio n lib ra ria n a t th e College L i­ brary, University of California, Los Angeles. Gail Oltmanns has been appointed assistant head of the U ndergraduate L ibrary at Indiana University, Bloomington. D eborah Ann Ottsen joined th e O klahom a State University Library, Stillwater, as assistant cataloger. Russell Pease is now assistant director for p u b ­ lic services at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Steven C. Perkins has been nam ed in te rn a ­ tional law librarian for the New York Joint In ter­ national Law Program, the members of which in­ clude the New York Law School, Brooklyn Law School, and CUNY Law School at Queens. Elizabeth E. PESSEKhas been appointed survey archivist at H arvard College Library. Paul Peterson is now reference and special projects librarian at Linda Hall Library, Kansas City, Missouri. Anita Prewett has been nam ed special collec­ tions librarian at the University of M aryland, Bal­ tim ore County. Flora Kai-Wah Quek has been appointed cata­ log librarian at the University of M aryland, Balti­ more County. Ida Reed has been appointed music librarian at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Barbara E. Rivers has been appointed mono- 564 / C&RL News graph cataloger in the Harvard College Library. Donald C. Root has joined the staff of La Salle University Library, Philadelphia, as assistant ref­ erence librarian. Keith W. Russell has been appointed chief of the Public Services Division at the National Agri­ cultural Library, Beltsville, Maryland. Mara Sani has been appointed reference librar­ ian in education at Portland State University, Ore­ gon. Timothy L. Sanz has been named director of Houghton Memorial Library at Huntingdon Col­ lege, Montgomery, Alabama. Alan Schaplowsky has been appointed head of serials acquisitions at Columbia University, New York. Kathleen Schrock has been appointed head of the circulation unit at the Engineering and Physi­ cal Sciences Library, University of Maryland, Col­ lege Park. Lauri Sebo is the new head of the Public Affairs Service at the University of California, Los An­ geles. Jill Sellers has been appointed French lan­ guage cataloger at the University of Nebraska, Lin­ coln. Marlene Smith is now audiovisual librarian at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, Medical School. Gerald Specht has been appointed NOTIS sys­ tems engineer at Northwestern University. Dawn Talbot has been appointed librarian/in- formation manager at the Center for Magnetic Re­ cording Research at the University of California, San Diego. Patricia Tenner has been appointed informa­ tion services librarian at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio. Vincent J. Thacker III has been appointed ref­ erence and periodicals librarian at Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Alabama. Donna J. Thomas has been appointed assistant documents librarian at Oklahoma State Univer­ sity, Stillwater. Edith Tibbits is now music cataloger at the Uni­ versity of Nebraska, Lincoln. Alice Tiffeault is now reference and library instruction librarian at Mercy College, Westches­ ter County, New York. Raji A Tobia has been appointed assistant direc­ tor for public services at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio. Sylvia Turner has been appointed behavioral and social sciences librarian at Mansfield Univer­ sity, Pennsylvania. Laura Voelz has been appointed acquisitions li­ brarian at Baker Junior College of Business, Flint, Michigan. Carol Walton has been appointed Spanish lan­ guage cataloger at the University of Nebraska, Lin­ coln. Debra Willett has been appointed visiting af­ filiate librarian in the Conservation Unit, Indiana University, Bloomington. Elaine E. Wiltse has been named library direc­ tor at the University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast Regional Campus, Long Beach. Janice Woo is a new indexer for the Avery Index at Columbia University, New York. Carl Yirka has been named associate librarian at the New York Law School Library. Joyce Zogott is now head of the Learning Re­ sources Center at the Philadelphia College of Phar­ macy and Science. Retirements Albert M. Berkowitz, chief of the National Li­ brary of Medicine’s Reference Services Division for 13 years, retired on August 29. Russell J. Emele, director of the library at East S troudsburg U niversity, Pennsylvania, for 24 years, will retire on January 18. Emele was respon­ sible for planning and designing ESU’s Kemp Li­ brary, which opened its doors in 1980. Anne K. Hoyt, director of the Curriculum Ma­ terials Laboratory at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, retired on June 30 after 15 years of ser­ vice. Alice Johnson, multivolume monograph cata­ loger at the University of California, Berkeley, re­ tired on June 29 after 29 years of service. David A. Kronick, library director at the Uni­ versity of Texas Health Science Center at San Anto­ nio, retired on August 31. After receiving a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago Graduate Library School in 1956 he directed the Medical Library at the University of Michigan, the Cleveland Medical Library, and served as chief of the Reference Divi­ sion at the National Library of Medicine. In 1965 he joined the new University of Texas Medical School in San Antonio and began the development of the library. The author of A History of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, Kronick has often served as consultant, lecturer, and researcher. Elizabeth Branch Mason, associate director of the Columbia University Oral History Research Office, retired on October 1 after 25 years of ser­ vice. Julia Bartling Phipps, head of reference ser­ vices at the University of Iowa Libraries for nearly 28 years, retired on May 31. Giselle von Grunebaum retired at the end of June from the position of gifts librarian, University of California, Los Angeles. Deaths Robert Koester, former bibliographer of Afri- cana at N orthw estern University (1969-1972), died recently in New York City. Naomi Lange, librarian at the University of Wy- Caught in a Draft? T hese P o licy S tatem ents from A C R E m ight h e lp — A r e you faced with the task of drafting or revising a policy statement for your library? The following collections of policy statements from colleges and small univer­ sities may help you design a document that fits your need. Travel Policies of 21 College and University Libraries 1980, 77p. Policies for travel and research leaves; forms. ACRL members, $3; non-members, $3. Academic Status Survey 1981, 346p. Policies from 31 institutions— community colleges to universities. Personnel plans, documents from faculty handbooks dealing with compensation, evaluation of librarians, promotion and tenure. Includes institutions both with and without faculty status. ACRL members, $12; non-members, $17. C L IP Note #1: Performance Appraisal 1980, 135p. Policies and forms from 10 institutions for professional and support staff and student assistants. ACRL members, $7.50; non-members, $10. C L IP Note #2: Collection Development Policies 1981, 131p. Full or partial policies from 10 institutions. ACRL members, $8.75; non-members, $11.50. C L IP Note #3: Job Descriptions 1981, 255p. Descriptions from 8 institutions for professional and support staff. ACRL members, $17.50; non-members, $25. C L IP Note #4: Online Bibliographic Database Searching in College Libraries 1983, 132p. Over 50 institutions contributed policy statements, search request forms, billing forms, evaluation forms, many others. ACRL members, $15; non-members, $19. Association of College & Research Libraries 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 944-6780 566 / C&RL News om ing’s Fam ily Practice Residency Program in Casper, died on September 6. Stella F. Schehl, principal cataloger at the N a­ tional L ibrary of Medicine, died on August 21. She had been w ith the library since 1945. Rosalee Wright, librarian in the Engineering and M athem atical Sciences Library at UCLA for over 23 years, died in Tennessee on Septem ber 1. ■ ■ Choice and C B E announce joint venture Choice magazine and the Combined Book Ex­ hibit have announced a joint prom otional plan for the 1984-85 library and academic conference sea­ son. The CBE exhibit will include a special display featuring Choice magazine and Choice Reviews- on-Cards, plus books reviewed in Choice subm it­ ted for display by publishers. The Choice display will be featured in the CBE exhibit at 32 national, regional, and international meetings from October 1984 through July 1985. The joint prom otional venture is planned to in­ crease the visibility of Choice in the scholarly and library markets and, through CBE, to bring atten­ tion to the im portant books reviewed by the m aga­ zine. Choice is the leading book and nonprint review publication for the academic library and scholarly book m arkets. Choice publishes m ore th a n 600 book, periodical, audiovisual, and com puter soft­ w are reviews in eleven issues a year. The Com ­ bined Book Exhibit is a traveling exhibit of books and periodicals subm itted by publishers for display at library, academic, and other professional associ­ ation meetings. CBE exhibits at an estimated 50 meetings per year enabling publishers to targ et their publications to specific audiences in m any different subject fields. Choice is a publication of the Association of Col­ lege and Research Libraries and is headquartered in M iddletown, Connecticut. The Combined Book Exhibit is a Faxon Com pany located at 100 Provi­ dence Highway, Westwood, MA 02090; (617) 329- 7493. C ontact L inda Tonkery, D irector of the CBE, for m ore details on the 1984-85 m eeting schedules. ■ ■