ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1983 / 277 ACRL Officers for 1 9 8 3 -8 4 J o y c e B a l l , university librarian at California State University (Sacramento, CA 95819), is the forty-sixth president of the Association of College and Research Libraries. D u rin g h e r o n e -y e a r term of office, she will preside over the ACRL Board of Directors and th e A C R L E x ec u tiv e C o m m itte e . She w ill chair the ACRL Confer­ ence Program Planning Com m ittee for the 1984 ALA A n n u a l C o n fe r­ ence in Dallas and will plan ACRL’s m ajor pro­ gram at the conference. As president of the di­ Joyce Ball vision, Ball will rep re­ sent ACRL on the ALA Dallas Conference Pro­ gram Committee. She will also represent ACRL and ALA in their relations w ith other organiza­ tions. Ball has been an active member of ACRL, serving as a director-at-large on the ACRL Board of D irectors, a m em ber of the College and R e­ search Libraries Editorial Board, and a member of the Review Panel for the 1978 and 1981 ACRL Na­ tional Conferences. She also served as president of the Nevada Library Association in 1978 and re­ ceived a special citation from th a t association in 1980. S h a r o n J . R o g e r s , associate dean of the Bowling Green State University Libraries (Bowling Green, O H 43403), has b een e le c te d vice- p r e s i d e n t / p r e s i d e n t ­ elect of the Association of College and Research L ib ra rie s . T h e 1983 election results showed 1,333 votes for Rogers an d 893 for K eith M. C ottam , director of the University of Wyoming Libraries, Laram ie. As v ic e-p re sid en t/ president-elect of ACRL, Rogers will serve on the ACRL Board of D irec­ Sharon J. Rogerstors and the ACRL Exec­ u tiv e C o m m ittee. She will chair the ACRL Conference Program Planning Committee for the 1985 Annual Conference in Chi­ cago. She will represent ACRL on the ALA Appoint­ ments Committee, the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly, and the ALA Conference Program Plan­ ning Committee for the 1985 conference. At the end of the 1984 Annual Conference, she will become ACRL’s forty-seventh president. Rogers has contributed to ACRL as a member of the ACRL Board of Directors, as chair of the Task Force on Academic Libraries and Higher E duca­ tion, as chair of the Advisory Com m ittee for the Bibliographic Instruction Liaison Project, and as c h air of th e B ibliographic In stru ctio n Section (1980-1981). She currently serves as chair of the Legislation Subcommittee of the ALA Status of W om en in L ibrarianship C om m ittee, and as a m em ber of the O H IO N E T O n-Line Reference Council. The results of the ACRL elections follow. For each position, the elected candidate is listed first. The num ber of votes earned by each candidate is listed in parentheses. D i r e c t o r s - a t - L a r g e t o t h e ACRL B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s D irector-at-Large, Chapters Council (four-year term): BOBD. C a r m a c k , D ean of Library Services, University of South D akota, Vermillion, SD 57069 (1,238); Rose M. Caruso, Assistant Director, Uni­ versity of Wisconsin College Library, Madison, W I 53706 (909). D irector-at-Large, Activity Sections (four-year term): A l e x a n d r a M a s o n , Spencer Librarian, D e­ p a rtm e n t of Special C ollections, U niversity of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (1,121); Mary Rei­ chel, Head, Reference D epartm ent, Georgia State University, 100 D ecatur St., S.E ., A tlanta, GA 30303 (1,018). A n t h r o p o l o g y a n d S o c i o l o g y S e c t i o n V ice-C h air/C h air-E lect: B o n n i e R. N e l s o n , Reference L ibrarian, John Jay College of Crim inal Justice, 445 W. 59th St., New York, NY 10012 (44); Lynne M. Schmelz-Keil, Reference and Audiovi­ sual L ibrarian, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ 07102 (24). Secretary (two-year term): M a r v i n D. L e a v y , Behavioral Sciences L ibrarian, W ichita State Uni­ versity Library, W ichita, KS 67208 (36); Chris­ topher J. Busick, Anthropology and Economics Bibliographer, Norlin L ibrary, University of Colo­ rado, Boulder, CO 80309 (29). W hoops C& RI N ew s m ade an u n fo rtu n a te erro r some years ago by mis-num bering the ACRL Presidents in the election results column. C arla J. Stoffle was the 45th ACRL President, not the 44th; David C. W eber was the 44th President, not the 43rd; and so on. Joyce Ball is now the 46th ACRL President. 278 / C &RL N ews M e m b e r-a t-L a rg e (tw o -y e a r te rm ): L i n d a K a t z o f f - G r o d o f s k y , L ibrarian for Anthropology and Sociology, Samuel Paley L ibrary, Tem ple University, Berks & 13th Sts., Philadelphia, PA 19122 (43); Hazel Johnson, Social Science Bibliog­ rapher, G27 Hillman Library, University of Pitts­ burgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (22). A r t S e c t i o n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: G r a c e a n n e A. D e c a n - d i d o , Coordinator, Archon Project, Bobst Library, New York University, New York, NY 10012 (75); w rite-in candidates (3). S e c re ta ry (tw o -y e a r te rm ): D . S h e r m a n C l a r k e , Head, Humanities Cataloging Team, 110 O lin L ib r a r y , C o rn e ll U n iv e rsity L ib ra rie s , Ithaca, NY 14853 (54); Lisa Howorth, Reference/ Bibliographer, J.D . W illiams Library, University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677 (26). A s i a n a n d A f r i c a n S e c t i o n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M a r t h a D u k a s , Coor­ dinator of Processing, Boston Public Library, P.O. Box 286, Boston, MA 02117 (57); Basima Q. Be- zirgan, Middle East Cataloger, Joseph Regenstein L ibrary, University of Chicago, 1100 E. 57th St., Chicago, IL 60637 (27). M e m b e r-a t-L a rg e (th re e -y e a r te rm ): J o h n Y u n g - h s i a n g L a i , Associate Librarian, H arvard- Yenching Library, 2 Divinity Ave., Cam bridge, MA 02138 (41); Joanne M. Zellers, African and M iddle Eastern Specialist, A frican Section, L i­ brary of Congress, W ashington, DC 20540 (31); Gia Aivazian, L ibrarian for Armenian and Greek, Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024 (12). B i b l i o g r a p h i c I n s t r u c t i o n S e c t i o n V ic e -C h a ir/C h a ir E le c t: W i l l i a m M i l l e r , Head, Reference Library, Michigan State Univer­ sity, E ast Lansing, MI 48824 (395); Beverly L. Renford, Reference L ibrarian, Hershey Medical Center Library, Hershey, PA 17033 (348). Secretary (one-year term ): P a t r i c i a M. B r i l , Reference Librarian, California State University L ib ra ry , P .O . Box 4150, F u llerto n , CA 92634 (394); Roland C. Person, Assistant U ndergraduate L ibrarian, Southern Illinois University, Carbon- d a le ‚IL 62901 (329). M em ber-at-Large (one-year term): B a r b a r a J . W i t t k o p f , Associate L ib rarian , D ep artm en t of Reference and Bibliography, University of Florida Libraries, Gainesville, FL 32611 (386); C laudette S. Hagle, Assistant Reference L ib rarian , O kla­ hom a State University L ibrary, Stillw ater, OK 74078 (314). C o l l e g e L i b r a r i e s S e c t i o n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: W i l l i a m A. M o f f e t t , Director of Libraries, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH 44074 (247); Michael Haeueser, Director of Learning Resources, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN 56082 (140). Secretary (one-year term): J o a n n H . L e e , Head, Reader Services, Lake Forest College L ibrary, Lake Forest, IL 60045 (235); Larry L. Frye, Head L ibrarian, Lilly Library, W abash College, Craw- fordsville, IN 47933 (140). C o m m u n i t y a n d J u n i o r C o l l e g e L ib r a r i e s S e c t i o n V ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: E l i n o r E b e l i n g , Dean of L earning Resources, Brookdale C om m unity College, N ew m an Springs R oad, L in cro ft, NJ 07738 (103); Iole Matteucig, Dean, Library Ser­ vices, City College of San Francisco, 50 Phelan Ave., San Francisco, CA 94112 (88). Secretary (one-year term ): M i l d r e d K i r s n e r , Reference L ib rarian , M iami D ade C om m unity College, North Campus Library, 11380 N. W. 27th A ve., M iam i, FL 33167 (98); R obert B. F o rd , Chief L ibrarian, Medgar Evers College Library, 1150 Carroll St., Brooklyn, NY 11225 (94). E d u c a t i o n a n d B e h a v i o r a l S c i e n c e s S e c t i o n V ice-C hair/C hair-E lect: T h o m a s M . P e i s c h l , Director of College Libraries and C om puting Ser­ vices, State University of New York College at Pots­ dam , Potsdam, NY 13676 (116); L. James Olivetti, L ibrary Systems Analyst, Evaluation Technolo­ gies, Inc., 2020 N. 14th St., Arlington, VA 22201 (97). Secretary (two-year term): I l e n e F . R o c k m a n , R eference L ib ra ria n , L ea rn in g Resources and Curriculum D ept., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 (139); An­ nette Buurstra, Education L ibrarian, Northeast­ ern Illinois University Library, 5500 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, IL 60625 (79). L a w a n d P o l i t i c a l S c i e n c e S e c t i o n V ice-C h air/C h air-E lect: P e t e r M a l a n c h u k , C hairm an, D epartm ent of Reference and Bibliog­ raphy, University of F lorida L ibraries, G aines­ ville, FL 32611 (71); L aureneE . Zaporozhetz, Ref­ erence Librarian, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 (33). M e m b e r - a t - L a r g e ( o n e - y e a r t e r m ) : M a r v a D e - L o a c h , Technical Services L ibrarian, H untington Library, H am pton Institute, H am pton, VA 23668 (73); Ray L. Morrison, Bibliographic Instruction L ibrarian, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS 66762 (31). R a r e B o o k s a n d M a n u s c r i p t s S e c t i o n V ice-C hair/C hair-E lect: L i n d a C o r e y C l a a s - s e n , Coordinator, Center for the Book, Library of Congress, W ashington, DC 20540 (191); David Farm er, D irector, Rare Books and Special Collec­ tions, University of Tulsa, 600 S. College Ave., Tulsa, OK 74104 (132). Secretary (two-year term): A n t h o n y B l i s s , Rare 280 / C &RL News Book Librarian, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (200); David S. Zeidberg, Curator of Special Collections, Gelman Library, George Washington University, W ash­ ington, DC 20052 (114). M e m b e r - a t - L a r g e ( t h r e e - y e a r t e r m ) : J e n n i f e r B . L e e , Reference Librarian, Library Company of Philadelphia, 1314 Locust St., Philadelphia, PA 19107 (196); C. Danial Elliott, Assistant Head, De­ partm ent of Special Collections, University of Cal­ ifornia Library, Davis, CA 95616 (119). S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y S e c t i o n V ice-C hair/C hair-E lect: L i n d a L . P h i l l i p s , Acting Head, Undergraduate Library, University of Tennessee, 1015 Volunteer Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37996 (135); Keith E. Roe, Head, Life Sciences Li­ brary, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (111). S e c r e t a r y ( o n e - y e a r t e r m ) : S h e i l a G r a n t J o h n ­ s o n , Head, Biological Sciences Division, O kla­ homa State University Library, Stillwater, OK 74078 (142); Martin Kesselman, Life Sciences Li­ brarian, Coles Science Center, Bobst Library, New York University, New York, NY 10012 (102). S l a v i c a n d E a s t E u r o p e a n S e c t i o n V ic e -C h a ir/C h a ir-E le c t: L a s z l o K o v a c s , H ead, Humanities L ibrary, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (19); Ivan L. Kaldor, Professor, School of Library and Information Sci­ ence, State University College of Arts and Science, Geneseo, NY 14454 (15). Member-at-Large (one-year term): D o n n a A. C a n e v a r i , Slavic Bibliographer, University of Sas­ katchew an, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, C anada S7N 0W0 (18); Dennis Kimmage, Senior Assistant Librarian, Feinberg Library, State University Col­ lege, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 (17). U n i v e r s i t y L ib r a r ie s S e c t i o n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: C y n t h ia B . D u n c a n , Dean of Library Services, Old Dominion Univer­ sity, Norfolk, VA 23508 (733); Melvin L. George, University Librarian, Northeastern Illinois Uni­ versity, 5500 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, IL 60625 (508). W e s t e r n E u r o p e a n S p e c i a l i s t s S e c t i o n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Ross A t k i n s o n , Assis­ tan t University Librarian for Collection Develop­ ment, University of Iowa Library, Iowa City, IA 52242 (56); Cicely Johns, Director of Collections and Information Services, University of Cincin­ nati, Cincinnati, OH 45221 (29). Secretary (one-year term): J e f f r y L a r s o n , H u­ manities Bibliographer, Yale University Library, Box 1603A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520 (57); Fred J. Gitner, Librarian, French Institu­ te/Alliance Française Library, 22 E. 60th St., New York, NY 10022 (31). Member-at-Large (one-year term): M a r j o r ie A. B e n e d i c t , Bibliographer, UL 228, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222 (53); Laszlo Kovacs, Head, Humanities Li­ b rary , P urdue University, W est L afayette, IN 47907 (32). ' ■ ■ a c a d e m i c /r e s e a r c h l ib r a r ia n o f t h e y e a r a w a r d The Association of College and Research Li­ braries invites nominations for the Academic or Re­ search L ibrarian of the Year Award, presented jointly by ACRL and the Baker & Taylor Com­ pany. Anyone w ishing to subm it nom inations should send the form on the following page to the ACRL Office, 50 E . Huron St. ‚ Chicago, IL 60611. Recipients of the award since its inception in 1978 have been Keyes D. Metcalf and Robert B. Downs (1978); Henriette D. Avram and Frederick G. Kilgour (1979); Evan I. Färber (1980); Beverly P. Lynch (1981); William Budington (1982); and Richard M. Dougherty (1983). The Award Committee selects persons to receive the award in accordance with the following guide­ lines: P u r p o s e : To recognize an individual member of the library profession who has made an outstand­ ing national or international contribution to aca­ demic or research librarianship and library devel­ opment. September 1983 / 281 C r i t e r i a : Individuals nominated should have demonstrated achievements in such areas as: 1. Service to the organized profession through ACRL and related organizations. 2. Significant and influential research on aca­ demic or research library service. 3. Publication of a body of scholarly and/or theo­ retical w riting contributing to academic or re­ search library development. 4. Planning and im plem enting a library p ro ­ gram of such exemplary quality th at it has served as a model for others. 5. Nominee does not have to meet all of the above criteria. R u l e s : The aw ard shall be made each year at a tim e and place to be determ ined by the ACRL Board of Directors. Announcement of the aw ard shall be made by the ACRL president at a time and place to be determined by the ACRL Board of D i­ rectors. If, in the opinion of the Award Comm it­ tee, no w orthy candidate is nominated in a given year, the aw ard will not be presented that year. N o m i n a t i o n s : Nominations for the aw ard must be returned to the chair of the Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award Committee and must be postmarked no later than December 1, 1983. Nominations must be submitted in quintuplicate and should be accompanied by a statem ent of sup­ porting reasons and a copy of the nominee’s re­ sume. Please do not solicit supporting letters sec­ onding your nomination. Such letters will not be considered in the Award Committee’s decision. N a t u r e o f t h e A w a r d : The Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award shall consist of $2,000 and an appropriate citation. The Award Committee for 1983 consists of the following persons: Kenneth G. Peterson (chair), Dean of Library Affairs, Morris Library, Southern Illin o is U n iv ersity , C a rb o n d a le , IL 62901; Henriette D. Avram, Director for Processing Sys­ tems, Networks and Automation Planning, The Li­ brary of Congress, Washington, DC 20540; Mary Sue Ferrell, Assistant to the Dean of Instruction, Western Nevada Community College, 2201 W. Nye Lane, Carson City, NV 89701; D oralyn J. Hickey, Professor, School of Library and Inform a­ tion Sciences, North Texas State University, Den­ ton, TX 76203; Jane Ross Moore, G raduate School and University C enter, City University of New York, 33 West 42d Street, New York, NY 10036; and Patricia G. Oyler, Associate Professor, Sim­ mons College, G raduate School of Library and In ­ formation Science, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115. ■ ■ Richard M. Dougherty receives the 1983 A w ard in Los Angeles. I n o m in ate_______________________________________________________________________________ (name and present address) (Please list achievements of your nominee on a separate sheet.) Nominated b y _______________ ________________ ________ ______________________ __ __________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ Please return no later than December 1, 1983, to: Academic or Research Librarian Award Association of College and Research Libraries, ALA 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 282 / C &RL News Procedures for Reviewing an d Approving ACRL Standards and Guidelines E ditor’s Note: These procedures, prepared by the A C R L Standards and Accreditation Committee, were approved by the A C R L Board o f Directors at A L A Annual Conference in Los Angeles. To enable the S tandards and A ccreditation Committee to fulfill its charge, ACRL committees and sections th at are developing or revising stan­ dards or guidelines should follow these procedures. a) A decision by any ACRL Section or the Board to establish or charge a committee to develop or to revise standards or guidelines should be forwarded to the ACRL Standards and Accreditation Com­ mittee in writing, for information. b) The committee should request that a member of the Standards and Accreditation Committee be available to assist as necessary on matters of proce­ dure and format. c) The committee should send copies of its m in­ utes or progress reports to the Standards and Ac­ creditation Committee. d) The committee should provide the Standards and Accreditation Committee successive drafts of standards or guidelines as they become available. The Standards and Accreditation Committee will study the draft standard or guideline to determine if it is consistent w ith other ACRL standards and in compliance with the A L A Standards Manual. If the Standards and Accreditation Committee has any concerns, they will respond to the section or committee w ith specific comments or suggestions by the next conference. e) Upon receipt of the final draft of a standard or guideline and after a final review in relation to cur­ re n t ACRL standards and th e A L A Standards Manual, the Standards and Accreditation Com­ m itte e w ill re c o m m e n d a c c e p ta n c e or non- acceptance of the standard or guideline to the ACRL Board and, at the same time, notify the sec­ tion or committee who initiated the standard or guideline of its action. f) If the ACRL Board approves the standard or guideline, it will be forwarded to the ALA Stan­ dards Committee for its review and approval. g) If an ACRL section or committee develops a standard w ith another organization, it may be nec­ essary to adjust the tim etable for review. The Standards and A ccreditation Com m ittee will review approved ACRL standards and guide­ lines periodically for continued relevance or sug­ gest new ideas for which standards or guidelines should be developed and recommend action as nec­ essary to the appropriate ACRL unit. ■ ■ Policy Statement on P ublication of Conference Papers of ACRL Sections E ditor’s Note: This statement, developed by the A C R L Publications Committee, was approved by the A C R L Board o f Directors at A L A Annual Con­ ference in Los Angeles. One of the purposes of ACRL is to promote and disseminate its members’ and sections’ work in the fields of their expertise. Its publication program is one major means of engaging in this promotion and dissemination. This Policy Statement sets forth a procedure by w hich its sections and ACRL ap ­ proach the publication process. A section which wishes to publish its conference proceedings or papers will submit its manuscript to ACRL. In order th at ACRL have a reasonable time to decide w hether to publish the manuscript, it shall have four months after its receipt to report a decision; otherwise, the section shall be free to have its manuscript published elsewhere. Points of discussion between the section and the prospective publisher may include: 1. Proposed publication date. 2. Form at, including any particular needs re­ garding illustrations or typography. 3. Arrangement of bibliographical references, i.e., footnotes or endnotes. 4. Paper stock. 5. Binding. 6. Maximum sale price. 7. Minimum period during which the volume will remain in print. 8. Advertising (number of ads which will coin­ cide w ith the date of publication). 9. Number of review copies to be provided by the publisher. 10. D ate by which the section will deliver the fi­ nal manuscript to the publisher. 11. Size of print run. 12. Number of offprints for authors and a copy of the book for the editor. The copyright will be retained by ALA, with each author retaining the right to subsequent use of September 1983 / 283 the author’s work in any publication under his or her authorship or editorship. Any volume issued by a commercial publisher must clearly state on the title page and in the pref­ ace or introduction th a t the conference papers be­ ing published were presented at a meeting of an ACRL section. If ACRL decides to publish the volume, then a 7 % royalty shall be divided among the responsible authors and editors. If ACRL does not publish the volum e, of the royalties, 60% shall be divided am ong the responsible authors and editors and 40% shall be realized by ACRL. In cases where the publisher is not ACRL, the Executive D irector of ACRL must have the oppor­ tunity to review any contracts between an ACRL section and a publisher to ensure th a t all provisions of this Policy Statement have been met. ■ ■ M anuscripts an d Projects W an ted Do you have some research th a t deserves to be published? College & Research Libraries w o u ld like to co n sid e r y o u r m a n u s c rip t. ACRL’s refereed journal includes articles in all fields of interest and concern to academic and research librarians—for example, library col­ lections, their acquisition and organization; services to readers and bibliographic instruc­ tion; library organization and management; special collections; library history. Case stud­ ies, narratives, inform ed editorial opinions, and reports on controlled research projects are all welcome. Shorter manuscripts will be con­ sidered for C & RL’s Research Notes section. Submit all materials to the editor, C. James Schmidt, c/o Research Libraries Group, Jordan Quadrangle, Stanford, CA 94305. If your research is comprehensive enough for a book, you may submit query letters or m anu­ scripts to the editor of ACRL’s Publications in Librarianship series, A rthur P. Young, Dean of Libraries, University of Rhode Island, Kings­ ton, R I 02881. Films, videotapes, slide-tape productions, audiocassettes, and other nonprint media are welcomed for consideration by the ACRL N on­ print Publications series. Submit your scripts, samples, or other materials to the editor, Jean W. Farrington, Assistant Circulation L ibrar­ ian, Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylva­ nia, Philadelphia, PA 19104. And don’t forget th a t College & Research L i­ braries News would like to hear of any research in progress, grants for research, or news in gen­ eral about you and your library. W rite or call the editor, George M. E berhart, C &R L News, ACRL/ALA, 50 East Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780, ext. 288. STATUS STATEMENTS The ACRL Academic Status Committee, in re­ sponse to a request from the ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee, is in the process of re­ viewing the six standards and guidelines th a t have been developed previously by the committee. The statements to be reviewed are: Guidelines and Pro­ cedures for the Screening and Appointment of Aca­ demic Librarians (C&RL News, September 1977); Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and University L ibrarians (C &R L News, February 1974); Model Statement of Criteria and Procedures for Appointment, Promotion in Academic Rank, and Tenure for College and University Librarians (C &R L N ew s, Septem ber and O ctober 1973); Standards for Faculty Status for College and Uni­ versity Librarians (C&R L News, May 1974); State­ m ent on Collective B argaining (1975, available from ACRL); and Statem ent on the Term inal Pro­ fessional Degree for Academic Librarians (1975, available from ACRL). Your comments on these standards and guidelines are welcome. The ACRL Academic Status Committee is also beginning to draft policy statements on several ad­ ditional topics: 1) continuing appointments for librarians; 2) support for research by librarians; 3) affirm ative action and equal opportunity; 4) governance; and 5) the ALA-accredited master’s degree as an ap­ propriate degree for the director of an academic li­ brary. Anyone who has comments, suggestions, or pol­ icy statements th a t might be of assistance in d raft­ ing these statements is invited to forw ard them to the Com m ittee. Suggestions of other topics for statements th a t might be developed would also be of interest. Send your suggestions to: B arbara J. Ford, C hair, ACRL Academic Status Committee, Library, Box 8198, University of Illinois at Chi­ cago, Chicago, IL 60680; (312) 996-2738. ■ ■ Tips Needed The ACRL Education and Behavioral Sci­ ences Section’s Bibliographic Instruction for Educators C om m ittee is drafting a “BI Tip Sheet for Academic Administrators and Sup­ port Staff.” The document is intended for li­ brarians and will provide suggestions on publi­ cizing, p re se n tin g , an d e v a lu a tin g lib ra ry w orkshops for secretaries, a d m in istra to rs, counselors, and other non-faculty personnel. The Committee would like to hear of your ex p erien ces. W rite to: C h a rle s T h u rs to n , C hair, ACRL/EBSS/BIE Committee, Univer­ sity of Texas at San Antonio Library, San Anto­ nio, TX 78285. 284 / C &RL News ACRL/ISI FELLOWSHIPS FOR 1984 The Association of College and Research L i­ braries solicits applications for tw o fellowships m ade possible by the Institute for Scientific Infor­ m ation of Philadelphia. The first, the Samuel La- zerow Fellowship for O utstanding Contributions to Acquisitions or Technical Services in an Aca­ demic or Research Library, honors a senior vice- president of ISI who m ade outstanding contribu­ tions to these fields. The fellowship of $1,000 is to foster advances in acquisitions or technical services by providing a practicing librarian w ith funds for research, travel, or writing. The second fellowship, the ACRL Doctoral Dis­ sertation Fellowship, provides an aw ard of $1,000 to a doctoral student working on a dissertation in the area of academic librarianship. A pplications for both fellowships should be m a d e to S andy W h ite le y , P ro g ra m O ffic e r, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and are due by December 1, 1983. The winners of the awards will be announced at the ALA Annual Conference in Dallas in June, 1984. To be eligible for the Lazerow Award, a librar­ ian must be working in acquisitions or technical services in an academic or research library. Appli­ cation proposals should be brief (five pages or less) and include the following: 1. Description of research, travel, or w ritin project; 2. Schedule for the project; 3. An estimate of expenses. An up-to-date curriculum vitae should accom­ p an y th e proposal. Proposals for th e L azerow A ward will be judged on the following: 1. Potential significance of the project to acquisi­ tions or technical services work; 2. Originality and creativity; 3. C larity and completeness of the proposal; 4. Evidence of an interest in scholarship, such as a previous publication record. The winner of the 1983 Fellowship was Denise Bedford, formerly of Stanford University. In order to be eligible for the ACRL Doctoral Dissertation Award, the applicant must meet the following qualifications: 1. Be an active doctoral student in the academic librarianship area in a degree-granting institution; 2. Have all course work completed; 3. Have had a dissertation proposal accepted by the institution. The application should be brief (less than ten pages) and include the following: 1. Description of the research, including signifi­ cance and methodology; 2. A schedule for completion; 3. Budget and budget justification for items for which support is sought (these must be items for which no other support is available); 4. The name of the dissertation advisor and com­ mittee members; g 5. A cover letter from the dissertation advisor en­ dorsing the proposal. Awards at Annual Conference: Left‚ Eugene Garfield o f ISI (r) presents Stanton Biddle (I) w ith the Disser­ tation Fellowship. Right, Lois Farrell (r), co-author o f the Oherly A w ard-w inning bibliography in agri­ culture, stands w ith M ing-Yu Li (I), who accepts the award fo r co-author J. Richard Blanchard. 286 / C&RL News An up-to-date curriculum vitae should accom­ pany the proposal. Proposals will be judged on the following criteria: 1. Potential significance of the research to the field of academic librarianship; 2. Validity of the methodology and proposed method of analysis; 3. Originality and creativity; 4. Clarity and completeness of the proposal; 5. Presentation of a convincing plan for comple­ tion in a reasonable am ount of time; 6. Evidence of a continuing interest in scholar­ ship, such as a previous publication record. The w inner of the 1983 Fellowship was Stanton N am e an Association At the ALA Annual Conference in Los An­ geles, Sandra K. Paul, chairperson-elect of the American National Standards Committee Z39, announced the details of a nationwide contest to solicit suggestions for a new name for the Z39 standards organization. Until this year Z39 existed as an activity of the Council of National Library and Inform a­ tion Associations (CNLIA) and reported on s ta n d a rd s m a tte rs th ro u g h C N L IA to th e American National Standards Institute. As a result of joint planning between CNLIA and Z39, Z39 now has achieved independent status as an educational association incorporated in the District of Columbia. In this capacity Z39 will seek a direct relationship to ANSI as an ac­ credited standards organization. Z39, as always, seeks to utilize the skills of professionals from the library, information ser­ vices, and publishing fields in carrying out its work. Interested individuals and organizations are invited to submit one or more suggested names. All entries must be postmarked no later than October 15, 1983. Entries should be sent to: ANSC Z39 Name Contest, NBS, Library E- 106, W ashington, DC 20234. The entries will be judged by the Executive Council of Z39. The subm itter of the winning entry will be aw arded a complete set of Z39 s published stan­ dards and a Z39 Standards “Bear-er” . American N ational Standards C om m ittee Z39 was formed in 1938 by the American Li­ b ra ry Association, A m erican Association of Law Libraries, Medical Library Association, and Special Libraries Association. Z39’s mis­ sion is to develop voluntary technical standards for libraries, publishers, indexing and abstract­ ing services, and other inform ation providers. For further information on Z39’s history, cur­ rent activities, and published standards, con­ tact the Z39 offices: ANSC Z39, National Bu­ re a u of S ta n d a rd s, L ib ra ry E -106, W ash ­ ington, DC 20234; (301) 921-3241. Biddle, a doctoral candidate at the University of California, Berkeley. For further information on either of these two fellowships, contact Sandy Whiteley, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944- 6780. ■ ■ 1984 CENKO PRIZE The H arvard Ukrainian Research Institute is ac­ cepting submissions for the fourth aw ard of the C enko P rize in U k rain ia n B ib lio g rap h y . T he $1,000 annual prize established by Mykola and Vo- lodymyra Cenko of Philadelphia will be given for the best bibliographical work on a topic of Ukrain­ ian studies. Entries—in English or in Ukrainian—must be submitted in four copies by March 1, 1984. M anu­ scripts must be in their final prepublication form, w ith names and addresses of authors. Published works and late submissions will not be considered. Examples of solicited entries are: descriptive bibliographical essays or annotated bibliographies of a subject or author; index of a Ukrainian periodi­ cal; or more general works which discuss the im­ pact of the printed book on Ukrainian culture. T h e C enko P rize C o m m itte e (M a rta Tarnaw sky, University of Pennsylvania, C h air­ man; Osyp Danko, Yale University; and E dw ard Kasinec, U niversity of C alifornia at Berkeley, members) will judge the entries according to the following criteria: 1) importance and originality of the topic; 2) the work’s methodology and completeness; 3) the w ork’s contribution to existing biblio­ graphical scholarship. The w inner or winners will be announced at H arvard University no later than June, 1984. Entries should be sent by registered m ail to: Cenko Prize in Ukrainian Bibliography, H arvard University, U krainian Research Institute, 1581- 1583 M assach u setts A ve., C a m b rid g e , MA 02138. ■ ■ New STS Task Force A task force has been formed to review the program , Perspectives on Proceedings, spon­ sored by the Science and Technology Section at the Los Angeles Conference. The task force will suggest projects which the Science and Tech­ nology Section might undertake to improve the control or use of conference publications. If you have any suggestions on projects or problems with scientific or technical proceedings, please send them to: Katherine Chiang, Entomology, Fisheries and W ildlife L ibrary, 375 Hodson H all, 1980 F olw ell A venue, St. P a u l, MN 55108.