ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 508 / C & R L N ew s native of Vienna, w here he earned his doctorate in art history and ran a family bookstore. He was im ­ prisoned at Dachau for a year before arriving in the United States in 1939 and later worked at the M et­ ropolitan Museum of Art and the New York Public Library. At Cornell Reichm ann was responsible for converting the library’s collections from the lo­ cal Harris classification system to the L ibrary of Congress system, and for revising the acquisitions system. He was instrum ental in im proving the li­ b ra ry ’s budget and was closely involved in the planning and building of the Olin Library. Follow­ ing his retirem ent in 1970, Reichm ann continued as professor of bibliography, teaching a joint course w ith others in the History of the Book and w riting books and articles on various topics. ■ ■ • A nalyses o f N in eteen th - and T w en tieth - Century Music, by A rthur B. W enk (393 pages, June 1987), has been published as no.25 in the M u­ sic Library Association’s Index and Bibliography Series. This bibliography provides access to techni­ cal m aterials co n tain ed in periodicals, m ono­ graphs, festschriften, and dissertations, and cum u­ la te s th e 19th- a n d 2 0 th -c e n tu r y volum es previously published separately. It contains 5,664 entries by some 2,400 authors and covers the works of 779 composers. Copies are available for $29.00 ($23.20 for ML A members) from the Music Li­ b rary Association, P.O . Box 487, C anton, MA 02021. • Bibliographic Instruction: The Second Genera­ tion, edited by Constance A. Mellon (204 pages, April 1987), uses as a fram ework the key issues identified in 1981 by the ACRL Bibliographic In ­ struction Section’s “Think T ank.” Its 15 essays are divided into three parts: an historical overview of the original Think Tank and its im pact on the de­ velopment of BI; the place of library instruction w ithin the college curriculum , including the em­ erging theoretical base for education for BI and the increasing specialization of BI; and a reflection on the future of user instruction. Among the authors are C arla J. Stoffle, Cheryl Bernero, Brian Nielsen, Joseph Boissé, Joanne Euster, David King, Betsy Baker, Sharon J. Rogers, Thomas J. Kirk, Anne K. Beaubien, M aureen Pastine, Carolyn Kirkendall, D onald J. Kenney, and the editor, Constance Mel­ lon. Copies m ay be ordered for $27.50 from Li­ braries Unlim ited, P.O . Box 263, Littleton, CO 80160-0263. ISBN 0-87287-563-6. • The Copyright Primer fo r Librarians and Edu­ cators, by M ary Hutchings Reed (60 pages, June 1987), is a practical guide to rights and responsibil­ ities under the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. W ritten by ALA’s legal counsel, the book contains particularly crucial sections on fair use, college and university photocopying and library reserve room PUBLICA photocopying, com puter software, and how to ob­ tain permission. Co-published w ith the National Education Association, the booklet is available for $7.95 from ALA Publishing Services, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-0472-6. • Current Approaches to Improving Access to Government Documents, by Carol T urner and Ann L a tta (44 pages, June 1987), OMS Occasional P a­ per no. 12, was developed and produced under the O ffice of M an a g e m e n t S tudies C o lla b o ra tiv e Research-W riter Program . The authors describe four approaches to access: through the shelflist and printed indexes, traditional cataloging, loading the GPO tapes, and retrospective conversion. The vol­ um e is available for $15.00 (prepaym ent required) from OMS, 1527 New H am pshire Ave., N .W ., W ashington, DC 20036. • The Encyclopaedia o f N ew Orleans Artists, 1718-1918, edited by John A. Mahé II and Ro- sanne McCaffrey (465 pages, 1987), is a com pre­ hensive c o m p ila tio n of in fo rm a tio n a b o u t all known artists and art-related organizations active in New Orleans and environs during a 200-year pe­ riod. T w enty–three categories of artistic occupa­ tions are included (bookbinders, cartoonists, and hair workers as well as m ore traditional artists and engravers). Copies m ay be ordered for $39.95 from the Historic New Orleans Collection, Kemper and Leila W illiams Foundation, 533 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA 70130. ISBN 0-917860-23-3. • Feminist Bookstore News (vol.l, 1976- ) is a bim onthly m agazine for an inform al network of feminist bookstores, mostly in the U.S. and C an­ ada, but also overseas. It contains reviews on a wide variety of recent w om en’s fiction and non­ fiction, and news about the feminist booktrade and book fairs. Each issue runs 88 pages and has a spe­ cial them e (e.g., “Celebrating University Publish­ ing” was the January-F ebruary 1987 theme). Sub­ scriptions are $40 per year for six issues, and $75 for TIONS Advances in Librarianship Online Information Retrieval Volume 14_____________________ Concepts, Principles, and Techniques edited by Welsey S im o n to n University o f Minnesota, Minneapolis S te p h en P. H a rter Indiana University, Rloomington Volume 14 C ontents: ACT). Stevens, The H istory of Infor­ m ation. N .F Rohde, Inform ation Needs. M.L. Hale, Ad­ “This b o o k is a im e d a t both th e s tu d e n t a n d th e pra c­ m in istrato rs and Inform ation: A Review of M ethodologies titioner. For th e S tu d e n t each ch a p ter concludes w ith a Used for D iagnosing In fo rm atio n Use. P.S. Richards, Gov­ series o f p r o b le m s … it is th e level o f sp ecificity th a t e rn m en t Info rm atio n Policy in th e G erm an D em ocratic m a k es th is w o rk appropriate for th e p r a c titio n e r — it Republic. R.D. J ohnson, The College Library Collection. [ONLINE INFORMATION RETRIEVAL: CONCEPTS, R.A. Seal,, Academic B ranch Libraries. M.H. Harris, PRINCIPLES, AND TECHNIQUES] is an e xc ellen t review State, Class, and C u ltu ral R eproduction: Toward a Theory for th e exp erien ced searcher. ” — DATABASE of Library Services in th e United S tates. R.C. Berner, C ontents: In tro d u ctio n to O nline In fo rm atio n Retrieval. Archival M anagem ent and Librarianship: An E xploration Languages for Inform ation Retrieval. Database S tru ctu re, of Propects for T heir In teg ratio n . J.M. Perreault, Som e O rganization, and Search. Reference Databases. The P ro­ Perils of th e “User-Friendly” A ttitude in C ataloguing. cess of Online S earching. Effective C om m unication. Subject Index. Search Strategies and H euristics. Source Databases. 1986, 320 pp., $37.50U SBN: 0-12-024614-7 Tr ends, Problem s, and Issues. Glossary. Index. Scientific and Technical In Paperback: $19.95/ISBN : 0-12-328456-2 C asebound: $ 4 6 .0 0 1ISBN: 0-12-328455-4 1986, 2 7 2 pages Libraries To Obtain a paperback copy of Online Inform ation Retrieval: Concepts, Principles, and Techniques on approval, address Volumes 1 and 2________________ your req u e st to th e a tte n tio n of th e Sales D e p a rtm en t and give th e title and estim a ted e n ro llm e n t of your course. N ancy Jones P ru e tt Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico This w ork is a com prehensive guide to th e fu n ctio n s and String Indexing m an ag em en t of scientific and technical libraries in T im o th y C. Craven academ ic in stitu tio n s, corporate settin g s, th e govern­ University o f Western Ontario, London, Canada m ent, and professional associations. Volume 1 This text presents a broad, in-depth perspective on strin g indexing. The a u th o r exam ines th e general principles and Functions and Management features, and also describes specific aspects of nearly th irty different strin g indexing system s. 1986, 343 pp., $45.00* II SBN : 0-12-566041-3 1986, 2 5 6 pp., $29.95U SBN: 0-12-195460-9 Volume 2 Special Formats and Subject Areas 1986, 2 0 6 pp., $ 4 5 .0 0 * IISBN: 0-12-566042-1 *Set p ric e $75.00 ($90.00, i f p u r c h a se d se p a ra te ly ). S e t p rices are n o t v a lid in A ustralia o r N ew Zealand. Small Scale Bibliographic Databases_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ edited by Peter Judge CSIRO, Canberra, Australia B randa Gerrie Patent Trademark and Design Office, Canberra, Australia C ontents: Sm all Scale Databases. G eneral Overview of a Database System . Software O ptions. Hardware Options. M anagem ent, C ontrol and Cost Benefit. Staffing and O ther M anagem ent Q uestions. M anagem ent w ith a DBMS. In p u t P rocessing and E ditorial Responsibilities. Subject C ontrol. D o cu m en t A cquisition and Selection C riteria. The F u tu re. Glossary. Index. 1986, 198 pp., $29.95U SB N : 0-12-391970-3 ACADEMIC PRESS 510 / C & RL N ew s two years. Order from Feminist Bookstore News, P.O. Box 882554, San Francisco, CA 94188. • A Guide to Selected Federal Agency Programs and Publications for Librarians and Teachers, by Carol Smallwood (321 pages, 1986) covers more than 200 federal agencies that provide services or information relevant to libraries and education. Publications listed include bibliographies, sales catalogs, publications lists, serials, subscription publications, and selected books and pamphlets. Copies may be ordered for $23.50 from Libraries Unlimited, P.O. Box 263, Littleton, CO 80160- 0263. ISBN 0-87287-528-8. • Job Analysis in ARL Libraries, SPEC Kit #135 (95 pages, June 1987), contains the results of a sur­ vey on a library’s analysis of both professional and non-professional positions. Included are tabulated survey results, five examples of inform ation­ gathering, 10 program descriptions, five position classification descriptions, and a selected bibliog­ raphy. The kit and accompanying flyer were pre­ pared by William K. Black, assistant director for administrative systems and personnel, Iowa State University. Individual issues of SPEC kits cost $20.00 (prepayment required) from SPEC, Office of Management Studies, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W ., Washington, DC 20036. • Libraries in an Information Age: A Statistical Summary, by Mary Jo Lynch (32 pages, June 1987), was compiled for those outside the library community who wish to know more about li­ braries, as well as for librarians and potential li­ brarians who seek a summary of the field. Capsule descriptions of what libraries are and do, how they are used and by whom, what they contain, how they are financed and staffed, and how they spend their resources, are included. Copies are available for $4.00 from ALA Publishing Services, 50 E. Hu­ ron St., Chicago, IL 60611. • MINITEX and ILLINET: Two Library Net- works, by Michael J. LaCroix (38 pages, May 1987), has been published as Occasional Paper no. 178 by the University of Illinois G raduate School of Library and Information Science. The paper discusses the current operations and future activities of the Minnesota Interlibrary Telecom­ munications Exchange (MINITEX) and the Illinois Library and Information Network (ILLINET), two state networks established in the 1960s to meet the information needs of their citizens. Copies may be ordered for $3.00 (plus $.50 postage) from Occa­ sional Papers, GSLIS, Publications Office, Univer­ sity of Illinois, 249 Armory Building, 505 E. Ar­ mory St., Champaign, IL 61820. • The ONLINE International Command Chart (2 volumes, 2d ed., July 1987) compares the system commands, from system prompt to logoff, for all the major U.S., Canadian, and European data­ base, laserdisk, and end-user systems. Easily usable as a working tool to have next to your terminal, the volumes are printed on heavy paper. Each entry was prepared by documentation specialists from each of the companies surveyed. Com parative search terms are included for every major opera­ tion performed. The U.S. databases covered are: DIALOG, BRS, Wilsonline, VU/Text, Dow Jones, Newsnet, Datatimes, Questel Plus, Orbit, NLM, STN, Westlaw, Nexis/Lexis, RLIN, and OCLC. The European and Canadian databases are: ESA- IRS Quest, ESA–IRS CCL, DIMDI, Pergamon In­ foline, D ata–Star, QL Systems, Info Globe, and CAN/OLE. The laserdisk and end-user systems are: Clasix, Silver Platter, DIALOG Ondisc, DIA­ LOG Knowledge Index, DIALOG Business Con­ nection, CompuServe, BRS C olleague, BRS Brkthru, and BRS/After Dark. Copies may be or­ dered for $88.00 from ONLINE Inc., 11 Tannery Lane, Weston, CT 06883. ISSN 0882-8040. • Serial Titles Held by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (682 pages, revised ed., 1987) is the first revision since the original edition of June 1985. Approximately 1,000 serial records have been added, and 626 of the records in the pre­ vious volume have been revised, including those which had lacked call numbers. The serial records are arranged alphabetically by main entry, either an institutional name or a title. Also included are 217 serial titles owned by the American Entomo­ logical Society and housed in the Academy Li­ brary. To order, send a purchase order and check in the amount of $65.00, payable to the Academy of Natural Sciences, to: The Academy, 19th and the Parkway, Logan Square, Philadelphia, PA 19103. • Special Report: Publishers, Libraries ‹b CD- ROM: Implications of Digital Optical Printing, by David C. Miller (99 pages, March 1987), focuses on fundamental issues involving the nature of books and CD-ROM printing, the ownership of their contents, and their distribution in society. The re­ port was distributed to the registrants of the “Opti­ cal Publishing and Libraries: Cheers or Tears?” Preconference sponsored by ALA’s Library and In­ formation Technology Association in San Fran­ cisco, June 24–26. Additional copies may be re­ quested from DCM Associates, P.O . Box 605, Benecia, CA 94510. • Strategic Minerals: A Bibliography, compiled by Amos A. Lakos and Andrew F. Cooper (132 pages, June 1987), has been published as no. 14 in the University of Waterloo Library bibliography series. For the purposes of this work, “strategic minerals” are given a broader definition that in­ cludes economic criteria as well as m ilitary- technological significance. Most of the entries are English-language titles published after 1960, with organization by major subject categories and geo­ graphic areas. Topics covered include interna­ tional trade aspects, scarcities of resources, supply issues, stockpiles, mineral cartels, North-South is­ sues, and minerals in the seabed. Copies may be or­ dered for $25.00 from the University of Waterloo S ep tem b er 1987 / 511 Press, D an a Porter L ibrary, University of W a te r­ loo, W aterloo, O ntario, C an ad a N2L 3G1. • Texas Reference Sources, edited by Lois Be- bout (174 pages, 3d ed., 1987), annotates nearly 1,900 reference sources in all subject areas, each having a special concern w ith the State of Texas. F orty reference librarians across the state collabo­ rated on this new edition. Copies are available for $12.00 from the Texas L ibrary Association, 3355 Bee Cave Road, Suite 603, Austin, TX 78746. ■ ■ GALENDAR September 28–O ctober 2—Video: Video Expo, Jacob Javits C onvention C enter, New York City. C ontact: B arb a ra D ales, K now ledge In d u stry P u b lica­ tions, In c., 701 W estchester Ave., W hite Plains, NY 10604; (800) 248-5474 or (914) 328-9157. October 3 - 7—M edical L ibraries: 16th A nnual M eeting, South C entral Regional G roup, Medical L ibrary A sso c ia tio n , A lb u q u e r q u e , N ew M exico. Them e: “Money, M arketing and M anagem ent: The Focus of C h an g e.” Keynote speakers will be D ave Griffis and E rika Love. C ontact: Jeane E. Strub, L ibrarian, Lovelace M edical C enter L i­ b ra ry , 5200 G ibson, S .E ., A lbuquerque, NM 87131; (505) 262-7158. 4 - 8—ASIS: 50th Anniversary Conference, Ameri­ can Society for Inform ation Science, Boston. An exclusive preview of th e Sm ithsonian In stitu ­ tion’s new , perm anent exhibition, “The Infor­ m ation R evolution,” will be featured. Keynote speakers will be: R obert M cC orm ick Adams, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution; H a r­ vard L aw Professor A rthur Miller; Joseph W. D uncan, corporate economist at D un and Brad- street; and Jacques Vallee, EU RO LIN K In te r­ n a tio n a l. C o n ta c t: ASIS, 1424 16th S tre e t, N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036; (202) 462-1000. 7- 9—M ichigan C hapter: M ichigan L ibrary Asso­ c ia tio n A n n u a l C o n fe r e n c e , L a n s in g . T h e ACRL M ichigan C h ap ter will sponsor tw o pro­ grams: “Building Relationships betw een Aca­ demic L ibraries and C om puting Centers” and “CD-ROM Use in Libraries: Myths and Reali­ ties.” C ontact: M arianne Gessner, M ichigan L i­ b ra ry Association, 1000 L ong B lvd., Suite 1, Lansing, MI 48911; (517) 694-6615. 8- 11—Translation: “Across the Language G a p ,” co-sponsored by the Rio G rande C hapter of the Special L ibraries Association and the American T ra n sla to rs A ssociation, A lb u q u e rq u e , New Mexico. Topics will include literary translation, term inology, translation and com puters, tran s­ lator and interpreter training, and translations and libraries. One of the keynote speakers is II- diko D. Nowak, the head of the N ational T rans­ lations C enter at the University of Chicago L i­ b r a r y . C o n ta c t: G lo ria Z a m o ra , S a n d ia N ational Laboratories, O rganization 0400, Al­ buquerque, NM 87185; (505) 844-3909. 13- 16—M anagem ent: Basic M anagem ent Skills Institute, sponsored by the ARL Office of M an­ agem ent Studies, Allerton Hotel, Chicago. This is geared for librarians and library paraprofes­ sionals who have some m anagerial, adm inistra­ tive, or supervisory responsibilities, as well as for those interested in library m anagem ent careers. T h e sessions ad d ress basic skills, in c lu d in g problem-solving, m otivation of staff, decision­ m ak in g , effective use of groups, supervisory leadership, p erfo rm an ce appraisal, and com ­ m unication. Fee: $325. C ontact: ARL/OM S, 1527 New H am pshire Ave., N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036; (202) 232-8656. 1 4 - 16— S outh C a ro lin a : A n n u a l C o n v e n tio n , South C arolina L ibrary Association, H yatt Re­ g en cy , G re e n v ille . C o n ta c t: B a r b a r a W . Jenkins, South C arolina State College, Box 1565, O rangeburg, SC 29115; (803) 536-7045. 1 5 - C D-ROM : W orkshop to coincide w ith the E U S ID IC A n n u a l C o n fe re n c e , M o n tre u x , Switzerland. The cost is included in the registra­ tion fee of £265. C ontact: H elen H enderson, EU SID IC , P.O . Box 429, London W4 1UJ, E n ­ gland. 16- 19—M anagem ent: Basic M anagem ent Skills Institute, W ashington, D .C . Same as O ctober 13-16 above, b u t designed for governm ent docu­ ments depository librarians. See earlier entry for address. 1 8 -2 1 — O p tic a l tech n o lo g y : W a s h in g to n V i­ deodisc C o nference for th e H e a lth Sciences, Loews L ’E n fan t Plaza Hotel, W ashington, D .C . The program will include workshops on new ap ­ p licatio n s, h a rd w a re c o m p a tib ility , an d re-