ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 8 2 / C&RL News G rants and Acquisitions T a ra W e ik um The A ssociation o f Re search Libraries (ARL) has b een awarded $450,000 to support the Association o f Am erican Universities/ARL Global Resources Program. T h e end ow m ent from the Andrew W. Mellon Founda­ tion will enable the program to expand access to foreign language research materials by d ev elo p in g distributed co llectio n s and expanding electronic docum ent deliv ery. B row n U niversity w ill receive $ 6 2 5 ,0 0 0 from the National Endowment for the Humani­ ties (NEH) to support ongoing preservation ef­ forts for more than 1 million items including monographs, journals, broadsides, manuscripts, sheet music, sound recordings, and leaflets. NEH will match on e dollar for every four dol­ lars raised from nonfederal sources over the next four years. The preservation efforts include deacidification o f paper and rebinding, digitiz­ ing, and microfilming documents. Louisiana State U n iversity has received nearly $3 million w hich was bequeathed by late faculty m em ber Mary Hauer, who taught library research methods and materials for 15 years. Hauer died in April 1995. The money will b e used by Special Collections to benefit the rare book collections. R id e r U n iv e r s it y h a s b e e n g iv e n $13,000 by the Jo h n Robert Gregg Fund o f the New York Community Trust to catalog and pro­ vide scholarly access to the Louis A. Leslie col­ lection o f shorthand and business education ma­ terials. L eslie w as a lea d in g au th o rity on shorthand systems and his collection contains approximately 1,000 volumes. S ain t Jo h n ’ s U n iv e rs ity has received a $57,500 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation to support the collection called Arca Artium (ark o f the arts) compiled by Brother Frank Kacmarcik. The collection consists o f 4,000 rare books and manuscripts, more than 30,000 ref­ eren ce books, 3,000 music albums, and a vari­ ety o f prints, oils, lithographs, sculptures, and engravings. T h e grant will enable the university to pro­ duce video documentaries of the collection. A cq u isitio n s A collection o f w o r k s pertaining to the life and work o f Charles Darwin has been given to the University o f South Carolina in Colum­ bia. The material contains 120 volumes with many first editions o f most o f Darwin’s writ­ ings, including his more famous works such as On the Origin o f Species and The Descent o f Man. Donated by C. Warren Irvin Jr., the collection represents the range and variety o f Darwin’s writings and interests. An endow m ent fund in the Irvin family nam e has b een established to support the collection. A e ria l Photographs covering the y ears 1971 to 1990, a portion o f the Graber Collection o f Aerial Photographs focusing on the Tampa Bay area, have been acquired by the Univer­ sity o f South Florida Tam pa Campus Library. The material will be used to research and docu­ ment local history. The donors, the Ken Taylor family, plan to donate the entire collection of photographs covering the years 1949– 1990 at a later date. A 7 ,0 0 0 -v o lu m e collection o f 19 th - a n d 20th-century German Protestant theology has b een donated to the W esley Theological Semi­ nary in Washington, D.C. The material also co n ­ tains writings and periodicals from leaders o f the Confessing Church movement o f the Nazi era. T h e collection cam e from the library of Joh n D. Godsey, a Barth and Bonhoeffer scholar and professor emeritus at Wesley. T h re e e x te n s iv e collections o f music material have been given to the University o f Ed. n o te : Send you r news to: Grants & Ac­ quisitions, C&RL News, 5 0 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611; e-mail: April 1 9 9 7 / 2 8 3 Maryland at College Park. A collection o f clas­ sical piano recordings com p iled by Harry Anderson includes information about the per­ formers and their lives and has b een donated to the university by his wife. The material rep­ resents recordings o f pianists from the inven­ tion o f the phonograph to the early 1960s. A piano and organ literature collection o f more than 23,000 items including material about jukeboxes, musical instruments, and p hono­ graphs has been given to the university by Richard Howe. Several items documenting the 1872– 73 American tour o f Russian pianist and com p oser Anton Rubinstein have b een do­ nated by Henry Steinway. A lib r a r y o f W illia m F a u lk n e r m a te r i als and a collection o f early Texana have been acquired by Abilene Christian University. The Southwestern collection contains 1,500 vol­ umes and was com piled by Abigail Curlee Holbrook. The Faulkner materials w ere given by the family o f Lance Lyday, w ho accum u­ lated the books, periodicals, and videos. Letters w ritte n b y s e v e ra l E u ro pean princes in the 1800s and addressed to Prince Metternich, ch ief architect o f the restoration o f Europe after N apoleon’s fall, have b een acquired by the University o f Cincinnati’s German-Ameri cana Collection. The collection o f 35 letters was donated by Ivanka Shabika, the granddaughter o f Freidrich Laskus, who corresponded frequently with Metternich. Metternich served as Austria’s Minister o f Foreign Affairs from 1809– 1848 and was an important figure in early 19th-century Eu­ ropean history. R are Jam es Joyce b o o ks a n d letters a n d books by Kenneth Patchen have been received by the University o f California, Santa Cruz. The Jo y ce materials include a first edition o f Ulysses and a 1935 edition illustrated and signed by Henri Matisse. Also in the collection are several rare issues o f the journal Transition w hich contain many works in progress. The Patchen materials include more than 30 books and 80 letters and cards from the Patchens. Many o f the books and letters co n ta in h an d -p ain ted illustrations by Patchen. A self-published, signed first edition o f his well-known anti-war Jo u rn a l o f Albion Moon­ light is also included in the collection. All o f the materials w ere donated by the estate o f Alan and Beatrice Parker. ■ ACRL CHOICE Reviews in W o m en ’ s Studies 1990–96 Helen MacLam, editor A com pilation o f reviews that have appeared in CHOICE M agazine o f over 2 ,0 0 0 recent w om en’s studies titles. Arranged alphabetically by subject m atter, using classifications created by the C HO ICE editorial staff, each entry reprints the full text o f the original review , gives detailed bibliographic data, and indicates recom m ended readership level. Nam e, title, and topical indexes are also included. Useful for acquisitions librarians in public or academ ic libraries seeking to create or expand w om en’ s studies collections. $45.50; ACRL members $38.00, 454p. 0-8389-7881-9, 1997 Order from: ALA Order Fulfillment, 155 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL 60611 • 800-545-2433 (press 7) • Fax: 312-836-9958