ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 420 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 Atkinson and CJCLS award committees announce 2002 winners The final installment of A CR I award winners by Stephanie Sherrod B illin g s n a m ed w in n e r o f A tk in s o n A w a rd Harold W. Billings, director of libraries at the University of Texas at Austin, has been nam ed the 2002 w inner of the H ugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award. N am ed in h onor of one of th e p io n e e rs o f lib ra ry a u to m a tio n , th e Atkinson aw ard recognizes an academ ic li­ brarian w ho has m ade significant contribu­ tions in the area of library autom ation or m anagement, and has made notable improve­ m ents in library services or research. “Harold Billings’ long com m itm ent to in­ novation in automation, resource sharing, and creative m anagem ent all contributed to his selection by the H ugh Atkinson Memorial Award Com m ittee,” said Diane Graves, chair of the aw ard selection committee. “He has been professionally active, and has supported efforts at both the state and national level to encourage resource sharing and cooperative collection developm ent.” Graves also noted that Billings was an early proponent of OCLC as a resource-sharing tool in the southw estern United States, and he has led the autom ation m ovem ent by encourag­ ing the developm ent of an interactive search tool for UTCAT. In addition, Billings has pio­ neered innovative job-sharing and research w ork assignm ents for his staff o f nearly 600; provided leadership in the developm ent of TexShare, a state-funded program that p ro ­ vides electronic resources to a consortium of m ore than 600 academ ic and public libraries in Texas; and supports enhanced ILL services. Billings will receive an aw ard of $2,000 and a citation at the ALA Annual Conference in Atlanta. The H ugh C. Atkinson Award is jointly sponsored by four divisions of ALA, includ­ ing ACRL, th e Library A dm inistration and M anagem ent Association (LAMA), the Library a n d In fo rm atio n T ech n o lo g y A ssociation (LITA), and the Association for Libraiy Col­ lections and Technical Services (ALCTS). C o m m u n ity C o lle g e a w a rd s g o to S te in h o ff a n d St. P e te rsb u rg Ju n io r C o lle g e C ynthia Steinhoff, li­ braiy director at the An­ drew G. Truxal Library at Anne Arundel Com­ m u n ity C o lle g e , has b e e n s e le c te d as the 2002 w i n n e r o f th e Community a n d Junior College Libraries Sec­ tio n (CJCLS) EBSCO C o m m u n ity C o lle g e Cynthia S teinhoff L e a rn in g R e s o u r c e s Award. The award honors significant achieve­ m ent in the advocacy of learning resources, as well as leadership in professional organi- (continued on page 425) About the author Stephanie Sherrod is ACRL program assistant, e-mail: newsC o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 425 Pamela Schoenew aldt as the new writer-in- residence. Schoenew aldt is a recent émigré to Knoxville, having lived for m any years in Naples, Italy. In 1995, she w on the Chekhov Prize for Short Fiction from The Crescent Re­ view. Y e a r th re e We began our third year of the Writers in the Library series with a reading that featured both th e incom ing a n d outgoing w riter-in-resi­ d e n c e . In p l a n n i n g th is y e a r ’s s e rie s , Schoenew aldt drew heavily on Griffin’s ex­ perience to round up an extensive roster of authors, m any from the Writer’s Guild and the Knoxville writing com m unity in general. The series is expanding from five to nine read­ ings during the academ ic year. We have also gotten additional publicity support from the Libraries to create a bookm ark that lists the entire agenda of authors and dates. With a schedule of events prepared ahead of time, w e w ere able to book the library’s audito­ rium for m any of the readings. Although she had been so instrumental in developing the Writers in the Library series, Paula Kaufman m oved on to becom e dean of libraries at the University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, in 1999, before our series even began. Interim Dean Aubrey Mitchell, and our new Dean of Libraries Barbara Dewey, how ­ ever, have strongly supported the series and encouraged its continued development. In planning Writers in the Library, w e have relied exclusively on our ow n wits and UT resources (material and intellectual), but there are a num ber of organizations around that can help a librarian develop a reading series. ALA’s “©yourlibrary” program provides ideas a n d funds to qualified a p p lic an ts.6 Poets House also w orks with libraries to establish literary events? We d ecided to go it on our ow n, partly out of laziness, partly out of ignorance, but mostly because w e took a lot of pleasure in d e v e l o p i n g th e i d e a s o u r s e l v e s a n d shepherding them through to a finished prod­ uct. It has truly b e e n one of the m ost enjoy­ able aspects of my time at UT. I encourage everyone to develop a similar literary p ro ­ gram at their libraries. It provides a great way to becom e familiar w ith local writers and to form im portant bonds with library supporters th roughout the com m unity. N otes 1. Inform ation o n UT’s Creative Writing Program in the D epartm ent of English can be fo u n d at h ttp ://w e b .u tk .e d u /% 7 E e n g lish / creative.htm. 2. Brian Griffin, Sparkm an in the Sky & other Stories (Sarabande Books, 1997). 3. The Knoxville Writer’s Guild is on the Web at 4. The Writers in the Library Web site is at h t t p : / / w w w . l i b . u t k . e d u / a n n o u n c e / writersinthelibrary/. 5. Information on the Peter Taylor Prize fo r th e N ovel is o n lin e at h ttp ://w w w . knoxvillew 6. Visit https://cs.ala.0rg/@ y0urlibrary/. 7. Poets House can be found at h ttp :// w w w .p o etsh o u se.o rg /. ■ ( “A tkinson a n d CJCLS. . . ” c o n tin u ed fr o m p a g e 420) zations that support the missions of com m u­ nity, junior, and technical colleges. Paula Herring, chair of the aw ards com ­ mittee, said, “Cynthia was chosen because she exemplifies leadership on all levels: local, state, and national. She has been a leader on her campus, in the state of Maryland, and in CJCLS. Her tireless advocacy for and commit­ m ent to com m unity college libraries [make her] truly deserving of this aw ard.” The Michael M. Bennett Library of St. Pe­ tersburg Junior College has been chosen to receive the 2002 CJCLS/EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Program Achieve­ m ent Award for its information literacy p ro ­ gram, w hich includes online tests, curricu­ lum developm ent, instruction of other librar­ ians, faculty awareness, and advocacy. “The librarians at St. Petersburg Junior College have developed an innovative infor­ m ation literacy program for their students,” said Herring. “From online testing to instruc­ tional video to credit coursework, this p ro­ gram is designed to reach every student in every campus. The librarians are to b e com ­ m ended for their outreach to their cam puses.” A citation and $500 (donated by EBSCO Inform ation Services) will be presented to each recipient during the ALA Annual Con­ ference in Atlanta at the CJCLS All Committee Meeting on Saturday, June 15, 2002, at 8:30 a.m. at the Om ni Hotel, Bram pton A. ■ https://cs.ala.0rg/@y0urlibrary/