ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries No. 11, December 1974 College & Research libraries news ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries, Vol. 35, No. 6 C&RL News Editorship Changes This will be the final issue of C&-RL News edited by Allan Dyson and Susana Hinojosa. Replacing them will be Mary Frances Collins, assistant director, technical services, at the State University o f New York, Albany. Ms. Collins is a graduate of Simmons Col­ lege and received her graduate degree in li- brarianship at SUNY Albany. From 1964 to 1966 she was a cataloger at SUNY Albany, and in the year 1966-67 was cataloger at the Naval Post-Graduate School, Monterey, California. From 1967 to 1968 she was reference librarian at the Junior College o f Albany, returning to the library at SUNY Albany in 1968 as head cataloger. She has been in her present position since 1972. She is a member of ALA, the New York Library Association, and the State Univer­ A T T E N T IO N All future news items should be sent to: Ms. Mary Frances Collins, Editor, C&RL News, University Library, SUNY at Albany, 1400 Washington Ave., Al­ bany, NY 12222. Please draw this information to the at­ tention o f your colleagues and o f your personnel officers and newsletter editors. Mary Frances Collins sity o f New York Librarians Association. She presently is co-chairwoman of the Legislative Committee of the College and University L i­ braries Section o f NYLA. Ms. Collins has several ideas for expanding the content of the News. She hopes to develop a reporting network through the ACRL chap­ ters as a means of improving communication among the membership. She also hopes to have more regular input into the News from ACRL officers. News item s fo r in clusion in C&RL News should be sent to A lla n J. Dyson, M o f f i t t U n d e rg ra d u a te L ib ra ry , U ni­ v ersity o f C a lifo rn ia , Berkeley, C A 94720. A d v e rtis in g (in c lu d in g classified ads) should be sent to Leona Swiech, A d v e rtis in g O ffic e , A m e ric a n L ib ra ry A ssociation, 50 E. H uron St., C h ic a g o , IL 60611. P rodu ctio n and c irc u la tio n m atters are han d le d by A L A C e n tra l Production U nit, at th e abo ve address. News e d ito r : A lla n J. Dyson, H ea d , M o ffitt U n d e rg ra d u a te L ib ra ry , U nive rsity o f C a lifo rn ia , Berkeley. Associate News e d ito r: Susana H in o jo sa, Assistant L ib ra ria n , Reference D epartm ent, M o f f i t t U n d e rg ra d u a te L ib ra ry . E d ito r: Richard D. Johnson, M iln e L ib ra ry , State U nive rsity C o lle g e , O neonta, New Y o rk 13820. President, A C R L : H . W illia m A x fo rd . Executive Secretary, A C R L : Beverly P. Lynch. C o lle g e & Research L ib ra rie s is pub lish ed b y th e A sso cia tion o f C o lle g e and Research Lib ra rie s, a d iv is io n o f th e A m e rica n L ib ra ry A ssociation, 17 tim es yearly— 6 b im o n th ly jo u rn al issues and I I m o nth ly (c o m b in in g July- A u g ust) News issues— a t 1201-05 B luff St., Fulton, M O 45251. S u bscription, $15.00 a year, o r t o m em bers o f the d iv is io n, $7.50, in c lu d e d in dues. Second-class postage p a id a t Fulton, M issouri 65251. If you have not y e t enjoyed the benefits of m em bership in the As­ sociation of C ollege and Research Libraries, you m ay do so now at a savings of $15. U nder a special introductory offer for 1975, you m ay join the American Library Association for $35 and select m em ­ bership in the A ssociation of C ollege and Research Libraries, a d i­ vision of ALA, at no extra cost. Participate in national affairs Influence the future o f your profession Contribute to the solution of problems confronting the profession Benefit from the ideas and insights o f your colleagues throughout the country Remain know ledgeable about current developm ents in academ ic and research librarianship Your investm ent in A C R L /A L A m em bership w ill bring you College & Research Libraries, C ollege & Research Libraries N e w s, and American Libraries; opportunities to participate in ACRL’s com m it­ tees, offices, special subject interest groups, and local chapters; vot­ ing privileges; m em bership rates at conferences; a 10% discount on ALA m onographs; and group insurance privileges. To join, w rite or call for an application form. Association of College and Research Libraries 50 E ast Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611 (3 1 2 ) 944-6780 A Special Offer…