ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1 0 0 / C&RL N ew s THEAIELSISSFDDCA Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: C lassified advertisem ents are $7.10 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.00 for others. Late job notices are $17.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL m embers, $20.50 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their m embership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $320 to $610 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s fa c­ ulty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL Newsclassified ads are now accessible on the Internet through the gopher server at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Ads will be placed on the gopher approximately 2­ 3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. To reach C&RL NewsNet you can locate the University of Illinois at Chicago in the menu of all servers maintained on gopher at the University of Minnesota. Alternatively, you can connect your favorite gopher client directly to host " 70". Select 'The Library” from the menu and then select "C&RL NewsNet" from the next menu. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 ■ 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placem ent services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that "ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library em ploy­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin." By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN ACC ESS LIBRA RIAN. Illinois W esleyan U niversity seeks applica­ tio ns for tenure-track fa cu lty position responsible for a broad range of library autom ation operations. Responsibilities include overseeing the operation and m aintenance o f cu rre nt system s; in vestigating of broad o perations pro ble m s; reviewing and d eveloping d ocu m e nta ­ tion; co m m u nicatin g with vendors and installers; p articipating in c am pus-w ide planning and developm ent o f networks; recom m ending and conducting staff tra in in g ; developing and p resenting b ibliographic instruction packages; initiating new autom ated system s; serving a s a library liaison to a cad em ic d epartm ents; a dm inistering budgets fo r those d epartm ents; and participating in general responsibilities o f a library fa cu lty member. Tenure-track faculty lib ra ria n s m ust d e m o n ­ strate professional deve lo pm en t and service to the a cadem ic co m m u ­ nity as com ponents o f the e valuative process. Illinois W esleyan is a nationally recognized com prehensive undergraduate unive rsity en- Y U ale n U i n v iv e ersi r ty s i inv ty ites L ap i pl b ica r tio a ns r and ian nominations for the position of University Librarian. The Librarian directs the Yale library system, overseeing its collections, activities, staff, and budget. The system is the second largest university library in the United States, containing more than ten million bound volumes and almost four million microforms. It has a yearly operating budget of thirty-nine million dollars, occupies 800,000 square feet of space in more than thirty buildings, and employs m ore than six hundred staff members. It is actively undertaking major new initiatives in electronic information services, book preservation, and facilities renovation, as well as expanding services to its users, which include Yale students, staff, and faculty and the world-wide community o f scholars. Applicants and nominees should have five or more years o f successful management experience with a major library. Applications and nominations will be taken until March 1,1994 or until the position is filled. Qualified women and minority group members are especially encouraged to apply. Applications (which should include a resume and names of three suggested referees) and nominations should be sent to: Professor Jon Butler, Chair, Search Committee for the University Librarian, O ffice o f the Provost, Yale University, P.O. Box 208236, New Haven, CT 065203236. (pgj Yale University AC*— ■■O f l Y a l e U n i v e r s it y is an A f f ir m a ti v e A c tio n , i ‘ fîw îs › E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity E m p lo y e r . rolling 1,800 students pursuing d egrees in the liberal arts, fin e arts, and nursing. O u r residential ca m p us is located in Bloomington, Illinois, a prosperous sm all city in the central part o f the state, Qualifications: Minim um requirem ent is a m aster's deg re e in library science from an ALA-accredited program. A dditional g raduate degree and substantial hands-on e xperience with a variety o f autom ated applications desirable. A person with strong interpersonal skills; dem onstrated ability to com m unicate technical inform ation to a broad range of audiences; and ability to work e ffectively in a team se ttin g will be given more consideration. Salary and rank are dependent upon qualifications and experience. Starting d a te is August 1 ‚ 1994, fo r a 12-month contract. Women and m inorities are particularly urged to apply. Send letter o f application, vita, three letters of recom m endation to: Sue Stroyan, Sheean Library, Illinois W esleyan University, P.O. Box 2899, Bloom ington, IL 61702-2899. We will accep t applications until February 15, 1994. Equal opportunity employer. A SSO C IA TE LIB R A R IA N /PU B LIC SER VICES. M illsaps College in vites applications fo r the position of Associate Librarian/P ublic Services. $ 25 ,00 0-$2 8 ,0 0 0. Available Ju ly 1, 1994. Duties: O versee all p ub lic services, report to C ollege Librarian, serve in reference, in struction, interlibrary capacity. Q ualifications: M LS from A L A -a c­ credited program , five years experience in liberal arts setting in public services, fam iliar with autom ated resources, good personal skills. M illsaps College is a com petitive p rivate M e thodist-related institution February 1994/101 Systems Librarian Connecticut C o lle g e invites applications for the position o f Systems Librarian. Reporting to the C o lle g e Librarian, this in­ dividual plans, coordinates, and supports technological services in the C olle ge Library. T he Systems Librarian assumes m ajor responsibility for the m igration to a new U N IX -b ased system utilizing client/server architecture, serves as a resource person to all library departments and w ill fu lly participate in the library’s public service program. Connecticut C olle ge is a highly selective, coeducational, residential liberal arts college with 158 faculty and 1650 undergraduate students. T he academic programs o f the C o lle ge have been enhanced recently by the creation o f the Centers for Arts and Technology and International Studies and the L ib eral Arts. T h e C o lle ge has a campus-wide fib er optic network in place. Connecticut C olle ge participates, through a consortium w ith T rin ity C ollege and Wesleyan U niversity, in a N O TIS-based fu lly integrated library management system. Access to m ajor bibliographic indexes is available through the O P A C as w e ll as the in-house C D -R O M network. Responsibilities: plan, develop, im plem ent, and test new systems and resources; advise and train library s ta ff on technology issues; participate in reference and collection developm ent programs; liaison to campus com puting center and the C T W consortium. Required Q ualifications: M aster’s degree in Library Science; experience w ith integrated library systems, electronic inform a­ tion resources, and microcomputers; public servicę experience in a library setting; and outstanding oral and written communication skills. H IG H L Y D E S IR E D : W orking know ledge o f U N IX , W indows, C D -R O M s , L A N s , and the Internet. M inim um salary for this position is $35,000. Review o f applications will begin on February 14, 1994. Applications, in­ cluding a resume and names and addresses o f four references, should be sent to: Search Committee: Systems Librarian, Connecticut College, 111 CR Fanning H all, 270 M ohegan Avenue, New London, CT 06320-4196. C onnecticut College Connecticut College is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and is actively seeking to diversify our faculty and administration. PROGRAM MANAGER FOR INFORMATION RESOURCES SELECTION Bucknell University Bucknell University seeks aclient-oriented librarian to manage the selection program for both print and electronic resources, facilitating the work of all librarian selectors. The successful candidate will have an awareness of the differing curricular and research needs of academicdisciplines and their scholarly communication patterns, and will take the broadest possible view of providing information resources on atechnologically progressive campus by integrating perspectives on print, nonprint, and electronic resources. She/he will be as comfortable exploring the Internet as working with vendors and writing reports, and will thrive on both intellectual analysis and hands-on work with gifts, approval plans, and hardware/software access mechanisms. Please request extended job description. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Three to five years post-ALA/MLS experience; evidence of ongoing exploration of emerging information technologies. PREFERRED: Collection development/faculty liaison experience; familiarity with both public and technical services. SALARY RANGE: low to mid-$30s. For maximum consideration, submit letter of interest, resume, and three references by March 1,1994, to: Ann de Klerk, Director Bertrand Library Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 Applications from women and members o f minority groups are encouraged. 102/C&RL News of 1,300 students. The library has 270,000 volumes, and a staff of 12. Position is a faculty appointment with good benefits. Contact: James F. Parks, Jr., College Librarian, P.O. Box 150148, M illsaps College, Jackson, MS 39210. (601) 974-1070. AA, EOE. AUTOMATION COORDINATOR, University of Central Florida, enroll­ ment 24,000, fully automated library. Opportunity for librarian to play a principal leadership role in the automated activities of a growing university library. Reports to Associate Director of Libraries. Coordi­ nates a wide range of turnkey applications, e.g., PC/LAN, CD-ROM LAN, NOTIS, and INNOVACQ. Includes staff training. Supervises technician responsible for library equipment installation/troubleshoot­ ing. Serves as liaison with UCF computer center and state network. Responsible for the library’s statistical data collection, analysis, and reporting. Performs other administrative duties depending on need and interest. Required: ALA-accredited MLS and two years library experience. Highly desired: Knowledge, aptitude, and experience with microcomputers/micro applications/LAN, as well as integrated library automation system(s); experience with staff training; under­ standing of current and developing technologies; demonstrated quan­ titative/analytical skills and oral/written communication skills; organi­ zational ability; and a positive record of working well with others. Rank/ salary: Dependent upon qualifications. Minimum salaries: Instructor Librarian, $23,500; Assistant Librarian, $25,500; Associate Librarian, $29,500; and University Librarian, $32,700. The successful candidate is expected to begin after July 1‚ 1994. Submit resume and names of three references postmarked by March 14,1994, to: Victor F. Owen, Library Personnel Officer, U niversity o f Central Florida Library, P.O. Box 162666, Orlando, FL 32816-2666. Florida application and selection procedures are subject to public review. AA, EEO. CATALOG DEPARTMENT: AUTHORITIES LIBRARIAN, a 12-month, tenure-track appointment with the University of Kansas Libraries. Leads the Authorities Unit in managing the name and subject authority process in the Cataloging Department, utilizing a locally developed online cataloging system. Required: Master's degree from an ALA- accredited program; professional experience in cataloging and auto­ mated authority control in an academic or research library setting; knowledge of AACR2r and Library of Congress subject heading practices; reading knowledge of one or more modern European or East Asian languages; effective oral and written communication skills and interpersonal skills; ability to work effectively with a wide range of staff and colleagues: strong planning, organizational, and analyti­ cal skills. Prefer demonstrated leadership and supervisory ability; reading knowledge of Spanish. Annual salary: $26,000-$32,000, dependent upon qualifications. Excellent benefits. To apply, submit letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, and copies of transcripts to: Sandra Gilliland, U n iversity o f Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800. Applications must be postmarked by February 28, 1994. An AA, EO employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Responsible for all cataloging operations including original and copy cataloging of all materials added to the library collection, materials processing, and cataloging maintenance subsequent to recent conversion project. Supervises one library assistant. Assists at the reference desk, including some evenings and weekends. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; previous cataloging experience with a major bibliographic utility and a local automated system, preferably OCLC and NOTIS; demonstrated knowledge of AACR2, LC classification and subject headings, Marc format. Super­ visory and cataloging experience in an academic library preferred. Salary: $24,500 minimum, depending on qualifications and experi­ ence. Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty position. Preference given to applications received by March 15, 1994. Saint Mary’s College is a Catholic college for women and seeks candidates supportive of that mission. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and three letters of reference to: The Director, Cushwa-Leighton Library, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Saint Mary’s College is an equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER: Post-cataloging/nonprint. New Mexico State Univer­ sity Library seeks a cataloger to manage a unit of five support staff and eight students. Responsibilities include oversight of authority control in an online environment (VTLS); supervision of shelflist mainte­ nance, labeling, and binding; original cataloging of library materials in the Spanish language and nonprint formats (e.g., computer files, videos, etc.); research, creative work, and service; serve as liaison with systems personnel and public services departments. Partici­ pates in collection development and assists at the reference desk. Works with other unit heads to develop department policy. Reports to the Head of Technical Services. Required qualifications: ALA-ac­ credited MLS; reading knowledge of Spanish; experience performing authority work in an online environment; minimum of three years professional cataloging experience using an automated system; supervisory experience; familiarity with nonprint MARC formats; experience using AACR2, LCSH, LCRI, and LC classification. Must have excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively with all levels of staff; and potential to excel in a dynamic and challenging academic library environment. Desired qualifica­ tions: Additional advanced degree; knowledge of one other European language; evidence of research and scholarly/professional achieve­ ment. Salary and faculty rank dependent upon qualifications, $28,000 minimum, for a 12-month, tenure-track appointment. Benefits include 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave, university holidays, health and dental insurance, state retirement plan or optional retirement plan, and professional development opportunities. Application: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references by March 11, 1994, to: Anne Morgan, Chair, Search Committee, New Mexico State University, Box 30006, Dept. 3475, Las Cruces, NM 88003-0006. New Mexico State Univer­ sity enrolls more than 16,000 students in 75 undergraduate majors, 45 master’s degree, and 19 doctoral degree programs. NMSU is an EEO, AA employer. Offer of employment is contingent upon verifica­ tion of the individual’s eligibility for employment in the United States. CHAIR, ACCESS SERVICES, Humboldt State University Library. The University Library seeks a creative, resourceful individual to manage those units— acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, periodi- Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers, and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey inthe October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. C o n n e cticu t $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Illin o is $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 L ouisiana $22,000 Maine varies* M assachusetts $27,554* New Je rse y $24,200 New Y o rk varies* N o rth C arolina $22,491 O hio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* R hode Island $26,500 S o u th C a rolin a varies* S o u th D akota $20,000 Texas $25,000 V e rm ont $22,500 W est V irg in ia $22,000 W isco n sin $25,830 *Ratherthan establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula February 1994 /103 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Northern Illinois University Libraries As head of the collection development division, the Associate Director provides ongoing leadership for a strong program of collection development in the university libraries system. The Associate Director administers the overall operations of the collection development division with a staff of 15.5 FTE faculty, 18 FTE staff, 9 FTE graduate assistants, and 14 FTE student assistants; allocates budgetary and personnel resources in the division; plans, implements, and evaluates divisional activities; insures appropriate communication within the units in the division and others outside the division; and represents the division within the university libraries. Supervises all department heads within the division including the heads of acquisitions, serials, social sciences and business, science and engineering, humanities and behavioral sciences, and rare books and special collections. Also works directly with libraries faculty and staff outside the division when they participate in collection development. The 1993-1994 libraries materials budget is $2.5 million. Appointment will be at the level of professor or associate professor, based on experience and qualifications. These qualifications include: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library education program and second master’s required; doctorate preferred; successful and progressively responsible professional experience in an academic or research library, including experience in collection development; record of publication and professional involvement supporting asenior level appointment in a tenure track is preferred; experience with public relations and with computer applications in collection development, acquisitions, or serials is preferred; demonstrated commitment to affirmative action is also preferred; and administrative ability, strong leadership qualities, and communication skills to work cooperatively with all segments of the university community are required. SALARY: $52,000 for twelve-month appointment. Application deadline is March 1 ‚ 1994. Applications and nominations should be submitted, with applications including full curriculum vitae and names, addresses, and telephone numbers for at least three references, to: Arthur P. Young, Director University Libraries Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL 60115 Northern Illinois University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. cals, and stack maintenance (three librarians and 16 FTE staff)— whose functions are centered around the automated integrated system, GEAC ADVANCE. Responsibilities include administration and coordination of the operation of the current system, planning for future generations of access systems, integration with other library databases to develop a library-wide system, cooperation with other campus units to develop a CWIS, as well as personnel management, policy development, and budget oversight. The Chair reports to the University Librarian and serves on the library’s management council. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; five years of library experience, with at least two years at the managerial level. Working knowledge of and demonstrated experience with automated library systems; demonstrated commitment to collegial style and participa­ tive management; thorough understanding of and commitment to the philosophies, standards, and practices of governing bibliographic access. Candidates whose characteristics and qualifications also suit them to prepare individuals to function in a culturally and ethnically diverse society are especially encouraged to apply. Pre­ ferred qualifications: Substantial work experience in an academic library in one or more of the units supervised; strong communication skills and a service perspective; good interpersonal skills and ability to utilize employees creatively; broad knowledge of emerging tech­ nologies and their applications in libraries; ability to analyze and interpret complex technical data, including some troubleshooting skills; thorough understanding of the MARC format; and ability to embrace and implement change effectively. This is a full-time tenure- track position with appointment at Senior Assistant Librarian ($31,764 to $43,896), or Associate Librarian ($39,984 to $55,488). Benefits include optional 10-month year, 24 days annual vacation, 10-14 legal holidays, sick leave, and competitive retirement and health plans. Librarians are members of the general faculty with rank. HSU has a student population of 6,600 FTE and is the northernmost of the California State University campuses. The Library/Media Services has a collection of 435,000 volumes, along with a large government documents collection. Qualified candidates should submit a letter of application, resume, and names of three references by February 28, 1994, to: Chair, Library Faculty Personnel Committee, c/o University Librarian, Hum boldt State University Library, Areata, CA 95521. HSU is an AA, EOE, Title IX employer. CHEMISTRY LIBRARIAN (search continues). Requirement: MLS (ALA-accredited). Degree in chemical sciences (MS or higher). Minimum of two years experience at professional level. Research/ publication and/or service record of sufficient quality and quantity to be appointed at rank of assistant professor or above. Desired quali­ fications: Demonstrated ability to work effectively with students, faculty, members of academic community. Ability to work in collabo­ rative manner in a team environment. Demonstrated interest and ability in providing service-oriented environment responsive to infor­ mation needs of library users. Experience with collection develop­ ment. Ability to carry out strong program of library instruction. Ability to utilize new technologies in managing day-to-day operations and in providing library instruction. Responsibilities: Administer the Chem­ istry Library: hire, train, supervise, and evaluate staff. Teach credit HEAD, TRANSPORTATION LIBRARY Northwestern University The T ransportation Library, a special library in an academic setting, is an international resource for the study of transportation. It supports the Northwestern University community, including the Transportation Center and the Traffic Institute, and users throughout the world. The collection includes more than 210,000 volumes; 1,900 current serials; 107,000 microforms; and an online indexing file of 145,000 citations. The library contributes records to Transportation Research Information Service database and publishes Current Literature in Traffic and Transportation. Staff consists of 4 FTE librarians, 2.2 FTE permanent support staff, 2.5 FTE grant-funded staff, and student assistants. The Head of the Transportation Library directs daily operations and long-range development of the collections, services, and staff. Administers all aspects of the Library, including public services, technical services, collection management, and fee-based services. Participates directly in services of the Transportation Library and in planning and administrative activities of the university library, acts as liaison with the faculty and users, and serves in a leadership role in national transportation library community. REQUIRED: Master’s in library science from an accredited program; minimum of three years professional administrative/supervisory experience in an academic or special library; excellent commu­ nication skills and proven ability to work effectively with staff, colleagues, and library users; demon­ strated commitment to a high level of service and to innovation in operations. DESIRED: 1 .Transportation or related subject expertise (urban studies, business, civil engineering, communications industry); 2. experience with automated systems. Reading knowledge of one or more Germanic or Romance languages is also desired. Salary is commensurate with experience; minimum $40,000. Send letter of application and resume, including names and addresses of three references, to: Peter Devlin Personnel Librarian Northwestern University Library Evanston, IL 60208-2300 Applications must be received by March 15,1994. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. course in chemical literature. Participate in collection development. Provide instruction in library use, including information technologies. Provide reference service and some online searching. Act as libraries liaison to Department of Chemistry. Meet Purdue requirements for promotion and tenure. Status and Benefits: Faculty status and respon­ sibilities. Vacation of 22 days. Flexible benefit programs. TIAA-CREF retirement and Social Security. Salary: $35,000 and up depending upon qualifications. For full position description send statement of interest, resume, references to: T.L. Haworth, Personnel Officer, 1530 Stewart Center, Purdue University Libraries, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1530. Review of applications will continue until position is filled. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. COLLEGE LIBRARIAN. Required qualifications: ALA/MLS degree; five years professional experience in college library; proficient in use of networked information technologies; strong interpersonal skills and evidence of involvement in academic communities; stated willing­ ness to accept and support the mission of the college. Preferred: Library administration experience; knowledge of issues in library remodel or construction; teaching experience; experience at liberal arts college as student or faculty. Responsible for all library opera­ tions; provide leadership for integration of information literacy into teaching and learning for students and faculty; service appropriate to the liberal arts college setting. Reports directly to the VPAA/Dean of Faculty. Salary minimum: $30,000. Twelve-month non-tenure-track faculty appointment. Send letter of application addressing qualifica­ tions; curriculum vitae, unofficial copies of graduate and undergradu­ ate transcripts; names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: James Pence, VPAA/Dean of Faculty, W artburg College, 222 Ninth St. NW, Waverly, IA 50677. Fax: (319) 352-8528. Wartburg College actively seeks applications from women and members of ethnic and minority groups. COMPUTER SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Columbia College seeks librarian for a new position with the following responsibilities: Provide leadership for automated system support and development for the library; coordinate planning, implementation, and maintenance of electronic information resources; provide technical support, docu­ mentation, and routine maintenance for terminals and microcom­ puter hardware and software; provide training and instruction; coor­ dinate library projects with campus computing center. Additionally, participate with other librarians in the provision of reference sen/ices and collection development. Reports to Library Director. We require an MLS or equivalent and experience applying computer technology to library operations; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; evidence of initiative, flexibility, and ability to work effectively with diverse audiences. Public service experience in an academic library is desirable. Columbia College is an urban, open admissions institution of 7,400 undergraduate and graduate students emphasiz­ ing arts and communications in a liberal education setting. The library participates in ILLINET Online, a state-wide, automated system for circulation, public access, and resource sharing. We offer a competi­ tive salary and excellent benefits package. Minority and women applicants are especially encouraged to apply. Submit a resume, letter of interest, and three letters of reference to: Librarian Search— CSL I, Human Resources Department, Columbia College Chicago, 600 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60605-1996. Equal opportunity/affirmative action employer M/F/D/V. 104/C&RL News February 1994/105 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN The University of Evansville The University of Evansville invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES: The University Librarian is respon­ sible for the planning, development, coordination, and administration of all library programs, learning resources, operations, and services. The University Librarian must have a strong commitment to undergraduate education and be an effective advocate and spokesperson for the library's educational mission on campus. The University Librarian reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and services on the academic cabinet. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS required; PhD in an appropriate discipline represented in the university preferred. Demonstrated administrative capabilities and experience in a college or university library. Strong communication and interpersonal skills in building productive, cooperative working relationships with colleagues, faculty, students, and staff; and the ability to successfully represent the library to the administration and campus. Evidence of ability in effective strategic and fiscal planning. Experience with major library automation systems and knowledge of emerging information technologies. The University Librarian serves on an administrative appointment; salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. The position will be available June 1 ‚ 1994, and a review of completed applications will begin February 15,1994, and continue until the position is filled. Please send letter of nomination or application including, for applicants, a curriculum vitae and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four references to: University Librarian Search Committee Office of Academic Affairs University of Evansville 1800 Lincoln Avenue Evansville, IN 47722 The University of Evansville is an independent, comprehensive, selective admissions institution offering bachelor's degrees in 47 courses of study, all of which are grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, as well as selected graduate and professional programs. The Bower-Suhrheinrich Library renovation and expansion project was completed in 1986 providing an academic focal point for the campus. The library's total collections of nearly 480,000 print and nonprint items serve 2,650 full-time students and 175 faculty. The university is implementing a campus-wide electronic network providing access to internal and external information technologies including the already operational NOTIS and Internet systems. The University o f Evansville operates under a non-discrim inatory policy with regard to race, color, age, religion, handicap, and national origin. DEAN OF LEARNING RESOURCE SERVICES. $38,929 to $47,882 DOE. Master's degree in Instructional Technology or in Library/ Information Services or related field. Three to five years experiences in facilitating the use of information resources in all formats. Inquire: Arizona W estern College, P. O. Box 929, Yuma, AZ 85366, or call: (602) 344-7504. AA, EOE. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES for the St. Petersburg Campus of the University of South Florida in a non-tenured, 12-month position. The St. Petersburg regional campus serves 3,000 upper level, master's and Marine Science doctoral students and is located in downtown St. Petersburg on Bayboro Harbor. Construction of $12 million library will begin in 1994 with completion scheduled for fall 1995. Library staff includes seven professional and eight support Staff. Responsibilities: Management of the library; budgetary accountability; leadership and program innovation; planning and evaluation; faculty and intercampus relations; public relations and fund development. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; eight years progressively respon­ sible academic library experience; evidence of professional and/or scholarly activity; knowledge of collection development, public and technical sen/ices, including emerging information technologies and automated library systems; ability to work productively with library constituencies, including inter-campus and community groups; and effective organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills. Salary is competitive and negotiable. Send letter of application, vita, and names of three references to: Kathy Arsenault, Library, Univer­ sity o f South Florida, 140 7th Ave. S., St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Postmark deadline: Midnight, March 15, 1994. USF is an equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action institution. The search and selection process will be conducted in accordance with provi­ sions of the “Government in the Sunshine” laws of the State of Florida. Meetings of the search committee are open to the public. All docu­ ments related to the search will be available for public inspection. Applicants who need a reasonable accommodation in order to partici­ pate in the selection process must notify Jackie Shewmaker, 140 7th Ave. S., St. Petersburg, FL 33701 ‚ five days in advance. Position contingent upon funding. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES, Sterling College. As a member of the faculty and accountable to the Vice President for Academic 106/C&RL News ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES Northwestern University Northwestern University Library seeks a dynamic leader to foster innovation and initiate change within public services. The university library is developing a vision of leadership in implementing technology, providing access to networked resources, and moving to a state-of-the-art library information system. The Assistant University Librarian for Public Services will play a pivotal role as the university library addresses the emerging issues of access to and organization of electronic information. RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the University Librarian, the Assistant University Librarian for Public Services provides leadership and direction for the Public Services Division. Coordinates public services activities of departments within the Collection Management Division and Library-wide. Participates in the Library Management council and serves on the Administrative Committee. Represents the library to a diverse constituency throughout the university and beyond. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required. Additional advanced degree strongly preferred. Minimum of seven years of increasing responsibility in an academic or research library required. Demonstrated achievement in the management of public service activities and in staff development. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to promote collaborative efforts and communication within the Public Services Division and with other library units. Knowledge of and experience with user education. Demonstrated ability to use technology, automation, and networking to provide innovative information services. Evidence of and commitment to continuing participation in professional and scholarly activities. SALARY: Minimum $65,000. Available immediately. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, to: Peter Devlin Personnel Librarian Northwestern University Library 1935 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60208 Applications received by March 1,1994, will be considered. Northwestern University is a highly selective private university with a strong emphasis on the undergradu­ ate experience and nationally recognized graduate and professional programs. Over 13,500 full-time and 3,200 part-time students are enrolled in twelve schools and colleges on two campuses in Evanston and Chicago. The university libraries encompass acollection of 3.2 million volumes to support the educational and research mission of the university. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States. Affairs, the Director of the library provides leadership in planning and implementing strategies to enhance services and collections, to further the creative use of modern technologies, and to manage effectively the library's resources. Responsibilities include long- range planning; formulating and implementing goals, objectives, and policies; managing personnel, budgets, facilities, collections, and services; preparing reports, surveys, studies, and analyses of library services developing cooperation and participation with other libraries and professional organizations; and teaching library instruction/ information literacy classes. A graduate degree from an ALA-accred­ ited institution is required; a second master's degree in a discipline or a certificate of advanced studies in higher education or education technology is desirable. Candidates must demonstrate significant and successful administrative and teaching experience and have leadership ability, effective interpersonal, oral, and written communi­ cation skills, a strong commitment to the teaching library concept, and the ability to interact effectively with faculty and administrators in promoting the mission of the library. Position available Fall 1994. Send resume, transcripts, and references to; Judith Fortune, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Sterling College. Sterling, KS 67579. DOCUMENT ACQUISITIONS/RESOURCE SHARING LIBRARIAN Responsible for overall management of Document Acquisitions/ Resource Sharing Unit, including borrowing, lending, acquisition, and delivery services. Work with George Mason University’s resource- sharing partners in the Washington Research Library Consortium and the Virginia Academic Libraries Consortium, as well as the other libraries. Provide leadership to unit in adopting new technologies for acquiring and delivering information. Develop services to other cam­ pus libraries for optimal collection sharing. Supervise Library Assis­ tant and, indirectly, two FTE classified and three FTE student workers. Monitor budget and maintain statistics. New position, reports to Associate Librarian for Collection Management. ALA-accredited MLS, supervisory experience required, experience in ILL preferred, expe­ rience in academic library, citation verification, and with information imaging technologies highly desirable. Salary; $26,750-$36,750, commensurate with qualifications and experience; excellent benefits. Send letter of application with resume and names of three references by March 5,1994, to: Lesle LaBerge, Library Administration, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444. AA, EEO employer; minorities are encouraged to apply. February 1994/107 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ACCESS SERVICES, COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT, AND ELECTRONIC RESOURCES University of Michigan The University of Michigan Library seeks applications and nominations for this newly defined position. Formerly, this Assistant Director has responsibilities for collection management only. One of three Assistant Directors reporting to the Dean of the University Library, the Assistant Director for Access Services, Collection Management, and Electronic Resources will be responsible for management/ leadership of an $8.7 million materials budget, various access services (including, but not limited to, interlibrary loan, fee-based activities, remote storage facility), exchange and gifts, preservation, elec­ tronic resources, and cross-functional teams using principles of total quality management. The Preser­ vation Unit at UM is considered one of the nation’s largest. Selection of materials is accomplished via 53 staff members with selection responsibilities who, for those duties, will report to a Collection Management and Development Committee that reports to the Assistant Director. The Assistant Director serves as a member of the Dean’s Executive Council and Cabinet. QUALIFICATIONS: A graduate degree in library or information science from an ALA-accredited program; demonstrated leadership/management of either access services, collection management, or electronic resources in a research university library for at least five years; demonstrated experience with budget preparation, implementation, and management; refined planning skills;the ability to work effectively with local, regional, and national resources sharing entities; the ability to articulate the importance of a research collection reflecting traditional and electronic formats; the ability to work effectively with faculty in collection development and providing access to remote resources; a proven track record forgetting work done in a timely manner; an understanding and appreciation of the importance of preserving the human record; demonstrated commitment to affirmative action; the ability to work effectively with teams (including members from different library units); the desire to work with the Dean and other Assistant Directors collaboratively as a highly effective team; and experience in formulating and implementing policies. Preferred: Collection development/management experience, additional graduate degree, and a distin­ guished professional record/national reputation. SALARY AND BENEFITS: $70,000 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Benefits include 24 working days of vacation a year and 15 days of sick leave a year with provision for extended benefits. RETIREMENT PLAN: TIAA/CREF APPLY BY: Sending letters of application and complete resume with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references to: Maurice Wheeler Staff Development Officer 411 Hatcher Graduate Library North University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 POSITION AVAILABLE: Screening of applications will begin on A p ril 1,1994, and continue until the position is filled. The University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirm ative action employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN, CENTER FOR AMERICAN HISTORY The Head Librarian of the Center for American History is responsible for administering the Center’s library unit; its long-range planning and goal setting; daily departmental operations; staff orientation, training, supervision, and evaluation; and liaison activities with other Center for American History and General Libraries units. The Head Librarian is the collection development officer for the center’s library, evaluating book, serial, periodical, and ephemera collections, and developing collections through acquisitions of gifts and purchases in conven­ tional and antiquarian book markets. This position provides reference service on a scheduled basis, has outreach and education responsi­ bilities, serves on the Center’s Executive Administrative Committee, and reports to the Center’s Assistant Director. The Center for Ameri­ can History is the General Libraries unit with administrative respon­ sibility for special collections and programs relating to the history of the United States. Its components include the Barker Texas History Center, which contains the most extensive collection of printed Texana in existence; the Littlefield Southern History Collections; the Western Americana Collections; the Congressional History Collec­ tions; the Sam Rayburn Library and Museum, located in Bonham, Texas; the Special Collections for American History; the University of Texas Archives; and the Oral History Program. The Center's library holdings number more than 150,000 volumes, many of them rare and unique titles. Required qualifications for this vacancy: MLS from an ALA-accredited graduate program. Training or experience in rare books special collections librarianship. Training or experience in one or more of the following: public service in an academic library or historical research repository; use of OCLC or similar bibliographic utility; use of the MARC format; and collection development. Preferred qualifications: Master's degree or strong subject background in 108/C&RL News SERIALS LIBRARIAN W e s t e r n M i c h i g a n U n i v e r s i t y Kalamazoo, Michigan THE UNIVERSITY: WMU is a dynamic Carnegie Doctoral I University with 19 doctoral programs and enrollment of 26,555 students, 25% at the graduate level. Six colleges employ 756 faculty members. THE POSITION: Responsible fo r$ 1 .2 million in subscriptions in paper, microform, and electronicformats. In charge of receipt, payment, binding, cancellations, new orders, vendor services, resolution of problem titles; initiates new procedures; advises clerical staff; and recommends changes in physical treatment and bibliographic control of serials on NOTIS. Participates in collection development. This is a tenure-track faculty position, reporting to Head of Acquisitions and Serials. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS: at leastthree years experience in academic library technical services, especially in highly automated environment. PREFERRED: Experience in serials librarianship, working knowledge of one or more foreign languages. COMPENSATION: Minimum of $30,000 plus liberal fringe benefit package. PROCEDURES: Letter, resume, names, and phone numbers of three references should be sent to: Regina E. Buckner Operational Services Waldo Library Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Ml 49008 Applications received by February 20,1994, will receive first consideration. Review will continue until the position is filled. WKU is an equal opportunity employer and encourages qualified women and members o f minority groups to apply. United States history with coursework in Texas, southern, southwest­ ern, or western history; familiarity with electronic information re­ sources; excellent written and verbal communications skills; demon­ strated strong service orientation; knowledge of preservation issues relevant to a rare books library. Working conditions and other informa­ tion: Weekend hours will be required approximately once a month. Salary range is $27,000 to $30,000 annually, depending on qualifica­ tions. No state or local income tax. Competitive benefits package. Retirement plan options. Security sensitive. To ensure consideration, application materials should be received by February 21,1994, but will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application and resume, including the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references and a statement of salary requirements to: Peggy Mueller, The University o f Texas at Au stin, The General Libraries, P.O. Box P, Austin, TX 78713-7330. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEALTH SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Information and Instructional Services. Description: University Library Services of Virginia Commonwealth University is seeking a health sciences reference librarian at the Tompkins-McCaw Library on the Medical College of Virginia Campus. Responsibilities include reference ser­ vice, mediated searching, end-user assistance and training, faculty liaison work, and other related activities. Development implementa­ tion and evaluation of the library's information skills education pro­ gram are a significant responsibility of this position. Some evening and weekend work is required. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required. The following are preferred: previous reference experience in user education and online searching; demonstrated familiarity with the literature of the health sciences; excellent teaching and commu­ nication skills; positive interpersonal relations and demonstrated ability to work effectively with users and library staff; initiative and creativity; flexibility and the ability to accept and manage change; ability to deliver work on deadline; involvement in professional activities; ability to meet requirements for faculty advancement, including professional service and publication. Experience working in a culturally diverse environment highly preferred. Environment: Vir­ ginia Commonwealth University (VCU) is a publicly supported urban, research university in Richmond, Virginia. It serves more than 20,000 students on both the academic campus and at the Medical College of Virginia (MCV) campus which includes 6 professional schools. VCU Libraries serve as a resource library for the Southeastern/Atlantic Region of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. The libraries use OCLC, DOCLINE, and the NOTIS integrated library system with locally mounted Medline, Biosis, Pysclnfo, ERIC, and Wilson data­ bases and are aggressively building holdings of electronic materials. The Tompkins-McCaw Library has 288,000 print volumes, 2,981 current serial subscriptions and a collection budget of approximately $1.5 million. Salary: $26,000 minimum. Benefits include 24 vacation days; choice of health plans (including HMOs and dental plans); choice of retirement and annuity plans (including TIAA/CREF); remu­ neration of university courses; and paid life insurance. Application: Submit cover letter, resume, and names and phone numbers for three current references to: Lynne U. Turman, Manager, Information and Instructional Sen/ices, University Library Services, Virginia Com ­ monwealth University, Box 980582, Richmond, VA 23298-0582. Review of applications will begin on March 15, 1994. Virginia Com­ monwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are en­ couraged to apply. INTERLIBRARY LOAN/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, tenure-track fac­ ulty position (Instructor/Assistant Professor), reporting to the Head of Public Sen/ices. Responsible for overall management and operation of the library’s interlibrary and document delivery services; supervises one FTE and student assistants; works assigned hours at the reference desk; participates in the bibliographic instruction program. Minimum qualifica­ tions: ALA-accredited MLS; experience with OCLC ILL subsystem; familiarity with ILL procedures and other document delivery system; knowledge of trade and national bibliographic sources and networks February 1994 /109 110/C&RL News Circulation/ Interlibrary Loan Librarian Q uinnipiac College, Hamden, experience; academ ic library experience; Connecticut, invites basic knowledge of DOS, word processing applications for the and spreadsheets. C irculation/Interlibrary Loan M inimum salary: S31,694. Fringe benefits Librarian, a full time, ten u re -tra c k faculty include 22 vacation days, TLVA/CREF and position a t the rank of in stru cto r or Blue Cross/Blue Shield/IIMO options, assistant professor, depending upon d ental a nd life insurance. Review process qualifications. T he position reports to the begins February 2 0 ,1 9 9 4 . Applications Library D irector and is responsible for all will be accepted until a suitable candidate circulation and interlibrary loan activities, is found. Position available M arch 1, including staff developm ent, training, 1994. Send letter of application, resum e, scheduling and supervision of circulation tran scrip t and 3 letters of professional and interlibrary loan staff and student reference to: Ellen KLssner, Chairperson, assistants. C urrent staff includes 3 FTE D.E.C., Quinnipiac College Library, clerical employees and 12-15 stu d e n t Mount Carmel Avenue, Hamden, workers. O th e r duties include Connecticut 06518. participation in collection developm ent, Q uinnipiac College is an independent, bibliographic instruction, reference desk non-sectarian, coeducational institution of coverage and contributing to library 2,700 full tim e undergraduate students— planning and policy decisions. Evening 70% of whom live on cam pus— and and w eekend hours required. approxim ately 2,000 graduate and p art Required qualifications: MLS from an tim e students in its five Schools of accredited ALA institution; m inim um 1 Business, Allied H ealth a nd Natural year of professional experience; Sciences, Liberal Arts, Law And G raduate interlibrary loan and/or circulation a nd C ontinuing E ducation. Located on experience. Preferred qualifications: 180 wooded acres in Ham den, OCLC ILL subsystem experience; C onnecticut, the college is ten miles n orth autom ated circulation system experience; of New Haven and w ithin easy traveling supervisory experience; reference distance to New York a nd Boston. Quinnipiac College has a strong commitment to the principles and practices of diversity thntughait the college community. Women, minorities and disabled mdmducds are invited and encouraged to consider this opportunity atìd to apply. including INTERNET; knowledge and interest in educating library users; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills. Additional desirable qualifications: 1) Second master's degree (will be required for tenure and promotion); 2) supervi­ sory experience; 3) reference experience. Minimum salary: $23,500,12- month appointment. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, andtelephone numbersof three referencesto: Imre Meszaros, Director of Libraries, I. D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, 414 East Clark St., Vermillion, SD 57069-2390. Review of applications will begin March 15, 1994, and continue until a suitable candidate is hired. Position available immediately. AA, EOE. LIBRARY— HUMANITIES BIBLIOGRAPHER. Responsibilities: Evaluates and develops subject collections in the humanities, moni­ toring allocated funds, continuing commitments, and approval plans. Serves as liaison to faculty and students in departments of Classics, German, English, Philosophy, Art, Music, and Judaic Studies, provid­ ing in-depth bibliographic instruction, assistance in use of electronic sources, and specialized reference for them. Also provides general reference services during assigned hours, including some evenings and weekends. Reports to Assistant Director of Collection Develop­ ment. Research, publication, and sen/ice to the libraries and univer­ sity are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointment and promotion. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Master’s degree in English, German, or Philosophy or a minimum of three years’ experience as a Humanities Librarian at an academic/research library. Reading knowledge of German. Prefer­ ence will be given to candidates with demonstrated experience in use February 1994 /111 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLE The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Golda Meir Library CATALOGER (M usic Em phasis) Under the direction of the Head of Cataloging, responsible for original and copy cataloging of scores, sound recordings, and music monographs in English and foreign languages; for the cataloging of the library's computer files and kits; and for training of staff in these areas. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited graduate library degree; knowledge of music; working knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Salary: $25,578 minimum, commensurate with experience and qualifications. MONOGRAPHS CATALOGER Under the direction of the Head of Cataloging, responsible for original and copy cataloging of monographs in English and foreign languages and for coordinating authority control activities, including name, series, and subject authorities. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited graduate library degree, working knowledge of foreign languages, preferably Slavic. Salary: $25,578 minimum, commensurate with experience and qualifications. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN Under the direction of the Director of Archives and Special Collections, responsible for managing and coordinating activities of the Special Collections. The area includes strengths in Architecture, Art, History of Books and Printing, Civil War Regimental Histories, 17th Century English Literature, Utopian Literature, Theology, Wisconsin Authors and Presses. Duties includes the training and supervision of staff. Qualifications required: ALA-accredited graduate degree; three years experience in an academic setting in special collections/rare books. Salary: $29,352 minimum, commensurate with experience and qualifications. APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 1,1994. APPLICATION: For full position descriptions and application procedures, write to: Elese Colvin Personnel Librarian University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Golda Meir Library P.O. Box 604 Milwaukee, Wl 53201-0604 Equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. of electronic resources. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum $30,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries - UL 139, University at Al­ bany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin February 28, 1994. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references whom we can contact. The University of Albany, State University of New York is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minority persons, handicapped persons, special disabled, and Vietnam-era veterans are especially welcome. MEXICAN AMERICAN/LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES LIBRARIAN. The San Diego State University Library is seeking a reference librarian to serve in its General Reference division. With over 30,000 students, the university is the largest of the 20 campuses that make up the California State University system. The library has a total collection of one million volumes and an overall budget of $8 million. Duties: Works 12-15 hours per week at the general reference desk, including some evenings and weekends. Responsible for developing and coordinating outreach programs to Latino students. Provides instruc­ tion and reference assistance in subject specialties; serves as liaison to the Department of Mexican American Studies and the Latin American Studies Program. Responsible for collection development in subject specialties. May assist in cataloging Spanish-language materials. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school; other advanced degree preferred. Strong social science background, with expertise in Mexican American Studies and/or Latin American Stud­ ies. Fluency in Spanish. Strong interpersonal and communications skills; ability to work effectively in a collegial environment. Experience with new technologies (e.g., CD-ROMs, OPACs). Preferred: Refer­ ence and collection development experience in an academic library. Desirable: Ability to develop outreach programs; cataloging knowl­ edge or experience. Minority candidates and recent graduates are specifically invited and encouraged to apply. This is a full-time, tenure- track faculty position, with rank of Senior Assistant Librarian or Associate Librarian, depending upon qualifications and experience. Salary range: $36,468-$63,948. Reappointment, tenure, and promo­ tion require evidence of continuing professional development. Appli­ cation date: To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by March 31, 1994, when the Appointment Committee will begin screening. Desired starting date: July 1, 1994. Please submit letter of application with resume and names of at least three refer­ ences to: Gerald D. Palsson, Associate University Librarian for Administrative Services, San Diego State University Library, Attn.: REF, 5300 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-0511. SDSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity, Title IX employer and does not discriminate against handicapped persons. PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all aspects of periodical acquisitions and services, including the selection, development, processing, and use of periodi­ cals and microforms. Also responsible for planning and implementing of NOTIS conversion for the periodicals collections. Supervises one 112/C&RL News DIRECTOR, SOCIAL SCIENCE LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES Yale University The Yale Library seeks a creative leader in a newly conceived position to help transform the organization and delivery information resources and services to Yale's social science and manage­ ment school community. RESPONSIBILITIES: At a time when new information technologies and services are changing the nature of teaching and research in the social science, the Director of Social Science Library and Information Services must have the vision and ability to aggressively plan and implement innovative and responsible services for the use of textual, numeric, geographic, and other kinds of social science information and recorded knowledge in print, digital, and other forms located at Yale and elsewhere. The successful candidate will have administrative responsibility for the staff and resources of Yale’s Social Science Library and its affiliated units, including the Government Documents Center. The Director will have opportunities to build, coordinate, and improve access to Yale’s rich and varied social sciences collections in print and electronic form; to guide the growth and development of local networks of CD-ROM databases; to participate in a campus-wide effort to organize and enhance Yale facilities for navigating networked information; and to cultivate the strong alliance among the library and various campus computing organizations, particularly Yale’s Statistical Laboratory, for the purpose of enhancing the use and usability of social science information. QUALIFICATIONS: An advanced degree in the social sciences, an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school with graduate work in the social sciences, or equivalent combination of relevant experience and training. Eight years of professional experience with demonstrated administrative achievement. Creative and dynamic leadership abilities. Strong service orientation. Excellent grasp of information needs of social scientists and of the application of information technologies, including an awareness of current developments and trends. Excellent analytical and organization skills. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Demonstrated ability to work well independently and with others in a rapidly changing and demanding environment. RANK AND SALARY: Rank based upon the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience. Salary from a minimum of $43,000. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days; 17 holiday, recess, and personal days; comprehensive health care; TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement plan; and relocation assistance. APPLICATION: Applications received by F ebruary 28, 1994, will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please submit a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Diane Y. Turner, Director Library Personnel Services P.O. Box 208240 New Haven, CT 06520-8240 Yale University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. library assistant. Assists at the reference desk, including some evenings and weekends. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; work­ ing knowledge of computer and microform technology. Preferred: Experience in management of budget; familiarity with vendors and publishers; experience with automated systems, such as OCLC and NOTIS. Salary: $24,500 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty position. Preference given to applications received by March 15, 1994. Saint Mary’s College is a Catholic college for women and seeks candidates supportive of that mission. Send letter of application, resume, tran­ scripts, and three letters of reference to: The Director, Cushwa- Leighton Library, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Saint Mary’s College is an equal opportunity employer. PUBLIC ACCESS LIBRARIAN. Management of a user-oriented circulation department, three full-time employees and twenty stu­ dents. Shared duties include information desk, assisting patrons with electronic databases, in-depth review of collection, professional staff planning meetings, and assisting staff and patrons in a rapidly changing environment. Evening and weekend hours will be expected. Qualifications: MLS accredited by ALA, three years experience in academic libraries. Experience in circulation, bibliographic instruction, academic reference, computer-based services, Internet, and supervi­ sory experience preferred. The beginning salary for an eleven-month contract is $31,500. Sick leave, state retirement, TIAA-CREF, and health insurance. Southwestern Oklahoma State University is located on the Great Plains, 70 miles west of Oklahoma City on Interstate 40 and historic Route 66. It has 5,000 students and offers master’s degrees in business administration, education, music, and applied psychology. Weatherford, a city of 10,000, offers excellent schools and recreational programs. The library has 200,000 volumes, 1,500 periodicals, and is a U.S. depository. It has the DRA library system and 25 networked public access points for databases. The staff includes six librarians and 11 support staff. Application review begins February 20, 1994. Submit letter of applica- February 1994/113 SEARCH REOPENED ATTENTION MATH AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING LIBRARIANS The Johns Hopkins University Come Join a Dynamic Library Over three years ago the Milton S. Eisenhower Library reorganized the way it delivers the full range of reference and collection development services to the academic community. The new Resource Services department is composed of subject specialists, each of whom is responsible for building close working relationships with the faculty and students in the handful of disciplines he or she serves. Ourcommitment to making the library a highly valued and significant partner in the academic enterprise is being felt in three key ways: a determination to make this excellent research library an equally excellent teaching library; a major remodeling and programmatic re-orientation of the library’s service spaces; and programmatic changes in serving the science/engineering community based on an independently conducted needs assessment. The Eisenhower Library prizes teamwork, initiative, creativity, and critical thinking and offers challenge, visibility, and opportunities for professional growth to members of its Resource Services team. Resource Services Librarian for Pure and Applied Math, Computer Sciences, and Electrical and Computer Engineering RESPONSIBILITIES: Understand the work of the Mathematics, Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering departments and cultivate and maintain close working relationships with the members of those departments. Select materials to be added to the collection in assigned subject areas and manage the materials budget for each subject. Provide a variety of reference and research services to library patrons. With colleagues on the Resource Services team design and implement programs and services for the academic community. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required and an advanced degree in one of the four assigned fields, or equivalent experience strongly desired. T wo or more years experience in collection development and/or reference in a research library preferred. Ability to conduct seminars and instructional programs in the use of the library and its resources. Willingness to work a flexible schedule (including some evenings and weekends) as part of a team. The hiring range for this position is $30,000-$40,500, depending on education and experience. Personnel benefits include 22 days vacation; free life insurance; retirement program, including TIAA/ CREF; and group health plan cost shared by individual and university. To apply, send letter of application indicating “JOB #S93-356,” resume, and three letters of reference, by March 18,1994, to: The Johns Hopkins University Office of Human Resources 119 Garland Hall Baltimore, MD 21218 AA/EOE. Smoke-free and drug-free. Women and m inorities are encouraged to apply. tion, resume, and three references with addresses and phone numbers to: Personnel Office, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, 100 Campus Drive, Weatherford, OK 73096-3098. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) seeks a reference librarian to help provide reference services, bibliographic instruction, collection development, and online/ CD-ROM searches. Applicant can expect to work the library one night a week and one weekend a month. Over the course of employment, position duties will rotate, through additional responsibilities such as ILL, map collection, etc. Professional librarians at TAMU-CC have academic status. TAMU-CC will admit freshmen for the first time and become a four-year university in the fall of 1994. Currently it serves over 4,000 students, 34% of whom are Hispanic. The library is in the process of automating, including an online public catalog. Qualifica­ tions required: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited program. Experience with online database including DIALOG. Experience with and interest in serving Hispanic population. Academic background in Mexican American/Hispanic literature preferred. Background in Ameri­ can/English literature and bibliographic instruction experience desir­ able. Benefits: Salary $25,000 for a 12-month appointment. Benefits include a percentage payment of employee's social security, choice of retirement, and medical programs; no state or local income taxes. State vacation, holiday package. Position open immediately. Com- 114/C&RL News LIBRARIAN, HEAD OF COLLEGE LIBRARY UCLA Under the general direction of the Assistant University Librarian for Public Services, responsible for managing library operations (budget, personnel, facilities) including reference, instructional services, collection development, circulation and reserves, and technical processing functions; designing systematic approaches to gathering data on user needs; initiating innovative user- centered services; evaluating and strengthening the instructional services program; and balancing resources and priorities to address college and library-wide public service goals. Provides active leadership in shaping the vision and strategic directions for the college library, keeping abreast of undergraduate education initiatives and the impact of technology and multi­ media on information access, teaching, and research. Develops programs that enhance the role of college as an intellectual center and focus of student life. Builds visibility for, and effective relationships with, appropriate campus offices and community libraries. Participates in adminis­ trative and policy level groups and advisory committees. Demonstrated managerial experience in all public services (reference, circulation, library instruc­ tion, use and access to information technology and multi-media). Leadership accomplishments in redefining program or implementing new services and strategic directions. Ability to manage change positively. Must have strong user-centered service philosophy and enthusiasm for serving undergraduates and faculty. Effective interpersonal, organization, and communication skills; ability to plan and implement ideas; and, ability to work in a multicultural community are required. Must have excellent problem-solving and group dynamics skills and a strong commitment to staff development. Must be knowledgeable about current trends in reference, collection development, library instruction, and information technology. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Experience in providing undergraduate library services within a research university library system; experience in space planning; and, familiarity with strategic planning processes. SALARY RANGE: $35,052-$59,316 (salary range from November 1 ‚ 1992, to June 30,1994, is $34,141 to $57,774 to reflect 2.6% salary reduction). Anyone wishing to be considered for the position should write to: Rita A. Scherrei Associate University Librarian for Personnel and Administrative Services University Research Library UCLA 405 Hilgard Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024-1575 The application letter should include a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience, and the names and addresses of at least three persons who are knowledgeable about the applicant's qualifications for this position. Candidates applying by F ebruary 28,1994, will be given first consideration. Preliminary interviews may be arranged at the ALA Midwinter Conference in Los Angeles. UCLA is an AA, EOE. mittee will begin screening applicants March 1, 1994, and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, addressing qualifica­ tions, with resume, names of references, to: Thomas H. Kreneck, Interim Director, Library, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 6300 Ocean View, Corpus Christi, TX 78412. TAMU-CC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BUSINESS SPECIALIST, California State University, Chico. Full-time (12-month with 10-month option), tenure- track position, Assistant Librarian or Senior Assistant Librarian. $33,240 to $36,438 for 12 months. Proportionate salary reduction for 10-month option. Begins July 1, 1994. Seeking a creative and energetic librarian able to work in a computer-intensive library envi­ ronment. Responsibilities include reference service, bibliographic instruction, collection development, and liaison with faculty and students in College of Business. Faculty status entails participation in library governance, professional development, university service. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; interest and ability to work with business materials and students; excellent communication skills; familiarity with library automation and electronic resources; ability to work in a rapidly changing environment; commitment to professional development. Desirable: Experience as a business librarian; aca­ demic background in business or related discipline. Send resume and letter of application by March 1 ‚ 1994, outlining qualifications and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current profes­ sional references, to: Carolyn Dusenbury, Director of Library Ser- February 1994 /115 BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR EDUCATION, PSYCHOLOGY AND LIBRARY SCIENCE THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARY The University of Chicago Library is seeking a bibliographer for the fields of education, psychology, and library science. The bibliographer reports to the Assistant DirectorforCollection Development and Public Services for Humanities and Social Sciences. The bibliographer is responsible for developing and managing the library’s collections in the areas of education, psychology, and library science, in all formats, including electronic and nonprint sources of information; providing specialized reference service and bibliographic instruction forfaculty and students in these areas; and advising technical services staff where appropriate on matters relating to the ordering and processing of materials. The bibliographer is responsible for the oversight of both the textbook and test collections. Additional related duties may be assigned in collaboration with the Social Science Bibliographer. QUALIFICATIONS: Education: A graduate degree from an accredited library school, or a Ph.D. in an appropriate discipline is required. Significant graduate work in a related social science field is strongly preferred. Experience: Significant experience in a research library, performing bibliographic, reference, cataloging, or acquisitions work is required. Skills: Candidates must be able to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff, and possess excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. Reading knowledge of Western European languages relevantto the subject fields is required. Familiarity with electronic sources of information is expected. COMPENSATION: Appointment salary will be based upon qualifications and experience. Salary range begins at $32,790 per year. Benefits include a contributory retirement plan, health and life insurance, 22 vacation days, six university holidays, five personal holidays, and sick leave. There is a tuition benefit plan for college-age and younger children. APPLICATION PROCESS: Review of applications will begin March 15,1994, and continue until the position is filled. Letter of application detailing relevant qualifications, and including curriculum vitae and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references should be sent to: Denise Weintraub Personnel Officer The University of Chicago Library 1100 East 57th St. Chicago, IL 60637 The University o f Chicago is an equal opportunity employer. vices, Meriam Library, California State University, Chico, Chico, CA 95929-0295; phone: (916) 898-5862; fax: (916)898-4443. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Millsaps College invites appli­ cations for the position of Technical Services Librarian. $20,000- $22,000. Available January 1,1994. Duties: Assist Head of Technical Sen/ices in catalog, system (DRA) maintenance, other duties includ­ ing public service regularly. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accred­ ited program, experience preferred in technical services and aca­ demic setting, ability to work with electronic resources, good per­ sonal skills. Millsaps College is a competitive private Methodist- related institution of 1,300 students. The library has 270,000 vol­ umes, and a staff of 12. Position is a faculty appointment with good benefits. Contact: James F. Parks, Jr., College Librarian, P.O. Box 150148, M illsaps College, Jackson, MS 39210. (601) 974-1070. AA, EOE. UNIVERSITY RECORDS OFFICER, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Carl A, Kroch Library, Cornell University. Duties and responsibilities: Under the general direction of the Director of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, the University Records Officer will promote and coordinate an active records management program including working with university staff on the maintenance, transfer, and disposition of records. Additionally, the Records Officer will actively participate in the integrated programs of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections. Two-year term appointment. Quali­ fications: Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Significant working experience in an archival repository or an institutional records management program. Effective written and oral communications skills. Excellent interpersonal skills. Preferred: Academy of Certified Archivists and/or Association of Record Managers and Administra­ tors certification. AMC cataloging experience. Computer experience and ability to work with electronic records. Salary: Dependent on qualifications; minimum $25,000. Send applications to: Bernadette Heath, Assistant Director of Library Human Resources, 235 Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853. Closing: Requested by March 1 ‚ 1994, but accepted until position is filled. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. 116/C&RL News LIBRARIAN Bates College Bates College, a highly selective liberal arts college, invites nominations and applications for the position of College Librarian. Founded in 1855 and located in southern Maine, Bates has 1,515 students and 145 faculty. The George and Helen Ladd Library, designed by TAC and completed in 1973, has won architectural awards. It has more than 600,000 volumes and 1,850 periodical subscriptions, is a selective government documents depository, and has a staff of 23. In a consortium with Colby and Bowdoin Colleges, the library has an Innovative Interfaces catalog that provides access to other databases; it has numerous CD-ROM products and supports online searching by students and faculty. The college’s current comprehensive capital campaign includes significant support for the library. Bates seeks a person with broad intellectual interests and progressively responsible experience in academic library administration who understands the importance of undergraduate teaching and learning and the library’s creative role in that process. Candidates should have an MLS from an ALA- accredited program; strong interpersonal and leadership skills; familiarity with emerging technologies, bibliographic instruction, and collection development; and the ability to communicate well in both speaking and writing. A second master’s degree in an academic field is desirable. Salary is competitive. Review of applications and nominations will begin February 15,1994, for this appointment which will begin in July 1994. Bates College values a diverse college community and seeks to assure equal opportunity through a continuing and effective affirmative action program. We welcome applications from women and minorities. Please send letters of nomination or applications to: College Librarian Search c/o Secretarial Services 7 Lane Hall Bates College Lewiston, ME 04240 Late Job Listings ASSISTANT HEAD AND AUTOMATION MANAGER, ACQUISITIONS AND SERIALS SERVICES DEPARTMENT, Louisiana State University Libraries, Ba­ ton Rouge. Reporting to the Head, Acquisitions and Serials Services, the Assistant Head/Automation Manager assists in the general management of the department of 24 FTE and serves as acting head in the absence of the department head. Coordinates acquisitions and serials automation planning, workflow, and management reports with the systems librarian and other departments. Serves as the primary trainer and resource person for automation project teams; directly supervises the automation unit of 2.5 FTE. Serves as public service liaison to other departments and directly supervises the staff of both public service units in the department (current serials and microforms/newspapers). Serves as selector for specified subject areas and as library liaison to faculty and students in the corresponding academic departments. Qualifica­ tions: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; excellent interpersonal skills; demonstrated oral and written communication skills; facility with microcomputers and software management tools; potential to meet requirements for tenure and promotion in an academic library. Preferred: Relevant experience in acquisitions, bibliographic control, and/or collection management in an academic library; supervi­ sory experience; familiarity with library automation, particularly NO TIS and OCLC; reading knowledge of at least one modern European language. Salary: Negotiable, commensurate with qualifications and experience; $24,000 minimum. Library faculty are expected to meet university requirements for promotion and tenure and be professionally active. To apply: Send letter o f application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, to: Acquisitions/Serials Assistant February 19944 /117 Head Search Committee, 295 Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, L A 70803-3300, Attn.: Caroline Wire. Review o f applications will begin March 1, 1994 and continue until position is filled. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Rare Books and Special Collections position. Duties include providing reference services, collection development, collection management, exhibition preparation, and general participation in library policy development. An accredited M LS is required. Desired are an advanced degree in an appropriate discipline, knowledge o f one foreign language, computer skills, and appropriate training and/or experience in rare books and manuscripts and special collections settings. The successful candidate will have some record o f research and publication or show evidence o f such potential. Reports directly to the Head Librarian. Minimum salary: $24,000. Standard benefits. The Society holds about 100,000 volumes of printed books and about three million manuscripts and last year recorded just over 3,700 research visits. Including grant-supported personnel, the library currently employs 16 full- and part-time workers. To apply contact: Everett C. Wilkie Jr., Head Librarian, The Connecticut Historical Society, 1 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT 06105. You will be sent an application package, which must be returned by March 1, 1994. EEO. DIRECTOR OF TALBOTT LIBRARY. Westminster Choir College, The School of Music of Rider College, seeks an experienced individual to oversee operations o f Talbott Library, a performance and research library with a staff of 3.5 FTE librarians and five FT support staff. Five or more years professional experience in a music library with at least three years including increasingly responsible administrative and supervisory responsibilities. Demonstrated strong communication, organizational, and interper­ sonal skills and a record of professional activities. Ability to work effectively as a member of a senior management team in a multicampus library system. ALA/MLS required, as is advanced music degree or equivalent combination of education and substantive related experiences. Reports to director of multicampus library services. Twelve-month appointment; salary commensurate with experience; minimum $38,000. Send letter of application, resume, and addresses and phone numbers of three professional references by March 15, 1994, to: Jane Nowakowski, Chair, Talbott Director Search Committee, Westminster Choir College, The School of Music of Rider College, 101 Walnut Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540-3899. Rider College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, and the disabled are encouraged to apply. ADMINISTRATIVE LIBRARIAN, GS-13 (salary range: $49,947 to $64,928 per annum). Serves as the Program Manager and Administrator of the FBI Academy Library, which is the main library and resource facility for all FBI Headquarters and Field Offices. Must possess specialized experience demonstrating the required admin­ istrative and/or managerial ability to perform successfully the duties of the position or completion of all the requirements for a doctoral degree (or equivalent) or three full academic years of graduate education in library science. Send request for application to: Roberta C. Beadle, FBI Academy, Quantico, V A 22135, by no later than February 28, 1994. The FBI is an EEO employer. SERIALS DEPARTMENT, HEAD. The University o f New Mexico General Library is seeking experienced, innovative applicants for the position of head of the Serials Department. Duties include the following: Manages, organizes, and coordinates the receiving, paying, and bindery/preservation operations for all library materials. Provides leadership for the continuing development o f serials automation. Education and experience: Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library science program at time of application. A t least six years of progressively significant and relevant experience in an academic/research library, including supervisory and man­ agement responsibility in a team environment. Experience with all phases of serials control and contract negotiation for materials and bindery library systems, and with 118/C&RL News a bibliographic utility. Demonstrated ability to provide strong leadership in a climate of rapid change. Desired: Second master’s degree. Direct experience with preservation, conservation, disaster preparedness; all phases o f interaction with vendors and the serials trade; library fiscal accounting methods; collection development and subject selecting. Service orientation and active participation in related professional organiza­ tions. Evidence o f a commitment to scholarship and publication. As an open rank, tenure-track faculty member (regular, 12-month, full-time), the incumbent will comply with the policies of the U N M Faculty H andbook, including research, publication, and service to the profession and community. Salary: $40,000-$50,000 based on qualifica­ tions. Reports to Dean o f Library Services. Application: Submit a resume (including addresses and telephone numbers for at least three references) and a letter describing the strengths you would bring to this position to: Rita Critchfield, Personnel Office, General Library, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N M 87131-1466. A full position description will be provided on request. Deadline: Complete applications must be received by March 21,1994, by 5 p.m. MST. The University of N ew Mexico is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/COORDINATOR OF BIB LIO G R APH IC IN STR UC ­ TION, University o f W est Florida. Reports to Head o f Reference/Government Docu­ ments Department. Anticipated opening contingent upon funding. Responsibilities include providing general and government documents reference service; coordinating department’s bibliographic instruction team o f 5-6 professional librarians; and serving as a subject specialist and faculty liaison in developing reference collection, teaching bibliographic instruction classes, conducting database searches, and preparing library guides. Qualifications include an ALA-accredited M LS degree; at least three years recent relevant professional experience preferably in an academic library; strong knowledge o f a variety o f print and electronic library reference sources including online catalogs, CD-ROMs, and online databases; evidence o f ability to coordinate a biblio­ graphic instruction program; demonstrated leadership and teamwork capabilities; excellent interpersonal/communication skills; innovativeness; willingness to work a flexible work schedule that includes nights and weekends; basic personal computing skills. Second master’s in either the humanities or social sciences desirable. Salary: $28,000-$38,000. Environment: The University of W est Florida, one o f ten institutions in the State University System, is located on a 1,000-acre tract of forest adjacent to the city of Pensacola. The library, currently undergoing building expansion/renovation, serves over 8,000 students with a collection o f more than 550,000 volumes and 3,000 serials subscriptions. S taff include 19 librarians and 29 support personnel. A N O T IS automation system serves the ten state universities. Benefits: Assistant or associate librarian rank, 22 days vacation, health insurance, optional retirement systems, no state or local income taxes. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone and fax (if available) numbers of three references, by March 30,1994, to: Reference Librarian Search Committee, Director’s Office, John C. Pace Library, University of West Florida, 11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, F L 32514-5750. An equal opportunity/access/affirmative action employer. Structure Bookmarks Art 100/ C&RL News THEAIELSISSFDDCA Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.10 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.00 for others. Late job notices a YUalen Uinviveersirtys iinvtyites Lapiplbicartioansr andian nominations for the position of University Librarian. The Librarian directs the Yale library system, overseeing its collections, activities, staff, and budget. The system is the second largest university library in the United States, containing more than ten million bound volumes and almost four million microforms. It has a yearly operating budget of thirty-nine million dollars, occupies 800,000 square feet of space in more than thirty buildings, February 1994/101 Systems LibrarianConnecticut College invites applications for the position of Systems Librarian. Reporting to the College Librarian, this in­dividual plans, coordinates, and supports technological services in the College Library. The Systems Librarian assumes major responsibility for the migration to a new UNIX-based system utilizing client/server architecture, serves as a resource person to all library departments and will fully participate in the library’s public service program.Connecticut College is a h 102/C&RL News of 1,300 students. The library has 270,000 volumes, and a staff of 12. Position is a faculty appointment with good benefits. Contact: James F. Parks, Jr., College Librarian, P.O. Box 150148, Millsaps College, Jackson, MS 39210. (601) 974-1070. AA, EOE.AUTOMATION COORDINATOR, University of Central Florida, enroll­ment 24,000, fully automated library. Opportunity for librarian to play a principal leadership role in the automated activities of a growing university library. Reports to the Head of Technical Services. Required qualifications: ALA-ac­credited MLS; reading knowledge of Spanish; experience performing authority work in an online environment; minimum of three years professional cataloging experience using an automated system; supervisory experience; familiarity with nonprint MARC formats; experience using AACR2, LCSH, LCRI, and LC classification. Must have excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively with all levels of staff; and potential to exc February 1994 /103 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENTNorthern Illinois University LibrariesAs head of the collection development division, the Associate Director provides ongoing leadership for a strong program of collection development in the university libraries system.The Associate Director administers the overall operations of the collection development division with a staff of 15.5 FTE faculty, 18 FTE staff, 9 FTE graduate assistants, and 14 FTE student assistants; allocates budgetary and personnel resources i cals, and stack maintenance (three librarians and 16 FTE staff)— whose functions are centered around the automated integrated system, GEAC ADVANCE. Responsibilities include administration and coordination of the operation of the current system, planning for future generations of access systems, integration with other library databases to develop a library-wide system, cooperation with other campus units to develop a CWIS, as well as personnel management, policy development, and budget oversight. The Chair r to $43,896), or Associate Librarian ($39,984 to $55,488). Benefits include optional 10-month year, 24 days annual vacation, 10-14 legal holidays, sick leave, and competitive retirement and health plans. Librarians are members of the general faculty with rank. HSU has a student population of 6,600 FTE and is the northernmost of the California State University campuses. The Library/Media Services has a collection of 435,000 volumes, along with a large government documents collection. Qualified candidates shou HEAD, TRANSPORTATION LIBRARYNorthwestern UniversityThe T ransportation Library, a special library in an academic setting, is an international resource for the study of transportation. It supports the Northwestern University community, including the Transportation Center and the Traffic Institute, and users throughout the world. The collection includes more than 210,000 volumes; 1,900 current serials; 107,000 microforms; and an online indexing file of 145,000 citations. The library contributes records to Tra course in chemical literature. Participate in collection development. Provide instruction in library use, including information technologies. Provide reference service and some online searching. Act as libraries liaison to Department of Chemistry. Meet Purdue requirements for promotion and tenure. Status and Benefits: Faculty status and respon­sibilities. Vacation of 22 days. Flexible benefit programs. TIAA-CREF retirement and Social Security. Salary: $35,000 and up depending upon qualifications. For full p Wartburg College, 222 Ninth St. NW, Waverly, IA 50677. Fax: (319) 352-8528. Wartburg College actively seeks applications from women and members of ethnic and minority groups.COMPUTER SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Columbia College seeks librarian for a new position with the following responsibilities: Provide leadership for automated system support and development for the library; coordinate planning, implementation, and maintenance of electronic information resources; provide technical support, docu­mentation, and ro 104/C&RL News February 1994/105 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANThe University of EvansvilleThe University of Evansville invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian.RESPONSIBILITIES: The University Librarian is respon­sible for the planning, development, coordination, and administration of all library programs, learning resources, operations, and services. The University Librarian must have a strong commitment to undergraduate education and be an effective advocate and spokesperson for the library's educational missi DEAN OF LEARNING RESOURCE SERVICES. $38,929 to $47,882 DOE. Master's degree in Instructional Technology or in Library/ Information Services or related field. Three to five years experiences in facilitating the use of information resources in all formats. Inquire: Arizona Western College, P. O. Box 929, Yuma, AZ 85366, or call: (602) 344-7504. AA, EOE.DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES for the St. Petersburg Campus of the University of South Florida in a non-tenured, 12-month position. The St. Petersburg regional campus technical sen/ices, including emerging information technologies and automated library systems; ability to work productively with library constituencies, including inter-campus and community groups; and effective organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills. Salary is competitive and negotiable. Send letter of application, vita, and names of three references to: Kathy Arsenault, Library, Univer­sity of South Florida, 140 7th Ave. S., St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Postmark deadline: Midnight, March 15, 106/C&RL News ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICESNorthwestern UniversityNorthwestern University Library seeks a dynamic leader to foster innovation and initiate change within public services. The university library is developing a vision of leadership in implementing technology, providing access to networked resources, and moving to a state-of-the-art library information system. The Assistant University Librarian for Public Services will play a pivotal role as the university library addresses the emerging Affairs, the Director of the library provides leadership in planning and implementing strategies to enhance services and collections, to further the creative use of modern technologies, and to manage effectively the library's resources. Responsibilities include long- range planning; formulating and implementing goals, objectives, and policies; managing personnel, budgets, facilities, collections, and services; preparing reports, surveys, studies, and analyses of library services developing cooperation and p DOCUMENT ACQUISITIONS/RESOURCE SHARING LIBRARIANResponsible for overall management of Document Acquisitions/ Resource Sharing Unit, including borrowing, lending, acquisition, and delivery services. Work with George Mason University’s resource- sharing partners in the Washington Research Library Consortium and the Virginia Academic Libraries Consortium, as well as the other libraries. Provide leadership to unit in adopting new technologies for acquiring and delivering information. Develop services to other c February 1994/107 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ACCESS SERVICES, COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT, AND ELECTRONIC RESOURCESUniversity of MichiganThe University of Michigan Library seeks applications and nominations for this newly defined position. Formerly, this Assistant Director has responsibilities for collection management only. One of three Assistant Directors reporting to the Dean of the University Library, the Assistant Director for Access Services, Collection Management, and Electronic Resources will be responsible for management/ le HEAD LIBRARIAN, CENTER FOR AMERICAN HISTORY The Head Librarian of the Center for American History is responsible foradministering the Center’s library unit; its long-range planning and goal setting; daily departmental operations; staff orientation, training, supervision, and evaluation; and liaison activities with other Centerfor American History and General Libraries units. The Head Librarian is the collection development officer for the center’s library, evaluatingbook, serial, periodical, and ephemera co the United States. Its components include the Barker Texas History Center, which contains the most extensive collection of printed Texana in existence; the Littlefield Southern History Collections; the Western Americana Collections; the Congressional History Collec­tions; the Sam Rayburn Library and Museum, located in Bonham, Texas; the Special Collections for American History; the University of Texas Archives; and the Oral History Program. The Center's library holdings number more than 150,000 volumes, man 108/C&RL News SERIALS LIBRARIANWestern Michigan UniversityKalamazoo, MichiganTHE UNIVERSITY: WMU is a dynamic Carnegie Doctoral I University with 19 doctoral programs and enrollment of 26,555 students, 25% at the graduate level. Six colleges employ 756 faculty members.THE POSITION: Responsible for$1.2 million in subscriptions in paper, microform, and electronicformats. In charge of receipt, payment, binding, cancellations, new orders, vendor services, resolution of problem titles; initiates new procedures; advises cleric United States history with coursework in Texas, southern, southwest­ern, or western history; familiarity with electronic information re­sources; excellent written and verbal communications skills; demon­strated strong service orientation; knowledge of preservation issues relevant to a rare books library. Working conditions and other informa­tion: Weekend hours will be required approximately once a month. Salary range is $27,000 to $30,000 annually, depending on qualifica­tions. No state or local income tax. including professional service and publication. Experience working in a culturally diverse environment highly preferred. Environment: Vir­ginia Commonwealth University (VCU) is a publicly supported urban, research university in Richmond, Virginia. It serves more than 20,000 students on both the academic campus and at the Medical College of Virginia (MCV) campus which includes 6 professional schools. VCU Libraries serve as a resource library for the Southeastern/Atlantic Region of the National Network of Lib February 1994 /109 110/C&RL News Circulation/ Interlibrary Loan LibrarianQuinnipiac College, Hamden, experience; academic library experience; Connecticut, invites basic knowledge of DOS, word processing applications for the and spreadsheets.Circulation/Interlibrary Loan Minimum salary: S31,694. Fringe benefits Librarian, a full time, tenure-track faculty include 22 vacation days, TLVA/CREF and position at the rank of instructor or Blue Cross/Blue Shield/IIMO options, assistant professor, depending upon dental and life insurance. Review pro including INTERNET; knowledge and interest in educating library users; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills. Additional desirable qualifications: 1) Second master's degree (will be required for tenure and promotion); 2) supervi­sory experience; 3) reference experience. Minimum salary: $23,500,12- month appointment. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, andtelephone numbersof three referencesto: Imre Meszaros, Director of toring allocated funds, continuing commitments, and approval plans. Serves as liaison to faculty and students in departments of Classics, German, English, Philosophy, Art, Music, and Judaic Studies, provid­ing in-depth bibliographic instruction, assistance in use of electronic sources, and specialized reference for them. Also provides general reference services during assigned hours, including some evenings and weekends. Reports to Assistant Director of Collection Develop­ment. Research, publication, and se February 1994 /111 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLEThe University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Golda Meir LibraryCATALOGER (Music Emphasis)Under the direction of the Head of Cataloging, responsible for original and copy cataloging of scores, sound recordings, and music monographs in English and foreign languages; for the cataloging of the library's computer files and kits; and for training of staff in these areas. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited graduate library degree; knowledge of music; working knowledge of one or more foreig of electronic resources. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum $30,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries - UL 139, University at Al­bany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin February 28, 1994. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references whom we can contact. The University of Albany, State University of New Yor expertise in Mexican American Studies and/or Latin American Stud­ies. Fluency in Spanish. Strong interpersonal and communications skills; ability to work effectively in a collegial environment. Experience with new technologies (e.g., CD-ROMs, OPACs). Preferred: Refer­ence and collection development experience in an academic library. Desirable: Ability to develop outreach programs; cataloging knowl­edge or experience. Minority candidates and recent graduates are specifically invited and encouraged to apply. 112/C&RL News DIRECTOR, SOCIAL SCIENCE LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICESYale UniversityThe Yale Library seeks a creative leader in a newly conceived position to help transform the organization and delivery information resources and services to Yale's social science and manage­ment school community.RESPONSIBILITIES: At a time when new information technologies and services are changing the nature of teaching and research in the social science, the Director of Social Science Library and Information Services must have the vis library assistant. Assists at the reference desk, including some evenings and weekends. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; work­ing knowledge of computer and microform technology. Preferred: Experience in management of budget; familiarity with vendors and publishers; experience with automated systems, such as OCLC and NOTIS. Salary: $24,500 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty position. Preference given to applications received by March 15, 1994. Saint Mary’ electronic databases, in-depth review of collection, professional staff planning meetings, and assisting staff and patrons in a rapidly changing environment. Evening and weekend hours will be expected. Qualifications: MLS accredited by ALA, three years experience in academic libraries. Experience in circulation, bibliographic instruction, academic reference, computer-based services, Internet, and supervi­sory experience preferred. The beginning salary for an eleven-month contract is $31,500. Sick leave, sta February 1994/113 SEARCH REOPENED ATTENTION MATH AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING LIBRARIANSThe Johns Hopkins University Come Join a Dynamic LibraryOver three years ago the Milton S. Eisenhower Library reorganized the way it delivers the full range of reference and collection development services to the academic community. The new Resource Services department is composed of subject specialists, each of whom is responsible for building close working relationships with the faculty and students in the handful of disciplines he or she s tion, resume, and three references with addresses and phone numbers to: Personnel Office, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, 100 Campus Drive, Weatherford, OK 73096-3098.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) seeks a reference librarian to help provide reference services, bibliographic instruction, collection development, and online/ CD-ROM searches. Applicant can expect to work the library one night a week and one weekend a month. Over the course of employment, position dut become a four-year university in the fall of 1994. Currently it serves over 4,000 students, 34% of whom are Hispanic. The library is in the process of automating, including an online public catalog. Qualifica­tions required: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited program. Experience with online database including DIALOG. Experience with and interest in serving Hispanic population. Academic background in Mexican American/Hispanic literature preferred. Background in Ameri­can/English literature and bibliogr 114/C&RL News LIBRARIAN, HEAD OF COLLEGE LIBRARYUCLAUnder the general direction of the Assistant University Librarian for Public Services, responsible for managing library operations (budget, personnel, facilities) including reference, instructional services, collection development, circulation and reserves, and technical processing functions; designing systematic approaches to gathering data on user needs; initiating innovative user- centered services; evaluating and strengthening the instructional services program; and mittee will begin screening applicants March 1, 1994, and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, addressing qualifica­tions, with resume, names of references, to: Thomas H. Kreneck, Interim Director, Library, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 6300 Ocean View, Corpus Christi, TX 78412. TAMU-CC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BUSINESS SPECIALIST, California State University, Chico. Full-time (12-month with 10-month option), tenure- track posi ronment. Responsibilities include reference service, bibliographic instruction, collection development, and liaison with faculty and students in College of Business. Faculty status entails participation in library governance, professional development, university service. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; interest and ability to work with business materials and students; excellent communication skills; familiarity with library automation and electronic resources; ability to work in a rapidly changing environment February 1994 /115 BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR EDUCATION, PSYCHOLOGY AND LIBRARY SCIENCETHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARYThe University of Chicago Library is seeking a bibliographer for the fields of education, psychology, and library science. The bibliographer reports to the Assistant DirectorforCollection Development and Public Services for Humanities and Social Sciences. The bibliographer is responsible for developing and managing the library’s collections in the areas of education, psychology, and library science, in all formats, i vices, Meriam Library, California State University, Chico, Chico, CA 95929-0295; phone: (916) 898-5862; fax: (916)898-4443.TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Millsaps College invites appli­cations for the position of Technical Services Librarian. $20,000- $22,000. Available January 1,1994. Duties: Assist Head of Technical Sen/ices in catalog, system (DRA) maintenance, other duties includ­ing public service regularly. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accred­ited program, experience preferred in technical services and responsibilities: Under the general direction of the Director of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, the University Records Officer will promote and coordinate an active records management program including working with university staff on the maintenance, transfer, and disposition of records. Additionally, the Records Officer will actively participate in the integrated programs of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections. Two-year term appointment. Quali­fications: Requirements: Bachelo 116/C&RL News LIBRARIANBates CollegeBates College, a highly selective liberal arts college, invites nominations and applications for the position of College Librarian. Founded in 1855 and located in southern Maine, Bates has 1,515 students and 145 faculty.The George and Helen Ladd Library, designed by TAC and completed in 1973, has won architectural awards. It has more than 600,000 volumes and 1,850 periodical subscriptions, is a selective government documents depository, and has a staff of 23. In a consortium with Colby February 19944 /117 Head Search Committee, 295 Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3300, Attn.: Caroline Wire. Review of applications will begin March 1, 1994 and continue until position is filled.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Rare Books and Special Collections position. Duties include providing reference services, collection development, collection management, exhibition preparation, and general participation in library policy development. An accredited MLS is required. Desired are an advanced degree i 118/C&RL News a bibliographic utility. Demonstrated ability to provide strong leadership in a climate of rapid change. Desired: Second master’s degree. Direct experience with preservation, conservation, disaster preparedness; all phases of interaction with vendors and the serials trade; library fiscal accounting methods; collection development and subject selecting. Service orientation and active participation in related professional organiza­tions. Evidence of a commitment to scholarship and publication. As an open rank