ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1 9 9 3 /5 1 9 ACRL wants you! ACRL seeks volunteers fo r sections, committees, a n d editorial boards A re you interested in contributing to ACRL? There are opportunities for your involve­ m ent in ACRE sections, standing committees, and editorial boards. ACRL needs your su p ­ port to act best on the interests of its members. ACRL dep en d s on m em bers to volunteer for and serve on committees to accomplish its goals and objectives. With over 30 standing commit­ tees and ló5 section committees there are lots of opportunities for serving ACRL. This article gives you a brief description of h o w the ACRL appointm ent process works. Appointm ents: The process Appointments are m ade at both the section and division levels. The ACRL president is respon­ sible for the comm ittee appointm ents at the division level for the year he or she serves as president. Likewise, section chairs are respon­ sible for committee appointm ents in their re­ spective sections the year they serve as chair. Committee slates are usually com pleted shortly after the Midwinter Meeting during the year in which the individual serves as president-elect o r chair-elect. T he ACRL A p p o in tm e n ts & Nominations Committee assists the president­ elect in this process in an advisory capacity. Factors influencing a p p o in tm en t Although the em phasis in the appointm ent may vary from year to year according to the pre­ rogatives of the president and section chairs, the same factors are considered. They include: • E v id e n c e o f p o t e n t i a l c o m m it t e e m em b e r ’s interest: Have you attended the meetings and introduced yourself to the chair? Do you have previous experience that relates to the w ork of the committee? Have you indi­ cated your interest on the application? • D e m o g r a p h ic s a n d c o m p o s it io n o f com m ittee: W hen making appointm ents an effort is m ade to keep the m em bership of a comm ittee balanced with respect to type of li­ brary (com m unity college, college, or univer­ sity), geographic representation, ethnic diver­ sity, a n d gender. In addition, som e committees have special requirem ents. For example, one m em ber of the Professional Education Com­ mittee m ust be a library educator; the Mem­ bership and Legislative Committees have strict regional representation requirem ents. • T he r e c o m m e n d a tio n o f th e cu rren t c o m m itte e chair: Current com m ittee chairs are asked to suggest potential mem bers. Al­ tho u g h all of these factors are considered, the final a p p o in tm e n t is the prerogative of the ACRL p resident-elect a n d the section chair- elects. H o w to a p p ly 1. S elect th e c o m m itte e s th a t in te r e s t yo u . The ALA H andbook o f O rganization lists all of ACRL’s committees and their charges. (ALA m em bers may obtain a free copy of the hand­ b ook by calling (800) 545-2433, ext. 4287.) Attend the com m ittee’s meetings at the Mid­ w inter Meeting and Annual Conference to help you decide if those are the activities that inter­ est you. 2. In trod u ce y o u r se lf. Talk with commit­ tee mem bers. Express your interest to the com ­ m ittee chair. Explain how you might contrib­ ute to the w ork of the committee. 3. Subm it a v o lu n te e r form . Complete the volunteer form that is printed each year in a fall issue of C&RL News (or request one from the C&RL News office). Be sure to cover all of the items asked for in background information. If you have attended committee meetings or programs, m ention that. Fill out one form for ACRL division comm ittees and a different form for each ACRL section you w ant to volunteer for. Send the division volunteer form to Suzanne H. Calpestri at the address on the bottom of the volunteer form; send the section volunteer forms to the appropriate section chair-elects at the addresses given elsew here in this article. Ed. note: The ideas in this article are based on the work o f the 1991-92 Appointments & Nominations Committee chaired by Marion Reid a n d on the article by Pat Rom, C&RL News, October 1990, pp. 885-86. 5 2 0 /C& RL News 4. V o lu n teer again . . . a n d again. If you are not successful in being a p p o in ted one year, volunteer again the next year . . . a n d the next. Rem em ber that a m ultitude of factors— n u m ­ b e r o f a p p o in tm en ts m ade, n u m b e r of v o lu n ­ teers for ea ch com m ittee, n u m b e r of v o lu n ­ teers from your type of library or your geographic area— determ ine the actual appointm ent, and these factors change from year to year. C o m m o n ly a s k e d questions 1. W hat is t h e r o le o f a n in te r n o n a c o m m itt e e a n d s h o u ld I s a y th a t I a m w i l l ­ in g to b e on e? Internships w ere cre a te d to e x p a n d the op p o rtu n ities for participation in ACRL. T he only difference b e tw e e n an intern a n d a regular a p p o in tm e n t is th e term of ser­ vice. Interns m ay only serve for o n e year. 2. If I am a p p o in te d as a n in te r n w ill I au to m a tica lly b e a p p o in te d to th e c o m m it­ tee? Not necessarily. The p u rp o se of th e in­ tern sh ip is to ex p o se m em bers to th e w o rk of ACRL. Serving as an intern can be a positive learning e x p e rien c e th at can b e a p p lie d to o th er w o rk of th e organization. A ppointm ents are still th e prerogative o f the president-elect or section chair-elects a n d rea p p o in tm e n t is n o t autom atic. 3. W hat are m y c h a n c e s o f b e in g r e a p ­ p o in te d o n c e I a m se r v in g o n a c o m m it­ tee? It varies. Committees n e e d b o th continu­ ity a n d n e w i d e a s a n d e n e r g y . S o m e president-elects o p t for very few re a p p o in t­ m ents because o f a desire for w ider participa­ tion and greater diversity. Sometimes there is a n e e d for specific projects to b e finished a n d continuity is im portant. 4. S h o u ld I give u p i f I a m n o t a p p o in te d th e fir st tim e I su b m it a v o lu n te e r form ? Absolutely not. Rem em ber there are often m ore p eo p le willing to serve than there are places. K eep subm itting your forms. A high percen t­ age of m em bers w h o subm it form s are a p ­ p o in ted to a committee. ACRL section ap p o in tm en ts ACRL has 16 sections (their nam es are listed below ). You will find a description of their ar­ eas of responsibility in the ALA H andbook o f O rganization, 1993-94. The chair-elect of a section appoints the chair a n d m em bers of all section comm ittees. Most of these appointm ents are m ade in the spring for term s beginning im m ediately after the ALA Annual Conference. If you w ould like to be considered for appointm ent as chair or m em ­ b e r of a section com m ittee, fill out the ACRL Com m ittee V olunteer Form and mail it to the chair-elect of the appropriate section listed b e ­ low before D ecem ber 15, 1993. A fro-A m erican Studies L ibrarian S e c tio n . Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Michael C. Walker, 849 W. W ythe Street, Petersburg, VA 23803-4007. A n th r o p o lo g y a n d S o c io lo g y S ection . Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Margaret R. Dittemore, 8711 G rant Street, Bethesda, MD 20817. Arts S e c tio n . Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Lynn B. Williams, 254 Creek Nation Drive, Auburn, AL 36830. A sian, A frican, a n d M iddle E astern S ection . Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Brenda E. Bickett, 1201 S. Scott #719, Arlington, VA 22204. B ib lio g r a p h ic I n s tr u c t io n S e c tio n . Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Katherine A. Branch, Kline Science Library, Yale University, 219 Prospect Street, N ew Haven, CT 06511. C o lleg e Libraries S ectio n . Vice-Chair/Chair- Elect: Susan McCarthy Campbell, Schmidt Li­ brary, York College of Pennsylvania, York, PA 17405-7199. C o m m u n ity a n d J u n io r C o lleg e Libraries S ectio n . Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Susan M. Malt­ ese, 2Ó2-E E ggleston A venue. Elm hurst, IL 60126. E d ucation a n d B eh avioral S cien ces S ection. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Nancy O ’Brien, 802 S. Urbana Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801. E x te n d e d C a m p u s L ibrary S e r v ic e s S ec­ t i o n . V i c e - C h a i r / C h a i r - E l e c t : K a t h le e n O ’C onnor, Foley Center, G onzaga University, East 502 B oone, Spokane, WA 99258. Law a n d P o lit ic a l S c ie n c e S e c tio n . Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Ronald J. Heckart, IGS Li­ brary, University of California, 109 Moses Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720. Rare B o o k s a n d M an u scrip ts S ectio n . Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Lisa M. Browar, T he New York Public Library, Room 316, Fifth A venue & 42nd Street, N ew York, NY 10018. October 1993/521 S c ie n c e a n d T e c h n o lo g y S e c tio n . Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: K atharine E. Clark, E2O5 Pattee Library, Penn State University, Univer­ sity Park, PA 16802. Slavic a n d East E u ro p ea n S e c tio n . Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Alan P. Pollard, 233 Buena Vista Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48103- U n iv e r s ity L ibraries S e c tio n . V ice-C hair/ Chair-Elect: Nancy L. Baker, W ashington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. W estern E uropean Specialist Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Thomas D. Kilton, University of Illinois Library-425, 1408 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. W o m en ’s Studies Section. Vice-Chair/Chair- Elect: Lori A. Goetsch, 935 Sunset Lane, East Lansing, MI 48823. ACRL com m ittee appointm ents ACRL has about 30 standing com m ittees to which appointm ents may be made. These in­ clude: Academic Library Statistics, Academic Sta­ tus, ACRL Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award, Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, Audiovisual, Budget and Finance, Con­ stitution and Bylaws, Copyright, Doctoral Dis­ sertation Fellowship, Government Relations, In­ t e r n a t i o n a l R e la tio n s , S a m u e l L a z e ro w Fellowship for Research in Acquisitions or Tech­ nical Services, Membership, MLA Bibliography Scope and Overlap, Orientation, Planning, Pro­ fessional Education, Professional Liaison, Pub­ lications, Racial and Ethnic Diversity, Research, K. G. Saur Award for Best College a n d Research Libraries Article, and Standards and Accredita­ tion. You will find the committees listed with a description of their charges in the ALA H a n d ­ book o f Organization. A ppointm ents to ACRL standing com m it­ tees are m ade in the spring for term s beg in ­ ning im m ediately after the ALA Annual Con­ ference. The A ppointm ents and Nom inations Committee recom m ends to the president-elect of ACRL the nam es of m em bers w h o might fill the vacancies. The president-elect m akes the final appointm ents. If you are interested in being c onsidered for an appointm ent to an ACRL com m ittee, you should com plete the ACRL Com m ittee V olunteer Form included in this issue of C&RL News and mail it to the C hair o f A p p o in tm e n ts a n d N o m in atio n s, Suzanne H. Calpestri, head, C ooperative Ser­ vices, University o f California-Berkeley, Uni­ versity Library, Berkeley, CA 94720; (510) 642- 3773; e-mail: scalpest@, before D ecem ber 15, 1993- Editorial boards ACRL has six editorial boards: • the Choice Editorial Board; • the College & Research Libraries Editorial Board; • the College & Research Libraries Afews Edi­ torial Board; • the New Publications Editorial Board; • the Publications in Librarianship Edito­ rial Board; • the Rare Books & M anuscripts Librarian- ship Editorial Board. I f interested in an appointment to an ACRL committee, complete the ACRL Committee Volunteer Form (see page 522). A ppointm ents to editorial boards are m ade during the spring for term s that begin im m e­ diately after the ALA Annual Conference. The editors recom m end the nam e of a p erso n to fill the vacancy. The Publications Committee m ust approve the recom m endation, and the p resident of ACRL m akes the appointm ent. If you w ould like to be considered for ap­ pointm ent to an editorial board, contact the editor of the editorial board. Choice Editor: Patricia Sabosik, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. College & Research Libraries Editor: Glori- ana St. Clair, Assistant Dean and H ead of Infor­ m ation Access Services, E5O6 Pattee Library, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802. College & Research Libraries News Editor: Mary Ellen Davis, C&RL News, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. New Publications Editor: Mary Ellen Davis, at the address listed in entry above. P u b l ic a t io n s in L i b r a r ia n s h ip E d ito r: S tephen E. W iberley, Jr., University of Illinois at Chicago University Library, Chicago, IL 60680. Rare Books & M anuscripts Librarianship Editor: Sidney E. Berger, University of Cali­ fornia, University Library, P.O. Box 5900, Riv­ erside, CA 92517-5900. ■ 5 2 2 /C& RL News ACRL VOLUNTEER FORM ACRL w ould like you to participate in its activities. To volunteer, please com plete the form a n d return it to the appropriate individual. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: O n a separate single sheet of p a p e r briefly sum m arize your background and activities in the following areas: • ALA professional activities; • ACRL professional activities; • state and regional offices held and com m ittee appointm ents; • educational background a n d /o r other professional experience that will assist the com m ittee in the appointm ent process; • publications; • express your professional concerns and the contribution that you can m ake tow ard strengthening ACRL; • list any other professional organizations to w hich you belong. Please indicate those organizations (if any) for w hich you w ould be willing to serve as the ACRL liaison. Note: M e m b e r s h ip in ALA a n d ACRL is r e q u ir e d . A tte n d a n c e a t M id w in te r M eetin g a n d A n n u a l Con­ f e r e n c e is r e q u ir e d . RETURN THIS FORM TO: (Use duplicate forms if you are interested in bo th a standing commit­ tee and a section appointm ent.) ACRL S e c tio n C om m ittees: If you w ould like to serve o n a section com m ittee, send this form to the appropriate vice-chair/chair-elect b e f o r e D e c e m b e r 1 5 , 1 9 9 3 - You m ust be a m em ­ b e r o f the section to be considered for appointm ent. S tan d in g C om m ittees: If you are interested in serving on one of the standing committees, com plete this form and return it to: Suzanne H. Calpestri, head, C ooperative Services, U niversity o f C alifornia-B erkeley, U niversity Library, B erkeley, CA 94720; (510) 642- 3773; fax: (510) 642-9293e-mail: scalpest@ Forms m ust be returned by D e c e m b e r 1 5 , 1 9 9 3 , for you to b e considered for appointm ent. October 1993/523