ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 288 INDEX TO VOL. 35 (including C&RL News issues) Prepared by Caroline LaM otte W ebb A B B R EV IA T IO N S Standard abbreviations for names o f organizations, A L A , A C R L, L C , etc., are alphabetized as if spelled out. Other abbreviations: appt. — appointm ent bibliog.(s) — bibliography (-graphic) coll.(s) — college(s) ed. — editor, edition l.(s), ln.(s) — library(ies), librarians) port. — portrait rev. — rev iew ( er) s (b efo re page numbers) — C & R L News issues univ.(s) — university (ies) A A bell, M illicent, port. & prof., s l 6-17 Abstracts, 6 3 -6 8 ; 2 2 1 -2 3 ; 3 0 4 -6 “ A cadem ic business Ins.-authors sought,” s l4 1 “ The academ ic job crisis: a unique opportunity, or business as usual?,” Moffett ( C& RL, M ay 1 9 7 3 ), comments, 48, 5 2 -53 “ The academ ic 1. and its environ­ m ent,” Lynch, 12 6-32 ; com ­ ment, 2 9 7 -9 8 “ Access denied? The use o f man­ uscript material,” introduction, W alton, 285 A ccess to Periodical Resources: A National Plan, Palmour, Bellassai, and Gray, rev. of, 45 7 -5 8 The A cquisition o f L. Materials, Hug, rev. o f, 376-77 Acquisitions, s5-6; s29; s53- 54; S100-102; S129; S159-60; S185-87; S222-23; s253-55; s275 Adediran, B. O., “ Centralization o f univ. l . services: some com ­ pelling factors in Nigerian univs.,” 360-63 “ A llocating the book budget: a m odel,” Kohut, 192-99; com ­ ment, 370-71 “ A L A /A C R L representatives at academ ic ceremonies and meet­ ings,” s137 A L A /S o c ia l Responsibilities Round T a b le /T a sk Force on the Status o f W om en , s 180 “ A L A Goals Award to Standards project,” s i 82 “ A L A — is it time for an alterna­ tive?,” D ougherty, editorial (C & R L , M ay 19 7 3), comm ent, 47-48 “ A L A proposes new dues struc­ ture,” s49-50 Anderson, John F ., rev. (T he Disadvantaged and L . E ffec­ tiveness), 214 Applications o f C om puter T ech­ nology to L. P rocesses: A Syl­ labus, Becker and Pulsifer, rev. o f, 135-36 “ A pplying ‘ management b y o bjec­ tives’ to the univ. 1.,” Johnson (C & R L , Nov. 19 7 3), com ­ ment, 296-97 Appointments, S17-19; s43; s65- 66; s89-91; S117-18; s141-42; s168-69; s201-2; s237-39; s263-65; s306-9 “ An approach to collection inven­ tory,” Clark, 350-53 The Area Specialist Bibliogra­ pher: A n Inquiry into His Role, Stueart, rev. o f, 56-57 Archives Procedural Manual, rev. o f, 373-74 “ Art 1. collections in North Amer­ ica,” s 115 A C R L , additional nominating committees, s3; s25 A C R L , additional nominees for offices 1974/75, s3 A C R L, “ Annual report o f the president, 1973-74,” s154-57 A C R L , Art Section, s231 A C R L, Board o f Directors, an­ nual m eeting, New York, July 7-13, 1974, “ highlights,” s182- 83 A C R L, Board o f Directors, m id­ winter meeting, C hicago, I 11., Jan. 2 1 -2 4 , 1974, actions, s51- 52 A C R L , C oll. Ls. Section, s231- 3 2 ; bylaws, s232-33 A C R L , committee to revise the 1959 standards for coll. Is., m eeting, s3 A C R L, Com m unity and Junior Coll. Ls. Section, bylaws, s23 5- 36 A C R L , “ Hearings held on stan­ dards revision,” s51 A C R L, L aw and Political Science Section, “ Attention, LPSS mem­ bers,” s82 A C R L, midwinter m eeting, Chi­ cago, I11., Jan. 2 0 -2 6 , 1974, schedule o f meetings, s l -2 A C R L , Rare Books and M anu­ scripts Section, preconference, s77 A C R L , Rare Books and M anu­ scripts Section, Comm ittee on Manuscripts Collections, “ State­ ment on access to original re­ search materials in Is., archives, and manuscript repositories,” s 1 1 4 ; “ Statement on the re­ production o f manuscripts and archives for noncom m ercial purposes,” s115 A C R L , “ Standards for faculty status for coll. and univ. Ins.,” s112-13 A C R L /A A C /A A U P , “ Statement on faculty status o f coll. and univ. Ins.,” s26; “ Organizations endorsing the statement on faculty status,” s27, s 1 0 9 ; cor­ rection, s65 “ A C R L chapter developm ents,” s252 “ A C R L chapter new s,” s274 A C R L com m ittee volunteer form , s247 “ A C R L conference highlights, s221 “ A C R L goals study,” s79 “ A C R L internship program ,” s220 “ A C R L needs volunteers!,” s245- 46 289 “ ACRL New York programs,” s73-75 “ A C R L nominees for offices, 1975/76,” S273-74 “ ACRL officers for 1974/75,” S177-79 “ ACRL publications in librarian- ship,” s100 Auerbach on Microfilm Readers/ Printers, rev. o f, 55-56 “ Automation o f technical ser­ vices: Northwestern’ s experi­ ence,” Horny, 364-69 Axford, H. W illiam, “ An over­ looked cost o f achieving a par­ ticipatory environment,” edi­ torial, 5-6; comment, 21 1-12 ; 29 5 -9 6 ; port., s177 B Baaske, Jan, D on L. Tolliver and Judy Westerberg, “ Overdue policies: a comparison o f al­ ternatives,” 354-59 Balay, Robert, letter to the ed. (C & R L, July 1 9 7 3 ), comment, 48 -50 Ball, Joyce, rev. (T he Monthly Catalog o f U.S. Government Publications; A n Introduction to Its Use), 13 4-35; rev. ( Sources o f Information in the Social Sciences: A Guide to the Literature, 2 e d .), 372-73 Barron, Tilton M., letter to the ed., 298 Becker, Joseph and Pulsifer, Jose­ phine S., Application o f Com ­ puter Technology to L. Pro­ cesses: A Syllabus, rev. o f, 135- 36 Beeler, Richard J., “ Late-study areas: a means o f extending 1. hours,” 200-203 Bellassai, Marcia C., Gray, and Palmour, A ccess to Periodical Resources: A National Plan, rev. of, 457-58 “ Black book reviewing: a case for 1. action,” Shockley, 16-20 Blum, Fred., port. & prof., s141 Boissonnas, Christian M., “ Em­ ployee suggestions: alternative course o f action for Is.,” 109- 13 Bommer, Michael and Bernard Ford, “ A cost-benefit analysis for determining the value o f an electronic security system,” 2 70-79 Boone, Morell D ., rev. (Research Ls. and Technology: A Report to the Sloan Foundation), 375- 76 Book Clubs & Printing Societies o f Great Britain and Ireland, Williams, rev. of, 377-78 Book Reviews, 55 -61; 134-40; 21 4-18 ; 29 9-30 3; 37 2 -8 0 ; 45 7- 61 Booz, Allen and Hamilton, Inc., Organization and Staffing of the Ls. o f Columbia Univ., rev. of, 300-302 Borko, Harold, ed., Targets for Research in L. Education, rev. of, 139 Bosseau, D on L., port. & prof., s117 Boyer, Calvin James, The D o c­ toral Dissertation as an Infor­ mation Source: A Study o f Sci­ entific Information Flow, rev. of, 37 4-75 ; “ State-wide con­ tracts for 1. materials: an analy­ sis o f the attendant dysfunc­ tional consequences,” 86-94 Braverman, Miriam, letter to the ed., 50-51 British Academ ic Ls., Neal, et al., rev. of, 21 4-15 Brown, Timothy A ., rev. (Plan- ning-Programming-Budget Sys­ tem (PPBS)), 215-16 Burke, John Gordon and Wilson, Carol Dugan, The Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications; An Introduction to Its Use, rev. of, 134-35 Butler, Lucius A., and Pearson, Learning Resources Centers: Selected Readings, rev. o f, 58- 59 Barry, James W ., rev. (Reader in M edical Librarianship), 60-61 c “ Captain serves New Jersey aca­ demic Is.,” s50 Cargill, Jennifer S., letter to the ed., 133 “ Centralization o f univ. 1. ser­ vices: some compelling factors in Nigerian univs.,” Adediran, 360-63 A Challenge for Academic Ls.; H ow to Motivate Students to Use the L ., Lee, rev. of, 21 7- 18 “ Change! Change! Change!,” Painter, editorial, 161-62 Churchwell, Charles D ., port. & prof., s199-201 “ The civility o f scholars,” M c- Feely, 286-90 Clark, Jay B., “ An approach to collection inventory,” 350-53 Coburn, Louis, Library Media Center Problems, Case Studies, rev. of, 136-37 “ C &RL News editorship chan­ ges,” s269 “ College 1. standards: questions and answers,” s249-50 Collins, Mary Frances, port., s269 “ CBS license to National Ar­ chives,” sl25 “ CBS sues Vanderbilt,” s63 Computer-Based Reference Ser­ vice, Mathies and Watson, rev. of, 379-80 Cook, Donald C., rev. (M ethods o f Financing Interlibrary Loan Services; A System for Inter-L. Communication (SILC); A c­ cess to Períodical Resources: A National Plan), 457-58 “ A cost-benefit analysis for deter­ mining the value of an electron­ ic security system,” Bommer and Ford, 270-79 D Dahl-Hansen, A bby, port. & prof., s65 Danton, J. Periam, The Dimen­ sions o f Comparative Librari­ anship, rev. of, 215; rev. (In­ ternational and Area Studies Librarianship, Case Studies), 372 Death, s91; s118; s143; s169; s 2 0 3 ;s 2 3 9 ;s 3 0 9 DePriest, Raleigh, letter to the ed., 48-50 The Dimensions o f Comparative Librarianship, Danton, rev. of, 215 Directory o f L. Reprographic Ser­ vices, s272 The Disadvantaged and L. E ffec­ tiveness, Lipsman, rev. of, 214 Discrimination Against W om en; Congressional Hearings on Equal Rights in Education and Employment, Stimson, rev. of, 59-60 Dix, W illiam, “ The financing o f the research 1.,” 252-58 The Doctoral Dissertation as an Information Source: A Study of Scientific Information Flow, Boyer, rev. o f, 374-75 Dosa, Marta L., Libraries in the Political Scene, rev. of, 46 0- 61 Dougherty, Richard M., “ A L A — is it time for an alternative?,” editorial (C& RL, May 1 9 7 3 ), comment, 47 -48; “ Exchanging old myths for new,” editorial, 85; “ Looking forw ard/looking back,” editorial, 241 “ Dougherty resigns as CRL edi­ tor,” s51 Downs, Robert B., “ Library re­ sources in the U.S.,” 97 -108 ; comment, 298 Doyle, James, rev. (Library M e­ dia Center Problems), 136-37 “ Draft: guidelines for branch ls. in colls, and univs.,” s281-83 “ Draft: standards for coll. ls. 1975 revision,” s284-86, s299- 305 DuBois, William, letter to the ed., 295-96 Dudley, Norman, rev. (The Area Specialist Bibliographer), 56-57 Dunkin, Paul S., rev. (The Uni­ versal Decimal Classification), 378-79 Dunn, J. D., and Vaughn, “ A study o f job satisfaction in six univ. Is.,” 163-77 “ The dynamics o f the 1. environ­ ment for professional staff growth,” W eber, 259-67 E Eaton, Nancy L., rev. (N on-Book Materials Cataloging Rules), 299-300 Edelman, Hendrik, rev. (The A c­ quisition o f L. Materials), 376- 77 “ Editorial projects as derivative archives,” Simon, 291-94 “ Effective group process for Is.: a focus on committees,” Tarr, 4 44-52 Ellsworth, Ralph E., Academ ic L. Buildings, A Guide to Archi­ tectural Issues and Solutions. rev. o f (C& RL, Sept. 1 9 7 3 ), comment, 53 -54; letter to the ed., 53-54 “ Employee suggestions: alterna­ tive course o f action for Is.,” Boissonnas, 109-13 “ E R IC /C L IS merges,” s74 “ EXCH ANGE, anyone?,” Stueart, editorial (C& RL, Sept. 1 9 7 3 ), comments, 51, 52 “ Exchanging old myths for new ,” Dougherty, editorial, 85 F Fair, Judy H., rev. (The Library of Congress), 45 8 -5 9 Farley, Richard A ., port. & prof., s l9 9 Fields, Dennis C., “ Library man­ agement by objectives: the hu­ mane way,” 344-49 Film L. Techniques, Harrison, rev. of, 302-3 “ The financing o f the research 1.,” Dix, 252-58 “ Financing system o f USSR univ. Is.,” Peep and Sinkevicius, 178- 83; comment, 371 Ford, Bernard and Bommer, “ A cost-benefit analysis for deter­ mining the value o f an electron­ ic security system,” 270-79 Ford, Stephen, The Acquisition of L. Materials, rev. of, 376-77 “ Ford grants $6 million to con­ tinue CLR programs,” s180 290 Forrest, Kathryn S., port. & prof., s89 Foskett, A. C ., The Universal D ecim al Classification: The History, Present Status, and Future Prospects o f a Large General Classification Scheme, rev. o f, 37 8 -7 9 “ A framework for a comparative analysis o f 1. work,” Lynch, 43 2-43 “ From econom ic to political analysis o f 1. decision making,” Raffel, 41 2-23 Fussier, Herman H ., Research Ls. and T echnology: A Report to the Sloan Foundation, rev. of, 3 7 5-76 G Gherman, Paul M., letter to the ed., 21 1-12 Giles, Louise, port., Sİ77-78 “ G ood will and confidence,” Johnson, editorial, 401 Goodrum, Charles A ., The Li­ brary o f Congress, rev. of, 458- 59 Gration, Selby U. and Arthur P. Young, “ Reference-bibliogra- phers in the coll. 1.,” 28 -3 4 ; comment, 133; 212-13 Gray, Lucy M., Palmour and Bel- lassai, A ccess to Periodical R e­ sources: A National Plan, rev. o f, 45 7-58 H Haak, John R., rev. (A Chal­ lenge for A cadem ic Ls.), 21 7 - 18 Hanson, Stephen L ., letter to the ed., 211 Harrelson, Larry E., “ Large ls. and information desks,” 2 1 -27 Harris, Michael H., “ Intuition, re­ search, and the academic 1.,” editorial (C & R L , July 1 9 7 3 ), comments, 4 7 -4 8 , 52; rev. (Targets for Research in L. Ed­ ucation), 139 Harrison, Helen P., Film L. T ech­ niques, rev. of, 30 2-3 “ Harvard, Yale, Colum bia, NYPL form consortium,” s97 Hayes, Robert M., A System for Inter-L. Communication (SILC), rev. of, 45 7-58 Heinritz, Fred, “ Rate o f Growth for 1. collections,” 95-96 Hendrick, Clyde and Marjorie E. Murfin, “ Project 1. ripoff: a study o f periodical mutilation in a univ. 1.,” 402-11 Hendricks, D onald D ., rev. (Pro­ ceedings o f the 1972 Clinic on L. Applications o f Data Pro­ cessing: Applications o f On- L ine Computers to L. Prob­ lems), 134 Hoadley, Dr. Irene Braden, port. & prof., s263 H om y , Karen, “ Automation of technical services: Northwest­ ern’ s experience,” 3 6 4 -6 9 “ H ow much, how often?,” Mar­ shall, 4 5 3 -5 6 H ug, W illiam E., Strategies for Change in Information Pro­ grams, rev. o f, 376 I Inforasia correction, s27 ( see C& RL News, Nov. 1973, s275) Inside Washington, s77-78; s99; s127-28; s157-58; s181-82; s217-19; s251-52; s271-72 International and Area Studies Librarianship, Case Studies, Sable, rev. o f, 372 “ Intuition, research, and the aca­ demic 1.,” Harris, editorial (C & R L , July 1 9 7 3 ), com ­ ments, 4 7 -4 8 , 52 J Johnson, Edward R., “ Applying ‘ management by objectives’ to the univ. 1.” (C & R L , N ov. 1 9 7 3 ), comm ent, 29 6-97 Johnson, Richard D ., “ Editorial,” 32 1; “ G ood will and confi­ dence,” editorial, 4 0 1 ; port., s l5 3 “ Johnson named editor o f CRL,” s l5 3 Jordan, Casper L., port. & prof., s306 Josey, W h at Black Lns. Are Say­ ing, rev. o f (C & R L , July 1 9 7 3 ), comment, 50-51 Joyce, D onald Franklin, letter to the ed., 54 (correction notice) K Kaser, D avid, rev. (Libraries in the Political Scene), 4 6 0 -6 1 ; “ Library access and the mo­ bility o f users,” 2 8 0 -8 4 ; rev. (B ook Club & Printing Socie­ ties o f Great Britain and Ire­ land), 3 7 7 -7 8 ; rev. (T he D i­ mensions o f Comparative Li­ brarianship), 215 Kohut, Joseph, “ A llocating the book budget: a m odel,” 192- 99; comment, 3 7 0 -7 1 ; letter to the ed., 370-71 L Lancaster, F. W ilfred, ed., Pro­ ceedings o f the 1972 Clinic on L. Applications o f Data Pro­ cessing: Applications o f On- Line Computers to L. Prob­ lems, rev. of, 134; Proceedings o f the 19 73 Clinic on L. A p ­ plications o f Data Processing: N etw orking and Other Forms o f Cooperation, rev. o f, 380 “ Large ls. and information desks,” Harrelson, 2 1 -2 7 “ Late-study areas: a means o f ex­ tending 1. hours,” Beeler, 200- 203 Learning Resources Centers: Se­ lected Readings, Pearson and Butler, rev. o f, 58-59 Lederer, Norman, rev. (W hat Black Lns. A re Saying), (C & R L , July 1 9 7 3 ), com ­ ment, 50-51 Lee, Sul H., A Challenge for A cadem ic Ls.; H ow to M oti­ vate Students to Use the L., rev. of, 2 1 7 -1 8 ; Planning- Programming-Budgeting Sys­ tem (PPBS): Implications for L. M anagement, rev. o f, 21 5- 16 Leitz, Richard, letter to the ed., 52 L eopold, Carolyn C., rev. (Learn­ ing Resources Centers), 58 -59 Letters, 4 7 -5 4 ; 133; 2 1 1 -1 3 ; 295- 98; 370-71 Libraries in the Political Scene, Dosa, rev. of, 460-61 “ Library access and the mobility o f users,” Kaser, 28 0-84 Library Association Media Cata­ loging Rules Committee, N on- Book Materials Cataloging Rules; Integrated C ode o f Prac­ tice and Draft Revision o f the Anglo-Am erican Cataloging Rules British Text Part III, rev. o f, 2 9 9-30 0 “ Library cooperation: the ideal and the reality,” Reynolds, 4 24-31 “ Library cooperative develop­ ments,” s125-26 “ Library management by objec­ tives: the humane w ay,” Fields, 34 4 -4 9 “ Library management intern pro­ gram,” s58 “ Library manpower requirements studied,” s98 Library M edia Center Problems, Case Studies, C obu m , rev. of, 1 36-37 The Library o f Congress, G ood - rum, rev. o f, 45 8 -5 9 “ Library resources in the U.S.,” Downs, 9 7 -1 0 8 ; comment, 298 “ Library service from numerical data bases: the 1970 census as a paradigm ,” R ow e and Ryan, 7-15 Lipsman, Claire K., The Disad­ vantaged and L. E ffectiveness, rev. o f, 214 “ L ooking forw ard/lo o k in g back ,” D ougherty, editorial, 241 Lubans, John, Jr., rev. (C om ­ puter-Based R eferen ce Service), 37 9-80 Lynch, Beverly P., “ The academic 1. and its environment,” 126- 32; comm ent, 2 9 7 -9 8 ; “ A framework for a comparative analysis o f 1. work,” 4 3 2 -4 3 M C M cClure, Charles R., rev. (A r­ chives Procedural Manual), 37 3 -7 4 ; rev. (Reader in G ov­ ernment D ocum ents), 140 M cD onald, John P., port. & prof., s237 M cFeely, W illiam S., “ The civility o f scholars,” 28 6-90 McGrath, W illiam E., letter to the ed., 3 7 0 ; comm ent, 371 M “ The management review and analysis program: an assisted self-study to secure constructive change in the management o f research Is.,” W ebster, 11 4-25 Marchant, Maurice P., letter to the ed., 29 7-98 Marshall, Peter, “ H ow much, how often?,” 4 5 3 -5 6 Mason, Ellsworth, rev. (Organi­ zation and Staffing o f the Ls. o f Columbia Univ.), 3 0 0 -3 0 2 Massman, Virgil F ., letter to the ed., 52-53 Mathies, Lorraine M ., and W at­ son, Peter G., Computer-Based R eferen ce Service, rev. o f, 3 7 9 - 80 M ethods o f Financing Interlibrary Loan Services, Palmour, Olson and Roderer, rev. o f, 45 7 -5 8 Miller, Laurence, “ The role o f circulation services in the ma­ jor univ. 1.,” (C & R L , Nov. 1 9 7 3 ), comm ent, 212 Moffett, W . A ., “ The academ ic job crisis: a unique opportuni­ ty, or business as usual?” (C & R L , M ay 1 9 7 3 ), com ­ ments, 48, 52-53 Monke, Arthur, s127 “ Monke joins Committee to R e­ vise Standards,” s127 The M onthly Catalog o f U.S. G overnm ent Publications; A n Introduction to Its Use, Burke and W ilson, rev. o f, 134-35 CUMULATIVI MONTHI At last, one source o f subject access to 20 This new fifteen volume single-alphabet index set is the largest and most comprehensive subject index to U .S . Government publications ever produced. It can be purchased either by itself, or as the key component of our U .S . M O N T H L Y C A T A L O G S U B J E C T R E F E R E N C E S Y S T E M This complete system contains the Index plus 106 full size reprint volumes of the M onthly Catalog, issued during the years 1895-1962— including the 30 volume “ Classes A dded” Edition (fo r 1895-1924) to which previously missing Superintendent o f Documents Class Numbers were added under the supervision o f Mary Elizabeth Poole. A ll reprint volumes are specially bound and marked for easiest use with the Cumulative Subject Index. Send for our free brochure on the M onthly Catalog Subject R eference System. It includes details o f our unique offer o f free “ interim use” microfilm reels which can be used before (and after) com ­ plete sets o f reprint volumes are delivered. Meanwhile, the Cumulative Subject Index may also be purchased in the Combined R eferen ce Edition which, as explained on the coupon, includes the complete Monthly Cata­ log on Microfilm. Note: On January 1 5 ,1 9 7 5 , The Pre-Publication Price Goes Up From $965 To $1,160 We know this is a healthy 20% price increase. What we want you to know is that the content of the index volumes has increased an even healthier 30% since we first set the price (based on an estimate o f 10,000 two-column pages in 14 volumes). But by the time we got to “ Zythia” (the last entry) we had produced more than 13,000 pages, which will be bound in 15 volumes. Put another way, the set increased from some 1.4 million lines to more than 1.8 million lines, and that’s a lot of cumulative indexing at any price. Century U.S. Government Publications SUBJECT INDEX TO THE CATALOG OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 1900-1971 “In this ambitious new library tool, cumulative access is brought for the first time to the over­ whelming majority of United States Government publications issued during the period 1900- 1971. In this, it is an accomplishment unrivaled in size and scope. Documents librarians will find it a new and convenient time-saver and one which should offer them an additional means of providing an expanded Government publications service to their patrons.” from the Foreword by Carper W. Buckley U.S. Superintendent o f Documents, 1952-1970 T he unique new C U M U L A T IV E SU B JE C T IN D E X will eliminate 34 search steps which were form erly necessary to trace subjects through these indexes to 20th Century U.S. G o v ­ ernment publications: — 21 Biennial D ocu m en t Catalogs ( 1 9 0 0 -1 9 4 0 ), — 2 D ecennial In d exes ( 1 9 4 1 - 1 9 6 0 ) , and — 11 Annual In d exes ( 1 9 6 1 -1 9 7 1 ). A ll subject entries in the fifteen volum e cumulative index were accumulated from 81 separate sources in the M onthly Catalog series and merged into one reference set. T h ese sources in­ clude: 48 Annual Indexes to the M onth ly Catalog, 2 Decennial Indexes, (1 9 4 1 -1 9 5 0 ; 1951- 1 9 6 0 ), 1 Six-month Index, and 30 M on th ly Catalogs fo r which no annual indexes were made. When you need objective information on library equipment, furniture, and supplies, there is only one published authority—Library Technology Reports. Library Technology Reports is a unique bimonthly consumer publication of the Amer­ ican Library Association. LTR is designed to provide c ritic a l, o b je ctive evaluations of products used in libraries, media centers, and other educational institutions. THE AUTHORITY. Testing and evaluation are conducted by nationally recognized independent testing laboratories and consultants, among which are R. A. Morgan Company (microform read­ ers); United States Testing Company (audio­ visual equipment); William R. Hawken As­ sociates (microform reader/printers); and Buyers Laboratory Inc. (photocopiers, type­ writers, steel library shelving, and library furniture). For additional information and a sample issue, write to: L IB R A R Y TEC H N O LO G Y R E P O R T S , AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 50 EAST HURON STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60611 295 Murfin, Marjorie E., and Hen­ drick, “ Project 1. ripoff: a study o f periodical mutilation in a univ. 1.,” 40 2 -1 1 N National L. o f Canada, Resources Survey Section, Research C ol­ lections in Canadian Ls., rev. of, 4 5 9 -6 0 Neal, Kenneth W illiam et al., British A cadem ic L s.y rev. of, 2 1 4 -1 5 Nettleman, James, letter to the ed., 133 N ew England Coll. and Research Lns., m eeting, s4 News From the Field, s5-15; s29- 42; s53-64; s79-87; s100- 107; s129-36; S159-68; S185-97; s222-31; s253-62; s275-80 News From the Sections, s231- 32 Niilus, W alter E., letter to the ed., 371 Nitecki, Joseph Z., rev. (Reader in L. C ooperation), 13 7-39 N on-B ook Materials Cataloging Rules; Integrated C ode o f Practice and D raft Revision o f the A nglo-A m erican Catalog­ ing Rules British Text Part III, prepared by the L. Association Media Cataloging Rules C om ­ mittee, 2 9 9 -3 0 0 Novak, Gloria J., rev. ( A cadem ic L. Buildings, A Guide to Archi­ tectural Issues and Solutions, E llsworth) (C & R L , Sept. 1 9 7 3 ), comm ent, 5 3 -5 4 o O ’ Connell, Thomas F., rev. (R e­ search C ollections in Canadian Ls.), 459-60 O ’ Hara, Frederick J., ed., Reader in Governm ent D ocum ents, rev. o f, 140 Olson, E dw in E., and Roderer and Palmour, M ethods o f F i­ nancing Interlibrary Loan Ser­ vices, rev. o f, 457-58 Organization and Staffing o f the Ls. o f Colum bia University, prepared by B ooz, A llen & Hamilton, Inc., rev. o f, 300- 302 “ Organizations endorsing the statement on faculty status,” s27, s1 0 9 ; correction, s65 Other Books o f Interest to A ca ­ dem ic Lns., 6 1 -6 2 ; 1 4 0 -4 1 ; 2 1 8 -2 0 ; 3 0 3 ; 3 8 0 -8 2 ; 4 6 1 -6 2 “ Overdue p olicies: a comparison o f alternatives,” Baaske, T olli­ ver and W esterberg, 3 5 4 -5 9 “ An overlooked cost o f achieving a participatory environment,” A xford, editorial, 5 -6 ; com ­ ment, 2 1 1 -1 2 ; 2 9 5 -9 6 P Painter, Ann F ., “ Change! Change! C hange!,” editorial, 16 1-62 Palmour, Vernon E., Bellassai, Marcia C., and Gray, L ucy M., A ccess to Periodical Resources: A National Plan, rev. o f, 4 5 7 - 58 Palmour, Vernon E., Olson, E d­ win E ., and Roderer, Nan­ cy K., M ethods o f Financing Interlibrary Loan Services, rev. o f, 4 5 7 -5 8 Pasternack, Howard, rev. (A p p li­ cation o f C om puter T ech nology to L. Processes), 13 5-36 Pearson, Neville P. and Butler, Lucius A ., Learning Resources Centers: S elected Readings, rev. o f, 58-59 Peep, L. and K. Sinkevicius, “ F i­ nancing system o f USSR univ. Is.,” 178-83; comm ent, 371 Penninger, E. Lorraine, “ Librari­ an honored for teaching excel­ lence,” s305 People, s16-19; s43; s65-66; s89- 91; s117-18; s141-43; s168-69; s199-203; s237-39; s263-65; S307-9 Planning - Programming - Budget System (PPBS): Implications fo r L. M anagem ent, Lee, ed., rev. o f, 2 1 5 -1 6 Pownall, D avid, correction, s32 P roceedings o f the 1972 Clinic on L. Applications o f Data Processing: Applications o f O n- L ine Com puters to L. Prob­ lems, Lancaster, ed., rev. of, 134 Proceedings o f the 19 7 3 Clinic on L. Applications o f Data Processing: N etw ork and O th­ er Form s o f Cooperation, rev. o f, 38 0 “ Project 1. ripoff: a study o f pe­ riodical mutilation in a univ. 1.,” Hendrick and Murfin, 4 0 2 - 11 Publications, Sİ4-15; s38-42; s63- 64; s83-87; s106-7; s135-36; s163-68; s193-97; s227-31; s260-62; s279-80 Pulsifer, Josephine S., and Beck­ er, Applications o f Com puter T ech nology to L. Processes: A Syllabus, rev. o f, 135-36 Q R Raffel, Jeffrey A ., “ From eco­ nom ic to political analysis o f 1. decision m aking,” 4 1 2 -2 3 “ Ranking structure instituted in D uke Is.,” s216 “ Rate o f growth for 1. collec­ tions,” Heinritz, 9 5 -9 6 Rawski, Conrad, ed.. Toward a T heory o f Librarianship: Pa­ pers in H onor o f Jesse Hauk Shera, rev. o f, 5 7 -5 8 ; com ­ ment, 213 Reader in G overnm ent D o cu ­ m ents, O ’ Hara, ed., rev. of, 140 Reader in L. Cooperation, Reyn­ olds, rev. of, 13 7-39 Reader in M edical Librarianship, Sewell, ed., rev. o f, 60-61 Recent Publications, 5 5 -6 8 ; 134- 4 1 ; 2 1 4 -2 3 ; 2 9 9 -3 0 6 ; 3 7 2 -8 2 ; 4 5 7 -6 2 “ Reference-bibliographers in the coll. 1.,” Gration and Young, 2 8 -3 2 ; comm ent, 133; 212, 213 R eferen ce Services for Under­ graduate Students: Four Case Studies, W ilkinson, rev. of, 2 1 6 -1 7 Research C ollections in Canadian Ls., National L. o f Canada, Resources Survey Section, rev. o f, 4 5 9 -6 0 Research Ls. Group, “ R L G chooses director, gets M ellon grant,” s21 3-1 5 Research Ls. and T ech nology: A R eport to the Sloan Founda­ tion, Fussier, rev. o f, 37 5 -7 6 Retirements, s19; s43; s66; s 9 1; s1 1 8 ; s143; s202; s239; s265; s309 R eynolds, Elsie, rev. (R eferen ce Services for Undergraduate Students), 2 1 6 -1 7 Reynolds, M ichael M ., “ Library cooperation: the ideal and the reality,” 4 2 4 -3 1 ; R eader in L. Cooperation, rev. o f, 13 7-39 Richards, James H., Jr., port. & prof., s199 R ift, L eo R., letter to the ed., 4 7 - 48 Roderer, Nancy K., Palmour and Olson, M ethods o f Financing Interlibrary Loan Services, rev. o f, 4 5 7 -5 8 “ The role o f circulation services in the m ajor univ. 1.,” M iller (C & R L , N ov. 1 9 7 3 ), com ­ ment, 212 R ow e, Judith S. and Mary Ryan, “ Library service from numeri­ cal data bases: the 1970 census as a paradigm ,” 7 -1 5 Ryan, Mary and R ow e, “ Library service from numerical data bases: the 1970 census as a paradigm ,” 7 -1 5 s Sable, Martin H., International and A rea Studies Librarian­ ship, Case Studies, rev. o f, 372 Saffady, W illiam , “ A univ. ar­ chives and records management program : some operational guidelines,” 2 0 4 -1 0 Scott, Barbara G ., port. & prof., s237 Segre, Rose, “ University ls. in Italy: the crisis persists,” 184- 91 “ Selected reference books o f 1 9 7 2 -7 3 ,” Sheehy, 3 5 -4 6 “ Selected reference books o f 1 9 7 3 -7 4 ,” Sheehy, 24 2-51 Sewell, W in ifred, ed., Reader in M edical Librarianship, rev. of, 60-61 Sheehy, Eugene P., “ Selected ref­ erence books o f 1 9 7 2 -7 3 ,” 3 5 - 4 6 ; “ Selected reference books o f 1 9 7 3 -7 4 ,” 24 2 -5 1 Shera, Jesse H ., letter to the ed., 213 Shockley, A nn Allen, “ Black book review ing: a case for 1. action,” 16-20 “ Siberian F olklore,” s87 Simon, John Y., “ Editorial proj­ ects as derivative archives,” 2 9 1 -9 4 Sinkevicius, K. and Peep, “ F i­ nancing system o f USSR univ. Is.,” 1 7 8 -8 3 ; comm ent, 371 Smith, Harriet W ., letter to the ed., 48 Smith, Jessie Carney, “ Special collections o f black literature in the traditionally black co ll.,” 3 2 2 -3 5 Sources o f Inform ation in the So­ cial Sciences: A G uide to the Literature, 2 ed., W hite, rev. o f, 3 7 2 -7 3 Sparks, Rita, letter to the ed., 2 9 6 -9 7 “ Special collections o f black liter­ ature in the traditionally black c o ll.,” Smith, 3 2 2 -3 5 Sproat, A nabel, letter to the ed., 133 “ State Postsecondary Education Commissions,” s l9 8 “ State-wide contracts for 1. m a­ terials: an analysis o f the at­ tendant dysfunctional conse­ quences,” Boyer, 86-94 Stevens, Charles H ., port. & prof., s 168 296 Stevens, Norman D ., rev. (Strat­ egies for Change in Informa­ tion Programs), 37 6; rev. (T o ­ w ard a Theory o f Librarian­ ship), 5 7 -5 8 ; comment, 213 Stevens, Rolland E., “ A study o f interlibrary loan,” 336-43 Stimson, Catherine R., Discrim­ ination Against W o m en : Con­ gressional Hearings on Equal Rights in Education and Em ­ ploym ent, rev. o f, 59-60 Strategies for Change in Inform a­ tion Programs, Hug, rev. of, 376 “ A study o f interlibrary loan,” Stevens, 33 6-43 “ A study o f job satisfaction in six univ. Is.,” Vaughn and Dunn, 163-77 Stueart, Robert D ., The Area Specialist Bibliographer: An Inquiry into His Role, rev. of, 56 -5 7 ; “ E X C H AN G E, any­ one?,” editorial (C & R L , Sept. 1 9 7 3 ), comments, 51, 52; rev. (T h e Doctoral Dissertation as an Information Source: A Study o f Scientific Inform ation Flow ), 3 7 4 -7 5 “ The Supreme Court Obscenity D ecisions,” s54 A System for Inter-L . Communi­ cation (SILC ), Hayes, rev. of, 45 7-58 T Tanis, Norman E., “ Annual re­ port o f the president, 1973- 74,” S154-57 Targets for Research in L. E du­ cation, Borko, rev. o f, 139 Tarr, Susan Akerstrom, “ Effective group process for Is.: a focus on committees,” 444-52 “ Task force on wom en job ros­ ter,” s180 Taylor, James B., letter to the ed., 51 “ Ten-year cumulation o f C hoice announced,” s109 Terwilliger, Gloria, rev. (Film L. Techniques), 3 0 2-3 Thomas, Bruce E., letter to the ed., 51-52 “ $3 50,000 grant awarded to A C R L for Black Administra­ tors Program,” s25 Tilton, James J., letter to the ed., 212 Tjaden, Margaret, rev. (Discrim­ ination Against W om en ), 59-60 “ T o our readers … ,” s271 Tolliver, D on L ., W esterberg and Baaske, “ Overdue policies: a comparison o f alternatives,” 35 4 -5 9 “ T oo many chemistry journals,” 26 8 -6 9 Toward a Theory o f Librarian­ ship: Papers in Honor o f Jesse Hauk Shera, Rawski, rev. of, 5 7 -5 8 ; comment, 213 “ T w o-year guidelines in A -V for­ m at,” s1 13 U The Universal D ecim al Classifi­ cation: The History, Present Status, and Future Prospects of a Large General Classification Scheme, Foskett, rev. o f, 37 8- 79 “ A univ. archives and records management program : some operational guidelines,” Saffa­ dy, 20 4 -1 0 “ University ls. in Italy: the crisis persists,” Segre, 184-91 V Vaughn, W illiam J. and J. D. Dunn, “ A study o f job satisfac­ tion in six univ. Is.,” 163-77 Veaner, Allen B., rev. (Auerbach on Microfilm Readers/Printers), 55 -56 “ Videotape on academ ic 1. gov­ ernance available on loan,” s262 W W alton, Clyde C., “ Access de­ nied? the use o f manuscript material,” introduction, 285 W atson, Peter G ., rev. (P roceed­ ings o f the 19 73 Clinic on L. Applications o f Data Process­ ing), 380 Watson, Peter G., and Mathies, Computer-Based R eferen ce Service, rev. o f, 3 7 9 -8 0 W eber, D avid C., “ The dynamics o f the 1. environment for pro­ fessional staff growth,” 25 9 -6 7 Webster, Duane E., “ The manage­ ment review and analysis pro­ gram: an assisted self-study to secure constructive change in the management o f research Is.,” 114-25 Westerberg, Judy, Baaske and Tolliver, “ Overdue policies: a comparison o f alternatives,” 35 4-59 W hite, Carl M. and others, Sources o f Information in the Social Sciences: A Guide to the Literature, 2 ed., rev. o f, 37 2 - 73 W ilkinson, Billy R., R eferen ce Services for Undergraduate Students: Four Case Studies, rev. of, 21 6-17 Williams, Harold, Book Clubs & Printing Societies o f Great Brit­ ain and Ireland, rev. o f, 377- 78 Williams & W ilkins, “ Librarians win W illiams & W ilkins revers­ al,” s27 Williamson, W . L ., rev. (British Academ ic Ls.), 21 4 -1 5 W ilson, Carol Dugan, and Burke, The M onthly Catalog o f U.S. Governm ent Publications; an Introduction to Its Use, rev. of, 13 4-35 X - Y - Z Young, Arthur P., letter to the ed., 133 Young, Arthur P. and Gration, “ Reference-bibliographers in the coll. 1.,” 2 8 -3 4 ; comment, 133, 21 2-13 Yun, Jai L ., letter to the ed., 2 1 2 - 13 The Technology Application Center of The University of New Mexico T elep h one 505/277-3622 ENERGY INFORMATION CENTER R etrosp ectiv e B ib liogra p h ies w ith A b stra cts & In d ex es w ith quarterly updates and annual cu m u lation s P r e s e n t l y a v a i l a b l e HEAT PIPE TECHNOLOGY HYDROGEN ENERGY NOISE POLLUTION REMOTE SENSING QUARTERLY I n p r e p a r a t i o n C O A L G A S T U R B IN E E N E R G Y S T O R A G E SO L A R W IN D P r o p o s e d G E O T H E R M A L N U C LE A R O C E A N & TIDE M A G N E T O H Y D R O D Y N A M IC S (M H D ) C O A L G A S IF IC A T IO N ELECTRIC P O W E R T R A N S M IS S IO N OIL SH ALE W A S T E H E A T O t h e r b i b i o g r a p h i e s & sym p osia W ASTE GLASS UTILIZATION SYMPOSIUM ON UTILIZATION OF W ASTE GLASS NATURAL RESOURCES ON INDIAN RESERVATIONS (bimonthly) ROLAMITE … Short cou rses c o n d u c t e d i r r e g u l a r l y T h e T e c h n o lo g y A p p lic a tio n C en ter p ro v id e s literature search services fo r a ca ­ dem ia, gov ern m en t and industry. 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