ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 180 Mary F. Hicks, S acram ento, C alifornia. Jane E. H ukill, d irector, W id en er U niversity L i­ b ra ry , W ilm in g to n , D elaw are. Richard D . Johnson, d irecto r of libraries, State U niversity C ollege, O n eo n ta, N ew York. Sheila M. L aidlaw , university lib ra ria n , H a rrie t Irv in g L ib ra ry , U niversity of N ew B ru nsw ick, F red ericto n . Lois P. Mills, docum ents an d legal reference li­ b ra ria n , W estern Illinois U niversity, M acom b. O rthella Polk M om an, h ea d of te c h n ic a l ser­ vices, Jackson S tate U niversity L ib ra ry , Missis­ sippi. Joan N eum ann, executive directo r, N ew York M e tro p o lita n R e fe ren ce a n d R esea rch L ib r a r y Agency, Brooklyn, N ew York. Ruth J. Person, associate d ean , C ath o lic U niver­ sity of A m erica, W ashingto n, D .C . Sandra K. Peterson, G overnm ent D ocum ents C en ter, Yale U niversity, N ew H aven, C o n n ecti­ cut. Lelia G. Rhodes, d ean of libraries, Jackson S tate U niversity, Mississippi. Carlton Rochell, d ean of libraries, N ew York U niversity. Joseph A. Rosenthal, university lib ra ria n , U n i­ versity of C alifo rn ia, Berkeley. Marvin H. Scilken, d irecto r, O ran g e P ublic L i­ b ra ry , N ew Jersey. Judith A. Sessions, university lib ra ria n , C alifo r­ nia S tate U niversity, Chico. Marilyn J. Sharrow, chief lib ra ria n , U niversity of T o ro n to , O n tario . Carol A. Turner, chief lib ra ria n , Jonsson L i­ b ra ry of G o v ern m en t D ocum ents, S tanford U ni­ versity, C alifornia. Susan J. Vaughn, associate lib ra ria n for collec­ tion developm ent, Brooklyn C ollege L ib ra ry , N ew York. Robert A. W alter, governm ent docum ents li­ b ra ria n , P ittsb u rg S tate U niversity, Kansas. Louella V. W etherbee, executive d irecto r, A m i­ gos B ibliographic C ouncil, D allas, Texas. ■ ■ RESEARCH FORUM Stimulating quality research: Starting with the basics By D oroth y J. A nderson Chair, A C R L Research D ev elo p m en t C o m m itte e A C R L ’s new R esearch D evelopm ent C o m m ittee is la u n c h in g a p la n to stim u late superior research am ong academ ic lib rarian s. T h e p lan is based on th re e beliefs. 1) M any a stu te lib ra ry d irec to rs recognize re ­ search as an o p p o rtu n ity to: • en h an ce th e lib ra ry ’s status in th e university an d in th e profession; • lift staff m orale; and • investigate persistent problem s scientifically. 2) M any b rig h t academ ic lib rarian s w ould enjoy doing research if they had: •a d m in is tra tiv e su p p o rt (tim e, m oney, recog­ nition); • confidence in th e ir ability; • help and train in g ; 3)As an incentive to do q u ality research, p o te n ­ tial researchers need tra in in g designed to diffuse fears, build confidence an d to develop a research­ e r’s m indset an d ability. T h e Research D evelopm ent C o m m ittee th e re ­ fore proposes a m echanism to link lib ra ry directors, new researchers, an d basic train in g . These fo u n d a ­ tion blocks form th e necessary base for an invisible college— a netw o rk of new researchers a ro u n d the c o u n try — w ho can p ro d u ce research of superior q u ality in an encouraging atm osphere. 181 Step I. Research clinics W e invite academ ic lib rary directors to nom i­ n ate and support one or tw o “potential research­ ers” on their staffs to a tten d A C R L’s first national Research C linic in Chicago on July 8, 1985. T he C linic will: •d e m o n stra te the diagnosis and tre a tm e n t of a researchable problem ; •s tim u la te a positive a ttitu d e to w ard research; and •suggest ways to team up w ith academ ic col­ leagues. Use th e Research C linic form below: Step II. An Idea Bank W e invite each of you to send us your best re­ search idea: th in k of a professional p ro b lem or question th a t concerns you (20 w ords or less). T he idea can be phrased as a question, a problem , or an issue. F o r ex a m p le, “ W h ic h s tu d e n ts m u tila te books?” or “Book m u tilatio n is a p ro b le m ,” etc. W e will show how to tu rn ideas into researchable ques­ tions at Research Clinic I; th en w e will p u t your ideas into an Id ea Bank available to all researchers th ro u g h A C R L an d th e O ffice for L ib ra ry Re­ search. (We are w orking now on the possibility of an E le c tro n ic Id e a B ank th ro u g h A L A N E T — w atch for an announcem ent.) M eanw hile, use the Id ea form on page 183. Step III. Consultants After w e identify a core of new researchers w ho begin to investigate new questions, an o th er im p o r­ ta n t elem ent can be added. V olunteer Research C onsultants from each lib rary school could cri­ tiq u e proposals and (w ithout a com m itm ent to the project) assist w ith research design and review first drafts. Research C linic II in N ew York in 1986 will te n ­ tatively present model research partnerships be­ tw een lib raries an d lib ra ry e d u c a to rs—such as those su p p o rted by th e C ouncil on L ib ra ry R e­ sources. Everyone can get into this a c t—directors, p o ten ­ tial researchers, seasoned researchers, idea people, o ther research units at ALA, and lib rary educators. T he Research D evelopm ent C om m ittee is eager to h ear from you. W e are: D orothy J. Anderson (chair), Assistant Professor, G ra d u a te School of L i­ b ra ry a nd In form ation Science, University of C ali­ fo rn ia , 405 H ilg a rd A venue, Los A ngeles, CA 90024; Sara Fine, Associate Professor, School of L i­ b ra ry and In form ation Science, 606 LIS Building, HOW TO READ THE TAPANESE. It's actually quite simple. You can acquire the most current, vital findings of Japanese research—in a way that's far easier than reading them in Japanese. Because now there's the Japanese Technical Information Service, and it's available from UM I, a Xerox information company. W hen your organization subscribes to JTIS, you receive m onthly abstracts in English from more than 750 Japanese publications. All areas of applied tech­ nology and business in w hich Japan is prom inent are covered, including microelectronics, com puter technology, biotechnology, aerospace engineering, quality control, business m anagem ent, finance, ceramics, defense, and more. Now you can finally learn about the latest Japanese advances in technology and business—w ithout spending years learning how to read Japanese. For more information about JTIS, call UMI toll-free at 1-800-521-0600. University 300 North Zeeb Road Microfilms Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 International (313) 761-4700 183 U niversity of P ittsb u rg h , P ittsb u rg h , PA 15260 M ary George, H ead of G eneral Reference D ivi sion, P rinceton U niversity L ib rary , P rinceton, N 08544; Jam es M ay, D ean of In fo rm atio n Services, Folger Theater to remain open T he Folger Shakespeare T h ea te r in W ash ­ in g to n ’s F olger S hakespeare L ib ra ry w ill be kept open for at least th e next tw o years. In J a n ­ u ary its trustees h a d announced plans to close th e th e a te r at th e end of its c u rre n t season, b u t protests by m em bers of Congress a n d civic le a d ­ ers led to reconsideration. T he T h e a te r will be provided w ith $150,000 a n n u a l l y fo r tw o y e a rs b y th e t r u s te e s of A m herst College, M assachusetts, w ho adm inis­ te r funds from th e H enry C lay an d E m ily J o r­ d a n Folger estates for th e L ib rary . To this will be ad d ed $130,000 from th e L ib ra ry each year for overhead costs, and $50,000 a year from an anonym ous donor. P rivate supporters from the com m unity will th en o p erate an in d ep en d en t b o ard to ru n the th e a te r’s five plays p er season and raise m oney for fu tu re deficits. T he Folger Shakespeare L ib rary houses the largest collection of first folios in existence. In 1970 th e T h ea te r was ad d ed to present stage productions of Shakespeare plays. ; ­ J C alifo rn ia State University L ib rary , C hico, CA 95929-0290; Steve Stoan, H ead of R eference, W i­ ch ita S tate U niversity L ibraries, Box 68, W ich ita, KS 67208. ■ ■ Conference paper deadlines extended D eadlines for su b m ittin g research p ap e rs, position papers, or idea briefs for th e B altim ore C onference have been extended. T he new dates are: June 1—N otice of In ten tio n to S ubm it a P a ­ p er or Brief due. July 8— C om pleted m an u scrip t due. C am era -rea d y copy of accepted papers is still due N ovem ber 15. T he focus of th e 1986 A C R L N ational C o n ­ ference will be to explore th e them e, “Energies for T ra n sitio n .” T he C onference aim s to id en ­ tify th e n a tu re of th e transitions facing lib ra ri­ ans and to suggest energies to m eet th em , both th ro u g h th e inform al g ath erin g of colleagues an d form al program s. F or m ore in fo rm atio n , see C & R L N ew s, J a n ­ u ary 1985, p.17. Notices of In ten tio n should be sent to: ACRL C o n trib u te d P ap ers, c/o D a n u ta A. N itecki, Office of P ublic Services, M cK eldin L ib rary 2124, U niversity of M aryland, College P ark, M D 20742.