ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries J u n e 1.997/435 THE IACFDLISAESDS D eadlines: O rd e rs fo r re gu la r c la ss ifie d a dve rtise m e n ts m ust reach th e A C R L o ffice on o r b e fo re th e s e con d o f the m onth p rece d ing pu b lica tio n o f th e issue (e.g., S e p te m b e r 2 for the O c to b e r issue). S ho uld th is date fa ll on a w e e k e n d or holiday, ads w ill be a c cep ted on th e n e xt b u sin e s s day. Late job listings w ill be a cc e p te d on a s p a c e -a v a ila b le basis a fte r the se con d of the m onth. R ales : C la ss ifie d a d ve rtise m e n ts are $8.4 5 p e r line fo r institutions th a t are A C R L m e m be rs, $ 1 0 .4 5 fo r o thers. Late job notices are $ 20 .25 p e r line fo r in stitu tio n s th a t are A C R L m em bers, $ 2 4 .2 5 fo r o thers. O rg a n iz a tio n s s u b m ittin g ads will be ch arg e d a ccord in g to th e ir m e m b e rs h ip sta tu s. D is ­ play ad rates ra ng e fro m $ 37 5 to $ 71 0 base d upon size. Please call fo r siz e s and rates. G u id e lin e s: For ads th a t list an a p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e , w e s u g g e stth a t date be no so on e r than th e 20th d a y o f th e m onth in w hich th e n otice a p p e a rs (e .g ., O c to b e r 20 fo r th e O ctob e r issue). All jo b a n n o u n c e m e n ts sh o u ld inclu d e a s a la ry range per p olicy o f th e A m e rica n L ib ra ry A ss o cia tio n (ALA). Job a n n o u nce m e n ts w ill be e dite d to e xclu d e d iscrim in a to ry references. A pplica nts sh ould be aw a re th a t the te rm s fa cu lty rank and sta tu s va ry in m e an in g a m on g institutio n s. In ternet: C & R L N e w s c la ss ifie d a ds are a c ce ssib le on A C R L 's h o m e p a g e on th e W o rld W id e W e b a t h ttp :// w w w .a la .o rg /a crl.h tm l. A d s w ill be p la ce d a p p ro x im a te ly 2-3 w eeks before th e p rin te d e ditio n of C & R L N e w s is p ublished. To reach C & R L N e w sN e t a c ce ss th e A C R L h om e p a ge (h ttp ://w w w .a la .o rg /a crl.h tm l), se le c t C & R L N ew s, and then chose th e m enu item Job P o stin gs by Jo b Title. C ontact: Ja ck Helbig, C lassified A d ve rtisin g M anager, C&RL /VewsClassified A dvertising Departm ent, AC RL, A m e ri­ can Library A ssocia tio n , 50 E. H uron St., C hicago, IL 6 0 6 1 1 - 2795; (312) 2 80-2513; fax: (312) 280 -7 6 63 o r (312) 280-2520; e-mail: jh e lb ig @ a la .o rg . Policy: A L A p o licy re qu ire s th a t o rg a n iza tio n s recruitin g through A L A p ub lica tio n s o r p la ce m e n t s e rvice s co m p ly w ith ALA a n ti-d iscrim in a tio n p olicies. P o licy 5 4.3 sta te s th a t “A LA is co m m itte d to e q u a lity o f o pp o rtu n ity fo r all lib ra ry e m p lo y ­ ees or a p p lic a n ts fo r e m p lo y m e n t, re ga rd less o f race, color, creed, sex, age, p hysica l o r m e nta l h a n d icap , ind ivid u a l life ­ style, o r n atio n a l o rig in .” By a d v e rtisin g th ro u g h A L A s e r­ vices, th e o rg a n iza tio n a g re e s to c o m p ly w ith th is policy. BOOKS FOR SALE INTERNET DISCOUNT PROFESSIO NAL BO OK CENTER 40 per­ cent off list price. 1000's of new/current books. All subjects. No second hand/remainders, http://w . POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS AND SERIALS LIBR ARIAN . Reporting to the Assis­ tant University Librarian for Technical Services, the selected candi­ date will be responsible for planning/coordination of orders, receipts, check-ins, claims, and paym ents for library materials, in various formats. In addition, coordinates the solicitation, handling/acknowl­ edgment of gift materials; manages publisher and vendor relations; evaluates vendor performance; supervises clerical staff/student as­ sistants working in acquisitions and serials units. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS, tw o to four years acquisitions and/or serials experi­ ence in an autom ated environment; strong com m unications skills; ability to work independently in problem-solving situations; experi- SERIALS CATALOGER New York University Libraries Responsible for cataloging serials in print, mi­ croform, and electronic formats; recommend, develop, and implement policies involving seri­ als cataloging; train and monitor work of two staff; serve as liaison to Acquisitions Unit staff responsible for serials ordering and receiving and library’s chief resource person for serials cataloging; provide original cataloging for print and microform monographs. Requires two years cataloging experience, pref­ erably with serials, working knowledge of two western European languages, familiarity with NACO policies and procedures, and training experience; ability to work comfortably and productively in a complex, dynamic work envi­ ronment; demonstrated interest in new catalog­ ing trends and technologies; and cataloging experience in a large academic library using an integrated library system. ALA-accredited MLS, master’s degree forten- ure. Faculty status, attractive benefits pack­ age. Minimum: $34,000. To ensure consideration, send resume and letter of application, including names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of three refer­ ences, by June 30,1997, to: Jeffrey Slem m er Library Personnel D irector NYU Libraries 70 W ashington S quare South New York, NY 10012 P re lim in a ry in te rv ie w s at A LA A nn ua l Conference. N Y U e n c o u ra g e s a p p lica tio n s from w om en a n d m e m b e rs o f m in o rity groups. ence using Innovative Interlaces plus supervisory experience pre­ erred. Salary: Competitive, based on credentials, plus a com prehen­ sive benefits package and a team -oriented w ork environment. Posi­ ion open until filled. For confidential consideration send resume, copy of unofficial transcripts, and the names and addresses of three work- related references to: Nova S o uth e a ste rn U n ive rsity, Human Re­ sources Departm ent (REA), 3301 College Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314. EOE/AA/Smoke-free campus. ASSISTANT HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICES. Tulane University is seeking a service-oriented librarian to supervise the Interlibrary Loan/ Document Delivery and Reserves units of the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library and serve as assistant departm ent head. Responsibilities: W orking under the direction of the Head of Access Services, the successful candidate will supervise the staff and activities of the Interlibrary Loan/Docum ent Delivery and Reserves units. Supervision of tw o FTE support staff in ILL/DD, one FTE support staff in Reserves, and several student assistants in each area. As coordinator of ILL/DD, the librarian will prom ote cooperation with other local, metropolitan, and state libraries and will m anage relations with com mercial docu­ ment delivery suppliers. Will participate in the actual processing of ILL/DD transactions and reserve requests with the need arises. As f t 4 3 6 / C&RL News Humanities Reference Librarian Manuscripts Specialist/Technical Services Archivist (Two Positions) T h e University o f M issouri-Columbia (MU) is seeking qualified applicants for the positions o f Humanities Reference Librarian and M anuscript Specialist/Technical Services A rchivist w ithin the U niversity L ibraries. H U M A N IT IE S REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: Principal responsibilities include p ro v id in g referen ce services, (including som e evening and w eekend hours); library instruction; online searching; and, collection developm ent for the language, literature, and music collections. Other duties include evaluating effectiveness o f services in coordination with the R eference D epartm ent’s policies and procedures; providing some general reference assistance; and, supervising some support staff and student assistants. R eq uirem ents: Requires a minimum o f a M aster’s degree from an A LA accredited p ro g ra m and strong literature o r foreign language background an d /o r equivalent experience. Preferred is an advanced degree in A m erican o r English literature o r W estern E u ro p e an languages and two years o f successful public service an d /o r collection developm ent experience in an academic library. E xperience with electronic information retrieval, Internet, online catalog and other networked resources required. Familiarity with b ib lio g rap h ic instruction recom m ended. O ther skills include excellent oral and written com m unication skills; strong service orientation; positive interpersonal style; strong analytical skills; and, ability to w ork as part o f a team. M AN U SC R IPT SPECIALIST/TEC HN IC AL SERVICES ARCHIVIST: Principal responsibilities include arranging, describing and cataloging the historical records o f the M U and the University o f Missouri System Archives. Duties include editing and digitizing existing finding aids; creating new descriptions and inventories for unprocessed records and m anuscripts; perform ing original online cataloging using U SM A RC-AM C format; managing the institution’s Internet finding aids; and, providing duplication services for the m a teria ls in the U niversity Archives. O ther duties include som e supervising o f student assistants and providing secondary responsibility for referen ce services within University A rchives. Requirements: Requires a graduate degree in history, library science, inform ation science o r other relevant discipline with course w ork in archives adm inistration. P referred is two y e a rs experience in archives arrangem ent and description and original cataloging o f archival materials using U SM A RC-AM C format. E xperience with H T M L o r SGM L as applied to finding aids o r descriptive tools is preferred. R equires excellent oral, written, an d in terp erso n al skills; ability to com m unicate with a diverse university community; advanced know ledge o f com puter technology and applications, especially Internet applications; and, ability to deal with som e physical w ork, such as lifting boxes, climbing ladders and tolerating dirt and dust. MINIMUM SALARY (both positions): $25,500+ for 12 months commensurate with education and experience. AVAILABLE (Both positions): January 1, 1998. SCREENING BEGINS: July 15, 1997. MU w as established in Colum bia in 1839. It is one o f the five m ost com prehensive universities in the nation, with 2 5 0 + degree program s. T he M U L ibraries belong to ARL, serve a student body o f 2 2 ,0 0 0 + and a faculty o f 1,800 with a collection o f 2 .7 + million v o lu m es and 6 .3 + million m icroform s. M U benefits include vested retirem ent after 5 y e a rs , U niversity m edical benefits package, and other norm al fringe benefits including 75 % tuition w aiver. Columbia is in th e m iddle o f the state on I-70, 2 hours from St. Louis and Kansas City, and 1.5 hours from the L ake o f the O zarks recreational area. MU and two other colleges p ro v id e superb cultural events. A ccording to the A m erican C ham ber o f Com merce Researchers Association (ACCRA) composite index, the cost o f living in Columbia is very reasonable com pared to other university com munities. Colum bia has been named in the top 20 U .S. cities by M oney m agazine in recent years. Send letter o f application, nam es and addresses o f th ree references and resum e to Julie Deters, Senior Secretary, 104 Ellis L ibrary, U niversity o f M issouri-C olum bia, Columbia MO 65201-5149. E O E /A A J u n e 1997 / 437 LIBRARIAN FOR DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES New York University Libraries Provides technical development fo r the library’s digital programs, including multimedia image databases, digital collections and finding aids, online exhibits, electronic text applications, and web services. W orks with library staff to de­ velop and implement programming solutions to support digital projects and web content, in­ cluding scripts and forms; multimedia applica­ tions; authoring tools and document viewing methods. Serves on the reference desk. Keeps current with advances in web technology and digital libraries. W orks closely with other librar­ ians working on digital projects. Requires experience with electronic informa­ tion resources and services, imaging, w e b site management and configuration, networked cli ent-server and web environments; working knowledge of graphics and imaging technolo­ gies, digital collections production, HTML, SGML, CGI, PERL, Java, and C++ program­ ming; fam iliarity with Internet architecture and technologies involved in running a web site; ability to work with multiple platforms, e.g., PC, Unix, Macintosh. Excellent communication, analytic and problem-solving skills. ALA-accredited MLS, m aster’s degree fo r ten ure. Faculty status, attractive benefits pack­ age. Minimum: $36,000. To ensure consideration, send resume and letter of application, including names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of three refer­ ences, by June 3 0 , 1997, to: Jeffrey S lem m er Library Personnel D irector NYU Libraries 70 W ashington S quare South N ew York, NY 10012 Preliminary interviews at ALA Annual C onfer­ ence. N Y U e n c o u ra g e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m w o m e n a n d m e m b e rs o f m in o rity g ro u p s . coordinator of Reserves, the successful candidate will be responsible for planning, designing, and im plem enting enhanced user services, including an effort to digitize som e portions of the Reserves collec­ tion. As assistant to departm ent head, the librarian will be responsible for assisting in planning, evaluation, and delivery of all access services functions, including circulation, reserves, interlibrary loan/ document delivery, and stacks m aintenance (16 FTE staff plus student assistants). In the absence of the departm ent head, will assist with circulation services. Q ualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; m inim um two years professional library experience (prefer­ ably academ ic/research) in ILL or docum ent delivery, with working knowledge of O CLC and ILL subsystem ; com m itm ent to responsive and innovative user services; dem onstrated oral, written, and inter­ personal com m unication skills; strong planning, organizational, and analytical skills; flexibility to deal with and lead staff through rapid and constant change. Preferred: Supervisory experience; m ultim edia experience; circulation/reserves experience; in tegrated online cata­ log experience, especially with ILL, circulation, or reserves; digital scanning and data storage experience; experience with SAVE-IT or sim ilar record-keeping program. Salary and benefits: Rank and salary com m ensurate with experience, m inimum $31,000; excellent ben­ efits, choice of health plans, im m ediate tuition w aiver for self, and undergraduate tuition w aiver for dependents. To apply: Send letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references, including im m ediate supervisor, to: Mary Orazio, Howard- Tilton M emorial Library, Tulane University, New O rleans, LA 70118; e-mail: m orazio@ m; fax: (504) 865-6773. Re­ view of applications will begin July 1, 1997, and continue until the position is filled. Tulane University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. See the Tulane University hom epage at http:// w w for m ore inform ation about the Tulane com munity. AS SISTA NT LIBRARIAN. LSU Libraries. Anticipated Assistant Li­ brarian (rank). Reports to Assistant Dean for Autom ation & Systems and is responsible for assisting with the m anagem ent of the LSU Libraries system s operations, prim arily the NOTIS library m anage­ m ent system. Prepares im plem entation plans for system s installa­ tion; interacts with external services and agencies; docum ents sys­ tem s im plem entations and changes; prioritizes daily operational problems. Keeps abreast of evolving technology; participates in professional associations’ m eetings and workshops; m aintains good working relationships with other university com puter specialists. W orks as part of the Autom ation & System s Departm ent, including LAN Adm inistrator, Unix Adm inistrator, tw o M icrocom puter Special- Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 1 5 , 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $31,868 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $26,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *R a th e r than establish one statew id e sa la ry m inim um , som e state a sso cia tio n s have ad o p te d a fo rm u la based on such variab les as com parable salaries for pub lic school teachers in each com m u nity o r the grade level of a profession al librarian post. In these cases, you m ay w ish to contact the state asso cia ­ tion fo r m inim um salary in form ation. +S alary m inim um s for public librarians only. #O ption for local form ula. 4 3 8 / C&RL News COLLEGE LIBRARIAN Swarthm ore College invites applications and nominations fo r its College Librarian. Swarthmore is an extrem ely selective, private four-year liberal arts institution with about 1,350 students and 160 faculty. The College is lo c a te d in s u b u rb a n P h ila d e lp h ia , a re g io n w ith e x c e p tio n a l h ig h e r educational and cultural environments. S w a rth m o re ’s M cC abe Library and its branch lib raries, th e C o rne ll Libra ry of S cie n ce & Engineering and the Underhill M usic Library, com prise 650,000 volum es and 2,400 current serials, with CD-ROM and Internet bibliographic database access. Swarthmore is linked with Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges in a consortial library system with an on-line public access catalog, shared databases, and reciprocal borrowing. There is strong cooperation among the three college libraries with regard to program planning and im plementation, automation, and collection sharing. The College Librarian is the chief adm inistrative officer of the library and reports to the Provost. The Librarian is responsible fo r the leadership and developm ent of ap proxim ately 10 FTE librarians and 20 FTE support staff and for program development, coordination, and evaluation fo r library services throughout the campus. Swarthmore College is com m itted to increasing the degree of cooperation among the libraries and its other information services, and the Librarian will be expected to play a leadership role in collaboration with the directors of Computing and Media Services. Further, the librarian will be expected to build on the already close relations with Bryn Mawr and Haverford, and with the Friends Historical Library and Peace Collection of Swarthm ore College. C a n d id a te s sh o u ld ha ve at le a s t a M a s te r’s d e g re e in L ib ra ry /In fo rm a tio n S c ie n c e and dem onstrated experience in high-level positions in an academ ic library setting. Experience is required in fiscal and program planning, and facilities management. The successful candidate m u st ha ve a c o m p re h e n s iv e k n o w le d g e o f lib ra ry a u to m a tio n , a d v a n c e d in fo rm a tio n technologies, and all library operations, including the m anagem ent of non-print collections. The successful candidate must have strong interpersonal skills, including experience with decision­ making in a highly collaborative environment. The successful candidate should possess the vision and adm inistrative skill to lead the college library of the future in educating and serving the information needs of undergraduate students, faculty, and staff. More specifically, we expect the successful candidate will possess: • A vision of a future world of integrated information services and an openness toward realizing that vision • An ability to lead and inspire people in a rapidly changing environment • Receptiveness to, and championship of, the people whose work he or she oversees and the clients he or she serves • Familiarity and comfort with developing technology • An understanding of the special needs of a scholarly community and the language of academics, with the intellectual depth to win the respect of the faculty The position is a 12-month appointm ent with an anticipated starting date no later than July 1, 1998. Please subm it a letter and resume, along with the names, addresses, e-mail, and phone n um bers of th re e p ro fe ssio nal refere nce s. R e fe ren ces should send le tte rs d ire ctly to the Search Committee. The Committee reserves the right to contact additional individuals who are fam iliar with candidates’ work. Application deadline is Septem ber 3 0 , 1997, and consideration of applications will begin on Septem ber 1. Materials should be sent to: Chair, Librarian Search Committee, Provost’s Office, Swarthmore College, 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081. A d d itio n a l in fo r m a tio n a b o u t th e C o lle g e ’ s lib r a r ie s c a n be fo u n d at http://w w w .sw arthm C andidates should consult a March 1997 report on the future of inform ation services at Swarthm ore College at http://w w w .sw arthm About/Librnsearch.htm l. Swarthm ore College is an equal opportunity em ployer com m itted to excellence through diversity. June 1997 / 439 ists. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, with appropriate and progressive experience with library autom ation; experience with word processing, IBM -com patible m icrocom puters using DOS and Windows operating systems. Potential to meet requirem ents for promotion and tenure. Experience with O CLC or other bibliographic utility, NOTIS or another autom ated system, TCP/IP, Internet, elec­ tronic mail. Salary: $28,000 (fiscal year) minimum. Tenure-track position with benefits. To apply: Subm it a letter of application and complete resum e with names, addresses, and phone and fax num ­ bers of three to five references to: System s Librarian Search Com m it­ tee, 295 M iddleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3300. Applications received by June 3 0 , 1997, will receive preference. LSU is an AA/EEO institution. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN (RANK). LSU Libraries. U n der the direction of the Head, M iddleton Reference Services, the Electronic Reference Services Librarian spearheads the application of electronic technolo­ gies to meet the inform ation needs of the LSU Libraries’ public service areas. Provides leadership in planning, selection, integration, train­ ing, evaluation, and m arketing of electronic resources; coordinates technical support for electronic services in the Reference Services, including access to remote and locally m ounted databases, elec­ tronic journals, and prim ary source m aterials on diskette or tape. Identifies potential new technologies and develops new applications as appropriate. Participates with others in planning and im plem enta­ tion of electronic access to information, including recom mendations of library and departm ent policies. Supervises tw o support staff. Serves as leader of the Electronic References Group and Reference Services liaison to the Libraries Autom ation and System s Office. Advises other public services units on m atters related to electronic information sources as appropriate. Participates in all areas of the Middleton Library reference program, including reference desk assis­ tance, library instruction activities, creation of web pages, and devel­ opment of the electronic resources for the reference collection. Expected to meet requirem ents for tenure and prom otion. Q ualifica­ tions: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; tw o years relevant experience with electronic inform ation sources in a variety of platforms; a working knowledge of electronic inform ation sources and services, including CD-ROM products, online se rvices, and web-based products; know l­ L i b r a r y P o s i t i o n s a t N J I T 3 positions avail. in dynamic team-based library. NJIT, a leading technological university, has 2,843 grad & 5,042 undergrad students & ranked 3rd in nation among U.S. Science & Technology Schools according to Money Magazine’s 1997 Money Guide - Best College Buys. Interviews will begin in June & continue until positions are filled. Some interview time will be avail, at ALA in San Francisco for the Assistant University Librarian position. To reply indicate specific box number & include letter of application, resume & 4 references to: New Jersey Institute of Technology, University Heights, Newark, NJ 07102-1982. EOE ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN (P ersonnel Box AL L) Responsible for improving overall library user services & satis faction; designated team leadership & promoting team development & services;TQM, continuous improvement of process quality; project management; surrogate for University Librarian; library leadership. Qualifications:MLS degree req’d, BS degree and/or 2nd MA/MS in related NJIT technical discipline. Min. 4 yrs. professional librarian & ILS experience, preferably in management, TQM qual ity process, team leadership & OCLC. Knowledge of academic libraries, library trends, information technology, management & quali­ ty process improvement: preference in Circ., Cat.,Acq., Doc. Del. & ILL. Excellent problem solving, communications, interpersonal & professional leadership skills + familiar w/using project management, presentation & spreadsheet software. DOCUMENT & DATABASE LIBRARIAN (P ersonnel Box DD L) Responsible for team leadership, promoting teamwork & ser­ vice improvements; journals, abstracts, indexes, full text & digital databases & CD-ROMs; document delivery & interlibrary loan; some original cataloging, statistical analysis & creating and using relational databases. Qualifications: MLS degree req’d, BS degree and/or 2nd MA/MS in related NJIT technical discipline. Min. 2 yrs. professional librarian + recent ILL (esp. OCLC), Doc. Del., original cata­ loging & journals experience; prefer advanced computing, integrated library system, HTML, spreadsheets, OCLC interlibrary loan & Doc. Del. experience. Knowledge of systems & processes. Excellent spreadsheet, serials systems/modules, problem solving, interper sonal & communications skills; designing rational database Apps preferred. TECHNICAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Personnel B ox TRL-L) Reference duties incl.; literature searching & analysis, interview­ ing; assist/handle user inquiries; promote services: act as primary liaison to designated faculty & university depts.; select/develop print & non print collections & resources; participate on library teams, incl. orientations, instruction, tours; some evening & occassional week­ ends req’d. Qualifications: M LS degree req’d, BS degree and/or 2nd MA/MS in related NJIT technical discipline. Significant professional reference service. Internet & Web searching experience (prefer in HTML) req’d, preferably science & technology library/acade U n iv e rsity H e ig h ts mic library. Professionally current knowledge + excellent com­ N e w a rk , NJ 0 7 1 0 2 -1 9 8 2 puter, word processing, spreadsheet, database, searching ILS, A Public Research Universityserials systems/modules, problem solving, interpersonal & com­ munications skills. People & public service oriented. N NJIT ew Jersey I n stitu te of Technology EOE edge of HTML and experience in the developm ent of W orld W ide Web resources; dem onstrated ability to w ork with technical aspects of com puter softw are and hardware; ability to teach new technologies; self-directed learning style and willingness to learn new technologies; dem onstrated com petence in personnel m anagem ent and leadership ability; excellent com m unication skills; and ability to w ork effectively in an academ ic library environm ent and to meet the requirem ents for tenure and prom otion in a faculty position. Preferred: Fam iliarity with NOTIS online integrated system; experience as a reference librarian in an academ ic library; and teaching experience. Salary: N ego­ tiable, com m e nsurate with qua lifica tions and experience; $31,000 m inim um . To apply: Send letter of app lica tion and resum e, with nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of three references, to: E lectronic Services Reference Librarian S earch Com m ittee, 295 M iddleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, attn: C a roline W ire. P reference given to app lica tions re­ ceived by June 30, 1997. ASSISTA NT TE CHN IC AL SE RVIC ES LIBRARIAN. Reporting to the Associate University Librarian for Autom ated and Technical Ser­ vices, the Assistant Technical Services Librarian will be responsible for supervising and facilitating projects in cataloging, acquisitions, and serials, especially those relating to bibliographic control and database m aintenance, supervising the technical services depart­ ment in the absence of the Associate University Librarian, assisting with the training of technical services staff, and m icrocom puter hardw are and softw are support for technical services workstations, including O CLC systems. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, addi­ tional graduate degree in a subject area, at least one year of experience in technical services in an academic library, experience using an integrated online library system (preferably Innopac), strong background in cataloging, strong m icrocom puter experience and skills, and excellent com m unication skills. Preferred: Subject degree in the physical sciences, experience with com puter networks, and experience with program m ing in the MS W indows environment. Salary: $28,000-$30,000 for 12 months. The university: UNCA, a selective undergraduate in stitution of approxim ately 3,250 students, is distinguished by high-quality academ ic programs. The Asheville Graduate C enter enrolls some 700 students. UNCA is a national 4 4 0 / C&RL News ASSOCIATE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARY/SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis University Libraries and Information Technologies POSITION AVAILABLE: July 1 , 1997. POSITION DESCRIPTION: As a member of the Senior Management Teams of the University Library and Information Technologies at IUPUI, the successful applicant will participate in the general policy­ making activities for the organizations. The person holding this position provides the leadership and management of three library teams— Operations, Interface, and Client Support— in a new high- technology urban university library. The position includes responsibility for technology planning and budgeting in a team-based organization. The role of the Systems Integrator is to provide technical leadership that assures broad deployment of the library information systems and services. In this capacity, the position holder serves the campus through both organizations and serves as a member of the Senior Management Team of Information Technologies. ENVIRONMENT: The library, designed by Edward Larabee Barnes, was completed in 1993. W hile it can accommodate one million volumes, the library is also the most technically sophisticated library/ high-technology center on the North American continent. The Library Information System consists of several hundred scholar’s workstations in Macintosh- and Windows-based platform environments. It is fully integrated with other electronic information systems, productivity software, and graphic packages, and provides access to the World Wide Web and a rich array of academic CD-ROM resources. Information technology has been identified as an area of distinctive competency for Indiana University. IUPUI is positioned centrally to become a hub for the university voice, data, and video networks. The broad mission of Information Technologies at IUPUI, which includes areas of excellence in infrastruc­ ture, learning environment services, distributed support to schools and administrative units, and several competitively offered central technology services makes this an ideal position for a person interested in playing a significant role in shaping the institution’s future. F o r further information about IUPUI campus, libraries, and Information Technologies, please consult URLs: http://w, http://www-lib.iupui, edu, and QUALIFICATIONS: Required: BA/BS with an advanced degree highly desirable together with a record of five years as a successful manager in a technology organization with a client-server or distributed computing environment. Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, orally, and in writing, and to interact successfully with colleagues, administrators, staff, patrons, and donors. Above all, knowledge of and experience in managing team-based projects and organizations. SALARY: Dependent upon qualifications and experience. FRINGE BENEFITS: A month’s vacation, sick leave, major medical plans available, dental plan, group life insurance, TIAA/CREF annuity plan. APPLY: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four (4) references to: C am b rid g e G roup, Ltd. 1175 Post Rd. East W estp o rt, C T 06880 e -m ail: ca m b rid g e g ro u p @ in te rn e tm c i.c o m URL: h ttp ://cam b rid g eg ro u p .co m CLOSING: Applications or nominations received by June 1 5 , 1997, will be guaranteed consideration. Position remains open until filled. IU P U I is a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n e d u ca to r, e m p lo y e r, a n d c o n tra c to r, M /F /H . http://www-lib.iupui Ju n e 1997 / 441 leader in the undergraduate research and public liberal arts m ove­ ments. The university, classified as B accalaureate I by the Carnegie Foundation, is am ong the m ost highly regarded liberal arts colleges in the nation. The com m unity: Asheville, one of the m ost desirable small cities in Am erica, is the center of a m agnificent vacation area. It is located in the m ountains of western North Carolina, near the Blue Ridge Parkway, Pisgah National Forest, and the G reat Sm okies National Park. The Asheville M SA population is approxim ately 175,000; the city has about 71,000 residents. Preference given to applications received by July 15, 1997. Screening of applications will begin then and continue until filled. Subm it a cover letter, current vita, and the names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: Robert Bland, Chair, A T S L Search Com m ittee, Ram sey Library, University of North Carolina at Asheville, One University Heights, Asheville, NC 28804-8504. For m ore in form ation about the library and UNCA, see http://w w w UN CA is an affirm ative action, equal em ­ ployment opportunity em ployer. B U S IN E S S /E C O N O M IC S B IB L IO G R A P H E R . R e s p o n sib ilitie s: Evaluates and develops subject collections and electronic resources in business, econom ics, geography, and planning; m onitors allo­ cated funds, continuing com m itm ents, and approval plans. Serves as liaison to faculty and students in the corresponding academ ic dep art­ ments; provides them with subject-specific user education and in depth reference. Serves as liaison for European Union depository program and review s other in ternational docum ents. Also provides general reference services during assigned hours, including som e evenings and weekends. Reports to Assistant Director for Collection Development. Research, publication, and service to the libraries, university, and profession are expected to satisfy criteria for continu­ ing appointm ent and prom otion. Q ualifications: Required: MLS from an A LA-accredited library school. U ndergraduate m ajor and /or ad­ vanced study in business, econom ics, geography, urban or regional planning. Preferred: Experience in using law publications and online business and legal publications. Desired: Relevant experience in an academic o r special library subsequent to receipt of MLS. Salary: Comm ensurate with education and experience. Salary m inimum for Assistant Librarian, $28,000; Senior Assistant Librarian, $32,000; Associate Librarian, $38,000. A pply to: C hristine Travis, Library Minority Resident Librarian Miami University has a strong commitment to affirmative action and is actively seeking to increase minority representation in all areas of the University. The University Libraries Minority Resident Program is one component intended to increase the representation of minority librarians at Miami and to further the growth and development of minority librarians within the profession. This con­ tinuing program is designed to assist a recent library school graduate in making a successful tran­ sition to academic librarianship. The Libraries are committed to introducing and orienting the recent minority graduate to the complexities of academic librarianship in a rapidly changing environment. The one year internship (with possible one year renewal) will provide the opportunity for viewing all areas of the University Libraries’ operations, including public, technical, and administrative services. Actual assignments will be made based on the interests of the individual and the needs of the Libraries. Qualifications: A MLS from an ALA-accredited library school (degree requirements must be fulfilled by appointment date). Members of under represented minority groups are the focus of this program. The Miami University Libraries contain almost 2 million volumes, have extensive document and microform collections, and subscribe to over 8,000 serials. They serve 800 faculty, 15,000 undergraduates and 1,000 graduate students. The Libraries have 44 professional librarians and 48 support staff members. Miami University is a highly selective institution, located in Oxford, Ohio, 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Benefits include standard insurance package. Public employees retirement system. Salary level is $28,500. Submit letter of application, resume, and names, telephone numbers and addresses of three professional references to Judith A. Sessions, Dean and University Librarian, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. Preliminary screening of applications will begin June 1997. MIA MI U N I V E R S I T Y Personnel O fficer, University Libraries— UL-112, University at Al­ bany, State University of New York, 1400 W ashington Ave., Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of le tters of application and resum es will begin July 9 , 1997. Please include the names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references that may be contacted. The University of Albany, State University at New York, is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. Applications from women, m inority per­ sons, handicapped persons, special disabled and Vietnam -era veter­ ans are especially welcom e. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Tenure-track, faculty position. Prim ary du­ ties include cataloging nonbook, serial, and m onograph m aterials, collection developm ent responsibilities, and lim ited reference desk duty. Required qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program, dem onstrated know ledge and understanding of bibliographic control, and the ability to function collegially and with initiative in a team environm ent. Knowledge of M ARC form ats, LC classification, DDC, and LCSH required; BSU uses G eac Advance and W LN. Preferred qualifications: Tw o years experience in a professional cataloging position in an academ ic library. M inim um salary: $29,000, com m en­ surate with experience; state benefits. Subm it letter of application, resum e, and the names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: G loria O strander-Dykstra, Assistant University Librar­ ian for Technical Services, Albertsons Library, Boise State Univer­ sity, 1910 University Dr., Boise, ID 83725. Applications received by June 2 0 , 1997, will be given first consideration. Additional inform ation can be found by contacting l. EO/ AA institution. C O LLE C TIO N DE VE LO P M E N T C O O R D IN A TO R /PU B LIC SER­ VICE S LIBR AR IA N. W ashington State University Libraries. Position available: January 5 , 1998. Under the direction of the Head of Science Libraries, this position is responsible fo r coordinating collection developm ent, m anaging and evaluating the O wen S cience and E ngineering Library collections, participating in the provision of reference, library user education, collection developm ent, and liaison support in assigned subject areas, and perform ing other duties as assigned. Q ualifications: Required: ALA -accredited MLS; recent experience in public services in a science/engineering/m edical li- 44 2 / C&RL News ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR W ayne State University Science and Engineering Library POSITION AND RESPONSIBILITIES: M anagem ent position in a divisional research library u n d e r the general supervision of the Director of the Science and Engineering Library. The position: (1) serves as collection developm ent librarian with oversight responsibility for an acquisitions budget which exceeds $1.8 million; (2) acting with the director, directs, plans, and evaluates departm ental activities, ensures efficient operations and com pliance with, or im provem ent of, established policies and procedures; (3) recommends, develops, and im plem ents new programs to reach established objectives; (4) acts as liaison to other university units and/or private and public sector organizations to prom ote programs and gain understanding and support fo r the university and the library system and their activities; (5) provides reference service to students, faculty, staff, and outside clients; (6) performs public relations duties; (7) m onitors revenues and expenditures, reviews and plans budgets; (8) serves as acting director in the director’s absence; and (9) performs other duties as assigned. Position available July 1 , 1997. MINIMUM SALARY: $50,000, depending on experience and qualifications. Excellent fringe benefits including TIAA/CR EF or Fidelity, dental, health, disability, life insurance, and tuition assistance. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: M aster’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the hard sciences, or substantive practical experience in an appropriate science or engineering w ork environment. Must possess a solid understanding of library services in a research university setting. Excellent analytical, interpersonal, oral, and written com m unication skills. Ability to com m unicate with public and staff alike with tact and diplomacy. Previous substantive reference and collection developm ent experience in a research environment. Must show initiative, motivation, ability to work as a team m em ber and leader, as well as independently. Understanding of the philosophy of Total Q uality Management. Dem onstrated leadership within the profession. PREFERRED: A second m aster’s or a Ph.D. in a physical science. Experience with the application of Total Q uality Management. THE CAMPUS AND THE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRARY: W ayne State University is one of the nation’s leading urban research universities. It is a Carnegie Research University I with $86.3 million in research funding in afisca l year 1996. There are currently 18,200 undergraduates and 12,985 graduates enrolled in university classes. The university’s cam pus is attractive, safe, and conveniently located in the Detroit Cultural Center. The library system is ranked am ong the top 50 research libraries in the U.S., with collections in excess of 2.6 million books and journals, over 1.9 million microforms, and more than 18,000 current subscriptions to serials and governm ent documents. The Science and Engineering Library holds in excess of 600,000 print resources and serves the College of Engineering, the College of Nursing, and the College of Science’s Departm ents— Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, Com puter Science, Geology, and Food and Nutrition— as well as the information needs of the entire university community. APPLICATION: Please mail o r fa x a letter of interest, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Ju d ith M a rc h -A d a m s A s s is ta n t D ean fo r H um an R esou rces W a y n e S tate U niversity 134 P urdy L ibrary D etro it, Ml 48202 fax: (313) 5 7 7 -5 5 2 5 Applications accepted until position is filled. A ll b u ild in g s , s tru c tu re s , a n d v e h ic le s a t W S U a re s m o k e -fre e . W a y n e S ta te U n iv e rs ity is a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity, a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n e m p lo y e r. W a y n e S ta te U n iv e rs ity — P e o p le w o rk in g to g e th e r to p r o v id e q u a lity s e rvic e . June 1997 / 443 brary and/or sim ilar subject background; recent experience in, or current knowledge of, collection m anagem ent and evaluation; effec­ tive in terpersonal relations and com m unication skills. Preferred: Recent experience in library user education; database management, spreadsheet and/or statistical software packages; experience with map collections. Salary: From $25,500, com m ensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; broad insurance program; 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave per year. Application: Send letter of application, resume, and names and com plete m ailing addresses of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Adm inistrative Services, Library Adm inistrative Office, W ashington State University, PO Box 645610, Pullman, W A 99164-5610. Application review begins July 15, 1 9 9 7 . W S U L ib r a r ie s ’ h o m e p a g e a d d re s s : h t tp : / / www.wsulibs.w W SU is an EEO em ployer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES University of North Carolina at Charlotte This is a new senior-level position within Library and Information Services (LIS), which consists of Library Services, Computing Services, and Media Services. The position reports to the Director of Library Services. A new state-of-the-art facility for LIS is currently under construction. RESPONSIBILITIES: The planning and operation of services which acquire, make bibliographically accessible, and prepare for use all items that are purchased, donated, leased, borrowed, or accessed remotely for the library’s collections and its patrons. Programmatic elements include acquisitions, cataloging, preservation, interlibrary borrowing and lending, and document delivery. Will also be respon­ sible for supervision of approximately 30 FTE (including four faculty). QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree required. Another advanced degree preferred. Minimum of six years experience in increasingly challenging technical service positions in an academic or large public library. At least three years of administrative responsibility for one major technical services function, which includes supervision of professional librarians, budgetary responsibility, and project management. Preference will be given to candidates who have experience in more than one area of technical services. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills required. Demonstrated ability to provide leadership for change. Also requires current knowledge of the technical infrastructures for the library and information services organization of the future and of the ways in which economic pressures, technological opportu­ nities, and partnering initiatives are affecting traditional technical services operations. A strong belief in and commitment to team-based leadership and operational support and demonstrated vision for providing access to information resources that is responsive to the future rather than reflective of the past. Full-time, 12-month contract with excellent benefits. Tenure-track; rank and salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Anticipated date of appointment: September 1 , 1997. Send letter of interest stating qualifications and resume with names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: H ead of T echn ical S ervices Search C om m ittee c/o C arole Runnion LIS A d m in istrative Services 1051 C olvard UNCC 9201 U niversity C ity Blvd. C harlotte, NC 28223 Applications received by June 3 0 , 1997, will receive first consideration, but applications will be accepted until position is filled. Members of minority groups and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For additional information visit our web site: A A /E E O CO LLECTIO N M AN AG EM ENT CO O RDINATO R AND ASSISTA NT/ ASSO CIATE PROFESSOR. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Libraries. Leads in the design, im plementation, analysis, and evalu­ ation of collection m anagem ent projects, such as weeding, serials review, storage. The Collection M anagem ent C oordinator is the prim ary im plem entor of CDM day-to-day activities. As project m an­ ager, leads projects from inception to com pletion; as an advocate for the libraries’ physical collections, shares in-depth knowledge about the collections and collection m anagem ent practices. Establishes, in consultation with appropriate colleagues, collection developm ent guidelines for use in decision m aking by CDM office staff and other library team s. Designs and coordinates orientation for new subject librarians and faculty departm ental representatives. Plans coopera­ tive collection m anagem ent projects and assigns staff resources. May assum e responsibility for subject liaison with an academic departm ent. C oordinates activities of the Collection Development & 444 / C&RL News ASSISTANT ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN FOR INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES University of Illinois Library (U-C) Urbana, Illinois DUTIES: The Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, a $22.7 million facility which opened in March 1994, serves the 490 faculty, 2,200 graduate students, and 5,500 undergraduate students of the nationally ranked UIUC College of Engineering. The UIUC Library was selected in 1994 by the National Science Foundation as one of six sites for research on the digital library of the future. The Grainger Library serves as the testbed for this grant, which is designed to provide online access to full text of major engineering journals. Under the direction of the Engineering Librarian, the Assistant Engineering Librarian for Information and Instructional Services will be responsible for the m anagem ent of public services, reference and bibliographic instruction, visitor and outreach services, and materials process­ ing and collection management in the Grainger Engineering Library Information Center. The incumbent will participate in collection developm ent and faculty liaison activities. The incumbent will contribute to the developm ent of electronic information resources and systems, promote the continuing application of information technology to meet changing user needs, assist in training and supervising Grainger Library graduate assistants, and participate in special projects connected with G rainger’s mission to explore emerging information technologies. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent. Minimum of five years post-MLS experience in a science or engineering academic or special library. Demonstrated expertise in developing a fu ll range of imaginative information, reference, and instructional services. Superior leadership and com m unication skills, including the ability to work effectively with staff and users and to manage change in a positive manner. Expertise in World Wide Web and online searching. Familiarity with engineering reference and research tools. Experience with standard microcom puter software packages. Supervisory or project management experience. Evi­ dence of research and scholarship sufficient to meet university standards for a tenured appointment. DESIRED: Undergraduate degree in an engineering, com puter science, or physical science discipline. experience in bibliographic instruction, including end-user search training. Experience with database software developm ent for library applications in a Microsoft W indows environment. Demonstrated skill with Microsoft W indows programming languages. SALARY AND RANK: Salary com m ensurate with credentials and experience, with a minimum salary of $41,000. Appointment is expected to be made at the Associate Professor rank. Librarians have faculty rank and must dem onstrate excellence in librarianship, research, publication, and university/profes­ sional/com m unity service in order to meet university standards for tenure and promotion. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Send letter of application and complete resume with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references, by June 1 6 , 1997, to: A llen G. D ries Lib rary P erso nn el M a n a g e r U niversity of Illin ois L ib rary at U rb a n a -C h a m p a ig n 1408 W . G reg o ry Dr. U rb ana, IL 61801 phone: (217) 3 3 3 -5494 Affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. M anagem ent office in a collaborative organizational environm ent. W orks clo sely with subject and electronic services coordinators, CD M librarians, and serves on the CDM Planning G roup to ensure that th e libraries offer an optim al m ix of inform ation resources with available funding. Plans, supervises, and evaluates the w o rk of four FTE staff w ho provide bibliographic, technical, and clerical support for CD M activities. Reports to the Team Leader for CDM. Collection Developm ent & M anagem ent (CD M ) organization: UTK collection developm ent and m anagem ent activities are perform ed by 30 subject librarians across the organization. The CD M Team , responsible for a $4+ m illion inform ation resources budget, consists of a Team Leader; Coordinators for Hum anities, Sciences, Social Sciences, Electronic Services, and Collection M anagem ent; 2.5 FTE CD M librarians; and fo u r staff. The Team Leader, w h o reports to the Dean of Libraries, provid es le adership fo r all collection -rela ted activities, in cluding allocations fo r inform ation resources. Coordinators fo r the H um ani­ ties, S ciences, Social Sciences, and Electronic S ervices have dual reporting relationships to CD M and Reference. O ne CD M librarian m onitors, analyzes, and reports collection m anagem ent data; an­ other leads the preservation program . Q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree. S everal years post-M LS library experience in an aca­ dem ic or research library. Dem onstrated organizational skills, cre­ ativity and flexibility, ability to m ake decisions, excellen t interper­ sonal and com m unications skills, ability to deal w ith changing priori­ ties based on client and library needs; com m itm ent to fostering a collaborative w o rk environm ent. K now ledge of trends in publishing and higher education. Broad know ledge of academ ic/research library collection developm ent and m anagem ent issues. W orking knowl- June 1997 / 445 VICE PRESIDENT FOR COLLECTION PROGRAMS The Center for Research Libraries The Center for Research Libraries, a major international consortium of academic and research libraries, provides collections-based collaborative programs and services focusing on a 5.5 million volume collection located near the University of Chicago. To meet the growing needs of member libraries, the Board of Directors is pleased to announce the immediate availability of a significant employment opportunity for a creative and energetic professional librarian to accept appointment as a deputy to the President with primary responsibility for leading the development and operation of CRL’s collections and services programs. The new position of Vice President for Collection Programs will direct CRL’s international cooperative collection development program that supplements North American academic and research libraries by acquiring, preserving, and making available important collections in newspapers, serials, dissertations, retrospective materials, and area studies. The Vice President for Collection Programs oversees staff management of major cooperative activities in micropublishing and conversion to electronic media, plus the internal functions of bibliography, preservation, collection management and development, and stacks management. Qualifications include a minimum of five years relevant experience, preferably in an academic or research library. An ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science is preferred. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and demonstrated managerial and leadership skills are required. The ability to function in a multiinstitutional environment is essential. CRL offers a competitive salary based on qualifications and experience, with an exceptional benefits package and a collaborative work environment. For consideration, please forward by July 1 , 1997, a letter of application and resume with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: Sonia Hicks H um an R esources C oordinator C enter fo r R esearch Libraries 6050 S. K enw ood Ave. C hicago, IL 60637 phone: (773) 955-4545 ext. 348 The C e n te r fo r R e se a rch L ib ra rie s d o e s n o t d is c rim in a te o n the b a s is o f race, g en d e r, color, relig io n , n a tio n a l origin, age, d is a b ility , o r v e te ra n s ta tu s in its p ro v is io n o f e m p lo y m e n t o p p o rtu n itie s. edge of major bibliographic tools. Preferred: Supervisory experience. Experience with collection developm ent/m anagem ent. Experience with faculty liaison and selection of library materials. Fam iliarity with library preservation issues. Knowledge of distributed computing, networking, and electronic inform ation access methods. This is a tenure-track appointm ent requiring the ability to m eet prom otion and tenure criteria. 24 days annual leave, tuition remission, usual ben­ efits. Assistant or Associate Professor rank. Salary: Assistant Profes­ sor m inimum $33,000; Associate Professor $40,000 minimum. Please send letter of application, a current resume, and the names, ad­ dresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three recent references to: Jill Keally, Head, Library Support Services, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1015 Volunteer Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37996- 1000; fax: (423) 974-4696. Review of applications will begin July 15, 1997, and will continue until the position is filled. Additional inform a­ tion about this position may be found at: search/collmgtcoord.html. UTK is an EEO/AA/Title Vl/Title IX/Sec tion 504/ADA/ADEA employer. COORDINATOR, REFERENCE AND INFO RM ATIO N SERVICES. Shapiro Undergraduate Library, University of M ichigan. The Shapiro Undergraduate Library (UGL) serves an undergraduate population of 23,000, including a prim ary user group of approxim ately 15,000 enrolled in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts (LS&A). Collections and services are also used by faculty, graduate students, staff, and m embers of the local and regional community. Information, reference, and instruction services and program s of the UGL are designed to m eet the needs of undergrads in a large, research university setting. These include collaborative program s with other cam pus units and libraries, an array of reference and research services, an extensive instructional program, and an academic out­ reach program. Information resources include access to the rapidly expanding networked knowledge environment, nearly 500 periodical titles, 195,000 monographs, a browsing collection, and a course reserve service for LS&A undergraduate and graduate courses. UGL staff is engaged in developing a variety of program s and services that exploit the potential of new technologies, including Interactive Refer­ ence Assistance over the cam pus network, digital course reserves, identification of W orld W ide W eb resources for undergrads, and use of cam pus television and web-based instruction. Duties: Under the direction of the Head, Shapiro UGL, the successful candidate will direct all reference services at the UGL; plan, implement, and evalu­ ate reference and inform ation services; direct reference staff and students; provide direct public service to UG L patrons; and perform m iscellaneous related duties. Required qualifications: ALA-accred­ ited MLS. Two years post-MLS public services experience; dem on­ strated com m itm ent and enthusiasm for working with a predom inantly undergraduate clientele. Demonstrated understanding of and experi­ ence with the applications of current technology in a library setting. Demonstrated willingness to exercise creativity and take risks in a supportive, dynam ic environm ent. Dem onstrated ability to work collaboratively and to foster collaboration. Demonstrated com m it­ ment to excellence in public services and ability to work effectively with culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. Excellent ability to com m unicate effectively in speaking and writing. Desired qualifica­ tions: Experience with delivery of remote reference services. Exten- 4 4 6 / C&RL News ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN OF HARVARD COLLEGE FOR COLLECTIONS H a s p r im a ry re sp o n s ib ility fo r le a d e rsh ip a n d a d m in is tra tio n o f p ro g ra m s re la tin g to t h e d e v e lo p ­ m e n t a n d m a n a g e m e n t o f th e co llectio n s, in c lu d in g aspects o f in te lle c tu a l a n d ph y sic al access to c o lle c tio n resources; w ill b e ex p e c te d to d ev elo p a c o llab o rativ e process fo r a ssu rin g c o n tin u e d d e v e lo p m e n t o f th e o u t s ta n d in g b re a d th a n d d e p th o f th e L ib ra ry ’s c o lle c tio n s, in all fo rm a ts. R e sp o n sib le fo r d e fin in g k e y strateg ies fo r a c q u irin g o r accessing e le c tro n ic reso u rces as w ell as e s ta b lis h in g p a ra m e te rs t h a t will assu re su s ta in e d access to d ig ita l c o llectio n s; c o o r d in a tin g th e c re a tio n , im p le m e n ta tio n , a n d assessm en t o f d ig ital lib ra ry p ro je c ts a n d p ro g ra m s ; a n d gen eral o v e rsig h t o f th o s e p ro g ra m s in w h ic h th e L ib ra ry ’s c o llectio n s are u se d fo r c o lla b o ra tiv e in itiativ es o r c o m m e rc ia l v e n tu re s. R e p o rtin g to th e L ib ra ry fo r H a r v a r d C o lleg e, th e A sso ciate L ib ra ria n fo r C o lle c tio n s is a m e m b e r o f t h e L ib ra ry ’s se n io r m a n a g e m e n t te a m . I n a d d itio n to a sig n ific a n t d e g re e o f in te r a c tio n a n d c o lla b o ra tio n w i t h lib ra ria n s a n d s ta ff w ith in t h e H a r v a r d C o lle g e lib ra ry a n d w i t h n u m e r o u s d e p a r tm e n ta l, re se a rc h , a n d in s titu te lib ra rie s o f t h e F a c u lty o f A rts a n d S cien ces, h e /s h e w ill w o r k w ith fa c u lty f ro m H a r v a r d ’s p r o ­ fe ss io n a l sc h o o ls a n d w ith c o m p u t i n g p ro fe s sio n a ls. T h e A sso c ia te L ib ra ria n sh a re s r e s p o n s ib il­ ity fo r t h e s te w a rd s h ip o f t h e L ib r a r y ’s m o r e t h a n 1 ,0 0 0 e n d o w m e n ts a n d w ill o f te n m e e t w ith d o n o r s , a lu m n i, frie n d s o r f o u n d a tio n s o n m a tte r s re la tin g t o t h e L ib ra ry ’s c o lle c tio n s . T h e H a r v a r d C o lle g e L ib ra ry , t h e c e n tra l co lle c tio n o f th e F a c u lty o f A rts a n d S ciences, h as an a n n u a l b u d g e t o f o v er $ 4 8 m illio n o f w h ic h n early $ 1 0 m illio n is d e sig n a te d fo r c o lle c tio n ac q u i­ sitio n , a n d c o n sists of: W id e n e r (th e m a in research lib ra ry fo r m o s t o f th e h u m a n itie s a n d social sciences); H o u g h to n (rare b o o k s a n d m a n u s c rip ts ); L a m o n t a n d H ille s (u n d e rg ra d u a te collec­ tio n s); C a b o t S cien ce; H a rv a rd -Y e n c h in g (E ast A sia n co llectio n s); M u sic ; F in e A rts; K u m m e l (geological sciences); L itta u e r (e c o n o m ic s a n d g o v e rn m e n t); a n d T o z z e r (a n th ro p o lo g y ). Q u a lific a tio n s: A n A L A a c c re d ite d M L S . A n u n d e r s ta n d in g o f t h e e v o lv in g ro le o f t h e a c a d e ­ m ic re se a rc h lib ra ry a n d h o w te c h n o lo g y issues affe ct a c a d e m ic i n s titu tio n s . D e m o n s tr a te d a c h ie v e m e n t in m a n a g in g c o lle c tio n p ro g ra m s ; p ro v e n le a d e rsh ip c a p a c ity w ith d e m o n s tr a te d a b ility t o in f lu e n c e c h a n g e in larg e, c o m p le x a n d d iv e rse e n v ir o n m e n ts ; su c cessfu l a d m in is tr a ­ tiv e a n d m a n a g e ria l e x p e rie n c e ; o u t s t a n d i n g in te rp e rs o n a l a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n skills; p ro v e n a b ility to p la n effe c tiv e ly a n d a re c o rd o f p r o m o ti n g c o o p e ra tiv e a n d c o lla b o ra tiv e e ffo rts a m o n g lib ra ry u n its ; s t r o n g b u d g e t m a n a g e m e n t, a n a ly tic a l a n d p ro b le m so lv in g skills. Preferred qu alification s: A n a d v a n c e d d e g re e in an a c a d e m ic d isc ip lin e o r re c o rd o f resea rch a n d sc h o la rs h ip . K n o w le d g e o f d ig ita l lib ra ry a p p lic a tio n s a n d n e tw o rk e d in fo rm a tio n resources. C o m p e n sa tio n : H a r v a r d U n iv e r s ity offers a c o m p e titiv e p ro g ra m o f b e n e fits. A p p o i n t m e n t sa la ry d e p e n d e n t o n q u a lific a tio n s . T h e rev iew o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in n o la te r t h a n 1 A u g u s t; th is p o s itio n w ill r e m a in o p e n u n til filled. C o m p l e t e p o s itio n a n n o u n c e m e n t av ailab le u p o n re q u e st. T o ap p ly , p lease s u b m it a le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , r e s u m e , a n d n a m e s o f th r e e refe ren ce s to: H a z e l C . S tam p s D ir e c to r o f H u m a n R esources H arvard C o lle g e Library H arvard U n iv e r sity W id e n e r 1 9 0 C a m b rid g e , M A 0 2 1 3 8 H A R V A R D U N I V E R S I T Y U P H O L D S A C O M M I T M E N T T O A F F I R M A T I V E A C T I O N A N D E Q U A L E M P L O Y M E N T O P P O R T U N I T Y H a r v a r d C o l l e g e L i b r a r y h a r v a r d U N I V E R S I T Y June 1997 / 447 A s s o c i a t e C h i e f F o r A c c e s s G e n e r a l R e s e a r c h D i v i s i o n E xcep tio n al o p p o rtu n ity to m anage access o p eratio n s for o n e o f th e w o rld s strongest an d m ost extensively used research c o llectio n s for h u m a n itie s a n d social scicnces. R esponsibilities in c lu d e oversight o f a p p ro x im a te ly 3 .0 2 m illio n v o lu m es, 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 m icro film reels a n d various o th e r m edia. In d iv id u a l will d ev elo p a n d m a in ta in an efficient, responsible, c u sto m e r o rie n te d delivery system . W ill also c o o rd in a te m aterials relo catio n a n d related activities w ith in th e C e n te r for th e H u m a n itie s a n d m an ag e a sta ff o f 16 .5 fu ll-tim e em ployees a n d a p p ro x im a te ly 80 h o u rly -p a id p a rt-tim e w orkers, overseeing th e h irin g , tra in in g a n d su p e rv isio n o f th is staff. T o qualify, y o u m u st have an A LA a ccred ited M L S degree an d su b stan tial experience in th e access services o p e ra tio n o f a research o r acad e m ic library. Extensive kn o w led g e o f m a jo r v e n d o rs’ in teg rated lib ra ry system s. W o rk in g know ledge o f storage a n d m aterial delivery systems as well as preservation and se cu rity issues. P rio r su p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e a n d ex cellen t a n a ly tic , p ro b le m so lv in g , o rg a n iz a tio n a l a n d in te r p e rs o n a l c o m m u n ic a tio n skills. C o m p e titiv e salary, c o m m e n s u ra te w ith ex perience a n d excellent b en efits provided. Please m ail resum e in c lu d in g salary h isto ry /re q u ire m e n ts to: H u m an Resources D ep t. K N -A C T H E N E W Y O R K P U B L IC LIBRARY 188 M adison Avenue, 5th Floor, N e w York, N Y 1 0 0 1 6 A n E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p lo y e r sive experience with digital resources in a public se rvices setting. Prior supervisory experience. Rank, salary, and leave: Rank of Associate Librarian. Final salary dependent on years of previous relevant professional experience (minim um salary: $33,000). 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. To apply: Send cover letter and resume to: Karen Downing, Library Human Resources, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. Application deadline: Applications received by June 30, 1997, will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a nondiscrim inatory, affirm ative action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Southern Arkansas Univer­ sity. Duties: Provide leadership for library; develop budgets, policies, priorities, and strategic plans; prom ote faculty-student relations and direct library support for educational, public service, and continuing education opportunities in an extended cam pus region. May be considered to teach graduate-level library m edia course. Reports to Vice President for Academ ic Affairs. Q ualifications: Strong leader­ ship, interpersonal com munication, m anagem ent and planning skills; vision and knowledge to develop and direct library com puter inform a­ tion systems; com m itm ent to diversity; five years academ ic library experience and a record of professional achievem ents. ALA-accred ited MLS required; doctorate strongly preferred. Salary and title commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications will be reviewed as received. Starting date negotiable. Southern Arkan­ sas University’s library serves 2,600 undergraduate and graduate students and holds approxim ately 150,000 volumes, 8,500 AV pieces, 925 periodical subscriptions, and 328,000 governm ent documents. Send letter of interest, vita, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three people who m ay be contacted as references to: Office of Personnel, Southern Arkansas University, SAU Box 9288, Magnolia, AR 71753-5000. AA/EOE. DIRECTOR OF TH E LIBRARY AND INFO RM ATIO N RESOURCES. The State University of New York at Old W estbury. The College at Old Westbury is located on a 600-acre cam pus in Nassau County, maintaining a rich racially and culturally diverse student body. The college is seeking to fill the position of Director of the Library and Information Resources beginning fall 1997. Q ualifications: Master’s degree in library and inform ation science and at least five years of adm inistrative responsibility required; Ph.D. or equivalent advanced degree preferred. Responsibilities: The Director will coordinate our inform ation services and technology system s in ways that support instruction and research. Reporting to the Vice President for Aca­ dem ic Affairs, the Director will provide leadership and planning for the Library and the Educational Technology Center, which includes the Audiovisual Department, and insure that the cam pus is prepared to use technology in providing ready access to inform ation and for instructional purposes. Salary: $47,200 m inimum. Send letter of interest, resume, and three letters of reference by June 3 0 , 1997, to: Director of Personnel & Affirm ative Action, Screening Committee: DLIR, SUNY College at Old Westbury, Box 210, Old Westbury, NY 11568. AA/EOE. ED UC ATIO N /PSYCHO LO G Y. U niversity of M innesota Libraries. Position Description: Leader, Education/Psychology Reference Ser­ vices and Collection M anager for Psychology. Responsibilities: Co­ ordinate activities of the Education/Psychology Reference Services in an em erging team environment; provide traditional and electronic reference services, including library instruction and the developm ent of electronic library resources, including multim edia; select m aterials and m anage acquisitions budget for psychology; library liaison to Departm ent of Psychology and related program s. For m ore inform a­ tion and a com plete position description, contact the Libraries Human Resources Office. Required qualifications: MLS degree from ALA- accredited institution; advanced degree or graduate study in psychol­ ogy or related behavioral science; dem onstrated understanding of collection m anagem ent in the behavioral sciences and leadership experience in the area of reference services and bibliographic instruc­ tion, including the use and developm ent of electronic inform ation resources; effective written and verbal com m unication and interper­ sonal skills. Preferred qualifications: M aster’s degree in psychology; dem onstrated proficiency in electronic inform ation technology. Type of appointm ent and salary: Full-time, 12-month academ ic/profes­ sional position; probationary appointm ent at the Assistant Librarian rank. The appointee will be expected to fulfill requirem ents for continuous appointm ent, including dem onstrated professional ac- 448/ C&RL News F A I R F I E L D U N I V E R S I T Y Head Reference Librarian Fairfield University seeks an experienced, energetic, and creative leader in reference and information services to build and guide a new department. The Head Reference Librarian will lead the e ffo rt to hire an entirely new staff, significantly expand the print and electronic refer­ ence collections, and implement a new initiative in library instruction fo r students and faculty. In anticipation o f a major library building expansion, the Head Reference Librarian will also play a key role in the physical design and layout o f both print and electronic resources f o r a library o f the 21st century. Responsibilities will include the managing o f all aspects o f the Reference Department; devel­ oping and coordinating library instruction; overseeing the selection o f materials fo r the refer­ ence collections, both print and electronic; overseeing interlibrary loan; providing leadership in the evaluation o f information services. Q u a lific a tio n s Required: A LA accredited MLS; 5 years increasingly responsible professional experience in an academic library reference department; experience in an academic library reference department; experience in the delivery and effective utilization o f print and elec­ tronic resources; dem onstrated experience in instruction and user education; evidence o f strong organizational skills; knowledge o f ILL/docum ent delivery policies and issues. Preferred Q u a lifica tio n s: A subject masters degree is highly desirable along with fam iliarity w ith the effective use o f educational technology; experience with assessm ent o f library ser­ vices; and experience w ith library support o f distance education.. Fairfield University is a highly selective, independent, small com prehensive university with over 200 full time faculty, 3,000 full time undergraduate students, and 2,400 part-tim e continu­ ing education and graduate students in six schools. The U niversity was founded by the Je su ­ its in 1942. Located in a suburban area 50 miles outside o f New York City, the 200-acre park­ like campus overlooks Long Island Sound. Nyselius Library has over 280,000 volumes, an integrated automated system (DRA), a CD-ROM local area network, and fib e r optic connec­ tiv ity to the campus mainframe. A p p lica tio n Process: Please submit a le tte r of application, resume, and telephone num bers/ Internet address o f three references to: Jam es Estrada, U n ive rsity Librarian, N yse liu s L i­ brary, F airfield U niversity, Fairfield, CT 06430-5195. Preference given to applications re­ ceived by June 30, 1997. Fair f UN ie IVE l RS d ITY Fairfield U n ive rsity is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n Employer. Fairfield U n iversity stro n g ly encourages applications fro m wom en and m inorities. com plishm ent and contribution. Sa lary and benefits: Range of $33,000 to $38,000, dep endin g on expe rience and qualifications; generous benefits package. A pplication requirem ents: A p plicants shou ld send a le tter of application discussing background and expe rience relating to th e position and its requirem ents, a resum e, and nam es, ad­ dresses, and telephone num bers o f three references to: Linda DeBeau- M elting, Libraries Hum an Resources O ffice, 4 53 W ilson Library, U n iv e r s ity o f M in n e s o ta , 309 19th Ave. South, M in neapolis, MN 55455. A p plications m ust be postm arked by June 15, 1997. Please id entify app lica tions with UL#64. The U n iversity of M innesota is com m itted to th e policy that all persons shall have equal access to its program s, facilities, and em plo ym en t w ith out regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, m arital status, disabilities, pub lic assistan ce status, veteran status, o r sexual orientation. EL E C T R O N IC IN FO R M A TIO N S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . Identifies and prom ote s th e use of appropriate electronic resources, including jo urn als, databases, C D -R O M products, and Internet-based m ate ri als. C o ord inates th e im plem entation of autom ated library system s, the d eve lopm ent of the library w e b site, and the operation of the periodicals departm ent. S end resum e w ith nam es and phone num ­ bers of thre e references to: E dward O ’Hara, Chair, Librarian Search Com m ittee, C o lle g e o f M o u n t S a in t V in c e n t, 6301 Riverdale Ave., Bronx, NY 10471. H E AD , G E N E R A L IN FO R M A TIO N C E N TE R (G IC ) A N D CO R E/ R E S E R V E S E R V IC E S . N orthw estern U n iversity Library. C o o rd i­ nates and m anages the ope ratio ns of the G eneral Inform ation Center, th e starting point fo r users of the library’s print and electronic re- Ju n e 1997 / 449 ASSISTANT DEAN (INFORMATION SERVICES) THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LIBRARIES Nominations and applications are invited for the newly defined position of Assistant Dean (Information Services). The Assistant Dean will provide creative leadership fo r the organization and management of public service units in Watson Library, the Lawrence cam pus’ main library fo r the humanities and social sciences, as well as the Regents Center Library, which supports graduate programs from KU and all Kansas Regents institutions, offered in the Kansas City metropolitan area. The Assistant Dean, one of three in the libraries, will report to the Associate Dean of Libraries and will participate extensively in librarywide policy and decision making. The University of Kansas, a comprehensive AAU institution, is located in the historic and diverse community of Lawrence (population 65,000) amidst the rolling hills of north east Kansas. The University of Kansas Libraries hold membership in the Association of Research Libraries, have a collection of 3.3 million volumes, an annual budget of $12 million, and a career staff of 160. The libraries are in the process of implementing to the VTLS Virtua integrated library system. Librarians at the University of Kansas are members of the university faculty and are evaluated on professional performance as well as contributions to the profession through service and research. Candidates must possess an MLS from an ALA-accredited program; evidence of successful administra­ tive experience in public services in a major academic or research library; demonstrated ability to provide creative and effective leadership in a collegial environment; ability to communicate effectively with diverse constituencies; ability to establish productive, effective working relationships within the libraries, the university, and the community; experience in planning, implementing, and evaluating library services; experience with integrated library systems and electronic databases; and familiarity with the provision of extended-campus library services. Annual salary: $60,000 - $70,000, dependent upon qualifications. For application information and a full position description contact: S andra K. G illiland A ssistan t to the Dean U niversity of K ansas Libraries Law rence, KS 66045-2800 S G IL L IL A @ U K A N S .E D U Review of applications will begin June 2 5 , 1997. The University o f Kansas an d its libraries are com m itted to equal opportunity and affirm ative action. sources, and the Core/Reserve Unit. The G eneral Inform ation Center consists of the Inform ation Desk and 20 electronic workstations providing access to an array of catalogs, research databases, and the World W ide Web. Core/Reserve contains the library’s undergraduate noncirculation collection of 50,000 titles and the library’s course reserve operations, including paper and electronic m aterials. Super­ vises 40 part-tim e library staff in the G eneral Inform ation C enter and 4.5 full-tim e staff in Core/Reserve, including one librarian. Estab­ lishes goals, objectives, policies, priorities, and perform ance stan­ dards for the departm ent. Q ualifications: M aster’s degree from an ALA-accredited program required. M inimum of three to five years of professional experience, preferably in an academ ic/research library, and excellent interpersonal and com m unications skills required. Supervisory experience required. Salary: $40,000 m inim um . To apply: Send le tter of app lica tion and resum e, in cluding the nam es of three references, to: P eter J. Devlin, P ersonnel Librarian, N o rth­ western U n ive rs ity Library, 1935 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60208-2300. A p plications received by July 15, 1997, w ill receive first consideration. N o rthw e stern U n iversity is an equ al opportunity, affirm ative action em plo yer. E m ploym e nt e lig ib ility v e rifica tio n required upon hire. HEAD OF TH E SC HA FFN ER LIBRARY. Northwestern University Library. The Schaffner Library is on the university’s dow ntown Chi­ cago cam pus and serves o v e r 3,000 students enrolled in the university’s continuing education program s. Schaffner has been developed pri­ marily as an electronic library, em phasizing user education, new technological applications, and docum ent delivery to m eet the spe­ cial needs of adult students. Responsibilities: Adm inisters the daily operations of Schaffner, including user education, faculty liaison, reference, and network and Internet services; supervises five staff, including tw o librarians and one FTE student assistants; manages technical services and selection and m aintenance of the library’s collections; actively explores and recom m ends new services and technologies; prom otes continuing in novation within Schaffner, par­ ticularly electronic initiatives. Establishes goals, objectives, policies, priorities, and perform ance standards for Schaffner. Recomm ends resources required for Schaffner and allocates financial, staff, and space resources in consultation with library adm inistration. Makes decisions based on cost effectiveness, efficiency, and user friendli­ ness. M onitors user group concerns and advises library adm inistra­ tion on any potential im pact on operations and services. Participates in public service activities such as user education and m eetings in the evening as required. Q ualifications: M aster’s degree from an ALA- accredited program ; m inim um of three to five years of professional experience, preferably in an academ ic/research library; excellent in terpersonal and com m unications skills; supervisory experience; and strong personal com m itm ent to responsible and innovative service and excellent problem -solving skills. Salary: $40,000 m ini­ mum. To apply: Send letter of application and resum e, including the nam es of three references to: Peter J. Devlin, Personnel Librarian, Northw estern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60208-2300. A pplications received by July 1 5 , 1997, will receive first consideration. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affir­ m ative action em ployer. Em ploym ent eligibility verification required upon hire. HEAD, REFERENCE SE RVIC ES DEPARTM ENT. The University at Albany is seeking a librarian to provide leadership in the planning, developm ent, and provision of innovative, proactive reference and mailto:SGILLILA@UKANS.EDU 4 5 0 / C&RL News COLLEGE ARCHIVIST Smith College Libraries Smith College invites applications for the position of College Archivist. The Smith College Libraries include the college Archives, Sophia Smith Collection, Mortimer Rare Book Room, the William Allen Neilson Library, Hillyer Art Library, Josten Performing Arts Library, Young Science Library, and the Nonprint Resources Center. With over 1.2 million items and more than 11,000 linear feet of archives and manuscripts, it is one of the largest undergraduate research col­ lections in the country. Smith is an active member of the Five Colleges consortium, with Amherst, Hampshire and Mount Holyoke Colleges and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Responsibilities: Develop and implement policies and programs; manage the Archives’ budget, staff, operations, services and resources; serve as the college’s records manager. Provide educational services to students, faculty, visitors and the media. The institutional archives, alum­ nae memorabilia, and papers of all college employees consist of more than 5,800 linear feet, and document the rich and eventful history of the largest women’s college in the U.S. Reporting to the Coordinator of Special Collections and the Director of Libraries, supervise a staff of 1.5 FTE and occasional special projects staff; manage several record collections of women’s organizations among the holdings of the Sophia Smith Collection, a national repository of primary sources in women’s history with which the Archives shares space and staff. Qualifications: Must possess an ALA-accredited MLS or MA in history, including formal archival course work; additional course work or subject depth in women’s history, American his­ tory or the history of higher education highly desirable; ACA or CRM certifications highly desir­ able; must have minimum of five years of progressively responsible experience in an institutional archives or manuscripts repository, preferably in higher education setting; experience surveying, appraising, arranging and describing collections; administering access agreements and con­ structing and implementing records retention and disposal schedules; strong written and oral communication skills; experience providing public services; demonstrated leadership skills and ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment; experience with library and archival automation systems, Internet resources and digital imaging; experience training, managing and evaluating staff; experience with donor relations; a record of service to the broader institution, the community and the profession. Starting salary is in the low-to-mid $40’s, dependent on expe­ rience and qualifications. Excellent employee benefits. Review o f applications will begin July 1, 1997, and will continue until the position is filled. Submit letter o f application, resume and names o f three professional references to: Employment Group; Office o f Human Resources; Smith College, Box 730; Northampton, MA 01063. Information about the Smith College Archives is available on the World Wide Web at: An Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Institution. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. research services in a rapidly changing inform ation environm ent. The dep artm ent includes active, highly visible print and electronic refer­ ence services, user education, and governm ent publications units. Em phasis for this position is on effective le adership to provide responsive user-centered service. The successful candidate will coordinate the provision of reference and research services by supervising a departm ental staff of eight FTE library faculty and coordinating the reference activities of an additional 7.5 FTE library faculty w ho serve prim arily as bibliographers. Participation in the user education program , and evening and w eekend reference service hours will be expected. Reports to the Assistant Director for U ser Services. Research, publication, and service to the libraries, univer­ sity, and profession are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointm ent and prom otion. Q ualifications: Required: M LS degree from an ALA -accredited library and inform ation science program . Five years of increasingly responsible reference experience. An under­ standing of the m ission of a research institution and the role of inform ational and in structional technology in this setting. Experience in reference service and user education. Evidence of significant experience with integrated library system s, cam pus networks, the Internet, and electronic in form ation resources. D em onstrated strength in supervisory and le adership skills. A bility to lead in a dynamic, changing in form ation environm ent. Strong oral and written com m u ni­ cation, and interpersonal skills. Desired: G raduate degree in a rel­ evant field. K nowledge of em erging technologies and th e ir applica­ tions in a library setting. M anagem ent experience in an academ ic or Ju n e 1997 / 4 5 1 DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY Case Western Reserve University invites nominations and applications fo r the position of Director of the University Library. Case Western Reserve University is committed to the continued development of its “Library of the Future” which does away with the conventional separation between library and computing services. At the center of campus is a new University Library facility, an intellectual commons, as well as the hub of our digital learning environment for teaching and research that combines traditional library holdings and services with electronic access to and training with digital information resources. The University Library consists of the Kelvin Smith Library and the Music and Astronomy Libraries. There are separately administered campus libraries fo r the health sciences, law, and social work. CWRU is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the OhioLINK system, and various local and regional consortia. The Director is a key member of the management team in the Office of Information Services and is responsible for continuing the development of the University Library as an important information service and resource fo r the university. The Director manages all resources of the University Library, including staff, materials, budgets and o th er funding, equipment, and facilities to achieve the library’s overall goal of meeting the instructional and research information needs of faculty, students, and staff. The Director reports to the Vice President for Information Services and is responsible for a staff consisting currently of 65 librarians and library support personnel. Qualifications include senior management experience in a major academic library, with substantial experience in staff recruitment, management, development, and evaluation; significant experience in the application of information technologies to support and enhance library services; and the ability to work effectively with diverse constituencies within and outside the university. We anticipate that candidates will hold an MLS degree; a doctorate or another advanced degree is desirable. Candidates must have a record of initiative and achievement in developing programs and services and be committed to the goals of a research university and to the intellectual and service mission of the library. The position is available immediately and the anticipated appointment date is January 1 , 1998, although an earlier appointment would be desirable. Salary is competitive and there is an extensive benefits package. Applications should include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and the names of at least three references. Nominations and applications should be sent to: H. W . K lingensm ith, C hairm an U niversity Library D irector Search A dvisory C om m ittee O ffice of V ice P resid en t fo r Inform ation Services C ase W estern R eserve U niversity 10900 Euclid Ave. C levelan d , OH 44106-7019 To ensure full consideration, nominations and applications should be received by Septem ber 1 , 1997. Review of materials will begin immediately thereafter and continue until an appointment is made. Complete position description is available at RU/Admin/uldir.html; further information about the University Library is available at In e m p lo y m e n t a s in e d u c a tio n , C a s e W e ste rn R e s e rv e U n iv e rs ity is c o m m itte d to a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n a n d e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity. large p u b lic lib ra ry. S a la ry: C o m m e n su ra te w ith e d u ca tio n and expe rience. M inim um : $ 40 ,000 . A p p ly to: C h ris tin e T ra v is , Li­ brary P e rso n n e l O ffice r, U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s — U L -11 2, U n iv e r­ sity at A lb a n y , S ta te U n iv e rs ity o f New Y o rk, 1400 W a sh in g to n Ave., N ew Y o rk, NY 12222. D e a d lin e : L e tte rs of a p p lic a tio n and resum es are c u rre n tly being review ed. P le a se s u b m it y o u r le tter of a p p lica tio n , resum e, and th e nam es, a d d re sse s, and phone num bers of th re e re fe re n ce s th a t m ay be co n ta cte d , p rio r to July 15, 1997, fo r co n s id e ra tio n . T h e U n iv e rs ity a t A lbany, State U n iversity of N ew Y o rk, is an equ al o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e action em ployer. A p p lic a tio n s from w o m en , m in o rity perso n s, h a n d i­ capped persons, s p e cia l d isa b le d and V ie tn a m -e ra ve te ra n s are e spe cially w e lcom e. LIBRARY DIRECTO R. W esleyan College seeks a Library Director to provide vision and leadership in integrating new inform ation technolo­ gies and expanding the library’s role in the college com m unity. The Library Director adm inisters all library operations including strategic planning and budgeting; supervises the library staff; is individually responsible for one area of library operations; shares reference duties with other librarians; and represents the college in library consortia and organizations. The Library Director holds faculty status, reports to the Dean of the College, and serves as a m em ber of the Academ ic Council with the Division Chairs and the Dean. C andidates should have an A LA-accredited MLS; a m inim um of five years of experience as a professional librarian, preferably including adm inistrative expe­ rience; experience with autom ated library systems; fam iliarity with 452 / C&RL News REFERENCE/SUBJECT LIBRARIAN FOR ART & ARCHITECTURE Washington University in St. Louis O lin Library System The Olin Library System of Washington University is seeking a librarian who is innovative, technologi­ cally literate, and interested in exploring new options for providing proactive services, f o r the newly created position of Reference/Subject Librarian for Art & Architecture. This position, which reports to the Art & Architecture Librarian, will be responsible for developing and implementing effective, user- centered reference and instructional programs and services for users of the Art & Architecture Library; for collection development and faculty liaison for assigned subjects; and for participation in the development of electronic multimedia resources and services to improve access to information by users in the library and in the Visual Arts and Design Center. Washington University, located on the edge of the city of St. Louis, is a medium-sized, independent university founded in 1853, internationally known for excellence in teaching and research and for the quality of its faculty and student body. The Art & Architecture Library is one of eight satellite libraries serving the Washington University community as part of the Olin Library System. With the School of Architecture, School of Art, Department of Art History and Archaeology, and the Gallery of Art, the Art & Architecture Library is a member of the newly formed Visual Arts and Design Center. It supports the teaching, research, and creative activities of the center with information se rvices, electronic information access, and a collection of over 85,000 volumes, QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; undergraduate degree in architecture or art history (advanced degree preferred); experience providing reference and library instructional service; knowledge of electronic information technologies. Knowledge of electronic resources in art and architecture desirable; reading knowledge of a western European language desirable; experience with digital imaging projects desirable. Strong commitment to proactive library se rvice and enthusiasm for work with students and faculty; ability to initiate, plan, and carry out projects, both independently and as a member of a team; ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. For additional information about the library: n d . A detailed job description is available at SALARY RANGE: $26,600-$32,400. F o r full consideration, applicants should send a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Virginia T oliver D irector of A dm in istratio n and Planning Olin Library C am pus Box 1061 1 B rookings Dr. St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 Position will remain open until filled; initial review of applications will begin July 1 , 1997. Employment eligibility verification upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. in form ation technologies; a strong orientation to service; knowledge of trends and standards in college libraries; and involvem ent in professional library organizations. Comm itted to becoming a preem i­ nent liberal arts college for women, W esleyan em phasizes critical thinking, active learning, writing across the curriculum, and student- faculty research. Interested candidates should send a letter of appli­ cation, vita, transcripts, and three current letters of recom mendation, by June 27, 1997, to: Priscilla Danheiser, W esleyan College, 4760 Forsyth Rd., Macon, GA 31210-4462. AA/EOE. W om en and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. MAN USC RIPTS LIBRARIAN. The M anuscripts Librarian is prim arily responsible for adm inistering and cataloging the m anuscript collec­ tions of the W ard M. Canaday C enter for Special Collections including staff m anagement, acquisitions, processing, preservation, m anu script-related reference services, and outreach. The Manuscripts Librarian also participates in bibliographic instruction, assisting in reference se rvices for rare books and archives, and cooperates and shares in various departm ental projects and program s such as preparing exhibits, grants, special catalogs, and related activities. Reports to the Director of the Canaday Center and is a m em ber of the library faculty. The M anuscripts Librarian supervises the Manuscripts Assistant (.50 FTE), student assistants, and, for special projects, a graduate assistant. The Canaday Center, a growing research facility and repository for rare books, m anuscripts, and the University A r­ chives, is located within Carlson Library, a fully autom ated OhioLIN K library. The University of Toledo is a state university in Ohio with approxim ately 21,000 students, offering associate, bachelor, profes­ sional, and doctoral degrees in eight colleges. The attractive main cam pus location in one of Toledo’s finest residential sections pro­ vides a suburban atmosphere, yet is an integral part of the civic, cultural, and com mercial life of the com m unity. The city offers a http://library.wustl.edU/and J u n e 1997 / 453 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN University of California, Irvine University Library The University of California, Irvine, invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. The Librarian is responsible for the overall operation and development of the libraries and reports to the Executive Vice Chancellor. We are seeking an outstanding individual who will provide innovative leadership and expand resources to meet the needs of a major research university. The University Librarian is expected to play a leadership role in the continuing development of the campus approach to educational technology and the digital library. Founded in 1963, the UCI Libraries serve the information needs of students, faculty, staff, and community members at three major library facilities: the Main and Science Libraries on the Irvine campus and the Medical Center Library. The UCI Libraries have close to 2 million volumes and approximately 17,500 active serial subscriptions that are available for study, teaching, and research. UCI is located in the heart of Orange County, one of the fastest-growing counties in the nation, with a vibrant business environment (information on the UCI campuscan be found at website We welcome applications from individuals with excellent skills and experience in strategic planning, management, library and instructional technology, personnel, budget, and finance. The position will also involve significant fund-raising and community outreach responsibilities. Applications and nominations should be sent to: J. Hillis Miller C hair, University Librarian Search C om m ittee U niversity of C alifornia, Irvine 509 A dm inistration Irvine, CA 92697-1000 jh m iller@ u h ttp ://w w w .e v c .u c i.e d u /u n iv lib _ se a rc h .h tm l The search will continue until an appointment is made. The University o f California, Irvine is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity. renowned Museum of Art, a zoo, and an outstanding M etropolitan Park system. Its location provides residents with excellent recre­ ational opportunities on Lake Erie and easy access to cities through­ out the Midwest, particularly Detroit, Chicago, and Cleveland. Q uali­ fications: ALA-accredited master’s in library science. Ability to per­ form original m anuscript cataloging; knowledge of/experience with automated access systems for manuscripts and archives, including the integrated USMARC form at and W orld W ide Web; knowledge of AACR2, LC Rule interpretations, and LC subject headings. Experi­ ence or training in special collections/m anuscripts adm inistration is vital. Preferred is an additional graduate degree in history, english, am erican studies, or related subject; experience with/knowledge of special-collections-related reference sources, and electronic infor­ mation delivery systems (e.g., Internet, W orld Wide Web, etc.). Ability to successfully m eet the requirements for reappointment, promotion, and tenure in the areas of librarianship, professional activity, and service. Ability to work cooperatively with others and good com m uni­ cation skills are very important, as is a com m itm ent to service and professional growth and development. Ability to lift and carry boxes of 40 pounds. This is a 12-month, faculty-status, and tenure-track position. Appointm ent will be at the rank of Instructor. Generous benefits include medical, dental, and vision plans, state pension system, education plan that includes dependents, sick leave, and 24 days of vacation. Salary is $31,778. Application review will begin June 15, 1997, and will continue on the 15th of each succeeding month. Send letter indicating qualifications, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone num bers of at least three refer­ ences to: Robert Shaddy, Chair, Search Committee, Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606-3390. An affirmative action, equal opportunity em ployer M/F/DA/. REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. #MBRISL- 9704. Assistant Librarian, m ultiyear appointment. California State Univer­ sity M onterey Bay is seeking a dynamic, innovative, versatile profes­ sional to join a team of colleagues in a transform ational library at the form er Fort Ord Army Base on scenic M onterey Bay. The CSUMB Library favors electronic resources where possible, creating a unique mix of services, technologies, entrepreneurism, and collections. The library’s organization reflects its mission and the role of CSUMB librarians as full faculty partners, including classroom teaching. The successful applicant will join a team of seven librarians and nine staff which is led by Co-Directors for Library Services and Library Re­ sources. Responsibilities: Provides leadership in teaching, training, and orientation for students, faculty, librarians, and library staff in the areas of information technology, research skills, and information com petence. Participates in the identification and evaluation of electronic reference services which support cam pus learning, teach­ ing, and com munity service. Provides general reference service, which may include evening and weekend hours. Participates in the developm ent and enhancem ent of library web pages related to reference services and resources. All library faculty are expected to develop and deliver credit courses in information technology and resources, as well as course-integrated instruction in information com petency. Minimum qualifications: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited institution. Experience providing general or special­ ized reference service in an academic library, with emphasis on electronic reference services and the Internet. Experience with library instruction or teaching credit courses. Experience with HTML and web page design. Excellent oral and written com munication skills. Salary range: $35,448-$42,636. Priority filing date: July 3, 1997, at 5:00 p.m.; position open until filled. Complete position description and application procedures available on the cam pus web site at http:// w w w .m o n te re y .e d u . E -m a il a p p lic a tio n e n c o u ra g e d : faculty_recruitm ent@ m Faculty Recruitm ent Office, CSU M onterey Bay, 100 Campus Center, Seaside, CA 93955-8001; phone: (408) 582-3569. EEO/ADA/AA employer. 454 / C&RL News REFERENCE/ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Dawes M emorial Library, M arietta College, seeks an ene rge tic librarian to join its adm inistrative team . M arietta College, a nationally recognized liberal arts institution, is located in a historic, southeastern O hio river town (16,000) within easy access to m etropolitan areas. T his position affords the opp ortunity to w o rk in a team environm ent th a t encourages cre a tivity and new program in itiatives. Responsibilities: Provide refe ren ce services, both print and electronic, and participate in the Lib rary’s in struction program und er supervision of Reference /Instruc­ tion Librarian; and supe rvise access services o f interlibrary loan, circulation, and reserves. Q ualifications: MLS from an A L A -accre d ited program required. Experience in reference a nd /or in terlibrary loan in an acad em ic library and with an autom ate d library system (pre fer­ ably Innovative Interfaces, Inc.) stren gthe ns application. M ust have know ledge o f a v ariety of p rin t and electronic resources (OPAC, CD- ROM, and web-b ased databases). D em onstrated ability to teach, with effective com m unication, organization, and interpersonal skills e s ­ sential. T his position reports to C ollege Librarian. M inim um salary $24 ,000 fo r 12 months. Position (nontenure) carries faculty rank and status, with 20 vacation days plus benefits package. R eview of a pplications begins June 20, 1997, and will continue until position is filled. Preferred starting date is A u g u st 1 5 , 1997. Please send current resum e and nam es of thre e references to: Sandra B. Neyman, C ollege Librarian, D awes Library, Marietta College, Marietta, OH 45750-4027. M arietta C ollege has a strong com m itm ent to the prin­ ciple of diversity, and in th a t spirit, seeks a broad spectrum of candidates, including w om en, m inorities, and people with disabilities. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR. Lewis Library. Loyola University C h icago seeks a Reference /Instruction C o ord inator to plan and im plem ent its Lewis Lib rary reference services, including training staff, sched uling desk hours, and supe rvisin g gradua te students. A lso sched ules and co nd ucts library instruction classes and w o rk­ shop s fo r students, d eve lops and co nd ucts library and Internet in struction wo rksho ps fo r faculty, and serves as the Lew is Library’s W eb M aster. W orks closely with patrons and staff in a highly net­ worked, te ch nolo gically innovative environm ent. Lew is Library serves the und ergraduate and graduate program s o f the Schools of Busi­ ness, Social W ork, and Crim inal Justice. Reports to: Head o f Lewis Library. Q ualifications: AL A-accre dite d MLS; tw o ye a rs previous a cad em ic library reference experience; teaching capabilities; exce l­ le nt com m u nication and interpersonal skills; a b ility to w o rk well with colleagues, staff, students, and faculty a t all levels. K n owledge of H T M L authoring and expe rien ce with electronic reference sources preferred. Sa lary com m e nsurate w ith qualifications and experience. Lim ited faculty status, 2 0 vacation days p e r year, standard fringe benefits package, in cluding unive rsity contributions to TIAA/CR EF. Q ualified applicants shou ld send letter o f application, resum e, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of thre e references to: Edward W arro, Acting University Librarian, Cu dahy Library, Loyola U niversity o f Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626. A p plications received by June 30, 1997, will receive firs t c onsid er­ ation, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Loyo la University C hicago is an a ffirm ative action, equal opportunity e du cator/em p loyer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. T h e Art Institute o f C hicago seeks a R e ference Librarian fo r the Ryerson and Burnham Libraries to provide refe ren ce services to staff, faculty, students, and m em bers, in person, over the phone, and by mail. Responsibilities in clude developing in stru ction al tools and providin g train ing sessions to enco ura ge patron und erstanding and use of electronic resources, participating in the deve lopm ent and m aintenance of the library w e b page, and supervising the w o rk o f R e ader Se rvices volunteers. Position re­ quires an AL A-accre dite d MLS, strong com m u nication skills, ability to w o rk effectively w ith a diverse clientele, and facility with at least one fore ign la nguage. G raduate-level w o rk in art his tory or architectural history, fam iliarity with RLIN and Innopac highly desirable. Salary: $32,000 plus excellent benefits. S end salary history, co ve r letter, and resum e to: Louise Ivers, A ssistant D irector o f Personnel, A rt Institute o f C hicago, m c/4390, 111 S. M ichigan, Chicago, IL 60603. EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. O ne -ye a r tem p ora ry position fo r dynam ic service-oriented program of hum anities and social sciences refe r­ ence in an outsta nding colle ge library. Required: AL A-accredited MLS, sound liberal arts education, previous acad em ic or research library reference experience, know ledge of hum anities and social science s sources, dem onstrated service com m itm ent, library in stru c­ tion skills, ability to w o rk in de penden tly and with others, excellent com m u nication skills, co m m itm ent to professional developm ent, and e vide nce o f initiative, creativity, and resourcefulness in p ast activi­ ties. Preferred: previous professional reference experience; experi­ ence with library instruction, electronic inform ation sources, and gove rnm ent docu m en ts; und erg radu ate or adva nced deg ree in a social sciences field; know ledge o f one or m ore fore ign languages. O berlin College com bines a leading und ergraduate colle ge of arts and sciences with a m usic school o f national prom inence, and has a lo ng history o f lead ersh ip in educatin g wo m en and m inorities. In addition to stren gths in trad ition al arts and sciences, Oberlin em pha­ sizes interdisciplina ry study and actively seeks a racially, ethnically, and cu lturally div erse staff and student body. Th e library contains one m illion-plus vo lum es and is fu lly autom ated. Sa lary com petitive, com m e nsurate w ith qualifications and experience. Ava ilable August 1, 1997. M ore inform ation abo ut O berlin College and the library is available at h ttp://w w w .obe rlin .edu. T o ensure consideration, send le tter o f application, resum e, and nam es of three references by July 7 , 1997, to: R e ference Search Com m ittee, Oberlin College Library, O berlin, OH 44074. AA/EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND BIBLIOGRAPHER. The University o f T exa s a t San An tonio invites applications fo r the position of Reference Librarian w ith bibliographic responsibilities. T he su ccess­ ful candidate will provide instruction, assistance, and policy in form a­ tion to unive rsity clien tele accessing v arious search engines includ­ ing electronic resources. Provides advanced reference assistance, co m p u te r searching, and staff train ing in areas o f specialization or expertise. Pla ns, develops, and provides instruction program s using trad ition al and electronic-based teaching m ethods. Se lects and evalu­ a tes m aterials in s upp ort of areas of bibliographic responsibility, with accou ntab ility fo r fund m anagem ent. Q ualifications: Required: ALA- accredited M LS degree; advanced reference course work. S u ccess­ ful practicum or other preprofessional reference experience. Ex­ perience w ith a v ariety o f search engines, both trad ition al and ele ctronic. Ab ility to com m u nicate effectively in individual and group settin gs w ith students, faculty, and staff. Preferred: T hree years of acad em ic library reference expe rien ce in a library o f com parable size. A d vanced d eg ree in area of b ib liographic specia lization. Biblio­ graphic expertise in an app ropriate acad em ic discipline. T raining in specific online and CD -RO M products used at UTSA. Salary: $26,000 m inim um fo r 12-m onth appointm en t. Ava ilable: A u gust 1, 1997. Application: Send resum e and letter o f app lication before June 30, 1997, to: Beverly Carver, Head, Ele ctronic Inform ation and Reference Services, U niversity o f Texas at San A n to n io Library, 6900 N. Loop 1604 W est, San Antonio, T X 782 49-0671. UT SA is an EEO A e m ­ ployer. W om en, m inorities, and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/NON-TRADITIONAL PROGRAMS LIAISON. Responsibilities: Serve as a m em b er of the Professional Inform ation and R e ference Library Se rvices (PIRLS) Team , Penrose Library, in a new position created to identify, develop, and establish o utreach services fo r a varied group of non-traditional students at the University of Denver. P rovide reference and referral services at a general reference desk, including som e e ven ings and weekends; in struct users on a variety of print and electronic sources, m eeting the s ched ule prefere nces of non -traditional program s. Serve as liaison to nontraditional program s a t the University o f D e nver including University College, the W e eken d College, the Peak M B A P ro g ra m a n d reference a ctivities a t a busy central reference desk; dem onstrated excellence in in terpersonal and co m m u nication skills. Preferred: Instructional e xpe rien ce in an acad em ic library setting; experience w ith digital inform ation and a cad em ic technolo gy; expe rien ce with library services to nontraditional students; project m anage m ent e xp e ­ rience. The salary range is $29 ,000 to $35,000. T his is a non-tenure- track, fa culty-statu s appointm en t. A p plications postm arke d by July 1 5 , 1997, will receive g reatest consideration. The position will remain open until filled. Ple ase subm it a letter of application addressing your ability to meet the above qualifications, and a current resum e inclu ding the nam es, addresses, phone num bers, and e-mail addresses of three current references, to: Toni M iller, Office of the Dean, Penrose Library, U niversity o f Denver, 2150 E. Evans Ave., Denver, CO 80208-2007. J u n e 1997 / 455 SERIALS C A TA LO G E R . A ssista nt Professor (tenure-leading). Seri als Departm ent, starting Se ptem ber 1 , 1997. Perform original ca ta lo g ­ ing for m ate rials in all form ats, but p rim arily serials, in cluding m icro­ forms and new spapers, and electronic database resources. Resolve complex copy catalo ging problem s. C o ntrib u te authority records to NACO. R e solve com ple x bibliographic p roblem s fo r gove rnm ent document tape loaded records. A ct as a resource person fo r library assistants. R evise w o rk of library a ssistan ts as required. Participate in grant and special projects, such as the N ebraska N e w spap er Project. R e spon sib ilitie s fo r this pro je ct in clude: P u blicizin g the project in com m u nities thro u g h o u t Nebraska, building stron g working relationships w ith in stitutions holding new spapers in the state, nego­ tiating w ith in stitutions to borrow new spapers for m icrofilm ing, g a th ­ ering bibliographic in form ation and cond ucting in ventories as needed, cataloging, and union listing. Required: M LS from an A L A -accre dited library school. D e m on strated know led ge of Library o f C o ngress classification and subject hea dings, and of A A C R 2R . F am iliarity with USMARC, using O C LC o r a sim ilar bibliographic utility. Excellent analytical and problem -solving skills. G ood w o rking know led ge of at least one European la nguage in addition to English. E xce lle nt c o m ­ munication skills and the ability to build positive, productive working relationships w ith others. M ust be able to w o rk fle xib ly and creatively in a rapidly chan ging environm ent, to readily a ccep t new challenges, and to be open to new id eas. M ust be able to travel. Preferred: Professional and /or preprofessiona l catalo ging expe rience; exp e ri­ ence catalo ging w ith innopac o r ano th e r in teg rated library system ; knowledge of a second fore ign language. Be fa m ilia r w ith th e Internet and PC softw are packages. S u pervisory or m a nage m ent experience. $28,000 m inim um fo r a 12-m onth contract. S a lary m ay be higher depending upon th e qua lifica tions of the successful applicant. A p p li­ cants should subm it a le tter of app lica tion a nd cu rre n t resum e that explicitly add ress how th e ir education, releva nt expe rience, and other relevant qua lifica tions m eet the dutie s of and qua lifica tions fo r this vacancy by July 15, 1997, to: Larry Kahle, A sso cia te D ean of Libraries, 141 Love Library, U n ive rs ity o f N e b raska-Lincoln, P.O. Box 880410, Lincoln, NE 685 88-0410. T h e app lica nt shou ld also submit th e nam es, cu rre n t add resse s, and curre nt telep hone num ­ bers of three references w h o are know led geable of th e app lica nt’s qualifications. The U n iversity o f N e bra ska-L incoln is com m itted to a pluralistic cam pus com m u n ity thro ugh a ffirm ative action and equal opportunity and is responsive to the needs of dua l-ca re e r couples. W e assure reasona ble accom m odation und er the A m erican s w ith D is­ abilities Act; contact Larry Kahle at (402) 472-2526. SOCIAL S C IE N C E S B IB L IO G R A P H E R . R e sponsible for co ordinat­ ing collection building and a ssessm ent in the social scie nces (exclud­ ing history), and serves as a selecto r in one o r m ore subject areas. Involved in the form ulation and d eve lopm ent of collection policies and procedures. C o ord inates the e fforts of th e library fa cu lty selecto rs in selecting m ate rials and m aintaining clo se liaison w ith the teaching faculty. A ssists in the d eve lopm ent of selecto rs and in the preparation of the library m ate rials budget. P a rticipates in the bibliographic instruction program and has som e reference duties. R equired: A LA - accredited M LS; tw o years post-M LS expe rience in a library, with collection deve lopm ent expe rience and expe rience w ith social sci­ ences m aterials; know led ge of curre nt collection issues; organiza­ tional ability; and proficie ncy in oral and w ritten com m unication. Demonstrated hum an relations skills and successful in teraction with library patrons and staff essential. A d vanced d eg ree in a social science field and reading know led ge of a m odern European la nguage desirable. Salary: $28,000 m inim um . Ten ure -tra ck position w ith fa c ­ ulty status. E xce lle nt frin g e ben efits, in cluding va rio u s m ed ica l/ hospital plans, a den tal plan, and disa b ility ben efits. C h oice of retirement plans. Application dea dline: June 3 0 , 1997. S end letter of application w ith resum e and nam es, add resse s, and phone num bers of four references to: G ary G eer, Chair, Social S ciences Bibliographe r Search C om m ittee, T ho m as C o o p e r Library, U n ive rs ity of South Carolina, C olum bia, SC 29208-0102. T h e U n iversity of S outh C a ro ­ lina is an a ffirm ative action, equal opp ortunity em ployer. SYSTEMS O FFIC E R . (A ssistant o r Asso cia te Professor). R e sponsi­ bilities: T his position reports to th e A sso ciate Dean fo r Acce ss Services and is responsible fo r all system s ope ratio ns fo r th e Libra r­ ies, w o rking clo sely w ith all library dep artm ents and w ith th e cam pus com puter center. The System s O fficer is expe cted to plan, organize, monitor, provid e staff trainin g for, and review all library system s services, and to keep abreast of technologica l chan ge as it affects university libraries. T his position is key to th e success of com puter applications in su pp ort of th e lib ra rie s’ m ission to provide resources and services to students, faculty, staff, a nd o th e r patrons. As a departm ent head, th e S ystem s O ffice r leads and su pe rvises the faculty and staff of the System s O ffice, w hich is com prised of the N e tw ork Se rvices Librarian, the LAN Coordinator, and tw o PC S upport T ech nicians. The System s O fficer serves on th e Libra ries M anage­ m ent C ouncil (library dep artm ent heads) and the Libraries Inform ation T ech nolo gy Tea m , and w orks collabo rative ly w ith the staff of the co m p u te r center. Q ualifications: A n A L A -accre dited M LS degree. (A m aste r’s deg ree in a related field, com bin ed w ith library-related experience, m ay be co nsidered in lieu of the M LS.) S ubstantial system s expe rience, prefera bly in acad em ic libraries. Broad and dem onstrated und erstanding of in tegrated library system s and of library operations. C u rrent know led ge of techn o lo g y in frastructure, client-se rver system s, and th e relatio nship of libraries to th e ir con­ stitu e n ts and to c o m p u te r centers. C o m m itm e n t to service and c om m u nicatio n to staff an d p atrons alike. E xce lle n t leadership, supervisory, organizational, p roje ct m anagem ent, and co m m u nica­ tion skills. Hands-on experience with netw orked environm ents, Internet/ w e b techn o lo g y and app lica tions, electronic resources, digital in for­ m ation, in teg rated library system s, O C LC app lica tions, and m icro­ co m p u te r hardw are and softw are. E vidence of potential to m eet university requirem ents fo r prom otion and tenure. Libra ry in form ation: T he U n iversity of A labam a Libra ries use th e N O TIS system and are in the process of choo sing a next-generation client-se rver system . O C LC is used fo r catalo ging and ILL. T h e lib ra rie s’ w e b site can be accessed at http ://w w w . The m ajority of library fa cu lty and staff are attach ed to the libraries’ netw orks, w ith com ple tion a ntici­ pated during the year. E lectron ic resources are provid ed to patrons on th e public side of the network, thro ugh netw orked C D s and products accessed thro ugh N O T IS ’ P acLink product. Digital projects are in progress in the H o ole S pecial C o lle ctions Library, and a pilot electronic course reserve p roje ct will take place in th e fall. S a lary and benefits: 12-m onth tenure-track fa cu lty position. M inim um salary for A ssistant Professor, $29,600, and fo r A sso ciate Professor, $37,300. Salary range neg otiable dep endin g upon qua lifica tions and experience. Strong benefits. S u bstan tial m oving allow ance m ay be available. The U n iversity of A labam a Libra ries hold m em b ersh ip in AR L, CR L, S O LIN ET , CN I, and the N e tw ork of A labam a A ca dem ic Libraries. To apply: Se nd letter of application, resum e, and nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of thre e refe ren ces to: Voni B. W yatt, Personnel O fficer, T h e U n ive rs ity o f A labam a, P.O. B ox 870266, T uscaloosa, A L 354 87-0266. A p plications received by June 3 0 , 1997, are assured of receiving consideration. The U n iversity of A labam a is an equal opp ortunity, affirm ative action em ployer. V IS U A L R E S O U R C E S L IB R A R IA N /C U R A TO R U N IV E R S IT Y OF M IC H IG A N , M ED IA UN IO N . The M edia U nion (M U ) is an in novative new fa cility supp ortin g the creative aspe cts o f discip lin e s across the U n iversity of M ichigan. Its in teg rated app lica tion of new in form ation resources and technology fosters in terdisciplinary collaboration am ong faculty and d eve lopm ent of new w o rking relatio nship s am ong in for­ m ation specialists. T h e M U Libra ry specifica lly supp orts the research and in structional needs of th e School of A rt and Design, the C ollege of A rchitecture and Urban P lanning, a nd the C o lle ge of E ngineering, in terdisciplinary collabo ratio ns from within the U n iversity of M ichigan, and general service to th e public. Duties: C o lle ction access, m anage­ m ent, and developm ent: O verse es all aspe cts of a rapid ly grow ing co lle ctio n of visu al re sources p rim a rily in th e a reas of art and architecture, and collects resources in digital form , slides, vid eo­ tapes, and other form ats, in cluding blueprints. W orks creatively with students and faculty to provide a ccess to im age resources. Directly supe rvises one FTE staff plus students; contributes to supe rvision of an add itional one FTE. Digital services: O verse es the deve lopm ent and catalo ging of a netw orked database of digital im ages fo r the MU, w o rking colla b o ra tive ly w ith m em b ers of the UM D igital Library P roduction U nit to design a cam pusw ide im age resource. Instruction, liaison, etc.: P rovides lectures, orientations, and tours regarding the MU and releva nt art, architecture, and im age -ba sed resources. R egu­ la rly m eets w ith fa cu lty to discuss im age based library collections, services, and policies. Q ualifications: Required: G rad uate degree, e ithe r M LS or M aste r’s deg ree in an app ro p ria te subject area. M ini­ m um fo u r years prior e xpe rience in a visu al resources collection o r art- related library. Exp erience using netw orked com puters and softw are approp riate fo r the creation of database s, a nd program s for the m a nage m ent and m anip ulatio n of im ages. Fam iliarity w ith visual resources collection d eve lopm ent and m anagem ent, and searching arts-related database s, a nd und erstanding of sch o la rly research m eth ods and in form ation needs. E xce lle nt oral and written co m m u n i­ cation skills. P roficiency using online catalogs, databases, and the Internet. A b ility to w o rk effective ly as part of a team of inform ation specialists w o rking w ith culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. D esired: A d dition al gradu a te -le ve l course w ork: fo r M LS, in art history, architecture, o r studio art; subject m aste r’s; fo r M A /M S - in an inform ation m a nage m ent field such as library science. Instructional expe rience; dem onstrated e xpe rience using one o r m ore of the http://www 4 5 6 / C&RL N ew s fo llo w in g : H T M L, d e s k to p p u b lis h in g , m u ltim e d ia d e v e lo p m e n t. W o rk ­ in g k n o w le d g e o f a m a jo r E u ro p e a n la n g u a g e . R a n k , s a la ry , a n d le a v e : A s s o c ia te L ib ra ria n o r C u ra to r , d e p e n d in g o n f in a l c la s s i­ fic a tio n . M in im u m s a la ry o f $ 3 3 ,0 0 0 , d e p e n d e n t o n n u m b e r of y e a r s o f p r io r r e le v a n t p r o fe s s io n a l e x p e rie n c e . 2 4 w o rk in g d a y s o f v a c a tio n /y e a r; 15 d a y s o f s ic k le a v e /y e a r , w ith p r o v is io n s of e x te n d e d b e n e fits . T o a p p ly : S e n d a c o v e r le tte r a n d re s u m e to : K a re n D o w n in g , L ib ra ry H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , 4 0 4 H a tc h e r N o rth , U n iv e rs it y o f M ic h ig a n , A n n A r b o r , M l 4 8 1 0 9 - 1 2 0 5 . A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e : A p p lic a tio n s r e c e iv e d by J u n e 3 0 , 1 9 9 7 , w ill b e g iv e n f ir s t c o n s id e r a tio n . T h e U n iv e r s ity o f M ic h ig a n is a n o n d is c r im i n a to ry , a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n e m p lo y e r. Late Job Listings LIBRARIAN—ELECTRONIC LIBRARY SYSTEMS OR TECHNICAL CON SULTANT—ELECTRONIC LIBRARY SYSTEMS. C larkson U niversity. Provide direction an d technical expertise for all lib rary re la te d electronic system s. An MLS degree w ith specialization in electronic in form ation system s or an MS in com puter/ in fo rm atio n science is p referred . A BS in com puter science w ill be considered. T horough u n d e rs ta n d in g of DOS, Windows, an d W indows 95 req u ired , Experience in w orking w ith th e se system s in a form al job s e ttin g p referred. W orking knowledge of NT System s, UNIX, OS2 an d Novell highly desirable. Knowledge of HTML required. Knowledge of Perl/C G I a n d J a v a /J a v a S c rip t p referred. W illingness to keep up w ith developm ents in PC an d w o rk statio n h ard w are an d softw are a n d w ith new Web technologies required. E xcellent p resen ta tio n , oral an d w ritte n com m unications skills required. Knowledge of and experience in using electronic inform ation services required. E xperience in lib rary reference w ork desirable. B ackground in science, engineering or b u sin ess fields desirable. Position will re m a in open u n til filled. Send resu m e to Gwendolyn M itchell, D irector of H u m an Resources, Clarkson University, PO Box 5542, Potsdam , NY 13699-5542. C larkson U n iv ersity is a n AA/EOE. POS # 99-96. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BUSINESS SUBJECT SPECIALIST. S a n ta C lara U niversity. Responsible for providing specialized reference, re search consultation, in stru c tio n al support, an d collection developm ent/resource m a n ag em e n t for account­ ing, agrib u sin ess, decision an d in form ation sciences, economics, finance, m a n ag e­ m ent, an d m ark etin g . S h ares responsibility for gen eral reference service an d p a rtic i­ p atio n in e stab lish ed in stru c tio n al pro g ram w ith o th e r lib rarian s. Required: MLS, or eq uivalent, from ALA-accredited pro g ram a n d m inim um two to th re e y ears profes­ sional experience; academ ic background or lib rary experience in bu sin ess collection m a n ag em en t, in stru c tio n a l experience, an d experience u sin g electronic inform ation resources in a broad ra n g e of subject areas; stro n g in te rp e rso n a l an d com m unication skills; a n d ab ility to w ork effectively in a dynam ic, rap id ly changing environm ent. D esirable: Second m a s te r’s, know ledge of m odern foreign language. F u ll Position A nnouncem ent available on req u est; call (408)554-6830. R an k a t in itia l ap p o in tm en t will depend upon qualifications. 1997/98 sa la ry ran g e m inim um $33,600 a t A ssistan t, $38,000 a t Senior A ssistan t, or $42,800 a t A ssociate L ib ra ria n ran k . S a n ta C la ra is a J e s u it u n iv ersity located 46 m iles so u th of S an Francisco in th e h e a r t of C alifornia’s S a n ta C lara Valley. To receive full consideration, apply by J u ly 10, 1997 to: E lizab eth M. Salzer, U n iv ersity L ib rarian , Michel O rrad re L ibrary, Santa Clara University, 500 E l Cam ino Real, S a n ta C lara CA 95053-0500. A pplications should include sa la ry h isto ry an d th e nam es of th re e references. AA/EEO. Recruit the best… Just e-mail your ad to and get a 10% discount! …Advertise your job openings in C&RL News Structure Bookmarks June 1.997/435 Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rales: Classified advertisements are $8.45 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.45 for others. Late job notices SERIALS CATALOGERNew York University LibrariesResponsible for cataloging serials in print, mi­croform, and electronic formats; recommend, develop, and implement policies involving seri­als cataloging; train and monitor work of two staff; serve as liaison to Acquisitions Unit staff responsible for serials ordering and receiving and library’s chief resource person for serials cataloging; provide original cataloging for print and microform monographs.Requires two years cataloging experience, pref­erably with s 436 / C&RL News Humanities Reference Librarian Manuscripts Specialist/Technical Services Archivist (Two Positions)The University of Missouri-Columbia (MU) is seeking qualified applicants for the positions of Humanities Reference Librarian and Manuscript Specialist/Technical Services Archivist within the University Libraries.HUMANITIES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: Principal responsibilities include providing reference services, (including some evening and weekend hours); library instruction; online searching; and, collection develo June 1997 / 437 LIBRARIAN FOR DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESNew York University LibrariesProvides technical development for the library’s digital programs, including multimedia image databases, digital collections and finding aids, online exhibits, electronic text applications, and web services. Works with library staff to de­velop and implement programming solutions to support digital projects and web content, in­cluding scripts and forms; multimedia applica­tions; authoring tools and document viewing methods. Serves on the referen analytical skills; flexibility to deal with and lead staff through rapid and constant change. Preferred: Supervisory experience; multimedia experience; circulation/reserves experience; integrated online cata­log experience, especially with ILL, circulation, or reserves; digital scanning and data storage experience; experience with SAVE-IT or similar record-keeping program. Salary and benefits: Rank and salary commensurate with experience, minimum $31,000; excellent ben­efits, choice of health plans, immedia 438 / C&RL News COLLEGE LIBRARIANSwarthmore College invites applications and nominations for its College Librarian. Swarthmore is an extremely selective, private four-year liberal arts institution with about 1,350 students and 160 faculty. The College is located in suburban Philadelphia, a region with exceptional higher educational and cultural environments.Swarthmore’s McCabe Library and its branch libraries, the Cornell Library of Science & Engineering and the Underhill Music Library, comprise 650,000 volumes and 2,400 c June 1997 / 439 ists. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, with appropriate and progressive experience with library automation; experience with word processing, IBM-compatible microcomputers using DOS and Windows operating systems. Potential to meet requirements for promotion and tenure. Experience with OCLC or other bibliographic utility, NOTIS or another automated system, TCP/IP, Internet, elec­tronic mail. Salary: $28,000 (fiscal year) minimum. Tenure-track position with benefits. To apply: Submit a letter of ap Library Positions at NJIT3 positions avail. in dynamic team-based library. NJIT, a leading technological university, has 2,843 grad & 5,042 undergrad students & ranked 3rd in nation among U.S. Science & Technology Schools according to Money Magazine’s 1997 Money Guide - Best College Buys. Interviews will begin in June & continue until positions are filled. Some interview time will be avail, at ALA in San Francisco for the Assistant University Librarian position. To reply indicate specific box number & inclu edge of HTML and experience in the development of World Wide Web resources; demonstrated ability to work with technical aspects of computer software and hardware; ability to teach new technologies; self-directed learning style and willingness to learn new technologies; demonstrated competence in personnel management and leadership ability; excellent communication skills; and ability to work effectively in an academic library environment and to meet the requirements for tenure and promotion in a faculty posi 440 / C&RL News ASSOCIATE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARY/SYSTEMS INTEGRATORIndiana University Purdue University Indianapolis University Libraries and Information TechnologiesPOSITION AVAILABLE: July 1, 1997.POSITION DESCRIPTION: As a member of the Senior Management Teams of the University Library and Information Technologies at IUPUI, the successful applicant will participate in the general policy­making activities for the organizations. The person holding this position provides the leadership and management of t June 1997 / 441 leader in the undergraduate research and public liberal arts move­ments. The university, classified as Baccalaureate I by the Carnegie Foundation, is among the most highly regarded liberal arts colleges in the nation. The community: Asheville, one of the most desirable small cities in America, is the center of a magnificent vacation area. It is located in the mountains of western North Carolina, near the Blue Ridge Parkway, Pisgah National Forest, and the Great Smokies National Park. The Asheville MSA popul Minority Resident LibrarianMiami University has a strong commitment to affirmative action and is actively seeking to increase minority representation in all areas of the University. The University Libraries Minority Resident Program is one component intended to increase the representation of minority librarians at Miami and to further the growth and development of minority librarians within the profession. This con­tinuing program is designed to assist a recent library school graduate in making a successful Personnel Officer, University Libraries—UL-112, University at Al­bany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin July 9, 1997. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references that may be contacted. The University of Albany, State University at New York, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minority per­sons, handicapped persons, special disabled a 442 / C&RL News ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTORWayne State UniversityScience and Engineering LibraryPOSITION AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Management position in a divisional research library under the general supervision of the Director of the Science and Engineering Library. The position: (1) serves as collection development librarian with oversight responsibility for an acquisitions budget which exceeds $1.8 million; (2) acting with the director, directs, plans, and evaluates departmental activities, ensures efficient operations and June 1997 / 443 brary and/or similar subject background; recent experience in, or current knowledge of, collection management and evaluation; effec­tive interpersonal relations and communication skills. Preferred: Recent experience in library user education; database management, spreadsheet and/or statistical software packages; experience with map collections. Salary: From $25,500, commensurate with qualifica­tions and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; broad insurance program; 22 days vaca HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICESUniversity of North Carolina at CharlotteThis is a new senior-level position within Library and Information Services (LIS), which consists of Library Services, Computing Services, and Media Services. The position reports to the Director of Library Services. A new state-of-the-art facility for LIS is currently under construction.RESPONSIBILITIES: The planning and operation of services which acquire, make bibliographically accessible, and prepare for use all items that are purchased, COLLECTION MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR AND ASSISTANT/ ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Libraries. Leads in the design, implementation, analysis, and evalu­ation of collection management projects, such as weeding, serials review, storage. The Collection Management Coordinator is the primary implementor of CDM day-to-day activities. As project man­ager, leads projects from inception to completion; as an advocate for the libraries’ physical collections, shares in-depth knowledge about the 444 / C&RL News ASSISTANT ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN FOR INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICESUniversity of Illinois Library (U-C) Urbana, IllinoisDUTIES: The Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, a $22.7 million facility which opened in March 1994, serves the 490 faculty, 2,200 graduate students, and 5,500 undergraduate students of the nationally ranked UIUC College of Engineering. The UIUC Library was selected in 1994 by the National Science Foundation as one of six sites for research on the digital library of the Management office in a collaborative organizational environment. Works closely with subject and electronic services coordinators, CDM librarians, and serves on the CDM Planning Group to ensure that the libraries offer an optimal mix of information resources with available funding. Plans, supervises, and evaluates the work of four FTE staff who provide bibliographic, technical, and clerical support for CDM activities. Reports to the Team Leader for CDM. Collection Development & Management (CDM) organization: provides leadership for all collection-related activities, including allocations for information resources. Coordinators for the Humani­ties, Sciences, Social Sciences, and Electronic Services have dual reporting relationships to CDM and Reference. One CDM librarian monitors, analyzes, and reports collection management data; an­other leads the preservation program. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree. Several years post-MLS library experience in an aca­demic or research library. Demonstrated organizat June 1997 / 445 VICE PRESIDENT FOR COLLECTION PROGRAMSThe Center for Research LibrariesThe Center for Research Libraries, a major international consortium of academic and research libraries, provides collections-based collaborative programs and services focusing on a 5.5 million volume collection located near the University of Chicago. To meet the growing needs of member libraries, the Board of Directors is pleased to announce the immediate availability of a significant employment opportunity for a creative and energetic p edge of major bibliographic tools. Preferred: Supervisory experience. Experience with collection development/management. Experience with faculty liaison and selection of library materials. Familiarity with library preservation issues. Knowledge of distributed computing, networking, and electronic information access methods. This is a tenure-track appointment requiring the ability to meet promotion and tenure criteria. 24 days annual leave, tuition remission, usual ben­efits. Assistant or Associate Professor university setting. These include collaborative programs with other campus units and libraries, an array of reference and research services, an extensive instructional program, and an academic out­reach program. Information resources include access to the rapidly expanding networked knowledge environment, nearly 500 periodical titles, 195,000 monographs, a browsing collection, and a course reserve service for LS&A undergraduate and graduate courses. UGL staff is engaged in developing a variety of programs a 446 / C&RL News ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN OF HARVARD COLLEGE FOR COLLECTIONSHas primary responsibility for leadership and administration of programs relating to the develop­ment and management of the collections, including aspects of intellectual and physical access to collection resources; will be expected to develop a collaborative process for assuring continued development of the outstanding breadth and depth of the Library’s collections, in all formats. Responsible for defining key strategies for acquiring or accessing elect June 1997 / 447 Associate Chief For AccessGeneral Research DivisionExceptional opportunity to manage access operations for one of the worlds strongest and most extensively used research collections for humanities and social scicnces. Responsibilities include oversight of approximately 3.02 million volumes, 300,000 microfilm reels and various other media. Individual will develop and maintain an efficient, responsible, customer oriented delivery system. Will also coordinate materials relocation and related activities within sive experience with digital resources in a public services setting. Prior supervisory experience. Rank, salary, and leave: Rank of Associate Librarian. Final salary dependent on years of previous relevant professional experience (minimum salary: $33,000). 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. To apply: Send cover letter and resume to: Karen Downing, Library Human Resources, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North, University of Michigan, Ann Arbo Information Resources beginning fall 1997. Qualifications: Master’s degree in library and information science and at least five years of administrative responsibility required; Ph.D. or equivalent advanced degree preferred. Responsibilities: The Director will coordinate our information services and technology systems in ways that support instruction and research. Reporting to the Vice President for Aca­demic Affairs, the Director will provide leadership and planning for the Library and the Educational Techn 448/ C&RL News FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITYHead Reference LibrarianFairfield University seeks an experienced, energetic, and creative leader in reference and information services to build and guide a new department. The Head Reference Librarian will lead the effort to hire an entirely new staff, significantly expand the print and electronic refer­ence collections, and implement a new initiative in library instruction for students and faculty. In anticipation of a major library building expansion, the Head Reference Librarian will complishment and contribution. Salary and benefits: Range of $33,000 to $38,000, depending on experience and qualifications; generous benefits package. Application requirements: Applicants should send a letter of application discussing background and experience relating to the position and its requirements, a resume, and names, ad­dresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Linda DeBeau-Melting, Libraries Human Resources Office, 453 Wilson Library, University of Minnesota, 309 19th Ave. South, Mi ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Identifies and promotes the use of appropriate electronic resources, including journals, databases, CD-ROM products, and Internet-based materials. Coordinates the implementation of automated library systems, the development of the library web site, and the operation of the periodicals department. Send resume with names and phone num­bers of three references to: Edward O’Hara, Chair, Librarian Search Committee, College of Mount Saint Vincent, 6301 Riverdale Ave., Br une 1997 / 449 ASSISTANT DEAN (INFORMATION SERVICES)THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LIBRARIESNominations and applications are invited for the newly defined position of Assistant Dean (Information Services). The Assistant Dean will provide creative leadership for the organization and management of public service units in Watson Library, the Lawrence campus’ main library for the humanities and social sciences, as well as the Regents Center Library, which supports graduate programs from KU and all Kansas Regents institutions, offer sources, and the Core/Reserve Unit. The General Information Center consists of the Information Desk and 20 electronic workstations providing access to an array of catalogs, research databases, and the World Wide Web. Core/Reserve contains the library’s undergraduate noncirculation collection of 50,000 titles and the library’s course reserve operations, including paper and electronic materials. Super­vises 40 part-time library staff in the General Information Center and 4.5 full-time staff in Core/Reserve, i reference, and network and Internet services; supervises five staff, including two librarians and one FTE student assistants; manages technical services and selection and maintenance of the library’s collections; actively explores and recommends new services and technologies; promotes continuing innovation within Schaffner, par­ticularly electronic initiatives. Establishes goals, objectives, policies, priorities, and performance standards for Schaffner. Recommends resources required for Schaffner and alloca 450 / C&RL News COLLEGE ARCHIVISTSmith College LibrariesSmith College invites applications for the position of College Archivist. The Smith College Libraries include the college Archives, Sophia Smith Collection, Mortimer Rare Book Room, the William Allen Neilson Library, Hillyer Art Library, Josten Performing Arts Library, Young Science Library, and the Nonprint Resources Center. With over 1.2 million items and more than11,000 linear feet of archives and manuscripts, it is one of the largest undergraduate research col­lec research services in a rapidly changing information environment. The department includes active, highly visible print and electronic refer­ence services, user education, and government publications units. Emphasis for this position is on effective leadership to provide responsive user-centered service. The successful candidate will coordinate the provision of reference and research services by supervising a departmental staff of eight FTE library faculty and coordinating the reference activities of an addit appointment and promotion. Qualifications: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library and information science program. Five years of increasingly responsible reference experience. An under­standing of the mission of a research institution and the role of informational and instructional technology in this setting. Experience in reference service and user education. Evidence of significant experience with integrated library systems, campus networks, the Internet, and electronic information resources. June 1997 / 451 DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARYCASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITYCase Western Reserve University invites nominations and applications for the position of Director of the University Library.Case Western Reserve University is committed to the continued development of its “Library of the Future” which does away with the conventional separation between library and computing services. At the center of campus is a new University Library facility, an intellectual commons, as well as the hub of our digital learning large public library. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum: $40,000. Apply to: Christine Travis, Li­brary Personnel Officer, University Libraries—UL-112, Univer­sity at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Ave., New York, NY 12222. Deadline: Letters of application and resumes are currently being reviewed. Please submit your letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references that may be contacted, prior to July 15, 1997, for LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Wesleyan College seeks a Library Director to provide vision and leadership in integrating new information technolo­gies and expanding the library’s role in the college community. The Library Director administers all library operations including strategic planning and budgeting; supervises the library staff; is individually responsible for one area of library operations; shares reference duties with other librarians; and represents the college in library consortia and organizations. The Lib 452 / C&RL News REFERENCE/SUBJECT LIBRARIAN FOR ART & ARCHITECTUREWashington University in St. Louis Olin Library SystemThe Olin Library System of Washington University is seeking a librarian who is innovative, technologi­cally literate, and interested in exploring new options for providing proactive services, for the newly created position of Reference/Subject Librarian for Art & Architecture. This position, which reports to the Art & Architecture Librarian, will be responsible for developing and implementing effective, u information technologies; a strong orientation to service; knowledge of trends and standards in college libraries; and involvement in professional library organizations. Committed to becoming a preemi­nent liberal arts college for women, Wesleyan emphasizes critical thinking, active learning, writing across the curriculum, and student-faculty research. Interested candidates should send a letter of appli­cation, vita, transcripts, and three current letters of recommendation, by June 27, 1997, to: Priscilla D Librarian also participates in bibliographic instruction, assisting in reference services for rare books and archives, and cooperates and shares in various departmental projects and programs such as preparing exhibits, grants, special catalogs, and related activities. Reports to the Director of the Canaday Center and is a member of the library faculty. The Manuscripts Librarian supervises the Manuscripts Assistant (.50 FTE), student assistants, and, for special projects, a graduate assistant. The Canaday Ce June 1997 / 453 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANUniversity of California, Irvine University LibraryThe University of California, Irvine, invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. The Librarian is responsible for the overall operation and development of the libraries and reports to the Executive Vice Chancellor. We are seeking an outstanding individual who will provide innovative leadership and expand resources to meet the needs of a major research university. The University Librarian is expected to renowned Museum of Art, a zoo, and an outstanding Metropolitan Park system. Its location provides residents with excellent recre­ational opportunities on Lake Erie and easy access to cities through­out the Midwest, particularly Detroit, Chicago, and Cleveland. Quali­fications: ALA-accredited master’s in library science. Ability to per­form original manuscript cataloging; knowledge of/experience with automated access systems for manuscripts and archives, including the integrated USMARC format and World Wide sity Monterey Bay is seeking a dynamic, innovative, versatile profes­sional to join a team of colleagues in a transformational library at the former Fort Ord Army Base on scenic Monterey Bay. The CSUMB Library favors electronic resources where possible, creating a unique mix of services, technologies, entrepreneurism, and collections. The library’s organization reflects its mission and the role of CSUMB librarians as full faculty partners, including classroom teaching. The successful applicant will join a t 454 / C&RL News REFERENCE/ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Dawes Memorial Library, Marietta College, seeks an energetic librarian to join its administrative team. Marietta College, a nationally recognized liberal arts institution, is located in a historic, southeastern Ohio river town (16,000) within easy access to metropolitan areas. This position affords the opportunity to work in a team environment that encourages creativity and new program initiatives. Responsibilities: Provide reference services, both print and electronic, ence with library instruction, electronic information sources, and government documents; undergraduate or advanced degree in a social sciences field; knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Oberlin College combines a leading undergraduate college of arts and sciences with a music school of national prominence, and has a long history of leadership in educating women and minorities. In addition to strengths in traditional arts and sciences, Oberlin empha­sizes interdisciplinary study and actively seeks a June 1997 / 455 SERIALS CATALOGER. Assistant Professor (tenure-leading). Serials Department, starting September 1, 1997. Perform original catalog­ing for materials in all formats, but primarily serials, including micro­forms and newspapers, and electronic database resources. Resolve complex copy cataloging problems. Contribute authority records to NACO. Resolve complex bibliographic problems for government document tape loaded records. Act as a resource person for library assistants. Revise work of library assistants as re Network Services Librarian, the LAN Coordinator, and two PC Support Technicians. The Systems Officer serves on the Libraries Manage­ment Council (library department heads) and the Libraries Information Technology Team, and works collaboratively with the staff of the computer center. Qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS degree. (A master’s degree in a related field, combined with library-related experience, may be considered in lieu of the MLS.) Substantial systems experience, preferably in academic librari 456 / C&RL News following: HTML, desktop publishing, multimedia development. Work­ing knowledge of a major European language. Rank, salary, and leave: Associate Librarian or Curator, depending on final classi­fication. Minimum salary of $33,000, dependent on number of years of prior relevant professional experience. 24 working days of vacation/year; 15 days of sick leave/year, with provisions of extended benefits. To apply: Send a cover letter and resume to: Karen Downing, Library Human Resources, 404 Hatcher North, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. Application deadline: Applications received by June 30, 1997, will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer. Late Job ListingsLIBRARIAN—ELECTRONIC LIBRARY SYSTEMS OR TECHNICAL CONSULTANT—ELECTRONIC LIBRARY SYSTEMS. Clarkson University. Provide direction and technical expertise for all library related electronic systems. An MLS degree with specialization in electronic information systems or an MS in computer/ information science is preferred. A BS in computer science will be considered. Thorough understanding of DOS, Windows, and Windows 95 required, Experience in working with these systems in a formal job setting