ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 9 7 / 2 6 9 Ja m e s N eal re c e iv e s ACRL’s h ig h est honor Jam es G. Neal, director o f libraries at Joh n s H opkin s U niversity, B a ltim o re, has b e e n named the 1997 ACRL Academic/ Research Librarian o f the Year. Neal will receive the award ($3,000 and a citation) at a reception given in h is h o n o r o n J u n e 3 0 , 1 9 9 7 , 4:30– 6:00 p.m., at the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco. Baker & Taylor Books sponsors the re­ ception and donates the cash award and citation. In n om inating Neal, his c o l­ leagues said, “Neal is committed to Jam es G. Neal cutting edge exploration as vital to the future o f libraries. He also retains a sensi­ tivity to the traditional base o f libraries. He uses his intelligence, energy, excitement about libraries, and strong people skills to lead and challenge all o f us to be better, more effec­ tive librarians.” In selecting Neal for this honor, commit­ tee chair Ann Prentice said, “Jam es Neal’s in­ fluence extends well beyond his own institu­ tion. He is currently a m em b er o f ALA’s Executive Board and, in 1996, represented ALA at the W IPO meeting in Geneva. His under­ standing o f the role o f the library as key to the process o f teaching, learning, and co n ­ ducting research is broad and encom passes an understanding o f the positive uses o f tech ­ nology, the importance o f an empowered staff, and sensitivity to the needs and concerns of library users. “Jam es Neal is persuasive, articulate, and influential as he speaks and writes on behalf o f libraries. His outstanding skills, com pre­ hensive knowledge, personal touch, and suc­ cess in getting things done m ake Jam es Neal a most worthy recipient o f the award.” Neal’s career over the past 24 years has included positions as dean o f University Li­ braries at Indiana University (1 9 8 9 -9 5 ); assis­ tant dean and head o f the Reference and In­ structional Services Division at Pennsylvania State University (1983– 89); assistant director for Memorial Library public services (1982–83), head o f the Collection Management Depart­ ment (1979– 81), and head o f the College Li­ brary Department (1977– 7 9) at the University o f Notre Dame; and social sciences librarian at Queensborough Community College, City Col­ lege o f New York (1973–76). A colleague w ho worked with Neal while he was at Indiana Uni­ versity said, “Neal’s w ork in Indi­ ana can serve as a wonderful ex ­ ample o f how he operates. He has w on the highest award o f the Indi­ ana Library Federation for leader­ ship in creating a statewide net­ w o r k , p r o v id in g r e c o g n iz e d leadership at the last White House C onference, working with legisla­ tive issues, and leading Indiana li­ brarians into a defined vision o f their future.” Neal was also cited for his involvement in a wide range o f professional organizations. Within ALA he is currently a m em ber o f the ALA Executive Board (1 9 9 4 – 2000) and the Planning and Budget Assembly (1995– 97) and is cochair o f the LITA/LAMA National Confer­ en ce Networking/Technology Subcommittee and a m em ber o f the LITA/LAMA National Conference Steering Committee (1994– 97). He has also served on ACRL’s C&RL Editorial Board (1990– 96), LAMA’s Executive Commit­ tee (1991– 94), and ALA’s International Rela­ tions Committee (1990– 94). Outside ALA he has held positions o f leadership in the Asso­ ciation o f Research Libraries, the Coalition for Networked Information, the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, and the International Federation o f Library Associations. The Academic/Research Librarian o f the Year Award is given annually to recognize an individual w ho is making an outstanding co n ­ tribution to academ ic or research librarian­ ship and library development. Previous win­ ners include: Ralph Russell (1 9 9 6 ), Jo se p h Boissé (1995), Irene B. Hoadley (1994), Will­ iam A. Moffett (1993), and Carla Stoffle (1992). To receive information on the ACRL Aca­ demic/Research Librarian o f the Y ear Award contact Ja c k Briody, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (800) 545-2433, ext. 2516 or e-mail: The nomi­ nation procedures for all ACRL awards are available online at award2.html.—J a c k Briody, ACRL ■