ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 9 7 / 2 7 5 ACRL members running for ALA Council These ACRL members need your vote T he following ACRL members are either nominated or petition candidates for ALA councilor in the spring 1997 elections. ACRL members are encouraged to vote for these can­ didates to increase ACRL’s voice in ALA’s af­ fairs. Jen ifer Stone Abramson, assistant head, reference, UCLA University Research Library, Los Angeles. Jo a n n a M. Burkhardt. head librarian, Uni­ versity of Rhode Island College, Continuing Edu­ cation Library, Providence. Sylvia Curtis, associate librarian, Black Stud­ ies & Dance, University o f California-Santa Bar­ bara. Ju n e L. DeWeese, head of Access Services Division, Ellis Library, University o f Missouri- Columbia. Catherine Doyle, interim university librar­ ian, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, Virginia. A n a cla re F. E van s, sy stem s lib rarian , Wayne State University, Detroit. Maurice J . (M itch) Freedm an, director, Westchester Library System, New York. D ebra Gilchrist, director, Library/Media Services, Pierce College, Tacoma, Washington. Peter S. Graham, associate university librar­ ian, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Andrea Morris Gruhl, supervisory librar­ ian, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash­ ington, D.C. Suzine H ar N icolescu, c h ie f librarian, Medgar Evers College/CUNY, Brooklyn, New York. Elaine Harger, head librarian, New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, New Jersey. Susana A. Hinojosa, librarian, University o f California-Berkeley. Alfred Kagan, African studies bibliographer and professor o f library administration, Univer­ sity o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Norma G. Kobzina, librarian, Bioscience & Natural Resources Library, University o f Calfornia-Berkeley. Mengxiong Liu, engineering librarian, San Jo s e State University, San Jose, California. Ja n a Lonberger, reference librarian, Geor­ gia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. B ern ard A. Margolis, president, Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachusetts. Stephen L. Matthews, librarian/media co ­ ordinator, Foxcroft School, Middleburg, Virginia. Patricia G. Oyler, professor, Simmons Col lege-SLIS, Boston, Massachusetts. Sharon A. Saulmon, head librarian, Rose State College Learning Resources Center, Mid­ west City, Oklahoma. Marvin H. Scilken, editor & publisher, The U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D Librarian, New York, New York. Diana D onner Shonrock, coordinator o f the General Reference Section, Iowa State Uni­ versity, Ames. J o h n S. Spencer, research and liaison li­ brarian, Arizona State University West, Phoe­ nix. P a tricia A. W and, university librarian, American University, Washington, D.C. ■ W h a t’s coming in the M a y C&RL N e w s Watch the May issue of C&RL News for: • a convenient pullout o f ACRL pro­ grams and meetings at the ALA Annual Con­ ference in San Francisco; • “G u id elines for University U nder­ graduate Libraries”; • Internet resources for grants and foun­ dations; • announcement o f ACRL’s 1997 award winners.