ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 9 6 /C&RL News People in the News P e te r J a c s o , associate pro­ fessor at Rosary College in River F orest, Illin o is, has w on the 1993 UMI E xcel­ lence in Writing Award for his article “Sea rch in g for sk eleto n s in the database c u p b o a r d .” P u b lis h e d in DATABASE, the tw o-p art article presents techniques to help searchers find data­ base errors that could pre­ vent them from retrieving accurate search results. Jacso wrote the article while he was a visiting associate professor in the School o f Library and Information Studies at the Uni­ versity o f Hawaii. He received $1,500 and was honored at a banquet hosted by Learned Infor­ mation at the Seventeenth International Online Information Meeting. H o w a r d D . W h i t e , p r o f e s s o r at D r e x e l University’s College o f Information Studies, has received the 1993 Research Award o f the Ameri­ can Society for Information Science (ASIS). The award is given for a systematic program o f re­ search beyond the single study that has led to outstanding contributions with a significant and recent impact on the field. White has published on a wide variety o f topics including biblio- metrics, citation analysis, social science data archives, and library collection evaluation. In a tribute, ASIS described White as “an articulate spokesm an for the quantitative point o f view in information s cie n c e.” White has been at Drexel since 1974. Appointments S h a ro n C. B o n k has been appointed chief li­ brarian o f Q ueens College Libraries, City Uni­ versity o f New York. She joins Q ueens from the University at Albany, State University o f New York where she served in many positions since 1978, including assistant director for user ser­ vices, assistant director for collection develop­ ment and research services, assistant director for technical services, and head o f acquisitions. Before that Bonk held positions in collection development and public ser­ vices at Northeastern Univer­ sity in B o sto n . She holds m aster’s degrees from the University o f Minnesota and a bachelor’s degree from the S ta te U n iv e rs ity o f N ew York, College at G eneseo. She has served on the Board o f Directors o f the Associa­ tion for Library Collections and Tech nical Services, as president o f the Section on Management o f Information Resources and Technology, and council m em ber o f the New York Library Association. F rie d a M. D avison is n ow d irecto r o f library serv ices at the J o h n C layton Fant M em orial Li­ brary, M ississippi U niversity fo r W o m en , C o­ lu m b u s. D a v is o n w as turm erlv assistant uni v e r s i t y l i b r a r i a n to r r e a d e r a n d t e c h n i c a l services at San Francisco S ta te U n iv e r s ity . S h e ea rn e d h e r B.A. in En­ glish from Clinch Valley C o lleg e o f the U niver­ sity o f Virginia, her MLS from th e U niversity o f K e n tu ck y , and a p o st F ried a M. D avison m aster’s a d v an ced c e r ­ tificate from C olu m b ia U niversity, N ew Y ork . R o n a ld H. E p p was recently named director o f libraries and learning resources at the Uni­ versity o f Hartford, Connecticut. He had been a professor o f philosophy and chair o f the Uni­ versity Library Committee there. A graduate of the University o f Rochester, Epp earned an MLS from Memphis State University and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the State University o f New York at Buffalo. He served as managing editor o f C h o ic e magazine from 1985-1989, and c o ­ e d ite d , w ith J o a n n e Hill an d W illiam E. Hannaford Jr., the book C ollective D ev elo p m en t in C o lleg e L ib ra r ies (ALA, 199D- Susan G rigg has b een named librarian/archi­ vist at Strawbery Banke Museum in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. She most recently served as February 1994/97 director o f the Sophia Smith Collection and College Archives at Smith College. A graduate of Oberlin College, Grigg holds master’s and Ph.D. degrees in history from the University o f Wisconsin, and an MLS from Simmons College. She has also served as curator o f the Immigra­ tion History Collection at the University o f Min­ nesota, and as archivist at Yale University. She currently serves as a reviewer for the National Endowment for the Humanities and is involved in various committees and boards o f the Soci­ ety o f American Archivists. John B. Thomas is now dean o f college ser­ vices at the Davie County Campus o f Davidson County Community C ollege in Mocksville, North Carolina. He previously served for 22 years as dean o f learning resources at Davidson County Community College in Lexington, North Carolina. Anne Marie Baker has been named project archivist at the W illiam s C o lle ge Library, Williamstown, Massachusetts. Michael Basinski has been appointed as­ sistant librarian/assistant curator for poetry and rare books at the State University o f N ew York at Buffalo. Julie C. Blake has been named automated public services librarian at Pembroke State Uni­ versity, North Carolina. Susan Brady has been appointed assistant curator o f the Harvard Theatre Collection in the Houghton Library, Harvard University. Linda B row n now serves as coordinator o f collection development at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. Suzanne Chaney is now reference librar­ ian in the Reference and Information Services Department at the University o f Texas at Aus­ tin Libraries. Flora Cobb is now reference services coor­ dinator in science and technology at the Uni­ versity o f Tennessee, Knoxville, Libraries. Marty Courtois has been named biologi­ cal sciences reference librarian at the Univer­ sity o f Tennessee, Knoxville. Lucinda Covert-Vail has been named di­ rector o f reference and information services at New York University Libraries, N ew York City. Diane E. D onham has been named assis­ tant librarian o f the Center for Astrophysics Li­ braries at Harvard University. Elizabeth A. Dupuis is now a half-time ref­ erence and electronic information services li­ brarian and half-time Balcones librarian in the Engineering Library at the University o f Texas at Austin. Ronald Edwards has been appointed head librarian o f the Curriculum Resource Center at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. Michele Falkow has been named assistant to the dean o f libraries at N ew York Univer­ sity, N ew York City. M ary Anne Fox has been named catalog­ ing librarian at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Caroline Gilderson-Duwe has joined the staff o f the Golda Meir Library at the University o f Wisconsin-Milwaukee as head o f the Preser­ vation Department. Lori Goetsch is now head o f reference ser­ vices at the University o f Tennessee, Knoxville, Libraries. Francis S. Griego has been named elec­ tronic information/reference librarian at the Uni­ versity o f Idaho, Moscow. Susan Hayes is now catalog maintenance librarian at N ew York University, N ew York City. A nn E. Hodges is now librarian/archivist in the Mexican Archives Project, Benson Latin American Collection, at the University o f Texas at Austin Libraries. Irene M. H offm an has been promoted to director o f OCLC Pacific, the OCLC service for Alaska, Hawaii, western Canada, and the west­ ern states. Katherine Holmes was recently named off- campus services librarian at Lesley College’s Ludcke Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Darrell Jenkins has been appointed social studies librarian at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. M oham m ed A. S. K han was recently ap­ pointed information specialist at Kuwait Insti­ tute for Scientific Research, Kuwait. Loretta K och is now humanities librarian at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. W alter Kom orow ski is now a full-time ref­ erence librarian at the Williams College Library, Williamstown, Massachusetts. Ed. note: Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, individuals, and other sources. To ensure that your personnel news is considered f o r publication, write to Pam Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. 98/C&RL News A n d rew Lee is now Tamiment librarian at N ew York University, N ew York City. Lynell A. M orr has been named collection management librarian for arts/humanities at Vir­ ginia Commonwealth University, Richmond. W illiam G. M urray is now systems librar­ ian at Virginia Commonwealth University, Rich­ mond. Sherrill Redm on has been named head o f the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts. Laura Rein is now associate director for information services and collection develo p ­ ment at G eorge Mason University, Virginia. Kevin Risner is now reference librarian at the University o f T oledo’s Carlson Library, Ohio. Craig Schroer has been named electronic information services and reference librarian in the Benson Latin American Collection at the University o f Texas at Austin Libraries. Alison Scott has been named head librar­ ian o f the Popular Culture Library at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. Jill Shires is the new music cataloger in the Music Library o f the University o f North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Elisabeth Sinnott has been named cata­ loger at N ew York University Libraries, N ew York City. Stephen Skuce has been appointed origi­ nal monograph cataloger at the Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Libraries. Robert Smith was recently appointed di­ rector o f the newly formed African American Educational Archives Initiative at Wayne State University Libraries, Detroit. E rrol S. Som ay has joined the staff o f the Virginia State Library and Archives, Richmond, as coordinator o f the Virginia N ew sp ap er Project. Jan S. Squire has been appointed general reference librarian at the University o f North Carolina, Charlotte. M arvin J. Taylor is now Fales librarian for a special collection o f 19th- and 20th-century American and English literature at N ew York University Libraries, N ew York City. Carol T obin has been appointed head o f reference in the Davis Library at the University o f North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Christine T urn er was recently named off- campus services librarian at Lesley C ollege’s Ludcke Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts. W en d y Van W yck G ood now serves as ar­ chivist o f the Rush-Williams-Biddle Family Pa­ pers at the Rosenbach Museum and Library, Philadelphia. D on ald J. W aters has been appointed as­ sociate university librarian at Yale University, N ew Haven, Connecticut. L o m a Y ou n g is n ow an original cataloger at the University o f Tennessee, Knoxville. Retirem ents Brian A lley retired as university librarian and d ean o f lib ra ry instru ction al se rv ic e s at Sangamon State University in Springfield, Illi­ nois, in December 1993. Alley joined Sangamon in 1982 after serving in various positions at Miami University, Elmira College, and Portland State University. He is the author o f numerous articles and has coauthored four monographs. He is currently editor o f Technicalities. Ruth B aun er retired January 1, 1994, from Southern Illinois University (SIU) Libraries in Carbondale. Bauner earned her MLS from the University o f Illinois. She joined SIU in 1956 as assistant education librarian then rose to be­ come head o f the Education and Psychology Division. After earning a specialist’s degree and a doctorate, Bauner was twice more promoted at SIU, and since 1969 she has also held a fac­ ulty appointment in the College o f Education. M ary Beth Fleischer, assistant archivist at the Center for American History, University o f Texas at Austin, retired at the end o f August after 32 years o f service. John David Marshall, professor and univer­ sity bibliographer in the Todd Library at Middle T en n essee State U n iversity (M T S U ), Mur­ freesboro, retired at the end o f 1993 after 26 years at the university and 41 years in academic librarianship. Before his appointment at MTSU, Marshall was a member o f the library faculties at Clemson University, Auburn University, and the University o f Georgia. A 1950 graduate o f Bethel C ollege in McKenzie, Tennessee, he earned an MLS at Florida State University (FSU). He has been active in ALA and ACRL, and has authored or edited 16 books on librarianship. In 1984 Marshall was honored by the Tennes­ see Library Association with its Frances Neel Cheney Award and in 1992 with its TLA Honor February 1994 /99 Award. He also received the 1989 Distinguished Alumni Award from the FSU School o f Library and Inform ation Studies, the 1989 Alumni Achievement Award, and a 1992 Distinguished Alumni Service Award from Bethel College. Alva Stewart, reference librarian at North Caro­ lina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, retired in October after 13 years in that position. During his 33-year career, Stewart served in seven academic libraries in­ cluding those at the College o f William & Mary and the University o f North Carolina (UNC)- Charlotte. He served as library director at Meth­ odist C o llege and N.C. W esleyan C ollege. Stewart received his MLS from UNC-Chapel Hill and a master’s in political science from Duke University. Deaths Nettie Lee Benson, former head librarian o f the Latin American Collection at the University of Texas at Austin, died June 23. The collection was renamed the Benson Latin American Col­ lection in Benson’s honor upon her retirement in 1975. Loda M. H o p k in s, form er director o f the Simmons College Libraries and lecturer in ser­ vices to adult readers at Simmons, died Octo­ ber 8 at the age o f 87. Hopkins graduated from Vassar College in 1927 and received a B.S. in library science from Columbia University in 1930. Most o f her career was spent working for the N ew York Public Library (N YPL), serv­ ing in various neighborhood libraries around New York City from 1927-1958. In 1958 she was appointed group specialist o f adult ser­ vices at Donnell Library, and was promoted in 1961 to coordinating librarian there. In 1964 she retired from NYPL and joined Simmons as assistant director o f libraries and later director. She retired from Simmons, where she had been a lecturer on and o ff since 1955, in 1971. Ralph W . McComb, former university librar­ ian at Penn State University, died July 22. McComb directed the University Libraries from 1946 until his retirement in 1970. A native o f Virginia, he earned a bachelor’s degree and MLS from the University o f Illinois. He was a mem­ ber o f the executive board and former presi­ dent o f the Pennsylvania Library Association, which honored him with a distinguished ser­ vice award. He was also an ALA Council mem­ ber and served as chair o f the ACRL Steering Committee. John P. M cDonald, director o f university li­ braries at the University o f Connecticut (U C ) from 1963 until his retirement in 1988, died November 13 at the age o f 71. McDonald earned a b a c h e lo r ’s d e g r e e from the University o f Virginia in 1946 and an MLS from Drexel Uni­ v e rs ity in 1951. H e worked in the libraries at th e U n iversity o f P e n n s y lv a n ia and Washington University in St. Louis before join­ John P. McDonald ing UC. He served as president o f the Association o f Research Librar­ ies (ARL) from 1971-1972 and as executive di­ rector o f ARL from 1974-1976 while on leave from UC. An officer in ALA and the Connecti­ cut Library Association, McDonald also served on the Boards o f the Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS) and the H. W. Wilson Company. He received the Outstanding Alumnus Award from Drexel in 1975 and was awarded an hon­ orary doctor o f law degree from W esleyan University in 1986. Harriet M olenaer, former rare materials cata­ loger at the University o f Texas at Austin, died June 13, 1993. ■ Advertiser index American Psychological cover 2 AMIGOS 67 Blackwell 79 Bowker/Reed 66 CD Plus Technologies 71 Digital Directory Assist. cover 3 EBSCO 55 Notis cover 4 OCLC 74 University o f Oklahoma 58 H.W. Wilson 62