ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 3 4 /C&RL News THE DAIDISELSFSC A Deadlines: O rd e rs fo r re g u la r c la s s ifie d a d v e rtis e m e n ts m u s t re a c h th e A C R L o ffic e o n o r b e fo re th e s e c o n d o f th e m o n th p re c e d in g p u b lic a tio n o f th e is s u e (e .g ., S e p te m b e r 2 fo r th e O c to b e r is s u e ). S h o u ld th is d a te fa ll o n a w e e k e n d o r h o lid a y , a d s w ill be a c c e p te d o n th e n e x t b u s in e s s d a y . L a te jo b lis tin g s w ill b e a c c e p te d o n a s p a c e -a v a ila b le b a s is a fte r th e s e c o n d o f th e m o n th . Rates: C la s s ifie d a d v e rtis e m e n ts a re $ 7 .1 0 p e r lin e fo r in s titu tio n s th a t a re A C R L m e m b e rs , $ 9 .0 0 fo r o th e rs . L a te jo b n o tic e s a re $ 1 7 .2 5 p e r lin e fo r in s titu tio n s th a t a re A C R L m e m b e rs , $ 2 0 .5 0 fo r o th e rs . O r g a n iz a tio n s s u b m ittin g a d s w ill b e c h a rg e d a c c o rd in g to th e ir m e m b e rs h ip s ta tu s . D is ­ p la y a d ra te s ra n g e fro m $ 3 2 0 to $ 6 1 0 b a s e d u p o n s iz e . P le a s e c a ll fo r s iz e s a n d ra te s. Guidelines: F o r a d s th a t lis t a n a p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e , w e s u g g e s t th a t d a te b e n o s o o n e r th a n th e 2 0 th d a y o f th e m o n th in w h ic h th e n o tic e a p p e a rs (e .g ., O c to b e r 2 0 fo r th e O c to b e r is s u e ). A ll jo b a n n o u n c e m e n ts s h o u ld in c lu d e a s a la ry fig u re . J o b a n n o u n c e m e n ts w ill b e e d ite d to e x c lu d e d is ­ c rim in a to ry re fe re n c e s . A p p lic a n ts s h o u ld b e a w a re th a t th e te r m s fa c u lty rank a n d status v a ry in m e a n in g a m o n g in s ti­ tu tio n s . Contact: J a ck H elbig, C la ssifie d A dve rtis in g M a n a g e r, C&RL News C la ssifie d A d v e rtis in g D e p a rtm e n t, A C R L , A m e ri­ c a n L ib ra ry A ss o cia tio n , 5 0 E. H uron St., C h ica g o , IL 60611 - 2 7 9 5 ; (312) 2 8 0 -2 5 1 3 ; fa x : (312) 2 8 0 -7 6 6 3 o r (312) 2 8 0 -2 5 2 0 ; e -m a il: U 2 1 8 0 8 @ U IC V M .u ic .e d u . Policy: A L A p o lic y re q u ire s th a t o r g a n iz a tio n s re c ru itin g th ro u g h A L A p u b lic a tio n s o r p la c e m e n t s e rv ic e s c o m p ly w ith A L A a n ti-d is c rim in a tio n p o lic ie s . P o lic y 5 4 .3 s ta te s th a t "A L A is c o m m itte d to e q u a lity o f o p p o rtu n ity fo r a ll lib ra ry e m p lo y e e s o r a p p lic a n ts fo r e m p lo y m e n t, re g a rd le s s o f ra c e , c o lo r, c re e d , s e x , a g e , p h y s ic a l o r m e n ta l h a n d ic a p , in d iv id u a l life -s ty le , o r n a tio n a l o rig in ." B y a d v e rtis in g th ro u g h A L A s e rv ic e s , th e o rg a n iz a tio n a g re e s to c o m p ly w ith th is p o lic y . POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. W e s te rn C o n n e c tic u t S ta te U n iv e rs ity is s e e k in g q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts fo r th e p o s itio n o f A c q u is itio n s L ib ra r­ ian. R e s p o n s ib ilitie s w ill in c lu d e m a n a g in g th e o rd e rin g of lib ra ry m a te ria ls , a d m in is te rin g th e lib ra ry m a te ria ls b u d g e t a n d p a rtic ip a tin g in th e g e n e ra l re s p o n s ib ilitie s o f a lib ra ry fa c u lty m e m b e r in c lu d in g s e rv in g a s lib ra ry lia is o n to a c a d e m ic d e p a rtm e n ts . W ill a ls o be re s p o n s ib le fo r th e te c h n ic a l s e rv ic e s c o m p o n e n t of a n o n lin e c a ta lo g s y s te m . R e q u ire d q u a lific a tio n s : A n M L S d e g re e fro m a n A L A - a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m ; re c e n t p ro fe s s io n a l e x p e rie n c e , in a c q u is itio n s a n d fu n d a c c o u n tin g ; p re v io u s te c h n ic a l s e rv ic e s e x p e rie n c e in c lu d ­ in g d a ta b a s e m a in te n a n c e in an in te g ra te d , a u to m a te d lib ra ry e n v i­ ro n m e n t; e x p e rie n c e in s u p e rv is in g s ta ff; a n d g o o d o rg a n iz a tio n a l an d in te rp e rs o n a l s kills. D e s ire d q u a lific a tio n s : T w o y e a rs e x p e rie n c e b e y o n d th e M L S ; e x p e rie n c e in all a s p e c ts o f te c h n ic a l p ro c e s s in g ; p re v io u s te c h n ic a l s e rv ic e e x p e rie n c e u sin g In n o v a tiv e In te rfa ce s s o ftw a re ; s u b s ta n tia l e x p e rie n c e w ith c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t p o lic ie s a n d a lib ra ry lia is o n p ro g ra m ; a n d e v id e n c e o f p a rtic ip a tio n in p ro fe s ­ s io n a l a c tiv itie s . P o s itio n is e x p e c te d to b e fille d b y J a n u a ry 1994. R a n k a n d s a la ry d e p e n d e n t u p o n q u a lific a tio n s . R e vie w o f a p p lic a ­ tio n s w ill b e g in im m e d ia te ly a n d w ill c o n tin u e until p o s itio n is fille d . S e n d le tte r of a p p lic a tio n a n d re s u m e to : V ija y N air, C h a irp e rs o n , L ib ra ry S e a rc h C o m m itte e , R uth A. H a a s L ib ra ry , Western Connecti­ cut State University, 181 W h ite S t., D a n b u ry , C T 0 6 8 1 0 . W e s te rn C o n n e c tic u t S ta te U n iv e rs ity is a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a ctio n e m p lo y e r. W o m e n a n d m in o ritie s a re e n c o u ra g e d to a p p ly. LIBRARY ACCESS SERVICES AND PERIODICALS ______________ LIBRARIAN_______________ F u ll-tim e , te n u re -tra c k position. S upervises th e o p ­ e rations of the library P eriodicals D e p a rtm e n t; and is responsible fo r the overall co o rd in a tio n of library D o c u m e n t D elivery, In te r-L ib ra ry Loan, and C ircula­ tion. R eports to the A ssistant D ire c to r fo r Technical S ervices and S ystem s. Required; A L A -accredited M a s te r’s degree; th re e ye a rs experience in library periodicals/serials; sup e rv is o ry experience; excel­ lent oral and w ritte n c o m m u n ic a tio n skills; excellent in te rp e rs o n a l, p ro b le m -s o lv in g and planning skills. S econd M a s te r’s degree, k now ledge of a u tom ated circu lation and access services are highly d esirable. Salary: $ 3 0 ,3 1 2 to $ 4 2 ,4 3 9 . Please send cover letter, resum e and nam es and phone n u m b e rs of three references to: C h airperso n, Search C o m m itte e fo r the Access Services and P eriodicals Librarian, R oscoe L. W e s t Library, Tre n to n S tate College, H illw oo d Lakes, CN 4 7 0 0 , T re n to n , NJ 0 8 6 5 0 - 4 7 0 0 . The position w ill stay open until filled. To enrich e duca­ tion th ro u g h diversity, TS C is 1 ) an A A Æ 0E . SSISTANT CURATOR, J a m e s F o rd B ell L ib ra ry , U n iv e rs ity of in n e s o ta L ib ra rie s , is a u n iq u e c o lle c tio n o f ra re b o o ks , m ap s , and a n u s c rip ts d e a lin g w ith th e E u ro p e a n E x p a n s io n fro m 1 400 to 1800. h e lib ra ry w a s e s ta b lis h e d in 1 953 w ith th e d o n a tio n o f 6 0 0 b o o ks o m th e p riva te lib ra ry of J a m e s F o rd B ell, fo u n d in g o f th e G e n e ra l ills C o m p a n y in M in n e a p o lis . C u rre n tly th is c o lle c tio n o f o rig in a l a te ria l c o m p ris e s 1 5 ,00 0 ra re b o o k s, 4 ,0 0 0 m a n u s c rip ts , a nd 2 ,5 0 0 ap s . R e p o rtin g to th e C u ra to r, th e A s s is ta n t C u ra to r p a rtic ip a te s in e s e rv ic e s a n d p ro g ra m s o f th e lib ra ry , in c lu d in g ca ta lo g in g , re fe r­ n c e s e rv ic e fo r u s e rs , a c q u is itio n s , e x h ib its , c o n fe re n c e s , p u b lic a ­ n s , a n d a c tiv itie s o f th e A s s o c ia te s o f th e J a m e s F o rd B ell Library. e s p o n s ib ilitie s : C a ta lo g ra re b o o k s, m ap s , an d m a n u s c rip ts in e s te rn E u ro p e a n la n g u a g e s in a n a u to m a te d e n v iro n m e n t. A s s e s s in d in g a n d re s to ra tio n n e e d s . P ro v id e re fe re n c e s e rv ic e s to sc h o la rs sin g th e c o lle c tio n ; re s p o n d to re s e a rc h q u e s tio n s b y p h o n e o r m ail; s s is t w ith g ra d u a te a n d u n d e rg ra d u a te c la s s e s a n d s e m in a rs ; a s s is t ith c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t. A s s is t w ith p u b lic a tio n s , e xh ib its , c o n ­ re n c e s , a n d o th e r a c tiv itie s , in c lu d in g p ro g ra m s a n d p u b lic a tio n s o f e A s s o c ia te s o f th e J a m e s F o rd B ell L ib ra ry . R e q u ire m e n ts : M a s te r's e g re e in L ib ra ry S c ie n c e fro m a n A L A -a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m o r its re ig n e q u iv a le n t; w o rk in g kn o w le d g e o f W e s te rn E u ro p e a n la n ­ u a g e s ; e d u c a tio n b a c k g ro u n d in h is to ry o r h is to ric a l g e o g ra p h y an d x p e rie n c e w ith ra re b o o k s an d re le v a n t c a ta lo g in g p re fe rre d . S tro ng rb a l a n d w ritte n c o m m u n ic a tio n sk ills. T h is is a tw e lv e -m o n th c a d e m ic p o s itio n w ith p ro b a tio n a ry a p p o in tm e n t at th e ra n k of s s is ta n t L ib ra ria n le v e l. M in im u m s a la ry o f $ 2 6 ,0 0 0 , d e p e n d in g on u a lific a tio n s a n d e x p e rie n c e . A p p lic a n ts s h o u ld s e n d a le tte r of p p lic a tio n d is c u s s in g b a c k g ro u n d a n d e x p e rie n c e re la tin g to th e o s itio n a n d its re q u ire m e n ts ; a re s u m e ; a n d n a m e s an d a d d re s s e s f a t le a s t th re e re fe re n c e s to : L in d a D e b e a u -M e ltin g , L ib ra rie s e rs o n n e l O ffice , 4 5 3 W ils o n L ib ra ry , 3 0 9 N in e te e n th A ve. S outh, niversity of Minnesota, M in n e a p o lis , M N 5 5 4 5 5 . A p p lic a tio n s m us t e p o s tm a rk e d b y D e c e m b e r 1 ‚ 1993. P le a se id e n tify a p p lic a tio n w ith L # 2 1 . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f M in n e s o ta is c o m m itte d to th e p o lic y th a t all e rs o n s sh a ll h a ve e q u a l a c c e s s to its p ro g ra m s , fa c ilitie s , and m p lo y m e n t w ith o u t re g a rd to ra ce , c o lo r, c re e d , re lig io n , n a tio n a l rig in , se x, a g e , m a rita l s ta tu s, d is a b ility , p u b lic a s s is ta n c e sta tu s, te ra n sta tu s, o r s e x u a l o rie n ta tio n . A M m T fr M m m th e tio R W b u a w fe th d fo g e v e a A q a p o P U b U p e o v e October 1 9 9 3 / 5 3 5 COORDINATOR, EDUCATION SERVICES The Academic Information Services and Research (AISR) division of Thomas Jefferson University seeks applications for the position of Coordinator, Education Services. A newly formed division, AISR, is comprised of the Scott Library, the Office of Academic Computing and Medical Media Services. The Coordinator has responsibility for planning, implementing and evaluating an educational program in all areas of knowledge management; overseeing Library staff development activities; and coordinating and managing all marketing activities for AISR. The position provides the successful candidate witri the opportunity to combine skills in teaching traditional curriculum-integrated courses in information literacy with developing and coordinating new courses on a broader range of knowledge management theory and techniques. Required qualifications: an ALA-accredited MLS or master's degree in a related field. Minimum of three years of relevant experience. Knowledge in the design, delivery and evaluation of educational programs. Demonstrated knowledge in at least three of the following areas: information literacy, computer literacy, communications, instructional design, scientific writing, statistical analysis, distance learning, and data visualization. Strong computer, interpersonal, communication and presentation skills. Desired qualification: Experience in a health sciences environment. Thomas Jefferson University is an academic health center located in central Philadelphia, a short walk from museums and historic sites. It consists of a medical college, college of allied health sciences, college of graduate studies and hospital. AISR provides information services to all divisions of the University, has a staff of 64 FTE employees and an annual operating budget of $3.5 million. Qualified applicants should send resume to: Barbara Shearer, Chair, Search Committee, Scott Memorial Library, Thomas Jefferson University, 1020 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107-5587. The University offers an excellent flexible benefits package including 100% tuition reimbursement. Salary range: $35,000-$40,000. Equal Opportunity Employer. Thomas Jefferson University ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR ARCHIVES AND SPE­ CIAL COLLECTIONS. Loyola Marymount University seeks Assistant Librarian for A rchives and Special Collections effective January 17, 1994. The incumbent will provide managerial control of the university’s archive and special collections programs; plan and manage the university’s records m anagement program; acquire, appraise, and inventory archive materials; plan and implement a preservation program; cultivate potential donors; prepare and administer a depart­ mental budget; and provide proper management and supervision of the department and its programs. Requirements include an ALA- accredited m aster’s degree and five years archival experience, with two or more years of administrative experience in library/archive or special collections. Dual m aster’s degree in history and library science, a second subject m aster’s degree or Ph.D., or an A cademy of Certified Archivist certification is desired. Fluency in Latin, G er­ man, or Spanish is highly desirable. Salary range is $31,572 to $44,136 per annum. Application should include a cover letter describ­ ing the applicant’s interest in the position, current curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three profes­ sional references. Review of applications will begin Novem ber 1, 1993. W e offer a com petitive salary and benefits package, including tuition remission. Preference will be given to candidates who are supportive of the unique mission of this university and who enjoy working in high-energy, service-oriented administration. Please send all correspondence to: G. Edward Evans, University Librarian, Loyola Marymount University, 7101 W est 80th St., Los Angeles, CA 90045. LMU values diversity and is com mitted to equal em ployment opportunity and affirmative action. CATALOGER. Under the direction of the Systems Manager the new appointee will w ork with the cataloging staff handling copy and original cataloging m aterials in the general collection and in the major hospital affiliate’s collection. Knowledge of NLM/MESH, LC/LCSH, and AACR2. Experience with a major bibliographic utility (preferably OCLC) and an automated system including an OPAC. Reference desk time required. The library, along with Montefiore Medical Center’s library, utilizes the Library Information System (LIS) devel­ oped by the Dalghren Memorial Library at Georgetown University. The cataloging departm ent has 1 FTE professional and 1.5 FTE support staff. Requirements: Master's Degree from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent. Minimum 12 years experience preferably in an academic or health science library. We seek an individual who can function in a team setting and/or independently as required. The D. Samuel Gottesman Library of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine supports the programs of the Medical School, the Sue Golding G radu­ ate Division, and the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology. The library functions in a dynamic research environm ent with a diverse user population. The College of Medicine is located in a residential area of the Bronx, easily accessible by public transportation and by major highways from the five boroughs and the New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut suburbs. Parking is available. Salary from $28,000. Faculty status, 22 days vacation, excellent benefits. Send resume and three references to: Judie Malamud, Director, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus, D. Samuel Gottesman Library, 1300 Morris Park Ave., Bronx, NY 10461. Applications received by O ctober 2 5 ,1 9 9 3 , will be given first consideration. An equal oppor­ tunity employer. CATALOGER: MONOGRAPHS ORIGINAL CATALOGER (search re­ opened). Reports to the head of the Cataloging Department. Respon­ sible for original and complex copy cataloging of print and nonprint materials with an emphasis on Latin American and Louisiana collec­ tions; uses OCLC and NOTIS systems; participates in Cataloging Department’s policy-making process; assists in training of staff as needed. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; reading knowledge of Spanish and one other modern European lan­ guage with a strong preference for French; knowledge of AACR2, LCRI, LCSH, LC classification, and USMARC formats; strong communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work in a rapidly changing environ­ ment. Preferred: Cataloging experience; working knowledge of a major bibliographic utility and an integrated local system, preferably NOTIS; demonstrated interest in Latin America. Rank and salary dependent on experience, minimum $25,000. Twelve-month academic appointment. Liberal benefits, including tuition waiver for self and undergraduate dependents. Review of applications will begin November 1, 1993, and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. Send a letter of application, resume, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references to Melonie Hughes, Administrative Associate, Howard-Tilton 5 3 6 /C&RL News Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118. Tulane University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CHEMISTRY INFORMATION SPECIALIST. Salary range: Assistant Librarian l-IV: $28,668-$36,696 or Associate Librarian l-V: $35,052- $43,992. Salary subject to a 2.6% reduction through June 30, 1994 with a matching amount deposited to a retirement account. The Science and Engineering Library (S&E) at the University of California, San Diego is seeking an innovative, talented librarian to join our public services team. The S&E Library is highly automated and committed to using technology to provide state-of-the-art services forthe university's programs in the physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering. The Chemistry Information Specialist provides specialized services to users of chemical information; is responsible for collection devel­ opment, faculty liaison, and instructional services for faculty, gradu­ ate and undergraduate students in chemistry and related fields; develops and implements outreach services at the Science and Engineering Reference Desk. UCSD librarians are expected to participate in library-wide planning and to be active professionally. Qualifications: MLS experience in providing reference services in chemistry and related fields, ability to instruct students and faculty in access to information, excellent online literature searching skills, and excellent oral and written communication skills. Preference will be given to candidates with an academic background in chemistry and/ or substantial experience in providing access to chemical informa­ tion, well-developed microcomputer skills, and experience in the development of outreach services. Appointment at the Associate Librarian rank requires superior experience and qualifications. UCSD is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and specifically seeks candidates who can make contributions in an environment of cultural and ethnic diversity. Consideration of applications will begin on December 15, 1993, and continue until the position is filled. Submit a letter of application, enclosing a resume and a list of references to. University of California, San Diego, Janet Tait, Academic Personnel Coordinator, Library Personnel Office, 0175H- 5, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION AND REFERENCE. Reporting to the Dean of University Libraries, this person leads a staff of 10 energetic and highly motivated professional librarians and 3 support staff in a division responsible for developing student research abilities and offering reference service. The Univer­ sity of Toledo is the fastest growing state university in Ohio with 24,000 students, offering associate, bachelor, professional, and doctoral degrees in eight colleges. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school; an additional graduate degree to support Bibliographic In­ struction, advanced reference services and collection development; five years of demonstrated administrative experience in an academic library; and ability in cooperative problem solving. Teaching and reference experience necessary. Faculty Status; twelve-month con­ tract; very liberal fringe benefits; salary about $40,000, depending on qualifications. Position available April 1,1994. Applications accepted until position is filled. Send resume and the names and addresses of at least three references to: Leslie W. Sheridan, Search Committee Chair, Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606- 3390. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer M/F/D/F. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS, ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, Indiana University Libraries-Bloomington. Responsible for public services (approximately .50 tim e j-pro vide reference, instruction, and training for staff and students in her/his special area of responsibility. Techni­ cal services (approximately .50 tim ej-coordinate technical service activities directed at making government publications available on­ line, working with librarians and staff in Government Publications and with other librarians and staff in the libraries. Some evening and weekend hours will be included in the flexible work schedule. Quali­ fications: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited library school; experience with government publications; experience with public and technical services in a research library; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively both independently and with others; ability to meet the requirements of a tenure-track position. Preferred: academic background in social sciences or history. Salary competitive and negotiable, depending on experience and qualifications (minimum salary, assistant librarian rank, $26,135). Conditions and benefits: Librarians hold tenure-track appointments within a system of ranks analogous to and modeled on those of the teaching faculty. They participate in a system of faculty governance which includes the Bloomington Faculty Council and the University Faculty Council. Within the university they serve on university commit­ tees and task forces. They are eligible for sabbatical and other research leaves. Benefits include university health care plan, TIAA/ CREF retirement/annuity plan, group life insurance, and liberal vaca­ tion and sick leave. The Indiana University community includes approximately 96,000 students and 4,000 faculty on eight campuses. A university-wide integrated NOTIS system has been implemented. The libraries on the Bloomington campus house a collection of over 5 million cataloged volumes and extensive other collections. To apply, send letter of application, resume, names and addresses of four references to: Marilyn Shaver, Personnel Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Main Library C-201, Bloomington, IN 47405. Phone: (812) 855-8196. Review of applications begins November 1,1993; contin­ ues until position is filled. EEO, AAE. HEAD, ACCESS AND DOCUMENT DELIVERY, Columbia University Health Sciences Library. The Columbia University Health Sciences Library seeks a creative and versatile librarian for the position of Head, Access and Document Delivery. The department comprises circula­ tion, reserves, stack maintenance, interlibrary loan, and the photo­ copy center. Responsibilities include: Training and supervision of the unit’s 14 full-time staff; planning and implementing automation activities in the department; coordinating participation in cooperative resource-sharing programs; and interpreting the library’s circulation and interlibrary loan policies to users. Position reports to the Director of the Health Sciences Library and participates in the library’s management team. The Health Sciences Library is the primary library for the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, serving the schools of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, and Public Health, as well as Presby­ terian Hospital and other affiliated health care and research pro­ grams. The library has a collection of over 460,000 volumes and 4,300 Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recom­ mended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommen­ dations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers, and employers should consider these recom­ mended minimums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $ 2 8 ,9 0 0 Delaware $ 2 2 ,5 0 0 + lllinois $ 2 7 ,4 0 0 # Indiana va rie s* Iowa $ 2 1 ,5 8 8 Louisiana $ 2 2 ,0 0 0 Maine va rie s* Massachusetts $ 2 7 ,5 5 4 * New Jersey $ 2 4 ,2 0 0 New York va rie s* NorthCarolina $ 2 2 ,4 9 1 Ohio $ 2 5 ,1 9 8 + Pennsylvania $ 2 3 ,7 0 0 * Rhode Island $ 2 6 ,5 0 0 South Carolina va rie s* South Dakota $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 Texas $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 Vermont $ 2 2 ,5 0 0 W estVirginia $ 2 2 ,0 0 0 Wisconsin $ 2 5 ,8 3 0 "R ather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. ffOption for local formula October 1 9 9 3 / 5 3 7 D IR E C T O R O F T H E U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R Y S Y S T E M University of Pittsburgh The University of Pittsburgh invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of the University Library System. The university seeks a leader with athorough understanding of the issues facing research libraries and higher education in general, and with a demonstrated commitment to academic excellence, research, and scholarship. The anticipated starting time is the summer or fall of 1994. The Director is a senior academic officer of the university who reports to the Provost. The Director must be an energetic leader with a proven record of innovation in the administration and management of a major research library. The successful candidate must possess both the vision to lead the University Library System into the twenty-first century and the demonstrated administrative ability to manage a broad range of existing library services and collections effectively. Initiatives fo r the University Library System over the next few years will include: Leading strategic planning efforts for the future of the University Library System; planning for effective use of a substantial expansion in library space; assuming a leadership role in the continuing development and enhancement of a universitywide library and information system; enhancing and extending current library services, programs and collections; and developing additional strategies for securing external funding for library programs. Qualifications fo r th is position include:master'sdegree from a n ALA-accredited program o r equivalent; a record of strong and creative leadership and successful administrative experience, including effective budget management in a senior-level position in an academic or research library; an understanding and appreciation of traditional and evolving methodologies and techniques in research and teaching; the ability to conceive and articulate a vision of the future of library resources and services; management and strategic planning skills necessary to develop innovative, technologically advanced programs and services; the ability to communicate and work effectively with all segments of the university community; a demonstrated commitment to motivating and developing staff, promoting equal employment oppor­ tunity, and strengthening support for a multicultural, diverse user population through appropriate collections and services; and a record of significant professional participation, publications, and other contributions. The University Library System, a member of the Association of Research Libraries, includes 13 libraries staffed by 66 faculty librarians and 135 support staff. The System’s budget exceeds $12 million and its collections include more than 2.5 million, volumes, over 2 million microforms, and 16,000 currently received serials. A substantial expansion of its physical space is underway with a purchase of a new building and the construction of an addition to the existing building. Other libraries not in the University Library System include those of the School of Law, the four regional campuses, and the health sciences. Operating in an integrated, networked environment, the university libraries together serve more than 34,000 graduate and undergraduate students and over 3,000 faculty. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications should include a current resume, a letter of interest, and the names and addresses of three references. Send applications or nominations to: Toni Carbo Bearman, Chair University Library System Director Search Committee 801 Cathedral of Learning University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Applications received by December 15, 1993 will receive full consideration. Women and members of minority groups are encouraged to apply. The University of Pittsburgh is a Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 5 3 8 /C&RL News G O V E R N M E N T D O C U M E N T S /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N Indiana University Indiana University Kokomo is searching for a qualified candidate forthe position of Government Documents/ Reference Librarian. Responsible for all aspects of government documents, including but not limited to collection development, cataloging, weeding, policies and procedures, communication with state library and superintendent of documents, training and supervision of all staff. Secondary responsibilities include reference, bibliographic instruction and campus archives. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent. Previous experience with government documents, experience with basic reference sources, bibliographic and research techniques, and computer-based library services. Able to meet responsibilities and requirements of a tenure-track appointment. Salary: Mid-twenties. Excellent benefit package. Send resume, application, and reference letters by October 29,1993 to: Diane Bever Indiana University Kokomo 2300 S. Washington Street P.O. Box 9003 Kokomo, IN, 46904-9003 Fax: 317-455-9276 Indiana University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. journal subscriptions, as well as a large media center and microcom­ puter lab. In addition to an accredited MLS, the position requires 3-5 years of professional experience in an academic, medical, or special library; knowledge of library circulation and/or document delivery services; familiarity with online bibliographic systems; and demon­ strated ability to organize and direct staff. Candidate should have superior managerial and supervisory skills; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; and strong planning and organizational ability. Salary ranges: Librarian I: $32,100-$41,730; Librarian II: $34,100-$46,035; Librarian III: $37,100-$53,795. Excellent benefits include assistance with university housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Susan Jacobson, Health Sciences Library, Columbia University, 701 West 168th St., New York, NY 10032. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF ACQUISITIONS, anticipated vacancy. Loyola University seeks a creative leader in acquisitions to manage a department of 8.5 support staff and 2 FTE student workers. Primary responsibilities include planning and developing effective methods of acquiring, receiving, and paying for monographic and serial materials, including gifts, in all formats for the university collections, monitoring a mate­ rials budget of $3 million, coordinating activities with Collection Development and 15 bibliographers, participating in librarywide plan­ ning, and participating with other technical services department heads in planning for the future operations of technical services. Library plans include a redesigning of technical services to streamline operations. Reports to the Assistant University Librarian for Technical Services. Requires an ALA-accredited MLS; at least five years acquisitions experience in an academic or research library; substan­ tive supervisory experience; demonstrated knowledge of contempo­ rary acquisitions practices; experience with OCLC or RLIN and a local online system, preferably NOTIS; knowledge of cataloging and MARC formats. Also requires ability to manage in a changing environment, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and a commitment to the service mission of the academic library. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Base salary $35,000. Benefits include 20 days vacation, individual and family tuition benefits, university contributions to TIAA/CREF, dental insur­ ance, and a choice of medical plans. Loyola University Chicago, a Jesuit institution located on 4 campuses in the Chicago area and 1 campus in Rome, Italy, serves a diverse student population of 15,000 in its nine schools and colleges. With holdings of over 1.3 million volumes in 6 libraries, the university libraries enjoy a highly technologi­ cal environment, with their own LANs and Ethernet backbones to link all the campuses. There are 48 professional librarians and 70 support staff; librarians have limited faculty status. Qualified applicants should send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three recent references to: Ellen J. Waite, University Librarian, Cudahy Library, Loyola University Chicago. 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626. Application deadline is November 10, 1993. Loyola University Chicago is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. HEAD OF CATALOGING, Indiana Historical Society. The Indiana Historical Society is again accepting applications for the full-time position of head of cataloging. The Society, founded in 1830 and located in Indianapolis, is a private, nonprofit corporation. The Society's library, the William Henry Smith Memorial Library, is a repository of documentary and visual materials that relate to the history of Indiana and the Old Northwest. The head of cataloging is primarily responsible for printed material cataloging, as well as coordination of processes that provide access to all library materials. Duties include: Supervise departmental staff and set department goals; catalog and classify printed material; help plan and implement library automation; define and coordinate cataloging/classification procedures for all library materials; supervise OCLC operations including liaison work with OCLC, INCOLSA, and other networks; provide reference service. Position reports to director of the library. A complete position descrip­ tion is available upon request. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; at least three years experience cataloging printed material, including use of OCLC or other utilities and application of AACR2 cataloging rules, Library of Congress Classification System, and LCSH. Preferred: Experience with computer technology, particu­ larly in library applications; seriçx's management experience; experi­ ence in working with historical collections; knowledge of American history-an MA in history or a background in history is desirable. Beginning salary range: Low to mid-30s, commensurate with skills and experience. Benefits: Health, dental, life, and long-term disability insurance as well as tax-deferred annuities and a pension plan with TIAA-CREF. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send a letter of application, a resume, and any supporting materials, along with the names, current addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Susan P. Brown, Human Resources Director, Indiana Historical Society, 315 W. Ohio St., Indianapolis, IN 46202-3299. October 1 9 9 3 /5 3 9 5 4 0 /C&RL News HEAD OFTECHNICAL SERVICES. Provides strong leadership for an innovative and progressive technical services staff of 20 FTE. Man­ ages all technical functions service, including automation. The unit expends $1.6 million annually, processes 26,000 volumes, and uses NOTIS and OCLC. Reports to the Associate Dean for Library Services and is part of the library management team. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, five years of technical services experience in an academic library, management and automation experience. Excel­ lent interpersonal skills, good knowledge of cataloging or acquisitions practices, and a commitment to meeting the challenges posed by an ever-changing information environment. Desired qualifications: Addi­ tional graduate degree, experience with budgeting, NOTIS, OCLC, and personal computers. Starting salary: $33,000 minimum fortwelve months, depending on experience and qualifications. Tenure eligible. Choice of retirement plans and health insurance, 22 days vacation. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references by November 1,1993, to: James C. Eller, Associate Dean for Library Services, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260-0068. Noncitizens must report visa status. Final­ ists will be invited for an expense-paid interview. Wichita State University is an urban institution with an enrollment of 15,000 and a commitment to improve the diversity of its faculty by actively seeking applications from a broad spectrum of individuals. AA, EOE. HEAD, SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRARY. Responsibilities: The University of Alabama is seeking leadership for the Eric and Sarah Rodgers Library for Science and Engineering. Three librarians, four support staff, and approximately 20 student assistants currently provide services from this new (1990) facility. The Head of the Rodgers Library manages personnel and resources to provide full branch library services-reference, an expanding array of electronic informa­ tion services, circulation, faculty liaison, collection development, bibliographic instruction, ILL verification, and building management. The incumbent will participate in most of these activities and will contribute to the management of the libraries' system as a member of the Libraries Management Council. This position reports to the Associate Dean of Libraries for Collections and Information Services. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Related experience in an academic or research library, with demonstrated successful supervisory experience and understanding of the application of emerg­ ing technologies to reference and information services. Ability to present ideas clearly, both orally and in writing. Knowledge and understanding of science and technical collections in both print and electronic formats. Awareness of current developments in the elec­ tronic communication of scholarly information. A demonstrated inter­ est in contribution to the profession. The position requires strong personal commitment to responsive and innovative service, and the ability to provide effective leadership while working cooperatively and collegially with library personnel, students, and faculty in a rapidly changing environment. Preferred qualifications: Successful experi­ ence in collection development; academic background in a science or engineering discipline; experience working in a strongly participa­ tory administrative environment. Salary/benefits: Tenure-track faculty position. Rank and salary will be determined on the basis of qualifi­ cations, the minimum salary being $36,000. Generous benefits include sick leave, twenty-two days vacation, Blue CrossZBIue Shield, TIAA/CREF, and state retirement plans. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Voni B. Wyatt, Assistantto the Dean for Personnel, The University of Alabama Libraries, P.O. Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266. Applications must be postmarked by October 31,1993. The University of Alabama Libraries hold membership in ARL, CRL, SOLINET, CNI, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries, and have imple­ mented the NOTIS integrated library system. The University of Ala­ bama is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. MIDDLE EAST BIBLIOGRAPHER needed to assume responsibility for developing and maintaining the library’s collections about and from Egypt and the Middle East and for providing bibliographic/instructional assistance to users researching Middle Eastern subjects. M.A. in Middle East studies or a Middle Eastern area discipline and a graduate degree in librarianship are required. Minimum three years professional library experience required; experience in bibliography preferred. Fluent En­ glish and Arabic are required. A working knowledge of Turkish, Persian, and European languages is desired. Two-year appointment (renewable) begins September 1994. Rank will be Senior Librarian; salary to be based on qualifications and experience. For expatriates, housing, round­ trip air travel, plus schooling for two children included. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Interviews will be held at the November 1993 Middle East Studies Association meeting. Write with curriculum vitae to: Andrew Kerek, Provost, The American University in Cairo. 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 517, New York, NY 10017. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Science Emphasis). DePaul University’s Richardson Library at the Lincoln Park Campus is seeking a full-time reference librarian whose responsibilities will include reference ser­ vice in an automated environment, online searching, and library instruction, both general and in science disciplines. Collection devel­ opment responsibilities will include one or more of the physical sciences. Minimum qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS degree, excellent communication skills, strong service orientation, initiative, and commitment to professional development, as well as a bachelor’s degree or strong background in physical sciences. Pre­ ferred qualifications include previous reference experience and famil­ iarity and skill with electronic resources. Excellent benefits include free tuition, medical/dental package, four weeks vacation, pension plans. Position available now. Send letter of application with resume and names of three references to: Don O’Boyle, DePaul University, 243 S. Wabash Ave., #600, Chicago, IL 60604. DePaul University practices equal opportunity in employment and education. RESEARCH INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN, faculty rank, tenure-track, I.D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota. Primary responsibility for the development of the User Instruction Program with an emphasis on electronic resources, including the use of the INTERNET. The individual hired for this position will identify, plan, coordinate, and enhance the existing program, including the production of information guides, videos, interactive computer programs, instructing the library faculty, staff, USD faculty and students in the use of traditional and electronic resources, and the scheduling and assigning of instruction sessions. Additional responsibilities include working regularly sched­ uled hours at the reference desk and providing online reference assistance. Individuals applying should have an interest in working with the faculty and have a strong commitment to public service. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge and inter­ est in educating library users; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills; knowledge of online searching. Additional desirable qualifications: 1) second master's degree in a relevant subject field (will be required for tenure and promotion); 2) reference experience either in an academic or public library; 3) teaching experience. Salary: Negotiable, $25,000 minimum, twelve-month appointment. Submit letter of application, resume, a'nd the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: John Van Baien, Chair, Search Committee, I.D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, 414 East Clark St., Vermillion, SD 57069-2390. Review of applications will begin November 1,1993, and will continue until an adequate number of applications are received. AA, EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Under the direction of the Head of the Reference Department, provides reference and bibliographic instruc­ tion services in a large academic library serving the undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty in the areas of social sciences, humanities, and management. Has responsibility for overseeing services at the Information Desk, the Periodicals Room, and for supervising a large staff of student assistants working in these areas and in the Reference Department. Coordinates some aspects of freshman-level library instruction. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school required. Academic background in the social sciences or humanities. At least two years of professional reference experience in an academic setting required. Basic reading knowledge of at least one foreign language required. Experience in providing bibliographic instruction services highly desirable. Experience with Dialog, BRS, Lexis/Nexis, RLIN, and OCLC also especially desirable. Good oral and written communication skills and the ability to work effectively with colleagues and library users required. Some evidence of research or participation in professional organizations desired. Salary: $27,000-$30,000, depending on qualifications. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references to : Peter Devlin, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60208-2300. Applications received by November 1, 1993, will be considered. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. St. Lawrence University invites nomina­ tions and applications for the position of University Librarian. Located in Canton, New York, between the Adirondack mountains and the St. Lawrence River, the university is nondenominational and focuses on undergraduate liberal arts education through both traditional depart­ ments and a variety of interdisciplinary programs. The University Librarian is responsible for all library operations, which include the Owen D. Young Library and the new Launders Science Library (420,000 total volumes, 2,500 periodicals). Staffed by 10 library faculty and 19.3 FTE support staff, St. Lawrence’s library has a fully integrated October 1993/541 system (Innovative Interfaces, Inc.) which is distributed throughout the campus on a fiber-optic network; it supports access to a range of CD- ROM products and external databases through OCLC, FirstSearch, BRS, and Dialog. The annual operating budget is approximately $2 million, of which $800,000 is allocated for acquisition. The University Librarian reports to the Vice-President and Dean of Academic Affairs. The University Librarian will provide leadership in all aspects of library operations and planning, and will work with a staff strongly committed to enhancing the role of the library in a liberal arts education. Thus we seek a person who understands the various scholarly processes within the liberal arts, who views libraries as sites for teaching and learning, and who sees the technological changes affecting libraries within such contexts. Required qualifications include an ALA-accred- ited MLS plus second master’s degree, considerable professional experience in an academic library in progressively more responsible positions, significant supervisory experience, and demonstrated ex­ perience in library automation. Preferred qualifications are scholarly activities and publications as well as active participation in profes­ sional organizations. Letters of application, including a curriculum vitae, a list of at least three references, and a brief statement (approximately 750 words) outlining the applicant's view of the role of the library in undergraduate liberal arts education, should be sent by October 15 to: Robert Thacker, Chair, University Librarian Search Committee, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. St. Lawrence University is committed to fostering multicultural diversity in its faculty, staff, student body, and programs of instruction. As an equal oppor­ tunity, affirmative action employer, we specifically encourage applica­ tions from women, persons of color, and the disabled. Late Job Listings ACQ U ISITION S LIBRARIAN. Bard College seeks an Acquisitions Librarian to manage all aspects o f ordering and purchasing library materials, record keeping, materials-budget m onitoring and reporting. Supervises 2 FTE; maintains Innovative Interfaces acquisition subsystem; active part o f managem ent team. M inimum Re­ quirements: ALA-accredited M LS; 1-2 years experience in technical services in academic or large public library; dem onstrated acquisitions experience in automated environm ent is very desirable (especially INNOPAC); dem onstrated supervisory experience; excellent oral and com m unication skills; thorough attention to detail and exemplary service. Please send letter o f application and 3 references to: Seth Goldberg, M anager o f Hum an Resources, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N Y 12504. Bard College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF TECH NICAL SERVICES, GS-11 (salary range $33,623-43,712). U.S. Coast Guard Academ y, New London, Connecticut. Responsible for m anaging techni­ cal services, including OCLC cataloging, acquisitions, and serials control. As systems librarian is the library’s expert in automation. The library is com pleting its installation o f the Dynix system. W ork one evening/week in public services. This is a Federal Civil Service position. Qualifications: M LS degree or equivalent. At least one year profes­ sional experience in an academic library, including substantial experience in cataloging with MARC and in m anaging an integrated online system running in a networked environment. For a copy o f the vacancy announcem ent and other application materials, please call the Civilian Personnel Office at 203-444-8202. Deadline for application is October 30,199 3. M inorities are encouraged to apply. The U.S. Coast Guard Academy is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. M ED IA SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The M yrin Library, Ursinus College, seeks an innovative, service-oriented librarian for the position o f Head, M edia Services Depart­ ment. Prim ary responsibilities include the management, administration, and coordi­ nation o f all aspects o f the M edia Services Department; assistance with development o f the media software collections; and developm ent and im plementation o f instruc­ tional media support for both students and faculty. This involves media services planning, policy development, budgeting, supervising, and program evaluation. Addi­ tional duties include participation in the bibliographic instruction program, reference desk duties, CD-ROM service provision, and participation in the overall planning for library and inform ation services and programs. Qualifications include an ALA- accredited MLS, m inim um o f two years o f relevant experience in an academic library, knowledge o f media issues and instructional applications in an academic library, well- developed organizational and com m unication skills, and enthusiasm for and com m it­ ment to the utilization o f media and com puterized inform ation retrieval technologies in library services. The position reports to the Library Director and has academic status. Salary and professional rank are dependent upon experience and qualifications ($25,000 minimum). Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of recommendation to: Charles A Jamison, Media Services Librarian Search Committee Chair, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA, 19426. Deadline for applications is November 7,1993. Ursinus College does not discriminate on grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap. 5 4 2 /C& RL News LIBRARIAN/USER EDUCATION. Syracuse U niversity seeks an innovative and entrepreneurial individual to develop and expand our user education program. This individual will build upon an established program o f traditional library instruction, em ploying existing and em erging technologies such as CD-ROM, Internet, multi- media and computer networks. Specific objectives o f the program include expanding the undergraduate instruction program, increasing the use o f technology to provide off­ site instruction in library resources, developing com puter-assisted instruction pro­ grams, using hypermedia and/or other available electronic resources, and developing a cadre o f librarians capable o f delivering these services to the campus community. The user education librarian is a m em ber o f the Inform ation Services Departm ent and reports to the head o f that department. Responsibilities: Oversee the provision o f library user education including library orientations, general undergraduate instruc­ tion, upper division and graduate-level subject-specifi c instruction, and instructional publications; assists library staff in developing their teaching skills, integrating technology into their teaching methods and course content; identifying appropriate instructional materials; and designing classes and instructional materials; promotes library instruction to the campus com munity and seeks out opportunities to integrate library instruction into appropriate campus activities; chairs the User Education Advisory Group com prising staff from various library departments; provides reference services in the humanities and social sciences (evening and weekend hours required); serves on the library’s Publications Committee, the NOTIS OPAC Subcommittee, and other committees and task forces as appropriate. M ay serve as bibliographer for one or more subject areas. Requires graduate degree from an ALA-accredited institution; m inim um o f three years experience providing reference or public services in an academic library; experience in library instruction or classroom teaching; experience with electronic resources including OPAC, CD-ROM and the Internet knowledge o f em erging technologies; exceptional interpersonal and com munications skills; excel­ lent organizational skills; dem onstrated leadership abilities; com mitm ent to provid­ ing responsible and innovative services to culturally/racially diverse campus; evidence o f professional/scholarly activity. Additional graduate degree and collection develop­ ment experience in an academic or research library desired. Salary and benefits are commensurate with experience; m inim um salary $27,500. Send letter o f application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone num bers o f three references to: Search Committee for User Education Librarian, Syracuse U niversity Library, Skytop Offices, Syracuse, N Y 13244-5300. Applications received by Novem ber 1,1993, will be given first consideration. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. The university encourages applications or nom ination o f women and minorities. LIBRARIAN II/III. (Two positions) Library, The U niversity o f the W est Indies, Mona. Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for two posts o f Librarian II/ III in the library, The University o f the W est Indies, Mona, in the following areas: (a) governm ent serials and (b) preservation. Applicants m ust be graduates with addi­ tional professional qualifications, and will be expected to have a good working knowledge o f AACR2, LC rule interpretation, LC subject heading and classification, and OCLC standards. Detailed applications (three copies) giving full particulars o f qualifications and experience, date o f birth, m arital status, and the names and addresses o f three referees should be sent to: Campus Registrar, Attention: Senior Assistant Registrar (Appointments), The U niversity o f the W est Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica. W.I. Closing date for the receipt o f applications is October 15, 1993. Further particulars o f the posts are available from the same source or from the Secretary-General, Association o f Com m onwealth Universities (Appointments), 36 Gordon Square, London W C1H OPF, England, to whom candidates in the United Kingdom should also send a copy o f their applications. In order to expedite the appointm ent procedure, applicants are advised to ask their referees to send confiden­ tial reports direct to the university w ithout w aiting to be contacted. PHONEDISC® TAKES THE LEGWORK OUT O F PHONE BO O K S. The phone company’s tip to “Let references was never easier. your fingers do the walking’ works just PhoneDisc® USA Residential and fine when you’re looking for someone PhoneDisc® USA Business are the in the same town. But this advice can most complete, accurate and economi­ get mighty frustrating when you’re cal telephone databases available looking through hundreds of phone today! And they’ll stay that way, books for your Great Aunt Emma in because they are updated quarterly. Iowa. Or when your fingers are skip­ Join th e thousands of CD-ROM own­ ping across thousands of pages trying ers who have purchased PhoneDisc.® to find a business associate you lost Call Toll-Free and order today! Only track of after he relocated to some USA Residential USA Business $99 for th e each or $159 for both. unknown state! Face it: Your finger­ You get full technical support, as well tips were simply not meant for cross­ PhoneDisc® USA Residential is a as an unconditional 30 day Money country travel. two-disc set (Eastern and Western Back Guarantee. Fortunately, there is an alternative. United States) containing listed resi­ If you need to search residential DDA’s PhoneDisc® USA Residential dential phone num ber in the country. listings by more than last name, and PhoneDisc® USA Business If the person you are looking for is in PhoneDisc® Reverse extends your CD-ROMs pack 80 million residential a telephone directory—PhoneDisc® search power! With PhoneDisc® names and addresses and 9.6 million can help you. It is invaluable for Reverse you get the same high quality business listings in less room than locating people who have moved— listings and powerful search software your local directory! That's more list­ like your former roommates, army as PhoneDisc® Residential and ings than any other comparably buddies o r (let's admit it) your old Business plus reverse indexes for resi­ priced telephone directory published sw eethearts. To save time, or elimi­ dences. Buy th e entire U.S. on five on CD-ROM. nate duplicate names, you can limit discs for $349. Buy one region on one Imagine: The equivalent of several your search to certain states, cities, disc for $129. tons of printed residential and busi­ zip codes or area codes. ness phone books-weighing just PhoneDisc USA Business lists ounces-at your beck and call. large, medium, small and even tiny PhoneDisc® is a lot easier to use than businesses. In addition to looking up paper directories, too: Simply type in a company by name, its reverse the person’s name, and the powerful indexes allow you to search by busi­ built-in search program will find ness type, SIC code, street, address or his/her address and phone number phone number. Finding a supplier, instantly! starting a job search or checking ssíg See your nearest 1-8 PhoneDisc 00 © - de 2 aler 8 or c 4 all to - o 8 rder 3 . -free 53