ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 467 C L A S S I F I E D Ads Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.15 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.25 for others. Late job notices are $23.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $28.50 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $470 to $870 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: http:/ / Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately four weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c& Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committedto equality of opportunityfor all library employees orapplicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN A C Q U IS IT IO N S /S E R IA L S M A N A G E M E N T L IB R A R IA N . E n try -le v e l p o s itio n . M a n a g e A c q u is itio n s /S e ria ls a ctivitie s. A c q u is itio n D u ties: M a ­ te ria ls o rd e rin g ; p re -c a ta lo g in g p ro ce ssin g ; v e n d o r c o m m u n ic a tio n ; p a y­ m e n t. S e ria ls D u tie s : S u b s c rip tio n o rd e rin g a n d re n e w a ls ; d ire c tin g check-in ; cla im in g , bindin g, an d m a n a g in g e le c tro n ic jo u rn a ls a nd full-text h oldin gs. D e v e lo p a n d im p le m e n t In n o va tive In te rfa ce s (III) A c q u is itio n s / S e ria ls m o d u le s w ith M O B IU S (c o n s o rtiu m o f M is s o u ri a c a d e m ic lib ra r­ ies). P ro v id e re fe re n c e s u p p o rt fiv e h o u rs p e r w e e k p lu s w e e k e n d ro ta ­ tio n . R e c o m m e n d g o a ls , o b je c tiv e s , a n d p o lic ie s . D e v e lo p s ta tis tic a l re p o rts re la te d to a ll A c q u is itio n s /S e ria ls fu n c tio n s . S u p e rv is e o n e fu ll­ tim e s ta ff a n d s tu d e n t w o rk e rs . R e q u ire d : M L S fro m a n A L A -a c c re d ite d in stitu tio n ; fa m ilia rity w ith b ib lio g ra p h ic to o ls , in te g ra te d s y s te m s , LC s u b je c t h e a d in g s, A A C R ll/M A R C fo rm a ts; stro n g o rg a n iz a tio n a n d c o m ­ m u n ic a tio n s k ills . P re fe r: e x p e rie n c e w ith a c q u is itio n s /s e ria ls m a n a g e ­ m e n t; e x p e rie n c e w ith In n o v a tiv e In te rfa c e s (III); o n e y e a r a c a d e m ic lib ra ry e x p e rie n c e . S a la ry : M in im u m $ 2 ,4 0 0 p e r m o n th d e p e n d in g upo n e x p e rie n c e a n d q u a lific a tio n s . Q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts m u s ts u b m it le tte r of a p p lic a tio n (in c lu d e e -m a il a d d re s s if a p p lic a b le ), ré s u m é , a n d n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , a n d te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f a t le a s t th re e w o rk re fe re n c e s to: H u m a n R e s o u rc e s A -1 1 7 , M is s o u ri W e s te r n S t a t e C o lle g e , 4 5 2 5 D o w n s D riv e , S t. J o s e p h , M O 6 4 5 0 7 . D e a d lin e : J u n e 2 8 ,2 0 0 2 , o r u n til fille d . A ffirm a tiv e a c tio n , eq u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r. A R C H IV E S D IR E C T O R . T h e M u s e u m o f B r o a d c a s t C o m m u n ic a ­ t io n s (M B C ) at th e C h ic a g o C u ltu ra l C e n te r is a f ree m u s e u m d e d ic a te d to p re s e rv in g a n d e x p lo rin g th e h is to ry o f te le v is io n a n d ra d io a n d its im p a c t on s o c ie ty . T h e M B C A rc h iv e s D ire c to r re p o rts to th e M B C P re s id e n t a n d is re s p o n s ib le fo rth e a cq u isitio n and p ro te c tio n o f all ta p e s a n d a rtifa c ts in th e m u s e u m c o lle c tio n , in c lu d in g a ll ite m s o n p u b lic d is p la y , as w e ll a s fo r in s u rin g th e h is to ric a c c u r a c y o f all m u s e u m sig nage. T h e D ire c to ris r e s p o n s ib le fo rb u ild in g a n d m a in ta in in g re la tio n ­ s h ip s w ith lib ra rie s a n d o th e r a r c h iv e in s titu tio n s , o b ta in in g rig h ts a nd p e rm is s io n s , s u p e rv is in g th e d ig itiz in g of a rc h iv a l h o ld in g s , n e g o tia tin g loan a n d /o rtra n s fe r a g re e m e n ts , a n d sc h e d u lin g a rc h iv e staff. A d d itio n a l re s p o n s ib ilitie s in c lu d e th e m a in te n a n c e , a c c u ra c y , a n d s e c u rity o f th e a r c h iv e d a ta b a s e , in c lu d in g th e a c c u r a c y o f W e b s ite c o n te n t (w w w .M u s u e m .T V ). T h e D ire c to r m u s tb e h ig h ly o rg a n iz e d , a m a s te r of m u lti-ta s k in g , a n d h a v e s tro n g m a n a g e ria l sk ills . S tro n g w ritin g s k ills a m u s t a s th e D ire c to r w ill b e c a lle d on fo r p e rio d ic re s e a rc h a n d w ritin g a s s ig n m e n ts . C a n d id a te m u s t a p p re c ia te th e role o f ra d io a n d te le v is io n in s o c ie ty. F ilm b u ffs n e e d n o t a p p ly . S e n d a p p lic a tio n s a n d s a la ry n e e d s to: Bruce D u M on t, P resident, M B C , 78 E a st W a s h in g to n S treet, 2 n d Floor, C h ic a g o , IL 6 0 6 0 2 ; o r e -m a ilto : b tb ta lk @ a o l.c o m . A S S IS T A N T R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . P o s itio n 2 4 5 2 4 0 . F lo rid a A t­ la n tic U n iv e rs ity (F A U ), W im b e r ly L ib ra ry , B o c a R a to n , F lo rid a . R e ­ s p o n s ib ilitie s in c lu d e o n lin e d a ta b a s e s a nd p rin t re so u rce s, g e n e ra l a nd re se a rch a s s is ta n c e , p a rtic ip a te s in re g u la r w e e k e n d , e v e n in g a n d e le c ­ Salary guide Listed below are th e la test m inim um starting sa la ry figures recom ­ m ended b y state library associations fo r professional library posts in these states.The recom m endationsareadvisoryonly, and A L A has not adopted re com m en dations fo r m in im u m salaries. J o b seeke rs a n d em plo yers should considerthese recom m ended m inim um s w hen evaluating profes­ sional vacancies. Foradd itional inform ation on librarian salaries, contact A L A O ffice fo r Library Personnel R esources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $33,785 North Carolina $27,641** Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $28,120* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $30,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,700 • R a th e r th a n e s ta b lis h o n e s ta te w id e s a la r y m in im u m , s o m e sta te a s s o c ia tio n s h a v e a d o p te d a fo rm u la b a s e d on v a ria b le s su ch a s c o m p a r a b le s a la rie s fo r p u b lic s c h o o l te a c h e rs in e a c h c o m m u ­ n ity , o r th e g r a d e le v e l o f a p r o fe s s io n a l lib r a ria n p o s t. In th e s e c a s e s , y o u m a y w is h to c o n ta c t th e s ta te a s s o c ia tio n f o r m in im u m s a la ry in fo rm a tio n . “ T h e s e re c o m m e n d a tio n s a p p ly o n ly to p u b lic lib ra ria n s . tro n ic re fe re n ce rotation, orien tatio n, b ib lio g ra p h ic an d g e n e ra l in struction s e s s io n s fo r u s e rs ; e x te n d e d r e fe re n c e s e rv ic e s , in c lu d in g s u p p o rt to s p e c ia l u s e r g ro u p s . F a m ilia rity w ith c o m p u te ra p p lic a tio n s , th e In te rn e t a n d W e b ; s tro n g p u b lic s e rv ic e s o rie n ta tio n ; a b ility to fu n c tio n e ffe c tiv e ly a s a m e m b e r o f a te a m ; p re p a re u s e r g u id e s , d e v e lo p th e re fe re n c e c o lle c tio n . R e q u ire d q u a lific a tio n s : A L A -a c c re d ite d M L S d e g re e ; stro n g c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills ; a n d p o te n tia l fo r e a rn in g p ro m o tio n a s a lib ra ry fa c u lty m e m b e r. S a la ry : $ 3 1 ,0 0 0 . A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e : J u ly 1 , 2 0 0 2 . http://www.Musuem.TV 462 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 H E A D , P U B L IC H E A L T H L IB R A R Y University of California, Berkeley Associate Librarian/Librarian $60,132-$82,416 per annum, based upon qualifications Administrative Stipend: $300 per month in addition to salary Reporting to the Associate University Librarian, Director of Public Services, the Head of the Public Health Library manages the Public Health Library staff and provides overall direction for library programs and services, and acts as the primary liaison to faculty in the School of Public Health and the researchers at the California Department of Health Services. The incumbent is responsible for the departmental library budget as well as regularly negotiating and renewing the contracts with California state agencies. The Head coordinates the provision of all contract services, including document delivery, computer literature searching, and current awareness services. The Head also coordinates collections and services provided by the Public Health Library, including reference, instruction, circulation, collection development, outreach, and Internet-based services. There is a long-range plan for the construction of a new School of Public Health building, and the Head will share the responsibility for coordinating the planning and design of any new Public Health Library facility. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: An MLIS from an ALA-accredited institution, or equivalent degree, and relevant profes­ sional experience; at least five years’ progressively responsible research library experience; significant management experience and demonstrated ability to lead and to manage in a collegial manner; experience in science librarianship with demonstrated ability to evaluate and use appropriate technology to improve staff efficiency and enhance library services; excellent interper­ sonal and communication skills, and the ability to meet deadlines and to work productively within an environment of rapid development and change; commitment to mentoring, training, and staff development. Preferred: Experience in collection development, contract management, planning and project management, budget management, and facilities planning; experience in health or life sciences librarianship and knowledge of appropriate information resources. For complete job description and requirements, see: DEADLINE: August 15, 2002. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, résumé, and names and contact information of three professional references to: Barbara Kornstein Library Human Resources Department 447 Doe Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 Fax: (510) 642-8675 E-mail: The University o f California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. A n tic ip a te d s ta rtin g d a te : A u g u s t 1 ,2 0 0 2 . In te re s te d c a n d id a te s s h o u ld s u b m ita le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , ré s u m é , a n d n a m e s o f th re e re fe re n c e s to: P a u la Behul, D ire c to r, E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity P ro g ra m s , F lo r id a A tla n tic U n iv e rs ity , I T ! G la d e s R o a d , B o c a R a to n , F L 3 3 4 3 1 . F A U is a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , e q u a l a c c e s s in stitutio n. A S S IS T A N T R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . P o s itio n 2 5 0 1 5 0 . F lo rid a A t ­ la n tic U n iv e rs ity (F A U ), W im b e rly L ib ra ry, B o c a R a to n , F lo rid a . R e s p o n ­ s ib ilitie s in c lu d e o n lin e d a ta b a s e s a n d p rin t r e s o u rc e s , g e n e ra l a n d re ­ s e a rc h a s s is ta n c e ; p a rtic ip a te s in r e g u la r w e e k e n d , e v e n in g , a n d e le c ­ tro n ic re fe re n ce rota tion; orien tatio n, bibliographic, a n d g e n era l in struction s e s s io n s fo r u s e rs ; e x te n d e d re fe re n c e s e rv ic e s , in c lu d in g s u p p o rt to s p e c ia l u s e r g ro u p s . F a m ilia rity w ith c o m p u te ra p p lic a tio n s , th e In te rn e t, a n d W e b ; s tro n g p u b lic s e rv ic e s o rie n ta tio n ; a b ility to fu n c tio n e ffe c tiv e ly a s a m e m b e r o f a te a m ; p re p a re u s e r g u id e s , d e v e lo p th e re fe re n c e c o lle c tio n . R e q u ire d Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A -a c c re d ite d M L S d e g re e ; s tro n g c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills ; a n d p o te n tia l fo r e a rn in g p ro m o tio n a s a lib ra ry fa c u lty m e m b e r. D e s ira b le Q u a lific a tio n s : S tro n g p r e fe re n c e g iv e n to c a n d id a te s w ith c o u r s e w o rk o rc a r e e r e x p e rie n c e in th e fie ld of business, law , o r g o v e rn m e n t d o c u m e n ts a n d a d e m o n s tra te d w o rk in g k n o w le d g e o f H T M L /W e b d e v e lo p m e n t. T h e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill d e m o n s tra te p ro fic ie n c y in W e b d e s ig n a n d lib ra ry in s tru c tio n . S a la ry : $ 3 1 ,0 0 0 . A p p li­ c a tio n D e a d lin e : J u ly 1 ,2 0 0 2 ; A n tic ip a te d s ta rtin g d a te : A u g u s t 1 ,2 0 0 2 . In te re s te d c a n d id a te s s h o u ld s u b m it a le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , ré s u m é , a n d n a m e s o f th re e re fe re n c e s to : P a u la B e h u l, D ire c to r, E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity P r o g r a m s , F lo r id a A t l a n t ic U n iv e r s it y , 7 7 7 G la d e s R o a d , B o c a R a to n , F L 3 3 4 3 1 . F A U is a n a f fir m a t iv e a c t io n , e q u a l o p p o r t u n ity , e q u a l a c c e s s in s titu tio n . B IB L IO G R A P H IC S E R V IC E S C O O R D IN A T O R . T h e lib ra ry a t C a li­ fo rn ia S ta te U n iv e rs ity , M o n te re y B a y, s e e k s a C o o rd in a to r to p ro v id e le a d e rs h ip in p la n n in g , org a n iz in g , a n d m a n a g in g B ib lio g ra p h ic S e rvice s in c lu d in g a c q u is itio n s , ca ta lo g in g , a n d s e ria ls . M a n a g e s th e w o rk flo w fo r a c q u irin g , d e s c rib in g , a n d p re s e rv in g th e lib ra ry 's c o lle c tio n of electronic, print, a n d m e d ia reso u rce s. P h a se d -in p a rticip a tio n in re fe re n ce services, in fo rm a tio n c o m p e te n c e in s tru c tio n , a n d c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t. F o r a C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 463 U N IV E R S IT Y A R C H IV IS T California State University, Sacramento California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Library seeks a motivated and experienced University Archivist. This tenure-track, faculty position reports to the Head of Special Collections and University Archives. The University Archivist is responsible for collection development, access, and preservation of university records and papers in the department. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent; significant experience in an archival position; knowledge of current archival and records standards and practices; knowledge of confidentiality requirements in managing archives; effective interper­ sonal and communications skills; demonstrated experience with computer applications; knowledge and skills in appraising electronic and paper-based records, as well as objects; ability to work in a team environment; ability to work with a diverse population. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Coursework, concentration, or a certificate in archives; advance degree in history or a related field; knowledge of the organization and operation of college and university administration; experience with MARC-AMC cataloging; experience developing exhibits and public programs to promote the archives holdings; knowledge of markup languages and Web page design; supervisory or training experience; experience providing reference or instructional services. Visit the library's homepage for a detailed vacancy announcement, employment/. ANTICIPATED STARTING DATE: October 1, 2002. APPOINTMENT: This is a probationary, 12-month, tenure-track position at the Senior Assistant rank, salary range $50,102-$63,310 or Associate Librarian rank, salary range $57,617 - $80,140, based on background and level of experience. Librarians have full faculty status and excellent benefits. Library faculty must demonstrate professional competence, scholarly or creative achieve­ ment, and service to the university and community in orderto meet university requirements for tenure and promotion. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Applications received by August 5, 2002, will receive first consideration. Position open until filled. TO APPLY: Send a cover letter describing interest and qualifications, a complete résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of four professional references to: Terry Webb, Director and Dean of the Library California State University, Sacramento, Library 2000 State University Drive East Sacramento, CA 95819-6039 Applicants invited for interview will be required to submit official transcripts. Vacancy announcement and position description available electronically, request from: CSUS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. full p o sitio n d e scrip tio n , p le a s e see: h ttp ://c s u m b .e d u /jo b s /fa c u lty /. CS U , M o n te re y B a y, is a h ig h ly c o lla b o ra tiv e a n d c re a tiv e e n v iro n m e n t re q u ir­ in g a s in c e re c o m m itm e n tto a d v a n c in g C S U M B ’s a c a d e m ic g o a ls , a s id entified in th e U n iv e rs ity V isio n S ta te m e n t. T h is is a 12 -m o n th , A s s is ta n t Libra rian a p p o in tm e n t (positio n //F A C 2 0 0 2 -0 0 4 7 ) th a t is co n v e rtib le a tth e e n d o f th re e y e a r s to a te n u r e - tr a c k p o s itio n a s s u m in g s a tis fa c to ry p e rfo rm a n c e , b u d g e ta v a ila b ility , etc. S a la ry R a nge: $ 4 5 ,0 0 0 to $ 4 8 ,000 . A p p ly T o : F a c u lty R e c ru itm e n t/U n iv e rs ity H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , C a lifo r- n ia S ta te U n iv e rs ity , M o n te r e y B a y , 10 0 C a m p u s C e n te r, B u ild in g 23, S e aside , C A 9 3 9 5 5 -8 0 0 1 ; p ho ne: (831) 5 8 2 -33 89; e-m a il a p p lica tio n s are e n c o u ra g e d :fa c u lty _ re c ru itm e n t@ c s u m b .e d u . C A T A L O G IN G A N D IN T E L L E C T U A L A C C E S S L I B R A R IA N . H a m p d e n -S y d n e y C o lle g e s e e k s a lib ra ria n to le a d th e c a ta lo g in g a n d s y s te m s a d m in is tra tio n fu n c tio n s fo r E g g le s to n L ib ra ry . H e o r sh e w ill a s s u m e re s p o n s ib ility fo rth e c o o rd in a tio n o f c a ta lo g in g a n d a c q u is itio n s a c tiv itie s , tra in in g a n d s u p e rv is io n o f s ta ff o f th re e , d e v e lo p m e n t o f c a ta ­ lo g in g p o lic ie s , p ro c e d u re s , a n d o rig in a l c a ta lo g in g . T h is p e rs o n w ill c o o rd in a te , pla n , a d m in is te r, ev a lu a te , u p g ra d e , a n d p ro v id e in s tru c tio n f o r t h e lib ra ry 's a u to m a te d s y s te m s , in c lu d in g In n o v a tiv e In te rfa c e s an d V IV A re s o u rc e s . W ill p ro v id e le a d e rs h ip in th e lib ra ry ’s a s s e s s m e n t, o p e ra tio n of, a n d a u g m e n ta tio n to a v ir tu a l lib ra ry e n v iro n m e n t, in clu d in g a c c e s s to e -jo u rn a ls , a n d c a ta lo g in g o f e le c tro n ic fo rm a t m a te ria ls ; an d w ill c o o rd in a te w ith o th e r lib ra ria n s in th e s e le c tio n , im p le m e n ta tio n , an d tra in in g o f e le c tr o n ic re s o u rc e s u s a g e . A s s is ts in th e p ro v is io n o f re fe r­ e n c e s e rv ic e s . S o m e n ig h t a n d w e e k e n d w o rk e x p e c te d . T h is i s a 12- m o n th p o s itio n a s a lib ra ria n w ith s p e c ia l fa c u lty s ta tu s . Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A -a c c re d ite d M L S d e g re e w ith e x p e rie n c e in c a ta lo g in g , a cq u isitio n s, a n d lib ra ry s y s te m s a d m in is tra tio n ; s u p e rv is o ry s k ills ; s tro n g w ritte n an d o ra l c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills ; h ig h le ve l o f e n e rg y ; fle x ib ility ; c re a tiv ity ; an d a n e a g e rn e s s to p a rtic ip a te fu lly in th e d a ily life o f lib e ra l a rts c o lle g e lib r a ry a n d c o m m u n ity . S a la ry c o m m e n s u r a te w ith q u a lific a tio n s an d e xp e rie n c e . A p p lic a tio n s a c c e p te d until p o sitio n fille d . S ta rtin g d ate: J u ly 1 ,2 0 0 2 . H a m p d e n -S y d n e y C o lle g e is a s e le c tiv e p riv a te c o lle g e fo r m en, e s ta b lis h e d in 1 7 7 5 , w ith a s tro n g c o m m itm e n t to th e lib e ra l a r ts an d s c ie n c e s . L o c a te d on a rura l c a m p u s in so u th s id e V irg in ia , th e c o lle g e is 464 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 A S S O C IA T E L IB R A R Y D IR E C T O R F O R U S E R S E R V IC E S UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME The University Libraries of Notre Dame welcome applications, nominations, and inquiries to fill a key position in its management team. RESPONSIBILITIES The Associate Library Director for User Services (ALD) is one of three administrators who report to the Director of the University Libraries. This position is responsible for the administration and development of the Access Services, Reference, and Resource Delivery Departments, six branch libraries, and specialized units, in addition to leading the planned redesign of the Hesburgh Library, as well as several branch libraries. SETTING The University of Notre Dame, founded in 1842, ranks as one of a handful of truly national universities, with a student body drawn from all 50 states and 87 foreign counties. Current enrollment consists of 8,038 undergraduates and 2,762 graduate students. Located in north central Indiana, approxi­ mately 90 minutes from Chicago, Notre Dame is situated on a 1,250-acre campus with 132 buildings. The university offers a variety of undergraduate programs, as well as master’s and doctoral degrees in 30 specific areas. An ARL member, the University Libraries of Notre Dame has a staff of 205 FTE, an annual budget of $14.2 million ($6.9 million for materials) and holdings of 2.7 million. QUALIFICATIONS A master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program and a minimum of seven years of progressively responsible administrative experience are required. In addition, candidates should have significant experience in a user services environment; possess superior written and oral communications ability; be skilled in connecting staff and colleagues with needed resources and services; possess the ability to establish rapport with the libraries’ different constituencies; have project management skills, especially relative to library buildings and design; and have strong organizational abilities. The University of Notre Dame is dedicated to equal employment opportunity. It is the university’s policy to recruit, hire, train, and promote persons in all job titles without regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, disability, veteran status, or age. COMPENSATION Minimum of $90,000, negotiable based upon qualifications with competitive benefits. HOW TO APPLY OR OBTAIN FURTHER INFORMATION Applications will be accepted until the vacancy has been filled; however, the search committee will begin to review curriculum vitas on July 15, 2002. The University Libraries of Notre Dame request that all inquiries, applications, or nominations be forwarded to the executive search firm of Gossage Sager Associates. Interviews will be conducted during the ALA Annual Conference in Atlanta. To schedule an appointment, contact Caroline Coughlin at (732) 672-6671. For further information on this position, consult, or contact Donald S agerat (312) 961-5536 or Caroline Coughlin at (732) 672-6671. To apply, send a cover letter and curriculum vitae via e- mail to:; fax: (847) 945-5484; or U.S. mail to: Donald Sager/Caroline Coughlin Gossage Sager Associates 590 Wilmot Road Deerfield, IL 60015 w ith in c o n v e n ie n td riv in g d is ta n c e o f R ic h m o n d a n d W a s h in g to n , D .C . it serve s 1,000 und e rg ra d u a te students. F o r m ore in form ation on H a m p d e n - S y d n e y C o lle g e a n d th e library, see: h ttp ://w w w .h s c .e d u . T o A p p ly : Se nd ré s u m é , c o v e r le tte r, a n d n a m e s of th re e c u rre n t re fe re n c e s to : B a rb a ra A rm e n tro u t, D ire c to r o f H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , H a m p d e n -S y d n e y C o l­ le g e , P .O . B o x 127 , H a m p d e n -S y d n e y , V A 2 3 9 4 3 . H a m p d e n -S y d n e y C o lle g e is a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , M /F e m p lo y e r. C O L L E C T IO N M A N A G E M E N T L IB R A R IA N /A S S IS T A N T L IB R A R Y D IR E C T O R . L u th e rS e m in a ry , St. Paul, M inn e so ta . Q u a lific a tio n s : M L S a n d an a d v a n c e d d e g re e in re líg io n /th e o lo g y ; a t le a st th ree to fiv e y e a r s ’ e x p e rie n c e in a se m ín a ry /d iv in ity sc h o o l lib r a r y o r a lib r a r y w ith a la rg e r e lig io u s s t u d ie s c o lle c tio n ; k n o w le d g e o f a t le a s t o n e m o d e r n E u ro ­ p e a n la n g u a g e ; e x c e lle n t in te r p e r s o n a l a n d c o m m u n ic a t io n s s k ills ; s u p e r v is o r y e x p e r ie n c e . F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n , p le a s e v is i t u s a t: h ttp ://w w w .lu th e rs e m .e d u /e m p lo y m e n t. C U R A T O R , A R C H IE G IV E N S , S R . C O L L E C T IO N O F A F R IC A N A M E R IC A N L IT E R A T U R E . U n iv e rs ity o f M in n e s o ta L ib ra rie s , T w in C itie s C a m p u s. T h e U n ive rsity of M in n e s o ta Lib ra rie s (w w w .lib .u m n .e d u ) in v ite s a p p lic a tio n s a n d n o m in a tio n s f o r t h e p o s itio n o f C u ra to r, A rc h ie G iv e n s , Sr. C o lle c tio n o f A fric a n A m e ric a n L ite ra tu re . T h e U n iv e rs ity Lib ra rie s p a rticu la rly e n c o u ra g e s th e c a n d id a c y o f p e o p le w ith e x p e rie n ce in m u ltic u ltu ra l a n d m u ltira c ia l s e ttin g s . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f M in n e s o ta , lo c a te d in th e c e n te r o f th e b e a u tifu l T w in C itie s m e tro p o lita n a re a , is o n e o f th e m o s t c o m p re h e n s iv e u n iv e rs itie s in N o rth A m e ric a , o ffe rin g 161 b a c h e lo r’s d e g re e s , 2 1 8 m a s te r’s d e g re e s , 1 1 4 d o c to r a l d e g re e s , a n d 5 p ro fe ssio n a l d e g re e s. O v e rv ie w of Unit: T h e A rc h ie G ive n s, Sr. C o lle ction o f A fric a n A m e ric a n L ite ra tu re c o n s is ts o f a p p ro x im a te ly 8 ,0 0 0 ite m s , m o s t o f w h ic h a re A fric a n A m e ric a n fic tio n a l w o rk s o r p e rta in to th e m . In clu d e d a re nove ls, poe try, plays, s h o rt sto rie s, essa ys, lite ra ry c riticism , p e rio d ica ls, a n d b io g ra p h ie s o fw r ite r s d a tin g fr o m th e la te 18th c e n tu ry to th e p re s e n ta n d co v e rin g such lite ra ry p e rio d s a s th e H a rlem R e n a issa n ce C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 465 T W O P O S IT IO N S A V A IL A B L E University of Northern Colorado Instruction Librarian The University of Northern Colorado seeks applicants for the new position of Instruction Librarian and Assistant Professor of University Libraries, position number 21962. This is an entry-level term faculty position, renewable annually, that assists the Head of Instructional Services with all aspects of library instruction. Responsible for developing and delivering library orientations and course- specific instruction sessions and for teaching information literacy credit courses. Develops print and electronic instructional and promotional resources including Web pages and tutorials. Also provides service at the Reference Desk. Must have strong interpersonal and communication skills. QUALIFICATIONS. Required: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited library school, earned by starting date. Preferred: Experience in the delivery of instruction to college or university students; experience serving at a reference desk; knowledge of and experience with electronic and Web- based resources. Salary minimum is $35,000 (negotiable) per year. Starting date is November 1,2002 (negotiable). Reference Librarian The University of Northern Colorado seeks applicants for the position of Reference Librarian and Assistant Professor of University Libraries, position number 20629. This is a term faculty position, renewable annually, that reports to the Head of Reference. Responsible for reference, library instruction, and collection development with an emphasis in the areas of business and economics. Responsible for user instruction for assigned areas as well as assisting with general instruction for graduates and undergraduates and teaching sessions of the information literacy course. Must have strong interpersonal and communication skills. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited library school; experience appropriate to the position. Preferred: Degree in a business-related field or experience as a business librarian; experience in the delivery of instruction; experience in collection development; experience in providing reference service. Salary minimum is $37,000 (negotiable) per year. Starting date is November 1,20 02 (negotiable). All application materials for both positions must be postmarked by July 15, 2002. The positions are contingent on funding from the Colorado State Legislature, approval by the Board of Trustees, and subject to the policies and regulations of the University of Northern Colorado. TO APPLY: Send letter of application highlighting candidate’s suitability, résumé, and the names, mail and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Joan Lamborn Attention: (Position Title) Search Committee University of Northern Colorado James A. Michener Library Campus Box 48 Greeley, CO 80639-0091 UNC is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and committed to fostering diversity in its student body, faculty, and staff. a n d B la c k A rts M o v e m e n t. T h e c o lle c tio n a ls o in c lu d e s a le s s e r b u t s till s ig n ific a n t n u m b e r o f n o n fic tio n a n d s c h o la r ly title s re la tin g to A fric a n A m e ric a n a rt, e d u c a tio n , s o c ia l s c ie n c e s , s p o rts , a n d e n te rta in m e n t. A rc h iv a l m a te ria l d o c u m e n tin g th e h is to ry o f b la c k lite ra tu re m a k e s u p th e r e m a in d e ro fth e c o lle c tio n . T h is m a n u s c rip t m a te ria l in c lu d e s c o rre s p o n ­ d e n c e , p a m p h le ts , p u b lis h e d a n d u n p u b lis h e d lite ra ry m a n u s c rip ts a n d p o e try, s c r e e n p la y s , p la yb ills, s o u v e n irb o o k s , p h o to g ra p h s , n e w s p a p e r c lip p in g s , s h e e t m u s ic , a n d e p h e m e ra . D e s c rip tio n : T h e C u ra to r re p o rts to th e H e a d o f S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s a n d R a re B o o k s a n d w ill be re s p o n s ib le fo rc o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t a n d m a n a g e m e n to fth e c o lle c tio n , a d m in is tra ­ tio n o f n e c e s s a ry c o n s e rv a tio n a n d p re s e rv a tio n efforts, p ro v id in g a c c e s s s e rv ic e s th ro u g h a rra n g e m e n ta n d d e s c rip tio n o f c o lle c tio n s a n d p re p a ra - tio n o f g u id e s a n d fin d in g a id s , o v e rs e e th e c a ta lo g in g o f c o lle c tio n h o ld ­ in g s, p ro v id e re s e a rc h a n d c o n s u lta tiv e s e r v ic e s f o r u s e rs , in c lu d in g in s tru c tio n , p ro m o tio n (in c lu d in g p re s e n ta tio n s , p u b lic a tio n s , to u rs ), e x ­ h ib it cu ra tio n , p ro g ra m d e v e lo p m e n t, o v e rs ig h t o f W e b p a g e d e s ig n a n d c o n te n t, a n d s u p e rv is io n o f o n e g ra d u a te s tu d e n t a s s is ta n t. A d d itio n a l re s p o n s ib ilitie s in c lu d e p a rtic ip a tio n in th e a d m in is tra tio n o f th e S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s a n d R a r e B o o k s u n it in th e ro le of a s s is ta n t c u ra to r, in c lu d in g a s s is tin g in th e s u p e rv is io n o f lib ra ry a s s is ta n ts , s tu d e n t w o rk e rs , an d v o lu n te e rs ; a c tin g a s lia is o n b e tw e e n th e L ib ra rie s an d th e G iv e n s F o u n ­ d a tio n o f A fric a n A m e ric a n lite ra tu re ; p a rtic ip a tio n in fu n d -ra is in g e ffo rts fo r th e G iv e n s C o lle c tio n ; a n d o th e r d u tie s a s a s s ig n e d . Q u a lific a tio n s : R e q u ire d : A L A - a c c re d ite d M L S o r a n a d v a n c e d d e g re e w ith re le v a n t e x p e rie n c e ; e x p e rie n c e in co lle ctio n d e v e lo p m e n t; tw o y e a rs ’ c u ra to ria l or a rc h iv a l e x p e rie n c e in a c o lle g e o r u n iv e r s ity lib r a ry /a r c h iv e s ; e n th u s i­ a s m fo ro u tr e a c h a n d p u b lic p re s e n ta tio n ; c r e a tiv ity , fle x ib ility , in itia tiv e , a n d s e lf-d ire c tio n ; e x p e rie n c e w ith e le c tro n ic re s o u rc e s , e s p e c ia lly EA D a n d W e b te c h n o lo g ie s ; a b ility to w o rk b o th in d e p e n d e n tly a n d in c o o p e ra ­ tio n w ith c o lle a g u e s a n d lib ra ry u s e rs in a s e r v ic e -o rie n te d , te a m -b a s e d e n v iro n m e n t. P re fe rre d ; U n d e rg ra d u a te o r g ra d u a te d e g re e in lite ra tu re , h is to ry , o r A fric a n A m e ric a n s tu d ie s ; c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t, re fe re n c e , 466 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 D E A N O F U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IE S COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY Colorado State University seeks an innova­ tive Dean with demonstrated knowledge of modern research libraries in a university setting and the ability to provide effective leadership in a shared decision-making environment. Please see university Web site for full qualifications and responsibili­ ties:; or http:// Nominations will be received until July 1, 2002. Applications will be considered until the position is filled; however, completed appli­ cations must be postmarked or received electronically by July 15, 2002, for full consideration. Applications must include a letter of application that speaks specifi­ cally to qualifications for the position, cur­ rent résumé, statement of leadership phi­ losophy, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail ad­ d re sses of five references. E-m ail to: R obert.H offert@ (preferred method); or send to: Dean Robert W. Hoffert, Chair Search Committee for Dean of University Libraries College of Liberal Arts Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523-1701 Fax; (970) 491-0528 CSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer: 101 Student Services. a n d in s tru c tio n e x p e rie n c e in h is to ry o r lite ra tu re ; d e m o n s tra te d lia iso n e x p e rie n c e w ith a c a d e m ic p ro g ra m s , d e p a rtm e n ts , o r c o lle g e s ; e x p e ri­ e n c e in th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f d ig ita l re s o u rc e s . S a la r y a n d B e n e fits : F u ll­ tim e , f2 -m o n th , c o n tin u o u s a p p o in tm e n t-tra c k , a c a d e m ic /p ro fe s s io n a l p o sitio n w ith p ro b a tio n a ry a p p o in tm e n t a t A s s is ta n t L ibra rian. T h e Lib ra r­ ie s o tte rs a c o m p e titiv e sa la ry c o m m e n s u ra te w ith q u a lifica tio n s, n o t le ss th a n $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 fo r th is p o s itio n . E x c e lle n t b e n e fits a n d s u b s ta n tia l m o vin g a llo w a n c e . P o s itio n a v a ila b le A u g u s t 1 ,2 0 0 2 . A p p lic a tio n s w ill be a c ­ c e p te d u ntil fille d . T o A p p ly : S e n d le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , ré s u m é , a n d th e n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , te le p h o n e n u m b e rs , a n d e -m a il a d d re s s e s o f th re e c u rre n t p ro fe s s io n a l re fe re n c e s to : H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , 4 9 9 W ils o n L i­ b ra ry , U n iv e rs ity o f M in n e s o ta , 3 0 9 1 9th A v e n u e S o u th , M in n e a p o lis , M N 5 5 4 5 5 . P le a s e id e n tify th e a p p lic a tio n w ith U L f 54. T h e U n iv e rs ity of M in n e s o ta is an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e d u c a to r a n d e m p lo ye r. D IG IT A L P R E S E R V A T IO N L IB R A R IA N /A R C H IV IS T . P o sitio n 250 1 2 0 . F lo rid a A tla n tic U n iv e rs ity , W im b e rly L ib ra ry , B o c a R a to n , F lo rid a . M a n ­ a g e s d ig itiz a tio n fo r p re s e rv a tio n /a c c e s s . R e q u ire s c re a tiv e , in n o v a tiv e profession al w ith s o lid b a c kg ro u n d in standards, issues, a n d d e ve lo p m e n t o f d ig ita l sca n n in g h a rd w a re a n d s o ftw a re re p ro d u ctio n , m e ta d a ta ; te a m o rie n ta tio n . R e s p o n s ib le fo r c o lle c tio n a s s e s s m e n t, plan of w o rk, s u p e r­ v is io n o f a s s ig n e d sta ff, u s e r su p p o rt, c o m m u n ic a tio n w ith pa rtic ip a n ts in d ig itiz a tio n p ro je c ts , ou tre a c h . R e q u ire d Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A -a c c re d ite d M L S d e g re e ; tw o y e a rs ' re la te d e x p e rie n c e ; p o te n tia l fo r a d m in is tra tiv e d e v e lo p m e n t. D e s ire d Q u a lific a tio n s : S c a n n in g /m ic ro film in g /W e b c o n ­ s tru c tio n exp e rie n ce ; c o u rs e w o rk o r o th e rtra in in g . Sa la ry: $ 3 7 ,7 0 0 , plus g e n e ro u s T IA A - C R E F a n d o th e r b e n e fits . A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e : J u ly 1, 2 0 0 2 . A n tic ip a te d s ta rt d a te : A u g u s t 1 ,2 0 0 2 . In te re ste d c a n d id a te s m u st ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Syracuse University Library (SUL) invites applications for the position of Associate University Librarian for Technical Services. The successful candidate will provide dynamic leadership for the full range of traditional and emerging Library technical services, including acquisitions, cataloging, metadata creation and catalog maintenance. This position reports directly to the University Librarian. As part of the SUL administrative team, collaborates in strategic planning, policy form ulation, setting of Library priorities, and budget allocation. D e v e lo p s, im p lem e n ts, and e v a lu a te s strategies to best carry out the Library’s mission, focusing particularly on technical services and information access. The full position description is posted at: http:// Salary and B enefits: M inim um salary: $80,000. The University’s generous benefits package includes an 11% contribution to TIAA/CREF, health and dental plans, tuition remission, adoption assistance, insurance, and other work/life options and benefits. To complete an online application for the Associate University Librarian for Technical Services (020018), Applications received by June 28, 2002 will receive first consideration. Syracuse University is an AA/EOE. p ro v id e le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , ré su m é , a n d n a m e s o f t h r e e p r o fe s s io n a l refe ren ces to: P a u la B e hul, D irector, Equal O pportun ity P rogram s, F lorid a A tla n tic U n iv e rs ity , 7 7 7 G la d e s R o a d , B o c a R a to n , F L 3 3 4 3 1 . F lo rid a A tla n tic U n iv e rs ity is a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , e q u a l a c c e s s in stitu tio n . D IR E C T O R O F L E A R N IN G R E S O U R C E S . W h e a to n C o lle g e in Illin o is in vite s a p p lic a tio n s fo r th e p o s itio n of D ire c to r of L e a rn in g R e s o u rc e s fo r B u s w e ll M e m o ria l L ib ra ry . B u s w e ll L ib ra ry p r o v id e s p rim a ry c u rric u la r a n d re s e a rc h s u p p o rt f o rth e C o lle g e 's a c a d e m ic life , w h ic h in c lu d e s tw o d octoral d e g re e p ro g ra m s an d in crea sed offe rin g s fo rth e d ista n ce learner. R e p o rtin g to th e D e a n o f T e c h n o lo g y a n d In s titu tio n a l R e s e a rc h , th e d ire c to r is re s p o n s ib le fo r all a s p e c ts o f a d m in is tra tio n in th e lib ra ry a nd su p e rv is io n o f its sta ff o f s e v e n lib ra ry fa c u lty a nd 15 s u p p o rts ta ff. S e rvice on a c a d e m ic a n d /o r a d m in is tra tiv e c o m m itte e s is e x p e c te d . T h e s u c ­ ce ssfu l ca n d id a te w ill hold a n a c a d e m ic ra n k c o m m e n s u ra te w ith c re d e n ­ tia ls a n d e x p e rie n c e . T h e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill h a v e c o m p le te d an M L S o r e q u iv a le n t fro m a n a c c re d ite d in s titu tio n ; a t le a s t a se c o n d m a s te r’s d e g re e in a n o th e r fie ld (P h .D . p re fe rre d ); a t le a s t fiv e y e a rs of a d m in is tra tiv e e x p e rie n c e in an a c a d e m ic re se a rch lib ra ry c o m p a ra b le to W h e a to n 's; an u n d e rs ta n d in g a n d a p p re c ia tio n o fth e liberal a rts edu cation a n d th e n e e d s o fth e s c h o la rly c o m m u n ity ;s tro n g m a n a g e m e n ts k ills a n d C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 467 A S S IS T A N T U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N F O R P U B L IC S E R V IC E S A N D D E P A R T M E N T A L L IB R A R IE S University of Pittsburgh This senior-level administrative position reports directly to the Hillman University Librarian and is responsible for leading the public services initiatives of the library system. Directly supervises the library’s public and access services in 16 departments, encompassing 26 librarians and 48 staff in 12 locations. Responsibilities will include: • Providing administrative oversight for Hillman Library Public Services, Access Services (Lending/ Reserves, ILL/Document Delivery, Stacks, and off-site storage) and 10 departmental libraries. • Setting direction for the library systems’ public services, and ensuring that programs, services, and infrastructure are responsive to the academic needs of faculty and students of the University of Pittsburgh. • Developing strategic goals and objectives; facilitating interaction and communication throughout the library system. • Working with managers and supervisors to establish unit goals and set priorities. • Providing leadership in library planning by serving as a member of the library’s Senior Management Team and on the Administrative Council; serving on university wide committees; and being active professionally in associations, committees, etc. • Providing leadership and facilitation of ongoing analysis and assessment initiatives. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; minimum of five years of substantial management, supervisory, and budget experience in increasingly responsible positions, some of which has been in an academic library; experience in public services in a research library or university or equivalent experience; clear understanding of the variety of public service functions and knowledge of best practices and current trends in the provision of information services; demonstrated ability to work effectively with staff, colleagues, faculty, and students; excellent interpersonal skills, both written and oral; strong analytical skills; capacity to thrive in an environment of change and to foster that capacity in others; strong record of professional and scholarly activity. Preference will be given to candidates who can demonstrate the capacity for exercising leadership on a national and international scale. SALARY/BENEFITS: Salary commensurate with experience. Comprehensive benefits package including 23 vacation days/year; medical; TIAA-CREF, Vanguard; and tuition assistance. TO APPLY: Submit letter of application and résumé with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: William Gentz, Personnel Librarian 271 Hillman Library University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Review of applications will begin June 21, 2002, and continue until position is filled. To learn more about the University Library System, visit: The University o f Pittsburgh is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. For more information on the University o f Pittsburgh, please visit: a c o lle g ia l s ty le th a t s u p p o rts th e p r o fe s s io n a lis m a n d in itia tiv e o f sta ff; a p ro g re s s iv e a n d p r o a c tiv e a p p ro a c h to p la n n in g fo r a n d im p le m e n tin g te c h n o lo g y in th e library; a n d e vid e n c e o f co n tin u e d p ro fe s s io n a l d e v e lo p ­ m e n t. W h e a to n C o lle g e is a n e v a n g e lic a l C h ris tia n lib e ra l a rts c o lle g e w h o s e fa c u lty a n d s ta ff a ffirm a S ta te m e n t o f F a ith a n d a d h e re to life s ty le e x p e c ta tio n s . T h e C o lle g e c o m p lie s w ith fe d e ra l a n d s ta te g u id e lin e s fo r n o n d is c rim in a tio n in e m p lo y m e n t. S e n d le tte rs o f in te re s ta n d cu rric u lu m v ita e to : D ire c to r o f H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , W h e a to n C o lle g e , W h e a to n , IL 6 0 1 8 7 -5 5 9 3 . C o m p le te a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls w ill b e fo rw a rd e d to c a n d i­ d a te s. A p p lic a tio n s w ill b e a c c e p te d u n til th e p o s itio n is fille d . E L E C T R O N IC S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . L u th e r S e m in a r y , S t. P a ul, M in n e s o ta , s e e k s a c re a tiv e , e n e rg e tic lib ra ria n to p ro v id e le a d e rs h ip in p la n n in g a n d c o o rd in a tin g c u r re n t a n d e m e rg in g e le c tr o n ic in fo rm a tio n te c h n o lo g ie s . R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : A d m in is te r th e V o y a g e rin te g ra te d lib ra ry s y s te m ; m a n a g e e -re s e rv e s ; in te g ra te a c c e s s to e -jo u rn a ls ; d e v e lo p a nd m a in ta in lib ra ry a n d le a rn in g re s o u rc e s W e b s ite s ; p ro v id e in s tru c tio n in th e u se o f e -re so u rce s; c o lla b o ra te w ith th e re fe re n ce librarian in pro vid in g re fe re n c e a n d b ib lio g ra p h ic in stru ctio n to fa c u lty a n d s tu d e n ts; a n d s u p e r­ v is e s o m e sta ff a n d s tu d e n tw o rk e rs . F o rm o re in fo rm a tio n , p le a s e v is it us at: h ttp ://w w w .lu th e rs e m .e d u /e m p lo y m e n t. F E D E R A L D E P O S IT O R Y L IB R A R IA N . T h e U n iv e r s ity o f N e v a d a , L a s V e g a s (U N L V ), U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s in v ite a p p lic a n ts f o r a F e d e ra l D e p o s ito r y L ib ra ria n p o s itio n in o u r w o rld -c la s s a c a d e m ic re s e a rc h fa c ility , L ie d L ib ra ry . A n e n tr y -le v e l c a n d id a te is s o u g h t to d e v e lo p a n d m a in ta in th e fe d e ra l g o v e rn m e n t p u b lic a tio n s co l le ctio n , to p r o v id e s p e ­ c ia liz e d re fe re n c e a n d in s tru c tio n , a n d to m a in ta in re la te d e le c tro n ic 468 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 L IB R A R Y W E B A D M IN IS T R A T O R University of Michigan Library We are looking for a creative, energetic, and outgoing person to work as the University of Michigan’s Library Web Administrator. The Library Web Administrator will manage the Library’s central Web presence ( This is a new position and comes in response to recognition within the library of the centrality and importance of this role. The Library Web Administrator will have a leadership role in the development and maintenance of an evolving Web presence, working with senior managers in the University Library and with other staff throughout the library system. A full position description including the necessary qualifications is available at: http:// For more information about the position, please feel free to contact John Price Wilkin at: jpwilkin@ The University of Michigan is consistently ranked among the top public research institutions and the University Library is one of the largest and most progressive research libraries in the world, with a strong record of innovation in services and electronic resource development. Support within the library for this position includes a dedicated and collegial staff and a robust technological infrastructure. Ann Arbor is frequently ranked among the best places to live in the country. RANK AND APPOINTMENT: Rank will be Associate, Senior Associate, or Librarian and will be commensurate with the candidate’s experience and professional achievement. As a professional appointment in the University Library, this position offers full benefits and opportunities for professional development and travel and participates fully in faculty governance. TO APPLY: Send cover letter and copy of résumé to: Lucy Cohen, Library Human Resources 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 Call (734) 764-2546 for further information. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications received by June 30,2002, will be given first consideration. The University o f Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer. G R A Y F A M IL Y C H A IR F O R IN N O V A T IV E L IB R A R Y S E R V IC E S Oregon State University The Oregon State University (OSU) Libraries seeks a highly motivated, experienced, and innovative leader to manage all aspects of planning, implementing, evaluating, and publicizing digital library projects. This is a full-time, fixed-term professional faculty position. Position duration is not expected to exceed three years. For a complete position announcement and qualifications, see: http:// TO APPLY: Submit a letter of application, current résumé, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Melissa Maloney 121 Valley Library Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-4501 For full consideration, apply by June 14, 2002. This position is funded by the Gray Family Endowment. OSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and has a policy o f being responsive to the needs o f dual career couples. WILLIAM PATERSON UNIVERSITY William Paterson University is a com prehensive public institution o f high er learning, com m itted to prom otin g stu den t success, academ ic excellence, an d comm unity outreach with opportunities fo r lifelong learning. Members o f the faculty are highly distinguished and diverse teachers and scholars, many o f whom are recipients o f prestigious awards and grants from the Fulbright Council (24 scholars), the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment fo r the Humanities, the N ational Institutes o f Health, the National Science Foundation and the American Philosophical Society. Featuring nationally renowned academic programs, the University maintains a low student-faculty ratio (12:1) and sm all class size (21) fo r its 30 undergraduate and 18 graduate degree program s, supported by state-of-the-art information and communications technology. The University enrolls 10,000 students fro m across the country and fro m over 40 fo re ig n nations. William Paterson University is situ ated on a beautifu l suburban cam pus in Wayne, New Jersey, twenty m iles west o f New York City. R eference Librarian The David and Lorraine Cheng Library of William Paterson University seeks an energetic, service-oriented and creative individual to provide general reference assistance and instructional services, and to provide leadership in the development and coordination of reference and instructional resources and services for off-site users. Reporting to the Assistant Director for Access and Information Services, this position provides general and specialized reference service, including evening and weekend service; assists patrons in the use of online resources; coordinates services to our community of remote learners; develops instructional materials and guides for use in a networked environment; participates in the user education program and collection development; serves as faculty liaison with one or more academic program s; is a member of reference and user-education teams on projects to support information literacy and the use o f web-based technologies for reference and instruction; serves on library and campus-wide committees. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; wide knowledge of electronic and print reference sources; excellent oral and written communication skills; excellent analytical and organizational skills; strong customer service orientation and demonstrated ability to work in a team-based environment; strong technological skills and knowledge of current and emerging technologies and trends in the provision of reference and instructional services. PREFERRED: One or more years experience in academic reference service, and teaching or training in a classroom setting; demonstrated proficiency in the use of HTML and web-authoring tools; demonstrated experience with a variety of microcomputer applications in a networked environment. Salary range $40,340 - $60,514. This is a 12-month tenure-track appointment; second master’s degree or ABD status is required for tenure. This position offers a comprehensive benefits package including tuition waiver for dependent children after one year of full-time employment. H ie review of applications will begin immediately upon receipt and continue until the position is filled. Please forward letter of application, resum e and list o f three references to Dr. Anne Ciliberti, Director o f Library Services, Cheng Library, William Paterson University, 300 Pompton Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470. For more information about the University and the Library visit: William Paterson University is an equal opportunity institution committed to diversity. William Paterson University WAYNE, N EW JERSEY T H E C O L L E G E O F N E W IE R S E Y L i b r a r y ~ 2 P o s i t i o n s T h e C o lle g e o† N e w J e rs e y is a h ig h ly s e le c tiv e , com prehensive residential institution recognized as one of the outstanding public colleges in the country. Located between New York City and Philadelphia in suburban Ewing T o w n s h ip , T he C o lle g e e n ro lls a p p ro x im a te ly 5 ,8 0 0 undergraduates and 900 graduate students. We are currently seeking candidates to fill tw o full-time, 12-m onth, tenure-track positions at the Roscoe L. West Library. Requirements for both positions include: ALA- a c c re d ite d M a s te r’s degree; m inim um o f three years professional aca d em ic o r research library experience; excellent interpersonal, oral and w ritten com m unication skills; experience in general reference and facility w ith electronic and traditional information resources. Initiative, flexibility and a strong service orientation are essential. Additional graduate degree in an appropriate discipline is highly desirable. Both positions provide general reference s e rv ic e , in c lu d in g s o m e w e e k e n d s a n d e v e n in g s . R e s e a rc h /s c h o la rly a c tiv ity , s e rv ic e o n in s titu tio n a l com m ittees, and active participation in the profession is expected for tenure. Salary range: $ 4 4 ,4 7 6 —$66,705, w ith full benefits package including TIAA/CRER B U S I N E S S A N D E C O N O M I C S L I B R A R I A N C oo rd in a te s colle ctio n d e ve lo pm e n t fo r Business and Econom ics; w orks closely w ith faculty in th e School of Business to assess th e needs o f academ ic programs; initiates course-related and resource-specific instructional program s and participates in general user education. May serve as governm ent inform ation specialist. Significant experience using business resources is required. Preferred: educational b a ckg ro u n d in business, econom ics, o r a related discipline; expertise w ith governm ent resources; basic know ledge o f w eb page design. Contact person: Dr. Karen Hartman, Chair, Business and Economics Librarian Search Committee; S E R I A L S A N D S C I E N C E L I B R A R I A N Provides le a d e rs h ip o n s e ria ls is s u e s , in c lu d in g c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t, lice n sin g , and a cce ss; a c ts as liaison between Public Services and Technical Services on serials c o n tro l; c o o rd in a te s c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t fo r a designated science or engineering discipline (dependent on background); w orks closely with faculty in that discipline to assess the needs o f th e academ ic program; provides discipline-specific instruction and participates in general user e d u catio n . R equirem ents: k n o w le d g e o f serials operations, focusing on access managem ent; knowledge o f lic e n s in g issues; e d u c a tio n a l b a c k g ro u n d a n d /o r experience in a science o r technical discipline. Preferred: experience w ith serials control, preferably using Voyager; b a s ic k n o w le d g e o f m a rk -u p la n g u ag e s, as w e ll as m etadata standards and MARC form ats; experience in negotiating a ccess to electronic resources; experience pre p a rin g b u d g e t pro p o sa ls. Contact person: Ms. M aureen Gorman, Chair, Serials and Science Librarian Search Committee; A review o f applications will begin June 24, 2002, and the searches will remain open until the positions are filled. To apply please send cover letter, resume, and names and c o n ta c t info rm a tio n (including emails) o f at least fo u r professional references to th e attention of the c o n tact person listed fo r each position to: The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718, Ewing, NJ 08628-0718. Applications m ay be sent by e-m ail. To enrich ed u catio n through diversity, The College of New Jersey is an Affirmative A ction/ Equal O pportunity Employer. C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 469 470 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 L IT E R A T U R E A N D H U M A N IT IE S L IB R A R IA N California State University, Northridge Delmar T. Oviatt Library DEPARTMENT: Technical Services. EFFECTIVE DATE OF APPOINTMENT: Appointment available immediately. This is a 12-month, tenure-track position. RANK: Senior Assistant Librarian. SALARY: Minimum salary of $48,156 and an excellent benefits package. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. The Oviatt Library seeks a dynamic, energetic, team-oriented leader to fill the position of Literature and Humanities Librarian. For complete details about the position, go to: libjobs.html. POSITION DESCRIPTION: Candidates must be passionate about the English language and its literature, and be able to build a high-quality collection serving students, faculty, and the curriculum. Serves as Coordinator of the Arts and Humanities Bibliographers Team, and has collection development responsibilities for English and American Literature, Journalism, some Modern and Classical Languages and Literature, and an interdisciplinary Humanities program. Serves as subject liaison to those departments and is also responsible for bibliographic instruction for those disciplines. Assignment includes service at the reference desk and fine arts desk, with occasional evening and weekend hours. Required qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS or its equivalent; some post- MLS collection development experience in an academic or research library or equivalent in one or more of the disciplines above; ability to interact effectively in a culturally diverse university environment; and reference experience. An advanced degree or substantial coursework in one of the disciplines listed above is preferred. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Send résumé with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Susan C. Curzon Dean, University Library California State University, Northridge 18111 Nordhoff Street Northridge, CA 91330-8326 The Library is dynamic, active, forward-looking, and committed to excellence. For more information about the Library, please see our Web site at:; and for California State University, Northridge. An equal opportunity, affirmative-action, Title IX, Section 504 employer. re s o u rc e s . M in im u m s a la ry is a t th e A s s is ta n t P ro fe s s o r le ve l o f $ 4 3 ,9 6 2 . T h e s ta rtin g s a la ry is c o m m e n s u ra te w ith q u a lific a tio n s a n d e x p e rie n c e . T h e p o s itio n is te n u r e - tr a c k a n d c o n tin g e n t u p o n fu n d in g . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v is it: h ttp ://h r.u n lv .e d u /E m p lo y m e n t_ S v c s /. F o r m o re in fo r­ m a tio n a b o u t U N L V , v is it h ttp ://w w w .u n lv .e d u . U N L V is a n a ffirm a tiv e a ctio n , e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e d u c a to r a n d e m p lo y e r c o m m itte d to e x c e lle n c e th ro u g h d iv e rs ity . H E A D O F R E F E R E N C E , B IO -M E D IC A L L IB R A R Y . U n iv e r s ity o f M in n e s o ta L ib ra rie s , T w in C itie s C a m p u s . P o s itio n U L 1 5 3 . P o s itio n a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly .T h e B io -M e d ic a l L ib ra ry s e e k s e x p e rie n c e d a p p li­ c a n ts f o r t h e n e w p o s itio n o f H e a d o f R e fe re n c e . T h e lib ra ry p a rtic u la rly e n c o u ra g e s th e c a n d id a c y o f in d iv id u a ls w ith e x p e rie n c e in m u ltic u ltu ra l a n d m u ltira c ia l e n v iro n m e n ts . T h is p o s itio n r e p o rts to th e A s s o c ia te D ir e c to r fo r P u b lic S e rv ic e s a n d w ill h a v e re s p o n s ib ility fo r: C o o rd in a tio n o f R e fe re n c e S e rv ic e s , in c lu d in g re fe re n c e d e s k c o v e ra g e , tra in in g n e w a n d e x is tin g sta ff, s e a rc h in g , a n d p a rtic ip a tin g in th e m a n a g e m e n to fth e re fe re n c e c o lle c tio n , b o th p rin t a n d e le c tro n ic ; w ritin g p o lic ie s a n d p ro c e ­ d u re s , d e v e lo p in g a n d in tr o d u c in g n e w s e r v ic e s a n d re s o u rc e s w ith a u s e r - c e n te re d fo c u s , a n d k e e p in g s ta ff u p -to -d a te o n r e fe re n c e to o ls , s e rv ic e s , a n d re s o u rc e s ; m a rk e tin g re fe re n c e s e rv ic e s to th e A c a d e m ic H e alth C e n te r a n d d e v e lo p in g ta rg e te d o u tre a c h pro g ra m s, p a rticip a tin g in lo n g -ra n g e p la n n in g fo r p u b lic s e rv ic e s , a n d e s ta b lis h in g g o a ls a n d o b je c ­ tiv e s fo r re fe re n c e s e rv ic e s a n d A H C lia is o n /o u tre a c h a c tiv itie s ; s u p p o rt­ in g th e lib r a ry ’s W e b in itia tiv e s , in c lu d in g H e a lth W e b a n d H e a lth a n d M e d ic in e in th e N e w s , a n d s e rv in g o n c o m m itte e s b o th w ith in th e B io - M e d ic a l L ib ra ry a n d th e U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s s y s te m w id e ; c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t in an a s s ig n e d s u b je c t a re a ; s ta ffin g th e re fe re n c e d e s k o n a re g u la rly s c h e d u le d b a s is a n d p a rtic ip a tin g in lib ra ry in s tru c tio n ; s u p e rv i­ s io n o f fo u r lib ra ria n s a n d tw o c la s s ifie d s ta ff. T h e B io -M e d ic a l L ib ra ry s e rv e s th e s c h o o ls o f m e d ic in e , d e n tis try , n u rs in g , p h a rm a c y , p u b lic h e a lth ; m o rtu a ry s c ie n c e , se v e ra l a llie d h e a lth p ro g ra m s ; a n d re la te d life s c ie n c e s p ro g ra m s o f th e u n iv e rs ity . T h e lib r a ry h a s 6 3 F T E s ta ff, in c lu d in g 15 lib ra ria n p o s itio n s . T h e c o lle c tio n c o n ta in s o v e r 4 5 0 ,0 0 0 v o lu m e s ; m o re th a n 4 ,1 0 0 c u r re n t jo u rn a l s u b s c rip tio n s ; a n d 1 ,0 0 0 c u r­ r ic u lu m -re la te d a n d s e lf- in s tr u c tio n a l m e d ia a n d c o m p u te r p ro g ra m s . T h e B io -M e d ic a l L ib ra ry, c re a to r o f H e a lth a n d M e d ic in e in th e N e w s, and c o fo u n d e ro f th e H e a lth W e b pro je ct, is c o m m itte d to d e v e lo p in g in novative a n d p r o g r e s s iv e p ro g ra m s u tiliz in g a d v a n c e d te c h n o lo g ie s a n d a w id e s p e c tru m o f re s o u rc e s . B io -M e d ic a l L ib ra ry, a lo n g w ith U n iv e rs ity L ib ra r­ ie s, w ill b e im p le m e n tin g th e A le p h In te g ra te d L ib ra ry S y s te m fro m E x L ib ris . R e q u ire d Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A -a c c re d ite d M L S o r fo re ig n e q u iv a ­ le n t; m in im u m o f f iv e y e a r s ' p ro g r e s s iv e ly r e s p o n s ib le e x p e rie n c e in a hea lth s c ie n c e s lib ra ry w ith both p rin t a n d e le c tro n ic h o ld in g s; s u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e ; d e m o n s tra te d k n o w le d g e o f th e la te s t tre n d s in re s e a rc h a nd re fe re n c e s e rv ic e s ; k n o w le d g e o f c u rre n t te c h n o lo g ic a l a p p lic a tio n s ; ex- c e lle n to r a l a n d w ritte n c o m m u n ic a tio n , le a d e rs h ip , o rg a n iz a tio n a l a n d in te rp e rs o n a l s k ills ; e x p e rie n c e te a c h in g . P re fe rre d Q u a lific a tio n s : M e m - C&RLNews ■ June 2002 / 471 S C IE N C E R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N Wake Forest University (Search Reopened) Wake Forest University invites applications and nominations for a Reference Librarian-Science. The Science Reference Librarian is a key member of the Information Services Team at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library and serves as the subject specialist librarian for the sciences, mathematics, and computer science in the undergraduate College and in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. This position provides reference and research assistance to groups and individuals using traditional and electronic formats; shares reference desk responsibility, including evening and weekend rotations, with six other professionals; provides user instruction; develops instructional materials; serves as library’s liaison with science, mathematics, and computer science faculty; selects library materials to support undergraduate and graduate sciences of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science; provides computer training for incoming students and faculty; serves on library and university committees. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s degree in science; MLS from an ALA-accredited program; demonstrated knowledge of research and reference materials in the sciences; proficiency in the use of electronic databases and Web-based information delivery; demonstrable skill in library instruction; commitment to information literacy; excellent communication, interpersonal, organiza­ tional, analytical, and problem-solving skills; strong customer service orientation; ability to work successfully in a team environment; experience with automated library systems, standard Windows, and Internet applications. ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: Master’s degree in one of the sciences; academic library experience with science emphasis or equivalent corporate experience in science. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be considered. COMPENSATION: This 12-month professional position carries excellent benefits. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications, starting at $35,000. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. TO APPLY: Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Employment Manager Office of Human Resources Post Office Box #7424 Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC 27109 You may transmit your application materials via facsimile to: (336) 758-6127; or via e-mail to: wakejobs@ w For more information about Wake Forest University, visit our Web site at: Wake Forest University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. b e rs h ip in th e A c a d e m y o f H e a lth In fo rm a tio n P ro fe s s io n a ls ; e x p e rie n c e w ith p ro p o sa l a n d g ra n t a p p lic a tio n s ; d e m o n s tra te d in v o lv e m e n t in p ro fe s ­ s io n a l o r g a n iz a tio n s ; k n o w le d g e o f tre n d s a n d is s u e s in h e a lth s c ie n c e s lib ra rie s . S a la ry a n d B e n e fits : T h e U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s o ffe r a c o m p e titiv e s a la ry c o m m e n s u r a te w ith s k ills a n d e x p e rie n c e (m in im u m $ 4 5 ,0 0 0 ). E x c e lle n t b e n e fits a n d s u b s t a n t ia l m o v in g a llo w a n c e a r e p r o v id e d . T h is is a f u ll- t im e , 12 - m o n th , c o n t in u o u s a p p o in t m e n t- t r a c k , a c a - d e m ic / p r o f e s s io n a l p o s itio n w ith p r o b a t io n a r y a p p o in t m e n t a t t h e a s s is ta n t o r a s s o c ia t e lib r a r ia n r a n k . R a n k w ill d e p e n d o n q u a lif ic a ­ t io n s a n d e x p e r ie n c e c o n s is te n t w ith c o lle g ia t e a n d u n iv e r s ity p o lic y . T o A p p ly : S e n d le tt e r o f a p p lic a tio n , r é s u m é , a n d n a m e s a n d c o n t a c t in fo r m a tio n o f t h r e e c u r r e n t p r o f e s s io n a l r e fe r e n c e s to : L ib r a r ie s H u m a n R e s o u r c e s , 4 9 9 W ils o n L ib r a r y , U n iv e r s it y o f M in n e s o t a , 3 0 9 1 9 th A v e n u e S o u th , M in n e a p o lis , M N 5 5 4 5 5 . P le a s e id e n t if y th e a p p lic a tio n w ith U L 1 5 3 . A p p lic a tio n s w ill b e a c c e p te d u n til th e p o s i­ t io n is f ille d . T h e U n iv e r s it y o f M in n e s o ta is a n e q u a l o p p o r t u n ity e d u c a to r a n d e m p lo y e r, h t tp : / /w w w . lib . u m n .e d u . H E A D , C O L L E C T IO N D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T . T h e U n iv e r ­ s ity o f N e v a d a , L a s V e g a s (U N L V ) U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s in v ite s a p p lic a n ts fo r a H e a d , C o lle c tio n D e v e lo p m e n t D e p a rtm e n t p o s itio n in o u r w o rld - c la s s a c a d e m ic re s e a rc h fa c ility , Lie d L ib ra ry . A n e x p e rie n c e d a c a d e m ic lib ra ria n is n e e d e d to m a n a g e th e C o lle c tio n D e v e lo p m e n t D e p a rtm e n t w ith a $ 3 .5 m illio n + in fo rm a tio n a c c e s s b u d g e t. T h e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill c o o rd in a te th e s e le c tio n o f in fo rm a tio n in all fo rm a ts, p e rfo rm co lle c tio n a s s e s s m e n ts , n e g o tia te e le c tro n ic re s o u rc e lic e n s in g , o v e rs e e a p p ro v a l p la n s a n d o th e r fo r m a l p u rc h a s in g a g re e m e n ts , a n d w o rk w ith c o n s o rtia . T h is lib ra ria n w ill h o ld o n e o f th e k e y p o s itio n s in tra n s itio n in g th e L ib ra rie s fro m a p r in tto a d ig ita l e n v iro n m e n t. T h e m in im u m s a la ry le ve l is $ 4 3 ,9 6 2 f o r A s s is ta n t P r o fe s s o r o r $ 5 2 , 7 5 5 f o r A s s o c ia te P ro fe s s o r. T h e s ta r tin g s a la ry is c o m m e n s u ra te w ith q u a lific a tio n s a n d e x p e rie n c e . T h e p o s itio n is t e n u r e - tr a c k a n d c o n tin g e n t u p o n fu n d in g . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n v is it h ttp ://h r.u n lv .e d U /E m p lo y m e n t_ S v c s /.F o rm o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u tU N L V , v is it h ttp ://w w w .u n lv .e d u . U N L V is a n a ffirm a tiv e a ctio n , e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e d u c a to r a n d e m p lo y e r c o m m itte d to e x c e lle n c e th ro u g h d iv e rs ity . http://hr.unlv.edU/Employment_Svcs/.FormoreinformationaboutUNLV 472 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 A S S O C IA T E U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N F O R P U B L IC S E R V IC E S Georgia State University William Russell Pullen Library at Georgia State University, a growing university in the heart of Atlanta, seeks a dynamic leader for the position of Associate University Librarian for Public Services (AUL7 PS). RESPONSIBILITIES: The AUL/PS serves as a member of the senior management team of the library, with shared responsibility for the day-to-day operational functions of the organization. The AUL/PS provides leadership in planning, implementing, and evaluating public services departmental operations and services. AUL/PS has direct supervision of department heads over the functional areas of Access and Media Services, Liaison and Research Services, and Instruction and Learning Technology Services. AVAILABLE: Summer 2002. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited master’s degree and 10 years’ professional library experience; five years’ supervisory experience at unit or department head level or higher; knowledge of print and online reference sources and services; experience with collection development; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; demonstrated interest in research and professional activities; evidence of creativity and initiative; ability to work in changing organizational environments. Additional degree beyond the MLS highly desirable. SALARY AND RANK: $65,000 minimum for 12 months commensurate with the candidate’s experience. Appointment at a faculty rank, on a contract renewal basis. TO APPLY: Submit a cover letter addressing the above qualifications, résumé, names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, including immediate supervisors. Materials received by July 17, 2002, will receive priority consideration. Send materials to: Carmen R. Newton Library Human Resources Officer William Russell Pullen Library Georgia State University 100 Decatur Street, SE Atlanta, GA 30303-3202 Phone: (404) 651-2172 For more information, please visit our Web site at: Georgia State University is an equal opportunity institution and affirmative action employer strongly committed to cultural diversity. IN S T R U C T IO N A L S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . E a s t T e x a s B a p t is t U n i­ v e r s it y is se eking a full-tim e librarian. R e sponsibilities in clude co ordinat­ in g a n d d e ve loping library in struction, perform in g reference duties, a nd particip ating in collection d e ve lo p m e n t a s a liaison. A L A -accre dited M LS required. Interested ca nd idates shou ld see: h ttp://w w w s/ jo b s .p h p # fa c u lty fo r fu ll d e s c rip tio n a n d a p p lic a tio n in fo rm a tio n . N U R S IN G A N D L IF E S C IE N C E S L IB R A R IA N . T h e U n iv e rs ity of M ia m i’s O tto C . R ic h te r L ib ra ry s e e k s a p p lic a tio n s fo r th e p o s itio n of N u rs in g a n d L ife S c ie n c e s L ib ra ria n , p ro v id in g o u tre a c h s e rv ic e s , u s e r e d u c a tio n , a n d re s e a rc h a s s is ta n c e to th e S c h o o l o f N u rs in g a n d to in te r d is c ip lin a r y p ro g ra m s w ith in th e C o lle g e o f A rts a n d S c ie n c e s , a n d c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t r e s p o n s ib ilitie s fo r n u rs in g a n d life s c ie n c e c u r ­ ricu lu m . R e q u ire d Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A -a c c re d ite d M L S d e g re e o r e q u iv a ­ le n t; e d u c a tio n a l b a c k g ro u n d in n u rs in g , m e d ic in e , o r o n e o f th e life s c ie n c e s , o r e x p e rie n c e in n u rs in g , m e d ic a l, o r s c ie n c e iib ra ria n s h ip ; e x p e rie n c e p ro v id in g lib ra ry re fe re n c e s e rv ic e s an d te a c h in g e x p e rie n c e o r e x p e r ie n c e in d e v e lo p in g a n d p ro v id in g lib ra ry in s tru c tio n ; e x p e rie n c e d e v e lo p in g lib ra ry c o lle ctio n s. C o m p le te p o sitio n a n n o u n c e m e n t a n d w ith a d d itio n a l r e q u ire m e n ts a v a ila b le at: w w w .lib r a ry .M ia m i.e d u /e m p lo y - m e n t/e m p lo y m e n t.h tm l. T w e lv e -m o n th a p p o in tm e n ta tA s s is ta n to r A s ­ s o c ia te P r o fe s s o r ra n k ; te n u r e - tr a c k o r n o n te n u re o p t io n s a v a ila b le . S a la r y c o m m e n s u r a te w ith q u a lif ic a tio n s . S e n d le tt e r o f in te r e s t, r é s u m é , a n d n a m e s a n d c o n ta c t in fo r m a tio n f o r t h re e r e fe r e n c e s to : L e n o r M e itin , H u m a n R e s o u r c e s A s s o c ia te , O tt o G . R ic h te r L ib ra ry , U n iv e r s it y o f M ia m i, P .O . B o x 2 4 8 2 1 4 , C o ra l G a b le s , F L 3 3 1 2 4 -0 3 2 0 ; fa x : ( 3 0 5 ) 2 8 4 - 4 0 2 7 ; e - m a il: lm e itin @ m ia m i.e d u . E q u a l o p p o r tu n ity , a f fir m a t iv e a c tio n e m p lo y e r. O N L IN E L IB R A R IA N . O p p o rtu n ity to c re a te , d e v e lo p , c o o rd in a te , a n d p ro v id e a p ro g ra m o f lib r a ry s u p p o rt in d is ta n c e e d u c a tio n . C r e a te W e b tu to ria ls , re s e a rc h a n d re c o m m e n d e le c tro n ic d a ta b a s e r e p la c e m e n ts a n d a cq u isitio n s. P ro vid e re fe re n ce s e rv ic e s to d is ta n c e e d u c a tio n fa c u lty a n d s tu d e n ts . N in e -m o n th fa c u lty te n u r e - tr a c k p o s itio n . F a c u lty sa la ry s c h e d u le : $ 3 2 ,4 0 4 m in im u m p lu s e x p e rie n c e a n d p o s t-g ra d w o rk . T h e Lib ra ry is lo ca te d in th e n e w L e a rn in g T e c h n o lo g y C e nte r. T h e Lib ra ry staff h a s a n e x c e lle n t ra p p o rt w ith th e fa c u lty a n d s tu d e n ts . W a c o is c e n tra lly lo c a te d b e tw e e n D a lla s /F t. W o rth a n d A u s tin . S u b m it a p p lic a tio n m a te ri­ a ls to : O ffic e o f H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , M c L e n n a n C o m m u n it y C o lle g e , 1 4 0 0 C o lle g e D riv e , W a c o , T X 7 6 7 0 8 . A n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity in s titu tio n . C a ll: ( 2 5 4 ) 2 9 9 - 8 6 1 1 ; f a x : ( 2 5 4 ) 2 9 9 - 8 5 9 2 ; W e b s ite : h t tp : / / w w w .m c le n n a n .e d u ; o r e -m a il: M C C J o b s @ m c c .c c .tx .u s . R E F E R E N C E A N D IN S T R U C T IO N S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . R e ­ s p o n s ib ilitie s : W h e e lo c k C o lle g e s e e k s a c re a tiv e a n d e n e rg e tic c o l­ le a g u e w h o is c o m m itt e d to th e h ig h e s t le v e l o f s e r v ic e to d ir e c t a ll a s p e c ts o f r e fe re n c e a n d in s tr u c tio n s e r v ic e s a n d to p r o v id e le a d e r ­ s h ip a n d v is io n fo r in fo r m a tio n lite ra c y a n d c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t fo r p r in t a n d e le c tr o n ic s o u r c e s lo c a lly a n d r e m o te ly . Q u a lific a t io n s : A n A L A - a c c r e d it e d m a s te r ’ s d e g re e ; k n o w le d g e a n d e x p e r ie n c e u s in g a n d s e a r c h in g a w id e r a n g e o f p r in t a n d e le c tr o n ic in fo r m a tio n r e ­ s o u r c e s ; p r o v id e lib r a r y in s tr u c t io n b y p la n n in g , c o o r d in a t in g , a n d C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 473 IN S T R U C T IO N L IB R A R IA N California State University, Sacramento Do you love to teach? Do you believe information competence is a vital skill set all students must have? CSUS seeks to fill a new position with a motivated, innovative, and energetic librarian to serve as an instructional team member in a successful and growing library instruction program. We hope to attract faculty who share a commitment to diversity, tolerance, and an active examination of ideas that can provide our students with a greater understanding of the richness and complexity of our society. Under the general direction of the Head of Instructional Services, the Instruction Librarian is a member of the instructional services team and participates in the full CSUS Library instruction and outreach program, focusing on developing Information Competency projects across the curricula. In addition, the Instruction Librarian serves as a Reference Librarian and Library Faculty member with the attendant responsibilities. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS or equivalent degree from an ALA-accredited program; experience providing instruction in an academic library and/or classroom teaching experience; experience providing instruction in an electronic classroom environment and knowledge of instructional technology; familiarity with information competence/literacy concepts and programs; reference experience; experience with library electronic resource, indexes, and databases; experience developing Web pages and using presentation software; excellent written and oral communication skills, including public presentations and editing; excellent interpersonal and team collaboration skills; ability to work effectively within a culturally diverse environment. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Experience with statistical analysis and outcomes assessment techniques; experience with WebCT or other Web course management software. ANTICIPATED STARTING DATE: January 2, 2003. APPOINTMENT: This is a probationary, 12-month, tenure-track position at the Senior Assistant Librarian rank, salary range $50,102-$63,310 based on background and level of experience. Librarians have full faculty status and excellent benefits. Library faculty must demonstrate professional competence, scholarly or creative achievement, and service to the University and community to meet university requirements for tenure and promotion. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Applications received by August 1, 2002, will receive first consideration. Position open until filled. Send a cover letter describing interest and qualifications, a complete résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of four professional references to: Terry Webb Director and Dean of the Library California State University, Sacramento, Library 2000 State University Drive East Sacramento, CA 95819-6039 Applicants invited for interview will be required to submit official transcripts. Vacancy announcement and position description available electronically. Request from: CSUS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. t e a c h in g c la s s e s o n in fo r m a tio n lite ra c y ; c o o r d in a te c o lle c tio n d e v e l­ o p m e n t a c tiv itie s ; h a v e a s tro n g c o m m itm e n t t o th e p r o fe s s io n a n d its s e r v ic e e t h ic ; e x c e lle n t o r a l a n d w r itt e n c o m m u n ic a t io n s s k ills ; a b ility t o r e la te w e ll w ith f a c u lt y , s t u d e n t s , a n d s ta ff; s t r o n g c o m m it ­ m e n t to p u b lic s e r v ic e a n d t e a m w o r k ; e x p e r ie n c e w ith W e b s ite d e s ig n a n d im p le m e n ta tio n ; a n d a c o m m itm e n t to t h e m is s io n o f th e c o lle g e . S a la r y : C o m m e n s u r a t e w ith e d u c a tio n a n d e x p e r ie n c e . A p ­ p lic a t io n I n fo r m a tio n : T o a p p ly , s e n d a le tt e r o f a p p lic a tio n , r é s u m é , a n d th e n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , p h o n e n u m b e r s , a n d e - m a il a d d r e s s e s of th re e p r o fe s s io n a l re fe re n c e s to : A lb ie J o h n s o n , A s s o c ia te V ic e P r e s i­ d e n t f o r A c a d e m ic R e s o u r c e s a n d L ib r a r y D ir e c to r , W h e e l o c k C o l­ le g e , 1 3 2 T h e R iv e r w a y , B o s to n , M A 0 2 2 1 5 ; f a x : ( 6 1 7 ) 2 3 2 - 5 1 6 5 . R e v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in im m e d ia te ly a n d c o n t in u e u n til th e p o s itio n is fille d . F o r a d d it io n a l in fo r m a tio n a b o u t t h e C o lle g e , v is it o u r W e b s it e a t: h t tp : / / w w w . w h e e lo c k . e d u . W h e e lo c k C o lle g e is a n e q u a l o p p o r t u n ity , a f fir m a t iv e a c t io n e m p lo y e r a n d a m e m b e r o f th e C o lle g e s o f th e F e n w a y . R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . T h e W o lfg r a m M e m o ria l L ib ra ry o f W id ­ e n e r U n iv e rs ity s e e k s a re fe re n c e lib ra ria n to p ro v id e g e n e ra l a n d o n lin e re fe re n c e s e rv ic e s in c lu d in g p a rtic ip a tio n in e v e n in g a n d w e e k e n d ro ta ­ tio n . T e a c h e s in fo rm a tio n lite ra c y c la s s e s , p a r tic ip a te s in th e d e v e lo p ­ m e n t a n d m a in te n a n c e o f lib ra ry W e b s e rv ic e s , a c ts a s lia is o n to h is to ry a n d /o r s o c ia l s c ie n c e p r o g ra m s , a s s is ts in th e U n iv e rs ity A rc h iv e s . T h is is a fa c u lty a p p o in tm e n t a n d r e q u ire s a m a s te r ’s d e g re e in lib ra ry o r in fo rm a tio n s c ie n c e fro m a n A L A - a c c re d ite d p r o g ra m . A ls o re q u ire s k n o w le d g e o f H T M L , W e b p a g e d e s ig n , e x c e lle n t W e b s e a rc h in g s k ills , p u b lic s e rv ic e s a n d in s tru c tio n a l e x p e rie n c e , fa m ilia rity a n d e x p e rie n c e w ith c u rre n t lib ra ry te c h n o lo g ie s , a n d t h e a b ility a n d d e s ire to w o rk w ith a d iv e rs e c lie n te le in a c o lle g ia l s e ttin g . D e sire d : A s e c o n d m a s te r’s o r o th e r a d v a n c e d d e g re e in h is to ry o r a s o c ia l s c ie n c e a n d a r c h iv a l tra in in g o r e x p e rie n c e . S e n d a le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , a r é s u m é , a n d th e n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , a n d p h o n e n u m b e rs o f a t le a s t th re e re fe re n c e s to : R o b e rt D a n fo rd , D ire c to r, W o lfg r a m M e m o ria l L ib ra ry , W id e n e r U n iv e rs ity , C h e s te r, P A 1 90 13. R e v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in im m e d ia te ly a n d w ill CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN, MASON LIBRARY ASSISTANT PROFESSOR RANK TENURE-TRACK 12 -M O N T H APPOINTMENT Keene State College is currently seeking a Circulation Librarian; position is available June 1, 2002. Under the direction of the Head of Public services and under administrative supervision of the Director of Mason Library, this position is responsible for the supervision, operations, policies, and procedures of Circulation Services in Mason Library. Full position description, qualifications and application information can be viewed on the job vacancy page on the College’s website: or contact Office of Human Resource Management at (603) 358-2484 for a copy of the full job description. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Keene State College is an affiliate of the University System of New Hampshire. The College and its teacher education programs are NEASC/NCATE-accredited with an enrollment of approximately 4,000 undergraduate students, 100 graduate students and 800 continuing education students. The KSC library houses approximately 300,000 paper volumes and has active subscriptions to more than 1,200 periodicals, newspapers, and annual publications. It also enjoys a unique partnership with the Keene Public Library, combining collections and services through the Keene Link electronic catalog. For further information about Keene State College’s Mason Library, please refer to: All applications and relevant materials should he sent to: Circulation Librarian Search, Office o f Human Resource Management, Keene State College, 229 Main Street, Keene NH 03435-1604. K E E N E ST A T E C O L L E G E Keene State College is a m em ber o f the Council o f Public Liberal A rts Colleges, a national alliance o f leading liberal arts colleges in the public sector. As an Affirmative Action!Equal Opportunity Employer, Keene State College is engaged in an effort to build a community that reflects the diversity o f society. Cornell University Library Coordinator of Technical Services Martin R Catherwood Library New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations Catherwood Library seeks a highly engaged and dynamic technical services professional to provide leadership for the library,s bibliographic control and acquisitions department. Reporting to the Assistant Director o f Catherwood Library, the Coordinator will oversee the acquisition and bibliographic control of traditional and electronic materials in the subject area o f industrial and labor relations. The Coordinator will provide functional supervision for 4.25 FTE classified and professional staff, set department policies, ensure the timely delivery o f materials and services to library users, work closely with other department heads to determine library priorities, and provide training and documentation for staff as necessary. Interested candidates should supply a letter of application indicating desired position, a resume and the names of three references to: Susan MarKowitz Director of Library Human Resources 201 Olin Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-5301 libhr @ Cornell .edu Cornell University is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer/Educator .htm , Reference Librarian Drew University Library seeks applications fo r a partner in a collegial Reference and ■– Research Services Department, serving a highly selective student body. The successful candidate, w ill provide reference service w ith evening and weekend rotation, perform collection development in sciences and technology, prim arily in the Reference Collection, be fully involved in the Library’s instructional program,actively contribute to the planning and organization of the over­ all reference program, as well as to the development of the electronic services of the Library, and w ill serve as a member of the Library Faculty. Required: An ALA- accredited MLS, strong academic background in sci­ ences or technology, ability to w ork effectively in a colle­ gial environment, solid interpersonal and communica­ tion skills, strong computer skills and knowledge of ref­ erence technologies, and com m itm ent to library servic­ es. Preferred: 1-2 years experience w ith academic refer­ ence and library instruction, subject master’s degree, experience in developing basic instructional web pages. Position begins January 2, 2003. M inim um salary $38,000. Candidates should subm it a letter of applica­ tion and curriculum vitae, along w ith the names and con­ tact information of three references to: Jody Caldwell, Chair of Search Committee, Drew University Library, Madison, NJ 07940. E-mail: A detailed position description is available at: For informa­ tion about Drew University, visit: For fullest consideration, apply by July 1, 2002. The Library shares the University’s com m itm ent to maintain­ ing a diverse faculty and student body and is an AA/EOE. 4 7 4 / C&RL N e w s ■ J u n e 2 0 0 2 C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 475 A S S O C IA T E D IR E C T O R , U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IE S Florida State University RANK: Associate University Librarian. The Florida State University (FSU) Libraries seeks applications for the position of Associate University Librarian for Services and Programs. The position reports to the Director of the University Libraries. The successful candidate will be a knowledgeable and innovative leader who possesses a thorough understanding of the evolving role of research libraries in contemporary higher education; is able to share a vision for state-of-the-art services and programs; and be an agent for change and play a major role in redesigning library user services and accomplishing the library strategic plan’s goals and initiatives. The Associate Director provides libraries wide leadership for transformational and user-center research services, educational and information literacy programs, assessment, and facilities planning. DESCRIPTION: Responsibilities will include: Provide leadership in developing faculty outreach and liaison programs; directs ongoing user needs and service quality assessments; directs the development, implementation, and support of programs and services; collaborates in strategic planning, policies, budget, and resource allocation; provides administrative review and responses to service queries or complaints; updates faculty and administrators on the role of information technology in scholarly communication; serves as a liaison to and collaborates with library and university departments; coordinates FSU Libraries services activities, programs, and initiatives with other local and regional academic institutions; and collaborates with the Assistant Directors of Public Services, Bibliographic Access Management, Collection Development and Management, Multi Media Services and Information Technology, and Special Collections and Branch Library Heads to accomplish their goals. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; minimum of seven years of substantial management, supervisory, and budget experience in increasingly responsible positions in academic libraries; experience in public services in a researched library or comprehensive university library. Preferred: A record of successful implementation and management of new user services programs; clear understanding of the variety of services functions and knowledge of best practices and current trends; track record of developing, implementing, and evaluating short-term and long-term plans; demonstrated ability to introduce information literacy to the university community; excellent interpersonal skills, both written and oral; strong record of professional and scholarly activity. SALARY AND BENEFITS: $82,000 minimum, negotiable depending on qualifications. This is a full­ time, 12-month, nontenured faculty appointment. Benefits include 22 days’ vacation, 13 days’ sick leave, group, medical, dental, and life insurance; an optional retirement program or state retirement; and no state or local income tax. With supervisor’s approval, may qualify for university tuition scholarships for up to six hours credit each semester. THE LIBRARY: Located in beautiful Tallahassee, Florida’s capital city, a growing community with a population of more than 256,000, the Florida State University, a public, coeducational institution of the 11-member State University System of Florida, has an enrollment of more than 35,000 students. The FSU Library resources include eight libraries on the FSU-Tallahassee campus and the Library of the John and Mabie Ringling Museum in Sarasota. With holdings of more than 10.1 million books, government documents, videos, microforms, databases, and tens of thousands of full-text electronic books and articles, the FSU Libraries rank among the nation’s top research libraries. The Library is a member of ARL, CRL, RLG, and SOLINET. For more information about the Florida State University Libraries, see our homepage at: ANTICIPATED DATE OF HIRE: August 1, 2002. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: July 1, 2002. TO APPLY: Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, e-mail addresses, regular mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Pamela Byrd, Administrative Services Coordinator University Libraries Florida State University Tallahassee, FI 32306-2047 Phone: (850) 644-5870; fax: (850) 644-5016; e-mail: 476 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 D IR E C T O R O F T H E L IB R A R Y California Baptist University California Baptist University, an evangelical Christian University affiliated with the South­ ern California Baptist Convention, invites ap­ plications for the position of Director of the Library. The Director provides leadership and direction in the planning, budgeting, de­ velopment, and administration of library ser­ vices. Overseeing all operations of the li­ brary, the Director ensures that quality library services are offered to students and faculty. Four faculty librarians and three full-time staff assistants report to the Director. REQUIREMENTS Candidates must embrace the mission of California Baptist University and evidence a clear understanding of, and commitment to, excellence in teaching through the integration of the Christian faith and learning. MLS re­ quired; doctorate in an academic area or administration preferred. Successful candi­ dates will have a minimum of five years successful experience in library program design, development, and performance as­ sessment. Significant knowledge of and ex­ perience with information technologies, auto­ mated library systems, and networking re­ quired. Starting date: August 15, 2002. A faculty application may be submitted elec­ tronically. Visit: For further information contact: Jonathan K. Parker, 8432 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504; e-mail:; phone: (909)343-4213. c o n tin u e u n til th e p o s itio n is fille d . W id e n e r U n iv e rs ity is an e q u a l o p p o r­ tu n ity e m p lo y e r. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . U n iv e rs ity o f W is c o n s in -W h ite w a te r. D u ­ tie s: G e n e ra l re fe re n ce using p rin t a nd e le c tro n ic reso u rce s; bib lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n ; c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t in c lu d in g In te rn e t re s o u rc e s ; lia is o n w ith C o lle g e o f E d u c a tio n ; d e v e lo p a n d m a in ta in lib ra ry u s e r g u id e s a n d W e b p a g e s ; p ro v id e n ig h t a n d w e e k e n d s e rv ic e o n ro ta tio n a l b a sis. R e q u ire d : A L A - a c c re d ite d M L S ; p ro fe s s io n a l r e fe re n c e e x p e rie n c e in ­ c lu d in g BI in s tru c tio n ; fa m ilia rity w ith a v a rie ty o f e le c tro n ic re s o u rc e s ; effe ctive te a m m e m b e r; e x c e lle n t co m m u n ic a tio n a nd in te rp e rso n a l skills. D e s ira b le : R e fe re n c e s u b je c t d is c ip lin e s p e c ia lty in e d u c a tio n ; e x p e ri­ e n c e w ith W e b p a g e d e s ig n ; s e c o n d a d v a n c e d d e g re e in a n a c a d e m ic d is c ip lin e . S a la r y m in im u m o f $ 3 5 ,7 2 5 fo r a 1 2 -m o n th a c a d e m ic s ta ff a p p o in tm e n t. Be nefits: Full b e n e fits packa g e , in cluding re tire m e n t a nd 2 2 - p iu s d a y s ’ v a c a tio n . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , se e : h ttp ://lib r a r y .u w w .e d u / jo b o p e n /re fjd 0 2 .h tm . S e n d le tte r of a p p lic a tio n , ré su m é , a n d n a m e s, a d ­ d re s s e s , a n d te le p h o n e n u m b e r s o f th re e re fe re n c e s to : S e a rc h a n d S cre e n C o m m itte e , c /o S h e rry H o fer, U n iv e rs ity Library, U W -W h ite w a te r, P .O . Bo x 900, W h ite w a te r, W l 5 3 1 9 0 -0 9 0 0 . A p p lic a tio n s receive d by Ju n e 1 5 ,2 0 0 2 , w ill b e g iv e n f ir s t c o n s id e ra tio n . P o sitio n a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f W is c o n s in - W h it e w a te r is a n a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n , eq u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r. R E F E R E N C E S E R V IC E S L I B R A R IA N (S C IE N C E S ). T h e H o w a rd - T ilto n M e m o ria l L ib ra ry a t T u la n e U n iv e rs ity is s e e k in g a c r e a tiv e a n d s e rv ic e -o rie n te d lib ra ria n w ith a b a c k g ro u n d in th e s c ie n c e s o r e n g in e e r­ in g fo r its R e fe re n c e S e rv ic e s d e p a rtm e n t. R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : T h e R e fe r­ e n c e S e rv ic e s L ib ra ria n (S c ie n c e s ) w ill p ro v id e g e n e ra l h e lp a n d re ­ se a rc h a s s is ta n c e a tth e lib ra ry 's H e lp D e sk, in c lu d in g so m e e v e n in g a n d w e e k e n d d u ty ; p a rtic ip a te w ith o th e r lib ra ria n s in p ro v id in g in s tru c tio n to u n d e rg ra d u a te a n d g ra d u a te s tu d e n ts th ro u g h th e lib ra ry ’s n e w C e n te rfo r L ib ra ry /ln te rn e t U s e r E d u c a tio n (C L U E ); s e rv e a s a b ib lio g ra p h e r fo r s o m e s c ie n c e o r e n g in e e rin g d is c ip lin e s ; d e v e lo p o u tre a c h in itia tiv e s a im e d a t s tu d e n ts a n d fa c u lty o u ts id e th e lib ra ry b u ild in g ; a n d a s s u m e o th e r d u tie s a n d r e s p o n s ib ilitie s a s a s s ig n e d . S u b je c t a s s ig n m e n ts fo r co lle ctio n d e v e lo p m e n t w ill be b a se d o n th e e x p e rie n ce a n d b a c kg ro u n d of th e su c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te . Q u a lific a tio n s : Re q u ire d : A L A -a c c re d ite d M LS ; e x p e rie n c e in re fe re n c e s e rv ic e a n d in a s s is tin g lib ra ry us e rs w ith d ig ita l lib ra ry re s o u rc e s in a n a c a d e m ic lib ra ry; e x p e rie n c e w ith scie n c e -re la te d d a ta b a s e s ; e x c e lle n t in te rp e rs o n a l a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n s s k ills ; a n d a re c o rd o f w o rk in g w e ll in g ro u p s o r te a m s . P re fe rre d : D e g r e e o r s c h o la r­ s h ip in th e p h y s ic a l o r b io lo g ic a l s c ie n c e s , e n g in e e rin g , o r c o m p u te r sc ie n c e ; e x p e rie n c e w ith W e b d e s ig n ; fa m ilia rity w ith c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p ­ m e n t; a n d e n th u s ia s m fo r a n in n o v a tiv e a n d c o o p e ra tiv e e n v iro n m e n t. (T h e in d iv id u a l w ill b e e x p e c te d to d e v e lo p e x p e rtis e in e m e rg in g te c h ­ n o lo g ie s a n d le ad a n d /o r p a rtic ip a te in in n o v a tiv e lib ra ry p ro je c ts .) E n v i­ ro n m e n t: T u la n e U n iv e rs ity is an A A U /C a rn e g ie R e s e a rc h I in s titu tio n , w ith its m a in c a m p u s lo c a te d in p ic tu re s q u e u p to w n N e w O rle a n s . T h e H o w a rd -T ilto n M e m o ria l L ib ra ry is th e u n iv e rs ity ’s m a in lib ra ry , w h ic h is an A R L re s e a rc h c o lle c tio n s u p p o rtin g p ro g ra m s in th e h u m a n itie s, so cia l s c ie n c e s , a n d th e s c ie n c e s . W ith a n e w D e a n of L ib ra rie s a n d A c a d e m ic In fo rm a tio n R e s o u rc e s , th e lib r a ry h a s b e e n re o rg a n iz in g , b u ild in g its c o lle c tio n s , a n d d e v e lo p in g an a rc h ite c tu ra l p la n fo r e x p a n d e d lib ra ry fa c ilitie s . T h e s e c h a n g e s m a k e fo r an e x citin g tim e to w o rk a tth e H o w a rd - T ilto n M e m o ria l Lib ra ry. (S e e : h ttp ://lib ra ry .tu la n e .e d u .) S a la ry /B e n e fits : R a n k a n d s a la ry c o m m e n s u r a te w ith e x p e rie n c e ; e x c e lle n t b e n e fits , c h o ic e o f h e a lth p la n s , a n d tu itio n w a iv e rs . R e v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in J u n e 2 1 ,2 0 0 2 , a n d w ill c o n tin u e u n til th e p o s itio n is fille d . T o A p p ly: S e n d le tte r, ré s u m é , a n d n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , a n d te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re fe re n c e s , in c lu d in g im m e d ia te s u p e rv is o r, to : A n d re a B a c in o , S e c re ta ry , H o w a rd -T ilto n M e m o ria l L ib ra ry , T u la n e U n iv e rs ity , N e w O rle a n s , L A 7 0 1 18; e -m a il: a b a c in o © t u la n e .e d u ; fa x : (5 0 4 ) 8 6 5 -6 7 7 3 . T u la n e is a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n e m p lo ye r. R E F E R E N C E /IN S T R U C T IO N A L L IB R A R IA N . A s s is ta n t U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ria n . A re y o u in te re s te d in h e lp in g p e o p le f in d t h e in fo rm a tio n th e y n e e d ? C o m e jo in E a s te rn K e n tu c k y U n iv e rs ity (E K U ) L ib ra rie s in th e b e a u tifu l B lu e g ra s s w h e re fa c u lty a n d s tu d e n ts a re p a s s io n a te a b o u t life Art Librarian Purchase College, State University of New York seeks an enthusiastic, service-oriented librarian to perform collection development, reference, and instructional services in the area of visual arts, design, and art history. The candidate is the liaison to die School of Art and Design and the Art History program in the Humanities Division. The Art Librarian manages the Library’s Slide Collection that supports both undergraduate and graduate curriculums. Assisted by a full-time staff member, the candidate is responsible for selecting, acquiring, cataloging, and preserving an analog slide collection while planning and developing digital access to visual resources. The candidate participates in a general instructional program for freshmen and serves at the general reference desk. Some evening and weekend hours are required. Qualifications: Position requires an ALA accredited MLS, a strong academic background in art, demonstrated ability to oversee and develop a slide collection, knowledge of current and future technologies for storing and accessing images, and good interpersonal and communication skills. Prefer a subject Master’s degree in an art related discipline, reference experience in an academic library, and strong teaching skills. Salary: from $40,000 commensurate with qualifications and experience. Faculty Rank: Senior Assistant Librarian, 12 month, tenure track. Excellent benefits. Send letter of application, resume and names of at least three references to: O ffice o f H um an Resources, Purchase College/ SU N Y , 735 A nderson H ill Rd., Purchase, N Y 10577. hum an.resources@ An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Emnlover C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 477 D O C U M E N T D E L IV E R Y / R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N University of California, Berkeley Public Health Library Assistant/Associate Librarian $37,920-42,996 per annum, depending upon qualifications. Under the general direction of the Head Librarian, the appointee will be responsible for a fast-paced, high volume document delivery unit that serves the California Department of Health Services (CDHS) and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Cal/EPA. This includes the supervision of two FTE career staff and two FTE student assistants. The appointee will be the primary contact with the CDHS for document delivery services, be responsible for oversight and further development of the request tracking system, be responsible for staying abreast of technological developments related to information delivery, and assist with bibliographic problem solving. Will advise the Head on the information needs of contract patrons and recommend print and electronic resources to purchase and/or license for CDHS. Along with the other librarians, the appointee will perform online literature searching and provide other information services to the library’s contract clientele. Will assist with the maintenance and continued development of the contracted services Web pages. And, as a member of the library’s reference and instructional team, will share responsibility for providing reference services and user instruction to all library clientele. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent combination of education and experience; supervisory experience; public service experience and a strong commitment to excellence; experience in health sciences librarianship and familiarity with health sciences information resources, especially electronic and Internet resources; experience utilizing biblio­ graphic databases (e.g., PubMed, Web of Science) and strong bibliographic verification skills; working familiarity with library microcomputer applications; demonstrated ability to work in a team- oriented environment; excellent interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to lead and collaborate; ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a complex, fast-paced environment; demonstrated initiative and flexibility in adapting to change; experience with document delivery; experience with database management software; direct supervisory experience including hiring and evaluation; Web page development experience; experience in the field of health sciences; online searching experience using commercial search services (Dialog, STN, Ovid); instructional experience. For complete job description and requirements, see: DEADLINE: July 1, 2002. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, résumé, and names and contact information of three professional references to: Barbara Kornstein Interim Academic Personnel Coordinator Library Human Resources Department 447 The Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 Or send by fax to: (510) 642-8675; or e-mail to: The University of California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. a n d le a rn in g . E K U L ib ra rie s s e e k s a n e w m e m b e r o f th e ir R e fe re n c e T e a m , a g ro u p o f c o m m itte d p ro fe s s io n a ls ch a rg e d w ith p la n n in g a nd im p le m e n tin g c re a tiv e lib ra ry s e rv ic e s . R e fe re n c e T e a m m e m b e rs w o rk c o lla b o ra tiv e ly w ith te a c h in g fa c u lty to p la n lib ra ry in s tru c tio n th a t is re le v a n t a n d s p e c ific to re s e a rc h a s s ig n m e n ts . R e s p o n s ib ilitie s b e y o n d in s tru c tio n a n d ty p ic a l re fe re n c e d u tie s in c lu d e p ro m o tin g s e rv ic e s to fa c u lty th ro u g h o u r lia iso n p ro g ra m an d w o rk in g o n lib ra ry a n d un iv e rs ity co m m itte e s . EK U L ib ra ria n s h a ve fa c u lty s ta tu s a nd 12 -m o n th c o n tra cts. S a la rie s fo r lib ra ria n s w ith o n e to th re e y e a r s ’ e x p e rie n c e b e g in in th e $ 3 1 ,0 0 0 to $ 3 3 ,0 0 0 ra n g e a n d s tre tc h u p w a rd s fo r a d d itio n a l e x p e rie n c e a n d e x p e rtis e . O u rs a la rie s a re h ig h ly c o m p e titiv e . B e n e fits in c lu d e tu itio n w a iv e rs , fa m ily h e a lth c a re p la n s , c h o ic e o f re tire m e n t p la n s , life in s u r­ ance , 2 0 d a y s ’ v a ca tio n plu s s ic k tim e , a n d a p p ro x im a te ly 15 p aid u n iv e r­ s ity h o lid a y s . Q u a lific a tio n s : M L S fro m a n A L A -a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m re ­ quire d; th re e to fiv e ye a rs ' e x p e rie n ce in a c a d e m ic libraries, refe re n ce a nd in s tru c tio n e x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d . E x p e c ta tio n s : G o o d c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills ; th e a b ility to w o rk in a te a m e n v iro n m e n t; k n o w le d g e o f re fe re n c e to o ls (p rin t a n d e le ctro n ic); c o m m itm e n t to c o n tin u in g pro fe s s io n a l d e v e l­ o p m e n t; th e a b ility to w o rk c o lle g ia lly w ith te a c h in g fa cu lty; a n d th e d esire to th in k b e y o n d tra d itio n a l re fe re n c e s e rv ic e s . S e n d le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , ré su m é , a n d na m e s of th re e p ro fe s s io n a l re fe re n c e s to: L ee V a n O rsd e l, D ean of Libraries, E a ste rn K e n tu c k y U n ive rs ity, 521 La n ca ste r A ve nue, R ic h m o n d , K Y 4 0 4 7 5 -3 1 0 2 . A p p lic a tio n re v ie w w ill be g in J u n e 1 4 ,2 0 0 2 , a n d c o n tin u e u n tilth e p o s itio n is fille d . A d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n a b o u t EK U L ib ra rie s ca n be fo u n d a t th e fo llo w in g W e b site : w w w .lib r a ry .e k u .e d u . L o o k fo r th e p o s itio n a n n o u n c e m e n t a t th e jo b p la c e m e n t c e n te r at A L A ’s 4 7 8 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 D E P U T Y U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N Thomas Jefferson University Thomas Jefferson University, a health science university, seeks an energetic and experienced individual to fill its position of Deputy University Librarian. The Deputy has broad responsibilities for the operations of the Scott Memorial Library, whichinclude daily operations and planning of public and technical services, the library system, and the University Archives. In addition, the Deputy leads the library’s relations with affiliates and hospitals, assists in preparation of the library budget, and supervises expenditure of budgeted funds. Supervisory responsibilities include 25 FTE professional and support staff. The Scott Library is a unit of Academic Information Services and Research (AISR), which is focused on the development and transmission of knowledge resources for the university and its hospitals. AISR develops educational software, manages three public access computer labs and a simulation center, and has responsibilities for the learning infrastructure of the university. AISR has a staff of 60 and a budget of $4.5 million. Please visit JEFFLINE, AISR's knowledge management resource, at for more information. Located in the center of Philadelphia, Thomas Jefferson University is comprised of Jefferson Medical College (one of the ten oldest and largest medical colleges in the country), Jefferson College of Graduate Studies, and Jefferson College of Health Professions. It is close to important historical and cultural institutions. QUALIFICATIONS: Master's in Library or Information Science from an ALA-accredited school with at least seven years of professional experience in a medical or science library. Supervisory experience, good oral and written communications skills, as well as knowledge of library automation are essential. Strong commitment to customer service is required. A full job description of this position may be found at: SALARY MINIMUM: $75,000. Excellent benefits package. TO APPLY: Please send a letters of nomination or application to: James Wooten, M.B.A. Business Manager Academic Information Services and Research Thomas Jefferson University 1020 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Phone: (215) 503-8848 E-mail: James. Wooten @ A n n u a l C o n fe re n c e in A tla n ta . S e v e ra l m e m b e rs o f o u r te a m w ill b e on h an d to m e e t pote n tia l cand idates. Ea stern K e n tu cky U n iversity is an equal o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a ctio n em p lo ye r. T E C H N IC A L A N D A C C E S S S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . A s s is ta n t o r A s s o c ia te P ro fe s s o r. S o u th e rn Illin o is U n iv e rs ity E d w a rd s v ille L ib ra ry a n d In fo rm a tio n S e rvice s. D e s crip tio n o f D u ties: S o u th e rn Illin o is U n iv e r­ s ity E d w a rd s v ille (S IU E ) s e e k s a c re a tiv e a n d h ig h ly m o tiv a te d lib ra ria n to p ro v id e le a d e rs h ip a n d e x p e rtis e fo r d e fin in g a n d p ro v id in g e ffe c tiv e a c c e s s to th e lib ra rie s ' p a p e r, m ic ro fo rm , a u d io v is u a l, e le c tro n ic , a n d d ig ita l re s o u rc e s . R e s p o n sib ilitie s: R e p o rtin g to th e D ire c to r o f T e c h n ic a l a n d A c c e s s S e rv ic e s , th e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill b e re s p o n s ib le fo r facilita tin g a nd co o rd in a tin g a c c e s s to th e fo rm a ts p u rch a se d in th e library, in c lu d in g e le c tro n ic a n d d ig ita l re s o u rc e s . P ro v id e le a d e rs h ip in th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f stan d a rd s, policies, an d p ro c e d u re s a c ro s s T e c h n ic a la n d A c c e s s S e rv ic e s , w ith p a rtic u la r re s p o n s ib ility f o r a c q u is it io n s a n d s e r ia ls a n d e le c tr o n ic a n d d ig it a l r e s o u r c e s . W o r k c o o p e r a tiv e ly w ith in T e c h n ic a l a n d A c c e s s S e r v ic e s a n d th r o u g h o u t L ib r a r y a n d I n fo r m a tio n S e rv ic e s to re c o m m e n d a n d im p le m e n t s t a n d a r d s , p o li­ c ie s , p r o c e d u r e s , a n d w o r k f lo w s . S e r v e a s a r e s o u r c e p e r s o n fo r f a c u lt y a n d s ta ff th ro u g h o u t th e lib ra ry c o n c e rn in g is s u e s s u rro u n d in g a c q u is itio n s a n d s e ria ls in c lu d in g n o n p rin t c o lle c tio n s . T ra in T e c h n ic a l a n d A c c e s s S e rv ic e s s ta ff in th e use o f E n d e a v o r a s it re la te s to a c q u is i­ tio n s a n d serials. T e rm of C o n tra ct: A s s is ta n t o r A s s o c ia te P ro fe sso r, 12- m o n th , te n u re -tra c k , c o n tin u in g c o n tra c t. P ro fe s s io n a l ra n k a n d sa la ry d e p e n d e n t up o n c re d e n tia ls a n d e x p e rie n c e , w ith a m in im u m s a la ry of $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 . E x c e lle n t frin g e b e n e fits . M o re in fo rm a tio n a v a ila b le at: h ttp :// w w w .s iu e .e d u . Q u a lific a tio n s : R e q u ire d : M L S fro m a n A L A -a c c re d ite d lib ra ry s c h o o l; a c q u is itio n s a n d /o r s e ria ls co n tro l exp e rie n ce ; e x p e rie n c e w ith an a u to m a te d in te g ra te d lib ra ry s y s te m ; e x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n a nd in te rp e rso n a l skills; s tro n g s e rv ic e o rie n ta tio n ; e v id e n c e of su cc e s s in c o lla b o ra tiv e a n d te a m e n v iro n m e n ts ; d e m o n s tra te d a b ility to m e e tth e re s p o n s ib ilitie s fo r a c h ie v in g te n u re . U n iv e rs ity E n v iro n m e n t: S IU E , 20 m in u te s n o rth e a s t o f S t. L o u is , s e rv e s th e m o s t p o p u lo u s re g io n of d o w n s ta te I llinois. S itu a te d o n 2 ,6 0 0 a c re s o f rolling la nd an d w o o d s along b lu ffs a fe w m ile s fro m th e M is s is s ip p i R ive r, S IU E h a s a s tu d e n t p o p u la tio n o f o v e r 12 ,0 0 0 . A s a p re m ie r m e tro p o lita n un iv e rs ity , S IU E is th e fir s t c h o ic e o f a d iv e r s e p o o l o f a p p lic a n ts . T h e U n iv e rs ity fo s te r s th e p e rs o n a l g ro w th o f its s tu d e n ts , fa c u lty , a n d s ta ff to d e v e lo p a c a d e m ic , e c o n o m ic , a n d c u ltu ra l le a d e rs . L ib ra ry a n d In fo rm a tio n S e rv ic e s m a n ­ a g e s L o v e jo y L ib ra ry, A c a d e m ic C o m p u tin g (in c lu d in g re s p o n s ib ility fo r in te ra c tiv e v id e o d is ta n c e e d u c a tio n te c h n o lo g y ), a n d A u d io v is u a l S e r ­ v ic e s . L o v e jo y L ib ra ry m a in ta in s a c o lle c tio n o f m o re th a n 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 v o lu m e s a n d s u b s c rib e s to m o re th a n 6 ,5 0 0 p rin t a n d d ig ita l s e ria ls a nd p erio dicals. A d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n rega rd in g th e library a nd university can be fo u n d a t th e W e b s ite : h ttp ://w w w .lib ra ry .s iu e .e d u /lib . A p p lic a tio n s : R e v ie w to b e g in J u n e 2 1 ,2 0 0 2 , a n d to re m a in o p e n u n til p o s itio n is filled. S u b m itle tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , ré su m é , a n d n a m e s o f th re e c u r re n t p ro fe s ­ s io n a l re fe re n c e s to : J a y S ta rra tt, D e a n o f L ib ra ry a n d In fo rm a tio n S e r­ v ic e s , T e c h n ic a l a n d A c c e s s S e r v ic e s L ib r a r ia n S e a rc h , S o u th e r n I llin o is U n iv e r s it y a t E d w a r d s v ille , L o v e jo y L ib ra ry , C a m p u s B o x 1 0 6 3 , E d w a rd s v ille , I L 6 2 0 2 6 - 1 0 6 3 . C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 479 Late Job Listings H E A D O F A C Q U IS IT IO N S . C lem son U niversity Libraries is seeking an innovative and dynam ic librarian to m anage all functions o f a centralized acquisitions unit. Please see full jo b announcem ent at: www .lib.clem bjobs/acqH E A D .htm . C lem son U niversity is an affirm ative action, equal em ploym ent opportunity em ployer. SP EC IA L C O LLECTIO N S/AR CH IVIST. The Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries invites apphcations for the position o f Director o f Special Collections. The Director reports to the Sem inary Librarian. H e or she will assist patrons, supervise staff, acquire and preserve materials, and represent the Seminary’s special coUections to scholars. The Director o f Special CoUections has an informal, rather than a classroom, teaching responsibiEty, advising students, faculty, and visiting scholars using the Seminary’s extensive archival, manuscript, and rare book coUections. Desired qualifications include: a Ph.D. in a theological or related subject area, a master's o f Ass A oc m iate e Un r iversity ica Li n brar ia U n fo n r Pub iv lic e Ser r v s ices it y of Sharjah American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates FUNCTION: The AUL provides leadership in all aspects of public services operations, including reference, circulation, information literacy program development and delivery, orientation, collection development, library web site, promotion: works closely with faculty, students, and staff on campus to develop, deliver, and evaluate library services; manages administrative functions of the public services department; participates in library-wide planning, decision-making, and policy development. REQUIREMENTS: An ALA-accredited MLS, a minimum of 5 years' academic library experience, and supervisory experience are necessary. Additional requirements include: excellent communication and interpersonal skills; an ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment with students, faculty, and staff; adaptability, flexibility, creativity; and knowledge of new and emerging electronic resources and information technology. International experience is beneficial. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience, and is expected to start in the range of $53,000 (the UAE levies no taxes; however, as AUS is incorporated in Delaware, some US Federal taxes may apply). Free furnished accommodation is provided, along with over six weeks' annual vacation, health/dental care, annual air tickets to place of origin for self and family, dependent educational allowance. A 2-year contract is offered, renewable on mutual agreement. The expected starting date is August 24th, 2002. The UAE offers a high standard of living, and a safe and open environment for individuals and families, with abundant opportunities for cultural, travel, and recreational opportunities. The university offers a range of Baccalaureate and Masters degrees and expects to have approximately 3,000 students, 200 faculty, and 400 staff in the fall semester ( The library is relatively new and the successful candidate will have an active role in the full development of its services and facilities. Please send a cover letter and resume, including the names, addresses (including e-mail) and phone numbers o f three references to: Lorin Ritchie, University Librarian, American University of Sharjah, PO Box 26666, Sharjah, UAE Email address: Iritchie‹s› - Fax: +9716 558 5008 - Phone: +9716 505 5266 Interviews will be conducted at the annual ALA conference in June. 4 8 0 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 Divinity, an M LS, m embership in the Presbyterian Church (USA), familiarity with rare book and manuscript collections, budgeting and m anagem ent skills, the physical ability to move standard archival boxes, a publishing record, participation in scholarly societies, and experience writing grant proposals. Above all, the candidate m ust have a commitment to promote the history and m ission o f Princeton Theological Seminary to various constituencies. Equal opportunity em­ ployer. The position is open July 1,2002. The search will continue until the position is filled. Please send a letter o f application, a curriculum vitae, and names o f three references to: Stephen D. Crocco, Seminary Librarian, Princeton Theological Sem inary, P.O. Box 111, Princeton, N J 08542. Questions about the position m ay be submitted by email: SP E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S’ R E F E R E N C E LIB R AR IAN . The U niversity o f M aine Library is seeking a R efem ce Librarian to provide reference assistance to patrons o f Special Collections, the holdings o f w hich constitute one o f the m ajor resources for research on M aine History. This is a fiill-time position, w ith a starting salary o f $31,500. Responsibilities Include: R esponding to mail, phone, and e-mail inquiries about the collections; assisting on-site researchers; overseeing the operations o f the reading room; and contributing to the W eb-site, databases, indexes, and other finding aids to enhance access to the collections. Required: ALA-accredited M LS; enthusiastic attitude towards public service; ability to com m unicate effectively, orally and in writing, w ith a diverse sta ff and clientele; strong com puter skills; experience w ith W eb-site developm ent, database developm ent, or other digital library projects. Preferred: K now ledge o f M aine history; experience w orking w ith public; fam iliarity w ith research trends and m ethod­ ologies in history and related fields; experience w ork in g in a library or archives. T oA pp ly: Send cover letter and résum é to: R ichard Hollinger, H ead o f Special Collections, 5729 Fogler Library, U niversity o f M aine, Orono, M E 04469-5729. R eview o f applications begins J u ly 1,2002. The U niversity o f M aine is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. W E B T E A M M A N A G E R . E arlham College, R ichm ond, Virginia, a national liberal arts college, seeks applicants for a W eb T eam M anager. W ork in g closely w ith Inform ation Services Pennsylvania College of Technology Director of the College Library Pennsylvania College of Technology, an affiliate of The Pennsylvania State University, is located in Williamsport, a family-oriented community, ideally situated along the Susquehanna River at the foot of Bald Eagle Mountain in North Central Pennsylvania, just a four-hour drive from four major metropolitan areas. Penn College is Pennsylvania's premier technical college and is a statewide focused institution with an extensive commitment to hands-on career programming. The College is currently seeking an individual with effective leadership and managerial skills to serve as Director of the College Library. The College Library is fully automated and serves approximately 5200 students in a comprehensive array of associate and baccalaureate degree programs with a strong emphasis on technology. Resources include an expanding collection of over 110,000 items, including significant electronic resources. Reporting to the Associate Vice President fo r Academic Affairs, the Director manages all aspects of library operations and assumes a leadership role in determining library policy, developing and monitoring budget, and long-range planning. The Director supervises 6 full-time librarians, 13 support staff, and student assistants. Minimum qualifications include a Master's degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited institution; five years of experience in an academic library or learning resources center, with two years in a supervisory capacity; and knowledge of library automation, cataloging, collection development, reference, information technology, and library architecture and design. Position will start as soon as feasible. Penn College offers a competitive salary and benefits package including excellent educational benefits for employees and dependents at Penn College and Penn State. Submit a completed College application for employment AND a letter of interest, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Human Resources (222), Pennsylvania College of Technology, One College Avenue, Williamsport, PA 17701. Position will remain open until a suitable candidate is identified; however, review of applications will begin upon receipt. For more information about Penn College, please visit our Web site at A detailed job announcement and an application fo r employment are available at or by calling (570) 327-4770. Penn College is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 481 S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S A N D M A N U S C R IP T S L IB R A R IA N California State University, Sacramento California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Library seeks a motivated and knowledgeable Special Collections and Manuscripts Librarian. This tenure-track, faculty position reports to the Head of Special Collections and University Archives. The Special Collections and Manuscripts Librarian is responsible for collection access and preservation in the department, excluding university records. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent; experience with archival processing and finding aid preparation; knowledge of archival theory and practice; experience with US MARC; knowledge of EAD (electronic archival description); knowledge of national bibliographic and archival databases; knowledge of conservation and preservation for archival materials; effective interpersonal and communication skills; ability to work with a diverse population. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Coursework, concentration, or a certificate in archives; ad­ vanced degree in history or related field; experience with digital technology; experience with MARC- AMC cataloging; experience with mark-up languages and Web page design; experience with exhibit preparation; experience providing reference service and/or instruction; experience in providing training; successful experience working in a team environment. Visit the library's homepage for a detailed vacancy announcement, employment/. ANTICIPATED STARTING DATE: October 1, 2002. APPOINTMENT: This is a probationary, 12-month, tenure-track, position at the Senior Assistant rank. SALARY RANGE: $50,102-$63,310, based on background and level of experience. Librarians have full faculty status and excellent benefits. Library faculty must demonstrate professional competence, scholarly or creative achievement, and service to the university and community in order to meet university requirements for tenure and promotion. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Applications received by August 5, 2002, will receive first consideration. Position open until filled. TO APPLY: Send a cover letter describing interest and qualifications, a complete résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of four professional references to: Terry Webb, Director and Dean of the Library California State University, Sacramento, Library 2000 State University Drive East Sacramento, CA 95819-6039 Applicants invited for interview will be required to submit official transcripts. Vacancy announcement and position description available electronically, request from: CSUS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. and Public Affairs departments, th e M anager provides leadership and direction for W eb technology supporting academic, administrative, and m arketing/com m unications initiatives. Responsibilities include planning, developing, and m aintaing integrity o f the W eb site; m onitoring cam puswide W eb needs; facilitating faculty involvem ent in W eb technologies; and setting priorities. Applicants should possess bachelor’s degree in inform ation technology or inform ation science, three years o f experience in W eb support or m anagem ent, or comparable background. M aster’s degree, other advanced training, or higher education experience pre­ ferred. Please subm it letter o f application, résum é, and three references to: A ssistant Vice President for Public Affairs, E arlh am College, 801 N ational R oad W est, Richm ond, Indiana 47374. Applications will be review ed until the position is filled. F or a copy o f the job description, http;//w w w .earlham .edu/job-opportunities/positions_W TM .htm l. Earlham , as an equal oppor­ tunity, affirmative action employer, eagerly solicits applications from A frican A m ericans and other ethnic minorities, wom en, and Quakers. Structure Bookmarks C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 467 Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.15 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.25 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately four weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) POSITIONS OPENACQUISITIONS/SERIALS MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN. Entry-level position. Manage Acquisitions/Serials activities. Acquisition Duties: Ma­terials ordering; pre-cataloging processing; vendor communication; pay­ment. Serials Duties: Subscription ordering and renewals; directing check-in; claiming, binding, and managing electronic journals and full-text holdings. Develop and implement Innovative Interfaces (III) Acquisitions/ Serials modules with MOBIUS (consortium of Missouri academic librar­ies). Provide Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom­mended by state library associations for professional library posts in these states.The recommendationsareadvisoryonly, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should considerthese recommended minimums when evaluating profes­sional vacancies. Foradditional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources.Connecticut $34,172Delaware $22,500**Illino 462 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 HEAD, PUBLIC HEALTH LIBRARYUniversity of California, BerkeleyAssociate Librarian/Librarian $60,132-$82,416 per annum, based upon qualifications Administrative Stipend: $300 per month in addition to salaryReporting to the Associate University Librarian, Director of Public Services, the Head of the Public Health Library manages the Public Health Library staff and provides overall direction for library programs and services, and acts as the primary liaison to faculty in the School of Public Health and the rese Anticipated starting date: August 1,2002. Interested candidates should submita letter of application, résumé, and names of three references to: Paula Behul, Director, Equal Opportunity Programs, Florida Atlantic University, IT! Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431. FAU is an equal opportunity, equal access institution.ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Position 250150. Florida At­lantic University (FAU), Wimberly Library, Boca Raton, Florida. Respon­sibilities include online databases and print resources, general candidates with courseworkorcareer experience in the field of business, law, or government documents and a demonstrated working knowledge of HTML/Web development. The successful candidate will demonstrate proficiency in Web design and library instruction. Salary: $31,000. Appli­cation Deadline: July 1,2002; Anticipated starting date: August 1,2002. Interested candidates should submit a letter of application, résumé, and names of three references to: Paula Behul, Director, Equal Opportunity Programs, Florida C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 463 UNIVERSITY ARCHIVISTCalifornia State University, SacramentoCalifornia State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Library seeks a motivated and experienced University Archivist. This tenure-track, faculty position reports to the Head of Special Collections and University Archives. The University Archivist is responsible for collection development, access, and preservation of university records and papers in the department.MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent; significant e full position description, please see: CSU, Monterey Bay, is a highly collaborative and creative environment requir­ing a sincere commitmentto advancing CSUMB’s academic goals, as identified in the University Vision Statement. This isa 12-month, Assistant Librarian appointment (position //FAC2002-0047) that is convertible atthe end of three years to a tenure-track position assuming satisfactory performance, budgetavailability, etc. Salary Range: $45,000to$48,000. Apply To: Fa coordinate, plan, administer, evaluate, upgrade, and provide instruction forthe library's automated systems, including Innovative Interfaces and VIVA resources. Will provide leadership in the library’s assessment, operation of, andaugmentationtoavirtual library environment, including access to e-journals, and cataloging of electronic format materials; and will coordinate with other librarians in theselection, implementation, and training of electronic resources usage. Assists in the provision of refer­ence 464 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 ASSOCIATE LIBRARY DIRECTOR FOR USER SERVICESUNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAMEThe University Libraries of Notre Dame welcome applications, nominations, and inquiries to fill a key position in its management team.RESPONSIBILITIESThe Associate Library Director for User Services (ALD) is one of three administrators who report to the Director of the University Libraries. This position is responsible for the administration and development of the Access Services, Reference, and Resource Delivery Departments, six branch lib within convenientdriving distance of Richmond and Washington, D.C. it serves 1,000 undergraduate students. For more information on Hampden- Sydney Collegeandthe library, see: To Apply: Send résumé, cover letter, and names of three current references to: Barbara Armentrout, Director of Human Resources, Hampden-Sydney Col­lege, P.O. Box 127, Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943. Hampden-Sydney College is an equal opportunity, M/F employer.COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN/ASSISTANTLIBRARY DIRECTOR. Luth CURATOR, ARCHIE GIVENS, SR. COLLECTION OF AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE. University of Minnesota Libraries, Twin Cities Campus. The University of Minnesota Libraries ( invites applications and nominations forthe position of Curator, Archie Givens, Sr. Collection of African American Literature. The University Libraries particularly encourages thecandidacy of peoplewith experience in multicultural and multiracial settings. The University of Minnesota, located inthecenterof the beautiful Twin Cit C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 465 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEUniversity of Northern ColoradoInstruction LibrarianThe University of Northern Colorado seeks applicants for the new position of Instruction Librarian and Assistant Professor of University Libraries, position number 21962. This is an entry-level term faculty position, renewable annually, that assists the Head of Instructional Services with all aspects of library instruction. Responsible for developing and delivering library orientations and course- specific instruction sessions and fo and Black Arts Movement. The collection also includes a lesser but still significant number of nonfiction and scholarly titles relating to African American art, education, social sciences, sports, and entertainment. Archival material documenting the history of black literature makesupthe remainderofthecollection. This manuscript material includes correspon­dence, pamphlets, published and unpublished literary manuscripts and poetry, screenplays, playbills, souvenirbooks, photographs, newspaper clippings, she content, and supervision of one graduate student assistant. Additional responsibilities include participation in the administration of the Special CollectionsandRareBooksunitinthe role of assistant curator, including assisting in the supervision of library assistants, student workers, and volunteers; actingas liaison between the Libraries and the Givens Foun­dation of African American literature; participation in fund-raising efforts for the Givens Collection; and other duties as assigned. Qualifications: R 466 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 DEAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESCOLORADO STATE UNIVERSITYColorado State University seeks an innova­tive Dean with demonstrated knowledge of modern research libraries in a university setting and the ability to provide effective leadership in a shared decision-making environment. Please see university Web site for full qualifications and responsibili­ties:; or http:// will be received until July 1, 2002. Applications will be considered until the position is and instruction experience in history or literature; demonstrated liaison experience with academic programs, departments, or colleges; experi­ence in the development of digital resources. Salary and Benefits: Full­time, f2-month, continuous appointment-track, academic/professional position with probationary appointment at Assistant Librarian. The Librar­ies otters acompetitive salary commensurate with qualifications, not less than $35,000 for this position. Excellent benefits and substantial moving allowanc ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Syracuse University Library (SUL) invites applications for the position of Associate University Librarian for Technical Services. The successful candidate will provide dynamic leadership for the full range of traditional and emerging Library technical services, including acquisitions, cataloging, metadata creation and catalog maintenance. This position reports directly to the University Librarian. As part of the SUL administrative team, collaborates in strategic planning, poli provide letter of application, résumé, and names of three professional references to: Paula Behul, Director, Equal Opportunity Programs, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL33431. Florida Atlantic University is an equal opportunity, equal access institution.DIRECTOR OF LEARNING RESOURCES. Wheaton College in Illinois invites applications for the position of Director of Learning Resources for Buswell Memorial Library. Buswell Library provides primary curricular and research support for C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 467 ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES AND DEPARTMENTAL LIBRARIESUniversity of PittsburghThis senior-level administrative position reports directly to the Hillman University Librarian and is responsible for leading the public services initiatives of the library system. Directly supervises the library’s public and access services in 16 departments, encompassing 26 librarians and 48 staff in 12 locations.Responsibilities will include:• Providing administrative oversight for Hillman Library Public a collegial style that supports the professionalism and initiative of staff; a progressive and proactive approach to planning for and implementing technology in the library; and evidence of continued professional develop­ment. Wheaton College is an evangelical Christian liberal arts college whose faculty and staff affirm a Statement of Faith and adhereto lifestyle expectations. The College complies with federal and state guidelines for nondiscrimination in employment. Send letters of interestand curriculum technologies. Responsibilities: AdministertheVoyagerintegrated library system; manage e-reserves; integrate access to e-journals; develop and maintain library and learning resources Web sites; provide instruction in the use of e-resources; collaborate with the reference librarian in providing reference and bibliographic instruction to faculty and students; and super­vise some staff and studentworkers. Formore information, please visit us at: DEPOSITORY LIBRARIAN. 468 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 LIBRARY WEB ADMINISTRATORUniversity of Michigan LibraryWe are looking for a creative, energetic, and outgoing person to work as the University of Michigan’s Library Web Administrator. The Library Web Administrator will manage the Library’s central Web presence ( This is a new position and comes in response to recognition within the library of the centrality and importance of this role. The Library Web Administrator will have a leadership role in the development and maintenance of GRAY FAMILY CHAIR FOR INNOVATIVE LIBRARY SERVICES Oregon State UniversityThe Oregon State University (OSU) Libraries seeks a highly motivated, experienced, and innovative leader to manage all aspects of planning, implementing, evaluating, and publicizing digital library projects. This is a full-time, fixed-term professional faculty position. Position duration is not expected to exceed three years. For a complete position announcement and qualifications, see: http:// AP WILLIAM PATERSON UNIVERSITYWilliam Paterson University is a comprehensive public institution of higher learning, committed to promoting student success, academic excellence, and community outreach with opportunities for lifelong learning. Members of the faculty are highly distinguished and diverse teachers and scholars, many of whom are recipients of prestigious awards and grants from the Fulbright Council (24 scholars), the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Inst THE COLLEGE OF NEW IERSEYLibrary ~ 2 PositionsThe College o† New Jersey is a highly selective, comprehensive residential institution recognized as one of the outstanding public colleges in the country. Located between New York City and Philadelphia in suburban Ewing Township, The College enrolls approximately 5,800 undergraduates and 900 graduate students.We are currently seeking candidates to fill two full-time, 12-month, tenure-track positions at the Roscoe L. West Library. Requirements for both positions C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 469 470 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 LITERATURE AND HUMANITIES LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, Northridge Delmar T. Oviatt LibraryDEPARTMENT: Technical Services.EFFECTIVE DATE OF APPOINTMENT: Appointment available immediately. This is a 12-month, tenure-track position.RANK: Senior Assistant Librarian.SALARY: Minimum salary of $48,156 and an excellent benefits package. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience.The Oviatt Library seeks a dynamic, energetic, team-oriented leader to fill the position of Literature and Humanities Li resources. Minimum salary is atthe Assistant Professor level of $43,962. The starting salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. The position is tenure-track and contingent upon funding. For more information, visit: For more infor­mation about UNLV, visit UNLV is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator andemployer committed to excellence through diversity.HEAD OF REFERENCE, BIO-MEDICAL LIBRARY. University of Minnesota Librar ing the library’s Web initiatives, including HealthWeb and Health and Medicine in the News, and serving on committees both within the Bio- Medical Library and the University Libraries systemwide; collection development in an assigned subject area; staffing the reference desk on a regularly scheduled basis and participating in library instruction; supervi­sion of four librarians and two classified staff. The Bio-Medical Library serves the schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, public health; mort C&RLNews ■ June 2002 / 471 SCIENCEREFERENCE LIBRARIANWake Forest University (Search Reopened)Wake Forest University invites applications and nominations for a Reference Librarian-Science. The Science Reference Librarian is a key member of the Information Services Team at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library and serves as the subject specialist librarian for the sciences, mathematics, and computer science in the undergraduate College and in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.This position provides reference and research assistance to g bership in the Academy of Health Information Professionals; experience with proposal and grant applications; demonstrated involvement in profes­sional organizations; knowledge of trends and issues in health sciences libraries. Salary and Benefits: The University Libraries offeracompetitive salary commensurate with skills and experience (minimum $45,000). Excellent benefits and substantial moving allowance are provided. This is a full-time, 12-month, continuous appointment-track, aca- demic/professional posi HEAD, COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. The Univer­sity of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) University Libraries invitesapplicants for a Head, Collection Development Department position in our world- class academic research facility, Lied Library. An experienced academic librarian is needed to manage the Collection Development Department with a$3.5 million+ information access budget. The successful candidate will coordinate the selection of information in all formats, perform collection assessments, negotiate elec 472 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES Georgia State UniversityWilliam Russell Pullen Library at Georgia State University, a growing university in the heart of Atlanta, seeks a dynamic leader for the position of Associate University Librarian for Public Services (AUL7 PS).RESPONSIBILITIES: The AUL/PS serves as a member of the senior management team of the library, with shared responsibility for the day-to-day operational functions of the organization. The AUL/PS provides leadership in planning, INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. East Texas Baptist Uni­versity is seeking a full-time librarian. Responsibilities include coordinat­ing and developing library instruction, performing reference duties, and participating in collection development as a liaison. ALA-accredited MLS required. Interested candidates should see: jobs.php#faculty for full description and application information.NURSING AND LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. The University of Miami’s Otto C. Richter Library seeks app fax: (305)284-4027; e-mail: Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.ONLINE LIBRA RIAN. Opportunity tocreate, develop, coordinate, and provide a program of library support in distance education. Create Web tutorials, research and recommend electronic database replacements and acquisitions. Provide reference services todistance education faculty and students. Nine-month faculty tenure-track position. Faculty salary schedule: $32,404 minimum plus experience and post-grad work. The Lib C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 473 INSTRUCTION LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, SacramentoDo you love to teach? Do you believe information competence is a vital skill set all students must have? CSUS seeks to fill a new position with a motivated, innovative, and energetic librarian to serve as an instructional team member in a successful and growing library instruction program. We hope to attract faculty who share a commitment to diversity, tolerance, and an active examination of ideas that can provide our students with a greater unders teaching classes on information literacy; coordinate collection devel­opment activities; have a strong commitmentto the profession and its service ethic; excellent oral and written communications skills; ability to relate well with faculty, students, and staff; strong commit­ment to public service and teamwork; experience with Web site design and implementation; and a commitment to the mission of the college. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Ap­plication Information: To apply, send a lett REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Wolfgram Memorial Library of Wid­ener University seeks a reference librarian to provide general and online reference services including participation in evening and weekend rota­tion. Teaches information literacy classes, participates in the develop­ment and maintenance of library Web services, acts as liaison to history and/or social science programs, assists in the University Archives. This is a faculty appointment and requires a master’s degree in library or information science f CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN,MASON LIBRARYASSISTANT PROFESSOR RANK TENURE-TRACK 12-MONTH APPOINTMENTKeene State College is currently seeking a Circulation Librarian; position is available June 1, 2002. Under the direction of the Head of Public services and under administrative supervision of the Director of Mason Library, this position is responsible for the supervision, operations, policies, and procedures of Circulation Services in Mason Library. Full position description, qualifications and application informat Cornell University LibraryCoordinator of Technical Services Martin R Catherwood Library New York State School of Industrial and Labor RelationsCatherwood Library seeks a highly engaged and dynamic technical services professional to provide leadership for the library,s bibliographic control and acquisitions department. Reporting to the Assistant Director of Catherwood Library, the Coordinator will oversee the acquisition and bibliographic control of traditional and electronic materials in the subject area of Reference LibrarianDrew University Library seeks applications for a partner in a collegial Reference and ■– Research Services Department, serving a highly selective student body. The successful candidate, will provide reference service with evening and weekend rotation, perform collection development in sciences and technology, primarily in the Reference Collection, be fully involved in the Library’s instructional program,actively contribute to the planning and organization of the over­all reference program 474 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 475 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESFlorida State UniversityRANK: Associate University Librarian.The Florida State University (FSU) Libraries seeks applications for the position of Associate University Librarian for Services and Programs. The position reports to the Director of the University Libraries. The successful candidate will be a knowledgeable and innovative leader who possesses a thorough understanding of the evolving role of research libraries in contemporary higher education; is able to share 476 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARYCalifornia Baptist UniversityCalifornia Baptist University, an evangelical Christian University affiliated with the South­ern California Baptist Convention, invites ap­plications for the position of Director of the Library. The Director provides leadership and direction in the planning, budgeting, de­velopment, and administration of library ser­vices. Overseeing all operations of the li­brary, the Director ensures that quality library services are offered to students and faculty. Four continue until the position isfilled. Widener University is an equal oppor­tunity employer.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Du­ties: General reference using print and electronic resources; bibliographic instruction; collection development including Internet resources; liaison with Collegeof Education; develop and maintain library user guides and Web pages; provide night and weekend service on rotational basis. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; professional reference experience in­cluding ence Services Librarian (Sciences) will provide general help and re­search assistance atthe library's Help Desk, including some evening and weekend duty; participate with other librarians in providing instruction to undergraduate and graduate studentsthrough the library’s new Centerfor Library/lnternet User Education (CLUE); serve as a bibliographer for some science or engineering disciplines; develop outreach initiatives aimed at students and faculty outside the library building; and assume other duties an Art LibrarianPurchase College, State University of New York seeks an enthusiastic, service-oriented librarian to perform collection development, reference, and instructional services in the area of visual arts, design, and art history. The candidate is the liaison to die School of Art and Design and the Art History program in the Humanities Division. The Art Librarian manages the Library’s Slide Collection that supports both undergraduate and graduate curriculums. Assisted by a full-time staff member, the c C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 477 DOCUMENT DELIVERY/ REFERENCE LIBRARIANUniversity of California, BerkeleyPublic Health Library Assistant/Associate Librarian $37,920-42,996 per annum, depending upon qualifications.Under the general direction of the Head Librarian, the appointee will be responsible for a fast-paced, high volume document delivery unit that serves the California Department of Health Services (CDHS) and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Cal/EPA. This includes the supervision of two FTE career staff and two F and learning. EKU Libraries seeks a new member of their Reference Team, a group of committed professionals charged with planning and implementing creative library services. ReferenceTeam members work collaboratively with teaching faculty to plan library instruction that is relevant and specific to research assignments. Responsibilities beyond instruction and typical reference duties include promoting services to faculty through our liaison program and workingon library and university committees. EKU Librari sity holidays. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program re­quired; three tofive years' experience in academic libraries, reference and instruction experience preferred. Expectations: Good communication skills; the ability to work in a team environment; knowledge of reference tools (print and electronic); commitment to continuing professional devel­opment; the ability to work collegially with teaching faculty; andthe desire to think beyond traditional reference services. Send letter of application, 478 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 DEPUTY UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANThomas Jefferson UniversityThomas Jefferson University, a health science university, seeks an energetic and experienced individual to fill its position of Deputy University Librarian. The Deputy has broad responsibilities for the operations of the Scott Memorial Library, whichinclude daily operations and planning of public and technical services, the library system, and the University Archives. In addition, the Deputy leads the library’s relations with affiliates and hospitals, as Annual Conference in Atlanta. Several members of our team will be on hand to meet potential candidates. Eastern Kentucky University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.TECHNICAL AND ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Assistant or Associate Professor. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Library and Information Services. Description of Duties: Southern Illinois Univer­sity Edwardsville (SIUE) seeks a creative and highly motivated librarian to provide leadership and expertise for defining and pr $40,000. Excellent fringe benefits. More information available at: http:// Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; acquisitions and/or serials control experience; experience with an automated integrated library system; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong service orientation; evidence of success in collaborative and team environments; demonstrated ability to meetthe responsibilitiesforachieving tenure. University Environment: SIUE, 20 minutes no C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 479 Late Job ListingsHEAD OF ACQUISITIONS. Clemson University Libraries is seeking an innovative and dynamic librarian to manage all functions of a centralized acquisitions unit. Please see full job announcement at: Clemson University is an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity employer.SPECIAL COLLECTIONS/ARCHIVIST. The Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries invites apphcations for the position of Director of Special Collections. The Director reports to the AssAocmiate eUnriversity icaLinbrar iaUn fonr Pubivlic eSerrvsicesit y of SharjahAmerican University of Sharjah, United Arab EmiratesFUNCTION: The AUL provides leadership in all aspects of public services operations, including reference, circulation, information literacy program development and delivery, orientation, collection development, library web site, promotion: works closely with faculty, students, and staff on campus to develop, deliver, and evaluate library services; manages administrative functio 480 / C&RL News ■ June 2002 Divinity, an MLS, membership in the Presbyterian Church (USA), familiarity with rare book and manuscript collections, budgeting and management skills, the physical ability to move standard archival boxes, a publishing record, participation in scholarly societies, and experience writing grant proposals. Above all, the candidate must have a commitment to promote the history and mission of Princeton Theological Seminary to various constituencies. Equal opportunity em­ployer. The position is open July 1,2002. T Pennsylvania College of TechnologyDirector of the College LibraryPennsylvania College of Technology, an affiliate of The Pennsylvania State University, is located in Williamsport, a family-oriented community, ideally situated along the Susquehanna River at the foot of Bald Eagle Mountain in North Central Pennsylvania, just a four-hour drive from four major metropolitan areas. Penn College is Pennsylvania's premier technical college and is a statewide focused institution with an extensive commitment to hands C&RL News ■ June 2002 / 481 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, SacramentoCalifornia State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Library seeks a motivated and knowledgeable Special Collections and Manuscripts Librarian. This tenure-track, faculty position reports to the Head of Special Collections and University Archives. The Special Collections and Manuscripts Librarian is responsible for collection access and preservation in the department, excluding university records.MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS degree and Public Affairs departments, the Manager provides leadership and direction for Web technology supporting academic, administrative, and marketing/communications initiatives. Responsibilities include planning, developing, and maintaing integrity of the Web site; monitoring campuswide Web needs; facilitating faculty involvement in Web technologies; and setting priorities. Applicants should possess bachelor’s degree in information technology or information science, three years of experience in Web support or