ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1993/531 Steven Herb, associate li­ brarian and head of the Edu­ cation Library at Penn State University, and his colleague Barbara Marinak, president of the Children’s Literature C ouncil o f P e n n sy lv a n ia , have received the Best Pro­ gram Series D esigned for Children Award for excel­ lence in broadcasting from the Pennsylvania Association o f B r o a d c a s te r s . T h e ir weekly radio program, “Cur­ rents and Classics for Kids,” is broadcast from Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, and has been honored three years in a row. Ravindra N. Sharm a, director of libraries at the University of Evansville, Indiana, becam e president of the Asian/Pacific American Librar­ ians Association (APALA) in July for the year 1993-94. An active professional, Sharma has served on m any committees at ALA, ACRL, and APALA. He organized the first American/South Asian Librarians Conference held in New Delhi, India, in 1992 as a pre-IFLA conference. Sharma is the recipient of many grants, awards, and honors. He has authored five books and over 150 articles, editorials, interviews, reports, and book reviews and is the editor of Library Times International. Sharma received his B.A. and m aster’s degree in history from the University of Delhi, an MLS from North Texas State Uni­ versity, and a Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Appointments K a th r y n H a m m e ll C a r p e n te r h a s b e e n nam ed university librarian at Valparaiso Uni­ versity (VU), Indiana. She most recently served as acting head of regional sites for the Univer­ sity of Illinois at Chicago’s (UIC) Library of Health Sciences. She also served at UIC as ac­ quisitions librarian and bibliographer for the Library of the Health Sciences, and as associate professor. Carpenter received her B.A. and MLS d e g re e s from th e U niversity o f Illinois at Urbana-Cham paign. A distinguished mem ber P e o p le in t h e News of the Academy of Health In­ formation Professionals, Car­ p e n te r has also p re p a re d several issues of Price In ­ dexes: U.S. Periodicals f o r A m erican Libraries. Peter V. D e ek le has been appointed college librarian at W heaton College, Norton, Massachusetts. Formerly uni­ v e r s ity lib r a r i a n at S u s q u e h a n n a U n iv ersity , Selingsgrove, Pennsylvania, Deekle has held several aca­ demic library and administrative positions in Maryland and Pennsylvania, and has served as president of the Pennsylvania Library Associa­ tion and as administrator of various regional consortia. K a th le e n d e la P e ñ a M cC ook h a s b e e n nam ed director of the Division of Library and Information Science at the University of South Florida. McCook has served at Louisiana State University since 1983 as dean of the Graduate School, dean of the School of Library and In­ formation Science, and professor. From 1978 to 1983 she was a m em ber of the faculty at the G raduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign. McCook holds a B.A. in English from the University of Illinois at Chicago, an M.A. in English from Marquette University, an MLS from the University of Chicago, and a Ph.D. in Library and Information Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. E llen Marks, director of the Information Re­ search and D evelopm ent D epartm ent at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, has been nam ed director of the Shiffman Medical Library at Wayne State University, Detroit. Marks previously served as assistant professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She received a B.A. in English from Ohio State Uni­ versity, and an M.S. in health sciences librari- anship from Case W estern Reserve University. Frank P olach has been appointed university librarian at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Deputy university librarian since 1986, he has b e e n serving as acting university librar­ 532 /C& RL News ian since the sum m er of 1992. Polach began his career at Rutgers as agriculture librarian at Cook College and later becam e the agriculture and botany resource librarian at the uni-versity’s Library of Science and Medicine. He was a p ­ pointed associate director of that library in 1981 and director in 1983- Polach holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Central State Univer­ sity in Edm ond, Oklahoma; an MLS from Co­ lumbia University; and a doctorate in plant pa­ thology from the University of California at Davis. P riscilla F. P om azal has b e e n appointed li­ b r a r ia n o f th e A tlan ta H isto rica l Society. Pomazal earned an MLS from Clark Atlanta Uni­ versity, a m aster’s of education from Georgia College, and a bachelor’s in history from the University of Illinois. She previously w orked as a r e f e r e n c e a s s is ta n t at C lark A tlan ta University’s School of Library and Information Studies Library and has 14 years of instructional experience in public and private education. G lenda A lvin has been nam ed acquisitions a n d collection m anagem ent librarian at Tren­ ton State College, New Jersey. R ichard C. A m elu n g has b e e n prom oted to head of technical services in the Law Library at the Saint Louis University School of Law. C o n n ie Bakker is now cam pus director of educational support services at M ontgom ery College, Takoma Park, Maryland. A n n e N o tley B each has b e e n nam ed sci­ ence librarian at the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries. J o a n n a Brand is now a librarian at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, California. T am iko B row n has b e e n nam ed informa­ tion services librarian at Valdosta State Univer­ sity, Georgia. Elizabeth Burr is now humanities electronic studio librarian at Fondren Library, Rice Uni­ versity, Houston, Texas. E liza b eth C ram er is n o w m o n o g rap h ic cataloger at the University of Colorado at Boul­ der Libraries. Jonathan Estrin is now evening and weekend reference librarian at the Florida International Uni­ versity Libraries, University Park Campus. Suzanne H. Freem an has been nam ed head of collection m anagem ent at the Virginia Com­ m onw ealth University Libraries, Richmond. J en n ifer Fu has been appointed government docum ents librarian at the Florida International University Libraries, University Park Campus. A n g e la F u llin g to n has b e e n a p p o in te d docum ents librarian at North Carolina State Uni­ versity Libraries, Raleigh. Maria Garrido has been nam ed reference/ electronic access librarian at the J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University. Bryn G effert has been appointed reference/ bibliographic instruction librarian at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota. D eb o ra h H o llis has been appointed gov­ ernm ent publications librarian at the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries. E m ily H o m in g is no w reference librarian at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. N an cy H u lin g has been nam ed head of the Reference and Research Services Division at the University of W ashington Libraries, Seattle. K ristin J a c o b se n is now m anagem ent ref­ erence librarian at N orthwestern University Li­ brary, Evanston, Illinois. Lorraine Lazouskas has joined the staff at O e s te r le L ibrary, N o rth C e n tra l C o lleg e , Naperville, Illinois, as access services librarian. V ickery K aye Lebbin has been nam ed re­ so u rce d e v e lo p m e n t access librarian at the Florida International University Libraries, North Miami Campus. J a n ice Lindquist has b e e n nam ed head of acquisitions at Fondren Library, Rice University, Houston, Texas. Jam es C. M illes has been prom oted to head of com puter services in the Law Library at the Saint Louis University School of Law. J e n n ife r L. S. M old w in has been nam ed library consultant at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Sarah Mort has been appointed head of the Circulation D epartm ent at the Donald O. Rod übrary, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls. Lisa A. O berg is now education and infor­ m ation services librarian in the Health Sciences Library and Information Center at the Univer­ sity of W ashington, Seattle. Suzette Radford is now head of circulation at Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illinois. Laurie S am p sel is now music librarian at the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries. N an cy Slight-G ibney has been appointed head of the Acquisitions D epartm ent at the University of Oregon, Eugene. A m y Spare has been appointed coordinator of governm ent publications and microforms at Fondren Library, Rice University, Houston, Texas. J u lie Still is now user education and gen­ eral reference librarian at Trenton State College, New Jersey. October 1993/533 Susan R. Suart has been appointed associ­ ate director of public services at the University of Manitoba Libraries, Winnipeg. Sheryl Sheeres Taylor has been appointed college librarian at Dordt College Library, Sioux Center, Iowa. R aym ond Van D e M oorteil is now curator of printed books at the University of Pennsyl­ vania, Philadelphia. Rui W ang has b e e n nam ed governm ent publications librarian at Northwestern Univer­ sity Library, Evanston, Illinois. Pam ela F. Y orks is now head of the Phys­ ics-Astronomy Library at the University of Wash­ ington, Seattle. Retirements M arilyn Clark, reference librarian at the Uni­ versity of Kansas, retired in July after 28 years of service. Clark was first appointed in 1965 as exchange and gifts librarian, then becam e as­ sociate catalog librarian in 1969, and an associ­ ate reference librarian in 1970. She served as head of the Reference Departm ent from 1970 until 1983 w hen she assum ed her duties as ref­ erence librarian. Harry E. Foster, head librarian of the Andrew G. Truxal Library at Anne Arundel Community College (AACC), Arnold, Maryland, recently retired after 32 years of service. Foster holds a B.A. from Dartmouth College and an MLS from Columbia University. Prior to joining AACC, he held positions at the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, the Maryland Division of Library Extension, and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond. G loria D aw n J e n s o n , chair of the Catalog De­ partm ent at Brigham Young University, retired in August after 39 years of service in Lee Library. C o n n ie McCarthy, assistant head of reference at Northwestern University (NU) since 1972, recently retired from that position. In the 1950s McCarthy served in Germany as a special ser­ vices librarian for the U.S. Army and was in charge of several small libraries in Nuremberg, Hof, and Bidlock. After returning to the U.S., she w orked in Niagara, Potsdam, and Buffalo, New York, as a circulation librarian and bibli­ ographer, then served for two years at the Uni­ versity of Illinois at Chicago before joining NU. She received her MLS from the University of Denver in 1951. H elen P loss, associate head for serials cata­ loging at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ nology, retired in April after 21 years there. H erbert J. Sorgen, head librarian at the State University of New York College of Technol­ ogy at Delhi for 25 years, becam e librarian emeritus there w hen he retired in July. He had served on the faculty there since 1965. Sorgen holds degrees in English and education and received his MLS from the University of Michi­ gan in 1969. Deaths A lson Clark, head of the architecture and Fine Arts Library at the University of Southern Cali­ fornia (USC) from 1959 to 1987, died July 2 at the age of 71. Clark received his bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of California, Berkeley, and his bachelor’s degree in history and his MLS from USC. He began his career in 1956 as a librarian in the Circulation Departm ent at USC’s Doheny Memorial Library. D e n n is G r a m lin g , h e a d of catalo g in g at DePaul University Library, Chicago, died June 11 during surgery. He had previously been as­ sistant catalog librarian at the University of Illi­ nois at Chicago from 1989 to 1992. A memorial scholarship fund has been established in his name at Indiana University, w here Grumling received his MLS. Contributions can be sent to: Dennis K. Grumling Memorial Fund, Indiana U n iv e rs ity F o u n d a t io n , P .O . B ox 500, Bloomington, IN 47402. C harles O’H alloran, former Missouri state li­ brarian, died July 9 after suffering a stroke. He was 66. O ’Halloran served as Missouri state li­ brarian from 1964 to 1985, and was an adjunct professor at the University of Missouri-Colum­ bia School of Library and Information Science. Before that he was director of the Rosenberg Library in Galveston, Texas. He received a B.A. in English from the University of Colorado and an MLS from the University of Denver. ■