ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 ACRL Materials The following materials, unless otherwise noted, are available free of charge from: Execu­ tive Secretary, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chica­ go, IL 60611. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope or postage and a mailing label. Payment must accompany orders. Make checks payable to: American Library Associa­ tion. Orders for multiple copies of materials will be billed for postage. Standards and Guidelines Standards for College Libraries. (C&RL News, October 1975) College Library Standards: Questions and Answers. (C&RL News, November 1974) Guidelines for Two-Year College Learning Re­ sources Programs. Association of College and Research Libraries/American Association of Community and Junior Colleges/Association for Educational Communications and Tech­ nology. (C&RL News, December 1972) Guide to Methods of Library Evaluation. (C&RL News, October 1968) Quantitative Criteria for Adequacy of Academ­ ic Library Collections. Verner W. Clapp and Robert T. Jordan. (C&RL, September 1965) A Bibliography on Standards for Evaluating Libraries. Signe Ottersen, comp. (CérfîL, September 1965) Access Policy Guidelines. (C &RL News, No­ vember 1975) Guidelines for Branch Libraries in Colleges and Universities. (C&RL News, October 1975) Guidelines for Library Services to Extension Students. (ALA Bulletin, January 1967) Statement on Appraisal of Gifts. (C&RL News, March 1973) Statement on Legal Title. (C&RL News, March 1973) Universal Gift Form and Instructions. (C&RL News, March 1975) Statement on Access to Original Research Ma­ terials in Libraries, Archives, and Manuscript Repositories. (C &RL News, November 1976) Statement on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Archives for Noncommercial Purposes. (C&RL News, November 1976) Faculty Status and Governance Faculty Status for Academic Librarians; A His­ tory and Policy Statements. ACRL Commit­ tee on Academic Status, comp. (1975) $3.50. (Available from: Order Department, ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Payment must accompany order.) Standards for Faculty Status for College and University Librarians. (C &RL News, May 1974) Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and University Librarians. Association of College and Research Libraries/American Association of University Professors/Associa­ tion of American Colleges. (CirRL News, February 1974) Model Statement of Criteria and Procedures for Appointment, Promotion in Academic Rank, and Tenure for College and University Li­ brarians. (C&RL News, September 1973) With Appendixes. (C&RL News, October 1973) Salary Structures of Librarians in Higher Edu­ cation for the Academic Year 1975-76. Richard J. Talbot and Ann von der Lippe. (August 1976) $2.50. (Available from: Ex­ ecutive Secretary, ACRL. Payment must ac­ company order.) The Changing Role of Directors of University Libraries. Arthur M. McAnally and Robert B. Downs. (C &RL, March 1973) Other Guidelines for ACRL Chapters. (C&RL News, March 1975) Networks and the University Library. Proceed­ ings of a preconference sponsored by the ACRL University Libraries Section, June 21- 23, 1973, Las Vegas. (1974) $3.00. (Avail­ able from: Executive Secretary, ACRL. Pay­ ment must accompany order.) Problems with Evaluating Library Instruction. Panel discussion from the 6th annual Confer­ ence on Library Orientation for Academic Li­ braries, May 13-14, 1976, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti. Audiocassette, 60 min­ utes. (1976) $6.50. (Available from: Execu­ tive Secretary, ACRL. Payment must accom­ pany order.) riting the Journal Article. Robert D. Stueart. (CirRL, March 1976) ■■ W