ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 8 8 /C & R L News Presentation Hews Jan e Hedberg OMS publishes manual The Office of Management Services COMS) of the Asso­ ciation of Research Libraries (ARL) has published Collec­ tion Conservation Treatment: A Resource M anual fo r Pro­ gram Development a n d Con­ servation Technician Train­ ing. The 452-page manual contains instructions for more than 100 conservation treat­ ments, floorplans, and fur­ nishing/equipm ent lists for co n serv atio n lab o rato ries, flow charts, and decision trees for conserva­ tion decision-making, plus a bibliography. The manual was developed by the 42 collections conservators and preservation administrators w ho attended the 1992 “Training the Trainers: A Conference on Training in Collection Con­ servation” and compiled by Maralyn Jonec, as­ sistant head of the Conservation Department at the University of California, Berkeley. Copies are available for $25.00 from the Publications Department, Office of Management Services, 21 D upont Circle, Washington, DC 20036; (202) 296-8656; fax: (202) 872-0884. ALA publishes resource packet The Joint Committee on Government Docu­ ments as Rare Books of ALA’s RBMS/GODORT/ MAGERT (Rare Books and Manuscripts Section/ Government Documents Round Table/Map and Geography Round Table) has published Rare a n d Valuable Government Documents; A Re­ source Packet on Identification, Preservation, a n d Security Issues f o r Government Documents Collections. The packet comprises previously published materials on the identification of rare docum ents and the preservation techniques which may be used to protect them. Free cop­ ies of the packet were distributed by the Gov­ ernm ent Printing Office in May 1993 to all d e­ pository libraries. Edited by Jim Walsh, Barbara Hulyk, and George Barnum, this publication represents noteworthy cooperation among numer­ ous organizations and publishers. Submissions fo r this colum n m ay be m ade to: Ja n e Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8275; JHEDBERG