ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1994/63 Customer service: The heart off a library B y H a rd y R. F r a n k lin A message from the President o f ALA S ervice is the heart o f our profession. Thinking o f patrons as “customers” is an apt way to remind ourselves— and our staffs— of the manner in which we wish to associate with the public. Our customers— whether they be students, faculty, or members of the general public— are why libraries exist. We must not take them for granted. It is not enough to simply de­ liver service. We must market our services in a way that assures our libraries are addressing real needs and that our customers— current and potential— are aware o f the benefits available to them. In a letter to ALA in which he shared how the library had made a difference in his life, Nobel laureate Linus Pauling said he used his college library not to pursue his scientific studies but to “develop a broader view of life” by reading works by George Bernard Shaw and Edgar Allan Poe. How many of us would have assumed the opposite? One of the biggest mistakes any organiza­ tion can make is to assume it knows the needs and wants of its customers. Corporations spend millions o f dollars “listening” to their custom­ ers via customer service surveys, but it needn't be that expensive or complicated. That is why during National Library Week, April 17-23, 1994, the American Library Asso­ Hardy R. Franklin ciation (ALA) is asking all types o f libraries to participate in taking a national “snapshot” of library customer satisfaction. Why do a customer satisfaction survey? There are at least four good reasons. One is to deter­ mine the level of customer satisfaction with your services; two, to identify areas for improvement; three, to identify needed services; and last but not least, to let your customers know you care what they think. We know that libraries of all types have millions o f satisfied customers. This survey is an at­ tempt to document that fact. We are not pretending that this is a “scientific” survey nor are we expecting 100 percent satisfaction, although similar surveys conducted by libraries have generally found high lev­ els o f satisfaction. W e are expecting to gain valuable insights into library customer service satisfactions that will help us to promote library use and legislative support for libraries nationwide. A camera-ready survey form appears in this issue o f C&RL News (see page 65) for you to reprint “as is” or customize for your library. Libraries are asked to report their survey re­ sults by May 15, 1994, to the ALA Public In­ formation Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; phone: (800) 545-2433, ext. 5044. All responses are confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of compiling a na­ tional picture of library customer satisfaction to be used for promoting library use and support. Thank you, in advance, for your help. ■ Hardy R. Franklin is director o f the District o f Columbia Public Library and the 1993-94president o f the American Library Association. Franklin chose “Customer Service: The Heart o f the Library" as the theme f o r his presidential year.