ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 6 0 / C&RL News Actions: ACRL Board of Directors, February 1 9 9 7 Highlights o f the ACRL Board o f Director’s Midwinter meetings D uring the 1997 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Washington, D.C., the ACRL Board of Directors took the following actions: ACRL structure Renam ed th e Standards Task F o rce . The new name is “ACRL Task Force on Academic Library Outcomes Assessment.” Voted to send a letter to th e ALA Com m it tee on Organization expressing concerns about the “Sunset Review” policy. Established a task fo rce o f the Board to de­ velop criteria for evaluating ACRL’s National Conference Cycle and report to the Board at the 1997 ALA Annual Conference. Approved an instrum ent and p ro cess fo r an annual Board self-assessment that will be­ gin with the ALA Annual conference in San Francisco in June. L o ri A rp (s ta n d in g ) led a s p ir ite d d is c u s s io n a b o u in g th e b est u se o f p a st ACRL le a d e rs d u rin g th e “F o ACRL L e a d e rs ” s e s s io n at th e ALA M id w in ter M ee Expanded the Activities Sections Council to include the three type-of-libraries sections (CJCLS, CLS, and ULS) and renamed the Coun­ cil the ACRL Sections Council. The Board asked the ACRL Bylaws Committee for a recom m en­ dation on how to address the issues related to nominations for ACRL Board of Directors seats. Approved changes in the charge fo r the P ro­ fessional Enhancement Committee as submit­ ted by the committee chair. En d orsed a statem ent p rep ared by ACRL President William Miller to be read at the me­ morial service for Paul Evan Peters in case there was an opportunity for ACRL to speak. A pproved the Board o f D irectors’ minutes from the 1996 Annual Conference. Approved ACRL c h a p te r status fo r South Carolina, establishing ACRL’s 42nd chapter. A pproved changes to th e Slavic and East European Section’s (SEES) Bylaws upon recom­ mendation of the Constitution and Bylaws Com­ mittee. Approved changes to the Afro- American Studies Librarians Section (AFAS) Bylaws upon recommenda­ tion of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. ALA Endorsed the ALA C hapter Rela­ tions Committee liaison relationship program. Budget Approved an increased FY 1 997 budget in the sum of $2,500 to sup­ port increased outreach in higher t m a k education. The funds will provide c u s o n support for members presenting ting. programs at the AAHE National Con- April 1 997 / 261 ference and the North Central Association An­ nual Conference. Approved a revised IS p recon feren ce bud­ get. A pproved a $ 5 ,0 0 0 in crease in the C&RL editor’s budget for FY1997. A pproved a budget fo r the “T elecom m u­ nications for Librarians 101” preconference in FY 1997. Approved a budget fo r the 1999 ACRL Na­ tional Conference in Detroit with a 10% target of revenues in excess of expenses. Revenues are projected to be $892,370 and expenses $798,167. Considered a request from RBMS to change ACRL’s fiscal policy regarding ACRL units that generate revenues in excess of expenses from unit activities so that the excess revenue will be shared between the ACRL operating budget and the unit. The Budget and Finance Commit­ tee will review the policy and report back to the Board at its 1998 Midwinter meeting. O u treach Endorsed the resolution from the In tern a­ tional Relations Committee urging the reinstate­ ment of USIA funding for the Library Fellows Program in FY 1998. Accepted the ULS recom m endation th at the ACRL presummit include representation from the historically black colleges and universities, Hispanic serving institutions, and associations representing the minority higher education com­ munity. Such associations may include: the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO) and the National Chicago Council on Higher Education. Approved sponsoring a presum m it co n fe r­ ence in conjunction with the 1998 ALA Annual Conference to identify key issues and action agendas to develop a list of shared concerns among the higher education community, re­ gional accrediting agencies, the press, and other key education personnel. Professional d e v e lo p m e n t Approved the RBMS 1999 p recon feren ce in Montreal with the provisos that: 1) a draft bud­ get be submitted and reviewed by April 25; 2) all contracts will be the responsibility of ACRL staff; and 3) that timetables for planning and implementing the preconference are discussed and worked out with the ACRL office so that available resources may be used in ways that best support ACRL overall. A pproved the prop osal fo r the 1 9 9 8 RBMS preconference. Approved the prop osal fo r a 1 998 advocacy preconference with the date to be set at a later time. A pproved the p rop osal fo r developing and holding an institute on leadership in 1998. A p p roved sp o n so rin g a te le co m m u n ica ­ tions preconference at the 1997 Annual Con­ ference in San Francisco. Publishing E ndorsed the gran t p rop osal “Diminishing Access to Scholarly Resources: A Study of Col­ lection Patterns in Academic Libraries in the U.S.— 1985– 1995” with suggestions that the au­ thor consider broadening the universe and making the language more imperative. ■