ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 454 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Young W illia m B aker, professor in the Northern Illinois University Libraries and professor in the Departm ent of English, has been awarded a National Endow m ent for the Humanities Senior Fellowship to conduct full-time re­ search during the 2002-03 academ ic year. He will be w orking on three m ore volumes o f the unpublished letters of the Victorian novelist, dram atist, a n d journalist Wilkie Collins (1824-89). T a m ik a B a r n e s, of the North Carolina State University Libraries, has w on the 2002 Hori­ zon Award from the North Carolina Chapter of the Special Libraries Association (SLA). The aw ard goes to librarians w ho show a po ten ­ tial to be leaders in the library profession. She received the aw ard based on her ac­ com plishm ents as a student, SLA Scholarship w i n n e r , ALA S p e c tr u m S c h o la r, a n d Pilkington Intern, as well as for her w ork as chair of the SLA’s Diversity Leadership Com­ mittee. The Federal Library and Information Center Committee has announced several national aw ards for federal librarianship: P a m e la D a w e s , director of the Haskell Library at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas, and L y n n e C. T o b in , chief of the reference library at the National Imagery and Mapping Agency in Bethesda, Maiyland, tied for the Federal Libraiy and Information Cen­ ter Committee’s 2001 Federal Librarian of the Year award. L eslie Y ea k ley , libraiy techni­ cian at the Defense Technical Information Center, has been nam ed 2001 Federal Libraiy Technician of the Year. K err y A n n G ard ner, librarian at El Paso Community College’s Valle Verde Libraiy, has b e e n nam ed the Border Regional Library Association’s Librarian of the Year. Tw o N ortheastern University librarians— J o a n D . K rizack , university archivist and head of special collections, and C h r istin e O ka, bibliographic instruction coordinator— h a v e re c e iv e d n a tio n a l re c o g n itio n for achievem ents in the field. Krizack received the Society of Georgia Archivists’ (SGA) David B. Gracy II Award for the article she coau­ thored, “Preserving the History o f Boston’s Diversity,” in the SAG’s annual publication Provenance. Oka was featured by Library J o u r n a l as one of the top 50 libraiy “Movers and Shakers” from across the United States. B ria n M cL au gh lin , acquisitions supervisor, m onographs departm ent, bibliographic ser­ vice division at the Syracuse University (SU) Libraiy, has received an Individual Exem­ plary Achievem ent Award from SU. H aid ar M ou k d ad , professor in Dalhousie University’s Master of Libraiy and Informa­ tion Studies program , w on O nline In fo r m a ­ tion RevieuJs “Outstanding Paper” in the 2001 volum e for his paper, “Designing and D e­ veloping Multimedia CD-ROMS: Lessons from the Treasures of Islam.” The p a p e r (coau­ thored with Jam shid Beheshti and Andrew Large) was selected for its “new and useful inform ation w hich will benefit readers” and its “appropriate presentation and style that allows easy access to concepts and data. A n d r e w K. P ace, head o f the North Carolina State University Librar­ ie s ’ System s D e p a rt­ m ent, w as nam ed Li­ brarian of the Year at the 15th Annual Data R ese a rc h A sso ciates, Inc. User’s Conference, a national libraiy tech­ nology conference. Andrew K. Pace Ed. n o te : To ensure th a t y o u r p e rs o n n e l news is c o n s id e re d f o r p u b lic a tio n , w r ite to A n n -C h ris te Young, p ro d u c tio n editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron S t, Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-m ail: ayoung@; fax: (312) 280-2520. C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 455 J e r r y S aye, professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapell Hill’s School of In­ form ation and Library Science, has received the Association for Library and Information Science Education’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. D a v id II. S iam , senior scholar in the history departm ent and university' librarian emeritus at Syracuse University, edited and published the International Dictionary o f Library His­ tories (Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001). The dictionary profiles more than 200 institutions from around the world, including the w orld’s most important research libraries and other libraries with globally or regionally notable collections, innovative traditions, and signifi­ cant and interesting histories. Stam served as university librarian at Syracuse University from 1986 to 1998, following earlier library admin­ istrative positions at Marlboro College, the Newberry Library, Johns Llopkins University, and the New York Public Library. A p p o i n t m e n t s P a u lT . A d a lia n jr ., has been appointed the first university librarian at California State Uni­ versity (CSU) at Channel Island. Adalian was assistant dean of information and instructional services at California Polytechnic State Uni­ versity, San Luis Obispo, w here he had spent 24 years managing every' aspect of library ser­ vices. Adalian will also assist with planning CSU Channel Islands new John Spoor Broome Libraiy. O tis D . A le x a n d e r has been appointed di­ rector of the Randolph E. Meyer Memorial Libraiy at Southeastern University in Wash­ ington, D.C. He was the assistant librarian at Cuttington University College in Liberia and head librarian for the Bureau of Libraries, Museums, and Archaeological Services in Saint Croix, Virgin Islands. R ic k e y B est has been nam ed dean of the library at Auburn University in Montgomery, Alabama. G ail K e r n P aster, professor of English at George Washington University (GWU), will take office as director of the Folger Shakes- " rpeare Library on July o o 1, 2002. P a s te r has 5 r› rtaught at GWU since ‹1974 and is the editor Ā of Shakespeare Qitar- z n terly, the leading schol­ A zarly journal devoted to S h a k e s p e a r e , p u b - lished by the Folger Gail Kern Paster Shakespeare Library in as­ sociation with GWU. She has w on many na­ tional fellowships and awards and is the au­ thor of numerous scholarly articles and books. A trustee of the Shakespeare Association of America, Paster w as recently elected vice president and will succeed to its presidency in 2003. She has served two terms as a public m em ber of the Folger Shakespeare Library committee. J a n e B. T rea d w e ll has been appointed uni­ versity librarian and dean of library instruc­ tional services at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Treadwell has been director of the Office of Program Assessment and Coor­ dination at Emory' University since 2001. Her 14-year career at Emory' began as director of collection m anagem ent in 1988 and she was nam ed director of collections and technical services in 1990. B efore joining Emory, Treadwell was head of the Resource Devel­ opm ent Division of the Sterling C. Evans Li­ braiy at Texas A&M University. She also spent six years at University of Florida Libraries in positions pertaining to m onograph acquisi­ tions and cataloging. She is the author of a chapter in a nationally acclaimed library text­ book and contributor of articles to well-re­ garded journals such as the Acquisitions Li­ brarian and College & Research Libraries. K aren W ie lh o r sk i has been appointed ex­ ecutive director of the Alfred R. Neumann Li­ brary at the University of Houston-Clear Lake. P a u l A. W illis has been nam ed dean of li­ braries at the University of South Carolina (USC) in Columbia. He is leaving a post as director of libraries at the University' of Ken­ tucky (UK) and will begin work at LISC in July. He has been at UK both as a professor and a librarian since 1967. During his career, OZT + D.+ CO A o N□ r 4 5 6 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 Willis has been active in a num ber of law and library organizations, published articles and book chapters, and served as a consult­ ant. His next published work will be a chap­ ter entitled “Building a Major Gifts Program” in a m onograph to be published by the Asso­ ciation of Research Libraries. M artha A n n B ace has been appointed catalog librarian at the University of Alabama Libraries. C h eryl Ballard is now Web services coor­ dinator at the University of Alabama Libraries. R ich ard J e a n B a zile is now director of library information systems and technical sys­ tems at Chicago State University. C h ris B eck ett has been prom oted to vice president of library services at Ingenta. T am m y B o b r o w sk y has been appointed assistant librarian to the resident program at the University of Minnesota Libraries. D avid Carter has joined the Media Union Library at the University of Michigan as engi­ neering librarian and liaison to the electrical engineering and computer science department. B eau D a v id C ase has been appointed field librarian for classical studies at the Uni­ versity of Michigan’s Harlan Hatcher Gradu­ ate Library. Advertiser index Academic Press 443 ACRL 451 American Chemical Society Cover 3 American Theological 429 Library Association Annual Reviews 460 Benchmark 410 CHOICE 448 EBSCO 417 Elsevier Science Cover 2 Endeavor Information Systems 440 Faxon Library Sendees 407 IEEE 446 ISI 449 Libraries Unlimited 459 OCLC 430 Optical Society of America 421 Powell’s Books 4 l6 ScienceDirect 422 Swets/Blackwell 435 TechBooks 453 West Group Cover 4 M u riel C a u th en has accepted the posi­ tion of cataloging services librarian at South­ eastern University in Washington, D.C. K a th erin e C h ew is now reference librar­ ian in the Bio-Medical Library at the Univer­ sity of Minnesota Libraries. T h o r o lf C h r is te n s e n has joined the Uni­ versity of Michigan’s university library as as­ sistant archivist in papyrology. P au l J. C o n sta n tin e has been appointed associate director of libraries for research and instructional services, University of Washing­ ton Libraries, at the University of Washing­ ton, Seattle. Catherine C onw ay is now reference librar­ ian at Pennsylvania State Great Valley Library. M e lissa D a ily is now reference librarian at Pennsylvania State Beaver Library. K a th le e n D e g n a n has been appointed assistant to the director of public services at Chicago State University. C h ery l E w in g has been prom oted to di­ rector of the Health Sciences Library at Ohio University. J a n F iga has joined the University of Michigan’s Shapiro Science Library as m ath/ physics librarian. P riscilla F in le y has been appointed pub­ lic services librarian in the Lied Library at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. K a th le e n H a eflig er has been appointed music and performing arts librarian at Chi­ cago State University. A n n ette H ain es is now field librarian for the School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan’s Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library. A n d rea H a lv e r so n has been nam ed ref­ erence services librarian in the Science and Engineering Library at the University of Min­ nesota Libraries. W illia m W. (B ill) H a rd esty is now ar­ chivist, Paredes Collection, B enson Latin American Collection, General Libraries at the University of Texas at Austin, a half-time ap­ pointm ent for 2002. R ob ert H e r r m a n n has been appointed Library (Aleph) Systems Analyst at the Uni­ versity of Minnesota Libraries. D o r e e n H o c k e n b e r r y has b e e n p ro ­ m oted to head of governm ent documents at Ohio University. C alvin H su has joined the University of Michigan’s Asia Library as coordinator of pub­ lic and information services. C&RL News ■ June 2 0 0 2 / 457 A b b y K a s o w itz -S c h e e r is no w h e a d of instructional programs at Syracuse University. J a n H . K e m p has b e e n nam ed associate director for collection m anagem ent, organi­ zation, and preservation in the special collec­ tions, acquisitions, cataloging, and preserva­ tion departm ents at North Carolina State Uni­ versity. D o n n e lly L a n c a ster has be e n appointed archival access coordinator in the Hoole Spe­ cial Collections Library at the University of Alabama. J e n n i f e r M c C lu r e has b e e n a p p o in te d re fe re n c e lib ra ria n /in fo rm a tio n c o n su lta n t in G orgas Library at th e U niversity o f Ala­ bam a. C h a r le s R e y n o ld s is no w head of the music library at the University of Michigan. G loria R h o d e s has been nam ed outreach/ com m unity resources librarian at the San Di­ ego State University Library a n d Information Access. A m y R o b b has joined the staff of the Harlan H atcher G raduate Library at the Uni­ versity o f M ichigan as field lib rarian for w o m e n ’s studies. L in d s e y E. S c h e ll has b e e n nam ed En­ glish literature bibliographer, Collections and Inform ation Resources Division, at the Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin. S te v e n D . S m ith is the new preservation librarian at Wellesley College Library. L y n n S u tto n has b e e n appointed associ­ ate dean of the Wayne State University Li­ brary System. F e lix E m e U n a e z e is now director of p u b ­ lic services at Chicago State University. H y o k y o u n g Lee Y i has b e e n appointed Korean studies librarian, East Asia Library, University of W ashington Libraries, at the University of Washington, Seattle. R e t i r e m e n t s K a ren D r ie s s e n , after nearly 30 years with the library a n d instructional m edia services at th e U niversity o f M ontana (UM), retire d o n April 1, 2002. D riessen b e g a n h e r ca ­ re e r at UM as a m ed ia ca ta lo g e r a n d later b e c am e d ire c to r o f th e M ansfield Library’s In stru ctio n al M edia Services division. Un­ d e r h e r lea d e rsh ip , a n u m b e r o f m ultim e­ dia classroom s w e re c o n stru c te d o n cam ­ p u s. A m ong h e r o th e r a cco m p lish m en ts at UM w as th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f th e lib rary ’s significant c o llectio n o f n o n p rin t m ate ri­ als. D riessen se rv e d o n a n u m b e r o f cam ­ p u s, library, a n d system w ide com m ittees. She w as active in th e M ontana Library As­ so c ia tio n a n d c o n trib u te d at th e n a tio n a l level w ith a p p o in tm e n ts to co m m ittees of th e C onsortium o f C ollege a n d U niversity M edia C enters. In 2000, sh e w as se le c te d by th e M ontana Library A ssociation as Li­ b rarian o f th e Year. D o n n a K o e p p , h e a d o f th e T. R. Smith M ap C ollection a n d G eoM edia Services at th e U niversity o f K ansas (KU), has retired. H ow ever, she has a c c e p te d a p osition w ith H arvard U niversity as h e a d o f g o v e rn m e n t d o c u m e n ts a n d m icroform s a n d c o o rd in a ­ to r o f re fe re n c e a n d in stru ctio n for th e so ­ cial scien ces p rogram . K o e p p jo in e d th e KU Libraries in 1985 as h e a d o f th e m ap library. In 1986, sh e w as a p p o in te d h e a d o f th e g o v e rn m e n t d o c u m e n ts a n d m ap li­ brary. U nder h e r lea d e rsh ip , in 1987, the first o f several successful gran t p ro p o sa ls w ere subm itted to the National E ndow m ent for th e H um anities to c o m p le te a project to in d ex a n d p rese rv e historical m aps c o n ­ ta in e d in th e U.S. C ongressional Serial Set (1789-1969). She e arn ed tenure in 1990 and w as g ra n te d a sab b atical leave in 1994. In 1992, K o ep p se rv e d as a visiting p ro g ram officer w ith th e A ssociation of R esearch Li­ b raries (ARL) to w o rk o n th e ARL GIS Lit­ eracy Project, a n d in 1998-2001, she served o n th e D e p o sito ry Library Council to th e Public Printer. D a v id G r a y R e m i n g t o n h a s e n d e d 42 y ears o f library service after 4 years as in ­ fo rm a tio n lib rarian , g u id e, a n d sc o u t at N orth Id ah o C o lleg e’s M olstead Library in C oeur d ’Alene. Form erly d e p u ty W ashing­ to n State librarian, c h ief o f C ataloging Dis­ trib u tio n Service a n d assistant ch ie f o f th e su b ject cataloging division at th e Library o f C ongress, R em ington also se rv e d tw ice as d ire c to r o f th e P e n d O reille C ounty Li­ brary district, d ire c to r o f p ro fessio n al se r­ vices for Bro-Dart Com pany in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and as an independent library consultant. 458 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 D e a t h s D o n a l d T. S m it h , fo rm e r h e a d o f b u d g e t a n d p la n n in g at th e U niversity o f O re g o n Library, d ie d o f p a n c re a tic c a n c e r o n April 15, 2002. H e w o r k e d as a lib r a ria n at Clarkson College a n d W agner College, b o th lo c a te d in N ew Y ork, a n d later at B oston U niversity. H e w o rk e d as a n a d m in istra to r at th e U niversity o f O re g o n from 1963 u n ­ til his retirem en t in 1987. Smith w as a m em ­ b e r o f several p hilatelic societies a n d a life­ tim e m e m b e r o f ALA. H e se rv e d o n th e b o a rd o f th e Lane C ou n ty H istorical Soci­ ety for 15 years. L y n n W e s le y W a lk e r, 73, library director em eritus o f the University o f Central Florida (UCF) Library, d ied March 13 o f pulm onary fibrosis. Walker w orked first at the University of T ennessee a n d later at t h e U n iv e r s ity o f Florida, heading its En­ gineering a n d Physics Library. In 1966, Walker w as selected to create the library system for a brand new university in O rla n d o , th e n c a lle d Lynn Wesley Walker Florida T echnological University. He w as the fourth em ployee of UCF, hired tw o years before it o p e n e d to stu­ dents. There he served as the library director for 17 years a n d was a nationally recognized innovator, with the UCF Library being o n e of the first nationally to have its card catalog accessible via computer. Walker served as presi­ dent of the Florida Library Association. Sharon Hogan, 1945-2002 S h a r o n H o g a n , 57, university librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) since 1990, has died follow­ ing a brief illness. A c h am p io n of copyright, free speech, privacy, and other leg­ islative issues affecting li­ braries and information Sharon Hogan systems, Hogan testified before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs on tire E-Government Act of 2001 regard­ ing technology and access issues. “Sharon Hogan was a pivotal figure in the rebirth of the modem library in the digital age,” said UIC University Chancellor Sylvia Manning. In 2000, Hogan received top national hon­ ors when she was named ACRL’s Academic/ Research Librarian of the Year. Last year she received the Intellectual Freedom Award from the Illinois Libraiy Association. “Libraries play a very important role in safeguarding every citizen’s right to read or hear diverse viewpoints and to make up his or her own mind about issues,” Hogan said at the time of her award. Her other major honors included the Chi­ nese American Librarians Association Presi­ dential Recognition Award (1995), the Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instniction Librarian of the Year Award (1988), and tire Distinguished Alumni Award of tire School of Information and libraiy Studies at tire University of Michigan (1987). Prior to her appointment at UIC, Hogan was the director of libraries at Louisiana State University and held positions at the University7 of Michigan and at Temple University. She was an active member of ACRL, serv­ ing as the association’s president and chair of the Bibliographic Instruction Section. She was on the Board of Directors twice and a mem­ ber of the task force on strategic planning and the budget and finance committee. She served ALA as councilor-at-large, was on the Execu­ tive Board, and chaired the Task Force on Core Competencies for Librarians. She was also a member of the National As­ sociation of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges Commission on Information Tech­ nologies and the Depository Library Council. She sew ed on the boards of such groups as the Higher Education Consortium, the Com­ mittee on Institutional Cooperation, the Chi­ cago Library7 System, and the ILLINET Network Advisory7 Council. Hogan coauthored Learning the Library (Bowker, 1982), a landmark book in biblio­ graphic instruction, and was founding editor of Research Strategies. ■