ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1 9 9 3 / 4 7 5 Ewing Halsell Foundation w as matched by an additional $25,000 from the Houston Endow­ m ent, Inc. The W illiam Curry an d Frances H olden Endowm ent w as established in 1986 to provide research fellowships in Texas and Southwestern history and related studies and to purchase research materials in the areas of Southwestern history and culture, Native Ameri­ can and Mexican ethnohistory, anthropology, archeology, Southwestern arts and architecture, arid lands, water, and w om en’s history. Texas Tech University also received a $1,515 grant from the Southwestern Bell Foundation to pur­ chase the Library o f Congress’s Subject Headings. A c q u is itio n s The library of noted feminist scholar Bettina Aptheker has been acquired by the U ni­ versity o f California, Santa Cruz. Aptheker, a professor o f w om en’s studies at UCSC and a leading scholar in the field, served as chair of the Board of Studies in W om en’s Studies, was a prom inent student activist in the 1960s, and was an organizer o f the Free Speech Move­ ment. She is the author of several books, in­ clu d in g Tapestries o f Life: W o m e n ’s Work, W o m en ’s Consciousness a n d the M eaning o f D aily Experience (Amherst: University o f Mas­ sachusetts Press, 1989). Appraised at more than $30,000, the Aptheker collection includes more than 2,000 books, periodicals, and pamphlets. The gift establishes the W om en’s Studies Li­ brary, a noncirculating special collection of books and journals that is available to scholars, faculty, staff, students, and the public, at UCSC’s Kresge College. The papers of Harold E. Edgerton have been acquired by M assachusetts Institute o f T ech n ology. Best know n for his w ork photo­ graphing extremely rapid events— his photos w ere published in, am ong other places, Life Magazine—Edgerton cam e to MIT as a gradu­ ate student, and subsequently served as pro­ fessor o f electrical engineering, head of the Strobe Lab, Institute Professor, and Institute Professor Emeritus until his death in 1990. The 45-cubic-foot manuscript collection includes un­ published autobiographical fragments, corre­ spondence, blueprints, writings, and speeches, as well as Edgerton’s laboratory notebooks from 1930 to 1990, w hich docum ent in detail inno­ vations in stroboscopic photography. The papers of British poet and novelist L aw rence D urrell hav e b e e n a c q u ire d by McMaster U n iversity library. Best know n as the author o f the A lexandria Quartet, consist­ in g o f fo u r n o v e ls , J u s tin e , B a lth a z a r , Mountolive, and Clea, Durrell spent most of his writing life in the Mediterranean and In­ dian outposts of the already fading British Em­ pire. Included in the acquisition are 15 letters and postcards dated from 1944 to 1976, m anu­ scripts o f some 50 poems, the carbon of a let­ ter from Durrell to Henry Miller (1942), and inscribed copies of tw o of Durrell’s books, Cit­ ies; Plants a n d People and On Seeming to Presume. The collections of tw o legendary band­ masters, Merle Evans and Lynn L. Sams, have been acquired by the U n iversity o f Maryland at C ollege Park’s Music Library. Merle Evans w as bandm aster for “The Great­ est Show on Earth,” the Ringling Bros, and Barnum and Bailey circus for 50 years, from 1919 to his retirement in 1969. In this capacity, Evans cued the entire circus performance, de­ ciding w hat music w ould accom pany each act. The Merle Evans Collection, which is a gift from Merle’s sister, Juanita Evans, contains letters, awards, programs, photographs, band music, posters, an d m em orabilia relating to Evans’ career w ith the circus. Lynn L. Sams was a bandm aster of a very different kind. The inspiration for Meredith Wilson’s The Music Man, Sams began his ca­ reer selling horns and drums to high schools and later devoted full-time to organizing high school bands. The Lynn Sams Collection con­ sists of 30 boxes of manuscripts, publications, recordings, and memorabilia. Over 9 0 0 rare books and periodicals dating from the 17th century w ere acquired by the N ation al Library o f Canada from Mont­ real scholar-bibliographer, Lawrence M. Lande. Included are 635 French official publications dating from 1607 to 1809, focusing on com ­ merce and finance, the fur trade, cod and whale fisheries, and the colonization of the French Empire in North America. Also in the collec­ tion are 193 rare books dealing mainly with eco­ nomic policy and the practices o f the major European colonial pow ers in the 17th and 18th centuries, particularly those o f France. ■