ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 7 6 / C&RL News W ashington Hotline Lynne E. B ra d le y N e w com puting com m ittee established The 105th Congress is enter­ ing into an extremely hectic period. The library commu­ nity is extensively involved with a number o f critical ar­ eas including advanced com ­ puter technologies and ap­ propriations issues. On February 11 President Clinton issued an executive order establishing the Advi­ sory C om m ittee on High- Performance Computing and Communications, Information Technology, and the Next Generation Internet. The committee is to advise and provide information to the Na­ tional S cien ce and T ech n o lo g y Council on progress with the Next Generation Internet ini­ tiative and on the High-Performance Comput­ ing and Communications (HPCC) Program. The appointment o f the committee indicates the desire o f the administration for the United States to maintain its leadership role in advanced computing and communications technologies. At the first meeting o f the committee in Feb­ ruary, 21 members had been appointed, includ­ ing two members o f the library and informa­ tion s c ie n c e p ro fessio n : C hing-C hih C hen (Simmons College), and Sherrilynne Fuller (Uni­ versity o f Washington the National Network of Libraries o f Medicine). Ken Kennedy, director o f the Center for Research on Parallel Compu­ tation at Rice University, and Bill Joy, vice-presi­ dent for research at Sun Microsystems, will co ­ chair the committee. O a k le y testifies b e fo re Congress On February 12 Robert Oakley, law professor at the Georgetown University Law Center and director o f the Law Center’s library, testified on the FY98 appropriations for the Government Printing O ffice and the Library o f Congress before the Subcommittee on Legislative, House Committee on Appropriations, chaired by Rep. Jam es Walsh (R-NY): • G overnm ent Printing Office. Oakley urged the full support o f the Public Printer’s FY98 appropriations request o f $ 3 0 ,477,000 for the Superintendent o f D o c u m e n ts S a la rie s and E x p e n s e s , o f w h ic h $ 2 5 ,8 8 6 ,0 0 0 will m aintain the Federal Depository Li­ brary Program. “While some policy makers may view the move to electronic informa­ tion as a means o f cutting government costs, no data exists to support this asser­ tion. In fact, w e believe the opposite likely to b e true particularly during the tran­ sition period.” Appearing on behalf o f ALA, the Associa­ tion o f Research Libraries, the American Asso­ ciation o f Law Libraries, and the Special Librar­ ies Association, Oakley expressed the library community’s concern over the erosion o f fed­ eral government information from the public domain and called for a revision o f Title 44 that extends the definition o f government in­ formation to electronic resources. • Library o f Congress. Speaking for the same groups, Oakley urged funding for the Li­ brary of Congress FY98 budget request o f $387.6 million (including the authority to obligate $30.4 million in receipts) needed “to position the Li­ brary to realize the benefits o f the digitized net­ worked environment while ensuring that im­ portant programs and services are maintained.” Five LC program areas w ere the focus: services for the blind and physically handicapped, elec­ tronic initiatives, the American Folk Life Cen­ ter, arrearage reduction and cooperative cata­ loging, and collection security. LC was able to reduce arrearage in 1996 by 1.5 million items, a reduction o f 47.2% since 1989. He noted that with the passage o f landmark telecommunications legislation [in 1996], Con­ gress recognized that libraries are primary points o f access for the public to participate in the information age. “Although only 23.6% o f pub­ lic libraries have full World Wide W eb capabil­ ity, the discounted rates now being im ple­ mented by the FCC are expected to increase this percentage rapidly.” Various library and higher education groups will be meeting on government information and information technology issues in the next few weeks. More on these activities in our next re­ port. ■ Lynne E. Bradley is deputy executive director o f A LA ’s Washington Office; e-mail: