ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries S ep tem b er 1987 / 511 Press, D an a Porter L ibrary, University of W a te r­ loo, W aterloo, O ntario, C an ad a N2L 3G1. • Texas Reference Sources, edited by Lois Be- bout (174 pages, 3d ed., 1987), annotates nearly 1,900 reference sources in all subject areas, each having a special concern w ith the State of Texas. F orty reference librarians across the state collabo­ rated on this new edition. Copies are available for $12.00 from the Texas L ibrary Association, 3355 Bee Cave Road, Suite 603, Austin, TX 78746. ■ ■ GALENDAR September 28–O ctober 2—Video: Video Expo, Jacob Javits C onvention C enter, New York City. C ontact: B arb a ra D ales, K now ledge In d u stry P u b lica­ tions, In c., 701 W estchester Ave., W hite Plains, NY 10604; (800) 248-5474 or (914) 328-9157. October 3 - 7—M edical L ibraries: 16th A nnual M eeting, South C entral Regional G roup, Medical L ibrary A sso c ia tio n , A lb u q u e r q u e , N ew M exico. Them e: “Money, M arketing and M anagem ent: The Focus of C h an g e.” Keynote speakers will be D ave Griffis and E rika Love. C ontact: Jeane E. Strub, L ibrarian, Lovelace M edical C enter L i­ b ra ry , 5200 G ibson, S .E ., A lbuquerque, NM 87131; (505) 262-7158. 4 - 8—ASIS: 50th Anniversary Conference, Ameri­ can Society for Inform ation Science, Boston. An exclusive preview of th e Sm ithsonian In stitu ­ tion’s new , perm anent exhibition, “The Infor­ m ation R evolution,” will be featured. Keynote speakers will be: R obert M cC orm ick Adams, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution; H a r­ vard L aw Professor A rthur Miller; Joseph W. D uncan, corporate economist at D un and Brad- street; and Jacques Vallee, EU RO LIN K In te r­ n a tio n a l. C o n ta c t: ASIS, 1424 16th S tre e t, N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036; (202) 462-1000. 7- 9—M ichigan C hapter: M ichigan L ibrary Asso­ c ia tio n A n n u a l C o n fe r e n c e , L a n s in g . T h e ACRL M ichigan C h ap ter will sponsor tw o pro­ grams: “Building Relationships betw een Aca­ demic L ibraries and C om puting Centers” and “CD-ROM Use in Libraries: Myths and Reali­ ties.” C ontact: M arianne Gessner, M ichigan L i­ b ra ry Association, 1000 L ong B lvd., Suite 1, Lansing, MI 48911; (517) 694-6615. 8- 11—Translation: “Across the Language G a p ,” co-sponsored by the Rio G rande C hapter of the Special L ibraries Association and the American T ra n sla to rs A ssociation, A lb u q u e rq u e , New Mexico. Topics will include literary translation, term inology, translation and com puters, tran s­ lator and interpreter training, and translations and libraries. One of the keynote speakers is II- diko D. Nowak, the head of the N ational T rans­ lations C enter at the University of Chicago L i­ b r a r y . C o n ta c t: G lo ria Z a m o ra , S a n d ia N ational Laboratories, O rganization 0400, Al­ buquerque, NM 87185; (505) 844-3909. 13- 16—M anagem ent: Basic M anagem ent Skills Institute, sponsored by the ARL Office of M an­ agem ent Studies, Allerton Hotel, Chicago. This is geared for librarians and library paraprofes­ sionals who have some m anagerial, adm inistra­ tive, or supervisory responsibilities, as well as for those interested in library m anagem ent careers. T h e sessions ad d ress basic skills, in c lu d in g problem-solving, m otivation of staff, decision­ m ak in g , effective use of groups, supervisory leadership, p erfo rm an ce appraisal, and com ­ m unication. Fee: $325. C ontact: ARL/OM S, 1527 New H am pshire Ave., N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036; (202) 232-8656. 1 4 - 16— S outh C a ro lin a : A n n u a l C o n v e n tio n , South C arolina L ibrary Association, H yatt Re­ g en cy , G re e n v ille . C o n ta c t: B a r b a r a W . Jenkins, South C arolina State College, Box 1565, O rangeburg, SC 29115; (803) 536-7045. 1 5 - C D-ROM : W orkshop to coincide w ith the E U S ID IC A n n u a l C o n fe re n c e , M o n tre u x , Switzerland. The cost is included in the registra­ tion fee of £265. C ontact: H elen H enderson, EU SID IC , P.O . Box 429, London W4 1UJ, E n ­ gland. 16- 19—M anagem ent: Basic M anagem ent Skills Institute, W ashington, D .C . Same as O ctober 13-16 above, b u t designed for governm ent docu­ ments depository librarians. See earlier entry for address. 1 8 -2 1 — O p tic a l tech n o lo g y : W a s h in g to n V i­ deodisc C o nference for th e H e a lth Sciences, Loews L ’E n fan t Plaza Hotel, W ashington, D .C . The program will include workshops on new ap ­ p licatio n s, h a rd w a re c o m p a tib ility , an d re- 512 / C&RL News source sharing. A medical library special interes group will meet. Contact: Stewart Publishing, I n c . , 6471 M e r r itt C o u rt, A lex a n d ria , VA 22312; (703) 354-8155. 2 1 -2 3 — Government databases: 12th Annual Con ference, Association of Public D ata Users, R a mada Renaissance, Washington, D .C . A work shop on th e 1990 Census w ill open the Conference, which will also feature sessions o federal information policy, health and educa tion data, private sector use of public data, im migration data, and applications of county level data. Contact: Susan Anderson, APDU, 87 Pros pect Ave., Princeton, NJ 08544; (609) 452-6025. 2 5 -2 6 — Mental health: Annual Meeting, Associa tion of Mental Health L ibrarian s, Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston. The conference theme i “Redefining Library Roles.” Contact: Barbara A. Epstein, Director of the Library, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, 3811 O ’Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; (412) 624-2378. 2 8 - 3 0 — North C arolina: B ienniel C onference, North Carolina Library Association, M .C . Ben­ ton Convention and Civic Center, Winston- Salem. Theme: “Libraries: Spread the News. Featured speakers will be Maya Angelou and Calvin T rillin . C ontact: Local Arrangements Committee, c/o Forsyth County Public Library, 660 W . Fifth St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101; (919) 727-2556. November 4 - 7 — M idwest: 5th Q u ad ren n ial C o n feren ce, Midwest Federation of Library Associations, In ­ diana Convention Center, Indianapolis. Key­ note speakers will be Maya Angelou and James Duffy. Fee: $65 for pre-registrants, $85 on site. Contact: M FLA Conference Headquarters, 310 N. A la b a m a , Suite A 100, In d ia n a p o lis, IN 46204; (317) 636-6613. 8 - 1 3 — M anagem ent: Advanced M anagem ent Skills Institute, sponsored by the ARL Office of Management Studies, Philadelphia. This is de­ signed for experienced library professionals holding management positions, who seek profi­ ciency in the duties of a top-level executive. The sessions focus on organizational concerns such as organizational diagnosis, problem-solving and change, goal-setting, executive role, and leader­ ship. Fee: $490. Contact: ARL/OMS, 1527 New H am p sh ire A v e ., N .W ., W a sh in g to n , D C 20036; (202) 232-8656. 1 1 -1 3 — Optical technology: Optical Publishing & Storage ’87, New York City. The three main events are presented papers, product review ses­ sions, and exhibits. A co-chair of the conference is Fran Spigai, president of Database Services, I n c ., and the publisher of Microcomputer Index. Contact: Learned Information, In c ., 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055; (609) 654­ 6266. 19— Intellectual Freedom: W illiam A. Gillard t ­ ­ ­ n ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ s ” Lecture, Council H all, St. Jo h n ’s University Queens C am pus, Ja m a ic a , New York. T h e speaker will be Judith F . Krug, director of the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom, who will examine issues of intellectual freedom as they re­ late to the C onstitution. C o n ta ct: Philip M. Clark, Acting Director, Division of Library and Information Science, St. John’s University, J a ­ m aica, NY 11439; (718) 990-6200. 1 9 - 2 3 — A fr ic a n a : F a ll M ee tin g , A rch ives- Libraries Committee of the African Studies As­ sociation, Denver. In addition to the business meeting of the Committee, there will be a meet­ ing of the Cooperative Africana Microforms Project (CAMP). Contact: Gregory Finnegan, Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755; (603) 646-2868. December 1 - 4 — M anagem ent: A nalytical Skills In stitu te, sponsored by the ARL Office of Management Studies, Honolulu. This program focuses on the skills needed for sound analysis in the areas of op­ erational problem-solving or project planning. F e e : $ 4 5 0 . C o n ta c t: ARL/O M S, 1527 New H am p sh ire A v e., N . W . , W a sh in g to n , D C 20036; (202) 232-8656. ■ ■ THEFA SDAIDCI SESL Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accom panied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ dem ic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL