ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries In the N ews Communication. Every day I realize anew just how im portant comm unication is. Lack of or p o o r com m unication can lead to m isunder­ standings (even wars), mistakes, m issed o p ­ portunities, etc. W hether the results are as his­ toric as the recent M ideast peace talks and agreem ent or as routine as an undergraduate understanding how to find journal articles, it is the quality of the communication upon which hinges the success of the interaction. In national associations like ACRL com m u­ nication is crucial. With an international m em ­ bership w e m ust rely on com m unication by m em o, letter, fax, phone, e-mail, or sem ian­ nual meetings. As staff w e are always on the lookout for new and better ways to com m uni­ cate the association’s activities and news per­ taining to academ ic librarianship. To this end I am pleased to announce the creation of C&RL NewsNet, an abridged elec­ tronic edition of C&RL News accessible on the Internet through the G opher server at the Uni­ versity of Illinois at Chicago. Now anyone with access to a gopher server on the Internet can read new s about ACRL and academ ic librarian- ship. We hope that C&RL NewsNet will increase aw areness about ACRL and its activities. De­ tails about w hat is contained in C&RL NewsNet and information describing access to the Go­ ph er is given on the next page. I invite you to try out C&RL NewsNet and send m e an e-mail message with your comm ents and suggestions. O ur articles this m onth also em phasize the im portance of communication. You can read about publicizing preservation efforts, increas­ ing aw areness of electronic projects, and w ork­ ing w ith information technologists to create new professional developm ent opportunities. This issue also includes information about the ACRL committee appointm ent process. Volun­ teer for an ACRL committee and becom e more actively involved in the ACRL communication process. —Mary Ellen Davis Editor & Publisher 4 9 8 / C&RL News